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Volume 1, Issue 4 Stull, KS: Gateway to Hell?

Jeannie Marmaud

October 2010
About an hour from Kansas City, MO, much detail. campfire ghost tales of my
is the small community of Stull, KS. youth. I felt I had to go to Stull
If you search this location on the Some of the tales told on the to make my own judgment. I
internet you will find a world of in- internet are outrageous. There also wanted a third party opin-
formation, some legitimate and some are a few that say that the old ion on the happenings in this
pure urban legend. After travelling church that sat on the top of the area.
to Stull, I am prepared to give my hill in the newer cemetery had a
opinion on the community, the leg- basement whose stairs didn’t end Though the idea of finding this
ends, and the facts. until you were in hell. Another gateway to hell was intriguing,
tale says that, in either cemetery Debbie and myself felt we
This lovely community is located in Stull, Satan will come out and would be better served by
between Wichita and Law- finding the older cemetery
rence in the rolling country- we had read about on the
side of Kansas. Surrounded web. After few phone
by farms and open fields, calls and a lot of patience
this location is quite peace- on the parts of Tracie
ful and pleasing to the eye. Bartlett, investigator for
Paranormal Press

The community consists of a PSJ, and my husband,

couple of churches, the most John, we were able to
prominent being Stull United locate the small remote
Methodist Church, which is a cemetery that was a bit
huge church for such a small older than the one on the
community. This church, main road.
located at what seems to be
the center of the community, sits Old Stull cemetery where the son of Satan Armed with EVP recorder and
across the street from what some and a witch is said to be buried. camera, Debbie and I did an
have called the “gateway to hell”. early morning investigation.
We investigated as the day was
I must say, it is no small jaunt to go dance around. I continued read- beginning and got nothing.
from St. Joseph, MO, to Stull, KS. ing, wondering why Satan would There was nothing on the EVP
Debbie Lorraine, who is an investiga- possibly choose Stull, KS. I found to speak of and not one single
Paranormal St. Joe

tor with Paranormal St.Joe and, to be my answer. Legend has it that photo anomaly that could not
honest, was just as curious as myself, many, many years ago, Satan be explained.
drove us an hour and a half each way coupled with the local witch and
to investigate and either prove or they bore a son. The legend says Since the time of our investiga-
dispel this legend concerning the that the townspeople killed the tion, two friends of PSJ have
cemetery in Stull. baby and buried him under the been to both cemeteries in the
“hanging tree” in the old Stull middle of the night. They took
We arrived in this lovely community cemetery. It was even posted cameras and voice recorders
only to find the cemetery across from that the Pope would not fly over and still there was nothing on
the Stull United Methodist Church Kansas because that was the loca- the EVP sessions that would
locked up tight. Entry was only pos- tion of the gateway to hell. indicate that any of the urban
sible through a small gate. This is legends concerning Stull, KS,
completely understandable consider- As I read these postings, blogs, are true, though you could hear
ing the amount of publicity this place articles and the like I found them plenty of dogs, cows, owls, and
has gotten on the web. We spoke to be rather ludicrous. When coyotes. These two gentlemen
with the sheriff’s department in reading them I had to wonder how who have requested to remain
Douglas County, KS. Even they told many times people had watched nameless experienced nothing
me that the cemetery was supposed “Rosemary’s Baby” and combined which they deemed as even
to be haunted but did not go into it with any given tale from the Continued on page 6

Inside this issue:

Ghost Tours of KS, LLC 2 Coming in November 2010
FearFest, Columbia, MO 2  Interview with Topher Young of PSIRO

Kristie’s Pics 2  Kristie’s Pics: Movie reviews for the paranormal

Smudging 3
 Hauntingly Delicious: Recipe of the month
Cartoon Corner / Hauntingly Delicious 4
 Equipment Review
Halloween Safety Tips 5

