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What is the impact of a rise in minimum wages on the food service industry in

Jakarta ?

Essay title:​ The Impact of a Rise in Minimum Wages on the Food-Service Industry

in Jakarta

Research question:​ What is the impact of a rise in minimum wages on the food

service industry in Jakarta?

Subject: ​Economics

Examination session date:​ May 2019

Word count:​ 3661

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What is the impact of a rise in minimum wages on the food service industry\ in


Contents Page

1. Introduction 4

2. Hypothesis 5

3. Methodology 5

3.1. Research Philosophy 5

3.2. Quantitative and Qualitative Research 6

3.3. Literature Review 6

4. Economic Principles of Wage Fixing 6

4.1. Minimum Wage Policy 6

4.2. How does Minimum Wage Work? 7

4.3. What is Marginal Productivity of Labour (MPL)? 8

4.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Minimum Wage Policy (MWP) 9

4.5. Government Policies in Indonesia 9

5. Literature Review 11

5.1. Study on the Impact of Minimum Wages in the Manufacturing Sector


5.2. Recent Unemployment Data 12

6. Market Structure of the Food-Service Industry 13

6.1. Market Size and Segments in Food-Service Indonesia 14

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6.2. Cost Structure of the Food-Service Industry 15

6.3. Card and Krueger study of Minimum Wages and the Impact on the

Food Service Industry 15

7. Research Findings 16

7.1. Results from the Primary Research 16

7.2. Results from Quantitative Survey 16

7.3. Results from Case Interview 17

8. Limitations of Research 18

8.1. Survey 18

8.2. Interviews 18

8.3. Secondary Research 18

9. Analysis & Evaluation: Impact of Rising Minimum Wage on the Indonesian

Economy 19

9.1. Market Failure 19

9.2. Welfare 20

9.3. Stakeholders 21

10. Conclusion 22

11. Bibliography 26

12. Appendices 30

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The study of economics looks at a variety of socio-economic issues in order to make

the best decision possible to address the core economic problem of scarcity

(Tragakes, 2011). In cases where opportunity cost is a viable option, that is usually a

straightforward decision- making process. However, when market failure is evident,

then government intervention is inevitable to maintain the nation’s economic

objectives, which, for purpose of this research, are economic (employment and

price) stability and sustainable growth (American Economic Association, 2018).

In the 21​st century minimum wage is used as an economic remedy’ by governments

to try to establish a ‘living wage’ for lower income families who fall under the

‘unskilled’ or ‘low skilled’ labour and who normally are paid the least (London School

of Economics, 2016).

The general macro-economic reasons for a minimum wage policy (and for raising

minimum wage) are:

● Improve labour Market failure.

● Reduce inequality.

● Reduce poverty.

● Maintain a minimum standard of material and non-material standard of


Which highlights an important question in this research:

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What is the impact of a rise in minimum wage on the food service industry in Jakarta;

this leads to three sub questions -

a. the implications it (rise in minimum wage) will have on employment


b. the effect on profitability

c. market failure, welfare and impact on stakeholders?

This paper is divided into sections and will address the research question above

aimed to evaluate the current employment and wage situation, the importance of the

food service industry in Jakarta and the impact on profitability as a result of rising

minimum wages. It will highlight:

● important business decisions leaders in the food service industry make to

manage the impact of minimum wage

● the potential impact on employment in this sector.


Continuous Increase in the national minimum wage will lead to fall in profits and /or

rise in unemployment in the food service industry.

As all policies do, the minimum wage policy has its own challenges and its

impact on unemployment and firm profitability is inevitable, in the short run.

Thus, develops the hypothesis, above, and direction this research will take.


Research Philosophy

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The research philosophy of this paper adopts a mixed methods approach, with

quantitative and qualitative, and literature review data, collected and collated.

Quantitative data provides an objective (and descriptive) aspect (sample survey) to

the research and qualitative data emphasizes on the subjective aspect

(interviews)​ ​(Madrigal & McClain, 2005-2018)

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

In the primary research, I will conduct electronic surveys with a sample size of 45

stalls, cafes and fine dining restaurants. Each survey will incorporate 16

questions. (See Appendix-1). I will also conduct detailed three interviews. Two

with senior leaders of Burger King and Dominos in Indonesia (fast food chains)

and one with the CEO of a fine dining restaurant. These interviews will include

questions targeting revenue, costs, concerns about impact of rise in minimum

wage, business opinion regarding impact of this rise and solutions they may have

to absorb any rising business costs.

Literature Review

The literature review will include information from electronic and hard copy sources

providing an overview of economic theory. With the help of results from

quantitative and qualitative research, analysis of the literature will be

highlighted further in this research paper.

Economic Principles of Wage Fixing

Minimum Wage Policy

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“​Minimum wages are the minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is

required to pay wage earners for the work performed during a given period,

which cannot be reduced by collective agreement or an individual contract”​

(International Labour Organization, 2015)

The objective is to ensure that the unskilled labour gets a reasonable income to live

on, and manage, and help mitigate income inequality within the labour market

(Dixon, 2017).

How does Minimum Wage work?

