GTZ V CA Digest

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(3) Private respondents were engaged as contract employees hired by GTZ to

work for SHINE on various dates between Dec. 1998 to Sept. 1999. The
GTZ v CA employment contracts of all 6 private respondents all specified Dr.
Tollkotter, adviser of GTZ, as the “employer.” All contracts also provide that
Petitioner: German Agency for Technical Cooperation “it is mutually agreed and understood that Dr. Tollkotter, as employer, is a
Respondent: Court of Appeals
seconded GTZ expert who is hiring the employee on behalf of GTZ and for
SHINE, which will end at a given time.”
NATURE: Petition for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution
(4) In Sept. 1999, Anne Nicolay (Belgian national) assumed the post as SHINE
of the CA
Project Manager. Disagreements arose between Nicolay and private
respondents regarding proposed salary adjustments and course of the project.
PONENTE: Tinga, J.

DOCTRINE: Manner by which consent is given: A claim of immunity by

a foreign entity
(1) In response, Nicolay wrote each of the private respondents a letter dated
July 21, 2000, informing them:
RULING FORMAT: - The project’s “orientations and evolution” were decided in consensus
LA- Issued an order denying Motion to Dismisss. with partner institutions, Philhealth and the DOH, and thus no longer
CA- Affirmed dismissal.
subject to modifications.
SC- Petition Denied. Affirmed dismissal of the CA.
- She stated that pursuant to what respondents have “firmly and
unequivocally stated in the last paragraph of the letter, it is imperative
FACTS: that I am to accept your resignation, which I expect to receive as soon as
(1) On Sept 7, 1971, the governments of Federal Republic of Germany and possible.”
Republic of the Philippines ratified an Agreement concerning (2) In a letter dated July 11, 2000, Nicolay informed private respondents of the
Technical Co-operation in Bonn, West Germany. The Agreement,
pre-termination of their contracts of employment on the grounds of “serious
aimed at promoting the technical and economic development by both
and gross insubordination, among others, resulting to loss of confidence
States, allowed for the conclusion of “arrangements concerning
and trust.”
individual projects of technical co-operation.” The agreement was (3) On Oct 25, 2005, GTZ filed a Motion to Dismiss on the ground that LA had
limited to an effectivity term of 5 years, however, tacitly extending for no jurisdiction over the case as its acts were undertaken in discharge of the
successive periods of 1 year unless either party denounces so. Upon the
governmental functions and sovereign acts of the German government.
agreement’s expiry, its provisions would “continue to apply to any
(4) Following the decision of the LA, GTZ filed a special civil action for
projects agreed upon until their completion.”
certiorari with the CA. Upon being denied, GTZ filed a petition for review
(2) On Dec 10, 1999, the Philippine government, through the DFA, agreed
under Rule 45, assailing the decision and resolution of the CA and the LA;
to an Arrangement with the German government to jointly promote a arguing that:
project called Social Health Insurance-Networking and Empowerment - The CA could have entertained its petition for certiorari despite its not
(SHINE), which was designated to “enable Philippine families—
having undertaken an appeal before the NLRC
especially the poor ones—to maintain their health and secure health
- That the complaint for illegal dismissal should have been dismissed for
care of sustainable quality.” The Arrangement stated the various
lack of jurisdiction as GTZ enjoys immunity from suit
obligations of the Filipino and German governments.
(5) Argued that:
Both governments named their respective implementing - GTZ was tasked, under the Agreement, with the implementation of the
organizations for SHINE: The Philippines designated the contributions of the German government. The activities performed by
DOH and the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (Philhealth) GTZ pertaining to the SHINE project are governmental in nature,
and German government charged the Deustche Gesellschaft related as they are to the promotion of health insurance in the
für Technische Zusammenarbeit (or the GTZ) with the Philippines. The fact that GTZ entered into employment contracts with
implementation of its contributions. private respondents did not disqualify it from invoking immunity from
- GTZ and OSG argue that GTZ was not performing proprietary RESPONDENT (including private respondents)
functions despite entering into particular employment contracts. (1) On June 8, 2000, private respondents wrote a letter to Nicolay raising
Invoked the doctrine of Holy See v Rosario Jr. several issues:
“Certainly, the mere entering into a contract by a foreign - SHINE under Nicolay veered away from its original purpose to
