Figure 2.14

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Flair Furn

Ta Ch
T air
ble C
s s
Number of units
Profit $7 $5 $0.00
Carpentry 3 4 0.0 <=###
Painting 2 1 0.0 <=###
Maximum chai1 0.0 <=###
Minimum 1 0.0 >=###
LHS Sign
Flair Furniture

Tables Chairs
Number of units 320.0 360.0
Profit $7 $5 $4,040.00
Carpentry hours 3 4 2400.0 <= 2400
Painting hours 2 1 1000.0 <= 1000
Maximum chairs 1 360.0 <= 450
Minimum tables 1 320.0 >= 100
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Answer Report
Worksheet: [Figure 2.14.xlsx]Figure 2.19
Result: Solver found a solution. All Constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
Solver Engine
Engine: Simplex LP
Solution Time: 0.015 Seconds.
Iterations: 3 Subproblems: 0
Solver Options
Max Time 100 sec, Iterations 100, Precision 0.000001
Max Subproblems 5000, Max Integer Sols 5000, Integer Tolerance 0.05%, Assume NonNegative

Objective Cell (Max)

Cell Name Original Value Final Value
$D$6 Profit $0.00 $4,040.00

Variable Cells
Cell Name Original Value Final Value Integer
$B$5 Number of units Tables 0.0 320.0 Contin
$C$5 Number of units Chairs 0.0 360.0 Contin

Cell Name Cell Value Formula Status Slack
$D$8 Carpentry hours 2400.0 $D$8<=$F$8 Binding 0.0
$D$9 Painting hours 1000.0 $D$9<=$F$9 Binding 0.0
$D$10 Maximum chairs 360.0 $D$10<=$F$10 Not Binding 90.0
$D$11 Minimum tables 320.0 $D$11>=$F$11 Not Binding 220.0

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