Figure 1 Minimum Wage Policy and impact

The market clearing wage We is where demand of labour is equal to the supply of

labour. The minimum wage, ​W​m, lies above the equilibrium wage, ​W​e. Therefore, at

W​m, the quantity of labour supplied, ​Q​s, is larger than the quantity of labour supplied

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when the labour market is in equilibrium (​Q​e). The quantity of labour demanded, ​Q​d,

is less than the quantity demanded at equilibrium, ​Q​e. This results a surplus of

labour in the market (​Q​s – ​Q​d). The labour market does not clear when there is a

minimum wage which could result in unemployment and therefore this is one of the

challenges of fixing minimum wages (Tragakes, 2011).

In economic theory, when the wage increase is lower than the marginal productivity

of labour (MPL) workers will continue to be employed. Marginal productivity of labour

is measured as extra unit of output (in this case extra unit of revenue) for every extra

worker who is employed (Social Protection and Labor Global Practice of the World

Bank Melbourne Australia, 2015). When minimum wage is set close to the market

cost of labour, workers earn a standard minimum wage, and continue to be

employed. But increases in minimum wages without increases in labour productivity

will lead to job losses in the formal sector, because poor workers with low skills and

low productivity get pushed out first when overall wages increase.

What is Marginal Productivity of Labour (MPL)?

According to the marginal productivity theory, wages equal labour’s marginal

revenue product, and an increase in labour productivity should be reflected in a

similar wage increase (Babones, 2014). A change in the minimum wage would lead

to an inverse relationship in the employment of unskilled labour. When minimum

wage legislation is set above the equilibrium wage on a demand and supply curve

and is increased, the supply of labour exceeds the demand, which decreases

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employment. This is why firms use both labour and capital to maximize output. If

marginal benefit keeps rising whilst marginal cost remains the same, the firms are

able to continue producing without losing any of their employees. They can use

‘labour-capital’ combinations to decide which resource to add on or cut back on,

ceteris paribus, to maintain levels production. Whichever is more productive and

benefits the firm the most will be added on (Tragakes, 2011).

Advantages and Disadvantages of Minimum Wage Policy (MWP)

The advantages of MWP are:

● Distribution of income gap between high and low income are narrow

● Poverty may be reduced

● Reduction in labour exploitation within the labour market (Economics

Online, 2018)

The disadvantages of MWP are:

● Price inflation may be a problem as producers pass increasing production

costs onto consumers

● Demand for labour contracts as labour prices rise and supply expands

increasing inelasticity of demand

● Could deter foreign investment (Economics Online, 2018)

Government Policies in Indonesia

Indonesia is still considered a middle-income country (World Bank classification) with

a nominal GDP per capita of US$3,570 and a GNI per capita of US$3430. ​It is

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also a young country of 260 million people and the current labour force ​is

estimated to be at 127.6 million (Trading Economics, 2018). Therefore, the

government’s aims are to reduce unemployment, and at the same time ensure

that workers have a basic minimum standard of living, keeping in line with the

macroeconomic objectives (International Labour organisation). Minimum wages

have been increasing between 8-10% p.a . The figure below shows the wage

increase in Jakarta which in 2018 is approximately IDR 3.6 million (US$ 265) 8

percent higher than the minimum wage in 2017. This new wage is 54.2% higher

than the minimum wage in 2014, which was IDR 2.4 million.

Figure 2: Indonesia Minimum monthly wages, trading​:

The impact of minimum wages on the economy will depend upon:

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1. How high the wage is set?

2. Elasticity of demand for labour

3. Elasticity of supply of labour (Economics Online, 2018)

Literature Review

Study on the Impact of Minimum Wages in the Manufacturing Sector

A study on the impact of minimum wages in manufacturing in Indonesia reflects that

employment is negatively impacted in small firms with Low skilled workers. Since

there are many more small firms in the sector, the overall impact of job losses is

significant in the formal employment sector. This is because job losses are more

severe in firms which are labour intensive like wholesale, retail, tourism, as they

employ a large number of unskilled labour. This study showed is that wage increases

greater than productivity increases leads to unemployment as firms will try and

remain in business (Carpio, et al., 2012).

Small firms tend to have lower average wages so when minimum wages are greater

than average wages, firms retrench low skilled workers, because the marginal

productivity of labour per unit of revenue is low in small firms. In comparison larger

firms have economies of scale even when marginal productivity of labour is closer to

minimum wages.

In another study in Indonesia’s export sector in apparel, trading, manufacturing,

Harrison and Scorce (2010) highlights a 10% increase in real wages resulted in a

1.2% decrease in employment. However, this research did not cover informal

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employment which is 63% of Indonesia’s workforce. Therefore, actual employment

may be unchanged as people move to the informal sector, which is primarily

agriculture and other informal enterprises (Asian Development Bank BPS Statistics

Indonesia, 2015)

Recent Unemployment Data

Figure 3: Indonesia unemployment rate, trading

Though the monthly minimum wages in Indonesia relative to the country’s GDP per

capita is higher in Indonesia than in Thailand and China (Trading Economics, 2018)​.

unemployment in Indonesia is at 5.13% (International Monetary Fund, 2018) .

But discrepancies exist because in reality:

● More than 50% of workers are still engaged in informal employment.

