Rhula Mozambique Weekly Media Review - 10 MARCH To 17 MARCH 2017

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10 - 17 March 2017



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Sweden guarantees
completed audit by the end
of the month. Page 14.

Vale to earn US$733m

from Moatize stake sale.
Page 25.

Authorities seize
elephant tusks in Maputo
market. Page 66.

Truckers Denounce Military President Nyusi receives

Abuses along the EN7 ExxonMobil’s CEO in Beira to
discuss Eni agreement

Next week’s Rhula Weekly (No.172, 17-24 March 2017) Filling the hole in the State Budget
will be the last edition distributed free-of-charge. The
reason for this is not profit. Having made a considerable The government is expecting a capital gains tax (CGT)
investment to establish the Rhula Weekly as a key “windfall” from ENI’s US$2.8-billion sale of a 25% stake
information source for monitoring political, economic in Area-4 of the Rovuma Basin to ExxonMobil. The tax
and social developments in Mozambique, we plan to implications of the agreement are still to be disclosed,
invest more in our research resources, enabling us to and are likely to be subject to negotiation. The Centre of
improve the range and depth of information and Public Integrity (CIP) warns that, while ENI cannot avoid
analysis provided to subscribers. paying CGT, the government would be over-optimistic
to think it will receive the 32% (circa US$900-million)
Corporate options: provided for in Mozambique’s tax law. In 2013, ENI
were supposedly liable for US$1.4-billion for a similar
The normal subscription rate is US$500 / £400 / €480. deal but ended up paying only US$400-million.
This includes ±50 issues of the Mozambique Weekly Desperate for money to fill the US$470-million hole in
Media Review, access to the Political and Security Alert this year’s State Budget, caused by the donors cutting-
Service as well as a quarterly Political and Security off support last April, the government’s negotiating
Update. position is not robust. Zitamar News speculates that
Mozambique will only receive US$300-million. The
If you would like to advertise your company in the Rhula government will be hoping for US$500-million or more.
Weekly, at the annual subscription rate, you will receive Although any settlement with ENI over CGT is unlikely
all the services listed above. to provide money before the end of the year, the
prospect of it being in the pipeline will give the
It may be possible to negotiate a reduced or free government some breathing space in its negotiations
subscription, providing you are: with both the IMF and the donors. ExxonMobil’s entry
• A regular client of Rhula Intelligent Solutions. into Mozambique’s gas market also “increases
• A news agency source whose copyright material confidence”. (Pages 20-21, 35-36 and Rhula Weekly
appears regularly in the Rhula Weekly. 170 Pointers).
• An NGO, charitable / non-profit research body,
or individual researcher, whose focus of study is The government is likely to be monitoring Vale’s
the political, economic, social or environmental negotiations with Mitsui regarding imminent sale of a
developments Mozambique. substantial stake in the Moatize project (Page 25).
• A private sector political risk / economic
intelligence company, or event organiser, In its latest report on Mozambique the Economist
collaborating with Rhula on a reciprocal basis. Intelligence Unit (EIU) anticipates that “direct aid to the
State Budget will be replaced by aid to specific
E-mail subscription enquiries to: david@rhula.net programmes, in view of the doubts raised by donors
about the Mozambican government’s ability to manage
Telephone enquiries to David Barske on +27 76 691 its own accounts” (Pages 14-15).
Economic indicators:
Minister of Economy and Finance, Adriano Maleiane,
Macro-economy: says that conditions are being created for the
Mozambican economy to grow again and that he is
Sweden guarantees completion of audit by the end confident of seeing growth of 5.5% this year. His
of the month prediction rests on the important assumption: that in
order to grow, the country needs peace. He also refers
The Kroll forensic audit, financed by the Swedish to the government’s struggle to cover public spending,
government, is an essential part of the Mozambican given the lack of external support. He calls for a greater
government’s commitment to co-operate with the IMF contribution from the private sector in the form of taxes
and G14 donors in clarifying the manner in which the (Page 13).
loans to Ematum, Proindicus and Mozambique Asset
Management (MAM) were contracted, and what The EIU is less optimistic, citing the liquidity crisis,
subsequently happened to the US$2-billion that was fuelled by high public debt, and the freezing of foreign
borrowed (Page 13). aid. Public debt may possibly be restructured, but
capital flows, including foreign direct investment, will
It is highly unlikely that any debt service on these loans take several years to recover. The government will
will be paid this year. The government wants to attempt to tighten fiscal and monetary policy in a bid to
negotiate both a reduction in the total debt and a repair its relationship with the IMF and to respond to its
deferral in payments until there is gas production from liquidity problems. Gross domestic product (GDP), after
the Rovuma Basin (circa 2022-24). Meanwhile, Credit reaching a 15-year low in 2016 (3.6%), is expected to
Suisse is under censure for “loan pushing” - recover slightly this year to 4.2% (supported mainly by
encouraging the government to take loans both larger rising coal exports) and reach 4.6% in 2018, before
and riskier than is appropriate, and for allegedly rising to over 5% between 2019 and 2021 (Pages 14-
misleading both the bondholders and syndicated loan- 15).
holders by presenting unrealistic financial projections.
Credit Suisse, may find itself under pressure to The consumer price index (CPI) indicates that inflation
compensate both the bondholders and syndicated loan- has risen for 20th consecutive month, edging up to
holders (Pages 20-21). 20.88% year-on-year in February from 20.56% in

