To What Extends Can Problem

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Problem solving is very important because being able to solve the problem
have a great advantage in daily life and workplace. Problem is defined as a task
for a person confronting want it or need to find the solution. George Polya state
solving problem is art practical like swimming, skiing, or playing piano: you can
learn it only by imitation and practice. If you want to swim, you have gone in to
the water. If you wish to be a problem solver, you must to solve a problem

A mathematical problem, like any problem in life, is defined as a problem

because it causes us much difficulty in attaining a solution. If the solution, or
even the procedure for solving it, is obvious to you then it is no longer a problem
but just an exercise.The definition of a problem solving to be considered before
continuing the description of method is used in the classroom. The literal
interpretation of the word problem from the Greek is ³a thing thrown forward´
usually defined as ³put forward as a question for discussion´ . The 2001 version
of the New Oxford Dictionary of English has specific references to the use of the
word physic and mathematic are an inquiry starting from the given condition to
investigate or demonstrated a fact or result, or law or more specifically referring
to games and puzzles. Besides, it is a mental process and is part of the
larger problem process that includes problem finding and problem shaping.

Problem solving activity has special importance in study of mathematic..

National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics(22), Learning to solve is the
principle reason for studying mathematic. the ultimate goal of problem solving
activity is to improve the performance¶s student solving problem correctly.
Besides, problem-solving activity can improve the abilities of student to select
appropriate solution strategies, implement solution strategies accurately, and get
more correct answers based on the problem. Most of the mathematical concept
can be introduced through problem based on the problem coming from student¶s
life and mathematical context.
'hat is the problem solving approach? many writers have attempted to
clarify what is meant by a problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics
Lester, Masingila, Mau, Lambdin, dos Santon and Raymond(1994), as the
emphasis ha shifted from the teaching problem solving to teaching via problem
solving. Lester et al( 1994) ,the focus of problem solving approach is on teaching
mathematical topics through problem-solving contexts and enquiry-oriented
environments which are characterised by the teacher 'helping students construct
a deep understanding of mathematical ideas and processes by engaging them in
doing mathematics. Van Zeost et al (1994), the characteristic of problem solving
approach is the interaction between student and student or student and teacher
on mathematical dioluge. Therefore, the problem solving approach stimulated the
creative and mathematical thinking. It is not only to develop the student¶s
confident in their own ability to think mathematic but it is a vehicle to construct,
evaluate and enhance their theories about mathematic.

Problem solving is an important component of mathematics education

because it can be an essential discipline that practical role to the individual and
society. Through a problem-solving approach, a problem is presented then the
skills is developed to solve that problem. It is more motivational than teaching
the skills without a context. Stanic and Kilpatrick (1989), motivation gives
problem solving special value as a vehicle for learning new concepts and skills or
the reinforcement of skills already acquired.

According to Resnick (1987), a problem solving contributes to the practical

use of mathematics by helping people to develop the facility to be adaptable
when, for instance, technology breaks down. It can thus also help people to
transfer into new work environments at this time when most are likely to be faced
with several career changes during a working lifetime. Resnick (1987) expressed
the belief that 'school should focus its efforts on preparing people to be good
adaptive learners, so that they can perform effectively when situations are
unpredictable and task demands change. Cockcroft (1982), problem solving as a
means of developing mathematical thinking as a tool for daily living, saying that
problem-solving ability lies 'at the heart of mathematics' because it is the means
by which mathematics can be applied to a variety of unfamiliar situations.
However, problem solving is more than vehicle for teaching and learning
mathematic but it helps meet everyday challenge.

Carpenter (1989), one of the aims of teaching through problem solving is

to encourage students to refine and build onto their own processes over a period
as their experiences allow them to discard some ideas and become aware of
further possibilities. As well as developing knowledge, the student also develop
an understanding of when it is appropriate to use particular strategies. For
example, give the problem solving activity on calculus, it make them familiar on
that problem so they can solve by their own. Student can solve it by their
experience and can develop their own skill. Students can become even more
involved in problem solving by formulating and solving their own problems, or by
rewriting problems in their own words in order to facilitate understanding.

It is useful to develop a framework to think about the processes involved in

mathematics problem solving. 'e need the framework as a gude to solve the
problem. Most formulation of problems solving use the George Polya stage.
These stage describes understanding the problem, making a plan, carryout the
paln, looking back the plan. 'ilson, P. S, (1993),a student may begin with a
problem and engage in thought and activity to understand it. The student
attempts to make a plan and in the process may discover a need to understand
the problem better. Or when a plan has been formed, the student may attempt to
carry it out and be unable to do so. The next activity may be attempting to make
a new plan, or going back to develop a new understanding of the problem, or
posing a new (possibly related) problem to work on.

For the first stage, identify and understanding the problem. The objective
of this step is to identify the problem. That sounds simple enough, but problems
usually are tied to very emotional issues. Egos are usually connected to the
problem or the possible solution. Because the emotions are a part of the process,
people can miss reading the problem. Therefore, the first step for everyone
involved is to step back from the issue. The individual or group involved should
look at ³what is really causing the difficulty.´ Second stage or step is making the
plan. The problem has been analyzed; student can begin to develop possible
solutions. understanding the question and the clues, it's time to use your previous
experience with similar problems to look for strategies and tools to answer the
question. Third step is carrying out the plan. Carrying out the plan is usually
easier than devising the plan. 'hen after deciding the plan, try to solve it and
find the answer. Last step is looking back. Looking back is check the answer
either is it really answers the question or not.

There are eight strategies to solve the problem; working backward, guess and
check, drawing the picture, looking the pattern, make the table, make a list,
using the symmetry and act it out. From all many strategies in problem solving, I
choose ³working backward´ in my activity. To solve some problems, it may need
to undo the key actions in the problem. This strategy is called 'ork Backward.
'orking backwards is a standard strategy that only seems to have restricted use.
By applying the working backward strategies, student find the solution of the
problem by starting with the answer and inverse operation to undo the step
stated in the problem.However, it is a powerful tool when it can be used. In the
kind of problems it will be using in this web site, it will be most often of value
when we are looking at games. It frequently turns out to be worth looking at what
happens at the end of a game and then work backward to the beginning, in order
to see what moves are best.

The activity in appendix 1, ý        



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? This question is
prepared for student in standard 2. The question is related to topic addition and
subtraction. The question required the student to find the data in the disk before
download. So, the student must addition all of the file have been download. After
that, to get the answer student must minus the data in the disk with the all file
have been download. To check the answer as the working backward strategies,
plus the answer with all the file have been download.

In conclusion, the working backward strategies are one of the methods to

solve the problem. It is good strategies in the way to get correct answer.
Problem solving activities make student more understanding how to solve a
problem and be creative by using many strategies. Teachers play an important
role in developing students' problem-solving dispositions. They must choose
problems that engage students. They need to create an environment that
encourages students to explore, take risks, share failures and successes, and
question one another.

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