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Yaoyao edges out


Lying on a bench and sleeping like a baby.
There we stand and waited patiently. She
suddenly moved and opened her eyes. The
strands of white hair escaped from her
tied hair as she slowly rose. Her gazed met
us for the first time and greeted us with
her sweetest smile. P-8

SPI the spedians ink


Spedians Ink


Scribes back
remedial reading
Bridging learning gap through peer-tutoring

By Liana Louise F. Moreno

Giving back.
To enhance the reading
skills of pupils and help them
cope up with their lessons,
campus journalists of San
Francisco Pilot Central Ele-
mentary School with SPED
Learning Center conducted
remedial reading to four grade
four pupils who were identified
as non-readers last September
16, 2017. The scribes have
‘SPED’Y MATERIAL RECOVERY. Pupils from grades 5 to 6 undergo workshop in making products form recyclable materials. taken action after the result of

(Photo by Alysa Kate C. Parba)
Philippine Informal Reading
Inventory (Phil - IRI) pretest
conducted last August 2017
showed that there grade 4 pu-
Student leaders intensify waste segregation program pils who are non-readers.
By Liana Louise F. Moreno see on page 3
In support to Republic Act 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Program), student leaders of
San Francisco Pilot Central Elementary School strengthened its campaign to reduce the garbage in
school and at the same time, generate funds.

T he project, entitled Recy-

cled Products Out of Waste
Materials or REPROWMAP,
pils, to help lessen the garbage
here in school. It also impos-
es discipline in segregating
pers out of plastics through the
conduct of a seminar-workshop
to grades four to six pupils.
enables the pupils to explore properly our waste inside the “This is an income generating
their creativity in creating prod- classroom,’ Jan Paolo Gelioano, project. All products are for
ucts using recyclable materials Supreme Pupils Government sale. The money earned will
from their classroom waste and (SPG) president, said. be used to construct Material
to earn money by selling the SPG officers demonstrated Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in POWER OF READING. With the willingness
to help, Fratzie Flaire Camiguing, campus
products they have made. how to make pillows, leis, bas- school and for classroom im- journalist tutors a grade 4 pupil how to read.

“This project allows us, pu- kets, hats, coin purse and slip- provement,” Gelioano added.
see on P-2

PTA, school build makeshift classrooms to combat classroom shortage By Fratzie Flaire C. Camiguing

With the increase of pupils’ ers Association (PTA), built have a learning environment The construction started first
enrolment in school, Fe J. makeshift classrooms for grade that is conducive for them,” week of July and was finished
Delos Santos, school head , five pupils for this school year. said Christopherson F. Moreno, at the end of August with an
together with the Parent-Teach- “We wanted the pupils to PTA president. estimated cost of Php 50,000.
2 The Official Publication of
News SPI

SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

with SPED Learning Center Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

Promote inclusive education, embrace ASEAN integration-

DepEd official to scribes By Andrei Allan E.Lacea
U se the power of your pens
in inculcating the accep-
tance of inclusive education
the opening program of the
2017 Divisional Schools Press
Conference at R.M. Billanes
bigger participation in eco-
nomic activities of the ASEAN
nation,” she added.
Moreover, she stressed that
writing skill is a major tool
in ensuring that learning and
and living in an economically Gymnasium, Trento, Agusan She pointed out that knowledge shall reach the
integrated nation.” del Sur, October 13, 2017. the ultimate aim of inclusive differently abled group in the
This was the challenge Albis stated that responsi- education is to give every child society.
of Minerva T. Albis, Ph.D., ble journalism must pave the free access, equity, engagement “Your skill in writing is a
schools division superintendent way in understanding inclusive to work and study together with gift to be shared not to be kept.
of Agusan del Sur, to campus education where children learn their peers in the same class- You have the ability to provide
journalists when she in an environment of diverse room and to provide an envi- a clearer understanding of what
delivered her personalities in the same man- ronment that is not hostile and is fact to every child like you,”
keynote speech ner that they will learn to live in prejudice. she discussed further.
during a community of people having “The society needs campus Furthermore, she encouraged
different culture. journalists who understood the everyone to be part of inclusive
“As a journalist you have deepest need of children who education and to be open-mind-
the responsibility of ensuring have been marginalized by their ed people who are free of social
that all will be educated in extremities and status of life biases, racial prejudices and
preparation for the country’s and other societal impacts like discriminations, and disruptive
children in conflict zone. mentalities.
Your role is to build aware- “We are now in the dawn of
ness and understanding by seeing ten nations having one
continuous advocacy vision, one identity, and one
You are the torch bearer that community,” the superintendent
lightens the path of truth,” she ended.

Inclusive Education
WORKNG TOGETHER. SDS Minerva T. Albis,Ph.D., encourages
campus journalists to support ASEAN ties and inclusive education. Children with special needs recieved free
Alysa Kate C. Parba check up, hair cut
from page 1... Scribes By Fratzie Flaire C. Camiguing

Moreover, Project Coordinator Teodora C. Torres said that the

project was originally started and implemented in Alegria Ele- otivated to share, Timber- every 7th to 23rd day of July
mentary School where she was assigned before and brought in to land Lodge F & AM and to commemorate Apolinario
San Francisco Pilot Central Elementary School and was adopted Rotary Club of San Francisco Mabini and to maximize the
by the pupil’s government. gave free medical check-up potentials of all individuals
“The real essence of this project is to fight waste materials, and free hair cut to 55 chil- including the handicapped to
cellophanes, and wrappers that destroy our environment. Plastics dren with special needs during access the Education for All
do not decompose so we should find ways in using it again to the 39th National Disability (EFA) as stipulated in the RA
minimize its volume in our surroundings,” Torres explained. Prevention and Rehabilitation 7277, Revised 9492.
from page 1... Scribes
Week (NDPR) celebration last
July 18-23, 2017.
“I felt pleased and fulfilled to be able to help my fellow pupils “We are happy to share
who are in need of my services. Reading is fundamental as we what we have. They too should
know it. So it is important that all pupils know at least the basics be given equal opportunities
in reading,” said Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria, editor-in-chief. just like the rest of us who are
The pupils were tutored for one hour after their afternoon enjoying a normal life,” said
class and were given reading materials for practice. Razel L. De Leon, Rotary Club
“Reading is the skill that a child needs to learn in order President.
to succeed in life. It develops the mind. It is how we discover The weeklong celebra-
new things. It teaches us to be creative and imaginative. So it is tion is observed annually
essential that these children be given more attention for them to
cope up with the lessons they have in their respective classes,”
said Chelo C. Dagcuta, school paper adviser.
Campus journalists with their school paper adviser planned to A BLESSING. A child with special need
continue the tutorial in reading at least once a week. receives free hair cut. Luz D, Barniso
SPI News 3
The Official Publication of
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School
Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1 with SPED Learning Center

