Bit-Interleaved Coded Multilevel Modulation For Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization-kvG

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3, MARCH 2010 193

Bit-Interleaved Coded Multilevel Modulation for

Single-Carrier Frequency-Domain Equalization
Chan-Ho Choi and Gi-Hong Im, Senior Member, IEEE
Information QPSK w0
Abstract—This paper proposes a bit-interleaved coded mul- bits

tilevel modulation for single-carrier frequency-domain equal- QPSK w M/2-1
ization (SC-FDE). In the proposed system, multiple layers are
encoded and interleaved together, using one encoder and one (a)
interleaver, and then they are mapped by hierarchical symbol


Decoupling layer l

mapping. A corresponding receiver structure is presented, where Demapper Decoder

multiple layers can be decoupled by iterative frequency-domain No


equalization with improved soft information. Simulation results Soft QPSK
show that the proposed system has better performance than

conventional modulation schemes such as bit-interleaved coded Soft QPSK
modulation (BICM) and multilevel BICM (MLBICM).
Index Terms—Bit-interleaved-coded modulation (BICM), high- (b)
order modulation, multilevel modulation, SC-FDE. Fig. 1. Transceiver block diagram of the proposed multilevel modulation for
SC-FDE. (a) Transmitter structure. (b) Receiver structure.
I. I NTRODUCTION order to solve this problem, we present an iterative frequency-
INGLE-CARRIER frequency-domain equalization (SC-
S FDE) has a similar structure and performance as orthogo-
nal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) [1]. Recently, the
domain equalization with improved soft information. The
equalization combines the equalizer outputs and a priori
information to enhance the reliability of estimates of multiple
SC-FDE has drawn great attention as an alternative to OFDM, layers. This is related to the partial soft information in [8],
especially in the uplink communications, where lower peak- [9]. However, we compute this soft information in a new
to-average power ratio (PAPR) benefits the mobile equipment way for the proposed multilevel modulation. Simulation results
in terms of power efficiency [1]-[3]. show that the proposed system outperforms the conventional
High-order modulations such as 16 and 64-QAM can be modulation schemes such as MLBICM and BICM.
used to increase the data rate of transmission. For high-
order modulations, a minimum mean square error (MMSE) II. P ROPOSED M ULTILEVEL M ODULATION
detector with bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM) has Figure 1(a) depicts the transmitter structure of the proposed
been proposed in [4], [5]. This scheme requires the symbol-to- system for SC block transmissions. In the multilevel modu-
bit soft demapping in equalization of high-order modulations, lation, there are �/2 layers, each of which corresponds to a
resulting in high complexity. Based on multistage decoding, QPSK sequence. The symbol mapping constructs a 2� -QAM
a multilevel coding (MLC) technique was originally proposed constellation by weighting and adding the QPSK signals. Let
by Imai [6]. In [7], multilevel BICM (MLBICM) for single- x=[�(0) �(1)⋅ ⋅ ⋅�(�−1)]� and X=[�(0) �(1)⋅ ⋅ ⋅�(�−1)]�
carrier systems has been proposed. Iterative detection and denote the transmit blocks in the time and frequency domains,
decoding in MLBICM can detect and decode the multiple respectively. Here, (⋅)� is the transpose.
coded layers in parallel without the inter-decoder information All the information bits are encoded and interleaved to-
exchange of multistage decoders, which simplifies the receiver gether, with one encoder and one interleaver. The interleaved
structure. In MLBICM, the symbol-to-bit soft demapping bits are demultiplexed into �/2 multiple layers, {�� (�)}2� −1
�=0 ,
can be avoided due to the linearity of simple constellation � = 0, 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , �/2 − 1. Each layer’s sequence is mapped
mapping. However, since multiple layers have different min- to a QPSK sequence, because each layer transmits the sig-
imum distances (unequal error probability), the performance nals over the in-phase and quadrature channels. The QPSK
of MLBICM is dominated by errors at a layer with a small symbol of the �th layer at the �th symbol is obtained as
minimum distance, which degrades its performance. �� (�) = √12 (�� (2�) + ��� (2� + 1)), � = 0, 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , � −1,

In this paper, we propose a bit-interleaved coded multilevel where �= −1, and �� (�)∈{+1, −1}, � = 0, 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , 2� − 1.
modulation for SC-FDE. In the proposed system, multiple Hierarchical symbol mapping is employed to construct the
layers are encoded and interleaved together, using one encoder 2� -QAM constellation. The transmit signal is expressed as
and one interleaver, and then they are mapped by hierarchical ∑�/2−1
symbol mapping. Unlike MLBICM, the detector cannot use �(�) = �� �� (�), x = (w� ⊗ I� )s = Ws, (1)
reliable data decisions due to the single-channel coding. In
where s = [s0 s1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ s�/2−1 ]� , s� = [�� (0) �� (1) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ �� (�−1)]� ,
Manuscript received October 29, 2009. The associate editor coordinating ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product, and I� is an � ×� identity
the review of this letter and approving it for publication was Z. Yan. matrix. In (1), the mapping vector w is given by
This work was supported by Brain Korea 21 Project in 2009. ⎧
The authors are with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engi- ⎨ [1], √ � =2
neering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang
790-784, Korea (e-mail: {choic, igh} w� = [�0 �1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ � � −1 ] = [2 1]/ 5,√ � =4 (2)
2 ⎩
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2010.03.092128 [4 2 1]/ 21, � = 6.
c 2010 IEEE
1089-7798/10$25.00 ⃝