Halloween History 6
Ghost Tours of Kansas LLC
Ghosts and wild west collide as Ghost Tours Research team along with psychic Misty
of Kansas LLC presents the St. Joe, Missouri Maeden have the first hand accounts of for-
Ghost Tour! This is a must see tour that rep- mer patients that still linger within. Having
resents all the historical hot spots in St. Joe. been investigated by the Miller's, imagine
Highlights include the Buchanan County your response as you witness a glass window
Courthouse where a disturbing presence with shaking. Who is the owner of the ghostly
red, blazing eyes waits in torment in the attic white jacket that can be seen floating down
of the building. The history of the building is the hallway? Barbosa's, First Ward and Wyeth-
as entertaining as the ghost stories. Fire, Tootle Mansion carry the same paranormal
lynchings, suicides, all the disturbing factors punch! These locations are just a taste of the
that are usually related to a courthouse over St. Joe Ghost Tour presented by Ghost Tours
a hundred year period of time. And let's not disturbed over time and a lot of momentos of of Kansas LLC. Get your tickets today at
forget about Glore Psychiatric Museum. Un- Insane Asylum #2 line the rooms. Ghosts or call 785-851-
imaginable means of therapy for the mentally would be plentiful and Miller's Paranormal 0856.

FearFest, Columbia, MO
One of Western Missouri’s premier haunted Hours of operation are as follows:
Admission $23: All 3 Attractions
attractions this Halloween season, FearFest
offers a frighteningly good time for all. Fear- Thursday: 8pm-10pm, Friday and Saturday:
Sarah's Legend & Slash Masters $18 : 2 haunt-
Fest offers two haunted houses, Sarah’s Leg- 8pm-midnight, and Sunday: 8pm-10pm. Tick-
ed houses only
end and Slash Masters, as well as a Zombie et windows open one hour before the haunt-
Safari Hayride (paintball). ing begins so arrive early. There is ample Zombie Safari Hayride (paintball) $18
free parking and attendants will be on hand
FearFest will be open the following days in to assist you. VIP Admission $30: front of the line access to
October: 10th,14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 21st, all three attractions
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st. Directions: 3 miles west of Columbia at exit
121 (Fayette exit). Located at the bottom of Find more details on the web at
This fearful good time will also extend into the hill on the right with free parking.
the month of November with screams and
chills still being rendered on the 5th and 6th. 6402 W Hwy 40, Columbia, MO 65202General flash/main.html

Kristie’s Pics Kristie Dale

This month, in honor of Halloween, I will give dren into mice. Disney’s “Halloweentown” for great viewing. Yes Carol Anne, they are
my choices for some great paranormal movies has a young girl discovering her grandmother here. “Carrie” has a great story about a
so you can have a marathon of your very is a witch who lives in a town where it’s al- teenage telekinetic getting bloody revenge
own. So grab the popcorn, soda, invite some ways Halloween. “Casper” is a fantastic live on those who torment her. “An American
friends, and find some of these great movies action introduction to the world’s friendliest Werewolf In London” is the tragic tale of a
to enjoy. ghost. Finally, The Monster Squad has an Yank bitten by a not so mysterious animal on
intrepid group of kids fighting against all the the English moors. Finally, “The Blair Witch
For those watching with the kids (or if you’re classic Universal monsters, lead by Dracula Project” would make a fine choice for Hal-
just a kid at heart) there are some excellent himself. loween viewing. Just be sure to stay away
choices. “Hocus Pocus” is a great movie from the woods.
about three sister witches running amok in For the adults, I recommend the perennial
Salem, Mass. In “The Witches”, a group of classic “The Exorcist”, one of the most I hope everyone has a fun, fantastic, and
evil witches plot to turn all of England’s chil- shocking, terrifying films ever made. The above all safe Halloween. Happy viewing!
ever-haunting “Poltergeist” would also make