Be Vigilant- PNP San Francisco

By Fratzie Flaire C. Camiguing
“Everyone should
be vigilant and supportive
on government’s campaign
against terorism”.
This is what Police Of-
ficer 2 Niel Julius B. Golarion
of the Police Municipal Office
of San Francisco, Agusandel
Sur, when he was asked by the
campus journalists of San Fran-
cisco Pilot Central Elementary
School with SPED Learning
Center regarding Mindanao’s
state under martial law.
“Martial law was writ- PEACE. Supporting Government of declaration of martial law, PO2 Niel Julius Golarionof the Police Municipal Office of
ten in the Philippine Constitu- San Francisco gives advice to pupils to be vigilant always. Alysa Kate C. Parba

tion to protect the people from Moreover, He said that to secure the town’s safety different barangay also imposed
violence. The outburst of mil- because the whole Mindanao against crimes and terrorism to curfew regulation to teenagers,
itant’s activity in Marawi City was under Martial Law, the maintain the peace and order of and additional police officers are
by the Maute group justified local government unit headed the municipality. posted near schools and other
the need to declare martial law by Mayor Jenny D. De Asis “We installed highway public places,” he disclosed.
for people’s safety,”Galarion ordered the PNP to be alert checkpoints in and out of San-
explained always, Francisco

Removal of DPWH bunkhouse ensures

pupils safety
By Claudine Yssabelle C. Gloria

N o more pupils will be in

danger as the school led
the removal of Department of
construction company, ROIM
Construction Supply, who were
in-charged in the construction
Public Works and Highway’s of the drainage system in the
(DPWH) bunk house that was municipality.
built near the school gate and “Aside from the
was there for almost a year danger it brought on to pupils,
which caused heavy traffic and it became an eye soar. So after
no proper parking area of par- months of talking and doing I AM READY. Pupils and teachers perform earthquake drill religiosly to be
ents’ vehicles and public utility some calls to people concern, quake ready. Lheane Rheeze C. Silvestre
Parents aired their con-
the area was cleared at last,”
said Fe J. Delos Santos, school
School boosts disaster preparedness
cern regarding the bunk house head. drive
Liana Louise F. Moreno
during the first General Parents The site was vacated multaneously done all through-
– Teachers Association (GPTA) last October 15. To increase awareness out the country.
assembly last July 2017 and disseminate information According to Fe J.
“One pupil almost got to everyone on what to do Delos Santos, School head,
hit by a vehicle, tricycles and before disaster strikes, pupils the pupils must be aware to
cars have no proper entrance and teachers of San Francisco different types of disasters and
and exit, and some are parking Pilot Elementary Sped Learning should follow the things to do
their vehicles in front of the Central Elementary School with before and during calamity to
gate that congested the area,” a SPED Learning Center initiated avoid casualties or reduce the
parent said during the assembly. the 2nd Quarterly Earthquake effects of disaster.
. Drill, nine o’clock in the morn- “Earthquake is unpre-
The school then had ing on October 3, 2017. dictable. Everybody should be
taken action and sent a request Approximately, 3 450 well informed and knows the
letter to the engineering office
Pupils are now going
pupils and 98 teachers joined basics and drills during quake,
of DPWH and contacted the in & out of the school safe Llenne Rhenne Silverstone the quake drill which was the ,” Delos Santos explained.
4 The Official Publication of
News SPI

SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

with SPED Learning Center Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

School addresses pupils’ dental problems, To solve venue problems

purchases new dental chair LGU gives P400,000 mini-gym fund

By Liana Louse F. Moreno by
ByFratzie FlaireC.Camiguing
Fratzie Flaire Camiguing
Pupils will now have are partners in promoting
proper venue for different activ- pupils’ welfare. To achieve
ities after the school received quality education is to have
a check worth Php 400,000.00 good facilities for their usage
from the Local Government and comfort,” De Asis said.
Unit (LGU) of San Francisco, Prior to this, the school had
Agusan del Sur for the continu- already raised Php 988, 462.00
ation of the construction of the through fund raising during
school mini-gymnasium. Buwan ng Wika celebration for
It was personally given by the last two years.
Honorable Jenny D. De Asis, “Everything is possible if there
municipal mayor to the school is unity. The school, parents and
principal during the Brigada LGU are always aiming for the
Eskwela 2017 culmination best of the children,” said Fe J.
program. “ Delos Santos, school head.
The school and LGU

BRINGING SMILE. To put smile back to learners, pupils with dental carries
School strengthens pupils’ values formation
By Maria El Thea Digol
undergo tooth extraction with Dr. Irah T. Ceballos, DepEd division dentist.
Lheane Rheeze C. Silvestre Concretizing one of maintained, promoted and dis-
A total of 3, 124 or mance of children in school,” Department of Education’s seminated,” said Reverend Fa-
94% out of 3,324 pupils of said Darlyn M. Banlat, CI team (DepEd) core values - ‘Ma- ther Irvin Mangmang, OCarm.
San Francisco Pilot Central leader. ka-diyos’, San Francisco Pilot The regular mass started last
Elementary School with SPED The CI team conduct- Central Elementary School with July with grade six pupils and
Learning Center were identified ed information drive on the SPED Learning Center coor- teachers in attendance.
as pupils with dental carries, importance of oral hygiene with dinated with the parish priest “This activity is es-
the data recorded was based on Dr. Ceballos and nurse Dael to conduct a holy mass every sential to the learners’ spiritual
the check-up conducted for the as speakers, distributed dental first Monday of the month for growth. This is to instill in their
month of July by Maria Ivy S. kits, monitored the daily tooth pupils. mind the gospel and make it as
Dael, district nurse and Dr. Irah brushing of pupils and tooth “We should start them their guide in everything that
T. Ceballos, division of Agusan extraction. young. We should always incul- they do,” said Luz D. Barniso,
del Sur’s dentist. Moreover, the school cate to them the importance of school head.
With this bought new dental chair to ac- values. Values not only need to
alarming rate, the school commodate pupils during tooth be defined, they must also be
initiated different activities to extraction which was purchased
improve the oral hygiene of through canvassing during
the pupils through the effort the search for Nutri King and
of the school’s Continuous Queen 2017 in celebration of
Improvement (CI) team in line the nutrition month.
with their project IPAD-Care or “The chair’s cost is
Improving Pupils’ Academics Php 190,000.00. It would not be
through Dental Care. possible without the help of the
“Oral diseases qual- supportive parents who let their
ify as a major health problem children joined the contest. So
owing to high prevalence in we would like to thank them
the school. The severe impact all,” said Marissa Cervantes,
in terms of pain and suffering school nutrition coordinator. STRATEGY FAITH. Pupils and Teacher attended mas every first Monday of the
would greatly affect the perfor month. Marissa Cerantes