● Informal unemployment is at 58 percent of total employment

● Unemployment among youth is high at 20 percent

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● Unemployment in urban areas is 6.8% vs national average of 5.5%

● Nearly 40 % of regular employees have job tenure of 36 months or less.

● Those employees in the retail and trade sector have

the shortest job tenure reflecting short labour contracts (Asian

Development Bank BPS Statistics Indonesia, 2015).

Market Structure of the Food-Service Industry

The various segments in the food service sector fall in varying degrees of

monopolistic competition, with dine in restaurants being able to differentiate their

products more significantly compared to the kiosks and stalls.

In monopolistic competition there are many firms who produce a slightly

differentiated product, resulting in firms having some degree of price making

power. As a result, in the short run firms can make abnormal profit, but in the long

run they make normal economic profit.

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The graph above shows the long-run equilibrium of the monopolistically competitive

firm. At the level of output where ​MR ​= ​MC​, ​P ​= ​ATC​; therefore, economic profit is

zero and each firm is earning normal profit (Tragakes, 2011).

Each firm therefore works to ensure it is able to maintain economic profit.

The explicit costs of the firm are labour, rental and cost of materials. In the short run,

in the food service industry, firms will need to control variable or explicit costs.

Normally when output increases, the firm adds more variable cost in the form of

additional labour to produce this extra output. If the cost of wages increases, unless

the output increase is greater than the cost of wage increase, firms will need to

reduce variable cost to maintain economic profit (Tragakes, 2011).

Market Size and Segments in Food Service Indonesia

There are over 200,000 individual restaurants in Indonesia (Chen, 2016) and close

to 30% are in Jakarta. Predicted growth at 8-9% in 2018, considerably higher

than national economic growth at 5.5%. This industry also contributed to 34.95%

of the national economic growth in 2017 (Temp Co, 2018). This sector is

extremely labour intensive and employs close to 150,000 workers nationwide

most of whom are minimum wage earners. Each individual restaurant is like a

small firm and its aim is to make at least economic profit (Global Business Guide

Indonesia, 2017). The industry is segmented into full service restaurants,

cafes/bars, fast food, kiosks /street stalls. Of this 45.5% are small kiosks or stalls

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and the remaining are more formal in the form of cafes, fast food and dine-in

restaurants (​See Appendix 2​).

Cost Structure of the Food-Service Industry

The food service sector has 3 large buckets of variable costs- labour, cost of raw

material (food and beverage) and rental. Labour alone is between 14-22% of the

total cost ​(See Appendix 3).

Card and Krueger Study of Minimum Wage and the Impact on the Food Service


Card and Krueger’s (1994) study on the impact of minimum wages and

employment in the fast food industry examined the effect of minimum wage

imposition on the fast food industry in New Jersey (USA) and compared this

against wages and employment in Pennsylvania. The results of this study

showed that wage increases in New Jersey did not (necessarily) reduce

employment. Minimum wage critics such as Neumark and Wascher (1995)

refuted this and through their research contested that minimum wage

increase did impact employment of low wage workers. Card and Krueger’s

study was contested until Dube and Reich’s (2012) study on restaurant

employment between 1990-2006 also indicated that higher minimum wages

had no effect on employment, supporting Card and Krueger in this sector

(Dube & Reich, 2012).

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This is different from the results in section 5.1, where the analysis of

employment in the manufacturing sector in small firms shows that increases

in minimum wages reduces employment in small firms across manufacturing,

retail, and trading.

Research Findings

Results from Primary Research

Quantitative survey and further in depth case interviews were done to understand

what the impact truly is of the increase in minimum wages in the food service

industry . ​Is there no impact, which is what Card and Krueger’s study showed or

does it impact unskilled labour as shown in the earlier study done on the

manufacturing sector in Indonesia?

Results from Quantitative Survey

The survey showed that kiosks employ an average of 3 or less workers per shift. All

are on contract and primarily unskilled. Local and international chains employ more

than 10 workers per shift, and 75% are unskilled. Dine in restaurants have 50% or

more skilled labour.

The local kiosks or ‘warungs’ seem unaffected with the increase in minimum wages.

This is because they don’t seem to adhere to minimum wage regulations and have

primarily unskilled workers. When pushed they claim they are willing to work with

lower profits.

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All firms in other segments are unwilling to compromise on revenue and profitability

due to minimum wages in the short run. They said they would do the following:

● Reduce labour

● Increase contracted labour

● Replace staff with machines to increase profitability

● Cut back on full-time work opportunities

● Concern was highest amongst firms which employed a large number of

workers with higher minimum wage, their main solution was to offload some


Results from Case Interviews

The survey showed that kiosks employ an average of 3 or less workers per shift. All

are on contract and primarily unskilled. Local and international chains employ more

than 10 workers per shift, and 75% are unskilled. Dine in restaurants have 50% or

more skilled labour.

The local kiosks or ‘warungs’ seem unaffected with the increase in minimum wages.

This is because they don’t seem to adhere to minimum wage regulations and have

primarily unskilled workers. When pushed they claim they are willing to work with

lower profits.

