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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Peer Reviewed – International Journal

Vol-4, Issue-1, 2018 (IJIR)
ISSN: 2454-1362,

Factors Contributing to the Students’ Choice of

University: A Case Study of Somali National University
Abdijabbar Ismail Nor
Lecturer at Faculty of Economics and Managements Science, Somali National University

Abstract The purpose of this Study was to investigate learning, with 13 departments, 700 staff and over
the factors Contributing to student’s choice of 15,000 students. [1]
university. the main objective of the study was to
explore those factors determining student’s choice of
university. the study demonstrated nine factors which In the mid-1970s, the teaching college of Lafoole
are: academic quality, learning environment, Campus, one of SNU's remote campuses, was made
facilities, course offered, fee, attitude, location, a stand-alone institution ("Lafoole Teacher's
friends and parents influence, image and reputation. College"). The language of instruction was English.
all factors are found important in selection of Italian was the Somali National University's
universities. the study employed a Survey Research primary language of instruction. The university's
design using Self-developed questionnaire to collect main campus was situated in Mogadishu, where
the data. from a sample of 201 students from deferent residents were already familiar with the Italian
faculties such as economics and management, faculty language. [3]
of veterinary, and faculty of law from Somali
national university. data were analyzed using the From 1973, Somali and English were introduced as
additional languages of instruction. all programs at
statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS)
Lafoole College were taught in English. [4] Due to
program. the various statistical techniques have been
extensive damage to its facilities as well as the
applied to accomplish the objectives of the study.
difficulty of holding classes and acquiring books and
reputation or image of the university was the most
contributable factor to the students’ choice of other necessities in the wake of the civil war in the
university. the second highest determinant was the early 1990s, classes at the university were
suspended. [5]
attitude of the students towards university. the third
highest contributable factor was Academic quality. On 14 November 2013, the Cabinet approved a
the fourth factor contributing more to the students’ federal government plan to Relaunch and reopen the
choice of university was course offered by the Somali National University. On 16 August 2014, the
university followed by the fee, learning environment federal government officially re-opened the Somali
and job prospect and university facilities National University at a meeting of the Board of the
respectively. location and the influence of the parents University. The event was chaired by former
and friends have less contributions to the students’ President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who
choice of university but are still considered served as the Chancellor of the university. [6]
On 18th September 2014, about 480 Students took the
Keywords: factors, contribution, Students’ Choice of university's entry exams, which were supervised by
University, Somali National University, the Chairman of the Somali National University Dr.
Mohamed Ahmed Jimale and the Deputy Minister of
Introduction Culture and Higher Education Mohamed Ahmed
Kulan. [7].
Somali National University was established in 1954
as Universita' Nazionale Somala, under Italian U.N. In October 2014, Speaker of the Federal
Trusteeship over Italy's former Italian colony in East Parliament Mohamed Osman Jawari and Minister of
Africa of Italian Somali territory. In 1960, Somalia Culture and Higher Education Duale Adan
became an independent nation in the Trust Territory Mohamed officially inaugurated the first academic
of Somalia.. It obtained official university status in year of the Somali National University.[8] in
1969. The main university grounds were situated September 2016, about 650 students were admitted.
about six kilometers from the city center. In 1973, On 21st August 2017, about 2500 students took the
under the Supreme Revolutionary Council (SRC), university’s entry examination, but around 1059
programs and facilities were expanded. The SNU students were admitted and allowed to join the
developed over the years into an institution of higher university. [9]. Based on the above information,
students who are selecting the university as a first
choice are increasing year after year. So, the purpose

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-1, 2018 (IJIR)
ISSN: 2454-1362,