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A cyclic prefix (CP) is appended at the head of transmit where (⋅)� denotes the conjugate transpose. Under the MMSE
sequence x, and then the block is transmitted over a channel. criterion, the � ×1 equalizer vector g�� is given by
At the receiver, after the removal of CP, the received g�� = ���(r, r)−1 ���(r, �� (�))
sequence can be expressed as r = Hx + n = HWs + n, [ ]−1
where r = [�(0) �(1) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ �(� −1)]� and n is a complex = HWVW� H� + ��2 I� �¯� (�)�� He� , (6)
additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vector with each entry where V = ����[V0 V1 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ V�/2−1 ] represents the co-
having a zero-mean and variance of ��2 . H ≜ Circ� [h] is variance matrix of s, and e� = [01×� 1 01×(� −�−1) ]� .
an � × � circulant channel matrix with the first column V� = ����[�� (0) �� (1) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ �� (� − 1)], and the (�, �) entry
h = [ℎ(0) ℎ(1) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ℎ(��ℎ ) 0 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0]� . of covariance matrix V� is given by
�� (�) ≜ (7)
P ROPOSED M ULTILEVEL M ODULATION �¯� (�), � = �, �+1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , �/2−1.
In the single-channel coding scheme which encodes and Note that the estimate �ˆ� (�) depends on �� � (�� (2�)) and
interleaves all the layers in a block, decoding cannot be �� (� � (2�+1)) via �
¯ � (�) and �
¯� (�). In order that �ˆ� (�) is

done until all the layers are processed. Thus, the equalization independent from �� (� � (2�)) and � �
(� � (2�+1)), i.e., to
� �
cannot use reliable data decisions, and the residual interference compute the extrinsic information of �� (�), we set the LLRs to
between the layers degrades its performance. To overcome this 0 while computing �ˆ� (�), yielding �¯� (�) = 0 and �¯� (�) = 1
problem, we derive the iterative frequency-domain equaliza- in (6). For obtaining the frequency-domain equalizer vector
tion with improved soft information for the proposed system. G�� , � � matrix inversion is required for each �, since
Figure 1(b) shows the receiver block diagram of the pro- the covariance matrix V depends �. So, we
posed system. The detection order of multiple layers is de- ( ∑�on the index)
approximate V� by �� I� = �1
�=0 � � (�) I� . Then, the
termined to adopt the successive detection. The layer with equalizer vector g�� in (6) can be rewritten as
the largest minimum distance (�0 ) is detected first. At the [∑ ]−1
�th detection stage, the extrinsic information of layers, �� (�), �
g� = �
�� �� HH + �� I� 2
�� He� . (8)
� = 0, 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , �−1, has already been computed by the equalizer. �=0

Thus, the extrinsic information is fed back and added to From (8), it is observed that (g�� )� is the �-point circular
the soft output channel decoder’s extrinsic information to right-shift vector of (g�0 )� , since H is a circulant matrix. For
enhance the estimation of transmit symbols. The improved simplicity, we compute the equalizer vector g�� at � = 0 (g� ≜
soft information can be computed as follows g�0 ). After subtracting the influence of the � ������ information
�� (�� (�)) = �� �
� (�� (�)) + �� (�� (�)), �¯� (�) on �ˆ� (�), the estimate vector ŝ� is expressed as
( �−1 �/2−1
� = 0, 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , 2� −1, � = 0, 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , � − 1, (3) ∑ ∑

ŝ� = Δ� r− �� Hs̃� − �� Hs̄� +�� g�� He0 s̄� , (9)
where �� �
� (�� (�)) and �� (�� (�)) are the a priori and extrinsic �=0 �=�
LLR computed by the decoder and equalizer, respectively.
where Δ� = Circ� [g� ]. The frequency-domain equalizer
Here, the superscript � of �� � represents the equalizer. The
vector G� is given by
subscripts � and � represent the input and output of the (∑ )−1
equalizer, respectively. To perform MMSE equalization, the �/2−1
� −1 G� = Fg� = �� �� ΛΛ� +��2 I� �� Λ1� ×1 , (10)
mean and variance of coded symbols {�� (�)}�=0 are required, �=0
which are obtained as
where F is the � � discrete Fourier transform (DFT) matrix,
for � ≤ � < �/2, Λ = FHF−1 , and 1� ×1 is the � × 1 all one vector. The
�¯� (�) = �[�� (�)∣�� (�� (�)), � = 2�, 2�+1] frequency-domain estimate vector Ŝ� is obtained as
( (� � ) ( � )) ( ∑�−1 ∑�/2−1 )
1 � (�� (2�)) � (�� (2�+1))
= √ tanh � +�tanh � Ŝ� =����[G� ]� R− �� ΛS̃� − �� ΛS̄�
2 2 2 �=0 �=�

