Voy 038D Callao Talara

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Position and distance checklist. Ship: Prins Hendrik (P.B.A.

Passage from: Callao to: Talara
Peru (UTC -5) Peru (UTC -5)

WP Name: Latitude Longitude

/RL course distance to go GPS
0 Callao PS 12° 02',4 S 077° 11',5 W RL 277.6° 2'.3 540'.1 ###
1 Buoyage Separation 12° 02',1 S 077° 13',8 W RL 318.7° 49'.6 537'.8 ###
Schemes ###
2 TSS Out 11° 24',9 S 077° 47',2 W RL 324.0° 322'.1 488'.2 ###
3 Islas Lobos 07° 04',8 S 080° 58',8 W RL 344.0° 65'.6 166'.1 ###
4 Punta La Negra 06° 01',9 S 081° 17',0 W RL 349.5° 86'.0 100'.5 ###
5 Punta Parinas 04° 37',5 S 081° 32',7 W RL 075.6° 14'.5 14'.5 ###
6 Talara PS 04° 33',9 S 081° 18',6 W RL ###

total distance 540'.1 Nm ###

Average speed Sailing time at (in knots:) 37.25 hrs 31 13:14 days, h:m
14.5 Knots in port passage outwards: nM
sea passage Part 540'.1 nM
in port passage inwards: #REF! nM
total distance berth to berth: #REF! nM

Charts required: SENC

Ecdis Route: Ocoa Bay - Cristobal
Notification: This Passage Plan was appraised by the Master & Navigational Officer according to
Bridge Checklist 13 "Passage Plan Appraisal". The checklist was used as an aide memoire.

Prepared by 2nd Officer Hendra Approved by Master Seen by Ch.Officer / 3rd Officer
Date: 07 Oct 2018

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Books and publications needed

List of radiosignals
See ADRS on Bridge computer & back page of this passage plan
Additional Information - See List of Coast Stations on the Bridge computer.
Additional Information - See List of of Ship Stations on the Bridge computer.

List of Lights + tidal info

See ADLL on Bridge computer
See ATT on Bridge computer & back page of this passage plan

Sailing directions
Ocoa Bay Admirality Sailing Directions NP 70 Page 193-194
Cristobal Admirality Sailing Directions NP 7A Page 304-309

Guide to port Entry

Navigational information
Check Navtex messages each watch. Navtex is connected with ECDIS system. Double check for each messages.
Check T&P notices as well as NAVAREA warnings. Marked on ECDIS when warnings are effecting the route.
PFI interval must not exceed indicated inteval in passage plan. OOW must increase PFI interval as needed
Refering to Company Policy (distance to danger/vessel's speed)/2 X 60 minutes
Check UKC when proceeding inbound. Switch on Echosounder and noted date,time and scale in paper
Minimum UKC is 20 % at open Sea, 15 % in Shallow water area and 10 % in channel or when approaching port.
Other comments
Navtex stations for this voyage:
Whenever possible cross check GPS positions with radar or sight position fixes. Fixed objects are prefered.
Verify position of buoy first before using parallel indexing. Be aware of No Go Area. Proceeding in TSS with caution.
Navareas for this voyage: IV, XII & XVI (Change monitoring Navarea from IV to XII when passing )
ECDIS manual correction layer must always be switched on.
P/T Charts Layer must be always switched on.
All safety and alarm settings must be Acc. to the Bridge manual and Ecdis safety parameters checklist on the bridge.
IALA A buoyage system is used in Ocoa. Changes to B when Entering Panama Canal

Complete Voyage Reporting System and information.

Ocoa Bay
Ocoa Pilot VHF 12; 16; 14

Reporting System Cristobal

Pilotage Is Compulsory And Available 24 Hr
Panama Canal Pilot VHF 12; 13; 16 Call 1 Hour Before Arrive at Pilot Station
Pilot Board From atlantic : inside the Breakwaters or Outside the
Breakwaters (On request)
The Port Entry Coordinator VHF 12 When Vessel arriving or leaving anchorage vessel required to
(PEC) Contact Port Entry Coordinator (Anchorage Position Marked On Ecdis )
Vessel Traffic Management System
When Vessel 5nm From The Breakwater Call Cristobal Signal Station on Vhf Ch.12;16

A Vessel Bound to Panama Canal Is required to report to Traffic Management Unit Of the panama Canal at Least 96 Hour
in advance, and then 12 Hour before arrival at Cristobal if there has been a change in ETA of 1 Hour Or More.