of this study is to explore the various factors that likely to encourage more enrollments in University than
stand out very critical for students in university other factors. [26] examined the impact of Employment
choice decisions. opportunity and its relationship with college choice
decisions and found that employment opportunities are
The study aims to identify those factors that have a the stronger predictor of enrollment decisions.
significant influence on student’s enrollment In another study [27] also identified and reported a
decisions and play a vital role in their decision- significant association between employment rate of
making process. Many factors have been explored graduates in. determining the university attendance
and studied by various researchers across the world decisions. A study conducted by [28] Using sample of
and investigated its direction and magnitude of undergraduates concludes that reputation of the
relationship with students’ enrollment decisions. institution, future graduates’ job prospects, nature of
They all found various factors, its relationship and the institutions, lower costs, affiliation of the
relative influence on decision choice. This study also institutions, entry flexibility and institutions’ campus
aims to extend the findings of the previous studies environment are six factors that influence the choice
and to identify which factor contributes more in of HEIs. Another study by [29] adds large faculty and
University Enrollment choice in Somali context. wide range of facilities to the factors. Meanwhile, [30]
find that four important factors namely, qualification
Objectives of the Study
of the teaching staff, English usage, English
The purpose of this study was to assess the various
language specialized field and top-notch staff are
factors that contribute to the students ‘choice of
important among international students. In addition,
University. It also aims to identify those factors that
using the sample of prospective students, parents and
have a significant influence on student’s enrollment
undergraduates, [31] suggest that the availability of
decisions and their magnitude.
desired program is considered the most important
factors. This factor is also shared from findings by
Literature Review [32]
along with other factors such as academic
Many studies have been done to explore the various reputation, quality of the faculty/lecturers and
factors which effect the University selection choice financial assistance offered by the HEIs. When it
decisions among students. Many variables have been comes to the respective parents, the financial aid
identified and investigated to determine their impact offered by the HEIs stands as the most important
on the student choice of University or College. factors [33] However, as mentioned by [34] it is the
According to [10] demonstrated the influence of image and reputation factors that have tremendous
various factors on student university choice and effects on the choice of HEIs as shared by other
reported that personal aspiration, performance at researchers [35], and [36]. A Study Conducted by [37]
universities and external factors contributes more to Showed that the University’s image is the most
university choice. those external factors include influential factors followed by university’s
marketing efforts by university [11,12]. In another environment, facility provided, and course offered by
study found Student educational aspirations the university. A Study Conducted by [38] found that
positively related with university attendance choice. Career is the most preferred factor as rank by most of
. The student’s own ability and aptitude also the students, while addition to its three factors
reported as one of the important contributor in Facilities, Financial aid and Social influence found
selection of colleges and universities [14]. University significantly related to student choice decision. The
location also found to be a significant predictor of factor “facilities” found strong predictor of Selection
University choice as investigated by [15, 16,17] They decisions of HEI’s.
noted that University proximity and distance from
home could also have a significant impact on student
choice to enroll in university. Academic program
Research Methodology
The Study employed Survey Research design using
offerings, its content range and duration also found
Self-developed questionnaire to collect the data. The
to have a significant association on student’s
primary research instrument was a questionnaire,
University selection as reported by [18,19]. University
Thus, the questionnaire consisted of 55
Reputation found to be a very strong predictor of
University choice as examined by [20]. They observed
questions(items) in the form of a five-point Likert
that university reputation has a strong influence and scale which ranged from strongly disagree to
persuasive power on student’s University selection strongly agree. This Study has been done on
decisions. Cost associated with university also termed Foundation and first-year students of Somali
as an important factor to be discussed by various National University. About 201 students from
researchers [21,22]. as cost has a strong influence in deferent faculties such as Economics and
university choice decisions. Availability of financial Management, Faculty of veterinary and Faculty of
aid also has a persuasive power on student university law from Somali National University participated
attendance [23 ,24 ,25] They analyzed that financial aid will and responded to the questionnaire. Participants were

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 50

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-1, 2018 (IJIR)
ISSN: 2454-1362,

