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Welcome to Campaign Cartographer 3 (CC3), the

newest addition to ProFantasy Software's RPG
software. You have made two wise decisions. First,
you have chosen to create your maps with CC3.
Second, you have started to read The Essentials. This
is the only beginning of our adventure into your

Introduction ..........................................................................2

Viewing and Printing........................................................7 License

Creating a Map ................................................................13
Use of this software
How Templates Work...................................................30 is determined by a
license agreement
Importing Symbols .........................................................32
you can view on
Exporting and Importing Maps ................................34 the CD.
Technical Support
Creating a Floorplan.......................................................36
Support is available
Where To Go From Here ..............................................40 from the registered
users’ area of the
CC3: Simon Rogers, Mark Fulford · CAD Source Code: Michael Riddle ProFantasy website
Programming: Peter Olsson · Additional programming: L. Lee Saunders
Additional Effects Filters: Joe Slayton · PNG Symbols: Dave Allsop
SV Symbols: Linda Kekumu · Thanks To: The CC2 Users’ List, The Colonel and Colin
Special Thanks to: CC2 Raster Beta Test list, Dundjinni art community
The Essentials: Allyn Bowker, Simon Rogers · Trade Dress: Peter Gifford

ProFantasy Software Ltd · Spectrum House · Bromell’s Road · London · SW4 0BN · UK ·

© Copyright 2006 Profantasy Software, Ltd

CC3 is a trademark of Profantasy Software Ltd.
Add-ons Introduction
Add-ons make CC3 is a powerful CAD engine with specialized
specialized drawing mapping tools. You can use it to create, for example:
tasks quick and
easy. For example, • Overland maps in a fantasy style (CC3 specializes
with CC3 you can in this)
draw a city, house • Overland maps in other styles using CC3’s raster
by house. With the
capabilities and filter effects
City Designer Pro
add-on you can add • Floorplans including dungeons, caves and starships
complete random • Urban areas
streets in two • Heraldic devices
clicks. At this time, • Counters for your war games
not all the add-ons
• Character portraits.
are compatible with
CC3. Updating CC3 alone is enough to perform most mapping duties,
them will but you can boost its powers with add-ons.
take time. In order
for you to be able How to Use the Manual
to use the add-ons
The Essentials gives you enough to get you started,
with CC3 now,
without overwhelming you with details. It combines a
we are including a
copy of CC2 tutorial and an overview of CC3’s the features. Items
Pro with underlined in bold text are referring you to the side bar
your purchase of for definitions and additional information. Buttons,
CC3. As the add- dialog box items and menu items are shown in bold
ons are updated, text like this: Perspective Settings .
you will receive
free updates Additional Information
enabling them to
There will be a complete manual in PDF form available
work with CC3.
for download from the Registration page of the
Profantasy site. This will cover CC3 and its add-ons in
Dundjinni™ is a great detail.
trademark of Fluid
Entertainment, Art for Fluid's Dundjinni and NBOS Software's
Inc. Fractal Mapper users
Fractal Mapper™
The png art included with CC3 is automatically installed
is a trademark of
at the appropriate resolution and in the correct place
NBOS Software
for users of Dunjinni™ and Fractal Mapper™ users. To
use the art in Fractal Mapper™, use the symbol gallery,
pull down the list, and look for entries starting CC3. To
use the art in Dundjinni™, use the Map Items tool, Properties
select ProFantasy as the genre, choose either Overland
Each entity in a
or Dungeon, then select items. CC3 drawing has
certain properties,
Clear Your Mind... some visible, some
CC3 is easy to use, but there are a few things that make invisible. All
it different from some other software. If you can grasp entities have color,
these simple concepts early on, you’ll find CC3 much width, line style, fill
style, layer and pen
easier to learn.
thickness. You can
CC3 drawings consist of drawing objects called entities. see the current
These entities have properties, and you can select properties on the
entities for editing based on combinations of their Status Bar under
the menus. Some
tools choose
CC3 expects you to choose an editing function, and properties for the
then select what you want to edit. For example, to entities they create
remove an entity, you would click Erase then click – for example, the
on what you want to erase. With the desired entity River tools add a
selected, right click then select Do it. This is far blue solid path on
quicker for mapping than the standard Windows
method of select then edit. Right click to complete a
command. When a command is complete, click to
repeat it. Press or select another command to Entity Selected
cancel the current one. In CC3, don’t drag
the mouse. You get
A field in the lower left corner of the screen, called the finer control
Command Prompt, is where CC3 asks you for without dragging -
instructions, gives you instructions, and provides you click to start a
move, then click to
with information about options. You can type here.
Watching the prompt is essential, even for expert users,
since this is where CC3 will communicate with you.

Getting to CC3
After add-ons are added, you can swap to CC3
from any add-on by clicking the CC3 button on
CC3’s File toolbar.
CC3’s Interface
Here’s an overview of CC3’s two basic layouts.

