Choi AmidoAmarantoWaxyOutrosComparação

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Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477 DOI 10.1002/star.

200300273 469

Hunjai Choia Properties of Korean Amaranth Starch Compared to

Wansoo Kimb
Malshick Shina Waxy Millet and Waxy Sorghum Starches
Department of Food and Characteristics of waxy type starches isolated from amaranth, waxy millet and waxy
Nutrition, sorghum harvested in Korea were evaluated. Shapes of all starch granules were poly-
Chonnam National University, gonal or slightly round and the surfaces of waxy millet and waxy sorghum starch
Gwangju, Korea granules showed visible pores. Amylose contents of the three starches were between
Department of Culinary Science,
3.2–6.0% and amaranth starch showed the highest water binding capacity (WBC)
Honam University,
Gwangju, Korea (130.7%). The swelling power and solubility of amaranth starch studied at 65.0–95.07C
increased about 13.7- and 14.0-fold, respectively, with increase in temperature. Swel-
ling power of waxy sorghum starch was the highest (72.6 at 957C) among the starches
studied, while amaranth starch had a constant swelling power and its rate of solubility
increasely only slowly at temperatures higher than 757C. From RVA data, initial pasting
temperatures of amaranth, waxy sorghum and waxy millet starches were 75.7, 73.3
and 75.27C, respectively. Peak viscosity, breakdown, and setback from trough of
amaranth starch were 68.3, 16.7 and 7.5 RVU, respectively, which were the lowest
values among the starches investigated. Using DSC, onset temperature of gelatiniza-
tion of amaranth starch was 1.5–4.07C higher than those of waxy sorghum and millet
starches, corresponding to the RVA result. The enthalpies of gelatinization of the
starches studied in our laboratory were in the range of 8.5–12.7 J/g with decreasing
order of waxy sorghum . amaranth . waxy millet starch.

Keywords: Amaranth starch; Waxy millet; Waxy sorghum; Pasting properties

1 Introduction ty and stabilized viscosity. Potential uses for amaranth

starch include dusting powders for cosmetics, biode-
Amaranth (Suvarna, Amaranthus cruentus) is a tall plant gradable plastics, paper coatings, laundry starch, food
with very broad leaves, that produces tiny seeds on a thickeners for soups, gravies and sauces, fat replacers,
sorghum-like head. As a health functional food, it has and starch-based spherical aggregates [1, 8–10]. Addi-
nutritional benefits such as high contents of protein, tionally the starch can be used in breakfast cereals, muf-
squalene, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, iron, cal- fins, cookies, snacks, pastas, and health/diet food [11].
cium, zinc, and vitamin E and B complexes, in combina- Compared to wheat and maize starches, amaranth starch
tion with low levels of saturated fatty acids and antinutri- has a much lower amylose content, lower swelling power
tional factors [1–2]. and Amylograph viscosity, higher solubility and gelatini-

Research Paper
zation temperature range, higher water uptake, and
Grain amaranth, a pseudocereal, contains about 50–60%
higher sorption capacity at high water activity (Aw) range
of starch, which is primarily located in the perisperm. The
[12, 13].
isolation of the starch from amaranth seeds is very difficult
because of the small starch granules and the relatively Even if vegetable amaranth has been used in the Korean
high protein content of the seeds [3]. Some scientists traditional cuisine since the Chosun Dynasty, cultivation
have tried to develop new methods for isolation of starch of grain amaranth in Korea started only recently, and
to improve processing and qualities of amaranth starch extensive researches on its seed or components are
[4–6]. Due to its tiny uniform granules of 1–3 mm in diam- needed to promote usage of domestically harvested grain
eter, amaranth starch has gained interest for food appli- amaranth. Studies on this field in Korea so far were limited
cations [4–7]. Amaranth starch consists of 92–95% amy- to starch properties isolated from Korean amaranth alone,
lopectin, which in turn gives excellent freeze/thaw stabili- or comparison to other waxy starches, and identification
of squalene in seed and its functionality [14, 15].
Correspondence: Malshick Shin, Department of Food and Nutri-
Grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), which is
tion, Chonnam National University, 300 Yongbongdong, Bukgu,
Gwangju, 500-757, Korea. Phone: +82-62-530-1336, Fax: +82- similar to amaranth in shape, has been expected to pro-
62-530-1339, e-mail: duce promising value-added products, which have