Page 2 Paranormal Press

Smudging by Samantha Perpitch-Harvey

Smudging is an ancient ceremony that has a incense is burned in many religions, such as help you, too.
long and varied history. In fact, it is so im- Catholicism, as a way to signal the presence
portant and ancient in practice that I cannot of Spirit. *Perform your smudging with sincerity. This is
hope to do it justice in this short article. To a sacred healing ritual. You are releasing the
understand, and honor, this important tradi- You may worry that you shouldn’t try to lower energy that blocks you (or whoever/
tion I urge you to read about it online and to smudge because you haven’t ever done it. On wherever being smudged) from your (their)
look around in bookstores. What I want to the contrary, smudging can be done by any- Divine Truth. **The Latin word for Sage,
share with you is an overview of what smudg- one, and even a first-time novice can get Salvia, comes from the verb salvare, which
ing is, and to offer from my own personal amazing results. I am just a cleaning lady translates as "to heal." Therefore it’s im-
experiences are some of the most important portant to act from a place of sanctity and
things to know about it doing it. Most of all, I respect. Also remember that what you put
want to share this wonderful ceremony, so into the ritual adds to what you get out of it.
that you can benefit from it.
*Focus clearly on your intent. When you
What on earth is smudging? Smudging can be smudge, it’s helpful to assist yourself by
likened to changing your spiritual oil, so you adding your energy to the process. When you
can run at peak efficiency. The ritual itself is are releasing, be present with it. Feel all the
most commonly associated with Native Amer- energy and thinking that blocks you leaving
ican tradition in which dried herbs, most you. When you are soaking up the energy of
commonly Garden or White Sage, are burned Divine Spirit, feel yourself do that. If visualiz-
in bundles, the smoke of which is used to ing comes natural for you, visualize what you
invoke Spirit and cleanse oneself of lower are doing. When working with a Sage mix
energy such as worry, fear, stress, and the that both helps release negativity and bring
energy of others. To align oneself with the positive energy, it may be helpful to visualize
positive energy of Spirit, Sweetgrass or Lav- releasing on the out breath, and drawing in
ender is often burned either following the light on the in breath.
Sage, or sometimes is pre-mixed into the
Sage bundle itself. who lives in town, and I have experienced *Listen to your intuition. At its heart, this
amazing things performing this ceremony, so ceremony is about letting go of what keeps us
Why is smudging necessary? Think of yourself don’t think you have to be someone extra- from embracing our Divine truth. It’s about
as a magnet, picking up whatever it encoun- special. You are special enough. releasing pain and fear and remembering we
ters that day. We may not realize it, but we are God’s child. As you are unique, so is your
pick up energy from all the people, places, And lastly, some of you may be concerned cleansing going to be. Honor yourself. You
and things we encounter, and hold it in until about smudging because you associate it with might feel suddenly you need to concentrate
we release it. There are many ways to re- the cleansing of negative entities. Though the smudge on your stomach, or that you
lease energy intentionally and to affirm our smudging is sometimes used to purify a per- need to focus on the area above your head.
innate connection to Spirit, such as prayer or son or area of unclean energies, it is most Listen to this inner wisdom, it’s a big part of
meditation. For the person who needs or commonly used to release energy build up the magic of the ceremony.
enjoys something more tangible, smudging that a person or area has acquired from day
can be a very powerful practice to enhance to day living, and to release energy a person *Try it more than once. Your first experience
your quality of life and health. or place carries from past emotional events. might be amazing, or it might be anti-
climatic. We all work differently, and it may
Perform your smudging with If you are thinking about smudging to purify a take a few tries to find how it works best for
house or person from negative entities, I urge you. You may find it easier to start with a
sincerity. This is a sacred healing partner you trust and feel at ease with, or
you to instead please consult someone with
ritual. experience in such matters, such as a priest you may prefer to work alone as you figure
or spiritual elder. If you can be clear and things out. Give yourself the time and space
You may have some concerns. Some people centered, and have a place you can go that is to find your niche, and don’t be afraid to do
may worry they can’t smudge if they or their away from the person or place your are con- things differently, if it feels right. The most
loved ones cannot tolerate smoke. Depending cerned about, you can smudge yourself and important thing is to let your inner spirit be
on what works best for your needs, you can others who come in contact with the person your guide.
simply use the same smudge sticks or some or place afflicted. However, if you are upset
sprigs of fresh sage, and waft them around and frightened, which is very likely, I strongly To sum up, smudging is an amazing sacred
yourself. Or if you don’t mind getting a bit recommend having the elder or priest in- practice, with emphasis on the word
damp, you can put a small amount of sage volved do a cleansing on you instead of trying “practice”. I personally have experienced
essential oil in a spray bottle of water and to do it yourself. both physical and emotional healing from this
gently mist the desired person or area. amazing ceremony. I wish you much joy,
I have smudged several times. I have worked peace and healing as you experiment making
You may also be concerned that smudging with two or more people, and I have smudged smudging a sacred part of your spiritual jour-
may not go with your religion. Of course, by myself. I have smudged outdoors and in, ney.
everyone must let their own conscience be and I have smudged my house and my friends.
their guide, and I recommend against smudg- From all my experiences, I have learned some ** From “The Smudging Ceremony, by Adrienne
Borden and Steve Coyote http://
ing unless you are comfortable with it. How- things that have really helped me get more
ever it might be helpful to keep in mind that out of the smudging experience. I hope they

