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12th September, 2018

Year 3 Community and Remembrance HASS excursion – ANZAC COTTAGE:

Dear Parents/Guardians,
In class students as part of our HASS program, have been working through the History component, learning about
Community and Remembrance, specifically focusing on the history of ANZAC’s. They have participated in various
activities regarding ANZAC day and its purpose, in addition have been studying the book ‘The House that Was Built in a
Day: ANZAC Cottage by Valerie Everett and Barbara’. To further develop an understanding on the topic and the
importance of ANZAC’s, our students will be participating in an ANZAC Cottage excursion facilitated by Anne Chapple
and her husband, the grandchildren of an ANZAC veteran, who additionally take care of and run the education programs
at the site.

Date: Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 Time: Depart School – 9:00am, for 9:45am arrival at ANZAC
Transportation: Hired bus to transport students to Cottage.
excursion location. Return to School – 2:45pm
Cost: $2 gold coin donation from each student Supervision: Students will be under the teacher’s
Venue: ANZAC Cottage supervision, Anne Chapple and her husband, as well as six
Location: 38 Kalgoorlie Street, Mt Hawthorn WA 6016, parents helpers picked at random with names in a hat, 1:10
Australia. children per a group.

Lunch: Students will need to pack and bring their own lunch, ensuring it is brought in disposable packaging, as they will be
going to Braithwaite Park (197 Scarborough Beach Road, Mt Hawthorn WA 6016) following their excursion for lunch and
play time at the Nature Playground.

Itinerary: Students will rotate in classes between two main activities at ANZAC Cottage, running for 45minutes each,
beginning at 10am. First activity involves students moving through the ANZAC Cottage with Anne Chapple to discover
and learn about how the house came to be built, the Porter family who lived there and its current use. Students will
examine the house and read stories displayed while responding to directed and reflective questions about the house, its
history and purpose. Second activity is a Mystery History Hunt with the guidance of Mr Chapple, including activities of
comparing earlier images of ANZAC Cottage to the building as it is today, and identifying, recoding and mapping key
features and information. Following ANZAC Cottage, students will be transported by the Bus to Braithwaite Park for
lunch and play time around 12:15pm.

Clothing Requirements: Students are required to wear their full correct school sports uniform including; school sports
shirt, pants or shorts, closed in shoes/sneakers, and MUST wear their school hat.
Optional clothing may include a school jumper or jacket.

Additional Information: It is strongly recommended that students bring their own water bottle and sunscreen, however
sunscreen will also be provided by the school. Students are required to bring their own morning tea in a disposable
container to eat at ANZAC Cottage in the outdoor Arbour, providing shade.
For emergency contact during the excursion, please call one of the teachers on 0403 568 490.

Kind regards,
Rheanne Menezes and Aleesha Matic

ANZAC Cottage – Excursion

I ___________________________ give permission for my child ______________________ to attend the HASS History focused excursion
located at ANZAC Cottage on Wednesday October 10th, 2018.

Due Date for Return: Wednesday September 26th, 2018.

Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________ Date: _________________

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