Truman Company Acquired A 70 Percent Interest in Atlanta Company

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Consideration transferred 767200

NCI fair value 328800

Acquisition date fair value 1096000

Book value of atlanta 836000
Fair value in excess of book value 260000

Exccess assigned to specific accounts Life

Patent 138500 5 years
Goodwill 121500 Indefinite
Goodwill allocation with control premium Controlling Noncontrolling
Interest Interest
Fair values at acquisition date $767,200 $328,800
Relative fair values of identifiable net assets
70% and 30% of (acquisition date
book value plus patent = net asset fair value) 682,150 292,350
Goodwill $85,050 $36,450


Initial value at acquisition date $767,200

Truman’s share of Atlanta’s net income for half year
([$140,000 – 27,700 amortization )× ½ year] × 70%) 39,305
Dividends 2018 ($70,000 × ½ year × 70%) -24,500
Investment account balance 12/31/18 $782,005

NCI share in income 16845

([$140,000 – 27,700 amortization )× ½ year] × 30%)
Truman Atlanta

Revenues $ (761,695) $ (497,000) (S)

Operating Expenses $ 489,000 $ 357,000 ('E)
Net income of subsidiary $ (39,305) (I)
Separate company net income $ (312,000) $ (140,000)
Consolidated net income
Net income attributable to NCI
Net income attributable to Truman

Retained earnings, 1/1 $ (883,000) $ (516,000) (S)

Net income (above) $ (312,000) $ (140,000)
dividends declared $ 140,000 $ 70,000

Retained earnings, 12/31 $ (1,055,000) $ (586,000)

Current Assets $ 484,995 $ 433,000

Investment in Atlanta $ 782,005 (D)

Land $ 431,000 $ 233,000

Building $ 749,000 $ 659,000
Patent (A1)
Goodwill (A2)
Total assets $ 2,447,000 $ 1,325,000

Liabilities $ (892,000) $ (419,000)

Common stock $ (95,000) $ (300,000) (S)
AdditionalPaid in capital $ (405,000) $ (20,000) (S)
Retained earnings, 12/31 $ (1,055,000) $ (586,000)
Noncontrolling interest 7/1

Noncontrolling interest 12/31

Total liab. and equity $ (2,447,000) $ (1,325,000)
Adjustments & Eliminations NCI Cons.

$ 248,500 $ (1,010,195)
$ 13,850 (S) $ 178,500 $ 681,350
$ 39,305 $ -

$ (328,845)
$ (16,845) $ 16,845
$ (312,000)

$ 516,000 $ (883,000)
$ (312,000)
(S) $ 35,000 $ 10,500
(D) $ 24,500 $ 140,000
$ (1,055,000)

$ 917,995
$ 24,500 (S) $ 585,200
(I) $ 39,305
(A1) $ 96,950
(A2) $ 85,050
$ 664,000
$ 1,408,000
$ 138,500 ('E) $ 13,850 $ 124,650
$ 121,500 $ 121,500
$ 3,236,145

$ (1,311,000)
$ 300,000 $ (95,000)
$ 20,000 $ (405,000)
$ (1,055,000)
(A1) $ 41,550
(A2) $ 36,450
(S) $ 285,800 $ (363,800)
$ (370,145) $ (370,145)
$ 1,422,155 $ 1,422,155 $ (3,236,145)

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