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 1

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Parallel index Remarks

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
0 Callao PS Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Berth Nr 2 0.15nm SB Vessel under pilotage
12° 02',4 S 277.6° Instructions Unmooring Operation
077° 11',5 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
002'.3 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go Beware of No Go Area
Rumbline Echosounder On
UKC D-15.9m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 16 [12][22]
1 Buoyage Separation Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Berth Nr 4/5 0.06nm PS Vessel under pilotage
12° 02',1 S 318.7° Instructions Report to Rocca Control on VHF
077° 13',8 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Ch.22;79 immediately after
049'.6 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight leaving berth,vessel situated in
To go COPREP area
537'.8 Beware of inbound and
Rumbline Echosounder On outbound traffic
UKC D-33.0m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 16 [12][22]
2 TSS Out Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Molhe W 0.48nm SB Vessel under pilotage
11° 24',9 S 324.0° Instructions Molhe E 0.58nm PS Monitor ship's position
077° 47',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide constantly
322'.1 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight Beware of inbound and
To go outbound traffic
488'.2 Beware of anchorage vessels
Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-35.0m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 16 [12][22]
3 Islas Lobos Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Pilot OFF
07° 04',8 S 344.0° Instructions Beware of inbound and
080° 58',8 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide outbound traffic
065'.6 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight Beware of fishing vessels
To go and other small crafts
166'.1 wrecks, obstns.
Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-32.0m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 16 [12][22]
4 Punta La Negra Course
06° 01',9 S 349.5°
081° 17',0 W Distance
To go
5 Punta Parinas Course
04° 37',5 S 075.6°
081° 32',7 W Distance
To go
6 Talara PS
04° 33',9 S
081° 18',6 W


Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 23 / 2014 Date: 10/7/2018 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. PILOT STATION

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
Cristobal 10 % 11.5 3.1 14.6 6.60 4.0 / 0.07 1.025 / 0.00 6.67 7.93 1.00 5 / 1.05 6.38 1.00 OK
Loma Boracho 10 % 24.5 2.8 27.3 6.60 5.0 / 0.05 1.025 / 0.00 6.65 20.65 1.00 5 / 1.05 19.10 1.00 OK
Gatun Lock In 10 % 24.0 2.5 26.5 6.60 8.0 / 0.14 1.025 / 0.00 6.74 19.76 1.00 5 / 1.05 18.21 1.00 OK
Gatun Lock Out 10 % 12.0 12.0 6.60 8.0 / 0.28 1.025 / 0.00 6.88 5.12 1.00 5 / 1.05 3.58 1.00 OK
Gatun Lake 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Islas Las Brujas 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Punta Pena Blanca 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Isla Orchird 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Punta Colorado 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Punta Cano 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Rio Baila 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Punta Mamei 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Punta Mamei 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Santa Cruz Island 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Rio Chargres 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!


Calculated acc. Tide table Porto De Sines (ETD 06/06/2014 13:00 LT for pilot off approx. 14:30 LT)

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B
Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 23 / 2014 Date: 10/7/2018 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. PILOT STATION

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
Bn 46 10 % 11.5 3.1 14.6 6.60 4.0 / 0.07 1.025 / 0.00 6.67 7.93 1.00 5 / 1.05 6.38 1.00 OK
Bn 59 10 % 24.5 2.8 27.3 6.60 5.0 / 0.05 1.025 / 0.00 6.65 20.65 1.00 5 / 1.05 19.10 1.00 OK
Bn 55 10 % 24.0 2.5 26.5 6.60 8.0 / 0.14 1.025 / 0.00 6.74 19.76 1.00 5 / 1.05 18.21 1.00 OK
Bn 63 10 % 11.0 11.0 6.60 8.0 / 0.3 1.025 / 0.00 6.90 4.10 1.00 5 / 1.05 2.55 1.00 OK
Cerro Cirrio 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Puerta Centanario 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Bn 60 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Pedro Miguel Lock In 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Pedro Miguel Lock Out 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Light Buoy 32 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
La Boca 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Bridge Of the americas 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!
Out Panama Canal 10 % 0.0 6.60 8.0 / ### 1.025 / 0.00 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 5 / #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1.00 #DIV/0!


Calculated acc. Tide table Porto De Sines (ETD 06/06/2014 13:00 LT for pilot off approx. 14:30 LT)

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B
Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 23 / 2014 Date: 10/8/2018 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. ANCHORAGE

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
Turn - by Entrance A 10 % 14.9 0.4 15.3 6.60 13.0 / 0.59 1.025 / 0.00 7.19 8.11 1.00 5 / 1.04 6.56 1.00 OK
by Entrance A - by Galveston Entrance 10 % 14.6 0.4 15.0 6.60 8.0 / 0.23 1.025 / 0.00 6.83 8.17 1.00 5 / 1.05 6.63 1.00 OK
by Galveston Entrance - Anchorage Area 10 % 16.0 0.5 16.5 6.60 4.0 / 0.05 1.025 / 0.00 6.65 9.85 1.00 5 / 1.05 8.30 1.00 OK


Calculated acc. Tide table (Transit time 20.09.2014, from 07:00 LT - 11:00 LT and arrival at anchorage area approx.10:30 LT, if agw wp)

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B
Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 20 / 2014 Date: 7/6/2014 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. PILOT STATION

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
Turn - by Entrance A 10 % 14.9 2.6 17.5 6.60 13.0 / 0.59 1.025 / 0.00 7.19 10.31 1.00 5 / 1.04 8.76 1.00 OK
by Entrance A - Approach PS 10 % 15.5 2.4 17.9 6.60 10.0 / 0.34 1.025 / 0.00 6.94 10.96 1.00 5 / 1.05 9.42 1.00 OK
Approach PS - Houston PS Area 10 % 13.4 2.3 15.7 6.60 6.0 / 0.14 1.025 / 0.00 6.74 8.96 1.00 5 / 1.05 7.41 1.00 OK


