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EkhartYoga teachers' favourite books

18 mar 2014 by Ekhart Yoga

We asked our teachers on EkhartYoga: What are your favourite yoga or meditation books and

Esther Ekhart
“I am that” by Sri Nisgardatta Maharaj - So beautiful, so true, not an easy read, but will stay
interesting for the rest of your life!
Anything from Ramana Maharshi - loving, wise and understandable.
I keep coming back to “Insight Yoga” by Sarah Powers - great info on Yin Yoga especially.
"Inside the Yoga Sutras" by Jaganath Carrera or The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami
Satchitananda - If yoga is your path, read the yoga sutras!
“Moving into Stillness” by Erich Schiffmann - one of the first yoga books I read, I learned so
much from it, it still influences my teaching now.

Sandra Carson
Right now, much of my inspiration comes from Tantric philosophy teacher Douglas Brooks. I
have some lectures of his that I frequently listen to and they are so rich, I keep coming back to
them over and over again and gain an new insight every time.
For my Yoga Therapy, I rely on my Anusara training books and notes and Doug Keller's
book "Yoga as Therapy" and Thomas Meyer's "Anatomy Trains". I have just started Sally
Kempton's book "Awakening the Shakti" and already it is captivating me!
Apart from that, it is life itself that inspires me; things that happen, conversations that I have with
people often stir my curiosity and become a source that inspire my practice and teaching.

David Lurey
"How Yoga Works" by Geshe Michael Roach - Amazingly deep profound wisdom presented in a
very entertaining fiction story.
"The Yogi's Roadmap" by Bhavani Maki - Amazingly deep profound wisdom presented in a
tangible and accessible modern day fashion. Chapters of the Sutras are broken down into modern
day examples and the writing is excellent.
"Tree of Yoga" by BKS Iyengar - This classic analogy of the path of Yoga is like a tree, it holds
so much inherent insight that it is truly timeless.
"Fire of love" by Aadil Palkhivala - He is a genius (in my opinion!) and this book captures many
aspects of deep truth on the varied path of Yoga.
"Manuscript Found in Accra" by Paulo Coelho - Every chapter of this entertaining book is a
lifetime of Yoga philosophy in daily life application.
Taetske Kleijn
One of my favourite books is "Pointers From Nisargadatta Maharaj" by Ramesh S. Balsekar. It is
funny, enlightening and has a hidden power to lift the veils of ignorance. The first time I read it,
was about 15 years ago on a winter holiday in France. I was at that time in intense daily
meditations, combined with being outside in nature most of the day. The book opened my eyes.
It was like every tree, every piece of the mountain talked to me about the truth of reality,
recognizing in a flash what Nisargadata was talking of. I have reread the book many times, and it
never lost its freshness.
Another book that is in my hands very often is 'Finding Clarity' by my teacher Jeru Kabbal.
Where Nisargadatta sort of rips the veil away, Jeru very gently explains to you what creates the
veil and how you can help relax the deeper mind yourself, so it will be open to step out of the
way when perceiving reality. Where Nisargadatta works on the plane of bare naked truth, Jeru
works on the plane of the Bodhisattva. Nisargadatta kind of threw me through the door, as where
Jeru helped me find my way myself. If you are interested in understanding yourself more, and
finding a gentle honest way to truth, I can highly recommend it!

Olav Aarts
For me, it’s the source books like Hathapradipika, Avadhuta Gita, Yogasutras, Mahasatipatthana
sutta, Dhammapada, Shiva Samhita and the scholarly works on Indian philosophies. Why? They
provide the raw uncensored truth about the various traditions.