Math wizard bags 2 int’l awards

By Liana Louse F. Moreno

Maria El Thea Digol, a grade in two international Math com- last May 19-24, 2017. She
5 pupil of San Francisco SPED petitions she had joined. had also won a bronze medal
Learning Center, brought honor Digol was a silver in International Mathematics
to school after winning silver medalist in International Math- Open For Young Achievers held
WINNING SMILE. Maria Elthea Digol and bronze medals ematics Wizard Competition at Singapore, September 1-4,
with pride after win Digol’s Facebook account
held at Xiamen, China 2017.
SPI News 5
The Official Publication of
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School
Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1 with SPED Learning Center

Advocating a smoke-free environment

De Asis: Help preserve lives, condemn smokers
By Fratzie Flaire C. Camiguing
“Let us help in protecting the
children from the bad effects of
This was Hon. Jenny D. De
Asis, municipal mayor of San
Francisco, Agusan del Sur,
said to campus journalists of
San Francisco Pilot Central
Elementary School with SPED
Learning Center in an inter-
view during her visit in school
regarding the implementation
of anti-smoking ordinance.
The Local Government Unit
(LGU) of San Francisco aspires
to conceive a healthy, progres-
sive and wholesome communi-
ty which led to the creation of
the Municipal Ordinance No.
06 series of 2011 also known as
the Smoke Free Ordinance.
“This campaign has been UNITY. Mayor Jenny De Asis calls for unity for a smoke free municipality. Alysa Parba
ongoing for six years already.
Because of President Duterte’s trays the harmful result of using ” she said. and cash prize.
implementation of smoking ban tobacco. Meanwhile, through these The money awarded will be
nationwide, the LGU is now “To educate the public on activities, the municipality going to programs related to
stricter on arresting smoke this drive, we also organized earned the RED ORCHID health,” De Asis proudly said.
violators,” De Asis stressed. lectures to establishment own- AWARD for three consecutive When asked about her
The LGU created a task force ers as well as to schools. It is years for maintaining a 100% message to the youth of San
composed of volunteers coming important for kids to know the tobacco free environment. Francisco, she said that ev-
from different barangays and consequences they may face if “After thorough evaluation eryone should take part in the
socio-civic organizations in- they would engage in smoking. of national evaluators coming campaign to protect the people
cluding schools to monitor the Although they are not smokers from Manila, we are awarded in the community.
compliance of the ordinance, to but their parents are, they are thrice and a hall of famer in “We should protect the future
apprehend violators, to regu- more prone to diseases because implementing the anti-smoking of the next generation. They
larly conduct inspections, and of the smoke from cigarette ordinance. We received tro- will inherit what we have now,”
to post information education they inhale, phies, certificates she concluded.
campaign materials that por-
Developing leadership and social skills

500 girl scouts join 34th Provincial Encampment

By Fratzie Flaire C. Camiguing

More than 500 Girl Scouts GSP’s Provincial Assistant

of the Philippines (GSP) from Director for Administration
different elementary schools Florida D. Cortales.
of Agusan del Sur province Scouts were taught how to
learned how to become a cook in charcoal using paper,
leader, learned some basic life designing balloons design and
skills and being creative in the many others.
34th Provincial Encampment “I enjoyed very much the dif-
last October 23 – 27, 2017 ferent activities in the camp. I
at Patin-ay Sports Complex, really had fun turning balloons
Patin-ay, Agusan del Sur. into different things like flower
“It’s time for them to try and and butterfy,” said Rosllyene
learn new things, explore on Joy Siena, grade six pupil of
their own and most especially San Francisco Pilot Central CAMARADERIE. GSP of SFPCES work together in their ballon making activity
meeting new friends,” said Elementary School. Alysa Parba
6 Opinion SPI
The Official Publication of The

SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

with SPED Learning Center Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

hink before posting any-
thing online. It cannot be
undone. Posting wrong
information can cause public
disorder and confusion.
In a survey conducted last
October 2017, 73% or 372
out of 510 grade six pupils of
San Francisco Pilot Central
Elementary School with SPED
Learning Center say that they

Ash of Death
use internet in answering their
assignments and doing their
projects. They also use it for
ation. Smoking to public places has day, and among daily smok- said Municipal health officer of
They long been fought for. Mu- ers aged 15 to 34; the average San Francisco in an interview.
are the nicipal ordinances have been age of initiating daily cigarette The said activity was conduct-
same implemented way back before smoking was 17.5 years old. ed to spread awareness about
children President Duterte signed the Will smoking ban work nation- smoking.
who are Executive Order No. 26 on the wide? Many forms of illness such
in dan- nationwide smoking ban. Its The Local Government Unit as lung cancer, heart diseases
ger of implementation ensures public (LGU) of San Francisco has and tuberculosis have been
reading health from the ill effects of been implementing the Munic- linked to smoking. Experts said
fake information circulating in smoking. ipal Ordinance No. 6 series of that stopping smoking could
add years to life.
the internet. They also voted
Facebook as the most visited
EDITORIAL 2011 also known as Smoke-
Free Ordinance. They also Proper enforcement of the
social media site they are us- According to an article on organized the Smoke Free Day smoking-ban is necessary.
ing. Rappler published on May 6, last September and were partic- There has to be strict imple-
Moreover, being active 2017, based on 2015 Global ipated by different schools. mentation. Smoking violators
users, they might have shared Adult Tobacco Survey, 15.9 “Children should be protect- have to be apprehended. It may
fake news knowingly or un- million (22.7%) adults current- ed. They are the most vulner- be difficult at first but the com-
knowingly. ly smoke tobacco, and 13.1 able to second-hand smoke, munity can help. Let’s be one in
“Children must learn how to million (18.7%) smoke it daily. which is even more harmful safeguarding the children from
distinguish real from fake. It is Daily cigarette smokers use and than what smokers ingest,” the ash of death.
our duty as educators to guide average of 11 cigarettes per

them and sharpen pupil’s ability
to make judgment,” said school
Volume 2 No. 1

The official Publication of

principal of San Francisco Pilot

San Francisco Pilot Central Elementary School
with SPED Learning Center

Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria Fratzie Flaire Camiguing Flexi Kathleen Recorba

Central Elementary School. Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Managing Editors
Hoax news affects public opin-
ion, shapes public discussion, Andrei Allan E. Lacea Alysa Kate C. Parba Juan Miguel S. Gregorio
Liana Louise F. Moreno Lheanne Rheeze Silvestre Justin Marl Jabonero
and influences social interac- Photojournalists
Board of Editors Editorial Cartoonists
tion. It eats our trust to public
institutions and fellow citizens. Selina Kyle S. Tiu Raymund Philip T. Beldad
Maria El Thea Digol Layout Artist Consultants
Thus, everyone must take part Claudine Yssabelle Gloria Chelo C Dagcuta, SPED T-I
on fighting fake. Information Klette Euwen Regunda Lorna P. Gayol
Tessie T. Dacera, MT - II Curriculum Implementation
must be regulated or filtered. Contributors
School Paper Advisers
Children must be exposed School Heads: Ivy I. Naparan
in a kind of conversation that Luz D. Barniso - Principal-I, SPED
Division Journalism Coordinator
Fe J. Delos Santos- Principal-II, SFPCES
educates and enlighten them Minerva T. Albis, Ph.D.
District In-charge
towards truth. Estefa P. Balbutin - Principal III/DIC OIC Schools Division Superintendent
SPI Opinion 7
The The Official Publication of
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School
with SPED Learning Center

Learning Cost
Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

ducation is costly.