The cost of a “basic basket” of food items has almost More than 100 South African companies already
doubled since January 2015, largely as a result of the operate in Mozambique (Page 18).
devaluation of the metical in relation to currencies like
the dollar or rand (most foodstuffs are imported). The Mozambican urges more Portuguese investment
differential between wage increases last year (between
4% and 12%) and annual inflation at 20%) – is likely to Mozambique’s ambassador in Lisbon urges more
mean that employers will face demands for wage Portuguese businesses to invest in Mozambique. There
increases this year that at least match official inflation. was a significant decline in Portuguese investment
Employers have already made it clear that there is little during the period 2015-2016 (Pages 18-19).
room for significant increases if businesses (and the
jobs that depend on them) are to survive. The National Government ratifies agreement between
Statistics Institute (INE) forecasts that prices will slow Mozambique and Turkey
down in the coming months and the government
predicts an average inflation rate of 14% this year The Council of Ministers ratified the agreement, signed
(Pages 15-16). on 24 January, promoting and protecting investment
between the two countries (Page 39).
Mozambique is looking East, but….
Oil & Gas:
The EIU suggests that, because of the reservations of
Western donor countries, the government of ENI-ExxonMobil deal
Mozambique is actively seeking to deepen its
relationship with Asian countries – China and India in President Filipe Nyusi met with ExxonMobil CEO Darren
particular – who import coal and natural gas. The EIU Woods, who replaces Rex Tillerson – now US Secretary
qualifies this observation by saying: “Despite the of State (Page 20). The ENI-ExxonMobil deal will only
government’s efforts, the existing political instability in be complete after approval by the Mozambican
the country, the lower growth of China’s economy and regulatory authorities, which is expected very soon. The
an oil and natural gas market with excess supply will basic outlines of the deal are to be found at Pages 20-
leave Asian countries with no great desire to invest in 21. The EIU says that the involvement of ExxonMobil,
Mozambique” (Pages 14-15). “increases confidence” in gas exploration in
Mozambique: “The involvement of Exxon, which has
Chinese investment in Mozambique deeper pockets and more experience than its Italian
partner, adds a level of confidence that the Area-4
Chinese cumulative investment in Mozambique is close exploration license will be developed as planned” and
to US$6-billion, according to data provided by the “along with the license of Area-1 [operated by
Chinese Embassy in Maputo. Approximately 100 Anadarko], this could end up putting Mozambique
Chinese companies are operating in areas such as among the largest exporters of liquefied natural gas in
energy, agriculture, fishing, real estate, building the world” (Page 21). The issue of CGT is discussed at
materials, tourism, buses, telecommunications, Pages 20-21, “Filling the hole in the State Budget”
infrastructure and trade. (Pages 17-18). (Pointers above) and “President Nyusi celebrates
Exxon’s entry” (Pages 35-36).
President Nyusi urges Japan to invest in
Mozambique ENI’s sale of 25% of its interest in Area-4 to ExxonMobil
reflects its strategy of cost-sharing at the early stages of
On his four-day state visit to Japan (Page 38) President exploration and production (E&P), aimed at achieving a
Nyusi urged Japanese businesses to invest in rapid monetisation of its projects (Page 21 below and
Mozambique (Pages 16-17). He promoted Mozambican Rhula Weekly 170 – Pointers and pages 30-32).
gas sales during his visit to Tokyo Gas (Page 24).
Japan has offered to grant aid for Mozambique’s fuel Upbeat Gas & LNG Congress held in Maputo 16-17
needs (Pages 24-25). Mitsui is set to buy a major stake March
in the Moatize project (Page 25). Sumitomo has signed
a contract with EdM to construct gas-fired power plant Neither BP or Shell expressed concern about the recent
(Pages 25-26). Two co-operation agreements have setback in the price of energy commodities. Two main
been signed for development of infrastructure and reasons were given: First, the stakes are too high –
President Nyusi briefed on Tokyo’s metro system Mozambique is too gas-rich to be ignored; Second, and
(Pages 26-27). Mozambique and Japan plan to most importantly, business models have evolved that
reactivate the ProSAVANA agricultural development are more robust, able to withstand extreme temporary
project (Pages 24-25 & 30-31). A Japanese price fluctuations.
parliamentary delegation is expected in Mozambique in
April (Page 38). Shell talked of “diversifying the group’s exposure to
prices”, for example turning gas into other products. In
South African companies invited to participate in Qatar (the world’s largest gas field), Shell has built a
Mozambique trade mission giant plant called Pearl GTL (gas-to-liquids) which
converts natural gas into liquid products such as
SA’s Department of Trade and Industry is encouraging lubricants, transport fuel and raw materials for
companies in the agriculture, infrastructure, electro- chemicals and detergents.
technical, steel fabrication and mining and capital
equipment sectors to apply (by 22 March) to join a trade
and investment mission to Mozambique, which will take
place from 22 to 26 May 2017. Bilateral trade which
currently totals ZAR42.04-billion (US$3.2-billion).

BP referred to the high multiplier effect of FDI in LNG Mining:

projects when it comes to low-income countries like
Mozambique. Natural gas-fired power generation has Vale expects US$733-million by end of month
the potential to stimulate industrial and non-industrial
demand for other gas-related products. Mozambique is Vale SA says that it is nearing conclusion of a deal to
also likely to become a strong and reliable LNG supplier sell a stake in Mozambique's Moatize coal project to
to neighbouring countries like South Africa. Japan's Mitsui & Co. Vale said it expects to receive an
Domestically, apart from power-generation, LNG output initial payment of US$733-million by the end of this
can be applied to fertiliser production and other month, and expects to receive a further US$2.7-billion
petrochemicals plants. after the financing for the project of the mine and the
transportation system has been concluded. (Page 25).
The US Energy Information Administration’s
International Energy Outlook 2016 says that domestic Energy:
natural gas consumption in Mozambique is expected to
grow by 11% between 2012 and 2040, mainly for Japanese companies line up for energy projects in
electricity generation (Pages 22-23). Mozambique

In a developing market like Mozambique, one of the key Sumitomo has signed a contract with EdM to construct
challenges facing oil & gas companies is finding local a gas-fired power plant at Temane (Zambézia), close to
content providers with the appropriate skills for an gas wells operated by South Africa’s Sasol. Japan will
industry where reliability and operational safety are provide the finance, EdM is required to ensure that a
critical, and there is a high degree of complexity related gas supply contract is signed with ENH. Other
to inputs and technology. Human resources with the Japanese technical and training co-operation
capacity to deal with such issues are currently agreements are in the pipeline (Page 25).
extremely scarce in Mozambique.
Water shortages threaten HCB production
Starting from a low-skill base, in the catering,
construction, logistical and transport sectors, the key is Water levels have dropped by about 40% in the
to gradually transfer technology and know-how as the Zambezi Basin. The situation is critical and threatens to
project develops. This requires patience on the part of compromise electricity output from the Cahora Bassa
the host nation. Hydroelectric Power Plant. The situation also remains
critical at the Pequenos Libombos Dam; water
Galp Energia pointed out that the period separating the shortages in Maputo, Matola and Boane are expected
early stage of an oil and gas project and its to continue (Page 26).
commercialisation phase is about 10 years. As gas
developments in Mozambique have only recently Transport, Construction & Development Projects:
started, this leaves plenty of time for the state (assisted
by the oil & gas majors) to train the country’s future Japan will assist with infrastructure development.
engineers and technical workers (Pages 20-21).
Two co-operation agreements have been signed. One
President Nyusi promotes Mozambique gas in is for three bridges on the A380 route Pemba to Palma,
Japan important to the logistics of the LNG ‘trains’ due to be
built in Palma. The second focuses on urban transport
During his four-day state visit, President Nyusi urged solutions for Maputo (Pages 26-27).
Japan not only to “buy our gas” but also to become
involved in priority energy projects in Mozambique. He Portuguese company to build Moatize-Macuse
visited Tokyo Gas, which currently imports an annual railway
amount of around 14-million tons of gas from countries
such as Brunei, Malaysia, Australia and Qatar. This Mota-Engil has been chosen to build the 500 kilometres
year it plans to start importing gas from the United railway from the Moatize coal basin (in Tete Province) to
States. The company’s interest in diversifying its a new deep water port at Macuse, (Zambézia Province)
sources is likely to mean that it will look favourably at at an estimated cost of US$2.3-billion (Pages 27-28).
the possibility of purchasing Mozambican gas. (Pages
23-24). Minister appears before Ethics Commission

Japan promises to help Mozambique overcome its The Minister of Transport, Carlos Mesquita, has
current fuel difficulties. appeared before the Central Public Ethics Commission
(CCEP), to answer concerns about an alleged conflict of
The current fuel subsidy system is not working; prices interest. (Page 29).
fixed by the government for sale to the public of petrol
and diesel are lower than the prices paid by the Agriculture & Fishing:
importers on the world market. The government
currently owes distribution companies about US$70- ProSAVANA project reactivated
million. If payments are not made soon to catch up on
the arrears, the country may soon be unable to import The controversial ProSAVANA agricultural development
liquid fuels. No details have been given, but the project along the Nacala Development Corridor has
Japanese government is believed to have pledged a been reactivated. Based on a tripartite agreement
substantial grant that will assist Mozambique to between Mozambique, Brazil and Japan, the idea is to
purchase liquid fuels. Nothing has been said about how convert peasant subsistence agriculture into
much money will be involved or for how long this commercial agriculture, so that the Nacala Corridor
support will last.

