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Oral Pathology and Forensic Dentistry

Part 1 (30June2018)
120 mcqs /2 hours

1.During shedding of deciduous teeth, the pulp:
A. Plays an active role in the process.
B. Show signs of degeneration throughout.
C. Contain pulp stones.
D. Remains vital.
2. The age of a child having 12 permanent and 12 deciduous teeth is:
A. Four and half years
B. Eight and half years
C. Eleven and half years
D. Thirteen years
E. Fourteen years
3. Dentdritic type of ameloblast:
A. Enamel rod
B. Formation of ameloblast
C. Resobtion of enamel

4. Dentinogenesis imperfecta is an example of an inheritable dentinal originating during:

A. Initiation
B. Proliferation
C. Histodifferentiation stage
D. Morphodifferentiation
E. Apposition

5. In lower second molar the mesolingual cusp different from desto lingual:
A. short and round
B. short and broad
C. along
6. A pituitary tumor commonly causes what visual field defect?
(a) Bitemporal hemianopia
(b) Homonymous hemianopia
(c) Superior homonymous quadrantanopia
(d) Complete loss of vision in right eye
(e) Arcuate field defect in one eye
7- Apatient came to your clinics with right displaced uvula, what nerve is affected:
a-glossopharyngeal nerve
b-lesser petrosal
c-Rt vagus
d-Lt vagus
8- Apatient came to your clinics with unilateral limit paralysis problem injuries which
a-corticospinal tract
b-Rubro spinal tract
c-olivospinal tract
d-lumiscous tract
9-Lesser petrosal nerve :
a- branch of glossopharyngeal
b- branch of tympanic plexus
c- branch of facial
10-muscle attached to pterygoid humlus :
a- lateral pterygoid m.
b- tensor paltine
c- tensor tympani
d- superior constrictor of pharynx
11- 40 y old man came to your clinic with fracture in mandible in condyle area, What’s
muscle paralysis is most suspected?
a- masseter
b- temporal
c-lateral ptrygoid
d- medial pterygoid
12-Relation of marginal mandible nerve with inferior alveolar nerve:
B- infront of
C-Non of above
13-Upper 5 have round short cusp and long root :
a- MB
b- ML
14-Ameloblast are produced from the cells of the:
a- Stratum intermedium
b- cervical loop
c-inner enamel epithelial
D- Stratum reticulum
15- Rupture the enamel organ in form the cell:
a- Stratum intermedium
b- cervical loop
c- inner enamel epithelial
d- Stratum reticulum
16-30 years old football man came to your clinic with trauma in lower molars and
emergency obstruction airways suggested the muscle paralysis:
a- mylohyiod
b- geno hyiod
c- palatoglossal
d- pharynx
17-better test in …………. papilla:
18-patient came to your clinics with dry nose ,dry palate and dry mouth which ganglion is
a- ptrygopalatine ganglion
b- otic ganglion
c- glossopharngeal
d- submandibular ganglion
19-muscle causes abducted of larynx :
a- Cricoid
b- Arytinoid
c- ary glottis
20- level of bifurcation common carotid artery :
A-thyroid cartilage
B- cricoid cartilage
C- ethmous of thyroid
D- bifurcation of common carotid artery
21- Patient in surgery room remove of suprathyroid artery sergon notice his pt shock,
the students notice the larynx and carotid sinus stopped mostly nerve paralysis:
b- accessory
22- when patient operated in surgical room thyroid remove most nerve affected :
a- intrinsic laryngeal
b- extrinsic laryngeal
c- recurrent laryngeal nerve
D- supra thyroid artery
23- carotid sinus contain :
a- Chemo receptor
b- osmo receptor
c-baro receptor
24. A 41-year-old woman overdoses on some prescription medications that have a
common side effect of autonomic nerve stimulation. Which of the following conditions or
actions results from stimulation of the parasympathetic fibers to the eyeball?
(A) Enhanced vision for distant objects
(B) Dilation of the pupil
(C) Contraction of capillaries in the iris
(D) Contraction of the ciliary muscle
(E) Flattening of the lens
25. A young singer at the local music theater visits her physician and complains of vocal
difficulties. On examination, she is unable to abduct the vocal cords during quiet
breathing. Which of the following muscles is most likely paralyzed?
(A) Vocalis muscle
(B) Cricothyroid muscle
(C) Oblique arytenoid muscle
(D) Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
(E) Thyroarytenoid muscle

