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St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018

Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

Meeting called Kate Thomas Type of General Meeting

by: meeting:
Minutes: Rebecca Groves Note taker: Rebecca Groves

Attendees: Alisha Friend (Treasurer), Kirsty Gerhardt, Bree Medill, David Munn, Kirsten
Caruso, Heidi Kean, Megan Behn, Cr Cherie Daley, Rhiannon Cameron,
Catie Kelly (APRE), Clinton Pattison (Vice President), Kate Thomas
(President), Rebecca Groves (Secretary), Annette Darlington, Mischa
Apologies: Kylie Maclean, Tori Jackson, Fiona Barrett

Please bring: N/A


Agenda Item: Apologies and Minutes of previous meeting Presenter: Rebecca Groves
Agenda Item: Business arising from previous meeting/ Presenter: Kate Thomas
Agenda Item: Correspondence Presenter: Rebecca Groves
Agenda Item: Treasurers Report Presenter: Alisha Friend
Agenda Item: Cr Daley Report Presenter: Cherie Daley
Agenda Item: Presidents Report Presenter: Kate Thomas
Agenda Item: Principals Report Presenter: Nick Gallen
Agenda Item: Uniform Shop Report Presenter: Annette Darlington
Agenda Item: Sub Committee Report Presenter: Kate Thomas
Agenda Item: Unstarred items Presenter: Open
Agenda Item: General Business Presenter:
Agenda Item: Meeting closure and Next meeting dates Presenter: Kate Thomas

Agenda Items
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

Agenda item: Apologies and Minutes of previous meeting Presenter: Rebecca Groves
Discussion: Kylie Maclean, Tori Jackson and Fiona Barrett. Recommended minutes from
meeting on 14/08/2018 be confirmed (Minutes had been circulated, uploaded on google drive/
social media and emailed out).
Conclusions: Meeting Minutes from 14/08/2018 confirmed

Moved by: Clinton Pattison

Seconded by: Kate Thomas

Agenda item: Business arising from previous meeting/ Presenter: Kate Thomas


Calico bags:
Kate supplied sample calico bag for example. Annette advised that the bags were being held in
uniform shop. Alisha queried when the bags can be purchased? Annette said she can put the
bags in system now, or write on manual sheets. Alisha and Rebecca suggested $5 for the sell
price. Mischa suggested $4 sell price. Facebook post to go up to say calico bags are now
available. Decided sell price $4.5.
Moved by: Alisha Friend
Seconded by: Kate Thomas
Calico School bags to be sold for $4.50 from the uniform shop

Agenda item: Correspondence Presenter: Rebecca Groves

Jim Chalmers letter regarding grants available received in pigeon hole. Letter passed onto Kate
Letters sent to the year 6 students Futures Committee and Faith Committee informing them that
the P&F had voted to support their cause, and asked the Committees to supply feedback on
their projects.
Email received from Terracycle, the colgate community challenge, advising there is still two
months left of the challenge.
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

Facebook message received from Mischa Hawker informing the P&F of the Battery World
recycling project. Asked Mischa if she would present during the P&F meeting, she advised yes.
Item was added to the agenda.

Agenda item: Treasurers Report Presenter: Alisha Friend

Discussion: .
Alisha advised P&F:
Expenditure: $33,784.08
Account balance was $24,204.24 at the time of the P&F meeting.

Current P&F account balance $24,204.24 as of the 11TH of September 2018.

Agenda item: Cr Daley Report Presenter: Cr Cherie Daley

 Cr Daley informed those present at the meeting that she had only just received a report
before arriving; one adult wild dog and 5 pups had been caught in regents park. Cr Daley
advised that there are still a couple out there. Call 34123412 (council) if you see any wild
dogs. Advised that about 3-4 years ago did previously have drama with wild dogs, they
are dangerous. Be careful if out walking. Make sure you and children are safe.
 Cr Daley advised she will in Canberra next week, for Comsec.
 Cr Daley advised she is attempting to catch up with the social services ministers
regarding drug testing. Stated that we need to have services in place to support.
 Cr Daley advised that she is currently the division six acting Councillor, our regions
Councillor and acting Mayor.
 Stated that there is lots of development happening around park ridge road. Expect a lot
more development to happen. Advised that the developers are talking to Cath Ed about a
possible Catholic school going in the area. Advised that it might impact on St
 Advised that the councils financial sustainability results were phenomenal . When report
comes out, make sure you look for it.
 Nick enquired school’s roundabout- Cr Daley said she thought of it today- but couldn’t get
a hold of traffic planner/ organizer. Cr Daley advised she will try and get a hold of him
within the next few days and get back to the school.
o Kirsten asked if upgrading the roundabout will include upgrading the pathway,
stated the pathway is really dangerous. Cr Daley said that it sounds like a
maintenance job. Cr Daley stated that she will write it down and follow it up.
o Nick advised that at the budget meeting today for the school he had bought up
how the retaining wall outside the school is looking warn, Cr Daley said that it
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