Calculated acc. Tide table

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B
Position and distance checklist. Ship: Prins Hendrik (P.B.A.S)
Passage from: Houston Anchorage to: Houston PS
USA (UTC -5) USA (UTC -5)

WP Name: Latitude Longitude

/RL course distanc to go GPS
0 Houston Anchorage 29° 12',1 N 094° 39',1 W RL 054.8° 6'.4 9'.0 ###
1 By Galveston 29° 15',8 N 094° 33',1 W RL 314.5° 2'.6 2'.6 ###
Entrance ###
2 Houston PS 29° 17',6 N 094° 35',2 W RL ###

total distance 9'.0 Nm ###

Average speed Sailing time at (in knots:) 1.37 hrs days, h:m
9.0 Knots in port passage outwards: nM
sea passage Part nM
in port passage inwards: 12'.3 nM
total distance berth to berth: nM

Charts required: SENC

Ecdis Route: Houston (In.2 - Anchorage to PS)
Notification: This Passage Plan was appraised by the Master & Navigational Officer according to
Bridge Checklist 13 "Passage Plan Appraisal". The checklist was used as an aide memoire.

Prepared by 2nd Officer Approved by Master Seen by Ch.Officer / 3rd Officer

Date: 06 Oct 2018

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Books and publications needed

List of radiosignals

List of Lights + tidal info

Sailing directions

Navigational information

Other comments

Berth to pilot information

Pilot to berth information

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 1

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Parallel index Remarks

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
0 Houston Anchorage Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Platform Prod CA151 = Call Houston Pilot on VHF
29° 12',1 N 054.8° Instructions 1.06 nm Ch. 14 b4 heave up anchor
094° 39',1 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide confirmation pilot boarding
006'.4 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight time
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 009'.0 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 10 min Rumbline Switch on Echo sounder Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.7m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 14
1 By Galveston Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot By Galveston Call Houston Traffic VHF
29° 15',8 N 314.5° Instructions Entrance = 1.06 nm Ch. 12 when 15 mins before
094° 33',1 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide passing Lt.buoy 1B / 2B
002'.6 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight By Galveston 1 = Galveston Bay Entrance
To go WT 'B' 0.88 nm Beware of No Go Area
Position interval 002'.6 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. Beware of inbound and
Max 10 min Rumbline Echosounder On outbound traffic
UKC D-13.7m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 14
2 Houston PS Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot By Galveston 2 = Pilot On Board
29° 17',6 N Instructions 0.49 nm Master Pilot Agreement
094° 35',2 W See ADP - Admiralty Total Tide By Galveston 2A = Checklist Completed
Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight 0.60 nm Beware of inbound and
WT 'B' outbound traffic
Position interval Saf.Depth 10m NGA. Beware of No Go Area
Max 10 min Echosounder On
UKC D-13.4m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 14

Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 2

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Remarks Parallel index

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information

Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval
Max 5 min

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 3

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Parallel index Remarks

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information

Position interval


Position interval

Position interval

Position interval

Position interval

Position interval

Position interval

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 23 / 2014 Date: 10/7/2018 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. PILOT STATION

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
Houston Anchorage - By Galveston 10 % 13.7 0.5 14.2 6.60 4.0 / 0.06 1.025 / 0.00 6.66 7.54 1.00 5 / 1.05 5.99 1.00 OK
By Galveston - Houston PS 10 % 13.4 0.6 14.0 6.60 10.0 / 0.39 1.025 / 0.00 6.99 7.01 1.00 5 / 1.05 5.47 1.00 OK


Calculated acc. Tide table (Comm.heave up anchor 22/09/2014 11:00 LT and POB time 13:00 LT, if agw wp )

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B
Position and distance checklist. Ship: Prins Hendrik (P.B.A.S)
Passage from: Houston Pilot Station to: Houston Targa Term.
USA (UTC -5) USA (UTC -5)