26. A 53-year-old woman is diagnosed as having a pituitary tumor. If the tumor is

large enough, she could exhibit which of the following disorders?
(A) Blindness
(B) Bitemporal (heteronymous) hemianopia
(C) Right nasal hemianopia
(D) Left homonymous hemianopia
(E) Binasal hemianopia
27- Lymphatic drainage of upper lip
28- muscles stretch vocal cord
A-it’s not need energy
b- it always pathology
c- Degenerate cell by phagocytosis
d- Inflammation found
2-patients use smokeless tobacco:
a- Verrocus carcinoma
b- SCC
c- Squamous
3-nasopalatine VS incisive cyst:
d- A,the nasopalatin large
e- B,” “ contain nerve and vessel
f- C, “ “ anterior lesions
g- 4, not of above
4- Dermoid VS epidermoid cyst:
A-dermoid contain hairy follicles and subseous gland
B- epidermoid in floor of mouth
5- The surgeon notice will define radiolucent in lower mandible blow mandible canal
when operated the cavity empty suggested type of cyst;:
a- Odontogenic keratocyst
b- Stephen cyst
c- Radicular cyst
6- HIV case :
7-Which structure protection skin form loss of water and bacteria ?
d- A, keratinize stratified squamous epithelial
e- b-non “ “ “
f- c ,collominer epithelial
8- structure of bacteria what’s related gram stain?
a- Cell membrane
b- Plasmid
c- RNA
d- DNA
9- streptoccocal auris :
A, diahorrea
b- abcess
C-infective endocarditis
D-GIT disease
10-staph pyogen ;
A, diahorrea
b- abcess
C-infective endocarditis
D-GIT disease
11- lukoplaquia more potentiate to cancer from in :
a- Tongue
b- Floor of mouth
c- Palate
d- Buccal mucosa
12-Leisegang rings are found in:
A. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst
B. Primordial cyst
C. Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor
D. Odontoma
13- sunlucence radiography feature of :
Ewing carcinoma
14- all related infect ive endocarditis exception :
a- Enteroccocal
b- Staph auris
c- Strepto ccocal
15- Cerebrallar lesions :
A, loss of vesion
b- loss of gait
C, loss of consciousness
16- acut lisheminea :

17 -secondary syphilis:
A, oral rash
B, infected endoartiritis
C, chancer
18-odontogenic keratocyst :

19- Superior petrosal sinus infection :

A, diaphragm sellae
B, flax cerebli
C, flax cerebral ili
D, tentoirum cerebrl illi
20- Tumour that’s have early venous metastasis:
a- SCC
b- Sarcoma
c- Lymphoma
d- Medullobastom
1- Stroke volume:
a- Stimulus bindbrige reflex
b- “ ADH
2- venous returns :

3- On passing from acini to ductal orifices after ductal modifications, saliva becomes
_________ as compared to plasma.

A. Hypertonic sometimes
B. Hypotonic
C. Isotonic
D. Hypertonic always

4- Somatic vs visceral pain:

5- all of this have movement parstalsis mentric plexus exception :

B. oesophagus
C. pharynx
D. anal
6- decreased the PCO2 in the pulmonary due to :
A, hypoventilesion
B,pulmonary edema
C, problem in venular

7- Duple strand DNA :

a. pyramiden
8-Effect increase salivary gland Secretary :
A- adrenargic
B- adrenargic
C- parasympasytic post ganglionic
9- Metabolism isn’t end product of ketones body :
b. Lipid metabolism
c. Amino acid
d. Insulin and glucose
10- amino acids all true exception :
a. single strand RNA
b. pyramids
11 -increase release of ADH :
A- Hypoosmolatory
B- Bingbrog reflex

12- Clinical uses of Oxytocin include:

a) Stimulation of milk ejection in breastfeeding women
b) Stimulation of ejaculation in infertile men
c) Stimulation of uterine contraction in pregnant women
d) Induction of breast development in adolescent girls
e) Induction of vasoconstriction in hypotension

13- A tumor that produces large amounts of catecholamines can be detected by examining
the urine for:
a) K+
b) Uric acid
c) Choline
d) VMA
e) Calcium
14- Thyroid hormone actions include:
a) Augmentation of sympathetic effect on GI motility
b) Release of insulin
c) Lipogenesis
d) Increasing the numbers of Beta adrenergic receptors
e) Increasing diastolic arterial blood pressure

15- If the stomach is removed (gastrectomy), the patient is unlikely to suffer from:
a) Iron deficiency anemia
b) Ca2+ deficiency
c) Macrocytic anemia
d) Malnutrition
e) Inability to absorb water

16- Relating to carbohydrate digestion:

a) Cellulose can be digested by human amylases
b) About one-third of starch digestion occurs in the mouth and two-thirds occurs in the small
c) It can only occur in the complete absence of protein digestion
d) It occurs only if bile salts are present
e) Sucrose is split by amylase action

17- The presence of bilirubin in bile is important because:

a) It gives bile its color
b) It leads to production of stercobilinogen in the intestine
c) It facilitates absorption of lipids
d) It gives faces their color
e) It means a waste product is being excreted

18- The pharyngeal phase of swallowing:

a) Is partially voluntary
b) Includes opening of the upper oesophageal sphincter
c) Includes the peristaltic activity of the upper third of the oesophagus
d) Is associated with the opening of the glottis
e) Is preceded by deep inspiration
19- Innate immunity vs Humoral immunity
20- RNA
21- Vitamin A
22- Vitamin E
23- Immunoglobulins produced by
24- Vitamin D and Calcium

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