becomes a granary that can feed the country and collective effort to ensure that peace will be effective”
produce a surplus for export. The government has (Page 36).
spared no effort to implement ProSAVANA, and civil
society spares none to stop it (Pages 30-31). New “Peace Club” to “accelerate dialogue”

Fisheries poisoning Mozambique-Malawi relations Latest attempt to mediate the conflict in Mozambique,
bringing together more than 250 religious bodies and
The dispute over fishery resources centres on four political parties from the provinces of Manica, Nampula,
lakes on the border between the two countries. Difficult Sofala and Tete. Frelimo and the MDM have joined;
to make any sense of Mozambique-Malawi relations on Renamo has been invited to, but has so far not joined
the matter. The two countries share a common border (Page 37).
of about 1,400 kilometres.
Disunity in MDM
Squabble continues between MDM mayor of Nampula
President Nyusi celebrates Exxon’s entry - Africa and the MDM Party leadership (Pages 40-41).
Municipal & national elections
It is a personal triumph for President Nyusi, and
strengthens his position in the Party ahead of its Mozambique’s National Electoral Commission (CNE)
September Congress. It is unlikely, however, to deliver suggests 15 October as the date for the 2018 municipal
enough short-term cash to solve Mozambique’s current elections. Approval is the prerogative of the Council of
economic woes. The government is working hard to Ministers. The CNE calculates that approximately
give the impression that things are getting back on US$13.3-million (at current exchange rates) will be
track, but this is a smokescreen. Predictions of 5.5% needed to cover both the 2018 municipal elections and
growth this year are unrealistic. The government is the 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections
desperately short of money to keep the state apparatus (Pages 42-43).
running and it risks not being able to meet salaries,
while public services fail. Many state companies are on SECURITY
the brink of bankruptcy.
Heat Map and graphs – illustrating the most vulnerable
The government’s story that it will restructure its US$2- areas in the country (Pages 44-45).
billion in toxic debt, receive a new IMF / G14
programme and all will be well, similarly doesn’t Truckers denounce military abuses along the EN7
withstand scrutiny. Discussions about a new IMF
programme, and negotiations with the bondholders Long-distance truck drivers and other EN7 users have
about re-structuring of the debt, to a large degree hinge reported an upsurge in military abuses – including
on the outcome of the Kroll audit. Placing such a short extortion, robbery and physical aggression. Abuses are
time on a complex enquiry like this was always risky, alleged to be common between Vanduzi (Manica
leaving room for the government to escape full Province) and Changara (Tete Province). On the
disclosure by being obstructive. As things stand the Pungue-Catandica river section – one of the main
results may be inconclusive. This would leave the economic routes in Mozambique and a section patrolled
current state of paralysis with the IMF/ G14 unchanged. by the Defence and Security Forces – users have
reported thefts of cargo, cell phones and cash, and
Nyusi’s power base vis-à-vis former president Armando cases of physical assaults have been recorded when
Guebuza (and his remaining followers in the Party) has drivers resist attempts at extortion. (Page 46).
been strengthened by the removal of Gregório Leão
José as head of the secret service (SISE). His CRIME
replacement – Makonde General, Lagos Henriques
Lidimo – is one of the few characters in Frelimo’s upper KZN-Mozambique cross border crime
echelons with enough clout to counter Guebuza’s
President Zuma visited the Kosi Bay border between
deeply entrenched networks in the security services.
KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique. Residents say they
Nyusi’s Makonde ethnic group continues to tighten its
are being terrorised by cross-border gangs who target
grip on the Party. Nyusi is also improving his electoral
4×4 vehicles. Even when vehicles have been positively
credibility by beginning to deliver on one of his key
identified by owners, they are forced to pay a large sum
election promises: peace. Sceptics worry, however, that
of money for their vehicle to be returned across the
he is still potentially captive to hard-line elements in the
border. There are calls for a wall to be erected to
Party, and the move is less about a commitment to
reduce cross border crime and for the government to
lasting peace and more a diversion tactic designed to
deploy more soldiers, as well as for greater co-
appease donors and encourage them to take a softer
operation between South Africa and Mozambique
approach when it comes to resolving the country’s
(Pages 48-49).
budgetary problems (Pages 35-36).
Reported crime incidents - by province Pages 50-53.
President Nyusi meets with Daviz Simango to
discuss the politico-military situation
MDM leader Daviz Simango says that President Nyusi
Mozambican victims of human trafficking
has informed him that the two working groups (one
dealing with decentralisation and the other with military Sexual exploitation, slave labour, forced begging and
questions) “are now working on terms of reference, in a organ sales. Women and teenagers fuel the trafficking
industry (Pages 53-54).

Human and organ trafficking routes WILDLIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION

Mozambique is a gateway, transhipment centre, Mozambique’s poaching castles are crumbling

supplier and destination country for organ trafficking
(Page 54). An interesting article on the methodology of cross-
border rhino horn poaching, including the allegation that
Maputo water supply remains critical government knows who the ‘kingpins’ are and could do
something about, but well-connected officials are
Warning from Minister of Public works, Carlos Martinho involved (Pages 63-66).
(Page 55).
Judge releases illegal pangolin hunters
Cyclone Dineo Situation Report (Pages 55-56).
An example of the sort irregularity going on in the
Dirty water kills as much as lack of food judicial system, that is contributing to the ease with
which organised criminal syndicates are able to poach
Lack of access to clean water and proper hygiene is endangered species and get away with it. Every year
affecting the lives of many blighted by cyclone Dineo. more than 100,000 pangolins are taken from their
Diseases and infections impact more forcefully on the habitat and sent to China or Vietnam, making it the
immune system of those already weakened due to most trafficked mammal in the world and driving it to the
inadequate nutrition and shelter (Pages 56-57). brink of extinction (Pages 66-67).

Anadarko strengthens educational support in four The poaching war in and around the Gorongosa
provinces Park

Corporate social responsibility initiative to provide books In 2016 alone, approximately 521 poachers were
in local languages and teacher training – as a way of detected in the park, while 35 guns, 247 mechanical
contributing to literacy in Cabo Delgado, Niassa, Tete traps and 9,258 steel wire cables (for entrapping
and Maputo provinces (Page 58). animals) were recovered. There has been a dramatic
fall in tourist numbers (Pages 67-68).
The big problem with legalising rhino horn sales in
Cholera outbreak now in four provinces South Africa

The most alarming situation is in Tete, where “the The only ones to benefit will be a) those who farm
spread of the disease is very rapid”. The Tete districts rhinos on privately-held land and have stockpiles of
affected by the outbreak include Tete city, Cahora rhino horn that they want to sell (as does the SA
Bassa and Moatize. Maputo Province including Maputo government), and b) the mainly Chinese and
City is affected, in part due to the water crisis in Maputo Vietnamese organised criminal syndicates who feed
and Matola causing people to resort to water sources demand from the Far East (Pages 70-71).
that are not suitable for consumption. The torrential
rains earlier in the year, which flooded several low-lying END
neighbourhoods, has played a role in spreading this
water-borne disease. In Nampula, cholera has been
detected in the provincial capital, Nampula city, and in a Nigel Morgan
string of outlying districts. Outbreaks Niassa’s Lichinga Managing Editor
district has already resulted in fatalities. (Pages 58-61).

