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Dental clinics here at Tanay, Rizal is having a big impact not like before
there is only few dental clinics that you can go. Some people need to go to other
town for dental check-up or dental needs.

Getting patient information, a doctor aide will ask the patient name, age,
address, gender and other personal information will be written to their record
books or index cards, drawers and etc., these are the usual common materials
when recording patient’s information. Gathering all the information needed will
now follow up the undergo treatment done by the dentist. After the treatment
done by the dentist to its patient they need to list his/her dental information about
the treatment they’ve done, it will be done by the dentist or his/her aide that need
to be written again manually.

Consuming space, time and paper for all the documents they gathered for
their entire patient. With the help of the Dental Clinic System, storing, editing,
updating and searching patient information will be easier. A system that can
manage to store all the information of the patient. Editing and updating patient
dental treatment and results can be easier. Searching patient’s information is will
be just few clicks away. It is just not a system-stored patient’s information but
also the staffs/aide and doctors of the clinic.

The dental clinic system can cause a big change for the dental clinics that
are still in their traditional way of doing it manually. It is easy to say that a paper
can be stored in safe cabinets or drawers but in reality, it might damage the
capability of the paper for a long time of keeping it. The developers hardly work
for the system to secure their data from loss and for them to have more back-ups
of records of the patient.

This system was not developed just for the dental clinic itself, it is also for
their patient. The trust of their patients and new patients are necessary to be
included that they may have the assurance of their payments are stored correctly,
most especially of the regular patients that are paying every time that their
desired payment will also be paid correctly.
1.1 Statement of the Problem

1.1.1 Major Statement Problem

 How to develop a Dental Clinic System for Sacramento
Dental Clinic?
o The dental clinic uses manual procedure in
managing and organizing their patient’s
records. Sacramento Dental Clinic spends a
lot of time retrieving and updating the
records of their patients.

1.1.2 Minor Statement Problem

 How to develop computerize managing of patients
record from traditional way of manual managing the
records of the patients?
o The aide or secretary are still using pen and
paper in organizing their patients records in
their Patient Information Form, Dental
Record Chart, Treatment Record Forms.

 How to develop a secured record of the patient from

getting loss and have more back-ups?
o Sacramento Dental Clinic uses paper in
their forms and patients record that can be
misplaced anytime or worst it might be
dump unexpectedly.

 How to develop an organized and formal way of

collecting the data?
o Sacramento Dental Clinic aides and
secretaries collect the data just a piece of
 How to lessen the time in searching and storing data?
o Sacramento Dental Clinic are still using
papers and envelops to sort their patients
records to search it when needed and update
it when something changes from a patient
record that can consumed much of their

1.2 Current State of Technology

On the current state, the Sacramento Clinic used the manual operation on
putting the patients information’s through logbook and printed forms but this
manual operation can cause some problems in keeping data. It consumes time to
sort manually the data.

In Sacramento Dental Clinic located in Tanay, Rizal, the aide or secretary

manages the records of the patients in traditional way of filling up the forms by
the use of paper. In their current daily operations, all their works are done
manually, with the aid of the printed forms that they use to get the information,
diagnosis, and all the computation of the bills of patient, all stored in a room at
the clinic and with the folders separating each file; thus, almost anyone can
access the records if they forces to open their drawers or cabinets in just a little
bit of time and all their records will be scattered, misplaced and worst is lost the
confidential information of the patients. Although the clinic is quite small, the
records are still get piled up and the new records usually get mixed with the old
records. Also there might be old records that should be thrown away for certain
reasons but are overlooked considering the number of files that needed to be

The current process of the clinic itself is simple; the first step depends if
the patient is old or new. If the patient is new, the patient is having the patient
information to be filled up in their form. Second step is consultation and
diagnosis, in this step, the dentist will use intraoral examination in the form as a
guide to know which teeth has a problem and what is the appropriate cure for the
teeth that has damage. In third step, is the confirmation, in which the dentist will
approve whether the patient is set for procedure or not depending on the
diagnosis. Then comes the fourth step which is the procedure, in this part, the
dentist will surely do on what is planned. Fifth step is the scheduling of patients
in the dental clinic desired appointments where the aide again uses their printed
form to the plan the appointments. This step is optional because it depends on the
procedure that is done and at the very end of their operation is to compute all the
bills and payments. Know that these steps can be shuffled anytime, that is just the
standard. This is because it depends whether the patient wants to have the
procedure which makes us jump to the scheduling step instead of doing the

