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Table Reorganization using BRSPACE via

temporary tablespace
On my previous tutorial, you have already learned how to create new tablespace. I done it for
this purpose. As you see, I already created PSAPIDS_REORG tablespace.

You can check it via DB02 tcode. Now, I want to reorg MSEG table. Right now, MSEG table is
located on PSAPIDS tablespace. I check it by double click-in PSAPIDS from above screen. and
write down MSEG on Object Name field like this.
Press the green check (v).

Here is information about MSEG table I get.

Now, open your MS-DOS prompt (coz I am using Windows based IDES server) and using
[sid]adm user.

Type this command : >brspace -f tbreorg -t MSEG -m PSAPIDS_REORG

This command will reorg MSEG table and move it to PSAPIDS_REORG table.
Confirmation required to start reorganization process.
Table reorganization status starting.

Reorganization process has completed successfully.

To make sure that MSEG table has been moved to PSAPIDS_REORG tablespace, check again
using DB02 tcode and check on PSAPIDS_REORG tablespace.
Now, you can see that MSEG table has been moved to PSAPIDS_REORG. You can start
reorganize othe table. For your safety, use it on offline mode (no user access SAP server).
July 16, 2008 Posted by ardhian | Database Administration, SAP | Basis, BRSPACE, BRTOOLS,
DB02, Oracle, SAP, SAP R3, Table reorganization, Tablespace, Temporary tablespace | 2

Simple Table Reorganization for SAP R/3 using BRSPACE

SAP R/3 are ERP software that relied on database performance to support its performance. High
performance database directly effect on SAP R/3 system performance. One of activity that effect
on its are table reorganization. Reorganization improves the structure of the database and can
result in improved database performance. BRSPACE performs the reorganization using the new
Oracle feature, online table redefinition. The following graphic shows some of the reasons for

One of the reason to reorganization are that large disk and RAID system with large and secure
memory buffers reduce I/O hotspot. You can check more about reorganization for SAP R/3 here.

I’ll use my Windows box and use [sid]adm user. For Unix box user, use ora[sid] user. Let’s do
simple table reorganization here. Open your MS-DOS prompt.
Type > brspace -f tbreorg -t MSEG

Explanation :

 -f means function to do table reorganization

 -t means refer to table  name. On this tutorial, MSEG table.

Additional option available for table reorganization. Just accept default option. Type C to
Table reorganization is running.

Table reorganization has been completed succesfully. Type C to continue.

Now you can try to reoganization simple and little table. This tutorial only show you simple and
online reorganization. Be carefull when you are using it. Test it first on your Develop system or
Test system.

June 11, 2008 Posted by ardhian | Database Administration, SAP | Basis, BRSPACE,
BRTOOLS, ERP, Oracle, SAP, SAP R3, Table reorganization, Tablespace | No Comments

Update Database Statistics using BRTOOLS

On this tutorial, you’ll see how to update your database statistic. Database statistic need to be
update in order to accelerate database query on your program or SAP standard program. For
example, you need to query data from MSEG table. If MSEG table has may rows data and never
been updated its statistics then your program would be running slowly especially when MSEG
table rows had been grown rapidly.

To update database statistic, you could use BRCONNECT or BRTOOLS. Actually,

BRCONNECT is part of BRTOOLS. I’ll explain how to use both of them. I use my Windows
box and use [sid]adm. If you use UNIX box, use ora[sid].

First, let’s try to use BRCONNECT to update MSEG table. Open your MSDOS prompt.
Type command : > brconnect -u / -c -f stats -t MSEG

Explanation :

 - u means using user root (/)

 - c means force without using password
 - f means using function statistics. Another option is checks.
 - t means which table is going to update its statistics. Another option is ALL for all
Now, we are going to look at BRTOOLS to do this task. BRTOOLS are menu based program.
Open your MS-DOS prompt. Type BRTOOLS.
Type 7 to choose Database Statistics. Press ENTER.

Type 1 to update database statistics. Press ENTER.

To update MSEG table choose 9 to enter MSEG table name and then press ENTER.
Type C to continue to next step, running update database statistic process.

You’ll see summary of what you are going to do. Type C to continue.
Last confirmation before running update database statistics. Type C to continue.
BRTOOLS update database statistics has been completed successfully. Type C to continue and
back to update database statistic menu.

Type B to go back to BRTOOLS main menu.

Type 9 and then ENTER to exit from BRTOOLS menu.

That’s all for now. Now you know how to update your database statistic. Hope this tutorial work
for you. See you on the next tutorial.

June 10, 2008 Posted by ardhian | Database Administration, SAP | Basis, BRCONNECT,
BRTOOLS, MSEG, Oracle, SAP, SAP R3, statistics, table | 1 Comment

Extending your SAP R/3 tablespaces

I am glad that a lot of Basis visiting my blog, asking me about Basis activity, tips, etc. Based on
comments and email about how to extend SAP R/3 tablespace, I try to post this little notes. On
this little tutorial, I am using Windows based SAP R/3 and Oracle 9.2. You can do it on UNIX
based. Of course using different user. When you using UNIX  based R/3 system, you have to use
ora[sid] user.