The information contained in this report is intended to provide general information on a particular subject or subjects. While all reasonable steps
are taken to ensure the accuracy and the integrity of information and date transmitted electronically and to preserve the confidentiality thereof, no
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ECONOMY & BUSINESS .....................................................................................................................14

Macro-economy: ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Sweden guarantees completion of audit on Mozambique debt by the end of the month ................................... 14
Mozambique registers positive signs of economic recovery .............................................................................. 14
Mozambique economy affected by liquidity crisis.............................................................................................. 14
Mozambique’s February inflation rises to 20.88% year/year ............................................................................. 15
Inflation continues to rise for 20th consecutive month ........................................................................................ 15
Consumer spending to remain low for a while in Mozambique.......................................................................... 16
Japanese businesses urged to invest in Mozambique ...................................................................................... 16
Trade between China and Portuguese-speaking countries rises 7.52% in January .......................................... 17
Chinese investment in Mozambique is close to US$6-billion ............................................................................ 17
South African companies invited to participate in Mozambique trade mission ................................................... 18
Mozambican ambassador wants to see more Portuguese entrepreneurs in Mozambique ................................ 18

Financial Services: ......................................................................................................................................... 19

Portugal’s CGD bank seeks to sell Spanish, South African operations ............................................................. 19

Oil & Gas: ........................................................................................................................................................ 20

President Nyusi receives ExxonMobil’s CEO Darren Woods in Beira ............................................................... 20
Exxon buys half of ENI’s part of Area-4 gas for US$2.8-billion; government could get up to US$500-million .... 20
Exxon entry into Mozambique gas boosts confidence in projects – EIU............................................................ 21
Mozambique’s Tax Authority calculates capital gains payable by the ENI group............................................... 21
“Mozambican government waiting to hear from ENI, Exxon” – Minister Klemens.............................................. 22
Over-optimism about capital gains windfall from ENI-Exxon deal ..................................................................... 22
Animal spirits at the Third Gas & LNG Congress in Maputo .............................................................................. 22
President Nyusi to promote Mozambican gas in Japan..................................................................................... 23
President Nyusi visits Tokyo Gas ..................................................................................................................... 24
Japan offers grant aid for Mozambique’s fuel needs ......................................................................................... 24

Mining: ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
Vale to get US$733-million by end of month from Moatize stake sale to Mitsui ................................................. 25

Energy: ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
Japanese make mark in Mozambique with energy projects .............................................................................. 25
Zambezi Basin below 40%: threatens HCB production ..................................................................................... 26
Transport, Construction & Development Projects: ............................................................................................ 26
Mozambique and Japan sign co-operation agreements .................................................................................... 26
President Nyusi briefed on Tokyo metro system ............................................................................................... 27
Portuguese company to build railway to Macuse .............................................................................................. 27
Bus workers threaten strike action .................................................................................................................... 28
President Nyusi inaugurates Beira Water Distribution Centre ........................................................................... 28
Minister appears before Ethics Commission ..................................................................................................... 29

Agriculture & Fishing: .................................................................................................................................... 30

ProSAVANA to be reactivated .......................................................................................................................... 30
ProSAVANA, the “stone in the shoe” that President Nyusi takes to Japan ........................................................ 30
Obtala raises more preference capital for forestry arm Argento Mozambique ................................................... 31

FinAgro: four years changing the face of Mozambican agriculture .................................................................... 31

Fisheries poisoning Mozambique-Malawi relations ........................................................................................... 32

Tourism: .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Minister Dunduru encourages tourism as a way to bolster state coffers ............................................................ 32

Other: .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
High wages for specialist Finance Ministry unit ................................................................................................. 33
Minister Vitória Diogo bolsters Inspectorate-General of Labour of Mozambique ............................................... 33
Vitória Diogo launches revision of the Labour Law in Manica ........................................................................... 34
Government approves new leasing law to be submitted to parliament .............................................................. 34
Employees go on strike at Mozambique Independent Television ...................................................................... 34

President Nyusi celebrates Exxon’s entry – Africa Confidential ........................................................................ 35
President Nyusi meets with Daviz Simango to discuss the politico-military situation ......................................... 36
Sweden advocates inclusion of women in the Mozambican peace process ...................................................... 37
New “Peace Club” wants to accelerate dialogue in Mozambique ...................................................................... 37
Parliament discusses proposed Mobilisation and Requisition Bill ..................................................................... 38
President Nyusi starts four-day official visit to Japan ........................................................................................ 38
Japanese parliamentary delegation expected in Mozambique .......................................................................... 38
Japan and Mozambique leaders jointly condemn North Korea missile launches .............................................. 38
Government approves ratification of agreement between Mozambique and Turkey ......................................... 39
Prime Minister participates in SADC Extraordinary Summit in Mbabane ........................................................... 39
Rift between Nampula Mayor and MDM grows wider ....................................................................................... 40
Daviz Simango claims “freedom of expression” within MDM ............................................................................. 41
Sérgio Machava sworn in as deputy national delegate for Mobilisation and Propaganda of the MDM .............. 42
Mozambique’s 2018 municipal elections slated for 15 October ......................................................................... 42
CNE proposes budget for elections .................................................................................................................. 42
Mozambicans in Swaziland urged to register .................................................................................................... 43

SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................44
Truckers denounce military abuses along the EN7 ........................................................................................... 46
More than 220,000 register for military service ................................................................................................. 46
Japan and Mozambique agree on maritime security co-operation .................................................................... 47
Spokesmen promoted to generals .................................................................................................................... 47

CRIME ..................................................................................................................................................48
President Zuma addresses KZN-Mozambique cross border crime ................................................................... 48
Supreme Court concerned about poor dissemination of alternative sentences ................................................. 49
Supreme court proposes to cut judges’ holidays ............................................................................................... 49

Gaza: ............................................................................................................................................................... 50
Owner of Complexo Aquárius do Bilene abducted ............................................................................................ 50

Inhambane: ..................................................................................................................................................... 50
Man arrested for killing his grandchild in Inhambane ........................................................................................ 50

Teacher arrested for raping 14-year-old student in Zavala district .................................................................... 50

Three arrested for fuel theft .............................................................................................................................. 50

Manica: ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
Portuguese man accused of forging US currency ............................................................................................. 50

Maputo: ........................................................................................................................................................... 51
Police arrest two suspected kidnappers in Maputo ........................................................................................... 51
Military officer accused of raping 10-year-old girl .............................................................................................. 51
Maputo women fear violence and sexual harassment ...................................................................................... 52
Prison guard arrested in Maputo for illegal weapon possession........................................................................ 52

Nampula: ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Home invaders rape minor in Nampula ............................................................................................................. 52

Sofala: ............................................................................................................................................................. 53
Illegal Chinese exporter of prawns uncovered in Mozambique ......................................................................... 53

Tete:................................................................................................................................................................. 53
Gang arrested in Tete on kidnapping charges .................................................................................................. 53

HUMAN RIGHTS, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND NGO’S .................................................................53