Nichi Green
"Yoga for a World Out Of Balance" by Michael Stone.
This book is truly inspiring. It's the first yoga book that I've found that really talks about how to
take your Yoga practice off the mat and into your everyday life. He brings in philosophy, ethics,
social and cultural perspectives in a very easy to read style. I often refer to it when teaching and
this quote is one of my favourites:
"No matter how many times we finish a meal and wash the dishes, another meal brings more
dishes. The practice is never complete. When we give up the notion that practice leads to
something, we find a stack of dishes right in front of us. The stack of dishes is our practice.
Whether those dishes consist of back bending, parenting, chopping wood or fixing a tire, this is
our practice in the moment. To be fully in each moment, both stillness and action arise side by
side. Practice moves back and forth between the two because yoga is nothing more than what's
happening right here and right now."

His other book "The Inner Tradition of Yoga" is also excellent if you want to delve deeper into
Yoga philosophy and psychology. Very much food for the thinking Yogi.

My all time favourite book and first ever Yoga book is "Moving Into Stillness" by Erich
Schiffmann. Anyone who really truly wants to understand what Yoga is should read this book. I
return to it time after time and always find something new to inspire me. Again, easy to
understand and has asana practice and sequences in it too so is also a practical guide. This book
has everything.

I'm reading quite a bit by Alan Watts at the moment. "The Book" are his philosophical musings
and is well worth a read if you are interested in Philosophy. He doesn't lean in one direction or
another but puts across a good balanced understanding which really makes a lot of sense.
As far as inspirational words anything by Rumi is wonderful.. "Bridge to the Soul" is fantastic.
Rumi lifts me up anytime of the day and I'm always astonished that he was writing this stuff over
800 years ago.

Irina Verwer
Whew... tough question! I've read so many amazingly inspiring books, but here's a short list of
my favourites:
"The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali" – translated by Sri Swami Satchidananada. My favourite
translation of these inspiring words.
"How Yoga Works" – Geshe Michael Roach & Lama Christie McNally. A novel that explains
clearly what yoga is and how it works.
"It’s Here Now (Are You?)" – Bhagavan Das. One of those books you just have to read in one
"Jivamukti Yoga" – Sharon Gannon & David Life. A very complete overview on all aspects of
"The Red Book - Sera Beak" - Sparkling spirituality for women (oh well… and men too).
"The Hope - Andrew Harvey" - A must read for everyone who breathes. Yogi(ni) or not.

Francesca Giusti
I quite like "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle, it's a clear and inspirational book to go deeper
into the journey toward our selves.
I keep on going back to Sarah Powers "Insight Yoga" for wonderful sequences and thoughts on
Yin and Yang Yoga.
I also enjoy Donna Farhi's writing style: her "Yoga, Mind, Body, Spirit" is always a reference
and I really appreciate "Bringing Yoga to life", where yoga is expanded beyond the asana and
beyond the mat. Also, her "Teaching Yoga" is very enlightening if you are a yoga teacher...

Veronique Gauthier
Without any hesitation: "Light on Life" by B.K.S. Iyengar. I bought it 13 years ago when I
started yoga. I then lost it when I moved country and bought it again!
What I love about "Light on Life" is that it is very accessible. B.K.S. Iyengar uses simple
personal examples, often with humour, to teach key concepts. He says in the book's introduction
that "It aims to map out a path that all may follow. It offers advice, methods, and a philosophical
framework at a level that even a newcomer to the practice of yoga may grasp." And that's exactly
what it does!

Esther Teule
I have been reading many, many books on the subject of spirituality, but I always find it
strangely difficult to recommend one. Perhaps because every book sparked something, but never
covers the whole "load"...Things people write can resonate deep within, suddenly opening a door
that was ready to open. And this is of course very personal. Having said this, here are some of
the books that come up that inspired me: "The wonder of being" by Jeff Foster, I love his clear,
poetic style of writing.
"Emptiness dancing" by Adiashanti, a spiritual teacher with a clear voice.
"I am life itself" by Unmani Liza Hyde, an intimate little book with beautiful insights.
And something I really liked: a "book" by Lisa Esile, called "Seven secrets your mind doesn't
want to know", a brilliant short writing about how the mind works. It's for free, you can
download it on her website.

If you have a suggestion for a question you would like to put to the teachers please let us know in
the comments.

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