Login to your SAP R/3 DB instance Windows using [sid]adm user. Open your command
Type BRTOOLS to enter BRTOOLS menu.
Choose menu number 2 by typing 2 and then ENTER.

There are many menus on SPACE Management including Extend tablespace, Create tablespace,

Type 1 to Extend tablespace. To get information about tablespace list, you can use DB02 on your
SAPGUI screen. For this tutorial, I want to extend PSAPIDS tablespace.
Type c to continue this step.
On this screen, you can see information about last added tablespace including datafile size,
datafile name, etc. I use default (datafile size about 2470 MB). Type C to continue.

If you want to add more datafile, you can specified now by typing y. Right now, I just want to
add 1 datafile so I type c.

Extending tablespace process is running.

Tablespace PSAPIDS has been extended successfully. Type c to continue.
Back to BRTOOLS menus. Type 9 and ENTER to exit BRTOOLS program.

To check your new datafile has been added to your tablespace you can use DB02 and then press
REFRESH button.

Now, you can extend your tablespace easily and have a nice day.

NB : You don’t need to shutdown your SAP R/3 system or Oracle DB to extend tablespace. You
can do this online while your SAP R/3 system and Oracle DB running.

June 9, 2008 Posted by ardhian | Database Administration, SAP | Basis, BRTOOLS, DB02,
Oracle, SAP, SAP R3, Tablespace, TCODE | 8 Comments

DB14 : Daily SAP Basis job log to be monitored

SAP provides an excellent DBA tools (for Oracle DB) which is called BRTOOLS. BRTOOLS
is a compilation tools range from BRBACKUP (tools to maintain backup database),
BRARCHIVE (tools to maintain archive files backup), BRCONNECT (tools to maintain
checking database, updating database statistics, etc), BRRESTORE (tools to maintain database
restoration), and some specific and useful tool.

When SAP Basis running one or more tools from BRTOOLS, it will create a job log to provide
SAP Basis some information about BRTOOLS activities whether it succeed, succeed with
warning, or failed. We can access those log from SAP R/3 through SAPGUI.

SAP provides DB14 tcode for SAP Basis to access those database logs. Through this article, I’ll
show you how to monitored your database logs.

First, type DB14 on your SAPGUI screen. You’ll have this screen :
To check your BRCONNECT logs, just click BRCONNECT button.

You’ll see some logs. The one which coloured grey is BRCONNECT job that had run well or
successfully. The other one which coloured yellow is BRCONNECT job that had run but ended
with warning. If your BRCONNECT job hadn’t run well then it will show you red coloured log.
To see what’s really happened, justdouble click one of i logs.

For more detailed information, click Detail Log button.

For BRBACKUP job log, you can click BRBACKUP button.

For more information about BRBACKUP activities, double click on one of its log.
To get more detailed information, click on Detail Log button.

For BRARCHIVE log activities, click on BRARCHIVE button.

For detailed information, just double click on one of its lines and you’ll get this screen.

For detailed information, you have to click Detail Log button.

SAP through Going Live Check event will check this log to make sure that your SAP production
system is ready to go live. They will mention and warn you if something wrong with your
backup configuration. So, make sure that you’ll have this log check every day to make your
system has high availability and minimize your SAP production downtime.

September 14, 2007 Posted by ardhian | Database Administration | Basis, BRARCHIVE,

Going Live Check, SAP R3, SAPGUI | 8 Comments

Checking SAP R/3 Database via BRTOOLS

BRTOOLS is a database tool developed by SAP to help SAP Basis manage his Oracle based
SAP R/3 database. In the last tutorial, I had shown you how to check your database through
DB13 tcode. DB13 is database independent tcode to manage your database whether you’re using
MS SQL, Oracle, DB2, or SAPDB.

Here, I am going to demonstrate how to use BRTOOLS to check your Oracle 9i database. You
need to logon to your SAP R/3 server using ORA[SID] user.
Type BRTOOLS on your console and then you’ll have this screen. For your information, I’am
using UNIX OS. It might be different when you’re using Windows OS.

Choose number 6 option by typing 6 and then press ENTER.

To check your database choose number 1 option and then press ENTER.
In this screen, you might need to input some information about your database such as your SAP
Database profile, your database user and password, database owner, and something you might
not want to be checked. For this moment, I am using default properties and press ENTER.

This screen show you BRTOOLS confirmation. Just type C and then press ENTER to proceed
to the next step.
Press ENTER to proceed.

Now, you’ll see that database check process is running. Wait until it finished.
Type S to stop and exit from BRTOOLS menu. Now you had learn how to check your SAP R/3
database by using DB13 tcode and BRTOOLS command. In the next tutorial, I’ll show you
another tips and trick that might be useful and helpful. Stay there and always connected.

Critics and suggestion are welcomed. Please feel free to contact me on

August 29, 2007 Posted by ardhian | Database Administration, SAP, Unix | BRTOOLS, Database

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Just another guy who wish to be an expert one day. Used to live in Bandung “Paris van Java“.
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