 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

470 H. Choi et al. Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477

bioactive functionality due to a high level of dietary fiber trifuged as described above. The starch slurry was then
and phenolic compounds, especially tannins. Some neutralized by repeated washing, dried and passed
properties of sorghum starch are affected by the isolation through a 100 mesh sieve.
method, environmental and genetic factors [16, 17]. Pearl
millet (Setaria italica Beauvos), similar to grain amaranth
in size, is currently used in various dishes mixed with rice, 2.3 Analytical procedures
baked goods, weaning food and brewing industry. Few
studies on starches isolated from waxy sorghum and Protein (N66.25), moisture, ash and lipid content (crude,
waxy millet, however, were undertaken so far, even if total) of flour and starch and proportion of damaged
these starches have very promising prospects in the food starch were determined according to AOAC [20].
industry due to their functionality [16–19].

In the presented study, it was attempted to isolate the

2.4 X-ray diffractometry
starch from domestically cultivated amaranth, waxy sor-
ghum and waxy millet, and to measure and compare their The crystallinity of the powdered starch samples was an-
X-ray diffraction patterns, and physicochemical and alyzed using an X-ray diffractometer, Model D/Max-1200
pasting property in order to establish basic information on (Rigaku Co., Tokyo, Japan) with following conditions: tar-
novel ingredients for the food industry, especially for Ko- get Cu-Ka; filter Ni; scanning speed, 87/min; diffraction
rean traditional foods. angle (2y) 0–407; voltage 40 kV, and current 20 mA. Type
of crystalline structure and crystallinities of starch sam-
ples were determined from the location and intensity of
2 Materials and Methods peak and area under the peak.

2.1 Materials

Amaranth, harvested in October 2000, was donated from

2.5 Scanning electron microscopy
Korea Plant Resource Institute (Ilsan, Korea), waxy sor- The granule morphology of the starch sample was
ghum was purchased from Guesan, Chungbuk, and waxy observed in a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
millet from Naju, Chonnam. Megazyme kit (Cat No. (JEOL, JSM-5400, Tokyo, Japan). The sample was
R-TSTA) was purchased from Megazyme International mounted on an aluminum stub using a double-backed
Ltd. (Wicklow, Ireland). Each flour sample was ground in a cellophane tape, coated with gold-palladium (60:40,
mill (M – 680T, Hanil, Seoul, Korea) for 2 min, passed w/w), and examined at magnifications of 1,000, and 2,000
through a 45 mesh sieve and stored at room temperature for the waxy starches and 7,500 for amaranth starch.
in a desiccator for further analysis.

2.2 Isolation of starch 2.6 Physicochemical assays

Starches were isolated from grain amaranth, waxy sor- The amylose level and water binding capacity (WBC) of
ghum and waxy millet flour according to the alkaline starch were determined according to modified methods
steeping method [5, 15] and stored in a desiccator for of Williams et al. [21], and Medcalf and Gilles [22],
further analysis. respectively. The standard curve of amylose was Y =
0.0089X 1 0.0528 ( r= 0.99), where X = amylose content
Samples were steeped in 0.25% aqueous NaOH solution (%), and Y = absorbance at 680 nm, based on fractiona-
for 24 h at room temperature and stirred three times dur- tion of rice starch by Montgomery and Senti [23]. Swelling
ing this period. After steeping, the sample was ground in a power and solubility at 55–957C were analyzed by a
blender (HR1734, Philips, Brazil) at full speed for 2 min, modified Schoch method [24]. Briefly, a homogeneous
and was filtered stepwise through 100 (,150 mm) and 270 mixture of starch (0.5 g, dry basis, db) and water (40 mL)
mesh (,53 mm) sieves. In case of amaranth, 400 mesh was heated in a 50 mL centrifuge tube at 55–957C for 30
(,38 mm) was additionally used. The starch was then min with gentle stirring using a magnetic stir bar. Imme-
isolated from the filtrate by centrifugation at 25,0006g for diately after centrifuging at 15,000 rpm (25,0006g) for 30
20 min. The supernatant was discarded, and the top yel- min, the weight of sediment was recorded, and the car-
lowish layer of protein was removed. This step was bohydrate content in the supernatant was determined
repeated to obtain a white starch layer. The starch layer using phenol-sulfuric acid [25]. Swelling power was
was resuspended in distilled water, shaken and cen- obtained by the ratio of the wet mass of the sedimented