However, economic man-
President Duterte signed agers raised their concern on
Republic Act 10931, a the budget involved. They
law which guarantees said that the government
free tuition and miscellaneous cannot afford the P100 billion
fees for students in 112 state needed fund to cover the
universities and colleges tuition fees and miscellaneous
across the country. This law fees.
Quality education opened doors to all parents
who can’t afford to send their
CHED Chairperson Pa-
tricia Licuanan also said that
empowers children in school.
According to the survey of
the poorest of the poor cannot
benefit from the tuition fee
us and the best tool Philippine Statistics Author-
ity (PSA), about 3.8 million
education because only 8%
of the poor are enrolled in
to elevate us students are out in school,
10 percent of the 39 million
Providing free funds is
Filipinos with an age of six to
from poverty 24 years old, 7.7 percent were
not enough. The government
should make sure that qual-
12 to 15 years old and 5.0 per- ity tertiary education will be
cent were six to 11 years old. given. Right recipients of the The SPEDians Ink staff
With the high percentage program should be chosen. asked 100 pupils from grade 4 to 6
of students out in school, it is Quality education empowers on the 16th of October for
rational that the government us and it is the best tool to their opinion if they still
addresses the right of every help Juan Dela Cruz elevates believe everything they read
child to proper education. from poverty. online. Above it is the result
of the survey.
Choosing priorities
Wpupils were exposed to
ithin a school year, left behind inside the class-
different school activities. They
were able to develop and to
Aside from that, pupils’
extra-curricular activities are
show off their talent and skills no longer given weight during Dear editor,
which they were not able to do ranking of honors at the end of Every Wednesday, the
inside the classroom. But the the school year. Unlike before, municipal garbage collector

Pupils should
overlapping of school activities pupils’ final ranks are based on collects the segregated waste
sacrificed the everyday lessons 70 percent from academics and in school. But the problem is
the pupils need to learn. But as 30 percent from extra-curricular
a pupil they need to find ways
to balance their academics and
activities. This is in accordance
to the new grading system
learn how to they’re not collecting papers.
Where are we going to put the

manage their
extra-curricular activities. released by Department of Edu-
Suspension of classes usually cation (DepEd) under the K-12
time and learn to

happens during a conduct of curriculum.
Respectfully yours,
an activity. It would be one Although pupils are excused

day less for teaching learning
process and to the required for
in their class, they are given
modules and performance task
prioritize Bea
number of school days in the to cope up with the lessons
school calendar. from being out in the class. Dear Bea,
Different competitions start in Indeed, pupils’ output and Papers can be sold.
the month of July to November performance in school would Keep all the papers in a box
from school level to regional be affected because of different and sort it by kind. There is a
level. In preparation for these activities. They should learn corresponding price for each
competitions, a pupil-contestant how to manage their time well kind.
with the teacher-coach would and learn to prioritize things.
be out from classes for training. DepEd program coordinators
This situation would greatly should also communicate for Truly yours,
affect not only the contestant proper schedule and plan activi-
being behind the lessons but of ties that are well organized. The Editor
course to those pupils who were young child.
8 The Official Publication of
SPI Feat

SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

with SPED Learning Center Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

A century o
By Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria

ying on a bench and

sleeping like a baby,
there we stand and
waited patiently. She suddenly
moved and opened her eyes.
The strands of white hair
escaped from her tied hair as
she slowly rose. Her gazed met
us for the first time and greeted
us with her sweetest smile.
Lola Basilia Saplaran
Aguilar, 102 years old
and is considered as the
oldest woman alive in
the municipality of San
Francisco. She was
born on May 14, 1915
at Loon, Bohol She
Chelo C. Dagcuta

A girl with Amar-velous voice

By Maria El Thea Digol & Claudine Yssabelle C. Gloria

very time she sings, she tions. She has been a consistent Her mother and grand-
captivates the heart of representative of the school to mother, Fortunata S. Candelar-
the audience. Her angelic different singing competitions. io, were her first vocal teachers.
voice, sweet smile and passion Not long ago, she won again They used their spare time
in singing shine through. and got the gold in the 2017 practicing songs.
She is a simple grade five Municpal Arts Gallery Show- Aside from singing, Aby, as
pupil of San Francisco SPED time (MAGST). what her friends call her, also
Learning Center that is known Well, it runs in the blood. likes sports. She loves playing
from her extraordinary talent Just recently her cousin, badminton. She was able to
- singing. She’s well-loved by Hannah Grace C. Balaba who manage to balance her stud-
her classmates because of her was once a pupil in the school ies and different activities in
quirky personality. Not just and whom she considered as school.
that! She is also a campus jour- her idol, joined in Tawag ng She sees herself as a doctor
nalist and an achiever in class. Tanghalan sa Showtime, a pop- in the future. She vows to take
Isn’t it amazing? ular singing contest in national care of her parents especially
Abigail S. Amar, 11 years television. her lola who has been very
old, was born on December 2, “I started singing when I supportive of her.
2006. She’s the only child of was five years old. If my mem- Indeed, Aby is an inspira-
Erlinda C. Amar, a government ory serves me right, the first tion. Always remember that
Alysa Kate C. Parba

employee, and Ruel A. Amar, a song I sang in front of a big everyone has a talent. Everyone
security guard in a bank. crowd was Away In A Manger can reach his dreams. Everyone
Coming from a family of sing- during a school gathering. My can be like Abigail, a girl with
ers, it is not unusual of her to ate Hanna inspires me to do my Amar-velous
bring home numerous awards best every time I perform,” said voice.
in different singing competi- Amar in Visayan.
The Official Publication of
tures Spedians Ink
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School
with SPED Learning Center

