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Ionic and covalent bonding

Grade Level: Grade – 9

Time Allotment: 60 Minutes

Learning Competencies:
(CODE: S9MT-IIa-13)
 Explain the formation of Ionic and covalent bond
 Recognize different types of compounds(Ionic or Covalent bond)

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson. The Students should be able to:
 Identify ionic and covalent bond
 Differentiate between ionic and covalent bonding, and classify the
bonding in a compound as ionic or covalent
 Describe the nature of ionic and covalent compounds.
Review previous topic ‘’Electron Dot Structure’’

Showing images on the screens
 Gather ideas how the students interpret the pictures.

Working in groups, Students will perform the activity, using provided materials.

 Students will present the outcome of the activity by answering the following
1. Who are the character in the story? Tell me about them.
2. Why they’re both attracted to each other?
3. How NaCl are being formed?
4. What Science Concept is the story about?
 Are you familiar of compounds?
 Do you an idea how compounds are being formed?
 Any idea about Ionic Bonding and Covalent bonding?
 How to identify the compounds is ionic or covalent.

1. From the list of elements given, select 2 elements that would likely form an
ionic bond. K, C, Br, Ar.
A. K and Br B. Ar and C C. K and Ar
2. The bond formed when Mg combines with O2 is ________
A. Ionic B. Covalent C. Metallic
3. Metals tend to _______ electrons to become _____ ions
A.lose, positive B. gain, negative c. lose, neutral
4. Covalent bond is formed between atoms of ______
A. Metals B. non-metals C. Metals and non-metals
5. Identify the following compounds whether ionic or covalent bond.
a. NaCl
b. NaBr
c. NaF
d. KCl
e. KI
f. NH4
g. KNO2
Give 5 examples of ionic and covalent bond compounds
Sodium Princess and Chlorine Prince

Love Story between Sodium princess and Chlorine prince.

Once upon a time, there was a very memorable love story between the
beautiful Sodium princess and the talent Chlorine prince.

Sodium is the princess of Solid country which is far, far away from the
Gas country of Chlorine prince. However, they were very attracted by each
other because of the number of electrons they have in their outermost shells
and. Solid is a very poor country in the Alkali Earth Metal planet. Therefore,
the princess just has only 1 electron in her valence, but the prince of the rich
Gas country has 7 electrons. However, because of this opposite attraction,
their love became stronger every day.

Day by day, because her deep love toward the prince, the princess tried
her best to enrich herself to become a Gas citizen like the prince. She
converted herself to become gas citizen by using the equation: Na (solid) +
enough energy --> Na (gas)

After successfully became a Gas citizen, she tried to find her lover, the
Chlorine prince to marry with him. Unfortunately, they have to face with
one more problem. The prince has to take care of his twin little brother who
is Chlorine too, and these two Cl2 can't live without each other. So, the
prince had to add more energy to get apart from his brother and become an
independent Chlorine prince.

Difficulties didn’t stop. The prince had also to gain more energy to
become an ion like the princess so they can get marry.
After all, the Sodium princess and the Chlorine prince could get marry
happily and born their famous child name Sodium Chloride who has the
nick name is NaCl.

Answer the following questions

1. Who are the character in the story? Tell me about them.
2. Why they’re both attracted to each other?
3. How NaCl are being formed?
4. What Science Concept is the story about?

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