Simple Interface
The simple toolbar has just about everything needed to
create many of your drawings.

Left or right click

Most CC3 buttons
have a default
action for a click
(left click), and
additional options
available by right
clicking the button.
For buttons that edit
or create entities,
the right click
options are
alternative styles of
the same operation.
The Status Bar: Shows you the current drawing
For example, right
clicking Copy properties (color, line style, etc) for new entities. You
gives you a menu can click on any indicator to change its setting.
with a choice of
The Simple Toolbar: This toolbar has the basic Draw
eleven different
Copy methods. CC3 tools, View tools, and Edit tools icons. These icons can
has so many options be clicked–some of them either left click or right
because, depending click–to select or execute commands.
on the application,
The View Window: This is where you see your
some methods will
better suit the drawing. Use the View tools to control what you see.
situation than
The Command Prompt (Prompt): This is where CC3
communicates with you. It may ask you for information
here. It’s also where you type requested values such as
scales and points. Watching the prompt is essential to
mastering CC3.

Screen Tools gives you control over the
appearance your CC3 screen. You can move toolbars,
hide and show scroll bars as well as the catalog Entity Grouping
You can group
Grid, Ortho, Snap and Lock buttons entities together
The Grid button turns using Group, and
the visual grid on and off. Snap causes points to lock to
ungroup them
the visual grid and to significant fractions between.
using Ungroup.
Ortho (short for orthogonal) constrains the cursor so it However, with
moves only vertically or horizontally. Attach causes Locked you have
points you click to snap to significant points on existing the option of
entities, where possible. Right click any of these buttons temporarily
to change their options and settings. Locked is an unlocking the
advanced tool that allows CC3 to ignore entity groups so that
grouping. Generally grouped entities should remain individual entities
locked together. within the groups
can be edited.
Full Interface
In addition to the previously described toolbars, the Full
interface offers many of CC3’s powerful commands as
icons available at your fingertips.

File Toolbar: Starts and opens drawings, adds links and

chooses add-ons when available.

Another Left Toolbar 1 & 2:
Overland: Adds mapping entities such as
Some functions, landmasses, rivers and roads to your map. If
such as Zooms and you have add-ons, this is where their
Modifiers can be specialized commands will be displayed.
selected and
deselected in mid-
command. For
example, you could Edit: Moves, rotates, erases, changes
click Move , properties or reshapes a selection.
then select the
desire entity. Right
click, select Do It.
Edit Single Entities: Trims, breaks
Click Zoom In ,
and reshapes individually selected entities.
click Attach, and
then place the
entity being moved.
This will allow you
to select an entity Right Toolbars 1 & 2
to move, zoom in
View: Zooms and pans the View Window,
to get a closer
view, enable even in the middle of another command.
Attach and then
Entity Order: Controls what order entities
place that entity so
appear in your drawing, in effect which are in
it snaps to a precise
position all within front or behind.
the original Move Draw: Adds simple entities such as lines,
polygons, arcs and text.

Modifiers: Snaps the cursor to

significant points on an entity.

Viewing and Printing
In this chapter you’ll learn how to navigate, print and
export your maps. If you can do the basics, drawing
your first map will be much easier.

CC3’s View tools are a group
of essential zoom buttons at
the top of the View Window on the Simple Toolbar.
There are more view commands in the View menu.

1 On the File toolbar click Open .

Browse to CC3’s Examples\Maps folder and then

click CC3 Sample 01.fcw.
2 Click Zoom Window .

The prompt (at the bottom of the screen) reads

zoom window: and the pointer changes to crosshairs.
3 Click (don’t drag) at the bottom left of the forest
called Strangleroot Glade.

The prompt reads Opposite corner:. Now, when you

move the mouse you see a box shrink and grow.
This is CC3 showing you the window it will zoom
4 Put the opposite corner of the window at the top
right of the forest then click again.

CC3 zooms in to the forest. You can carry on

zooming in like this as far as you like.
5 Click Zoom Extents to see the whole map

Zoom Window and Zoom Extents will cover most

of the navigation you’ll need, but there are other
zoom buttons if you need them.

Sheets and Layers
Maps are built on sheets and organized in layers.
Everything in your drawing is on a particular sheet and
is associated with a particular layer. Don’t be confused,
however, by what you think you know about the terms
‘Sheets’ and ‘Layers’. Remember that we’ve asked you
Paint Shop Pro ® to clear your mind. The terms are familiar to non-CC3
users, but the applications are not the same.
Paint Shop Pro is a
registered Sheets
trademark of Corel
Corporation. In a raster (or paint) program such as Paint Shop Pro ®,
we’re used to working with layers. If we think about the
transparent pages in an old anatomy book, we get a
good idea of how paint programs use layers. Each layer
holds specific parts of the image that are revealed in a
determined order.