If the patient is past patient of the dental clinic, the first step will make
more difficulties for the aides and secretary who is authorized to find and update
the old record of the said patient – which consumes a lot of their time, effort, with
the state their storage is in – then the rest of the steps are similar with the new
patient. Nevertheless, the steps can still be shuffled depending on what the patient
wants or what the dentist necessary to do in more proper way.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 General Objectives

 To develop a Dental Clinic System for Dental Clinic

that will benefit them managing and organizing their
records and not consumed their time a lot.
o To improve and make the system from
manual to computerize that would enable
the clinic for faster and more efficient
storage, retrieval and updating of the
clinic’s record.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

 To carry out the problems of the traditional way of

gathering dental records.
o The developers will develop computerized
managing of patient’s record from
traditional way of doing it.

 To secure the data from loss and have more back-ups.

o The developers make more back-ups from
the system so if some data was loss it can
retrieve easily.

 To have more organize and formal way of collecting

o The developers create a system the can
collect the data in which there is a form that
focuses only in collecting the data in more
organized and formal way.

 To lessen the time of searching and storing data.

o The developers create a form that focuses to
view or search a patient record in just a
second and also in storing the data by just
typing to lessen the time in writing it.

1.3.3 Scope and Limitations


 Patient Information Module

This module is where the patient information will be input by the

authorized users of the system, so that every information from the patient will be
input correctly.
 Payment Module

This module will handle all about the billings of the patient such as mode
of payment, balances, and other computations.

 View Patients Information Module

This module includes all the patient information, so that when the patient
asks for his/her balances the nurse and aide will find it just a little bit of seconds.

 Intraoral Examination Module

This module is where the patient’s teeth images will be inserted in the
system. In just browsing where you saved the images of the teeth, you can insert
it in the system so that the solve or not problems will be check by the doctor.

 Back-up and Restore Module

This module will include the back-up and retrieve module so that the
dental clinic will not lost any important patient records in times of unexpected
electricity failure.

 Security Module
This module will provide the login form, so that before you can enter to
the main system you will log in first the username and password, that is known
just by the authorized staffs for the safety of confidential files.


 Printing Module

The developers does not include this module because it is also problem of
the dental clinic, they want to lessen the paper using or to avoid using of papers
in their clinic.

2.1 Introduction

This chapter is all about the related studies in Dental Clinic System and it
says that Dental software provides easy access of the data in advanced and
ordered fashion. The software maintains individual patient account ledgers
for each treatment. Also includes appointment schedule. It is easy to search
and retrieve the information stored, related to patients. Previous medical
records are used to manage documents of patients visited earlier. It includes
complete reporting system and helps to build the Dental Case Reports. Helps
to store images. Advanced document management system to manage the
documents of patients.

2.2 Dental Software

Dental Software is designed and built to meet all the requirements of a

dental clinic and to help the dentist in managing their clinics in an effective
manner. With just a few clicks the user can schedule faster, record treatment
plans easier, simplify billing. This project aims at creating an application
which will automate the process in Dental Software. Using this it is possible
to keep a track of a database for clinic like information about the patient like
appointment schedule, personal records, previous medical records, treatment
records, prescriptions, case reports and images. The dental software is used
for collecting, managing, saving, and retrieving medical information for the
patients, and for creating reports for the patients. Patient records are used by
the dentists in order to organize the records of the patients in their practice.
The dental imaging, defines software used for creating, processing, viewing
and storing dental X-Rays, intra and extra-oral images.

2.3 Dental Clinic Management System

Dental Clinic Management System is the process gets much faster and more
efficient than traditional way. Even though the dental clinic had a system, but
they still do not use the application. It is because there are facing several
problems during process management. So, people from outside cannot view
their treatment examination that they have done in the dental clinic. There are
also problem when the patient forgot their appointment time because they
cannot check their appointment schedule through online. Although the
appointment schedule was provided in the manual, it is possible that the paper
will be missing. Dental Clinic Management System with Notification is
specially designed to let the clinic staff has a high efficiency management
tools, computerized and systematic patient’s record, and detail of treatment
records. This system also provides appointment feature, which allow staffs to
view the appointment that already made by doctors and process it by sending
a notification to patients. Patients will receive the notification about their
appointment details on their mobile phone. This new system will replace the
current system that is used in clinic and surely this system will improve the
clinic services and make their daily operation running smoothly. Patient
treatment module consists the information about the tooth examination and
record and list of treatment that has done. Besides that, dental treatment and
disease module provide information about the cause of tooth extraction and
tooth filling. It is allowing the dentist to trace the patient needs. Decision
Support System for Dental Clinic is an independence management solution
for managing information in the non-government clinic. The propose system
is also focuses to improve the current system impart of record patient tooth
treatment. The objectives of the project are to develop decision support
system for dental clinic, to improve part of record patient examination form
and analysis the cause of tooth disease, prevention and treatment.