state with a private party cannot be the ultimate test. Such an facilitate the development of social health insurance by shoring up
act can only be the start of the inquiry. The logical question the national health insurance program and strengthening local
is whether the foreign state is engaged in the activity in the initiatives, as Nicolay had refused to support local partners and new
regular course of business. If the foreign state is not initiatives on the premise that community and local government unit
engaged regularly in a business or trade, the particular act or schemes were not sustainable—a philosophy that supposedly
transaction must then be tested by its nature. If the act is in betrayed Nicolay’s lack of understanding of the purpose of the
pursuit of a sovereign activity, or an incident thereof, then it project.
is an act jure imperii, especially when it is not undertaken - As a result of Nicolay’s new thrust, resources have been used
for gain or profit.” inappropriately.
(6) In its reply to respondent’s allegation #5, GTZ controverts the - New management style was not congruent with the original goals of
finding stating that it is a matter of public knowledge that the the project
status of petitioner is that of an “implementing agency” and not - Nicolay herself suffered from cultural insensitivity that
that of a private person. consequently failed to sustain healthy relations with SHINE’s
(7) GTZ website states that it is “Federally owned,” a “Federal partners and staff.
enterprise,” and “founded in 1975 as a company under private - At the end of the letter, respondents wrote that the issues stated are
law.” German government owns it. very crucial in working for the project; that they could no longer
find any reason to stay with the project unless ALL of the issues be
addressed immediately and appropriately.
(2) Taken aback, respondents replied with a common letter clarifying
that earlier letter was not intended as a resignation letter, but one to
raise attention to what they perceive as vital issues.
(3) On August 21, 2000, respondents filed a complaint for illegal
dismissal with the NLRC against GTZ, Director of its Manila
office, Assistant Project Manager, and Nicolay; stating they were
dismissed without lawful cause, there being a “total lack of due
process both substantive and procedural.” GTZ failed to observe the
notice requirements in the Labor Law and letter should not have
been treated as a resignation letter.
(4) Respondents opposed argument, stating that GTZ had failed to
secure a certification that it was immune from suit from the DFA,
and it was GTZ and no the German government which had
implemented the SHINE Project and entered into the contracts of
(5) Asserted before the LA that GTZ was a “private corporation in the
implementation of development projects.” The finding that it was a
“private corporation” was never controverted, and therefore deemed
- Issued a Motion to Dismiss, stating that GTZ was a private corporation SC:
which entered into an employment contract; and that GTZ had failed to (1) Sec 9, Art 16 of the Constitution addresses the principle of state
secure from the DFA a certification as to its diplomatic status. immunity from suit, whether a local state or a foreign state. It states that
- In petitioner’s Reiterating Motion to Dismiss, LA granted complaint for the State may not be sued without its consent.
illegal dismissal. - If the instant suit had been brought directly against the Federal
- LA has jurisdiction to entertain complaint on the ff grounds: Republic of Germany, there would be no doubt that it is a suit
a. Under the employment contract entered into between the brought against a State, and the only necessary inquiry is whether
complainants and respondents, it provides that contract is subject to said State had consented to be sued. However, the present suit was
the laws of the jurisdiction of the locality where service is performed. brought against GTZ. It is necessary for us to understand what
b. Respondent having entered into contract, can no longer invoke precisely are the parameters of the legal personality of GTZ.
sovereignty of the German government. (2) Counsel for GTZ characterizes GTZ as the implementing agency of the
c. To be immune from suit, respondent should have secured from the German government, a depiction similarly adopted by the OSG.
DFA a certification of respondents’ diplomatic status and entitlement Assuming that characterization is correct, it does not automatically
to diplomatic privileges including immunity from suits. Having failed invest GTZ with the ability to invoke State immunity from suit. The
in this regard, respondents cannot escape liability from the shelter of distinction lies in whether the agency is incorporated or unincorporated.
sovereign immunity. According to Justice Isagani Cruz,
CA: - An incorporated agency has a charter of its own that invests it with a
- Dismissed GTZ’s petition finding that “judicial recourse at this stage of the separate juridical personality.