volume 2 no. 1

eless Tal
old journey of lola Basilia
was 14 when she married Rose- Aguilar family moved to Lian- walk and do other things on her to enjoy the benefits of being a
lo Taylaran Aguilar. They were ga, Surigao del Sur. There they own like eating and changing member. Just recently, she re-
blessed with nine children. Her lived a simple life of a farmer clothes. She throws tantrums ceived Php 100,000.00 from the
husband died when she was 87 and a house wife. Drought every now and then. But when Local Government Unit (LGU)
because of pneumonia. came and so they decided to in a good mood, she smiles and of San Francisco for reaching
“Everyday my mother would relocate here in San Francisco, laughs a lot. 100 years old.
ask about the whereabouts of Agusan del Sur. Roselo became “She likes walking around. “Some of the money was spent
my father. There were instances a laborer while she did laundry It serves as her exercise. She to my mother’s daily needs like
that she called passers-by as my for others to earn. eats anything that is served but food and medicine. I also put
father. My father was a kind “When we went to Lianga, she mostly likes to eat vegeta- some of it in the bank for future
and hardworking man. He was my mother was 45 years old. It bles. She also sometimes drinks use,” Corazon said.
the one in-charge of our daily was a very nice place and there alcohol. I think that’s the secret Lola Basilia’s life is considered
needs and mother was the one were lots of crops to eat, so why she lived long,” Corazon as a blessing. Not all people
who took care of us,” shared when we needed to move here stated with a laugh. are given a chance to live long
Corazon Aguilar-Sauro, lola in San Francisco, we were sad Despite her age and inabil- just like her. Her tale proves
Basilia’s third child and care to leave the place we learned to ity to hear clearly, lola is still that our journey here on earth is
taker in Visayan. love,” Corazon added. active to different activities of timeless.
In 1940s, from Bohol, the Now, lola still managed to senior citizens. She continues

Giving hope

A fulfilled promise to nanay Lolita

By Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria

“Life was very hard before, who graduated as a teacher. it is a big help t,” Pampilon their uncle and aunts who
but with Pantawid Pamilyang “4Ps was really a great help stated. finished their education through
Pilipino Program (4Ps) life for me and my family be- Under the General Appropri- the help of 4Ps.
became easier. Before, early in cause now, my children won’t ations Act of 2017, the Depart- Nanay Lolita is only one of
the morning I had to go to my experience the life I had before ment of Social Welfare and the 4.4 million beneficiaries
neighbors and do their laundry. because they already have de- Development (DSWD) released who have enjoyed the bene-
After, I would go straight to cent jobs that can supply them an additional P600 monthly fits of being a 4Ps member in
the market and sell vegetables enough money for their every- rice subsidy for the 4Ps benefi- the Philippines as reported in
in my small stand just to have day living,” she added. ciaries, but they would need to as of 2015. It is a
enough money for my chil- Every month, she is given have a vegetable garden to avail fulfilled promise of government
dren’s education. As a single P500 as a health grant, P300 is this assistance. to give its citizens’ hope for a
mother, I need to work harder,” given to each child beneficiary “I was happy when I heard brighter future.
shared Lolita R. Pampilon, a and if there are three children this. I immediately made a
single mother of five in Visay- in the household, they may garden in front of my house and
an. receive P 1, 400. Lolita and all started receiving the additional
Pampilon was luckily cho- the other beneficiaries submit P600 nine months ago,” she
sen as one of the beneficiaries receipts of expenses they have exclaimed.
of 4Ps in a survey conducted made with the money to ensure Danica Cheruel P. Cena and
last 2008. Because of this pro- that it has been used for good. Denzie Ruel P. Cena , both
gram, she was able to make all “The truth is if we will sum pupils of San Francisco Pilot
of her children graduate and be it up, the money they give Central Elementary School, are
professionals in the fields they every three months doesn’t just two of her four grandchil-
each chose like her youngest suffice the needs of the children dren that are now beneficiaries.
daughter, Grace R. Pampilon in terms of their education, but Eventually, they might be like Alysa Kate C. Parba
10 Feature

Affordable Comfort
The Official Publication of The

SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

with SPED Learning Center Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

By Klette Euwen Regunda

Pillows. Our number one favorite sleeping buddy. They have been giving us comfort for the past years. But how to make them?
Here are the steps in the making pillows out from recyclable materials! It is one of the products produced in project REPROWMAP.

1.Segregate trash make 2.Cut the segregated wrap- 3.Place the cut wrappers 4.Seal the smooth cello-
sure you use non-biode- pers and cellophanes into in a phane using a tape make
gradable small pieces. smooth cellophane and sure you

Prepare the pillow case and Place the two slices of foam Wrap it to keep it clean.
foam with 38cm X. 68 cm. inside the pillow case.
S ome waste
should never have been
wasted if we will just be cre-
ative. We are not just help-
ing our environment but we
can also find comfort from it
at an affordable price.

A nightmare of the past

Everything about her

By Aisah Salacop

It’s been a while since I after me but – DEATH. He ning away from my mis- heart. And that is what made
told her the words – “You’re followed us, hence why a takes won’t help. Why did I her – her, everything about
my hero.” How much would battle began between her and choose to run when there’s a her.
it take to bring it back, the death, himself. home that would accept my
pain, time and memories? As I turned from the wrongdoings.
Six years ago a thought of victory, I said Then I felt I was
memory was made into his- to her, “You’re my hero, slowly sinking in quicksand
tory. Every day, every night Tita.” But a lifeless body filled with guilt. But, she was
it keep flashing back. lied before me. As countless there and helped get through
Her joyous self, tears started to fall, I ceased those emotions.
what’s left out of it? Every- myself. I tried telling her
thing she loved, everyone An unsteady emotion those two, meaningful words
she cared for – she left them passed through me. It was – I’m sorry”. But in a blink
behind just to save me, a like an earthquake that shook of an eye she was gone.
careless little girl. She left – my world. I was mad. It was Then I remembered
a legacy. me – it was supposed to be what she was like. She had
As I ran every step me! a bright smile, she gave me
I take felt like a mistake, a It was stupid of me warm hugs. I felt safe around
change, my future. She went to think that running – run- her and she had the purest
SPI Feature 11
The Official Publication of
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

A Race
Spedians Ink

with SPED Learning Center

volume 2 no. 1

Against time By Klette Euwen Regunda

Chelo C. Dagcuta

Heat increases. Our leafy years, humans have been produced every single day, of life, may it last for de-
cades but lets make sure that
friends withered. Animals doing activities that pro- but the question is can we
duce greenhouse gases that help them? Sure we can, we we fix what we damaged.
lay dead in the scene. Us
affect us, like mining, and can help them in our own Climate change can be
humans are most likely to
factories, that’s why we are little way. hard to visualize, because it
be affected. Its heard all
the number one pollutants That’s why projects for tends to happen at a relative-
over the world, that extreme
of life, and for the record climate change were made, ly creeping pace, not in one
weather is coming, and the
climate change is not good. to insure the safety of the dramatic surge, according
extinction of mankind hangs
On the other hand, citizens, and to make sure to, National Aeronautics and
in a balance, and it is a con-
scientists are trying to pre- that the future generation Space Administration. We
cern of everybody.
vent climate change from will survive, so lets join our can still fight it, but we are in
To start with, us humans
happening, by reducing the hands together, in the battle a race against time to change
are the cause of climate
greenhouse gases that are of man and extreme weather what is beyond the human
change, because for so many

