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Essential oil constituents of different chemo-types

Recent efforts in plant improvement not only aim to maximized yield, but the active
substances of technically and biologically exploitable yield are also taken in
consideration .Thus the biological value in medicinal plants, were counted in addition
to the amount of yield. The recent development of photochemical analysis allows
chemical evaluation together with pharmacological measurements in place of
determination of therapeutic value. In the evaluation of medicinal plant cultivars the
primary parameter is the quality of active principle. The total amount of active
principle in some plants is frequently not as important as that of their minor
constituents. The essential oils of Umbelliferae contain numerous constituents,
including mono and sesquiterpenes aliphatic, mono-aliphatic phthaliods and
phenylpropene derivatives (kuezka et al 1982 Eikani, Golmohammad, &
Rowshanzamir, 2007 Safia Zoubiria, b, ,
and Aoumeur
Baaliouamer 2010 A.F. Begnamia, M.C.T. Duarteb, V. Furlettia and
V.L.G. Rehder , 2010Matasyoh et al., 2008. Msaada et al., 2007

The results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of essential oil from all chemo-
types with GLC are shown in table, 12 which indicated the variations in the main
constituents for all sixteen chemo-types.


The main compound was identified as linalool in all chemo-types and ranged from
38.87% (the minimum value in chemo-type, 16) to 74.15% (the maximum value in
chemo-type 11) with a mean value of 61.14% and coefficient of variation of 18.43%.

The essential oil of cht.3 contains 73.47% which represented the second value of
linalool content. The essential oil of chats.(2,5 and 13) contained more than
70.00%.Chts. (16, 15, and 1) showed linalool content less than 50% .


Data presented in table () showed that a-trepanned was the second main compound in
the essential oil of chts.( 4, 9, 10, 7, 14, and 13 ).Generally, a-terpinene content varied
from 19.37% (cht. 4) to 3.21% (cht.11 ) with mean value 8.67% and coefficient of
variation 61.00%.
3-P-cymene .

Data of table ( ) showed P-cymene as the second main compound in the essential oil
of chts. (11,3 and 2 ).P-cymene content ranged from 7.57% in cht. (7) to 3.24 % in
cht. (15) with mean value of 4.89% and c.v 22.69%.It should be mentioned that P-
cymene is dehydrogenated product of a-terpinene .These two constituents were the
second main compounds of 9 chts.(1,4,7,9,10,12,13,14 and 16).


a-pinene was found to be the second main compound in the essential oil of two chts.(5
and 8).It was ranged from 6.25% (cht., 7) to 3.43%(cht., 2) with mean value 4.78%
and c.v 18.28%.


Tymol is the hydroxyl product of P-cymene.In other words, it is the result of

hydroxylation process for P-cymene with hydroxylation enzymatic system.It is found
to be the second compound in the essential oil of two chts.(1 and 6).Thymol was not
found in the case of cht. (2) but gave its maximum value 7.68% (cht., 1) with mean
value 2.86% and c.v 65.73%.This high value of c.v% may be attributed to the absent
values in addition to the variation of its content.


The content of B-trepinene ranged from 2.71% to 5.15 in chts.11 and 9 respectively,
with mean value of 3.82% and c.v% 18.97%.


Carvacrol is close to thymol and is the result of dehydrogenation and hydroxylation

process of a-trepanned.The hydroxylation occurs for the carbon number 2 of the 6
carbon ring in a-trepanned, while it occurs for the carbon number 3 in the ring of P-
cymene in case of carvacrol.Although they are close to each other, there was no a
clear trend with their percentage in tested chemo-types under study. Carvacrol ranged
from 6.01% (cht. 16) to 0.62% (cht. 13 ) with mean value of 2.18 % and coefficient of
variation 83.27%. This high value of c.v was the reflection for the wide variations in
its content which reached about two times as much .

8-Eugenol and Isoeugenol.

The content of eugenol in the essential oil different cht. varied from 5.28% (cht., 1) to
0.19% (cht., 9) with mean value 2.07.

The other 9 unidentified compounds were detected in the essential oil of most of the
studied chemo-types. Unknown compounds 6 was detected in all chemo-types except
numbers 1, 4, 9, and 11.The maximum content of this compound (1.76%) was found
in cht.16. unknown compound 8 also found in 12 CHTs.. But was missing in chts.2, 4,
6, and 9. The c.v% values of these unknown compounds had disturbance estimates
.There is a little information on genetic control in relation to Umbellefereae essential
oil, phenylpropenes in particular, even though a substantial amount of breeding and
tandem selection work has been done on these species.

The volatile oil content of the plant or the level of a single component depend, for
example, upon the number and quality of precursors formed and capacity of the oil
receptors (glands, ducts, etc. ).It is evident that the pattern of monoterpenes in
essential oil of each chemo-type is dependent upon the genetic background and is
qualitatively and quantitatively controlled, as well as the mating system that enables
the favored gene substitution. ( recent references)

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