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 3

Cartoon Corner

Hauntingly Delicious: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

What could be better as a treat for the Spanish Paprika Spiced Seeds
family than fresh roasted pumpkin seeds.
Healthy and tasty, this delightful snack has Oven Temp: 350
many variations depending on your personal
taste and can be made from the seeds of Ingredients
your carved jack-o-lantern. Give them a
try. 1 cup pumpkin seeds

All of the following recipes begin with 1 tablespoon olive oil

cleaned, dried pumpkin seeds.
2 teaspoon Spanish paprika
Clean pumpkin seeds: Rinse under cold
salt, to taste
water and remove all the pulpy strings.
(This is best done before the pulp dries.)
Sugar and Spice Pumpkin Seeds Directions
Dry seeds thoroughly.
Oven Temp: 350
Plain Salted Pumpkin Seeds
Ingredients Roast pumpkin seeds: Heat oven to 350°F.
Oven Temp: 350
Line a baking sheet with nonstick foil. Toss
1 cup pumpkin seeds seeds with olive oil, 1 teaspoon Spanish pap-
rika, and salt to taste. Place on prepared
3 tablespoon melted unsalted butter baking sheet and roast 15 to 20 minutes, or
1 1/2 cups raw whole pumpkin seeds
until browned. Halfway through roasting, toss
3 tablespoon sugar seeds with another 1 teaspoon Spanish papri-
2 teaspoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon pumpkin-pie spice
1 pinch salt
Try these recipes or create your own with the
1 pinch kosher salt
Directions base of a little butter or olive oil and your
favorite spices. These make a great snack or
Toss seeds in a bowl with the melted butter a healthy alternative to chips as a side with a
and salt. Spread the seeds in a single layer on Roast pumpkin seeds: Heat oven to 350°F. sandwich. Enjoy!
a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes
Line a baking sheet with nonstick foil. Toss
or until golden brown; stir occasionally. seeds with melted unsalted butter, sugar,
pumpkin-pie spice, and kosher salt. Place on
prepared baking sheet and roast 15 to 20
minutes, or until browned.

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 4

Twenty Safety Tips for a Hauntingly Happy Halloween

Paranormal St.Joe would like to remind eve- Stress the importance of this to your lit candles when lighting your beautiful-
ryone to be safe this Halloween season. We children. ly carved jack-o-lantern. This will di-
have put together the following safety tips minish the possibility of fire hazards. If
for you, our readers. 8. Serve children a good dinner before you do use a candle, us a votive candle
taking them trick or treating. This may or tea light.
1. Before sending your children out to trick help avoid them eating candy before
or treat, plan a route for them. Go with you have a chance to check it for haz- 13. When carving your pumpkin, be sure to
them yourself or get a neighborhood ards. If you do allow your children to remove all the pulp. Make sure there
group together for the trek. Know have treats before you check it, make are no loose strings that could potential-
where your children are going and at sure they are in a sealed package that ly catch fire remaining in your jack-o-
which houses they will be stopping. lantern before inserting your candle.
Have them check in every hour either in
person or via cell phone or walkie talk- 14. If you are using a real candle in your
ie. Remind children not to enter any jack-o-lantern, create a chimney. Do
stranger’s house unless accompanied by this by making a small hole in the back
a parent. of your pumpkin near the top. This will
allow heat to escape from the pumpkin
2. When planning your route for your trick avoiding possible burns.
or treating festivities, do an internet
check for registered sex offenders in 15. Place candles in votive cups or baby
your area. Keep your children away food jars inside your pumpkin to add
from these houses. Most states will stability and shield your candle from
have a website that will include a name breezes that could put it out.
and address for sex offenders. This
information is free and provided for 16. For more stability, cut the bottom out
your safety. of your pumpkin. This will allow you to
place your candle directly on a flat
3. Be sure that costumes are safe. Make plate or floor, alleviating the probability
sure that all children’s costumes are of the candle turning over.
flame retardant. Avoid costumes with
masks that can obstruct vision or 17. Never use a real candle in an artificial
breathing. Be sure children’s costumes pumpkin. They are flammable and this
fit and are not dragging on the ground could create a home hazard.
to avoid the possibility of tripping or
falling. 18. Let’s not forget our pets during the
Halloween festivities. To avoid stress
4. If you find yourself driving on Hallow- created by people at your door or
shows no signs of tampering.
een, be aware that the streets will be strangers in your home, create a safe
populated with ghosts and goblins, ac- place for your pet. Find a room in your
9. Vandalism is not only dangerous but
tion heroes and princesses, and all home far from these disturbances and
illegal. Most stores will not sell eggs,
grades of other characters. Be aware of tuck your pet away for the evening with
shaving cream, or toilet paper to chil-
children darting between cars and cross- food and water and their favorite bed.
dren during this time of year. Throwing
ing the streets. Make it your responsi- Check on them often to let them know
eggs at cars can cause accidents and
bility to make Halloween safe. that all is well. If your pet is not the
damage to other people’s property.
nervous sort and you allow them to
Cleaning up the vandalism of shaving
5. Be sure there is an adult accompanying roam the house, make sure all candles
cream and toilet paper is a tedious task.
children on their trick or treating trek. are out of the way of wagging tails.
Advise your children of how this child-
A great idea to make trick or treating a This can be dangerous to not only your
hood prank will effect others and make
family activity would be for the parent pet but to your home as well.
it a highly punishable offense in your
to dress in costume as well. This way,
you join in the festivities as well as 19. Never give your pets candy or choco-
supervise your little ghosts and goblins. late. This can make them very sick.
10. As an alternative to trick or treating,
Make sure all candy or treats are well
consider having a neighborhood party or
6. While on your trick or treating route, out of reach for your pets to avoid
attending festivities often sponsored by
always hold small children by the hand. health problems later.
schools or local businesses.
Look in both directions and use cross
walks whenever possible. 20. If you own a cat, especially a black one,
11. Small children should never carve pump-
make sure they are safely contained for
kins. Have an array of markers or child
7. When sending older children out that a few days before Halloween. There are
safe paints and allow them to draw or
may not require parent supervision, people out there that would do your cat
paint their pumpkin. Leave the carving
know where your children are and who harm. Keep them safe.
to adults.
they are with. Set a curfew and de-
mand that they be home on time. Have a safe and haunted Halloween!
12. Consider glow sticks as an alternative to