CC3 has the ability to create these pages, too. Instead

of calling them layers, in CC3 they are Sheets. If we
understand that CC3 sheets are just like paint program
Organized layers, then what are CC3 Layers?
Layers do not Layers
dictate order. You
can have some Think of CC3 Layers as ‘categories’. CC3 layers are
mountains on top simply collections of like objects under a category
of some structures heading. These categories allow us to arrange and
and elsewhere in select entities in an organized fashion. By putting all the
the drawing, you structures on the STRUCTURES layer and all the
can have some
mountains on the MOUNTAINS layer, we can keep the
structures on top of
entities organized.
some mountains.
The entities on the By hiding and showing the different sheets and layers
various Layers are you can change the visible content to suit a particular
simply collected
purpose without having to draw a new version of the
together under a
map. For example, by putting all secrets on the SECRET
category heading.
layer, you can quickly hide them from unauthorized

Now that we understand what Sheet sand Layers are in Current Layer
CC3, let’s look at them in the CC3 Example 01.FCW. When you select a
drawing tool, CC3
1 On the Status Bar, click the Layer Indicator sets current layer
. according to that
tool. For example,
You see the Select Layer dialog box which shows
when you click
the list of layers available in the map.
select Default
Terrain, CC3 sets
the current layer to
Although Overland
tools automate
standard layer
usage, there are
times when you
will need to control
layers manually, for
example when
using the Drawing
toolbar. Click the L:
layer indicator to
set the current
Next to each layer name are three small boxes. Change the Layer
The left box is ticked if the layer is the current Changing the
layer. In this case, the current layer is SYMBOL current layer does
DEFINITION. Changing this does not change the not affect entities
layer of existing entities. already in the
drawing. To send
The middle box contains a small H if the layer is an existing entity to
hidden. You can’t view or edit entities on another layer, click
hidden layers. Change
Properties and
The right box contains a small F if the layer is frozen
then select the
(protected). You can see but not edit entities you want
entities on frozen layers. change.

Current Sheet Click on any of the small boxes to swap their status
When you select a between Visible/Hidden, Frozen/Thawed, and
drawing tool, CC3 Current/Not Current.
places the entity on
a predetermined 2 Click OK.
sheet according to
3 On the Status Bar, click the Sheet Indicator
that tool. For
example, when you .
click select Default
You see the Drawing Sheets dialog box which
Terrain, CC3 shows the list of sheets used in the map.
notifies you on the
status bar that the
entities will be
placed on the
LAND sheet.
Although CC3’s
tools automate
standard sheet
usage, there are
times when you
will need to control
sheets manually;
for example, when
using the Drawing
toolbar. Click the S:
sheet indicator to
set the current Next to each sheet name are two small boxes.
sheet. Sheets can The left box is ticked if the sheet is the current
also be controlled
sheet. In this case, the current sheet is COMMON.
from Sheets and
Changing the current sheet does not change the
Effects .
sheet of existing entities.

Change the Sheet The right box contains a small H if the sheet is
hidden. You cannot see or edit entities on
To send an existing
hidden sheets.
entity to another
sheet, click Change
Properties and
then select the CC3 can print any view of any map either to fit the
entities you want page, or to a precise scale factor (e.g. 1:72 for
change. miniatures). You can also create oversize prints by tiling

across pages. Hidden layers and hidden sheets do not View to Print
Everything: The
whole map will
On the File toolbar click Print .
print, regardless of
You see the Print Drawing dialog box, which has five the current view. To
sections — Printer, View to print, Scaling, Tiling and see what CC3 will
print as everything,
click Zoom Extents
Active Window:
The current view
displayed in the
View Window will
Named View: If
you have previously
saved views of the
map (View menu),
they will be listed
Sheet: The normal
value is (All visible
sheets as one

Printing Without Worrying About Options

The Print dialog box gives you a great deal of control
about how the printed map will look but with that
control come options. If you want to print the entire
map these are the settings you want:

View to print Everything

Sheet All visible sheets as one page

Scaling Fit to page

Tiling # Horiz = 1, # Vert = 1

Print White as Black Not checked

Scaling Portrait or Landscape As appropriate

Fit to page: Scales Then click OK.
the selected view
to best fit your Printing Using the Options
paper size and
orientation. Select the View to print. Normally you want either
everything or the current view. If you have created
Scale factor: Paper
named views under the View menu, you can select
distance refers to
the printed size on these as the view to print.
your paper.
Select the Scaling you would like. For example, the
Drawing distance
east to west size of a map is approximately 425 units
refers to distances
as measured from across. If you set the Paper Distance to 1” and
the drawing. Drawing Distance to 100, the print will be at 100
units to the inch. The printed example map would
To measure
distances on the therefore measure 4.25 inches across.
drawing, click Info Select the number of pages for print Tiling. CC3 can
menu then select
create oversized prints by tiling across more than one
Distance. Pick two
sheet of paper. When you select print tiling, it’s
points between
which you wish to important to use print preview to check what the
measure. drawing will look like. You could find yourself using up
loads of paper! Set the Overlap % to around 5% to
makes it easier to tape the printed sheets together.