Twenty-first century slavery: Mozambican victims of human trafficking ............................................................. 53
The human and organ trafficking routes ........................................................................................................... 54
Maputo water supply remains critical ................................................................................................................ 55
Alleged diversion of cyclone victim donations in Inhambane ............................................................................. 55
Mozambique: cyclone Dineo Office of the Resident Co-ordinator Situation Report ........................................... 55
Dirty rivers in drought-hit Mozambique kill as much as lack of food .................................................................. 56
US$11-million available to rebuild schools in Nampula, Zambézia and Niassa ................................................. 57
Schools closed by conflict are already open ..................................................................................................... 57
Anadarko strengthens educational support in four provinces ............................................................................ 58

HEALTH ...............................................................................................................................................58
Cholera outbreak now in four provinces ............................................................................................................ 58
Cholera in Maputo: two deaths and more than 200 cases of diarrhoea............................................................. 59
Government taking measures against spread of cholera in Maputo .................................................................. 59
Diarrhoea kills eight people in Lichinga ............................................................................................................. 59
Cholera outbreak threatens six more districts in Nampula Province.................................................................. 60
Mozambican health sector is testing cholera vaccine ....................................................................................... 60
Health officials in Malawi raise alarm over cholera outbreak in Mozambique .................................................... 61
Towards open-defecation-free communities in Mozambique ............................................................................ 61
Inspectors close 30 establishments in a fortnight .............................................................................................. 62

WILDLIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ............................................................................63

Why Mozambican timber operators reject the sale of the wood seized in ‘Operation Tronco’ ........................... 63
Mozambique’s poaching castles are crumbling ................................................................................................. 63
Elephant tusks seized in Maputo market .......................................................................................................... 66
Judge releases illegal pangolin hunters ............................................................................................................ 66

Three game wardens suspended in Zambézia ................................................................................................. 67

The poaching war near Gorongosa Park .......................................................................................................... 67
The big problem with legalising rhino horn sales in South Africa....................................................................... 68
More questions than answers as Kruger park continues shooting buffalo ......................................................... 70

GRAPH 1 – MOZAMBIQUE CURRENCY EVALUATION ...................................................................... 13
GRAPH 2 – REGION BY DAY OF WEEK .............................................................................................. 45
GRAPH 3 – TOTAL INCIDENTS PER TIME SLOT................................................................................ 45
GRAPH 4 – PROVINCE BY TIME PERIOD ........................................................................................... 45

AdeM ............................................................................. 55 JBIC .............................................................................. 26

AfDB ........................................................................62, 63 JOGMEC ....................................................................... 26
Anadarko .............................................. 21, 24, 25, 58, 59 KOGAS ......................................................................... 20
Argento ....................................................................31, 32 Kroll ................................................................... 13, 25, 36
Banco de Moçambique ................................................. 36 MAM .................................................................. 14, 16, 25
BP .................................................................................. 23 Mesquita Group ............................................................ 30
Ceinsa Contratos e Ingeniera, SA ................................ 29 Mitsui & Co .................................................................... 26
CFM ............................................................................... 28 Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva e
CGD .............................................................................. 20 Associados ................................................................ 18
CGSpace ....................................................................... 24 Mota-Engil ..................................................................... 28
Chiyoda ......................................................................... 26 Obtala ..................................................................... 31, 32
CNPC ......................................................................20, 35 Pestana ......................................................................... 33
Credit Suisse ................................................................. 21 Petromoc....................................................................... 35
EdM ...................................................................26, 35, 51 Proindicus ......................................................... 14, 16, 25
EIU ....................................................................14, 15, 21 Rio Tinto .................................................................. 21, 22
Ematum .............................................................13, 14, 25 Riversdale Mining ......................................................... 21
EMTPM ...................................................................28, 29 SALCEF ........................................................................ 28
ENH .........................................................................20, 26 Sasol ............................................................................. 26
ENI ..................................... 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 35 Shell .............................................................................. 23
ExxonMobil ..................................... 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 35 Sumitomo Corp. ............................................................ 26
Galp Energia ................................................................. 20 TCM .............................................................................. 30
GL Energy ..................................................................... 23 Tokyo Gas ............................................................... 24, 25
HCB ............................................................................... 26 Vale ............................................................................... 26
ICVL .............................................................................. 22 World Bank ............................................................. 16, 29
IHI .................................................................................. 26 Yara .............................................................................. 23
IMF ....................................................... 14, 20, 21, 25, 36 Yurikamome .................................................................. 27
Italian Thai Development Company of Thailand ........... 28


Rhula Intelligent Solutions is a Private Risk Management Company Joe van der Walt (Operations Director)
servicing multinational companies and private clients operating in Mobile (SA): +27 79 516 8710
Mobile (Moz): +258 84 100 0082
Mozambique. The Rhula Mozambique Weekly Media Review is
Email: joe@rhula.net
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well as local businesses and individuals (on request). For additional Head of Research & Analysis
information on who we are and our services please visit www.rhula.net Mobile (SA): +27 76 691 8934
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Source: yr.no










Cabo Delgado

Source: yr.no


Renamo leader extends truce 60- 7 April Woman’s Day
3 March
days to 4 May 1 May Workers Day
ExxonMobil confirmed as buyer of 25 July Independence Day
9 March 25% of ENI Area-4 gas field. (Pages 7 September Victory Day
19-20 and 34-35) 25 September Revolution Day
4 October Day of Peace and Reconciliation
Kroll report on toxic debt scandal due
31 March 25 December Family Day
(Page 13)



Currency Buy Sell Fuel Type Price Per Litre
Euro (EUR) 73,76 73,87 Petrol 50.02MT
U.S. Dollar (USD) 68,74 68,84 Diesel 45.83MT
S.A. Rand (ZAR) 5,42 5,43




SitUp 170306-ABD001 Two Renamo members abducted in Manica yet to be located
Info Note 170303-INF001 Truce extended for a second time to 4 May
SitUp 170226-ASN001 Frelimo Secretary and wife of community leader murdered in Inhambane
Return to Contents Page


Macro-economy: Speaking to the press in Beira (Sofala Province)
after meeting Governor Maria Helena Taipo,
Sweden guarantees completion of audit on Minister Maleiane said that conditions were
Mozambique debt by the end of the month being created for the Mozambican economy to
grow again.
Sweden, which is financing the international
audit of Mozambique’s estimated US$2-billion of “2016 was a very difficult year, but by 2017
hidden debts, says that the results of the conditions have been created, an important
investigation will be released by the end of this assumption that we are experiencing today, in
month (March), while analysts warn the results order to grow, is peace. We are also working to
should not disappoint citizens’ expectations. bring international confidence back and the
metical is gaining value, which is very good for
At the end of her mission in Mozambique, prices, because, unfortunately, Mozambique is
Swedish ambassador, Irina Schoulgin Nyoni, still importing many products”, the governor
revealed that the investigation process is well said.
underway, confirming information from other
people familiar with the matter, and says all is The Minister explained that the government has
going well. been making efforts to cover public spending
given the lack of external support, and called for
“I am going to leave international auditing a greater contribution from the private sector in
matters well in hand, and when I leave the form of taxes.
Mozambique at the end of this month,
everything will be ready”, the diplomat said. Source: Rádio Moçambique