Frozen sweet treat

Making home-made ice cream from scratch

By Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria

Brain Freeze!
In making ice cream you would need hard work, patience and
passion. It takes hours before you can make it and at your first try
there is a very big chance that you will not be successful. As the
saying goes, “Try and try until you succeed,” eventually you will
be able to make the best ice cream ever made.
1. Boil water for 3-5 minutes. When done, pour the hot water to a
bowl with cassava flour, mix and then set aside.
2. Pour coconut oil to the mixture and add all dry ingredients
including the flavoring.
3. Place the mixture to the ice cream mixture, turn it on and leave
it for 1 hour.
4. After, place ice around the container of the ice cream and wait
for 2-3 hours until it is hardened.
5. The ice cream is now ready to serve. For it to last 3-5 days, add
salt to the ice cream and place ice around the container again.
Alysa Kate Parba
12 Science and Technology SPI
The Official Publication of The

SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

with SPED Learning Center Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

Geonet’s gift to humanity

Of husks and twines

By Flexi Kathleen Recorba

It’s a coco fruit of the coco tree officer-in-charge of the day.
From the coco palm family The coco coir made would undergo
It’s no secret that coconut is consid- twining and weaving until it becomes
ered as the tree of life. Almost all of its a geonet. Each roll of geonet with 50
parts are useful as what Ryan Cayabyab’s square meters is sold for P2,750.
song says. Coconut oil, charcoal, and Most of their buyers are from Depart-
coco lumber to name a few. But in a ment of Public Works and Highways,
secluded place of Barangay Hubang, San which used it for road construction, as
Francisco, Agusan del Sur, is where we well as mining firms in Caraga Region.
can find Kaagap Development Multipur- Even big mining companies in Surigao
pose Cooperative (KaagapMUCO) who del Norte and Surigao del Sur use geon-
has a unique way of using coconut husk, ets on sloping areas near communities
which some considered as a trash, can and highways to prevent landslides.
evolved into a useful material. Shared Service Facility (SSF) project
KaagapMUCO Coco Coir Process- staff Kathleen P. Cabotaje, of De-
ing Plant is established in 2002. They partment of Trade and Industry (DTI)
are the producers of coco coir, a rope Agusan del Sur, reveals that their office
fiber fashioned from coconut husks and has provided KaagapMuCo 13 handloom
woven into geonets or rolls of fiber mesh weaving equipment, 85 hook manual
nets used in preventing soil erosion and twining equipment, 10 2-hook electrical
landslides. twining equipment, 6 twine roller with
Members of the cooperative are the rack, and 2 decorticating machine to cope
main providers of coco husks they used up with the demand of geonets in the
for processing. They are given incentives market.
whenever they sell their coconuts unlike Cabotaje said that KaagapMuco is a
those who are not. recipient of financial and technical assis-
“We also hired some of our members tance grant from Spanish Government
here. They can earn at least P200 a day. thru the Philippine coconut Authority
The coco coir they make, with a length (PCA) for its coco coir processing
of 12 meters, is sold at P4.80 a piece,” project.
said Marife Malana, book keeper and

By Selena Tiu
indulging in sports or other fitness related
A healthy diet is essential for a Thus, the emphasis on healthy life-
healthy life. A healthy diet done however style should start at a young age. Parents
is inadequate to ensure a healthy body should urge their children to eat more
as physical activity helps to keep one in vegetables and fruits. Tone down dining
shape and free of sickness and disease. out because it usually involves eating
Food and Nutrition Research Institute heavily and unhealthy, School confesses
reports that 90% of Filipinos had one or must tell only highly nutritious food and
more of these health risk factors: smok- drinks,. People should allocate time for
ing, obesity, hypertension, high blood different physical activities.
sugar, and abnormal blood cholesterol It is essential to recognize the im-
ROAD TO FITNESS. To stay fit, & School conducts zum- portance of having a lifestyle by simply
levels. These are lifestyle diseases that
ba session every Friday to pupils & Teachers. become the biggest threat to our health. learning to say no, and using our free
Obesity is a grave problem these days. time productively by joining classes.
Everyone is talking about living a am to 6 am for 2 years now. Such as dance class, aerobic dance,
healthy lifestyle. Even the school is However, very few actually practice the It is the reason why people suffer from
many health complications such as diabe- tennis class, and other more.
aware of its importance that it has been art of living healthy. Many of us believe A healthy living ensures longer life
doing zumba session every Friday after that a healthy life implies looking good. tes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
and even cancer. This is caused by eating span as well as a life free disease and
class. The Local Government Unit But what does a healthy life really complications. It is the way to achieve a
(LGU) of San Francisco has also been imply? unhealthy foods, eating fatty foods,
sitting around all day doing nothing and healthier and a better you.
promoting healthy lifestyle by conduct- A healthy lifestyle means maintain-
ing zumba dance every Saturday from 5 ing a balance nutritious diet as well as by doing needle work.
SPI Science and Technology 13
The Official Publication of
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School

Whisker’s Whisper of Hope

Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1 with SPED Learning Center

Balbas Pusa’s healing prowess

By Selina Kyle Tiu

“Every breath is a giveaway Ma’am Bibay, who also used it, and
dance between you and the asked how it is prepared,” he added.
Cat’s whiskers also known as Balbas
plants.” pusa (Orthosiphon aristatus) is easy to
- Susun Weed prepare when use as medicine. Just put
Many have been using and seeking the leaves in a casserole then add water.
for herbal medicine to find cure to their Then boil it for five minutes. Viola! You
ailments. It is less expensive and as they can have your miracle tea. You can also
say healthier – no side effects. soak it
School guard Ramon Honra- “I had a hard time drinking it at first be-
da, called as Kuya Munching, strongly cause of its bitter taste but it’s tolerable.
believed that drinking his ‘miracle tea’ It serves as my tea every morning. I also
had been the cure of his arthritis and brought some to school so I can drink it
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) which had just like drinking water,” Honrada said.
been bothering him for months. After drinking it for days, he noticed
“I was having a hard time that the pain on his knees was slowly
reporting to school because of too much going away. He was able to walk again
pain in my knees. It was excruciating! It normally.
was very hard for me to walk. I have tak- “I am really thankful that I listened to my
en medicines but the pain still lingered,” friend’s advice. Now, my walk is back
Honrada expressed during the interview. to normal. I also happen to read online
According to him, a friend about balbas pusa. It was written there
of his recommended a special tea which that balbas pusa is also good in cleansing
came from a plant that found in the our kidneys. So I also let my daughter
school and is easy to prepare. drink it because she has UTI. She said it
“It was called Balbas Pusa. was effective,” he exclaimed.
I went straight in front of Children with When asked if he would recomend it
Special Needs (CSNs) classrooms where to others, he answered’of course i will! Alysa Kate Parba
the plant was found. I asked some from it cured me, so i guess it can cure them