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Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477 Properties of Korean Amaranth Starch 471

gel to the dry matter in the gel. Solubility was calculated tically sealed in aluminum pans, held overnight, and
as the amount (%) of starch dissolved in the continuous heated from 30–1207C with 107C/min heating speed. An
liquid phase. empty aluminum pan was used as reference. Tempera-
tures of onset (To), peak (Tp) and conclusion (Tc) of gelatini-
Total starch assay was performed with the Megazyme kit
zation and the endothermic enthalpy (DH) were recorded.
according to AACC 76-13 [26]. Damaged starch was
determined in acetate buffer solution (pH 4.6–4.8) by
AACC 76-30A and 22-15 [26], and calculated using the 2.8 Statistical analysis
following equation:
All samples were analyzed at least in duplicate, unless
Damaged starch (%) = (0.082)6(mg maltose/10 g sam- otherwise indicated, and mean values and standard
ple) deviations were reported. Statistical analyses were per-
formed by Duncan’s multiple-range test using the SAS
Iodine affinities of soluble fractions of amaranth, waxy
software package (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
sorghum and waxy millet starches, which leached out at
certain temperature were measured by the modified
method of Williams et al. [21].
3 Results and Discussion

2.7 Pasting properties 3.1 Proximate analyses

The pasting properties of the starches (3 g, 14% moisture Tab. 1 shows analytical data of milled flours and starches
of amaranth, waxy sorghum and waxy millet. The mois-
basis) in water (25 mL) were determined using the Rapid
Visco Analyser (RVA, Newport Scientific Pty. Ltd., Nar- ture content of all milled flour samples was similar, and
protein level of amaranth flour was 4–5% higher than that
rabeen, Australia). The sample was programmed to hold
of milled waxy cereal flours. Our data were 0.5–1.3%
at 507C for 2 min, heated to 957C in 6 min, held at 957C for
4 min, cooled to 507C in 6 min and held at 507C for 4 min, higher than those reported from Zhao and Whistler [27],
and from Paredes-Lopez et al. [12]. Amaranth had a high
according to the modified AACC method 61-02 [26]. From
content of lysine and leucine but was relatively low in sul-
the curve, initial pasting temperature and viscosities of
peak (P), holding strength (H) and final viscosity (C) were fur-containing amino acids [3], indicating that amaranth
grain is as good as or better than true cereals as a protein
obtained, and viscosities of setback from trough (C-H)
and of breakdown (P-H) were calculated. source [28]. Amaranth had an about 80% higher ash
content than waxy cereal flours, presumably due to a high
DSC was performed on a Differential Scanning Calori- level of calcium in amaranth. Crude and total lipids in
meter (DSC-SP, Rheometric Scientific, New Castle, DE, amaranth flour were about 1.5–2 times higher than those
USA) and the instrument was calibrated with indium. in the waxy flours. According to Sun et al. [29], amaranth
Starch samples and distilled water (1:3, w/w) were herme- contained 6.0–9.0% of fat, especially squalenes, which

Tab. 1. Proximate analysis data of amaranth, waxy (wx) sorghum and waxy (wx) millet flours and of
its starches.

Samples Moisture [%] Protein [%] Ash [%] Lipids [%]

Crude Total

Amaranth 11.5 6 0.0 16.3 6 0.0a 5.1 6 0.1a 5.9 6 0.1a 11.5 6 0.2a
wx-Sorghum 11.3 6 0.1 11.4 6 0.3c 2.8 6 0.0b 2.7 6 0.1c 5.0 6 0.1c
wx-Millet 11.4 6 0.0 12.4 6 0.1b 2.8 6 0.0b 3.5 6 0.0b 8.1 6 0.3b
Amaranth 11.3 6 0.1c 0.1 6 0.0c 1.2 6 0.0c 0.01 6 0.0b 0.1 6 0.0b
wx-Sorghum 14.1 6 0.1a 0.2 6 0.0b 1.3 6 0.0b 0.10 6 0.0a 0.2 6 0.0a
wx-Millet 12.7 6 0.1b 0.2 6 0.0a 1.4 6 0.0a 0.04 6 0.0b 0.2 6 0.04a

Values are means of duplicate determinations. Different superscripts within column indicated signifi-
cant differences (p , 0.05).