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has Mozambique economy affected by liquidity
insisted on an independent investigation into the crisis
so-called hidden debts, and Ambassador Nyoni
considers it vital that the process be conducted A liquidity crisis, fuelled by high public debt and
in the best possible way for the good of the freezing of foreign aid, will continue to
Mozambique, a position backed by analysts destabilise the economy of Mozambique, which
who underline the enormous expectations of the this year and next is expected to grow at
people on this issue. historically low rates, according to the
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) in its latest
According to lawyer José Machicame, the audit report on the country.
should clarify the manner in which the debts of
the companies Ematum, Proindicus and The authors of the document say that public
Mozambique Asset Management (MAM) were debt may – “possibly” – be restructured,
contracted. similarly to the first restructuring that took place
on a loan of US$850-million taken on by tuna
The loans were contracted outside the company Ematum, but capital flows, including
Mozambican legal framework and the foreign direct investment, will take a few years
commitments of the Mozambican state to its until they reach levels seen in the recent past.
main co-operation partners, “and it is important
to establish the contours and circumstances in The government, for its part, will seek to
which these debts were contracted”. “tighten” fiscal and monetary policy, in an
attempt to restore the relationship with the IMF
Source: VOA Portuguese and to respond to the liquidity problem, with the
EIU saying that execution should have little
Mozambique registers positive signs of impact because of the opposition that will be
economic recovery raised both by politicians and voters.
On Wednesday 15 March, the Minister of The real growth rate of the country’s gross
Economy and Finance, Adriano Maleiane, said domestic product (GDP) is expected to remain
that there were positive signs of economic low in 2017-18 compared with previous periods,
recovery in the country, and that he was due to weak domestic demand and a reduction
confident of seeing growth of 5.5% this year. in investment, which should recover in the
coming years, as business confidence
Minister Maleiane stressed that the end of the improves.
politico-military tension and ongoing measures
to restore the confidence of international The report, to which MacauHub had access,
partners made for good prospects. said that completion later this month of the
international independent audit of undisclosed

Return to Contents Page

foreign loans taken on by the previous Mozambique’s February inflation rises to

government should contribute to restoring good 20.88% year/year
relations with international donors.
Mozambique’s consumer inflation edged up to
“However, we anticipate that direct aid to the 20.88% year-on-year in February from 20.56%
State Budget will be replaced by aid to specific in January, data from the National Statistics
programmes, in view of the doubts raised by Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, INE)
donors about the Mozambican government’s showed on Thursday 9 March. The high prices
ability to manage its own accounts”, the are not giving Mozambicans’ pockets a minute’s
document said. rest. Purchasing power is constantly decreasing
and citizens are being forced to review their
Because of doubts raised by previous Western spending habits, especially with regard to food.
donor countries, the government of
Mozambique will seek to deepen its relationship A 50-kilogram bag of rice bought for MT1,500
with Asian countries – China in particular which this time last year (2016) now costs MT1,900.
is currently one of the country’s main creditors – Maize flour, MT45 a kilogram in 2016, has risen
and those that import coal and natural gas – to around MT60. But it is not only food that has
including India and Thailand, whose state gone up – clothing is also more expensive. A
companies have been investing in the country. pair of shoes costing MT1,900 in February last
year, for example, now costs about MT2,400.
“Despite the government’s efforts, the existing
political instability in the country, the lower The city of Beira (Sofala Province) leads the
growth of China’s economy and an oil and way in general price increases, followed by
natural gas market with excess supply will leave Nampula and Maputo. Some Mozambicans
Asian countries with no great desire to invest in have stopped consuming essential products or
Mozambique”, adds the report. are substituting alternatives and reducing the
amount of food they purchase.
The economy of Mozambique, after reaching a
15-year low in 2016, with growth of 3.6%, is Source: Reuters/O País
expected to recover slightly to 4.2% this year,
supported almost exclusively by mining Inflation continues to rise for 20th
operations for coal, whose prices have been consecutive month
rising in international markets.
For the 20th consecutive month since President
After 2017, the country’s economy should return Filipe Nyusi was sworn in as head of state,
to a path of higher growth, with the EIU prices have continued to increase. In February,
estimating that in 2018 it will grow at a rate of official inflation – which is always below real
4.6%, before rising to over 5% between 2019 inflation – increased by 1.25%, once again
and 2021. driven by the cost of the so-called “basic
basket”, which has almost doubled since
Source: MacauHub January 2015. The data collected in the cities of
Maputo, Beira and Nampula during the month of
February indicate that the country recorded a
rise in the general price level of 1.25% in
relation to the previous month, according to the
Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The report, prepared monthly by the INE,

indicates that the “Division of food and non-
alcoholic beverages experienced the greatest
price increase”. This situation leaves something
for economists to explain, since food inflation
has been associated with devaluation of the
metical in relation to the main currencies, since
most foods are imported, yet the metical has
been registering some appreciation lately.

Research found that “from the analysis of

monthly inflation by product, increases were
highlighted for products such as charcoal
(16.7%), new light vehicles (7%), public higher
education (36.5%), tomatoes (3.9%), peanuts
(7.2%), beer (2.2%) and chicken (3.7%).

Return to Contents Page

In addition, according to the CPI, compared to concludes that it could fall, interrupting the
February 2016, “the country recorded a price positive tendency seen at the end of last year.
increase of around 20.88%. The clothing and
footwear, and food and non-alcoholic beverages The INE’s newsletter explains that the
divisions were, on a year-on-year basis, those unfavourable outlook for demand is due to
with the highest price increase with 30.82% and negative assessments by entrepreneurs in the
27.95%, respectively”. transport, industrial production, trade and non-
financial services sectors, although there are
At a time when the Labour Advisory encouraging forecasts from operators in the
Commission is meeting to consider the revision accommodation, catering and construction
of national minimum wages – which last year sectors. The reduction in demand is a reflection
increased only between 4% and 12% when of the austerity which the crisis has made the
inflation was already above 20% – Mozambican rule for families, companies and the state.
employees are anxiously waiting to know If this
year’s increases will at least match official Overall, however, the economic climate
inflation, although bosses have already made it indicator was favourable at the beginning of this
clear that there is little room for manoeuvring year, consolidating the improving trajectory
after all the efforts made for the survival of seen since November 2016. The favourable
businesses and jobs”. economic environment was influenced mainly
by good employment prospects over the coming
Indeed, @Verdade noted that with the months signalling signs of recovery in the
devaluation of the metical against the US dollar, economic situation.
the minimum wages for the agriculture,
livestock, hunting and forestry sectors (including Prices will tend to reduce:
agro-industrial enterprises and the cashew and
sugar industry); industrial and semi-industrial In contradistinction to general price inflation,
fishing; Kapenta fishing; and the bakery industry sitting at 20.88% in February, the INE forecasts
fell below the poverty line, which is set by the that prices will slow down in the coming months.
World Bank at US$1.90, requiring an
unprecedented increase of more than 21%. “The price outlook indicator decreased, thus
interrupting the upward trend of the last months
This trend of rising inflation began in July 2015, of 2016. The fall in the price perspective is due
five months after the investiture of President to the expected decrease in future prices in all
Nyusi, with the price of food that year increasing sectors, with the broader range occurring in the
by 43.70% compared to 2014. In the following sectors of trade and industrial production”, the
year, the cost of living continued its upward document says. The government predicts an
trend, aggravated by the discovery of illegal average inflation of 14% this year, well below
loans from Proindicus and MAM, which raised it the nearly 20% registered last year.
to the historical mark of 25.53% in October, food
Source: O País/Club of Mozambique
staples became more expensive at 46.56%
more in 2016 than in the previous year. Japanese businesses urged to invest in
Since then inflation has stopped growing
rapidly, perhaps thanks to the various measures On Wednesday 15 March, President Filipe
that the government has taken to try to contain Nyusi urged Japanese businesses to invest in
the effects and all the restrictive policies of the Mozambique, to take advantage of the
central bank, but the truth is that the cost of enormous potential the country offers and thus
living is not yet reducing. contribute to its growth and development.
Source: @Verdade
President Nyusi was speaking to over 300
Consumer spending to remain low for a business people at a Mozambique-Japan
while in Mozambique Business Forum in Tokyo, held as part of his
official visit to Japan. In addition to Japanese
The Mozambican economy has been in crisis businesses the event was attended by more
since last year, with the rising cost of living than 30 Mozambican businessmen who
forcing economic agents to adopt cost accompanied President Nyusi.
containment measures. However,
Mozambique’s Confidence and Economic The President told the Forum that Mozambique
Environment Indicator (published by the INE) is recognised throughout the world as a country
predicts that prices will slow down in the coming of enormous potential, and its relations with
months. Japan are not limited to the recent discovery of
large energy resources. He noted that, in the
INE conducted an assessment of demand in the last five years alone, Mozambique has
near future (demand perspective) and approved four projects of Japanese direct
Return to Contents Page