WP Name: Latitude Longitude

/RL course distanc to go GPS
0 Houston Pilot Station 29° 17',5 N 094° 35',3 W RL 284.8° 1'.2 37'.5 ###
1 Fairway 29° 17',8 N 094° 36',6 W RL 307.4° 0'.7 36'.3 ###
2 Bouys 1B/2B 29° 18',2 N 094° 37',2 W RL 302.2° 4'.1 35'.7 ###
3 Buoys 7/8 29° 20',4 N 094° 41',2 W RL 281.4° 1'.5 31'.6 ###
4 Bouys 9/10 29° 20',7 N 094° 42',9 W RL 265.9° 2'.8 30'.0 ###
5 Buoy 16 s/s 29° 20',5 N 094° 46',1 W RL 299.8° 0'.8 27'.2 ###
6 Buoy 18 29° 20',9 N 094° 46',9 W RL 316.4° 1'.5 26'.4 ###
7 Buoys 25/26 29° 22',0 N 094° 48',1 W RL 336.7° 8'.4 24'.9 ###
8 Lights 51/52 29° 29',7 N 094° 51',9 W RL 325.5° 8'.1 16'.5 ###
9 Lights 75/76 29° 36',4 N 094° 57',2 W RL 342.2° 4'.8 8'.4 ###
10 Lights 92 s/s 29° 41',0 N 094° 58',9 W RL 329.9° 0'.3 3'.5 ###
11 Lights 93/94 29° 41',3 N 094° 59',1 W RL 313.8° 0'.7 3'.2 ###
12 Lights 97/98 29° 41',8 N 094° 59',7 W RL 299.9° 0'.2 2'.5 ###
13 Lights 99/100 29° 41',9 N 094° 59',9 W RL 286.1° 0'.4 2'.3 ###
14 Lights 101/102 29° 42',0 N 095° 00',3 W RL 286.1° 0'.4 1'.9 ###
15 Lights 101A/102A 29° 42',1 N 095° 00',7 W RL 291.0° 0'.3 1'.5 ###
16 Light 103 p/s 29° 42',2 N 095° 01',0 W RL 329.9° 0'.3 1'.2 ###
17 Light 105/106 29° 42',5 N 095° 01',2 W RL 000.0° 0'.1 0'.9 ###
18 Blackwell Peninsula 29° 42',6 N 095° 01',2 W RL 000.0° 0'.6 0'.8 ###
19 Light 109 p/s 29° 43',2 N 095° 01',2 W RL 000.0° 0'.2 0'.2 ###
20 Light 109A p/s 29° 43',4 N 095° 01',2 W RL ###

total distance 37'.5 Nm ###

Average speed Sailing time at (in knots:) 5.46 hrs ### days, h:m
9.0 Knots in port passage outwards: nM
sea passage Part nM
in port passage inwards: 49'.1 nM
total distance berth to berth: nM

Charts required: SENC

Ecdis Route: Houston (In - Targa Terminal)
Notification: This Passage Plan was appraised by the Master & Navigational Officer according to
Bridge Checklist 13 "Passage Plan Appraisal". The checklist was used as an aide memoire.

Prepared by 2nd Officer Approved by Master Seen by Ch.Officer / 3rd Officer

Date: 07 Oct 2018

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Books and publications needed

List of radiosignals

List of Lights + tidal info

Sailing directions

Navigational information

Other comments
During Passage to Targa Terminal ship passing 2 bridge's: & 3 Cable Over Head
1. Bridge between Spilmans Island & Blackwell Peninsulla with vertical clearance 53.3 m , Horizontal CHorizontal Clr : 182.8 m
2. Kinder Morgan bridge with vertical clearance 53.3 m, Horizontal Clr : 152.4 m
Ships airdraft is max. 39.5 m
1. Cable Overhead Hog Island Vertical Clear : 50.2 m 2. Cable Overhead Alexander Island Vertical Clear : 49.3 m
3. Cable Overhead San Jacinto State park Vertical Clear : 50.2 m

Berth to pilot information

Pilot to berth information

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 1

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Parallel index Remarks

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
0 Houston Pilot Station Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 17',5 N 284.8° Instructions
094° 35',3 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
001'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 037'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.4m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
1 Fairway Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 17',8 N 307.4° Instructions
094° 36',6 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.7 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 036'.3 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.7m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
2 Bouys 1B/2B Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot South jetty 0.71nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 18',2 N 302.2° Instructions North Jetty 0.54nm SB
094° 37',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
004'.1 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 035'.7 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.1m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
3 Buoys 7/8 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 20',4 N 281.4° Instructions
094° 41',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
001'.5 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 031'.6 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.1m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
4 Bouys 9/10 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Big reef 0.49nm PS Report to Houston VTS
29° 20',7 N 265.9° Instructions Texas city 0.42nm PS VHF ch.12 pass.Rep.line
094° 42',9 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
002'.8 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 030'.0 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
5 Buoy 16 s/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Houston Ship 0.47nm PSVessel under pilotage
29° 20',5 N 299.8° Instructions Font Lt.0.38nm PS
094° 46',1 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.8 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 027'.2 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
6 Buoy 18 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Lowest Galv.0.41nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 20',9 N 316.4° Instructions Galv.ChB 0.5nm SB
094° 46',9 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Boliver 0.73nm SB Monitor ship's position
001'.5 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 026'.4 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 2