Creating a Map Icons
If any buttons on
Setting up the Interface the interface are
CC3 has toolbar options that allow the user to show or missing, go to the
hide the various toolbars on the interface. A great many Tools menu, scroll
down to Add-ons
commands and functions can be accessed through the
then select
icons and menus, but only a small number of these are
necessary to create simple to moderately detailed Cartographer.
drawings. If the number of icons in the full interface
Full Interface
seems a bit daunting, turn them off. We can create
maps in CC3 using The tutorials
the Simple Toolbar. written in the CC3
Essentials Guide
1 Click Screen are written on the
Tools . Simple Toolbar
with the File
Each toolbar can be Toolbar added. If
positioned, hidden you opt to use the
or revealed as full interface, the
desired. tutorials will still be
applicable, but
2 Click in the what you see may
appropriate vary slightly from
selection boxes to put the Status bar, the File toolbar, the interface screen
and the Simple toolbar at the top of the interface. shots.
3 Click to select the Scroll bars and the Symbol
Catalog. The arrow in the
selection box
indicates where on
the interface that
toolbar will be
displayed. Clicking
consecutively in a
selection box will
rotate the arrow
clockwise. The
absence of an
arrow means the
toolbar will be
4 Click as necessary to deselect all other tool bars.

What to Draw First

Entities in a CC3 map are displayed in the order they
are added, with more recent entities laying over
previous entities on their respective sheets. It is
possible to reorder the entities after they’ve been
added, though it is worth trying to draw them in the
right order in the first place. By using the drawing tools
which utilize sheets, however, it is easy to go back and
add things without having to reorder the entire

The general rule is to add all the solid fills first, working
from low to high. (Contours, landmasses, lakes and
colored regions are made of solid fills.) Once the solid
fills are in, add mountains, rivers, vegetation, roads,
structures and finally text.

Let’s start with creating a template on which to draw.

New Drawing Starting a New Map

1 Click CC3 .
The New Drawing
Wizard allows us 2 Click New .
to make selections
and create a The New Drawing Wizard opens.
template that is
suited for our
purpose. We can
also select a pre-
defined template
from choices in
useful sizes.

Select Overland Maps then click the radio button

to select Decide Settings Myself.
3 Click Next>.
From here we can
quickly and easily
create a custom
template by
entering the width
and height
dimensions and
also by adding
standard mapping
elements. The Top
Left, Top Right,
Bottom Left and
Bottom Right
buttons select
positions on the
soon to be created
Select CC3 standard overland.
template for a
4 Click Next>. compass rose,
scalebar, map title
and copyright
notice. If you don’t
wish to add those
elements at this
time, you can
simply click Finish.

The New Drawing Wizard presents us with options.

For our first drawing, we’ll make a small map.

5 In Dimensions, change Width to 100 and Height

to 80.

6 Click Bottom Left.

Select Compass Rose 1 n.

7 Click OK.

8 Click Bottom Right.

Select Scale Bar n.

9 Click OK.

10 Click Next>.
From this page of
the New Drawing
Wizard, we can
choose from a
selection of
backgrounds. We
can also apply a
grid with the Grid
Overlay option.

For Fill style, select water dark Bitmap.

11 Click Finish.

12 Enter a name for your new map, then click Save.

We now have a template on which we can begin to

draw. Our drawing at this step can be viewed in
Tutorials/CC3 Essentials/ES-Tutorial01.FCW.

Default Landmass
Notice that the
settings on the
Status bar have
changed. The
landmass will go on
the LAND sheet, on
layer and the fill
style will be land
dark green
Bitmap. These are
the default settings
for that particular
drawing tool.

Let’s do a simple map similar to our example drawing. You can use the
key press options
Landmasses shown in the
13 Click Default Landmass . prompt to vary the
fractal. For
The prompt (at the bottom left of the screen) reads example, press
Fractal polygon: First point (E – Edit):. CC3 is ready for the Space to
first point of the landmass. rerandomize the
14 Click a starting point for our landmass. segment or DEL to
go back a segment.
The prompt reads Next point: (DEL – back, Space – The drawing tools
Randomize, L/R Arrows – Depth, U/D arrows – strength, T - automatically
Trace ):. As you move the cursor around you see a restrict to the
segment of fractal coastline. border of the
Click a few points until you’ve almost completed the template so when
coastline. You don’t have to close the polygon. CC3 will you reach the edge
of the map, click
close it for you.
outside the frame
15 Right click to complete the landmass. to ‘set’ the
boundary for that
The landmass closes. The prompt reads Fractal side of the
polygon: First point:. CC3 is ready to draw another landmass shape.
16 Right click to end the command.

The prompt reads Command [last command]:. CC3 is

waiting for your next action.

Our Map
To follow along on
our map, load ES-
from CC3’s
Essentials folder.