All firms in other segments are unwilling to compromise on revenue and profitability

due to minimum wages in the short run. They said they would do the following:

● Reduce labour

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● Increase contracted labour

● Replace staff with machines to increase profitability

● Cut back on full-time work opportunities

● Concern was highest amongst firms which employed a large number of

workers with higher minimum wage, their main solution was to offload some


Limitations of Research


The survey only covered employers, and could not reach other stakeholders:

employees and consumers. Additionally, kiosks did not follow minimum wages and

therefore did not have many solutions as they do not see a problem. The execution

of this type of primary research took a lot longer than predicted and surveys were

reposted in order to gather more accurate information and complete the ones that

came back unfinished.


The interviews were only three and excluded cafes and kiosks. These interviews

were done via telephone conversation. It was difficult to schedule face-to-face

interviews because the interviewees who had information or opinions on impact of

rise in minimum wage, were senior management and did not always have the time to

have a sit down for a face to face interview.

Secondary Research

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Some journals and articles were old and therefore some theory and data were

irrelevant to this study. A majority of journals and articles written more recently

studied minimum wages in other countries and some of their analysis was not

relevant. Most journals and reports have contradictory points of view on the impacts

of wages.

The benefits of increasing minimum wages for the economy as a whole in the form of

higher income resulting in higher consumption, leading to higher demand and

therefore greater employment has not been covered adequately.

Analysis & Evaluation: Impact of Rising Minimum Wage on the Indonesian


The overarching question is - Who benefits and who loses out when minimum

wages rises?

From the literature review, the purpose of minimum wage is to address market

failure, i.e. addressing poverty and inequality in income distribution and

narrowing the gap, as best as the economy can, between low, middle and

high-income earners. In doing so, the Indonesian government will need to

manage potential market failure, address welfare issues that may arise and

consider the impact this will have on stakeholders.

Market Failure

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Whilst market failure is a topical issue, the overall adverse effects of rising minimum

wages, from the data, seem to have little effect on unemployment numbers.

The literature highlights that:

● higher levels of minimum wage, in the long run, tends to increase

productivity and demand for labour, thus lowering labour turnover in most

industries. Firms somehow cope (Romer, 2013).

● Higher minimum wages seem to attract higher skilled, efficient, and more

productive labour who in the long run could take over jobs from low skilled

labour. (Tragakes, 2011).

● Some firms tend to pass along cost of higher minimum wage to consumers

by increasing their prices (Dixon, 2017)


From the literature, Indonesia’s welfare system is a work in progress. The

standard of living in this economy adheres to a 20 year development plan, which

commenced in 2005. It is focusing on a number of macroeconomic initiatives

aimed to improve public welfare and income distribution. The minimum wage

policy is an important initiative by the government to improve material and

non-material standard of living in the economy. However, only if there is strong

government and welfare support then the rise of minimum wage will:

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● curb low income earners from falling below the poverty line through

government funding such as monetary payments, subsidies, vouchers,

housing assistance and medical care (International Monetary Fund, 2018).

● reduce welfare payments and enable the Indonesian government to

redirect government revenue into other areas of the economy such as;

infrastructure, education, health care and training programs.

● enable low skill workers to improve or upgrade their skills. enabling them

to acquire work (Trading Economics, 2018).

● improve the mental and physical health of the nation providing

opportunities for economic growth and development.

On the flip side, the adverse effects see, no reduction in welfare payments and an

increase in welfare programs to assist with the downfall of even more. So, in this

case, impact may be severe (Employment Policies Institute, 2015). Thus, the

Indonesian government may need to investigate further tax-payer implications and

outcome on low-skilled labour and low- income earners.


From the data and the literature review, the stakeholders that were affected by

rising wages were employees, employers, consumers and everyone who has an

interest, personal or business, in the fast food industry. The impact on stakeholders

from rising wages (minimum wages) were:

● Dissatisfaction on government wage policy

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● Loss of jobs in the short run for employees

● Rising costs for business owners

● Consumers, are burdened with rising prices (International Labour

Organisation, 2015)

Overall, in the short run, rising costs due to the rise in minimum wage, could have

adverse effects on the government trying to manage the repercussions of jobs

losses, increasing welfare contributions across different sectors of the economy.

The benefits, on the other hand would see improved living standards, increase

business competitiveness and decrease in income inequality (Tragakes, 2011).


Minimum wages are an important macroeconomic policy tool by the government to reduce

inequality, poverty and maintain a material and non -material standard of living. The

Indonesian government has increased minimum wages by more than 8-9% per

annum recently, exceeding GDP growth of 5%.

The food service industry is very labour intensive and an average 70% of the labour

employed is unskilled (as per survey). A lot of research has gone into understanding

the impact of minimum wages in this sector with contradictory conclusions on the

impact of minimum wages on the labour intensive small firms. My conclusions from

the survey and interviews mostly echo that of the research by John Schmitt (Feb

2013) .

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In general, firms are not willing to work with less profit. However, as labour costs

form between 15-22%, they use this as a lever to manage profit. (appendix-3) There

are real costs involved in hiring new workers or firing existing workers. Workers may

not find new jobs easily. Because firms will are not willing to pay more for workers,

they work with some vacancies, make the existing workers more efficient and pay

minimum wage for employed workers.

The important cost metric for firms is pay per hour, and to reduce this firms.

