P6 London June 1970

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Maths 6






Advanced Level



Three hours

Answer SIX questions.

1. (i) Solve the equation

1 −3 a x  10 
2 a −1 y   9
    =  

0 2 −3
 
z 
 

by premultiplying on each side by a suitable matrix, if the constant a is not equal to 16.

Show that if a = 16 there is an infinite set of solutions, and express x and y in terms of z.

(ii) If the equations

x2 + bx + c = 0 and x2 + px + q = 0

have a common root, prove that

1 b c
1 p q = 0.
b −p c −q 0

TSE 69/ 188 10/2/100/4000

 1970 University of London
Turn over

2. (i) Sketch the graphs of y = sinh–1 x and y = cosh–1 2x. Find the coordinates of the point of
intersection of the two curves.

(ii) Prove that the equation of the evolute (i.e. the locus of the centre of curvature) of the
hyperbola with parametric equations x = a cosh t, y = b sinh t is
2 2 2
(a x) 3 − (by) 3 = (a 2 + b 2 ) 3 .

Sketch the hyperbola and its evolute in the same diagram.

3. Prove that a system of coaxal circles can be inverted into a system of concurrent (or parallel)
straight lines or into a system of concentric circles.

C1, C2 are two fixed intersecting coplanar circles, and C is a variable circle touching C1
and C2. If C3 is a third fixed circle coaxal with C1 and C2, prove that C3 cuts C at a constant

4. Find the shortest distance between the straight lines with vector equations

r = –3i + 5sj + k, r = 3i – 2j + k + t(–i + 2j – k).

5. The ellipse b2x2 + a2y2 = a2b2 is revolved completely about the x-axis. Prove that the surface
area generated is

(2π b / e) (a sin–1 e + be),

where e is the eccentricity of the ellipse.

If e is small, prove that the perimeter of the ellipse differs from that of a circle of radius a by
approximately 2 π e2a.

6. Sketch the curve with polar equation r2 = 1 + cos2 θ .

If the area enclosed by the curve is revolved completely about the line θ = 0, prove that the
volume of the solid of revolution is 16 π {3 ln (1 + √2) + 7√2)}.

7. The coordinates of three points on a curve are (–h, y1), (0, y2), (h, y3). Obtain Simpson’s rule
for the area between the curve, the x-axis and the lines x = –h, x = h by considering the
parabola y = ax2 + bx + c through the three points as an approximation to the curve. Show
how the rule can be extended to an area divided into any even number of strips of equal

Prove that the length of the arc of the curve y = x ln x between the points given by x = 1, x = 5
is 9 units approximately. (Four strips will be sufficient.)

8. A particle of mass m is attached to one end of an elastic string of modulus mg and natural
length l. The other end of the string is attached to a fixed point O. The particle is held below
O so that the string is vertical and of length 3l, and is then released. The subsequent motion
then takes place in a medium which offers a resistance equal to (3 g / l ) 2 m v , where v is the
speed of the particle. Show that the extension x of the string at time t satisfies the differential

1 dx
l + (3 gl ) 2 + gx = gl.
dt 2

Prove that the string does not become slack, and that the particle is next at rest when its depth
√ π
below O is l(2 – e– 3 ).

9. A uniform rod of length 2a is rotating with constant angular speed ω about its mid-point
which is stationary on a smooth horizontal plane. If the rod strikes a fixed smooth elastic peg
at a distance 12 a from the mid-point of the rod, and if the coefficient of restitution between
the peg and the rod is 2/3, prove that after striking the peg the rod takes a time 7 π /ω to
complete one revolution.

10. A wedge of mass 4m has one smooth face in contact with a horizontal plane, and one rough
face inclined at an angle α to the horizontal. A uniform solid sphere of mass m is placed on
the rough face, and rolls down a line of greatest slope. Prove that the acceleration of the
wedge is
g sin α cos α
6 + sin 2 α

11. A uniform chain of length 2l and weight W has one end fixed at a point A on a rough
horizontal rod, and the other end is attached to a small ring of weight W through which the
rod passes. The coefficient of friction between the ring and the rod is 1/√3. Prove that when
the chain hangs in limiting equilibrium its lowest point is at a depth l(2 – √3) below the rod,
and find the distance of the ring from A.

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