Terrain Features
We’ll add some mountain areas and an expanse of
desert to our map.
Mountain Area 17 Right click Default
This swath will be Terrain .
the base for our
From the selection of
mountains. Note
Terrain drawing tools,
that selecting the
select Terrain Mountain
drawing tool
changed the
current settings on The prompt reads Fractal Polygon: First point (E – Edit):.
the Status bar. Add a swath of mountain area to the drawing.

This darker desert
area will be our
transition into our
18 Right click Default flat desert.
Terrain . Note again that
From the selection of with each drawing
Terrain drawing tools, tool we select, the
select Terrain Desert current settings on
Dark. the Status bar
change to reflect
The prompt reads Fractal Polygon: First point (E – Edit):. that drawing tool’s
Add an area of desert to the drawing. default settings.
19 Right click to end the command, then left click to
relaunch Terrain tools.

From the selection of

Terrain drawing tools,
select Terrain Desert

The prompt reads Fractal Polygon: First point (E – Edit):.

Treating this as a contour over the first desert
polygon we drew, add an area of desert to the
20 Click Save .

Symbols consist of
two parts:
· A Definition,
which is always
hidden from view.
You only need one
To continue along using our drawing, open ES-
definition of a
particular symbol in Tutorial03.FCW from the Tutorials/Essentials folder.
a drawing.
Adding Symbols
· A Reference ,
which is what you Symbols are a special type of entity used for map
see on the screen. features such as trees, cities and mountains. They are
Many references the little graphic entities that you see in the example
can point to the maps.
same definition, so
you can have many The symbol catalogs included in CC3 have many
tree symbol features which include:
references in a
drawing without • Shaded Varicolor (SVC) symbols
taking up lots of which, when placed, are shaded
memory. in the color that is currently
displayed on the Status bar. SVC
symbols are indicated by a color
box in the corner of the symbol’s window.

• Random symbol placement which, when placed
consecutively, the references of a symbol will have
slight variations in scale or
rotation. Random placement is
indicated by an R in the corner
of a symbol’s window.
• Symbol is part of a collection.
Symbols with a + in the top left corner are the first After clicking on a
in a collection of related symbols. Click the + to symbol, you can
press TAB to move
expand the collection and see all the symbols it
between symbols in
that collection.
To insert a symbol from the catalog, left click on the
desired symbol in the symbol display window. A
dynamic cursor of the symbol appears, allowing you to
see the position of the symbol as you place it.

While placing a symbol, the prompt reads: Place symbol

(CTRL – scale, CTRL+SHIFT – rotate, TAB – next,) [options]:
The prompt is telling you that you can also:

• press and hold while moving the mouse to

dynamically scale the symbol on the cursor
• press and hold and together while
moving the mouse to dynamically rotate the
symbol on the cursor
• press to go to the next symbol in the Place that Symbol
collection if the symbol chosen is in a collection.
To quit, select
• right click or press to accept the default, another symbol
which in this case is the Options dialog box. from the catalog,
Click in the drawing to place that symbol. select another
command, or right-
Mountain and Hill Symbols click to display the
You can represent height using contours, symbols or a
Parameters dialog
combination of both. In our drawing, we added a terrain box and then click
contour for our mountains, but we’ll also add mountain Finished.

Scale 21 Click Symbol Catalog
Settings .
The symbol scale is
not the same as From the list, select CC3
map scale.
Filled Mountains.
Symbol scale is
determined by the
size of the
template. Symbol CC3 changes the current settings in readiness for
scale is typically the drawing mountains. Mountain symbols load into the
width of the Symbol Catalog Window.
template ÷ 1000.
22 Click to select your first symbol from the displayed
Once set, the catalog. While holding the symbol on the cursor, right
symbol scale will
click. In the Scale X and Y box, enter 0.01, then click
remain fixed for
More. This sets the scale appropriately for our
subsequent symbol
placements until it template.
is changed by When adding mountains, work from top to bottom so
changing the value
that each mountain covers the base of the one behind
in Symbol
and the shadows lay correctly.
Properties or by
dynamically scaling
a symbol.
Adding Mountains
Don’t use too many
symbols. The most
beautiful maps are
not completely
covered with
symbols. If you
combine contours
and symbols, don’t
completely fill the
contoured areas.
Leave a gap at the
edge so the contour
color shows Use this technique to add mountains and hills to the
through. drawing.

The river tool uses
Attach to find the
coastline or to find
a river to attach the
end of a branch.
When you click a
point on the
coastline, the river
‘attaches’ to that
path enabling us to
draw quick and
easy junctions.
If you wish to, right
click the Attach
To continue along using our drawing, open ES-
button to change
Tutorial04.FCW from the Tutorials/Essentials folder.
the attach mode
(On, Center,
Midpoint or
Now that mountains and hills have been added, we can Nearest Fraction).
add rivers.