• Increase part time positions

• Engage in older/experienced employees to train their colleagues

• Reduce work hours

• Outsource and automate some functions

• Push part of the cost burden to consumers

( see Appendix 4)

I believe there are positive outcomes with wage increases for all stakeholders-

labor, firms and the government if done correctly.

Labour :

● who continue to be employed, have a higher standard of living because of higher


● they have productivity because of continued employment .


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● Operate labour in a more efficient ways, through automation, upskilling and

overall cost efficiency.

● With reduced turnover of labour , they save on re-training costs and re-hire costs.

Finally as minimum wages continue to be important as a policy for the government, it

could do the following (E.A Allen)

● Try and close the gap of wages between permanent and contract workers. In

the last 4 years the gap has reduced from 60% to 25% and the government is

now mandating that contract workers also get all benefits. Through this,

government hopes to close this gap. This will ensure that all workers get the

same opportunity to employment, pay and skill upgradation. (See appendix


● Allow for minimum wages to be fair and competitive and not fixed. (Endriga,


● Increase investment in education to expand pool of skilled workers . In 2015,

52% of employed population was underqualified and McKinsey estimates that

by 2030, demand for semi- skilled and skilled workforce will be 113 million

and this will result in further skill gaps.

● Ensure that growth in minimum wages is not more than growth in average

wages to avoid impact on employment.

● Provide unemployment benefits so that people can retrain and reskill


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● Finally, bring in more investment and invest in infrastructure development in

the country, so there is more jobs, more consumption and higher GDP


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[Accessed August 2018].
Schmitt, J., 2013. ​Why Does the Minimum Wage Have No Discernible Effect on
Employment?. ​[Online]
Available at: ​
[Accessed August 2018].
Social Protection and Labor Global Practice of the World Bank Melbourne Australia, 2015.
Do minimum wages affect employment? Evidence from the manufacturing sector in
Indonesia. ​[Online]
Available at: ​
[Accessed August 2018].
Temp Co, 2018. ​Food, Beverage Industry to Grow in 2018 Political Year. ​[Online]
Available at:
[Accessed August 2018].
The Economist, 2014. ​Why some economists oppose minimum wages?. ​[Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 August 2018].
Trading Economics, 2018. ​Indonesia GDP 1967-2018. ​[Online]
Available at: ​
[Accessed 31 July 2018].
Trading Economics, 2018. ​Indonesia Unemployment Rate. ​[Online]
Available at: ​
[Accessed 18 August 2018].
Tragakes, E., 2011. ​Economics for the IB Diploma. ​2nd Edition ed. s.l.:Cambridge University
UK Essays, 2015. ​Pros & Cons of Mixed Methods Research. ​[Online]
Available at:
[Accessed August 2018].
Wage Indicator Foundation, 2018. ​Minimum Wage in Indonesia - frequently Asked Questions.
Available at:

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[Accessed August 2018].
Guntur Sugiyarto and Benjamin A. Endriga, Do minimum wages affect employment and
training , ERD working paper 113. Asian development bank, may 2008
Available at ​

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Appendix 1

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Appendix 2

Segmentation and size of the food service industry in Indonesia

The food service industry in Indonesia is expected to be USD 56 billion by 2019 ,

growing at 9% p.a and are segmented into full service restaurants, cafes/bars, fast

food, kiosks /street stalls. Of this, restaurant's form 80% of revenue, cafes are 10%,

fast food is 5% and street stalls are 3%.

As per the Euromonitor 2016, the following is the estimate of numbers and value for

the segments. (canada, n.d.) (canada, n.d.)

2019 Number of outlets Average sales per Average sales per

outlet per year in USD transaction in USD

102,937 441,274 10.48


Fast food 8080 364,047 5.81

Cafes/bars 5514 1043,888 17.04

Kiosks/stalls 98,255 18,534 1.19

total 215,906 260,718 8.29

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Appendix 3

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Appendix 4a

Summary of the Interview with Ashwini Dhanuka, Head of Operations,

Dominos , Indonesia

The Indonesian government has been increasing the minimum wages every year by

10-12%. Ashwini spoke about the impact of the wage increase from 2014 to 2018.

The monthly wages in Jakarta have gone up as below between 2014-2018 and on

an average it is 10% p.a

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Domino's has not been able to increase prices at the same level as the increase in

minimum wages as this will mean declining revenues in a highly competitive market

for Pizzas.

As a result, Domino's has done the following :

In 2014, each restaurant of Dominos employed 14-15 people of whom 10-11 were

full time employees (who get min wages or other benefits such as insurance ), and 4

were part time employees (these people get minimum wages , but do not get other


In 2018, each restaurant now employs 10 people of whom 5 are Full time and 5 are

part time.

This is a cut of 33% of the total labour per restaurant or a cut of 8% per year on an


So Domino's has done two things to manage the wage inflation and to increase


1. Cut the total number of employees and are squeezing employees to give

higher productivity per person.

2. Specifically cut the full time employees

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Part time employees are atleast 25% cheaper than full time employees because they

are easy to roster which means they need to only be on duty for the hours when the

restaurant needs them, as they are paid by the hour and they can also be told to

leave jobs on a days notice. Full time employees have to be present and are paid

monthly, have to be given a notice of at least 1 month and it is difficult to let them go.

