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Examples of a Constructed Response

Prompt: How were all of the major early civilizations similar? Describe three ways in which all
of the major civilizations discussed in this unit were similar. Think about: geographic
similarities, similarities in the development of agriculture, and cultural/religious similarities.

“All of the early civilizations had many similarities in their settlements. They all settled in
similar geographic areas like river valleys. Rivers provided these settlements with important
resources, such as water, food and transportation for trade. Another thing that early settlements
had in common was their religious belief system. Many of the early governments were
theocracies, meaning the person/people at the top of the social class was a priest or divine figure.
Furthermore, many early civilizations were polytheistic, meaning that they believed in more than
one god. Early civilizations also had the same agricultural ideas and technology. People began to
plant crops and use domesticated animals to help with farm work and as a source of food. This
led to people settling down in permanent towns and villages and not go out to hunt or gather food

Okay But Not Great

“Early settlements formed along rivers, where people farmed and grew their own food. Many
were polytheistic, meaning they believed in more than one god. Some traded jewelry and tools.”

(Single-word answers) “Trade”

(Using bullet points)

 “They built around water.”
 “They were polytheism.”
 “Made jewelry and stuff.”

“All early civilizations were similar in their civilizations.”

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