23 Click Default River .

The command prompt reads Fractal Path: First point: (E
– Edit):. Add rivers to the drawing where you think Right click Default
they should be. Click points to create a meandering River to pull up a
selection a river
river, guided by the high-ground, then right click to
drawing tools in
end the river.
various widths.
The prompt reads
Fractal path: First point
(E – Edit):. CC3 is
ready to draw more
rivers. Right click to
end the river tool
now, or continue to
add any tributaries,
distributaries or

To continue along using our drawing, open ES-
Tutorial05.FCW from the Tutorials/Essentials folder.

Vegetation and Structures

Adding Trees
When adding trees and structure symbols, use a
To add areas of technique similar to that as when adding mountains
dense forest quickly
and hills. Work from top to bottom and don’t over do it
and easily, use one
of the forest 24 Click Symbol Catalog Settings .
drawing tools. Click
Default Terrain From the list, select CC3 Filled Vegetation to add
, then select one trees and vegetation or select CC3 Filled Structures to
of the forest fills. add cities, towns and assorted structures such as
The tool allows you towers, bridges, and monoliths.
to drawing a
polygon over the
area you wish to be
forested. Once the
polygon is
complete, it will be
filled with the
selected forest

Be adventurous.
Explore all the
catalogs available
from the Symbol
Catalogs Settings

To continue along using our drawing, open ES-

Tutorial06.FCW from the Tutorials/Essentials folder.

Now that we have places to go, we need routes to take
us there.

25 Click Default Road . Roads

The command prompt reads Smooth Path: First point). Add Unlike the River
roads to the drawing where you think they should be. tool, the Road tool
does not use
Attach. If you wish
to enable Attach,
right click the
Attach button then
select the attach
mode (On, Center,
Midpoint or
Nearest Fraction).
Attach can be
enabled and
disabled in mid-

To continue along using our drawing, open ES-

Tutorial07.FCW from the Tutorials/Essentials folder.

Now we have places to go and routes to take us there.
What we need now are labels.

26 On the Status Bar, click the Sheet Indicator


Select TEXT as the current sheet , then

click OK.
27 On the Status Bar, click the Layer Indicator

Select TEXT LABELS as the current layer, then click


Text Options 28 On the Status Bar, click the Color Indicator .
Justify: The point you From the color palette, select color 0 (black). Click
select will be used as OK.
the insertion point.
Fonts: Shows the 29 Click Text then click Properties.
fonts currently
included in the map.
Click More Fonts to
add other fonts.
Height: Measured in
map units. As a rule of
thumb, divide the map
width by 50 for large
Stretch: A scale factor
to stretch the text in
the X dimension.
Outline only: Creates
hollow text. For high-
contrast outlined text
place hollow text on
top of normal text. From here we can set our text options. For the
The other options are example map, a text height of 3 is used for the
self explanatory. main feature labels, a height of 1.8 is used for the
Labels secondary feature labels, and a height of 1 is used
A detailed article for the individual points of interest labels.
on creating and
Once your text properties are set, click OK.
placing text labels
is available for
download from
your registration
page on the
Profantasy website.

Type in the text, then click OK. Place the text label Text labels
in the drawing using the justification point as the
positioner. The properties that
were set in the
30 Right click to launch the Text dialog again, Text Properties
repeating the steps as often as necessary to add all dialog will remain
your text labels. there until they are
changed in the
properties dialog or
until a text label is
dynamically scaled.

To continue along using our drawing, open ES-

Tutorial08.FCW from the Tutorials/Essentials folder.

We have what could be a finished map, but we should

go back and add some shallow water off the coast. That
may seem a little scary to do now that everything else
is finished, but this will be quick and painless.

Shallow Water
31 Right click Default Sea
then select Sea, Medium.

The command prompt

reads Smooth Polygon: First
Point). Draw a polygon that represents the shallow
water off the coast. Don’t worry that we’re covering
existing map sections. We don’t need to be precise
or trace any parts of the coastline. Once your
shallow water is complete, right click to end the

32 Click Redraw .

The shallow water we just drew dropped behind the Dropped Behind
This is made
possible by drawing
Finishing Touch
tools which force
The finishing touch on our map will be to add effects. entities to specific
We don’t need to be graphic artists to make great sheets. How this
looking maps in CC3. It is as easy as clicking an icon. works will be
explained in a later
33 Click Sheets and Effects . section.
To continue along
using our drawing,
open ES-
from the Tutorials/
Essentials folder.

Click to put a check in the Activate Sheet Effects

box, then click OK.