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 5

Pa ra n o r m a l S t . J o e
2522 Olive Street
Saint Joseph, MO 64507

Phone: 816-689-2255

A Spirited Group...

Halloween History Jo Dalrymple

Halloween is an Irish tradition brought to
Ring The Bell Softly North America by immigrants. Countries
For most Pagans and Wiccans, October
31st is known as Samhain. Samhain, in
that don’t celebrate Halloween include actuality, is the first day of November,
By D. W. Smith France, Holland, Germany, Australia,
Taiwan, and most Asian and African coun-
marking the beginning of winter and a
new year for ancient Celts.
Angles were anxiously longing Halloween is celebrated by families
Halloween has its origins in the ancient dressing in costumes covering their faces
to meet Celtic festival known as Samhain, which and going to the Orthodox church. There
is very similar to our modern Halloween. they would welcome spirits and eat yams
One who walks with then the and meats.

heaven’s bright street;

Stull, KS: Gateway to Hell (cont. from pg. 1)
Lov’d ones have whisper’d that
someone’s blest remotely paranormal.

They stated that they were a bit

Free from earth’s trials, and surprised at times by the animal
noises, but there was nothing
taking sweet rest;
paranormal in that experience.

One less to cherish and less to After visiting Stull, KS, and having
a non-bias party visit Stull with no
kiss results, I feel that maybe this
The newer Stull Cemetery. Note the pile of
quiet community has gotten bad
rocks on the hilltop. This was the old church
Someone’s departed to heaven’s press on the web. When teenagers
go out adventure seeking and they which was said to have a basement leading to
bright shore, have been hyped up on alleged activ- hell. There is no basement there. This church
ity in a location, the mind will play was torn down in 2002.
Ring the bell softly, there’s tricks and urban legends are born.
Things have died down on the Stull postings I have read on the net, this com-
crape on the door. Haunting experience in the last couple of munity just wants their deceased to lie in
years as the trespassing laws are being peace.
more strictly enforced due to vandalism
and to deter thrill seekers. There are Based on the information gathered by Deb-
eight signs stating “No Trespassing” on bie and myself and the two friends of PSJ
the gates of the cemetery and from the that visited Stull, I feel this was a teenage
thrill gone out of control on the web.
Should you choose to visit Stull, be respect-
ful of the community and be prepared to be
approached by the local sheriff if you are

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