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92 LOPEZ v FILIPINAS COMPAÑIA DE SEGUROS taking place as provided herein) within twelve months after the

arbitrator, arbitrators, or umpire shall have made their award then the
FACTS: claim shall for all purposes be deemed to have been abandoned and shall
1. Prior Apr 22 1959: Lopez applied with Filipinas Comapañia de not thereafter be recovered hereunder."
Seguros (company) for insurance of his properties against loss 9. The court dismissed the complaint. Thus, the instant appeal.
or damage. The insurance involved
a. a Biederman truck tractor – P26,000 ISSUE: Was the complaint with Office of the IC a commencement of
b. Winter Weils trailer- P10,000 an “action or suit” within the meaning and intent of the general
2. The company, in connection with the application, inquired condition? NO, the plaintiff’s complaint prescribed since the “action or
Lopez if any company in respect of the insurance of any car or suit” with the CFI was filed some 17 months later.
vehicle (a) declined, cancelled or refused to renew his insurance;
(b) increased his premium on renewal RATIO:
3. Lopez answered “none” even though that time, the American 1. Based on Jurisprudence (Moran), a provision of the Rules of
Int’l Underwriters of the Philippines (AIU) had already declined Court (Rule 2, Sec. 1), and American Jurisprudence, the terms
a similar application by him in respect of the same vehicles action and suit are synonymous. It is clear that the determinative
4. Apr 22, 1959: The company issued to Lopez 2 Commercial fact which converts a claim into an action or suit is the filing of
Vehicle Comprehensive Policies covering the 2 vehicles. the same with a “court or justice”. Filed elsewhere, the claim
5. Aug 30, 1959: while the said policies were in force, the vehicles may not properly be categorized under either term.
figured in an accident at Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya. 2. Another reason why the appellant's recourse to the Office of the
a. Resulting in the total loss of the tractor IC could not have been an "action or suit" which could have
b. Partial damage to the trailer halted the running of the prescriptive period stipulated in the
6. So Lopez demanded for the payment of P27,962 which is the insurance policies involved: An "action or suit" is essentially
total amount of damages. The company rejected the claim on "for the enforcement or protection of a right, or the prevention
April 28, 1960 because of Lopez’ alleged “concealment of a or redress of a wrong." (Rule 2, Sec. 1, Rules of Court). There
material fact”— that another company has declined his is nothing in the Insurance Law, Act No. 2427, as amended,
application nor in any of its allied Legislations, which empowers the
7. May 27, 1960: Lopez filed a complaint with the insurance Insurance Commissioner to adjudicate on disputes relating to
commissioner (IC) but because of Lopez’ refusal to the proposal an insurance company's liability to an insured under a policy
of the company to settle thru arbitration, it suggested that it be issued by the former to the latter. The validity of an insured's
tried in Court. claim under a specific policy, its amount, and all such other
8. Sept 19, 1961: Lopez, then, filed a case in the CFI. The company matters as might involve the interpretation and construction of
filed a motion to dismiss on the ground of prescription. the insurance policy, are issues which only a regular court of
a. Since it was not filed within 12 months from its rejection justice may resolve and settle. Consequently, the complaint filed
by the insurance company as stipulated under par. 9 of by the appellant herein with the Office of the Insurance
the General Conditions of Commercial Vehicle Commission could not have been an "action or suit."
Comprehensive Policy Nos. 5598 and 5599 (general
condition) which says: Ruling: CFI ruling affirmed.
" If a claim be made and rejected and an action or suit be not commenced
within twelve months after such rejection or (in case of an arbitration

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