�¯� (�) = ���[�� (�), �� (�)∣�� (�� (�)), � = 2�, 2�+1] 1 ∑� −1 ∗
+ (�� (�)Λ(�))�� S̄� , (11)
�� (�)∣2 ,
= 1 − ∣¯ � �=0

and for 0 ≤ � < �, where (⋅)∗ is the complex conjugate. From (10) and (11), the
equalizer coefficient �� (�) and the estimate �ˆ� (�) at the �th
�˜� (�) = �[�� (�)∣�� (�� (�)), � = 2�, 2�+1]
( ( ) ( )) subcarrier can be expressed as
1 �� (�� (2�)) �� (�� (2�+1))
= √ tanh +�tanh �� Λ(�)
2 2 2 �� (�) = ∑�−1 ∑�/2−1 , (12)
�˜� (�) = ���[�� (�), �� (�)∣�� (�� (�)), � = 2�, 2�+1] �� + �=0 �˜� �� ∣Λ(�)∣2 + �=�
2 �¯� �� ∣Λ(�)∣2
=1 − ∣˜�� (�)∣2 . (4) �ˆ� (�) = �∗� (�)�(�)+�� �¯� (�),
(∑ ∑�/2−1 )
The one-tap MMSE equalizer for each iteration computes −�∗� (�)Λ(�) �� �˜� (�)+ �� �¯� (�) , (13)
�=0 �=�
the frequency-domain estimates {�ˆ� (�)}�=0
� −1
by minimizing
the mean square error �{∣�� (�) − �ˆ� (�)∣2 }. The estimates ∑� −1
� −1
where �� = �1 �=0 �� �∗� (�)Λ(�). The time-domain es-
�� (�)}�=0
{ˆ can be written as [10] �� (�)}�=0
timates {ˆ � −1
are obtained by performing inverse
�ˆ� (�) = �{�� (�)} + (g�� )� (r − �{r}), 0 ≤ � < �, (5) DFT (IDFT) on {�ˆ� (�)}�=0
� −1
. By assuming that �ˆ� (�) has

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0 0
10 10
Proposed system w/o I SI
Proposed system w/ I SI
1 1 I SI: Improved Soft Information
10 10


2 I SI: Improved Soft Information

10 10
Proposed system w/o I SI
Proposed system w/ I SI
3 3
10 10
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 0 2 4 6 8 10
SNR (dB) Number of Iterations
Fig. 2. BLER performance of BICM, MLBICM, and the proposed system Fig. 3. BLER performance of BICM, MLBICM, and the proposed system for
(16-QAM, � =256, TU channel, five iterations). different number of iterations (16-QAM, � =256, TU channel, SNR=15dB).

Gaussian distribution, the extrinsic LLRs, �� � (�� (�)), � =

the improved soft information, the interference diminishes as
0, 1, ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ , 2� − 1, can be obtained as the number of iterations increases, and the proposed system
√ √ achieves a coding gain. In the simulations, we assumed perfect
� 8��{ˆ �� (�)} � 8��{ˆ �� (�)} channel state information at the receiver. Highly accurate
�� (�� (2�))= , �� (�� (2�+1))= .
1 − �� �� 1 − �� �� channel estimation can be done using the frequency-domain
The extrinsic LLRs, {�� 2�−1 multiplexed pilot technique proposed in [11].
� (�� (�))}�=0 , are used in (3) for the
�+1th layer’s detection. After all the layers are detected by the V. C ONCLUSIONS
equalizer, the extrinsic LLRs of all the layers are deinterleaved This paper proposed a bit-interleaved coded multilevel
and fed to the MAP decoder. The MAP decoder computes modulation for SC-FDE. In order to average the performance
the extrinsic information for the coded bits, which is used of multiple layers with different minimum distances, the pro-
as the a priori information �� � (�� (�)) in (3) and (4) for ILI posed system encodes and interleaves multiple layers together,
cancellation and per-tone MMSE equalization. using one encoder and one interleaver. A corresponding re-
IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS ceiver structure was presented to decouple the multiple layers
which are encoded and interleaved together. Simulation results
We consider a coded SC block transmission with � =256, show that the proposed system achieves a coding gain by
and 16-QAM constellation. A 1/2-rate convolutional code with using single-channel coding, and outperforms the conventional
a constraint length of 3 is employed, and random interleavers modulation schemes.
are used. The CP length is set to the channel maximum delay. R EFERENCES
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