came out of council funding. Nick queried if that something else they can look for
maintenance as well? Cr Daley said she will get them to look at that as well.
o Kate queried what time frame is needed for them to look at something like that? Cr
Daley said that if it dangerous, then the timeframe is fast.
o Cr Daley said she will get them to look at that. If a footpath is dangerous then it
needs fixing. Now that we have told her, she will go in to work tomorrow and follow
up. Cr Daley stated that now she has been told, council can be sued. It has been
reported so council now has a duty of care to fix it.

Agenda item: Presidents Report Presenter: Kate Thomas

 Calico bags- Organized. To be used at prep orientation. Also available for sale from
uniform shop
 Father’s day stall 29th of august
o Huge success. Kate stated that it was good to see a great connection between
parents that were at the Father’s Day stall. Was followed up by the father’s day
service Kate wanted to thank all the helpful parents who were generous of their
o Small surplus was made.
 Kate advised that Julie Lawson couldn’t make it to the P&F meeting, but the date for the
school disco is Friday the 19th of October. DJ confirmed. Food and drinks have been
ordered through the tuckshop. Parents have been organized and locked in, however, still
need to put a call out next term for help.
o Kate said Julie to still contact Darren.
 Kate advised that Julie Lawson wants a Facebook social media post put out to remind
parents on date of disco.
 Jim Chalmers grant application
o Kate asked nick if the P&F can apply for the grants? Nick advised the school is
always open to apply for all grants, however not sure on the terms. Nick advised
that the school had some sporting grants come through that PE teacher Brett had

St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

Agenda item: Principals Report Presenter: Nick Gallen


Attached on page 9.

 Nick would like to welcome Rhiannon – while Denita is taking leave, Rhiannon will be
taking on Dentia’s role. Catie is on leave soon, so Rhiannon will be taking on assistant
principal’s role.

 Next Wednesday is showcase night, children get very excited to show all their work.
Special thanks must go to all the teachers of St Bernardine’s for all their hard work.

Agenda item: Uniform Shop Report Presenter: Annette Darlington

Uniform shop report attached on page 8.
 Annette advised the committee that the uniform shop has been having issues with eftpos
machine- it keeps going off line.
o Advised that the uniform shop can’t use the phone in the uniform shop as it
crackles. Annette said she is unsure if it has something to do with it being a 3G
o Clinton queried if it was the banks device? Annette stated yes. Clinton said to
contact the bank and tell them that the device was faulty and they should replace
it. Annette said she will try and contact them on Friday and organize. Megan said
that she thinks there is a way of logging on the machine that it is faulty.
 Annette advised stock take next Friday. Kate asked if she needed any help for stock
preparation, Annette named a few parents and said she should have enough help. Kate
advised to contact Rebecca if she needed social media post.
The committee received and noted the report from the Uniform shop

Agenda item: Sub Committee Report Presenter: Kate Thomas

 Father’s day report- was already spoken about in presidents report
 Disco- Kate advised she had already given an update, but did anyone have any

St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

o Kirsty advised that she has organized people to help with cooking. Kirsty said that
the only issue will be how can we get BBQ stuff organized/ there?
o Kate said that she thinks Julie has a plan, that she will organize set up during the
day so that helpers can just come in and work.
o Catie advised that the P&F will have to let afterschool care know about the disco.
 Nick said he will also speak to afterschool care. Nick said he will just be
saying to contact school and ask to speak to whoever is helping organize
the disco
 Kate advised she has spoken to Fiona about year six graduation day. Kate said children
like to get footballs and bears. Fiona has a team of people ready to help and will get that
organized next term. Kate advised nothing has been done, but it is in her consciousness.
Date confirmed as Wednesday 5 December. Nick said if photography was to go ahead
do it before graduation day.