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472 H. Choi et al. Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477

are usually found in sea animals. The investigated star- round edges and some pores at the surface, and the
ches had a much lower content of impurities compared to granular sizes were 10.0–20.4 and 5.0–10.0 mm, respec-
the milled flour, especially amaranth starch. The amount tively. It is known that starch granule size has an effect on
of crude fat in waxy millet starch was slightly higher than the swelling power [32], and that, if sorghum, millet, wheat,
that in other starches. We found that starch recovery of rye and barley starches have pores at the granule surface,
amaranth was higher than that reported by Radiosavljevic the sensitivity to enzyme attack will be increased [33].
et al. [5], and the recoveries of the two waxy cereals were
lower than reported data [18, 30]. These differences were X-ray diffraction patterns in Fig. 2 indicate all starch sam-
probably caused by cultivation conditions, species and ples possess typical “A” type crystallinity. From the area
isolation methods (Tab. 2). under the diffraction angle (2y) in the range 13.0–22.07,
which closely indicates the crystallinity of starches [34],
the three starches showed a similar crystallinity.
3.2 Starch granule morphology

Fig. 1 shows the granule shape and size of the three 3.3 Physiochemical properties of starches
starches investigated using SEM. To obtain similar dimen-
sions in the micrographs, a magnification of 7,500 was The amylose content is an important factor affecting
chosen for amaranth starch and of 1,000 for the two waxy swelling power, solubility and gel forming property of
starches. Amaranth starch granules were polygonal, with starch. Amaranth, waxy sorghum and waxy millet
no fissures in the surface, being 0.8–2.0 mm in diameter. starches contained 3.2, 3.8 and 6.1% of amylose, respec-
This is in agreement with Parades-Lopez [31], who also tively (Tab. 2). In this study, a standard curve for amylose
suggested the possible use of amaranth starch as excel- determination was established using rice starch, which
lent dispersion or coating material, due to its large surface might be slightly different depending on rice source and
area per unit weight. The granules of both waxy sorghum experimentation used. It was reported that amylose con-
and waxy millet starches were polygonal in shape with tents of waxy sorghum [30], of domestic waxy millet [35]

Tab. 2. Physicochemical properties of amaranth, waxy (wx) sorghum and waxy (wx) millet flours and

Samples Flours Starches

Total Starch Amylose Water binding Damaged
starch [%] recovery* [%] Content [%] capacity [%] starch [%]

Amaranth 59.8 6 0.3b 87.2 6 0.1a 3.2 6 0.1b 130.7 6 1.1a 7.6 6 0.2a
62.4 6 0.0a 78.2 6 0.1b 3.1 6 0.1b 94.4 6 0.2c 1.4 6 0.0b
wx-Millet 63.4 6 0.6a 70.3 6 0.0c 6.0 6 0.1a 96.4 6 0.4b 2.4 6 0.1b

* Starch recovery: Ratio of isolated starch (g) to total starch (g) in sample.
Values are means of duplicate determinations. Different superscripts within column indicated signifi-
cant differences (p , 0.05).

Fig. 1. Scanning electron microphotographs of amaranth (A), waxy millet (B) and waxy sor-
ghum (C) starch granules.

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Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477 Properties of Korean Amaranth Starch 473

96.0% of WBC as reported by Carcea et al. [40] who

explained weak bondings between amorphous regions
were responsible for a high amount of water absorbed
to the granule, which agreed to our data. Tab. 2 also
shows the level of damaged starch, which was known
to relate to the increase in WBC. Damaged starch in
amaranth was higher than that in the other two waxy
starches, because amaranth starch was isolated using
higher concentration of alkaline solution (0.25% vs.
0.2% NaOH solution) and was additionally filtered
through 400 mesh sieve as well as 100 and 270 mesh
sieves. Perez et al. [37] reported 14.0–14.9% of
damaged starch in amaranth by alkaline steeping, which
was much higher than the values determined by us,
indicating amylase could have damaging effect on
starch even under alkaline steeping.

