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Rules and Regulations

MRP is a group composed of members and former members of the PNP, AFP, MMDA,
SKYWAY POLICE, TRAFFIC ENFORCERS and OTHER branch of services providing
security and safety of motorists on the road and highways here in the Philippines.
Its primary purpose is to provide motorcycle escort to guest who ask for safety and
security on the road and highways during the tour of their visitt in our country.
Likewise, the group advocates RIDER SAFETY and will conduct rider safety clinics with
other riding clubs, to promote rider safety amongst its members.

I. Ownership and Safety

1. Applicant must be a MASTER RIDER or equivallent that is recognized by the

PNP HIGHWAY PATROL GROUP to qualify as a memeber.
2. Applicant must be a registered owner of a Motorcycle to qualify as a regular
3. Applicant must complete the Motorcycle Riding Course conducted by the PNP
HIGHWAY PATROL GROUP and shall be evaluated by council members or
officers of the organization to ensure his/her identity.
4. Applicant should also attend three (3) consecutive Monthly Meetings as a
requirement for Membership.
5. Applicant must be familiar in providing VIP PROTECTION to its GUESTS and
also familiar to Land of Transportaion Office (LTO) traffic rules and regulations.
6. Applicant must also be familiar with providing SECURITY AND SAFETY on the
road and highways to ensure the protection of its GUEST AT ALL TIMES.
7. New members shall be evaluated by the Council or assigned member/s. A Grade
System shall be applied, wherein the applicant’s performance will be rated with
grades 1 to 3 ( 3-Probationary, 2-Good, 1-Very Good) on different categories
such as, Rider Performance, Participation in Club activities, and Proper Conduct.
Senior members may also participate in the evaluation of all new applicants.
8. Applicant must be in good physical condition and should be well fit to to ensure
that they can provide safety and security of its guest.
9. Applicant must be familiar with LTO’s traffic rules and regulations when it comes
to road afety.

II. Members’ Obligations

1. Members shall participate actively in all of the organizations activities such as

rides, meetings, events and other activities as required by the organizations
2. A Council Meeting will be conducted once a month, on every second Sunday of
the month, to be attended by all Council Members, Officers and Members. All
members are required to attend the monthly meeting. Also, special or
contingency meetings may be called for at any time as the need arises.
3. All members shall contribute membership fee of Php200 which is payable within
a month.
4. Members shall obtain organizations uniforms, ID Cards, stickers, and any other
paraphernalia, at their personal volition, charge to their own personal expense.

III. Code of Ethics

1. All members are required to comply with above requirements to be considered as

a regular member. Non-compliance or consistent absenteeism will render the
member status as “inactive”, thus losing his privileges as regular member.
2. The member shall be a “Team-Player” at all times. This means he will comply
with plans, schedules, and safety procedures set forth by the general
membership and officers of the organization. The safety and pleasure of the
general majority of members will be top priority at all times. Thus all members are
required to comply with rules, plans, schedules, as set by the officers and
members of the club. Thus, the group’s actions and objectives will always be
based on a majority consensus, and shall not at any time favor individual or
partisan interest.
3. Safe riding procedures shall be practiced at all times. Riders who do not comply
with safety rules will be reprimanded through warnings, and further failure to
comply will be grounds to suspend his privilege to join future organizational rides,
especially if his riding style is found to be hazardous to other members. Further
repetition of the offense will be subject to expulsion from the organization.
4. Highest form of ethics and professional conduct shall be observed at all times by
each member. Verbal insulting and fighting among members will not be allowed
in the team. Grievances that may involve the safety and well being of any
member will be handled objectively and shall be resolved through a meeting with
parties involved, and presided by the council. The decision of the council will be
5. To those members with the highest form of conduct and have contributed to the
general welfare of the club will be acknowledged by the officers and will be given
such appreciation that will merit his efforts.

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