Oral hygiene a must - dentist

By Selena Kyle Tin
“ ood oral hygiene is important to your food well and also to avoid experiences
of pain,” Tan added.
overall well-being.”
This was what Dr. Lea Tan-Villarazo, She also expressed that dental prob-
dentist, said to campus journalists of lems among children can greatly affect
San Francisco Pilot Central Elementary their performance in school.
School with SPED Learning Center in an “Dental carries is frequent among
interview when asked about the impor- kids. Every time a child has tooth ache,
tance of oral hygiene. he/she has the tendency to be absent
“Maintaining good oral hygiene is in school. They also can’t study well
a vital thing you can do for your teeth because of too much pain hence their
and gums. Healthy teeth not only enable grades may be affected,” she opined.
you to look and feel good, they make it Tan also stated that kids should visit
possible to speak and eat properly,” she their dentist twice a year for check-up
stressed. and remember the steps that decrease
According to her cleanliness of the the risk of developing tooth decay, gum
mouth is important to avoid acquiring diseases and other dental problems.
diseases like gingivitis or inflammation “Brush your teeth twice a day. Avoid
of the gums, tooth decay and bad breath. eating too much sweets or sticky food.
“Taking care of our teeth is essential Use dental products that contain fluo-
because without it we cannot chew our ride,” she said.
14 Sports SPI
The Official Publication of The
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School
with SPED Learning Center Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1

Ligan seizes gold, outplays Delos Santos

By Flexi Kathleen S. Recorba

A fter her unsuccessful run

last year to cap the gold,
Marielle M. Ligan of Cluster II
with a forehand stroke and
followed by her slices as Ligan
answered back with several
and snatched the set to extend
the game, 18-21.
With Delos Santos’
bounced back and earned her service aces and combination domination of the game, Ligan
way to the regional level after plays that gave her the set, 21- cope up in the fourth set
defeating opponent Marie De- 18. showing nerve-wrecking
los Santos of Cluster 1, 3-1 (21- Ligan maintained her strikes and finished the
18, 21-11, 18-21, 21-16) during rhythm and showed her skills, game.
the 2017 Division Meet Table Delos Santos tried to gain mo- Furthermore, de-
Tennis Girls Singles Champi- mentum but fell short. spite Delos Santos’ heroic
onship Game held at Patin-ay The girl in yellow, delivered gallantry, she bowed
Sports Complex, September 27, elusive strikes but her foe down against the su-
2017. stayed intact, playing her op- premacy of her foe, SUPERB OFFENSE.
Ligan, 11 years old, ponent with easy shots but was 21-16. Ligan with an of-
fensive move turns
powered up her offense and not enough to stop Ligan’s “I strength- back Delos Santos to
bring home the gold.
toughened up her defense to rampage in the second set, 21- ened up my defense Photo by alysa Kate C. Parba

overpower Delos Santos. 11. in order for me to

During the first set, Meanwhile, Delos San- win this game,” said
Delos Santos got the first point tos came alive in the third set Ligan.

RCES overcome SFPCES, From page 16... Bajao

Another violation was laid upon Cluster 4 as their coach, James
advances to Division Meet Recitas, entered the court, lending one bonus free throw to Cluster

By Flexi Kathleen S. Recorba
rchestrating offensive held at SFPCES mini-gym on
“My players felt new to the environment that’s why they
maneuver and fueled September 19, 2017.
couldn’t focus,” uttered their coach.
with determination, Rosario RCES proved their
TRESLOVER’s Lee Daniel managed to score a free throw, but
Central Elementary School worth as they showed more
Pepito ended the third quarter with a 13-pont advantage, 35-22.
(RCES) earned their slot to the power and improved their skills
Cluster 2 continued their domination in the fourth frame to
Division Meet after crushing for a great finish.
douse Cluster 4’s last ditch effort and end the game with a 40-36
their opponent San Francis- Wackee
co Pilot Central Elementary Espacio, star
“We won because we toughened up our defense,” said the win-
School (SFPCES), 3 -1 play- er of
ning team’s coach, Giovannie Arban. “We worked hard for just 3
(28-26, 23-25, 28-26), SFP- CES,
days and thanks God our work paid off,” he added.
during the 2017 Unit scored the first
Meet Volleyball Boys point with a service From page 16... Yaoyao

Championship Game ace as Raymon Saplaran Yaoyao released his pawn attacks causing Gulmatico’s knight
bounced back showing failed early in the game.
glass breaking spikes Gulmatico answered back and delivered massive pawn attacks
leaving her opponent but it was not enough to stop Yaoyao’s rampage.
breathless. Yaoyao, a grade 5pupil, boiled up and sparked the run as he
The resilient RCES nailed his knight and queen moves but Gulmatico ace player
struggled to find their proved his worth as he showed his supremacy in the game.
momentum as their for an- “I was nervous at first but I gained momentum and was con-
swered back and contin- fident that I can win the game. My days of practicing paid off,
ued to control the game thanks to my coach for his patience”, YaoYao said.
launching massive and “I am happy of his performance. We will prepare for his next
STRIKE. Kian Mondejar crucial aces and spikes battle in the division level,” Coach Dan Tepan said.
fights hard but fell short
for his team to advance
that eventually cost Both players displayed their crucial techniques and tactics, each
in the semi-finals.
(photo by Lheanne Rheeze silverstre)
them 2nd set, 23-25. aiming for the win.
Kian Mondejar of SF-
PCES landed a tremen-
dous aces but Roel Dela
Cruz cope up and
scored 2 points for
RCES that ended
the third set in their
The SPEDIANS staff asked 100 girls what
favor, 28-26.
Sports do they like most.

SPI Sports 15
The The Official Publication of
SanFrancisco Pilot Central Elementary School
Spedians Ink
volume 2 no. 1 with SPED Learning Center