Swelling powers of three different starch suspensions

heated at 55–957C are shown in Fig. 3. Up to 657C the
Fig. 2. X-ray diffractograms of amaranth (A), waxy sor- swelling power of three starches was similar, but major
ghum (B) and waxy millet (C) starches. differences between amaranth and two waxy starches
were observed at temperatures higher than 757C. The
swelling power of amaranth starch did not change at all
and of amaranth starch [36–38] were 0.9, 8.0 and 0.2– at . 757C, while that of the two waxy starches increased
10.6%, respectively, suggesting that the cultivation strongly at temperatures . 657C. The starches used in
method was another important factor affecting starch this experiment were mostly composed of amylopectin
properties, besides species. which could swell at lower temperature, confirming the
swelling powers of waxy starches showed higher values
Total starch content of amaranth, waxy sorghum and than those of normal starches [41]. The order of swelling
waxy millet was 59.8, 62.4, and 63.4%, respectively power of starches at 87–957C was waxy sorghum .
(Tab. 2), which was in the middle range of previously waxy millet . amaranth. It was reported that factors
reported data (48.0–69.0%) [39]. Jorge et al. [30] found such as properties and intensity of the three-dimensional
approximately 75% of starch in sorghum. Yang and Seib network of micelles in starch granule, bonding degrees
[17] reported that starch recovery of sorghum treated with at the molecular level, branching of outer parts in the
protease was about 72.2–79.4%, which was mainly amylopectin molecule, and properties and amount of
affected by the isolation method rather than species or nonstarch components had great influence on swelling
cultivation. The data on millet starch content reported by power [42].
Malleshi et al. [18], about 60%, was similar to ours.
When a starch suspension is heated, starch granules
The water binding capacity, i.e. the amount of water swell and are leached out partially. The degree of swelling
absorbed to the amorphous regions of the starch gran- power and solubility is influenced by the crystalline type
ules and/or adsorbed to the surface of the graunles (a and the shape of starches used. As seen in Fig. 4, solu-
large surface area results from a small particle size), is bility of amaranth starch was much higher than that of
considerably affected by sufficient free spaces between other two waxy cereal starches at 65–757C and, similar to
starch granules [19]. WBC of amaranth starch was swelling power, not much change in solubility was seen
130.7%, which was higher than that of the two waxy after 757C. In contrast, solubilities of waxy sorghum and
starches (94.4% for waxy sorghum and 96.4% for waxy of waxy millet starches increased considerably at . 657C,
millet starch) (Tab. 2). Lorenz and Collins [38] reported the increase for waxy millet starch being less steep. It
that WBC of amaranth starch was 145.6%, which was appears that at lower temperature high solubility of
high, compared to that of wheat, potato or barley amaranth starch used in this study might be attributed to
starch, and that starches with low amylose content starch damage. It is also known that fast swelling cereal
showed high WBC. WBC of waxy millet was 80.1% as starches are less soluble than slowly swelling ones,
determined by Kim et al. [35], and was 83.0–100.0% though the relationship between swelling power and sol-
according to Beleia et al. [19]. Waxy sorghum had 73.0– ubility is not always linear [41].

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474 H. Choi et al. Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477

Fig. 3. Swelling patterns of amaranth,

waxy sorghum and waxy millet starch

Fig. 4. Solubility patterns of amaranth,

waxy sorghum and waxy millet starch

Iodine affinity of leached carbohydrate solutions is 3.4 Rheological properties of starches

