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Definitions synonyms of Forensic Medicine

Historical aspects - evolution and development

Modern Forensic Medicine - sub-divisions

Medical Law and Ethics:

Definitions, Nepal Medical Council Act

Nepal Medical Council - formation and functions

Registered Medical Practitioner - duties and privileges

Professional misconduct (Infamous conduct), Punishments, Appeal, COPRA,

Malpractice, Medical Indemnity Insurance

Consent - its relevance in medical practice


AIDS and its legal implication, confidentiality in testing blood blanks.

Basics of human experimentation and clinical trials in general practices.

Brief introduction with medico-legal aspect of genetic engineering and cloning.

Define Professional negligence. Explain the ingredients of negligence and its defenses

Implication of pre-natal sex determination

Legal Procedure:
AIDS and its legal implication, confidentiality in testing, blood banks, aids and autopsy.

Basics of human experimentation and clinical trials in general practices.

Brief introduction with medico legal aspect of genetic engineering and cloning.

Enumerate the different courts in Nepal and describe the procedure of recording the evidence in the

Different types of witnesses and duties of doctor in the witness box

Definition & types of identification,
corpus delecti

Factors establishing identity - age and its medico legal importance

Sex - its medico legal importance

Others - race, stature, dactylographic, poroscopy, foot prints, hairs, scars, tattoo, superimposition etc

Explain the procedure of DNA finger printing and its medico legal application

Definitions, types of death, moment of death, suspended animation, modes of death

Causes, manner, mode of death, Sudden death

Medico-legal importance of death, issuing death certificate

Postmortem changes - immediate, early, late

Adipocere, mummification, time since death

Somatic and molecular death.

Brain death and organ transplantation.

Organ transplantation act.

Medico-legal autopsy and artifacts:

Objectives and rules

Routine procedures of medico-legal autopsy examination in Nepal.

Preservation of viscera in poisoning, skeletal remains examination, exhumation, negative and obscure
autopsy, artifacts.

AIDS and autopsy.

Asphyxial deaths:
Classification, patho-physiology, signs and symptoms of asphyxia.

Hanging- definitions, types, autopsy findings and medico-legal aspects.

Strangulation, suffocation, etc. definitions, types, autopsy findings and medico-legal aspects.

Drowning – definitions, types, mechanisms, autopsy findings, medico-legal aspects,

Traumatic asphyxia, sexual asphyxia.

Forensic Psychiatry:
Definitions, restraint of the insane in Nepal, feigned insanity.

Civil and criminal responsibilities of an insane person.

Mental health act.

Restraint of insane in Nepal.

Explain delusion, hallucination, illusion and other related terms and their medico-legal significance

Forensic Science:
FSL, biological stains of medico-legal importance.

Blood, saliva and semen, DNA – profiling.

Trauma - mechanical injuries:

Definitions, classifications - abrasions, contusions, lacerations, incised wounds, stab wounds, chop
wounds & their medico-legal significance.

Fire arm wounds-basics, rifle fire arm & smooth bore fire arm wounds and their medico-legal aspects.

Regional injuries - head injury : mechanisms, injury to scalp, skull and brain, intra-cranial
haemorrhages, injury to spine, neck, chest, abdomen, bones, joints etc

Complications and causes of death by trauma.

Medico-legal aspects of trauma - homicide, dowry death, suicide, hurt, grievous hurt, Wound

Other types:

Thermal injuries due to heat: burns, scalds.

Thermal injuries due to cold. (Hypothermia)

Injuries due to electricity, lightning, X- rays, radio-active substances, C.T. Scan, M.R.I. ultrasonography
and bone densitometry.

Injury pattern in road traffic accidents, railway accidents, plane crash, explosion and mass disasters.

Self inflicted injuries and defense injuries

Torture: definition, methods and consequences. Examination and reporting of victim of torture.
Sexual Jurisprudence:
Virginity, pregnancy, delivery – definitions, signs and medico-legal importance

Paternity, impotency, sterility – definitions and medico-legal importance.

Abortion, medical termination of pregnancy, criminal abortion and its complications.

Sexual Offences:

Definitions - rape, incest, sodomy, lesbianism, buccal coitus, beastiality,

Sexual perversions -diagnosis, and medico-legal significance.


Definitions, examining a case of infanticide, viability, still birth, dead birth, live birth, battered baby
syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome.

General considerations, corrosives, irritants: metallic, non-metallic,

Organic-vegetable and animal, insecticides, somniferous poisons, inebriant poisons, deliriant poisons,
cardiac poisons, spinal poisons, food poisoning, asphyxiants, drug dependence.

Epidemiology of poisoning in Nepal

Laws relating to poisoning in Nepal

Doctor's duties in management of poisoning cases

Occupational and environmental toxicology

Chemical and biological warfare agents: advantage, disadvantages, selectivity, dissemination and

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