selected based on random sampling. The Reliability Table.2 Gender of the respondents
of the questionnaire was tested by using the
Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient application in the Valid Cumulative
SPSS and Cronbach’s alpha of 55 items was found to Frequency Percent Percent Percent
be .894 which shows a highly reliable and consistent Valid Male 143 71.1 71.1 71.1
measuring tool. the reliability coefficient of .70 is
Female 58 28.9 28.9 100.0
acceptable one for internal consistency of the
measure. Total 201 100.0 100.0
Reliability Statistics The respondents were asked to indicate their gender
by ticking the appropriate column they belonged.
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items The purpose was to find out the number of male and
.894 55 female students who participated in the study.
Table.2 shows that 143 respondents which is most of
Procedures for Data Analysis the respondents representing 71.1.0% were males,
Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for while the remaining 58 respondents representing
the Social Sciences (SPSS) program. Frequency 28.9.0% being females, the findings shows that there
counts and percentages were used to present data in are more male students in the education sector
tables. The various statistical techniques have been because, males and females have different attitudes
applied to accomplish the objectives of the study. and views toward the education. but 28.9 % which is
Descriptive statistics, Mean, Standard Deviation, has the percentage of female students indicates their
done to check the level of importance of each factor. Normal representation in the education sector.
The coefficient of correlation also has applied to test Table3. Marital status
the direction and magnitude of relationship among
Contributing factors with University Choice. Valid Cumulative
Findings and Discussions Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Descriptive Statistics have been applied to know the Valid Single 194 96.5 96.5 96.5
relative frequency and proportionate distribution Married
among demographic variables. Data obtained has 7 3.5 3.5 100.0
been presented in Tables below. Total 201 100.0 100.0
Table1. Age of the respondents Table 3 depicts the marital status of respondents who
Valid participated in the study. The purpose was to find out
Frequency Percent Percent the status of the students who were actively involved
Valid 18-20 129 64.2 64.2 in the education with in Somalia National University.
A close look at the Table shows that 194 respondents
21-23 66 32.8 32.8 representing 96.5% fall within the single status; and
24-26 5 2.5 2.5 3.5 % fall within the marriage. The data shows that
majority of the students who joined the University
30 and above 1 .5 .5 are single.
Total 201 100.0 100.0 Table 4. Year of the study
Table.1 shows the age distribution of respondents Valid Cumulative
who participated in the study. The purpose was to Frequency Percent Percent Percent
find out the average age of the students who were Valid Foundation 71 35. 3 35.3 35.3
actively involved in the Study A close look at the
Table .1 shows that 129 respondents representing Year one 130 64.7 64.7 100.0
64.2% fall within the age brackets 18-20 years; 66
respondents representing 32.8 % fall within the age Total 201 100.0 100.0
brackets 21-23 years. While the remaining 3% fall As Only foundations and first-year students of the
within the age brackets 24-26 and 30 above years, university were the target population of the study.
the data showed that majority of the students who Therefore, the students studying in first year
participated the study fall between 18- 20 and 24-26. participated more in the study with valid percentage
This means that most of the students who of 64.7 % than the foundation students whose valid
participated the study were fresh graduates from percentage was 35.3%. this means majority of the
secondary schools who could be ordinary expected to respondents who participated this research were first
be more involved in the study. year students.

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 51

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-1, 2018 (IJIR)
ISSN: 2454-1362,
Table 5. Correlations
Environment Friendship
Academic and job Course and parent Image and University
Quality prospect Facilities Offred Fee Location Attitude influence reputation Choice
Academic Quality Pearson Correlation 1 .212** .270** .277** .115 .122 .219** -.055 .281** 378**
Sig. (2-tailed) .003 .000 .000 .103 .084 .002 .441 .000 .000
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Environment and Pearson Correlation .212** 1 .428** .294** .377** .265** .147* .120 .377** .294**
job prospect
Sig. (2-tailed) .003 .000 .000 .000 .000 .037 .090 .000 .000
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Facilities Pearson Correlation .270** .428** 1 .315** .207** .401** .118 .169* .210** .221**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .003 .000 .095 .016 .003 .002
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Course Pearson Correlation .277** .294** .315** 1 .234** .071 .401** .178* .393** .339**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .000 .001 .316 .000 .011 .000 .000
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Fee Pearson Correlation .115 .377** .207** .234** 1 .108 .247** .078 .416** .372**
Sig. (2-tailed) .103 .000 .003 .001 .128 .000 .273 .000 .000
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Location Pearson Correlation .122 .265** .401** .071 .108 1 .018 .234** .095 .065
Sig. (2-tailed) .084 .000 .000 .316 .128 .798 .001 .182 .358
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Attitude Pearson Correlation .219** .147* .118 .401** .247** .018 1 .170* .497** .415**
Sig. (2-tailed) .002 .037 .095 .000 .000 .798 .016 .000 .000
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Friendship and Pearson Correlation -.055 .120 .169* .178* .078 .234** .170* 1 .227** .158*
parent influence
Sig. (2-tailed) .441 .090 .016 .011 .273 .001 .016 .001 .025
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
Image and Pearson Correlation .281** .377** .210** .393** .416** .095 .497** .227** 1 .566**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .003 .000 .000 .182 .000 .001 .000
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
University Choice Pearson Correlation .378** .294** .221** .339** .372** .065 .415** .158* .566** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .002 .000 .000 .358 .000 .025 .000
N 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Table 5. shows the Correlation Analysis results in This Study also applied model summary to assess the
which all 9 factors were correlated with the association between all independent variables and
dependent variable of Student Choice of University. dependent variable and the magnitude of the
The Pearson Correlation has been applied to check relationship.
the relative influence and predicting power of the Table 6. Model Summary
predicting variables in predicting student’s choice Change Statistics
decision. That test based on the objectives of the Std.
R Adjusted Error of R
study, to know the Contribution of the factors which Mo Squar R the Square Sig. F
determine the enrollment decisions and University del R e Square Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
choice. The Correlation Analysis showed that factors
1 15.19
Academic Quality, Learning environment, Facilities, .646a .417 .390 3.15385 .417 9 191 .000
Course offered, Fee, Attitude, and Image and
a. Predictors: (Constant), Image, Location, Quality, Friendship, Fee,
reputation found have Significant influence on Course, Environment, Attitude, Facilities
students’ choice of University. The factor Image and
reputation has found to be the most influential factor According to the above table 6. there is positive
(r=.566, P= .000.) in determining students’ university moderate relationship between Image, Location,
choice, followed by “Attitude” with (r =.415, P
Quality, Friendship, Fee, Course, Environment,
=0.00) respectively.
Attitude, Facilities and Students’ Choice of
University [r=.646,p=.000]