Agenda item: General Business Presenter:

 Mischa Hawker presented idea on battery recycling program-
o Mischa advised she went to the Browns Plains store today.
o Advised that as a part of the program, they come into the schools with a person
dressed up as a big battery.
o Mischa went down and asked what happens/ cost and kickbacks.
o The person in the store advised her that the owner was not there. Mischa advised
that she then sent an email to the owner for more information, however the email
she received back in response had less information then what was on the website.
o Clinton said he had reached out to the person that organizes states and territories,
this person sent him the details of the person who runs it. Clinton said he will pass
the details on to Mischa. Clinton stated that he was told it is something they are
keen to expand on and really put it out there.
o Nick said he has been in contact previously and people get wheelie bins, and
people bring batteries in and recycle.
 Nick queried if it is really sustainable to keep having the informal P&F meetings? No
informal meeting to happen the week before the October meeting, as it falls in the
 Prep Orientation- P&F to make up a flyer with P&F information on it. Due: Tuesday 23rd
of October.
 Annette suggested parents size current students up for uniforms on days other than the
prep orientation day.

Action items Person responsible Deadline
 P&F Flyer for Prep orientation Rebecca Groves
 Clinton to pass battery contact Clinton Pattison
details on to Mischa
St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

Action items Person responsible Deadline

Agenda item: Unstarred items Presenter: Open

 Alisha said her son does ‘first swing’ golf and wants to talk about golfing in the school. If
there was no funding available, could the golfing program access the oval to use for
students at the school. Alisha advised/ queried if she could organize with the PE teacher?
Nick said that Brett has already organized everything for next term, however many
sporting organizations use the schools fields after the school. Nick advised that the
school is always open to offering families new opportunities. Nick advised Alisha to get
the person in charge of First Swing to contact the school, and organize.


First swing golfing program organizer to contact the school Re organization of a golfing program
at St Bernardine’s..

Action items Person responsible Deadline

First Swing to
contact St

Agenda item: Meeting closure and Next meeting dates Presenter: Kate Thomas
Kate thanked everyone for coming.
Date of next P&F meeting: 9th October 2018

Meeting Closed

Time of closure:

St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

Monthly Report: Uniform Shop

P & F 11th September 2018

month Badge Hats Socks Jack Culottes Day Polo Sports Zip Tracksuit Sport Second
Shirt Shorts Shirt Shorts Jacket Pants Hand

Aug 0 19 63pkts 14 2 5 16 14 8 1 1 3 items



Aug 3 4 0 ( none in stock)

Re useable calico bags....what is the sell price and cost price?

Things have been pretty quiet.....I’m sure things will pick up after the holidays

I have been having some trouble with the eftpos machine going off line and dropping out,

I will mention it next time I do the banking, and see if they can do anything. Our current machine runs on 3G.



St Bernardine’s P&F Date: 11/09/2018
Time: 7:08pm
Committee Meeting Location: Library

Principal’s September Report

Excellent Teaching and learning

-Next Wednesday is our show case night, this is an important night for families to come and look at what
has been happening in the classrooms this term. The chn love to show their parents things that they have
been learning and we strongly encourage everyone to come. You will also be able to have a look through
the folios of work the children have created. A special thanks must go to all the staff at St Bernardine’s for
the hard work they have put into planning, teaching and assessing and also to the parents who have been
working in partnership with the teachers to assist their children’s learning.

Sustainable future
-A reminder the last day of school is the final of the talent show, children have been working hard on their
auditions and are very much looking forward to performing on Friday in front of the whole school. Thank
you to Miss Davies for the hard work she has put into organising the contest. Thank you to Fiona and Rea
and parent helpers for the Father’s Day stall, it was very impressive and was loved by the children.
Unfortunately, we were not successful in the BGA application for next year however we will be able to
fund the refurbishment of the top floor of Aquila and are currently getting approval for this to occur over
the school holidays.

Strong Catholic identity

Thank you to the parents and families who have attended class mass this term. The children often put in a
lot of hard work to prepare for the mass and your support is much appreciated. Thank you to Catie for
assisting in the preparation of the mass as this is a critical part of the life at St Bernardine’s.

Finally thank you to you as parents for your partnership with your child’s learning this term, by working in
partnership with the school we will be able to achieve much more than by working separately. I hope you
get to enjoy some quality time with your children over the school holidays.

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