Visual Effects How Templates Work
The basic CC3 Now that we’ve seen how the drawing is created, let’s
template has look at the basics of how the template works.
effects already
loaded as we saw
when we added the
finishing touch to Sheets are the main structure component of a CC3
our tutorial drawing. Using them, the drawing tools force entities
drawing. The into a specific order in the drawing. Sheets also work
effects we used in with effects to create a drawing with drop shadows,
our tutorial blurs, glows and other desired visual effects.
drawing are:
SEA: Blur
LAND: Spatial
Matrix Process
TEXT: Glow
For more
information on
Effects, refer to the
Help files Effects
>> List, and Using

This diagram can
be viewed by
opening the ES-
from the Tutorials/
Essentials folder.
The diagram was
made using
features found in When we drew the shallow water polygon after the
the Perspectives whole map was finished, it dropped behind the
Pro add-on. landmass. Using this diagram, we can see why. The
Sea tool placed the entity on the SEA sheet. Even

Effects though the shallow water was the last
entity we added to the entire drawing,
The effects
available in the because it is on the SEA sheet, it is the top
templates include: entity only on the SEA sheet and it drops
behind the entities on all other sheets.
Editing Effects
The effects can easily be added or edited
to customize the drawing as desired.
1 Open ES-Tutorial09.FCW from the
Drop Shadow
Tutorials/Essentials folder.
Edge Fade
Glow Inner Glow 2 Click Sheets and Effects . Select
RGB Matrix Process TEXT as the current Sheet. Click to put a
check in Activate Sheet Effects, then
Screen Border
click Edit.
Spatial Matrix
Process In Options, change
Texture Overblend Strength to 2 and
change Blur
radius to 7. Click
Transparency Wall
OK then click OK.
Notice that the
glow around the
text is now brighter
and the text itself
is more discernible
in the drawing.

Importing Symbols
Current drawing
CC3 allows the easy import of png or bmp raster
When you've
imported your images to use as symbols. These imported images will
symbols, you can be included as symbol definitions in the current
make changes in drawing.
the Symbol
1 Click the CC3
Manager and then
save the drawing button .
as a catalog.
2 Click New .

Folder Select Overland

Maps then click the
The symbols will be
referenced from the radio button to
source folder. select Pick a Pre-
When importing defined Template. Click
your own symbols, Next>.
it might be a good
idea to create a 3 Select 1000x800.FCT.
folder in CC3 for
4 From the Symbols menu,
the raster images
select Import PNGs.
so they’ll have a
permanent home.

The resolution of
the image divided
by the real-world
width. For overland
symbols at the
same scale as the
ProFantasy ones,
Click Browse, then
use 20.
navigate to the

Set the Resolution

to 20.

Set the Layer to that which you wish the images in the Layer
symbols to appear.
This is usually the
Change the other Symbol Options as necessary. SYMBOL
Set the Symbol Origin to bottom center.

Click Bitmap Options, then select Alpha Symbol Options

Transparency. Click OK, then click OK. If you want to
include Symbol
5 Click OK to acknowledge the number of imported
Information, tick
symbols. this box then click
Set. You can
6 Click Symbols in Drawing .
always change
Scroll down to newly imported symbols. These can individual settings
in the Symbol
now be used in the current drawing.
Manager when
To save the symbols as a catalog: import is complete.
Create Other
7 From the Symbols menu, select Symbol Manager. Resolutions: for
Click Save as Catalog. Give the catalog a name, CC3 to function
most efficiently, it
then click Save.
uses multiple image
To use the catalog in other drawings, open the new resolutions. You
drawing, click Symbol Catalogs , then browse to can optionally
create these. Files
the location where the catalog was saved.
are: lets CC3 know
what resolution the
imported files are -
usually Very High
or High (if they are
Choose a folder for
the final images.
CC3 will open
another program
(convert.exe) while
this process occurs;
this may take some

File Formats Exporting and Importing Maps
All bitmap file types To export a map,
are measured in or a section of a
pixels across and map, from the
up. Choose a
File menu click
height and width
Save As... Pull
in pixels.
down the list of
BMP Bitmaps can
file types to
be imported this
choose your
into most paint
packages. Choose a export format.
color depth. Each file format
has options
JPEG files are
small, but lose which you can
definition. Lower access from the Options button on the dialog box, or
quality JPEGs open from Options on the Tools menu.
more quickly and
have a smaller file Exporting Maps for Publication
size, but have less From the Save As... dialog box choose either the BMP
Bitmap file, JPEG Bitmap File, or PNG Bitmap file..
PNG are ready for Click the Options button to choose the resolution and
the web with no cropping options. Your entire map will be exported into
lossiness. Choose a
the new file format. For images intended for the
compression option
internet, it’s a good idea to export your map at a higher
(fast loading versus
small file). resolution than you require, then resize to image to the
correct size. You can also export sections of your map
using the Rectangular Sections (BMP, PNG or JPG) file
If you cannot scan types. When you’ve selected a file name, click two
the paper map, the points forming a rectangle to export the file.
only option is to
draw a grid on the Tracing Existing Paper Maps
paper map and
recreate the same If you can scan your existing map, you can insert it in
dimensioned grid the background of a CC3 map, then trace over it:
on the CC3 map.
You can then 1 Convert the existing map into a 24-bit BMP bitmap
redraw, use the format image.
grid to keep your
new map
2 Start a new map of the desired size. Click the
Layer Indicator then click Add. Type BITMAP. Click
OK. Select BITMAP as the current layer, then click OK.