defined as the intensity of staining caused by the inclu-
sion compounds formed between linear starch fractions Starch can be widely applied in the food industry partially
and iodine. The longer chain length of starch gives the due to viscosity change of starch paste during heating
maximum absorbance at longer wavelength. As for waxy and cooling. Tab. 3 gives viscosity values of starch pastes
starches, iodine binding was affected by the degree of measured by RVA. Initiation temperatures for gelatiniza-
polymerization and/or dissolved amylose in starch solu- tion of amaranth, waxy millet, and waxy sorghum starch
tion [14]. Fig. 5 shows affinities of leached carbohydrate in were 75.7, 75.2, and 73.37C, respectively, and those were
starch solutions of amaranth, waxy sorghum and waxy slightly higher than reported data, which were 75.17C for
millet to iodine at 55–957C, expressed as absorbance at amaranth starch determined by Lee et al. [4]; 69.0–69.37C
680 nm. Waxy millet starch had the greatest absorbance for waxy and 71.7–73.77C for normal millet starch by Kim
of all starches studied, presumably because the starch et al. [35]; and 72.17C for waxy and 74.77C for normal
fractions composed of longer chain were continuously sorghum starch by Jorge et al. [30]. Peak viscosity of
leached out from the waxy millet starch solution when amaranth starch showed 68.3 RVU that was about 1/4–
heated at temperatures higher than 787C. At . 757C, 1/3 of that of waxy sorghum or waxy millet starch, and
amaranth starch solutions showed no change in iodine stable viscosity pattern without much viscosity increase
affinity. An intermediate iodine affinity value was seen in was seen. According to Parades-Lopez [31], amaranth
waxy sorghum starch (Fig. 5). starch had low viscosity, due to short chain length and to

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Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477 Properties of Korean Amaranth Starch 475

Fig. 5. Iodine affinity of leached carbohy-

drate solutions from amaranth, waxy sor-
ghum and waxy millet starches.

Tab. 3. Pasting properties of amaranth, waxy (wx) sorghum and waxy (wx) millet starches deter-
mined by Rapid Visco Analyser.

Starches Initial Viscosity [RVU]

Peak (P) Holding Final Breakdown C-H*
strength (C) (P-H)

Amaranth 75.7 68.3 51.7 59.2 16.6 7.5

73.3 262.8 106.9 148.9 155.9 42.0
wx- Millet 75.2 202.8 95.5 116.3 107.3 20.8

C-H: Setback from trough.

irreversible damage treated with alkaline media. Perez et Tab. 4 shows the DSC data for three different starches.
al. [37] suggested that starch with low peak viscosity and Similar to RVA, all starch pastes showed single endo-
stable viscosity regardless of temperature change, like thermic pattern in DSC (DSC pattern not shown).
native amaranth starch, could be an ideal ingredient for Gelatinization temperature ranges of amaranth, waxy
instant soup mixes and suitable thickeners in sauces and sorghum, and waxy millet starch were 69.3–83.2, 67.8–
dressings. The other two waxy starches gave a sharp 81.7, and 65.3–81.67C, respectively, with a slightly high
increase in viscosity right after initiation of gelatinization, onset temperature of gelatinization in amaranth starch
reached the peak viscosity within a short period of time paste. Biliaderis et al. [46] reported that the endother-
(less than 2 min) and a distinct breakdown occurred mic enthalpy was affected by heating rate, water con-
(Tab. 3). This agrees with other studies [13, 35, 43]. tent in gel, and starch damage. We obtained enthalpy
of waxy sorghum and of amaranth starch was 2.1–4.2
It was reported that if viscosity of setback were high, the J/g higher than that of waxy millet starch, this is prob-
retrogradation of starch paste would progress rapidly ably attributable to a high amount of amylopectin in the
[44]. In our experiment, we chose setback viscosity as an crystalline region of starch granules. This is consistent
indication of retrogradation of starch paste, and found with the data from X-ray diffractograms (Fig. 2). Gelati-
that the retrogradation of the two waxy starch pastes was nization temperature range of starch varies with meth-
much faster than that of amaranth starch paste. Addi- odology that is based on which physical properties are
tionally, Goering et al. [45] reported that starch paste used. Lee et al. [14] found 58.7–64.0 and 67.27C for
composed of large size granules gave a high viscosity, onset temperature of gelatinization of waxy rice and of
and we found the same trends, showing starch paste waxy corn starch, respectively, and those temperatures
viscosity decreased in the series waxy sorghum . waxy were lower than 69.37C (Tab. 4) for amaranth starch
millet . amaranth starch. studied in our laboratory, and 9.7–13.5, 14.6, and

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476 H. Choi et al. Starch/Stärke 56 (2004) 469–477

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 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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