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Classroom Performance Assessment Rubric

2 1 0 What it isn’t:

Class Conduct: Shows willingness to Does not participate in one or Refuses to participate in more The student does not engage with classroom
tasks and refuses to do them
participate in group and class two activities/lessons or than two activities/lessons in a The student completes work quickly with
activities and consistently produces work which is clearly week or routinely produces minimum effort or lack of care
The student disengages from group or pair
completes them to a high sub-standard. low quality work after being work and lets their partner(s) complete the
standard. given feedback. task without their input.

Initiates and maintains Does not interact with other Willingly refuses interaction The student does not make an effort to
physically or verbally engage with the teacher
interaction with the other students or the teacher on with other students on more during classes or activities.
students and the instructor by one or two occasions in a than two occasions in a week The student does not make an effort to talk to
or reply to other students before, during or
asking questions and week, or doesn’t ask or consistently completes after a task.
responding to answers. questions when not tasks without asking for The student doesn’t ask questions to other
students or the teacher the target language
understanding. feedback from peers or the for clarification or extension.
teacher. The student finishes a task and shuts their
book without checking their work with peers
or questioning aspects with the instructor.

Preparedness Comes to class having studied Comes to class having not Comes to class having not The student does not read the book chapter
before a reading discussion group activity.
for lessons: the assigned materials completed preparation completed preparation The student does not complete an at home
activities once or twice in a activities more than twice a writing assignment for a feedback session
The student does not do a preparation task
week. week. that is essential to engaging in a lesson or

Brings the necessary books Does not bring books or Does not bring books or The student only brings certain books, or
doesn’t bring any books.
and materials and uses them materials for one or two materials for more than two The student does not bring their computer
in class. lessons in a week. lessons in a week. when requested.
The student does not bring writing materials,
or does not take notes in class or annotate
materials in any way.

Language use: Speaks English in class 100% Uses English at least 80% of Use English in class less than Responding to complex, open questions with
single word replies
of the time and attempts to the time and uses some of the 50% of the time or uses Refusing to use English in favour of additional
use target vocabulary and target vocabulary and below-level standards to languages when support is given
Only engaging with other students in
structures from the lessons to structures in conjunction with produce short, dismissive languages other than English for language
give elaborated answers. level-standard language they answers. tasks as well as other matters
Preferring simple ways of responding when
are more comfortable with to target language is highlighted as an
give answers with some detail. alternative.

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