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Remarks Parallel index

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
7 Buoys 25/26 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot bn Boliver 0.11nm SB Report to Houston VTS
29° 22',0 N 336.7° Instructions bn inbound 0.20nm PS VHF ch.12 pass.Rep.line
094° 48',1 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide bn Lt.0.10nm PS Monitor ship's position
008'.4 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight bn Lt.0.08nm SB constantly
To go WT 'B' bn Lt35A 0.08nm PS Beware of inbound and
Position interval 024'.9 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. bn Lt.38 0.08nm SB outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Outer range 0.26nm SB Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Outer range 0.13nm SB Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
8 Lights 51/52 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Inner range 0.15nm SB Report to Houston VTS
29° 29',7 N 325.5° Instructions Fogie Point 1.81nm PS VHF ch.12 pass.Rep.line
094° 51',9 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Upper bay 0.28nm PS Monitor ship's position
008'.1 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight Shoal Lt.0.25nm PS constantly
To go WT 'B' Shore 0.25nm SB Beware of inbound and
Position interval 016'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
9 Lights 75/76 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Bayport Lt.0.18nm SB Report to Houston VTS
29° 36',4 N 342.2° Instructions Shore 0.23nm SB VHF ch.12 pass.Rep.line
094° 57',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Atkinson 0.23nm SB Monitor ship's position
004'.8 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 008'.4 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
10 Lights 92 s/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 41',0 N 329.9° Instructions
094° 58',9 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.3 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 003'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
11 Lights 93/94 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Hog Island 0.15nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 41',3 N 313.8° Instructions Spilmans 0.19nm PS
094° 59',1 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.7 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 003'.2 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
12 Lights 97/98 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 41',8 N 299.9° Instructions
094° 59',7 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 002'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
13 Lights 99/100 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Spilmans 0.17nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 41',9 N 286.1° Instructions
094° 59',9 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.4 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go Beware of inbound and
Position interval 002'.3 outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 3

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Parallel index Remarks

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
14 Lights 101/102 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.10nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 42',0 N 286.1° Instructions Passing Freed Hartman
095° 00',3 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide bridge between Monitor ship's position
000'.4 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight Spilmans Island & constantly
To go WT 'B' Blackwell Peninsulla Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.9 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. Vertical clearance - 53.3m outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Horizontal clearance Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.5m, see UKC calculations 182.8m Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
15 Lights 101A/102A Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.08nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 42',1 N 291.0° Instructions
095° 00',7 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.3 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
16 Light 103 p/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 42',2 N 329.9° Instructions
095° 01',0 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.3 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.2 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
17 Light 105/106 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 42',5 N 000.0° Instructions
095° 01',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.1 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.9 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
18 Blackwell Peninsula Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 42',6 N 000.0° Instructions
095° 01',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.6 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.8 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 16
19 Light 109 p/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Entering VTS Area 2
29° 43',2 N 000.0° Instructions Listening watch on VHF 11
095° 01',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Report to Houston VTS
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight VHF ch.11 pass.Rep.line
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.2 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 12 11 16
20 Light 109A p/s Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 43',4 N Instructions
095° 01',2 W Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Position and distance checklist. Ship: Prins Hendrik (P.B.A.S)
Passage from: Houston Pilot Station to: Houston Targa Termi
USA (UTC -5) USA (UTC -5)

WP Name: Latitude Longitude

/RL course distanc to go GPS
20 Light 109A p/s 29° 43',4 N 095° 01',2 W RL 310.8° 0'.5 9'.9 ###
21 Bouy 112 s/s 29° 43',7 N 095° 01',6 W RL 280.9° 1'.1 9'.5 ###
22 Bouy 113C p/s 29° 43',9 N 095° 02',8 W RL 307.5° 0'.7 8'.4 ###
23 Bouys 117A/118 29° 44',3 N 095° 03',4 W RL 334.7° 1'.2 7'.8 ###
24 Bouy 124A 29° 45',4 N 095° 04',0 W RL 299.9° 0'.2 6'.5 ###
25 Bouy 126 s/s 29° 45',5 N 095° 04',2 W RL 299.9° 0'.4 6'.3 ###
26 Lynchburg 29° 45',7 N 095° 04',6 W RL 299.9° 0'.2 5'.9 ###
27 Lynchburg 2 29° 45',8 N 095° 04',8 W RL 270.0° 0'.2 5'.7 ###
28 Bouy 128 p/s 29° 45',8 N 095° 05',0 W RL 240.1° 0'.2 5'.6 ###
29 LT 127 p/s 29° 45',7 N 095° 05',2 W RL 240.1° 0'.2 5'.4 ###
30 LT 130 s/s 29° 45',6 N 095° 05',4 W RL 207.5° 0'.6 5'.2 ###
31 San Jacinto 29° 45',1 N 095° 05',7 W RL 225.4° 0'.9 4'.6 ###
32 Buffalo Bayou 29° 44',5 N 095° 06',4 W RL 243.7° 0'.7 3'.7 ###
33 Light 139 29° 44',2 N 095° 07',1 W RL 249.0° 0'.3 3'.1 ###
34 Buffalo Bayou 2 29° 44',1 N 095° 07',4 W RL 259.1° 0'.5 2'.8 ###
35 Buffalo Bayou 3 29° 44',0 N 095° 08',0 W RL 277.3° 0'.8 2'.2 ###
36 Kinder Morgan 29° 44',1 N 095° 08',9 W RL 286.1° 0'.4 1'.5 ###
37 Light 146 29° 44',2 N 095° 09',3 W RL 319.0° 0'.5 1'.1 ###
38 Buffalo Bayou 4 29° 44',6 N 095° 09',7 W RL 299.9° 0'.2 0'.6 ###
39 Buffalo Bayou 5 29° 44',7 N 095° 09',9 W RL 286.1° 0'.4 0'.4 ###
40 Buffalo Bayou 6 29° 44',8 N 095° 10',3 W RL ###

total distance 9'.9 Nm ###

Average speed Sailing time at (in knots:) days, h:m
9.0 Knots in port passage outwards: nM
sea passage Part nM
in port passage inwards: 49'.1 nM
total distance berth to berth: nM