2.4 Summary

In conclusion, the dental clinic system was developed to lessen the work
from paper works to computerized and easier way to retrieve data when the
authorized staffs in the clinic needed it. It was made also to make the work more
efficient in the way that will help the nurse or secretary in inserting new patient’s
information and sorting the information.
3.1 Introduction
Nowadays, most every side of this world is living in modern life with high
technology where computers became necessary from day to day needs for every people
who are working or studying, for them also to have easier way of doing their businesses
with the help of computers. This chapter introduces the dental clinic system gathers the
information by just typing it on a computerized way that the aide will not have a problem
to print or photocopy more dental forms that will maximize their time to accommodate
all the patients who were scheduled on that day. The dental clinic system also ready for
those new patients to be added in that same day. In searching the information of the
patient, the search button of this system will be the clinics easiest way in finding the past
patients and adding new information about them and also editing, if there is some
technical error has been done.

3.2 System Design Specification

 Microsoft Visual Studio C# 2015
The Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 setup experience has been
componentized so that you only have to install the parts that you need. This
makes installation faster for many common scenarios involving .NET or Web
development. If you do other types of development, such as cross-platform
mobile development or you work in C++ or F#, choose Custom installation and
then choose the components and optional third-party SDKs that you require. You
can also install any of the custom components later. For example, if you choose
Basic installation, and then attempt to create a new C++ project, you will be
prompted to download the C++ development tools.

 XAMPP3.2.2
XAMPP stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MySQL (M), PHP
(P) and Perl (P). It is a simple, lightweight Apache distribution that makes it
extremely easy for developers to create a local web server for testing purposes.
Everything you need to set up a web server – server application (Apache),
database (MySQL), and scripting language (PHP) – is included in a simple
extractable file. XAMPP is also cross-platform, which means it works equally
well on Linux, Mac and Windows. Since most actual web server deployments
use the same components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local test
server to a live server is extremely easy as well. Web development using
XAMPP is especially beginner friendly, as this popular PHP and MySQL for
beginners course will teach you.

 MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL is based on a client-server model. The core of MySQL is MySQL server,

which handles all of the database instructions or commands. MySQL server is
available as a separate program for use in a client-server networked environment
and as a library that can be embedded or linked into separate applications.

MySQL operates along with several utility programs, which support the
administration of MySQL databases. Commands are sent to MySQL Server
via the MySQL client, which is installed on a computer.

MySQL was originally developed to handle large databases quickly. Although

MySQL is typically installed on only one machine, it is able to send the database
to multiple locations, as users are able to access it via different MySQL client
interfaces. These interfaces send SQL statements to the server and then display
the results.

3.2.1 Resources

 Hardware Specification

The developers identify the essentials and functional reliability of the

components that helps to finish the system.

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

 Core 2 Duo 1Ghz

 Video card 128mb

 1GB RAM Memory

 10 Gigabytes Hard Disk

Recommended Hardware Requirements:

 Core 2 Duo based processor 1.5GHz (or higher)

 Video card 512 MB (or higher)

 2GB RAM Memory (or higher)

 20 Gigabytes Hard Disk (or higher) Hardware

 Laptop or Desktop

 Keyboard

 Mouse

 Printer Software

 Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 10.0

 Microsoft Word 2016

 XAMPP Server 2.05

3.2.2 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

A data-flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data

through an information system. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data
processing (structured design).

A Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of flow of data through

information system. DFD can be used to visualize a data processing. DFD shows what
kind of data will be input to the system and what data is received as the output. Also it
tells where the data will come from and to go and where it is stored in the process. DFDs
are drawn with help of Mac Draw.

On a DFD, data items flow from an external data source or an internal data store to an
internal data store or an external data sink, via an internal process.

3.2.3 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Entity-relationship diagram is a specialized graphic form that illustrates the

relationships between entities in a database. ER diagrams often use symbols to represent
three types of information: entities (or concepts), relationships and attributes. In industry
standard ER diagrams, boxes are used to represent entities. Diamonds are used to
represent relationships, and oval are used to represent attributes.