As a result , according to Ashwini, while the living standards of employees may have

increased, the impact of minimum wage increase by the government means that

there is more unemployment in the quick service restaurant sector unless the

employment also increases by 8% every year.

Unemployment in Indonesia is as follows over the last few years

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This shows that overall unemployment however has been the same over the last 4

years. This is an average for all Indonesia and may not reflect the specific

challenges of employment in Jakarta.

Domino's has however been able to increase its profitability on a store wise level by

being labour efficient and also by cutting its food cost

Dominos Indonesia – firm profitability at a restaurant level 2015-2017

IDR Million

CY2015 CY2016 CY2017

Revenue 255 390 636

No of stores 78 110 160

Cost of food and 43.2% 41.4% 39.5%

drinks sold as %

to revenue

Employee cost as 17.2% 17.4% 16.7%

a % of revenue

Store profitability 5.7% 10% 12.9%

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Employees per 15 12 10


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Appendix 4b

Summary of the Interview with Vaibhav Punj, CEO Burger King Indonesia

Fast food chains, especially burger chains work on a store profitability of 12-13% per


On an average the labour cost per store is between 11-12% of the total revenue.

With a profit margin which is low, any cost increase puts pressure on the profit of the


The Indonesian government has been increasing the minimum wages every year

and they took a big hike in 2014 of close to 14%. The wage increase of 7-8% p.a in

the last 2-3 years has been close to the inflationary increase of 6.7-7% in CPI over

the last 2 years.

Burger King has not been able to take the entire wage inflation through price

increases as this operates in a low monopolistic competition, closer to perfect

competition and can only influence prices very slightly.

Burger King has therefore managed to maintain the store profitability by cutting food

costs and increasing prices marginally.

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In addition to this, the company has also become more labour efficient. On an

average it has cut 5-6 people per restaurant from the rate of 20-25 people per

restaurant over 2-3 shifts in 2015 by doubling productivity per person.

The company has had to do this, because while the wage inflation has been 7-8%,

the government has included bonus on top (which is the 13​th​ month salary) + total

health insurance from last year. This has added more pressure to the real cost of


In order to manage the future cost of wage inflation, Burger King is already testing

new technologies such as self service kiosks which will further reduce 3 people per

restaurant and will continue to look at technology to enable it to maintain profitability.

In summary, Burger King will want to maintain profitability at 12-13% per store and

will not be ready to reduce that. What it will do is

1. employ technology to reduce labour per store

2. cut food costs and make it more efficient because food costs are around 39%

and can be further cut

3. increase prices in line with inflation or do innovative pricing to bring up the


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Appendix 4c

Interview with Ronald Akili of the PTT family, CEO of Potato Head, Jakarta


There are 3 potato heads in Jakarta . The restaurants are all fine dining with a

revenue of greater than IDR 5 million per day per restaurant. Food cost is 33%,

which gives the restaurant more margin to work with. Labour cost is high at 22%,

but this is because 70% of labour he employs is skilled. He is clear that he will

continue to automate to remove the unskilled labour and will increase productivity of

skilled labour. He is more concerned with the average wages he pays per worker

and as long as minimum wages are below the average wage, he will continue to

keep the number of employees he has currently.

When his average wage per worker is higher than the minimum wage, this is a good

indicator according to him that he is employing more skilled and capable workers.

He also said that for him the productivity per worker is critical and his revenue per

worker should be 50% higher than the wages he pays. He has also reduced the

increases in pay he gives to his high cost skilled staff and therefore there is some

wage compression.

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For the fine dining restaurant sector as a whole, he believes that the following is

happening, there is some wage compression, automation to remove some unskilled

roles like cleaning, increase in training and skilling make the critical roles like service,

kitchen workers more productive, and in some situations increase in contract

workers as a percentage as the wage cost per hour comes down overall.

He also mentioned that he believes over the last 5 years, restaurants in Jakarta have

reduced workers by 20% and many of these workers have now either gone back to

their villages and there is a possibility of under-employment that could be happening

and is not reflecting in the overall statistics released by the government.

The restaurants form 47% of the total sector, and on an average employ 20 people

between two shifts. Earlier they used to employ 26 people, so there is a reduction of

6 people per restaurant over 5 years, but the overall sector is growing at 8-9% p.a.

and therefore the new restaurants and cafes absorb them. Overall till now, he

believes that the overall unemployment has not increased . However in the last 2

years, the growth in this sector has been slowing down and this could impact

employment in the future.