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 1

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Parallel index Remarks

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
20 Light 109A p/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot bn Exxon 0.09nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 43',4 N 310.8° Instructions bn Exxon 0.07nm SB
095° 01',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.5 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 009'.9 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
21 Bouy 112 s/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Alexander 0.16nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 43',7 N 280.9° Instructions Scott Bay 0.11nm SB
095° 01',6 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
001'.1 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 009'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
22 Bouy 113C p/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot bn crossover 0.11nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 43',9 N 307.5° Instructions
095° 02',8 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.7 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 008'.4 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
23 Bouys 117A/118 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Poggy Lake 0.16nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',3 N 334.7° Instructions Lynchurg 0.13nm SB
095° 03',4 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
001'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 007'.8 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
24 Bouy 124A Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 45',4 N 299.9° Instructions
095° 04',0 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 006'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
25 Bouy 126 s/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot bn 125 0.09nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 45',5 N 299.9° Instructions
095° 04',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.4 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 006'.3 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
26 Lynchburg Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Report to Houston VTS
29° 45',7 N 299.9° Instructions VHF ch.11 pass.Rep.line
095° 04',6 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 005'.9 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 2

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Remarks Parallel index

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
27 Lynchburg 2 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 45',8 N 270.0° Instructions
095° 04',8 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 005'.7 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
28 Bouy 128 p/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 45',8 N 240.1° Instructions
095° 05',0 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 005'.6 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
29 LT 127 p/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.09nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 45',7 N 240.1° Instructions
095° 05',2 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 005'.4 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
30 LT 130 s/s Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Fuel Oil 0.07nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 45',6 N 207.5° Instructions
095° 05',4 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.6 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 005'.2 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
31 San Jacinto Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Fuel Oil 0.07nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 45',1 N 225.4° Instructions Shore 0.04nm SB
095° 05',7 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.9 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 004'.6 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
32 Buffalo Bayou Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.04nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',5 N 243.7° Instructions bn Lt.139 0.08nm PS
095° 06',4 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.7 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 003'.7 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
33 Light 139 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.08nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',2 N 249.0° Instructions
095° 07',1 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Passing Jesse H. Jones Monitor ship's position
000'.3 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight Memorial bridge constantly
To go WT 'B' Vertical clearance 53.3 m Beware of inbound and
Position interval 003'.1 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. Horizontal clearance outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On 152.4 m Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 3

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Remarks Parallel index

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
34 Buffalo Bayou 2 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Report to Houston VTS
29° 44',1 N 259.1° Instructions VHF ch.11 pass.Rep.line
095° 07',4 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.5 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 002'.8 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
35 Buffalo Bayou 3 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Kinder morgan 0.05nm Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',0 N 277.3° Instructions
095° 08',0 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.8 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 002'.2 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
36 Kinder Morgan Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',1 N 286.1° Instructions
095° 08',9 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.4 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.5 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
37 Light 146 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',2 N 319.0° Instructions
095° 09',3 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.5 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.1 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
38 Buffalo Bayou 4 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',6 N 299.9° Instructions
095° 09',7 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.6 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
39 Buffalo Bayou 5 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Report to Houston VTS
29° 44',7 N 286.1° Instructions VHF ch.11 pass.Rep.line
095° 09',9 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Abort Point for inbound
000'.4 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight passage
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.4 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-11.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
40 Buffalo Bayou 6 Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',8 N Instructions
095° 10',3 W Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
D-13.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Position and distance checklist. Ship: Prins Hendrik (P.B.A.S)
Passage from: Houston Pilot Station to: Houston Targa Term
USA (UTC -5) USA (UTC -5)

WP Name: Latitude Longitude

/RL course distan to go GPS
40 Buffalo Bayou 6 29° 44',8 N 095° 10',3 W RL 270.0° 0'.2 1'.8 ###
41 Buffalo Bayou 7 29° 44',8 N 095° 10',5 W RL 249.0° 0'.3 1'.6 ###
42 Buffalo Bayou 8 29° 44',7 N 095° 10',8 W RL 270.0° 0'.2 1'.3 ###
43 Buffalo Bayou 9 29° 44',7 N 095° 11',0 W RL 270.0° 0'.3 1'.1 ###
44 Buffalo Bayou 10 29° 44',7 N 095° 11',3 W RL 221.0° 0'.1 0'.9 ###
45 Buffalo Bayou 11 29° 44',6 N 095° 11',4 W RL 249.0° 0'.6 0'.7 ###
46 Turn to Targa 29° 44',4 N 095° 12',0 W RL 270.0° 0'.2 0'.2 ###
Terminal ###
47 Targa Terminal 29° 44',4 N 095° 12',2 W RL ###

total distance 1'.8 Nm ###

Average speed Sailing time at (in knots:) days, h:m
9.0 Knots in port passage outwards: nM
sea passage Part nM
in port passage inwards: 49'.1 nM
total distance berth to berth: nM