3 From the Edit menu, click Insert File…. Deselect

the Embed in drawing option. Browse to your BMP file,
select it, then follow the prompt to place it into the
template. The file is now in the drawing and you can
create a normal CC3 map on top of it.

Other File Formats

You can export your map as an Enhanced Metafile
EMF. Options are X and Y size, and Paint Background
color. We recommend a large width and height for
better resolution. A good option to import vector data
into Microsoft Word

You can import and export AutoCAD DXF files (the

standard way of exchanging vector information).

AutoCAD DWG files are AutoCAD®'s native file format.

You can import and export these.

All text in drawing lets you export all text labels in

the drawing. The options allow you to control the
ordering of the text file.

Creating a Floorplan
CC3 can be used to create floorplans with
the same ease with which it creates
overland maps. Let’s make a basic
Basic Floorplan
Our floorplan for
this example will be 1 Click New .
simple, but you will
see the potential In the New Drawing Wizard, select
for making large, Dungeons, then select Pick a pre-defined
intricate floorplans template.
quickly and easily
with the dungeon
drawing tools.

Click Next>.

2 Select 100x80
Dungeon. FCT.

3 Click Symbol
Catalog , then
browse to the
folder. Select basic.FSC,
then click Open.

4 Click to enable Snap and Grid . Draw

5 Click All Map Drawing Tools . As you click in the

template to draw,
Select Room, Stone you’ll notice the
Wall, Chequered function of Snap.
Floor. Your cursor will
‘snap’ to points
6 Using the grid to making it easy to
guide the design, draw a create perfect
floorplan. The sample squares and
drawing shows a simple two room floorplan with a rectangles. The
Grid in this
connecting corridor.
template is a 5
foot, 2 snap. The
visible grid points
are 5 feet apart,
and the cursor will
snap every 2 ½ feet
(2 snaps per 5 feet).
Right click on Snap
to see
other Snap options.

Sample Drawing
To view the
7 Click the Layers Indicator , then example drawing at
select WALL FEATURES as the current layer. Click OK. this stage, open
8 In the Symbol Display Window, Tutorial12.FCW.
scroll down to and then select Wood
As you hover the door symbol
The door symbol is
over the drawing, notice that it a Smart symbol. For
aligns itself to the walls. Click to more information
place the door at a location of your choosing. Note on Smart symbols,
that the door cuts its own opening in the wall. refer to Smart
9 In the Symbol Display Window, scroll down to walls in the Help
and then select Sconce with Torch3. files.

Scone As you hover the sconce symbol
over the drawing, notice that it also
Note that the
sconce’s torch glow aligns itself to the walls. Click to
is a part of the place the sconce at a location of
symbol itself and your choosing. Add as many sconces
not an effect. as you feel are needed.

10 Click the Layer Indicator . Click

Place the sconce to set FURNITURE as the current layer, then click OK.
Like the door
symbol, the sconce 11 From the Symbol Display Window, select symbols
aligns itself to the to add to your drawing. Disable Snap as needed to
wall. Unlike the position the symbols as desired.
door symbol,
however, placing
the sconce is a two
click process.
The first click sets
the location for the
sconce. Once the
location is set,
moving the cursor
will slide the
sconce away from
the wall. This 12 Click Sheets and Effects .
allows us to make
adjustments for Click to put a check in the Activate Sheet Effects
wall thickness prior box, then click OK.
to placing the
symbol into the
Move the cursor
using the crosshairs
as a guide. When
the base of the
symbol is aligned
with the wall, click
to place the symbol
in the drawing.

Explore the other dungeon drawing tools found in All Edit
Map Draw Tools to complete the scene around our Consult CC3’s
simple floorplan by adding terrain features and outdoor extensive Help files
elements to the scene. Add new effects and edit for information,
existing effects in the drawing to suit you. Text can be including
added in the same way we did in the overland map. Effects>>Sheets
and Effects,
Symbols, Drawing
Tools, and
Interface Options.

Where To Go From Here
The Essentials gets you started with CC3, but only
scratches the surface of CC3’s potential. There will be a
full manual available for download from the registered
users’ area of the ProFantasy website
( There is also an extensive map
library with free symbols, templates and maps created
by other users.

The Help system

The CC3 Help system is very extensive. Click the
Contents tab and read Using CC3 for a good place to
start. Most information is found here somewhere — use
the Find tab if the index doesn’t get you the information
you need.

The CC3 Mail List

CC3 has an active and very helpful community of users
who will be able to answer most of your questions. The
publishers also read the forum to answer queries or
make announcements. Join the mail list from our

Technical Support
Technical support is available through our website. If
you can’t find your answer there, email with details of your system and a
description of the problem.


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