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 52

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-1, 2018 (IJIR)
ISSN: 2454-1362,

Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) and Zero Order Correlation Analysis

On the other hand, zero order correlation has also been applied to know the magnitude and direction of the
relationship among independent variables and the Choice of the University. All factors found positively related
to students’ Choice of University, but the magnitude of the relationship was weak to moderate one.

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Zero order
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Correlation
1 (Constant) .828 1.859 .445 .657
.306 .084 .223 3.663 .000 .378
.021 .053 .026 .393 .695 .294
Facilities .025 .056 .030 .449 .654 .221
Course Offered .060 .119 .033 .504 .615 .339
Fee .214 .090 .150 2.376 .018 .372
Location -.061 .079 -.047 -.763 .447 .065
Attitude .204 .104 .131 1.965 .051 .415
Friendship and
.084 .088 .057 .954 .342 .158
parent influence
Image and
.385 .083 .337 4.629 .000 .566
a. Dependent Variable: University Choice
Table 7. Zero Order Correlation Analysis
From The above table. The reputation and image of the of the university influence their choice of university.
University has a positive moderate correlation (r =.566, Academic quality is another important factor
P = .0.00) with students’ Choice of University, followed contributing to students’ Choice of University which
by the attitude of the students towards the University, means students select for those universities who have
and then the Academic quality was the third highest high quality in terms of program offered,
factor influencing on students’ choice of university professional lectures and so on.
while the factor friend/parent influence and Location Other factor that contributes more to the students’
showed a weak association (r = .158) (r = .065) with Choice of University is course offered by the
students’ choice of University.
university and is considered one of the most
important aspect since the participants provide a lot
Discussions of the findings of agree and strongly agree responses. This factor is
The study explored factors that contribute more to also shared from findings by [32] along with other
the Students’ Choice of University. The study factors such as academic reputation, quality of the
explored nine factors that affect the students’ faculty/lecturers and financial assistance offered by
enrollment decision, and driving towards selection of the HEIs. This study also revealed that University
specific University. As all factors contributing to the environment and facilities provided by the University
selection decisions, the study found multiple results have positive effect on the students’ choice of
in the analysis. The factor reputation and image of University. The result is in line with study conducted
the University got the highest rating in the analysis. by [28] Using sample of undergraduates concludes
This, in turn, can be interpreted that University’s that reputation of the institution, future graduates’
image is most important factor that influence job prospects, nature of the institutions, lower costs,
prospective students to choose Universities. The affiliation of the institutions, entry flexibility and
result is in line with previous findings University institutions’ campus environment are six factors that
Reputation found to be a very strong predictor of influence the choice of university. Another study by
University choice as examined by [20]. Findings of [29]
adds large faculty and wide range of facilities to
this study also showed that the attitude of the the factors. The study found that job prospect is one
students towards University is the second highest of the major factors contributing to the students’
contributable factor to Students’ Choice of choice of university since 69.7% of the respondents
University. The result is the same as the study indicated that they will select university if its
conducted by, [39] showing that prospective students Graduates have high rate of job prospects. Findings
developed positive attitude and feeling of being part of this study also indicated that University location is

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) Page 53

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Peer Reviewed – International Journal
Vol-4, Issue-1, 2018 (IJIR)
ISSN: 2454-1362,
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