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 1

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Parallel index Remarks

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
40 Buffalo Bayou 6 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',8 N 270.0° Instructions
095° 10',3 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.8 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.9m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
41 Buffalo Bayou 7 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',8 N 249.0° Instructions
095° 10',5 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.3 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.6 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.7m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
42 Buffalo Bayou 8 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',7 N 270.0° Instructions
095° 10',8 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.3 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
43 Buffalo Bayou 9 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.05nm SB Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',7 N 270.0° Instructions
095° 11',0 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.3 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 001'.1 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.5m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
44 Buffalo Bayou 10 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',7 N 221.0° Instructions Point of no return
095° 11',3 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.1 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.9 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-12.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
45 Buffalo Bayou 11 Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Shore 0.07nm PS Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',6 N 249.0° Instructions Shore 0.07nm SB
095° 11',4 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.6 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.7 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-11.3m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16
46 Turn to Targa Course Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel under pilotage
29° 44',4 N 270.0° Instructions
095° 12',0 W Distance Current - See Admiralty Total Tide Monitor ship's position
000'.2 Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight constantly
To go WT 'B' Beware of inbound and
Position interval 000'.2 Saf.Depth 10m NGA. outbound traffic
Max 5 min Rumbline Echosounder On Beware of No Go Area
UKC D-13.8m, see UKC calculations Stand by on VHF Ch. 11 16

Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Passage plan page 2

Leg. From : Course & Leg information Remarks Parallel index

No. Position / Waypoint Distance information
47 Targa Terminal Safe Speed: As per Master/Pilot Vessel Moored
29° 44',4 N Instructions Pilot OFF
095° 12',2 W Current - See Admiralty Total Tide
Position fixing: GPS /Radar /Sight

Position interval Saf.Depth 10m NGA.

Berth Echosounder Off
UKC D-10.8m, see UKC calculations

Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Position interval


Anthony Veder rederijzaken B.V/Navigation bridge organization/voyage planning/issue: 2011/ B

Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 23/2014 Date: 10/7/2018 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. BERTH (PART 1)

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
Houston PS - Fairway 10 % 13.4 0.6 14.0 6.60 9.0 / 0.32 1.025 / 0.00 6.92 6.93 1.00 5 / 1.05 5.38 1.00 OK
Fairway - Buoys 1B / 2B 10 % 13.7 0.6 14.3 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 7.39 1.00 5 / 1.05 5.85 1.00 OK
Buoys 1B / 2B - Buoys 7/8 10 % 13.1 0.6 13.7 6.60 9.0 / 0.32 1.025 / 0.00 6.92 6.78 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.64 1.00 OK
Buoys 7/8 - Buoys 9/10 10 % 13.1 0.5 13.6 6.60 9.0 / 0.32 1.025 / 0.00 6.92 6.68 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.54 1.00 OK
Buoys 9/10 - Buoys 16 10 % 12.8 0.5 13.3 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.37 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.24 1.00 OK
Buoys 16 - Buoys 18 10 % 12.8 0.5 13.3 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.37 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.24 1.00 OK
Buoys 18 - Buoys 25/26 10 % 11.5 0.4 11.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.93 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.80 1.00 OK
Buoys 25/26 - Lt.51/52 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.70 1.00 OK
Lt.51/52 - Lt. 75/76 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.70 1.00 OK
Lt. 75/76 - Lt. 92 10 % 12.8 0.4 13.2 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.27 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.14 1.00 OK
Lt. 92 - Lt. 93/94 10 % 11.5 0.4 11.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.93 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.80 1.00 OK
Lt. 93/94 - Lt. 99/100 10 % 13.5 0.4 13.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 6.99 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.85 1.00 OK
Lt. 99/100 - Lt. 101/102 10 % 11.5 0.4 11.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.93 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.80 1.00 OK
Lt. 101/102 - Lt. 101A/102A 10 % 12.5 0.4 12.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.34 1.025 / 0.00 6.94 5.96 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.83 1.00 OK
Lt. 101A/102A - Lt 103 10 % 13.5 0.3 13.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 6.89 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.75 1.00 OK


Calculated acc. Tide table. (Transit Time approx. 22/09/2014 fm 11:00LT to 18:00LT, Pilot on board time 12:30 LT if agw wp)

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B
Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 23/2014 Date: 10/7/2018 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. BERTH (PART 2)

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
Lt. 103 - Lt.105/106 10 % 11.5 0.4 11.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 6.91 1.00 5 / 1.05 5.37 1.00 OK
Lt. 105/106 - Blackwell Peninsula 10 % 12.8 0.4 13.2 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.27 1.00 5 / 1.05 4.72 1.00 OK
Blacwell Peninsula - Lt. 109 10 % 12.8 0.4 13.2 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.27 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.14 1.00 OK
Lt. 109 - Lt. 109A 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.70 1.00 OK
Lt. 109A - Buoy 112 10 % 13.8 0.3 14.1 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 7.19 1.00 3 / 0.63 6.06 1.00 OK
Buoy 112 - Buoy 113C 10 % 13.5 0.3 13.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 6.89 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.75 1.00 OK
Buoy 113C - Buoy 117A 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.70 1.00 OK
Buoy 117A - Buoy 124A 10 % 11.8 0.3 12.1 6.60 9.0 / 0.36 1.025 / 0.00 6.96 5.14 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.01 1.00 OK
Buoy 124A - Buoy 126 10 % 12.8 0.2 13.0 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.07 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.94 1.00 OK
Buoy 126 - Lynchburg 10 % 11.5 0.2 11.7 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.73 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.60 1.00 OK
Lychnburg - Lychnburg 2 10 % 13.8 0.2 14.0 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 7.09 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.96 1.00 OK
Lychnburg 2 - Buoy 128 10 % 13.5 0.2 13.7 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 6.79 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.65 1.00 OK
Buoy 128 - Lt 127 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.70 1.00 OK
Lt.127 - Lt. 130 10 % 11.8 0.3 12.1 6.60 9.0 / 0.36 1.025 / 0.00 6.96 5.14 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.01 1.00 OK
Lt. 130 - San Jacinto 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.70 1.00 OK


