Crime Is Everywehere

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Good evening ladies and gentlemen….

Crime is everywehere.
Murder is one of the action of crime with the purpose to eliminate a person life in a way against
the law. However, what triggers this action might kill someone? Jealousy? Greed? Love?
In November 21st 2017, Ansori killed her mother Siti Aminah in Getasrabi village,
Kudus, central java. He killed his mother using a hoe because she didn’t give him some money.
He was angry and regretless. It was a terrible case. As Aemilius Papinianus said that “It is
easier to commit murder than justify it.”
Ladies and Gentlemen
From the story, it shows us that murder can attack everyone no matter who you are. By
the way what are the factors of commiting murders? There have been a lot of discussions over
this question and many experts and psychologist have studied the criminals and came across a
lot of reasons for killing someone.
1. Emotion
For instance greed, revenge, anger and feeling hurt because of a comment or bad words.
Just like stick and stones may break your bones but words can kill somebody.
2. Psychology factor or mental unhealthy.
Australian Psychologist Pascal Molenberghs said that the same brain regions are
surely involved, even if they operate in different ways. In all of us it’s clear that
murder’s neural roots and moral roots are deeply entangled.
3. Weak spiritual
Spiritual or religion leads us to be a good person. However if somebody doesn’t have a
strong faith to God. There is nothing basic postulate for him. It seems innocent for him to
kill someone.
4. Self-defense
Self-defense happens with the support of the situation. For instance if you are alone
walking on the street and someone tries to hurt you for robbing your wallet then if you
attack that person for your protection then this is called self-defense. In the eyes of the
law, self-defense is a valid and just thing to do. But in the process of self-defense you
may even kill that person trying to rob you or kill

Mahatma Gandhi said “Every muder or other injury, no matter for what cause, commited
or inflicted on another is a crime against humanity”. In the Wetboek is set up about muder in
the Wetboek, set out in book 2 chapter 19 on crime against humanity, composed article 350
wetboek. However, Wetboek alredy set that, muder can be everywhere.
Therefore, we want a peaceful life without any crime or muder. We must to know how
to prevent a muder :
1. Have strong faith.
2. Have feeling of love to other people.
3. And then, you must say sorry if you make a mistake and you must forgive other
4. Control your emotion.

Let’s create peace for humanity. Thank you.

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