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Appendix 5a

Data Tables from the Survey

Restaurant type:

Cafe 7 36.84%

Sit in Dining 3 15.79%

kiosk/stall 7 36.84%

international chain 2 10.53%

total 19


owner/founder/ceo 11 57.89%

cfo 5 26.32%

gm operations/director 3 15.79%



less than 500,000 5 26.32%

above 5,000,000 8 42.11%

from 500,000 to
5,000,000 6 31.58%


people employed:

less than or equal to 3 6 31.58% 1.5

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On an average 6.7
4 - 10 8 42.11% 7 employees

more than 10 5 26.32% 12.5

19 6.710526316

level of unskilled

less than or equal to

25% 4 21.05%

Mostly unskilled
26 - 75 10 52.63% workers

greater than 75 5 26.32%


permanent vs

all permanent 8 42.11%

significant contract
50 or more 11 57.89% workers


estimated increase in

3-5 13 68.42% 4

Estimated increase in
6 - 10 1 5.26% 8 revenue low at 6.5%

greater than 10 5 26.32% 12.5

19 6.447368421

new restaurants per


less than 2 6 31.58% 1

Openings still planned

2-5 8 42.11% 3.5 at 3.8

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more than 5 5 26.32% 7.5

19 3.763157895

expected increase in

less than 5 14 73.68% 2.5

Cost increase
expected low. and
5 - 10 5 26.32% 7.5 lower than revenue

Min wage increase

must be contained to
19 3.815789474 meet expectation

expected impact of
min wage increase:

Only 37% expect

no change 12 63.16% reduction in profit

reduction in profit 7 36.84%


are you concerned:

But level of concern is

yes 9 47.37% high

no 8 42.11%

maybe 2 10.53%



Significant number of
restaurants will cut
lower profit 6 21.43% people

reduce other costs 9 32.14%

reduce people 7 25.00%

others 6 21.43%

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Appendix 5b

Username What is What is What type What is your 1.

your the name of designation what is
name? of your restauran ? (e.g. your
brand? t is it? owner, GM) current
per day
t in IDR
maxmandias@gmai Max burgreens local owner less than Elnathan chain 500,000
Mandias Na Na local Founder less than
chain 500,000
yogenwijaya@yaho Yogen iVegan sit in Owner 2,000,000- Pizza dining 5,000,000 Michael Eatlah local Owner above
chrisyan chain 5,000,000
christopher.supit@ Christop BMK cafe and CFO above her (bakso local 5,000,000
m Supit Malang chain
christopher.supit@ Christop Platinum cafe and CFO above her local 5,000,000
m Supit chain
christopher.supit@ Christop Gokana cafe and CFO above her local 5,000,000
m Supit chain
christopher.supit@ Christop Raa Cha cafe and CFO above her local 5,000,000
m Supit chain

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christopher.suoit@ Christop Chopstix sit in CFO 2,000,000- her dining 5,000,000
m Supit
ronald@pttfamily.c Ronald Potato sit in CEO above
om Head dining 5,000,000
ashwine.dhanuka@ Ashwine Domino's internatio GM above Dhanuka Pizza nal chain Operations 5,000,000
QSR Anthony Krispy internatio Director 2,000,000-
m Cottan Kreme nal chain 5,000,000
pawan.b@ganesha Pawan Ganesha sit in Director above Deep ek dining 5,000,000
Bhatnag sanskriti
ar test Test cafe and Test less than
local 500,000
vpunj@burgerking. Vaibhav Burger internatio CEO above punj King nal chain 5,000,000
QSR Made Ayam kiosk or Owner 1,000,000-
m Suwir one 2,000,000
stall Pak Warung kiosk or Owner less than
onyo teteh one 500,000
sotojakarta@gmail. Pak tony Warung kiosk or Owner less than
com soto one 500,000
jakarta single
bang udin stall
martabakbandung Pak jeya Martabak kiosk or Owner 1,000,000- bandung one 2,000,000

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stall Pak Warung kiosk or Owner less than
sayed pintar one 500,000
ciliwung single
stall Pak alay Warung kiosk or Owner less than
m alay tebet one 500,000
miedaging@gmail.c Pak yudi Mie kiosk or Owner 500,000-1,
om daging one 000,000
menteng single
yfirdensliu@gmail.c Yeni Calais cafe and Owner 2,000,000-
om local 5,000,000
ayuzuliashafira@g Ayu What's Up cafe and owner above Zulia Cafe local 5,000,000
Shafira chain
daisy@yummycorp. Daisy Yummy cafe and Director above
com Harjanto Corporati local 5,000,000
on chain Jess ayam sit in owner above
m Prabawa kriwil dining 5,000,000
Hudaya Jess ayam sit in owner above
m Prabawa kriwil dining 5,000,000

2. how 3. what is 4. how 5. what is the split 6. what are all the
many the split in many between variable costs in each
people (%) between restaur permanent and restaurant in % of total
do you skilled and ants do contract workers costs? (please write as a

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employ unskilled you per store on the % for each: food cost,
per workers? have in year 2014 and labor cost, rental cost,
restaura unskilled is Jakarta 2018? (If you are other expense)
nt in basic labour ? establish after
each 2014, state the
shift number in the
year when you
were first
6-10 10 - 90 4 2014 - permanent food cost 30, labor 20,
0 contract 10. rental 20, other 10
2018 - permanent
10 contract 70.
3-6 50 20 90/10 Na

6-10 80% skilled 1 Established in 34% labor cost, 14%

20% 2018 ...80% rental cost , 8% electric
unskilled permanent 20% cost, 44% other cost
part time
6-10 30 skilled 70 13 All permanent 30, 5, 5, 5 ( others )
10+ 25/75. 25 for 20 50/50 Food cost, factory
skilled overhead, delivery cost
10+ 25/75, 25 for 15 50/50 Food cost, factory
skilled overhead. Delivery cost
10+ 25/75. 25 fir 50 50/50 Food cost , factory
skilled overhead , delivery cost
6-10 20/80. 20 for 35 50/50 Food cost. Factory
skilled overhead. Delivery cost
6-10 40/60. 40 for 8 50/50 Food cost. Factory
skilled overhead, delivery cost
10+ 10 percent 3 70 %permanent. Food cost 33, labor 22
basic labour percent, rental 12 percent