Calculated acc. Tide table. (Transit Time approx. 22/09/2014 fm 11:00LT to 18:00LT)

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B
Under Keel Clearance calculation sheet for intended voyage
This calculation must be done for area's with a charted depth of less then 3 times the ships draft.
(Note: When rising shows a negative figure this must be deducted from the charted depth at first before above rule can be checked.)
Ships name: Prins Hendrik Draft: 6.60 mtr. Beam: 24.60 mtr. TO
Voyage number: Geogas 23/2014 Date: 10/7/2018 Water density: 1.025 kg/ltr. BERTH (PART 3)

All depth's / draft's / heights' are in mtr., Speed in kts, Pitching and rolling in degrees.

Required percentage according company policy: At open sea 20% of max. draft / In shallow water 15% of max. draft / in channels & port areas 10% of max. draft and 1mtr as absolute minimum.

Still water Dynamic

Area Required Charted Tide Calculated Draft Speed / ρ Water / Calculated A-B= Swell Rolling / Required
Comp.policy depth Rising Depth (A) Squat Δ Draft Draft (B) UKC Draft UKC min. UKC
Example (no formula) 10 % 11.5 1.7 13.2 7.15 12.0 / 1.80 1.015 / 0.56 9.51 3.69 5.00 10 / 1.28 0.759 1.00 ###
San Jacinto - Buffalo Bayou 10 % 12.8 0.3 13.1 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.96 1.00 5 / 1.05 5.41 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou - Lt. 139 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 5 / 1.05 3.29 1.00 OK
Lt. 139 - Buffalo Bayou 2 10 % 13.5 0.3 13.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 6.89 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.75 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 2- Buffalo Bayou 3 10 % 13.5 0.3 13.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 6.89 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.75 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 3 - Kinder Morgan 10 % 11.5 0.3 11.8 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.83 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.70 1.00 OK
Kinder Morgan - Lt. 146 10 % 11.8 0.4 12.2 6.60 9.0 / 0.36 1.025 / 0.00 6.96 5.24 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.11 1.00 OK
Lt. 146 - Buffalo Bayou 4 10 % 12.5 0.4 12.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.34 1.025 / 0.00 6.94 5.96 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.83 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 4 - Buffalo Bayou 5 10 % 12.8 0.4 13.2 6.60 9.0 / 0.33 1.025 / 0.00 6.93 6.27 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.14 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 5 - Buffalo Bayou 6 10 % 11.5 0.4 11.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.37 1.025 / 0.00 6.97 4.93 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.80 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 6 - Buffalo Bayou 7 10 % 13.5 0.4 13.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.31 1.025 / 0.00 6.91 6.99 1.00 3 / 0.63 5.85 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 7 - Buffalo Bayou 8 10 % 11.7 0.4 12.1 6.60 9.0 / 0.36 1.025 / 0.00 6.96 5.14 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.00 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 8 - Buffalo Bayou 9 10 % 11.8 0.4 12.2 6.60 9.0 / 0.36 1.025 / 0.00 6.96 5.24 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.11 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 9 - Buffalo Bayou 10 10 % 12.5 0.4 12.9 6.60 9.0 / 0.34 1.025 / 0.00 6.94 5.96 1.00 3 / 0.63 4.83 1.00 OK
Buffalo Bayou 10 - Buffalo Bayou 11 10 % 11.3 0.4 11.7 6.60 5.0 / 0.12 1.025 / 0.00 6.72 4.98 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.85 1.00 OK
Buffalo bayou 11 - Targa Terminal 10 % 10.8 0.4 11.2 6.60 3.0 / 0.04 1.025 / 0.00 6.64 4.56 1.00 3 / 0.63 3.42 1.00 OK


Calculated acc. Tide table. (Transit Time approx. 22/09/2014 fm 11:00LT to 18:00LT, arrival berth 18:00LT, if agw wp)

Advice to Master

No Critical Area

If during a part of the voyage the calculated UKC is less than the above policy a risk assessment is to be made by the vessel.
The risk assessment must be send to the SHEQ department for office approval. On receipt of the office approval it is up to master discretion to proceed.

Attached to this calculation sheet belongs an instruction sheet with the same name and version indication.
This maybe a laminated sheet available in the voyage plan binder.
Anthony Veder Rederijzaken B.V. Version 2012B

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