Road to Greatness

Achieving Dreams
By Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria
going and give my best in every outstanding players in high
chess match that I joined,” she school, she showed her suprem-
stressed. acy and won different chess
From then on, her world was tournaments here and abroad
split between school and play- – 4th place in the 2014 National
ing chess. She made outstand- Age Group Chess, champion in
ing marks in both. She graduat- the 2015 National Age Group
ed in elementary as an achiever Chess, 2nd place in the 2015
and received the Athlete of the National Schools and Youth
Year award. Chess, champion in the 2015
She had won in several ASEAN Age Group, 2nd place
chess tournaments. To name in the 2015 ASIAN Schools
some, she was 2nd place in Chess, and champion in the
the 2012 Palarong Pambansa, 2016 ASIAN Chess.
champion in the 2012 Philip- Moreover, she dedicated her
pine National Games, 3rd place achievements to her family. Her
in the 2012 National Age Group parents supported her in very
Chess Championships, 2nd steps she takes even sometimes
PHILIPPINES’ PRIDE. Allaney Jia G. Doroy brings another gold to country during the 2016
place in the 2013 National Age they are financially constrained.
ASIAN GAMES Chess. Photo from Allaney’s Facebook account
Chess, and champion in the “Chess opened me to
Dream big and don’t stop on September 7, 2001 at Lore-
to, Agusan del Sur.
ASEAN Age Group Chess.
“I considered Allaney as an
different opportunities. I’ve
been to different places here
dreaming because dreams
llaney’s skills as a chess A-1 player. She was very good in the Philippines and outside
through hardwork and per-
player came about when she in her craft. She is hard work- of the country. I was able to
severance can be achieved,”
was eight years old. She learned ing and passionate,” said Mr. study in a prestigious university
shared Allaney Jia G. Doroy,
to play it from her father. He Dan Tepan, Allaney’s coach in for free with allowance,” she
an outstanding sports alumna
was the one who introduced elementary. exclaimed.
of San Francisco Pilot Central
Allaney to the world of board Due to her great skills To many young chess
Elementary School in an online
games. Her father was very in playing chess, Nazareth players, Allaney’s success is an
interview last October 22.
patient and hands-on in tutoring Schools of National University inspiration. She’s a living proof
Allaney or Jia, as what her
her in their every day practice. (NSNU) became interested in that pursuing one’s passion,
friends call her, is the only
“My father is a great teacher. her and recruited her to be one believing that you can and
child of Mr. Allan B. Doroy
I inherited my talent and skills of their student athletes after pushing self to attain excellence
and Mrs. Susan Lailanney G.
in chess from him. He was the she graduated elementary. is a way of achieving dreams.
Doroy. She was born
one who pushed me to keep Even though there are many

Regunda bags 2nd straight badminton title

By Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria

D espite a sloppy start, her and persistence to win. grab the set with 3, 15-12. Regunda release a breathtaking
KletteRegunda of San The rookie player, a grade Regunda zoomed to a 4-point smash, ending the game with a
Francisco District 1 made a student of East Bunawan Cen- lead and ballooned to 21-17 21-13 finish.
hell-for-leather come back to tral Elementary School, grap- end. “I changed my fight-
chip in a 17-21, 21-17, 21-13 pled in horror as she wasted a “It was hard for me to keep ing style and used different
victory over Bunawan District win in the first frame against up in the second set because she strokes,” said Regunda, player
1’s Bernadette Baring during her blazing rival. used smashes that were very of the game.
the 2017 Unit Meet Badmin- Regunda started the game flat, powerful,” exclaimed Baring. SMASH FOR GOLD.

ton Championship Game Girls losing the fist, 17-21 as Baring It was a nip-and-tuck affair in Klette Euwen Regun-
da shatters the solid
Singles Category B on Tuesday, waxed hot. the third frame, but the 4-foot-8 defence of berna-
dette Baring to
September 19 at San Francis- “I exerted all my efforts to player flaunted her deadly form cap the gold.

co Pilot Central Elementary winin this set,” she uttered. and launched smashes enough (photo by Alysa kate c. parba)

School Mini Gym. The 11- year old clawed to plant 6-point advantage,-
The San Francis- its way back at the start of the pushing Baring to as set point,
co-based player who won her seconds set, securing a 20-11.
first match against San Francis- 4-all deadlock.5 more ties suc- The Bunawan-based player
co District 2 during suprema- ceeded, but the player clad in managed to acquire 2 more
cythe 2016 Unit Meet, proved pink capped multiple points to points, butt was too late as
SPI the spedians ink

Spedians Ink


Bajo leads Cluster 2,
manhandles Cluster 4 in
Basketball Championship
By Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria

U nder the scorching heat of

the sun, Cluster 2 SA-
FROBUN rode on the heroics
of Ninojay Bajo to post a 40-36
victory over the hard-fighting
Cluster 4 TRESLOVER during
the 2017 Division Meet Boys
Basketball Championship
Game on Wednesday, Septem-

ber 27, 2017 at Patin-ay Sports
Complex, Patin-ay, Prosperi-

BA’WOAH’. Defending the fast
dad, Agusan del Sur.
break ball, Bajo sprints inching Bajo led the way forSA-
closer to his basket during the
September 27, 2017 Division Meet
FROBUN as he clogged 16
Boys Basketball Championship. points while Xyron Pepito and
(Photo by Alysa Kate Parba)
Joshua Almonicar had 8 and 3
markers respectively.
Sevilla takes on the offensive to TRESLOVER turned to its
Yaoyao edges out survive against Magsayo sleek-running game and took
Gulmatico, gets By Kenneth Jerome C. Gloria advantage of their opponents’
first win to finals By breaking the distance of
flat start, dominating the first
By Flexi Kathleen Recorba knot, 21 seconds her for as KICK. Adding to the quarter with 5, 11-6.
Orchestrating offensive ma- left of the second she released kickers list of the 2017
Mindanao-wide Girls
Cluster 2 regained back their
neuver equipped with compact round, Agusan del stunning Taekwondo Cham-
pionship, Ms. Sevilla
consciousness as Almonicar
perseverance, Clyde Yaoyao Sur’s pride and a side and front takes the winning and Joseph Bulawin teamed
kick with 21 seconds
pulverized his foe Prince John grade six pupil of kicks to force left. (Photo by Aysa up at the start of the second to
Gulmatico, both were pupils of San Francisco Pilot a 2-all deadlock Kate Parba)
force an 11-all deadlock.
San Francisco SPED Learning Central Elementary at the 1:03 mark The dribblers clad in green
Center and bolted his first School with SPED of the second. gathered 2 more points, but
win during the District Meet Learning Center This never Pepito resisted and tied the
Chess Semi Finals Game for scrapped past Jean threatened second canto at the last 10
boys at San Francisco Pilot Magsayo of Tan- Sevilla who was seconds, 17-17.
Central Elementary School on dag City with a 4-2 on for a round- Moreover, the intensity
September, 2017. P-14 victory during the house kick, 21 of the game rose as the two
2017 Mindanao ticks left that teams reached a 23-21 mark,
Wide Girls Sin- ended the but the game halted because
gles Lightweight game within a of a sudden fight between
Division Taekwon- 4-2 breather, Almonicar and John Lade that
do Championship raising the triumph brought a double foul to SA-
Game last Septem- high enough for FROBUN and a technical foul
ber 1 at Tandag City Magsayo to reach. to TRESLOVER after the end
THE ROOKIE’S ROOK. Heating up the
District Meet Chess semi-finals game, Clyde gymnasium. “I was nervous of the first half.
Yaoyao conquers his older opponent, Prince
John Gulmatico, on September 2017 at San
Magsayo stayed at first but I gained
Francisco SPED Learning Center. (Photo by within striking momentum,” sevilla P-14
Lheanne Rheeze Silvestre)

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