investment in agriculture and industry. These Trade between China and Portuguese-
are large projects, he said, which place Japan speaking countries rises 7.52% in January
as a strategic partner of Mozambique. In order
to stimulate and attract more investments, Trade between China and Portuguese-speaking
continued President Nyusi, the government will countries totalled US$8.281-billion in January
continue to take measures to improve the 2017, which was a year-on-year increase of
business environment, including the granting of 7.52%, according to official figures from China
tax and customs incentives. released by Forum Macau. In January, Angola
and Brazil accounted for 92% of trade between
But trade between Mozambique and Japan has China and the eight Portuguese-speaking
recently declined. Between 2014 and 2015 countries with a total of US$7.625-billion.
Mozambican exports to Japan fell from US$50-
million to US$18-million. Mozambique’s imports China’s trade with Angola amounted to
from Japan also fell – from US$274-million to US$2.026-billion (an annual increase of
US$243-million. Mozambique mostly imports 50.47%), with China selling products to Angola
vehicles and equipment from Japan, and its worth US$167-million (-6.07%) and purchasing
most notable exports are coal, timber, fisheries goods – mainly oil – worth US$1.859-billion
produce and cotton. (+59.08%). With Brazil two-way trade reached
US$5.599-billion (-0.33%) and Chinese
The legal framework in Mozambique is enterprises imported products from Brazil worth
favourable and flexible, said President Nyusi. US$3.208-billion (-4.46%) and sold goods
“With each passing day the business whose value stood at US$2.390-billion
environment is being facilitated”, he claimed. (+5.80%).
“Anyone who wants to work will find that he is
able to do so. We are flexible in giving Portugal is third in terms of trade value, which
opportunities to all those who want them, within stood at US$407-million (-16.85%) in January,
the conditions we have created”. with Chinese exports amounting to US$259-
million (-19.52%) and Portuguese exports worth
Giving a short summary of the Mozambican US$147-million (-11.66%). In fourth place was
economy, President Nyusi said that agriculture Mozambique with bilateral trade worth US$168-
is the basic and priority activity. The fertile soils million (+2.24%), in which Chinese companies
and tropical climate allow the production of a sold products worth US$120-million (+ 2.16%)
wide variety of crops, and the lengthy coastline and bought goods in the amount of US$47-
and the country’s inland waters present many million (+2.44%).
fishing opportunities. President Nyusi’s
delegation was enthusiastic about the possibility With other Portuguese-speaking countries –
of Japanese investment in urban public Cabo Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Timor-Leste and
transport, and Mozambican Deputy Transport São Tomé and Príncipe – trade in January
Minister Manuela Rebelo signed a amounted to US$17.8-million. In 2016, the value
memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the of trade between China and the Portuguese-
development of transport in Maputo. speaking countries fell for the second
consecutive year, reaching US$90.874-billion,
She was convinced of the feasibility of an with an annual contraction of 7.72%.
integrated road and rail network for the Greater
Maputo Metropolitan Area. Key to this would be Source: MacauHub
an Automated Gateway Transit (AGT) project,
relying on computer operated, driverless trains Chinese investment in Mozambique is close
running along a surface metro. Such systems to US$6-billion
have been in operation in Tokyo since 1995. A
China’s investment in Mozambique has been
viability study for the Greater Maputo transport
growing at a very fast pace and in cumulative
system should begin this year, said Deputy
terms is approaching US$6-billion, according to
Minister Rebelo, and the whole system could be
figures from the Chinese Embassy in Maputo.
built and operational by 2023.
The figures were cited on Thursday 16 March in
Asked about the source of financing, Deputy Lisbon by the Chinese Embassy attaché in
Minister Rebelo said the government is looking Lisbon, Nie Quan, at the launch of a book by
for partnerships, mainly from Japan, given the Portuguese tax specialists Bruno Santiago and
support the Japanese authorities have already Sara Teixeira, on the Mozambican tax law,
expressed. She believed that the discussions focusing on the roles of Lisbon and Macau as
during President Nyusi’s visit to Tokyo showed platforms.
that Japan was open to helping solve Maputo’s
Nie Quan said that: “the pace of growth of
transport problems.
Chinese investment in Mozambique has been
Source: Agencia de Informacao de very fast”, with 100 Chinese companies
Moçambique/Rádio Moçambique operating in the country in diverse areas such
Return to Contents Page