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3-6 50% 60 70% skilled in Food cost (37%), Labor

unskilled 2014 which is (19%), Rental (7.5%),
50% skilled now 50% skilled Utilities (12.5%), R&M
in 2018 (1.5%), Advertising (6%),
Others (11%)
3-6 80% skilled 25 60% FT All restaurant costs 85%

10+ 75% 2 AS OF NOW WE 35% FOOD COST 25%

3-6 10-10 20 test test

10+ All workers 60 20% permanent 35 to 40% COGS, 11 to

go through 13% labor , 10 to15%
basic rental , utilities 8% others
training to 5 to 7%
start at BK
and all have
at least high
school level
less 100% 3 no contract 30%, 30%, 5%
than 3 inskilled workers
(high school
less 33% skilled , 1 2 contract 1 Labour, food
than 3 66% permanent

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less 1 skilled 2 1 All contract Labour food

than 3 unskilled
3-6 25 percent 3 10 percent Labour food packaging
skilled permanent
less 1 skilled 1 All contract Food
than 3
less 1 skilled 1 All contract Food
than 3
less 2 skilled one 1 All contract Labour , food
than 3 unskilled
3-6 20-80 8 50-50 30%, 15%, 20%, 15%

10+ Unskilled 5 What's Up Cafe food cost 35%, labor cost

workers is established in the 30%, rental cost 4%
70% while year 2015 with 20
the skilled contract workers
ones is 30% until now What's
Up Cafe has more
than 16.000
contract workers
at the outlets and
20 permanen
workers at the
head office
6-10 30-70 3 In 2016 10-90, In Food Cost 60%, Labor
2017 10-90, In Cost 25%
2018 10-90
10+ 20 skilled 3 all contract 20% employee..cogs 45%

10+ 20 skilled 3 all contract 20% employee..cogs 45%

7 how 8. how 9. how 10.what 11. are 12. what steps do you
much do many much do you you plan to take to reduce
you restaura do you see as concerne the impact of increase
estimate nts do expect the d with the

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your you plan your impact of increase in wages - you can tick
revenue to open costs to minimum in more than 1
to per year increas wage minimum
increase e per increase wages in
per year per the
restaurant store? future?
per year
5-10% 2-5 5-10% reduction Yes use automation
in profit
3-5% more 5-10% reduction Yes reduce people;use
than 5 in profit automation;reduce
other costs
5-10% less less no Maybe reduce other costs
than 2 than 5% change
3-5% more 5-10% reduction No more contract
than 5 in profit workers;reduce other
5-10% 2-5 less no Yes reduce people;reduce
than 5% change other costs
3-5% 2-5 less no Yes reduce people;reduce
than 5% change other costs
5-10% more less no Yes reduce people;reduce
than 5 than 5% change other costs
above more less no Yes reduce people;reduce
10% than 5 than 5% change other costs
3-5% 2-5 less no Yes reduce people;reduce
than 5% change other costs
3-5% 2-5 less no No Employ qualify people
than 5% change and automate unskilled
3-5% more 5-10% reduction Yes reduce people;more
than 5 in profit contract workers;price

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5-10% 2-5 less reduction No Productivity

than 5% in profit
3-5% 2-5 5-10% reduction Yes more contract
in profit workers;reduce other
costs;work with lower
3-5% 2-5 less no No work with lower profits
than 5% change
5-10% more 5-10% reduction Yes reduce people;reduce
than 5 in profit other costs;Increase
sales and may be prices
above less 5-10% no Maybe reduce people;more
10% than 2 change contract workers
3-5% less less no No work with lower profits
than 2 than 5% change
less than less less no No work with lower profits
3% than 2 than 5% change
3-5% 2-5 5-10% reduction Maybe reduce other costs
in profit
less than less less no No work with lower profits
3% than 2 than 5% change
3-5% less less no No work with lower profits
than 2 than 5% change
3-5% less less no No reduce other
than 2 than 5% change costs;Does not affect
3-5% more 5-10% reduction Yes use automation;reduce
than 5 in profit other costs;work with
lower profits
less than more 5-10% reduction Yes reduce people;reduce
3% than 5 in profit other costs
5-10% 2-5 5-10% reduction Maybe Can be combination of
in profit any above

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above 2-5 less reduction Yes reduce people;use

10% than 5% in profit automation;reduce
other costs
above 2-5 less reduction Yes reduce people;use
10% than 5% in profit automation;reduce
other costs

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Start the reference list on a new page, center the title “References”.

Double space all entries.

Cite every reference mentioned. ​Citation generator.

Put list in alphabetical order

This is a very helpful resource

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Appendix A- Only if required

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an identifying capital letter (e.g., Appendix A, Appendix B etc.) if you have more than

one appendix. If you are referring to more than one appendix in your text, use the

plural appendices.

The first paragraph of the appendix should flush with the left margin. Additional

paragraphs should be indented.

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