case is uncalled for. The appropriate remedy is an appeal to the NLRC. - If the agency is incorporated, the test of its suability is found in its
- GTZ took a procedural misstep in bypassing an appeal to the NLRC. charter. The simple rule is that it is suable if its charter says so, and
this is true regardless of the functions it is performing.
OSG: (3) Philippines designated 2 entities, DOH and Philhealth, as implementing
In its Comment, took the side of GTZ; stating that its functions in implementing the agencies in behalf of the Philippines.
SHINE program was neither proprietary nor commercial in nature. Regarding the - Philhealth was established under RA 7875, sec 16(g) grants the
procedural misstep, OSG (citing Heirs of Mayor Nemencio Galvez) stated that even corporation power “to sue and be sued in court;” therefore, it would
when appeal is available, the Court nonetheless allowed a writ of certiorari when not be immune from suit even in performance of its functions
the orders of the lower court were issued either in excess of or without jurisdiction. connected with SHINE.
Therefore, Court is allowed to inquire directly into what is the main issue—whether (4) Although respondents were unable to adduce any evidence to
GTZ enjoys immunity from the suit. substantiate their claim that GTZ is a “private corporation,” neither GTZ
nor OSG was also able to submit evidence defining its legal nature other
than the description “implementing agency” supplied. Term has no
precise definition; it does not supply whether GTZ is incorporated or
unincorporated, owned by German state or public interests, or has
juridical personality independent of German govn. or none at all.
(5) GTZ website states that it is “Federally owned,” a “Federal enterprise,”
and “founded in 1975 as a company under private law.” German
government owns it. At the same time, it was organized not through
legislative public charter, but under private law. As a company organized
under private law, it has legal personality independent of that of the
German government. Further, in the website of the German govn, it
states that GTZ is a private company owned by the Federal Republic of
(6) Taking the description on face value, the apparent equivalent under
Important Notes:
Philippine law is that of a corporation organized under the Corporation
Code but owned by the Philippine government, or a government-owned or
This decision should not be seen as deviation from the more common methodology
controlled corporation without original charter.
employed in ascertaining whether a party enjoys State immunity from suit, one
which focuses on the particular functions exercised by the party and determines
Sec 36 of the Corporate Code states that every corporation
whether these are proprietary or sovereign in nature. The nature of the acts
incorporated under this Code has the power and capacity to sue and be
performed by the entity invoking immunity remains the most important barometer
sued in its corporate name.
for testing whether the privilege of State immunity from suit should apply. At the
same time, our Constitution stipulates that a State immunity from suit is conditional
GTZ has failed to establish that under German law, it has not consented to on its withholding of consent; hence, the laws and circumstances pertaining to the
be sued despite it being owned by the Federal Republic of Germany. We creation and legal personality of an instrumentality or agency invoking immunity
adhere to the rule that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, foreign
remain relevant. Consent to be sued, as exhibited in this decision, is often conferred
laws on a particular subject are presumed to be the same as those of the
by the very same statute or general law creating the instrumentality or agency.
Philippines, and following the most intelligent assumption we can gather,
GTZ is akin to a governmental owned or controlled corporation without
original charter which, by virtue of the Corporation Code, has expressly
consented to be sued.

(7) The ruling in Holy See provided a template on how a foreign entity
desiring to invoke State immunity from suit could duly prove immunity
before our local courts. The LA has reiterated that petitioners must secure
from DFA a certification of respondents’ diplomatic status and entitlement
to diplomatic privileges including immunity from suits. Had GTZ obtained
such certification from the DFA, it would have provided factual basis for
its claim of immunity that would, at the very least, establish a disputable
evidentiary presumption that the foreign party is indeed immune which the
opposing party will have to overcome with its own factual evidence.

Therefore, the Court finds no basis to conclude or presume that GTZ enjoys
immunity from suit as it was unable to establish with satisfaction that it enjoys the
immunity from suit generally enjoyed by its parent country.

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