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If you work out enough to break a sweat, and do it regularly, you are less likely to have a

stroke compared to people who are physically inactive, researchers from the University of
South Australia and the University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA, reported in the
journal Stroke.

Dr Michelle McDonnell and colleagues found that self-reported physically inactive people have a
20% higher risk of stroke or mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack) compared to those who exercise
enough to break a sweat four or more times a week.

Previous studies have suggested that physical inactivity is the second most important risk factor for
stroke, after hypertension (high blood pressure). The authors said that their study was the first to
"quantify protective effects of physical activity on stroke in a large multiracial group of men and
women in the United States."

The authors explained that studies have looked extensively into the stroke-protecting benefits of less
cigarette smoking, even down to how much people can reduce their risk by smoking one cigarette
less per day. The same extensive research has been done on blood pressure.

Even though the sample population all came from one country, the USA, the researchers said their
findings are relevant in other countries.

McDonnel and team followed more than 27,000 Americans for an average of 5.7 years, they were all
aged 47 or more years.

The participants were part of the REGARDS study (Reasons for Geographic and Ethnic Differences
in Stroke). The sample population included equal numbers of males and females, as well as
Caucasians and African-Americans.

The sample population included proportionally more people from the southeast "Stroke Belt"states.
The "stroke belt" is an area in the USA where strokes are significantly more common than the rest of
the country (Virginia, Tennessee, South and North Carolinas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia,
Florida, Arkansas, and Alabama). The "southern diet", which consists mainly of fatty-fried foods rich
in salt, is popular in the stroke belt. The southern diet has been linked to a higher risk of stroke.

The volunteers reported on how often they did exercise. The study did not, however, include details
on how long each exercise session lasted.

Below are some highlighted data from the study:

 One third of all the people studied said they exercised less than once a week
 Those who exercised less than once a week had a 20% higher chance of experiencing a
stroke or TIA (transient ischemic attack)
 The men who exercised moderately or vigorously - enough to break a sweat - four times a week
or more were less likely to have a stroke
 There was a less clear association between vigorous physical activity and stroke risk among the
female participants

Dr. McDonnell said:

"The stroke-lowering benefits of physical activity are related to its impact on other risk factors.
Exercise reduces blood pressure, weight and diabetes. If exercise was a pill, you'd be taking one pill
to treat four or five different conditions."
Why was the association not clear with women? - McDonnel believes this is because women
might get benefit with less vigorous exercise, such as walking. The study did not focus on less
vigorous physical activities. An article published in Stroke in January 2013 reported thatwalking
reduces stroke risk in women.

According to the American Heart Association, people aged 18 to 65 should:

 Exercise moderately at least five times a week for 30+ minutes per session


 Exercise vigorously at least three times a week for 20+ minutes per session


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 Exercise on muscle-strengthening twice a week, involving all major muscle groups

Exercise may prevent a severe stroke - people who do plenty of exercise and experience a stroke
are less likely to have severe symptoms, researchers reported in the journal Neurology(October
21st, 2013 issue).

What is a stroke? What is a mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack)?

A stroke is a condition in which the cells in the brain die because they are starved of oxygen. This
can occur when there is a rupture of an artery that feeds the brain, or an obstruction in the blood

When somebody has a stroke they can suddenly lose their ability to speak, one side of the face may
become paralyzed, there may also be memory problems.

There are two main types of stroke:

 Ischemic stroke - approximately three-quarters of all strokes are of this type. A thrombus (blood
clot) forms and blocks blood flow to part of the brain. A blood clot can form in another part of the
body, break free and make its way through the bloodstream to the brain, causing a blockage
there. A clot that has broken free is called an embolus.

 Hemorrhagic stroke - a blood vessel on the surface of the brain ruptures (and leaks). The space
between the skull and the brain fills up with blood; this is known as a subarachnoid hemorrhage. A
faulty artery in the brain may burst, filling surrounding tissue with blood, this is known as a
cerebral hemorrhage.

In both types of stroke the brain does not get enough oxygen and glucose, plus the build up of
leaking blood puts pressure on the brain.

The severity of a stroke depends on where in the brain it occurs and how much of it is affected.
Minor strokes may cause weakness in a leg or arm, while more serious ones can lead to paralysis or
death. It is common for stroke patients to end up with weakness and difficulties on one side of the
body, some may have other problems, including incontinence, speaking difficulties, and cognitive
A Transient ischemic attack, also known as TIA or mini-stroke occurs when the blood supply to
the brain drops temporarily, depriving it of oxygen. However, the short-lived oxygen deprivation is
less serious than a full-blown stroke. A TIA only lasts a few minutes and is gone within a day.

Approximately half-a-million Americans are thought to experience a mini-stroke annually.

Although the symptoms disappear rapidly, from 10% to 15% of people who have a TIA go on to
experience a full-blown stroke within three months. If you think you are having a mini-stroke, seek
medical help immediately. Early treatment can significantly reduce the risk of subsequent stroke.

Written by Christian Nordqvist

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