3.2.4 Context Diagram

A Context Diagram (sometimes also referred to as a Level-0 Data Flow Diagram)

is a common tool that Business Analysts use to understand the context if an entity being
examined. Most description of a Context Diagram limit this entity to a system that is
being created or modified as a part of a project, but the Context Diagram can also be
applied to other entities.
3.2.5 Gantt Chart

A Gant Chart is a graphical representation of the duration of tasks against the

progression of time. Gantt charts are useful tools for planning and scheduling projects.

Gant charts may be simple versions created on graph paper or more complex
automated versions created using simple project management applications such as
Microsoft Project or Excel.

3.3 Summary

In conclusion, through this software’s the developers are able to done the desired
project and it not just help to finish the system but it also make the developers to learn
something from past projects to make the system, have more easier way of using it. The
developers used some chart to complete the system such as Data Flow Diagram, Entity-
Relationship Diagram, Context Diagram, and Gantt chart in which it serves as a
graphical representation of the system.

4.1 Introduction

Sacramento Dental Clinic is a small dental clinic located at Manuel A. Roxas St.
Brgy. Pinagkamaligan Tanay, Rizal. As time flies passed so fast, the volume of the
patients are getting larger that the clinic having some difficulties of managing their
patient records that takes their time a lot.

In order to solve these problems, the developers create a computerized system

that will give the dental clinic assurance of easier way of managing the records of their
patients and lessen the consumed time from it. However, to make this system done, the
developers do not waste time to have the standards of the users for them to conduct this
project and reach the desired needs of each other to achieve a finish project.

4.2 Experimental
The computerized Dental Clinic System must reach the things that are necessary
to make the system meet the needs of the dental clinic and users of the system. To reach
the needs of the users, the developers conduct an interview for them in the dental clinic
to know the need and scopes of the system. The respondents of this interview are the
secretary and dentist that are the main users of the system. The outcome of this interview
will be used by the developers to reach the desired project.

4.3Results and Analysis

Crizel Ann Leyble Sacramento, DMD – Dentist/Orthodontics
 Do you encounter any problems with your current process?
o The record patients are sometimes misplaced. Sometimes, the
patients don’t remember that they’ve had a previous record in the
clinic and they fill-up a new one, thus, the records are duplicated.
The penmanship of the patients is hard to read sometimes, and
most of the time, the answer the given questions in the form
wrong. Another thing is that, the records are piled up in our office
that is hard to organize it.

 What are the improvements that you want to have for your current process?
o The improvements that I want in our current process of recording
patient’s information is organize and manage for my secretary
and aide will find it the easiest way and to delete the old records
of deceased patients, and for our system to be computerized.

 Explanation of your current process

o The current process of our dental clinic is in the following order:
Patient arrives, ask if the patient have old records, if the patient
has an old record, and well then try to find it in manually our
mountains of paper records of patients. If the patient is new, we’ll
have them fill-up new form. Then comes the consultation and
procedure, and then comes payment. The payment is recorded
along with form of their record.

 Are there any additional features that you want to have in computerized system?
o None. U just want the form that we make our patients fill-up to be
computerized so that the process will be faster and the patients
won’t have to wait and our office won’t have too many papers
scattered around.

4.4 Summary
The developers give the respondents a positive sight of the differences between
the manual of managing the system and computerized way of doing it. Generally,
the computerized system will be a great changed in dental clinics to have more
efficient way in their daily operations.

The background of the dental clinic and major and minor problems, proposed

system shall be included to be discussed in Chapter 1.

The related studies in this project will be the guide to improve this project so that

the developers will easily know not just the objectives of other finish projects but also to

know the major and minor problems that are not done yet by other developers that will

be goal of the present developers in Chapter 2 of this documentation.

In Chapter 3, all the materials that is necessary to be discussed from hardware to

software. The developers used some chart to complete the system such as Data Flow

Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram, Context Diagram, and Gantt chart in which it

serves as a visual or graphical representation of the system. Every phase in the system

are properly arranged in every representation that can be used as manual of how the

system works from what is expected.

The dental clinic staffs were interview – which is discussed in Chapter 4 –

positively figured out the differences between the computerized system to manual way

that the dental clinic current doing. Basically, the computerized system will be a great

changed to improve the dental clinic on their daily operations.

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