as energy, agriculture, fishing, real estate, The trade and investment mission in
building materials, tourism, buses, Mozambique will take place from 22 to 26 May
telecommunications, infrastructure and trade. 2017. Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies
“Chinese investment in Mozambique aims to said the mission forms part of the department’s
help Mozambicans to be self-sufficient, both in strategy to increase trade between South Africa
industry and in agriculture, an example being and Mozambique.
the fact that Mozambique already has the first
car brand in Africa: Matchedje”, said the “The objective of this mission is to increase
diplomat, who also noted cooperation projects in trade and investment between South Africa and
the agricultural sector. Mozambique. It is an ideal platform for South
African companies who would like to export
Nie Quan also said that China’s relations with value added products and services, and for
Mozambique and Portugal are global strategic companies who are looking for investment
partnerships, making them more than opportunities in Mozambique”, said Minister
straightforward economic investments, and that Davies.
there is the potential for “tripartite co-operation”
throughout the Portuguese-speaking world. He added that South Africa has become the
Together, he noted China and the Portuguese- main trading partner for Mozambique and that
speaking countries account for 17% of the relations between the two countries are very
global economy and 22% of the population, so cordial as evidenced by the growing bilateral
there are “conditions for relations to be stronger trade which currently totals ZAR42.04-billion.
and more prosperous”. More than 100 South African companies
operate in Mozambique across several business
At the ceremony to launch the book, at law firm sectors, and the two neighbouring countries
Morais Leitão, Galvão Teles, Soares da Silva e have more than 60 agreements and co-
Associados, the ambassador of Mozambique, operation protocols in various areas.
Fernanda Lichale, recalled the “longstanding
friendship” of his country with China since The cordial relations between these two nations
independence to the present day, and also with are reinforced by the growing ties in trade,
Portugal, considering both to be privileged investment, tourism, migration and security.
partner countries for development. “Despite the Companies that are interested in participating in
vicissitudes of various kinds, Mozambique the trade fair will be funded through the Export
remains a preferred destination for foreign Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA)
investment and Portugal certainly occupies a scheme and will be screened according to the
very special place, based on historical and EMIA guidelines.
cultural links forged over centuries of
coexistence”, said the diplomat. The Department of Trade and Industry
encourages companies that do not qualify for
Economist Antonio Rebelo de Sousa argued funding to also participate at their own cost.
that, despite current political and economic More information can be obtained on the
problems, “Mozambique has evolved in the right department website: www.thedti.gov.za.
direction in recent decades, opting for a
relatively balanced growth model”. The book Source: SAnews.gov.za/VOA Portuguese
International Tax Law of Mozambique – Double
Mozambican ambassador wants to see more
Taxation Treaties (Direito Fiscal Internacional
Portuguese entrepreneurs in Mozambique
de Moçambique – As Convenções de Dupla
Tributação) highlights Macau and Portugal as The Mozambican ambassador to Portugal,
platforms for investment. Fernanda Lichale, urged Portuguese
Source: MacauHub
businesspeople to go to Mozambique, one of
Portugal’s main strategic partners. “I always say
South African companies invited to that Portuguese investment is welcome.
participate in Mozambique trade mission Portugal has always been among the top 10
investors in Mozambique”, the diplomat said.
South African companies in the agriculture,
infrastructure and steel fabrication sectors, The ambassador was speaking in Lisbon at the
among others, have been called on to apply to launch of a book, International Tax Law of
participate in the Department of Trade and Mozambique – The Double Taxation
Industry’s trade and investment mission to Conventions by Bruno Santiago and Sara
Mozambique. In a statement on Tuesday 14 Teixeira. “Portuguese businesspeople are
March, the Department of Trade and Industry welcome in Mozambique, because ours is a
encouraged companies in the agriculture, relationship of brotherhood, friendship, but
infrastructure, electro-technical, steel fabrication above all, of affection”, she said, noting that
and mining and capital equipment sectors to Portugal is a strategic partner and one of the
apply to the department by 22 March 2017. most successful at creating jobs in the country.
Return to Contents Page

Intended investment in Mozambique fell 48% in 2014, which had been the most significant year
the first half of 2016 compared to the same since 2009.
period the year before, with Portugal still ranking
fifth among investors, albeit with an above- The Mozambican economy is being hit by
average fall of 80%. slowing growth, with the 7% initially foreseen by
the government in 2016 revised downwards to
According to data released in August by 4.5%, with strong metical devaluation and rising
Mozambique’s CPI, total investment approved inflation.
in the first half of the year amounted to US$478-
million, of which US$304-million was foreign Exports declined as a result of weak domestic
direct investment, US$52-million and US$122- production and falling commodity prices, a
million from supplies and loans, respectively. situation worsened by the impact of natural
disasters and the political and military crisis
All forms of investment suffered sharp declines, between the government and Renamo, mainly
with foreign investment falling 54% and affecting the central region of the country.
domestic investment 56%. In the case of
Portugal, the decrease was even greater, with In April, government-guaranteed loans
17 projects approved by the CPI totalling only amounted to US$1.4-billion between 2013 and
US$14-million, against US$34-million in the 2014 increased public debt to 86% of GDP.
same period of 2015, a fall of 80%.
Following the discovery of debts not reported to
The list of top investors in the first half is led by parliament or international partners, the IMF
China, with US$154-million, almost 60% of total suspended payment of a loan to Mozambique,
foreign direct investment. Behind China comes and 14 donors to the state budget also
South Africa, with US$45-million, Mauritius with discontinued their financial support.
US$29-million, United Kingdom with US$22-
million, and Portugal, which in 2015 had finished Source: Lusa
the year in fourth place.
Financial Services:
The remaining countries on the list of the top 10
Portugal’s CGD bank seeks to sell Spanish,
investors are Turkey, Italy, India, Spain and the
South African operations
United States. Portuguese investment until last
year created more jobs than the average, but Portugal’s largest bank, the state-owned Caixa
CPI data shows that, in the first half, authorised Geral de Depositos (CGD), plans to slash its
Portuguese projects foresaw just 28 jobs per foreign assets by half by 2020 as part of an
million dollars invested, well below the average ongoing restructuring and will prioritise selling
44 of other countries. its Spanish and South African businesses, the
lender said.
At the end of 2015, Portuguese investment
created 31 jobs per million dollars invested, In a statement issued late on Friday 10 March,
against 30 of other countries. the bank, which posted a record 2016 loss of
€1.86-billion, said it expects to cut its
Of the foreign investment approved by the CPI,
international assets to no more than €12-billion
almost 80% is concentrated in the construction
by 2020 from €23-billion last year, while
and public works sector, industry, agriculture
targeting a rise in return on equity from the
and agribusiness, and more than half (55%) in
operations to more than 15% from 13%.
Maputo province and city, and 21% in Sofala.
CGD’s total net assets at the end of last year
Of the 17 projects approved for Portuguese
stood at €93.5-billion, down from some €101-
investment, 67% are focused on the services
billion in 2015.
sector and more than two-thirds (68%) are
planned for the province of Maputo. The lender said it planned to maintain
operations “in markets with Portuguese affinity”,
Investment in Mozambique has seen significant
which include Portuguese-speaking Angola,
increases in recent years, but experienced a
Mozambique and the Macau region in China,
strong reversal of trend in 2015.
while selling or shutting down the remaining
Authorised investment projects in Mozambique non-core international business.
fell by 74.5% in 2015 from the previous year to
“We will give priority to operations (to sell) in
South Africa and Spain”, Chief Executive Officer
In 2015, Portugal had 48 approved projects Paulo Macedo told reporters, adding that the
(behind only South Africa, with 61) with a total bank’s French unit was also likely to be sold.
value of US$88-million, a drop of 73.7% over

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Banco Caixa Geral in Spain has 110 branches Exxon buys half of ENI’s part of Area-4 gas
across the country and employs about 500 for US$2.8-billion; government could get up
people. CGD’s Mercantile Bank has a network to US$500-million
of branches mainly in the Johannesburg region.
ExxonMobil has bought 25% of the Area-4 block
Most of CGD’s businesses abroad made a offshore of Cabo Delgado for US$2.8-billion.
positive contribution to last year’s results, if This promises a windfall capital gain tax
smaller than in 2015, led by its Macau payment later this year. This gives the
subsidiary, the French unit, which serves government an important cushion in on-going
thousands of Portuguese emigrants, and negotiations, and will help Mozambique to hold
Angola. Burdened by massive bad loans, which out for better terms with both the IMF and
now have largely been provisioned for leading creditors.
to last year’s huge loss, CGD is being
recapitalised to the tune of €4-billion. It is a complex deal which could have an impact
on the capital gains tax. Area-4 is owned 70%
On Friday the European Commission cleared by ENI East Africa and 10% each by state-
the recapitalisation as it was carried out on owned Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos
market terms and therefore involved no new (ENH), KOGAS (South Korea) and Galp
state aid. Energia (Portugal). The China National
Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) bought 28.6% of
It said the plan presented by Portugal to ensure ENI East Africa (giving it 20% of Area-4) in
the bank’s profitability meant the state would 2013, when gas prices were much higher, and
receive a market-based return on its investment. paid US$4.2-billion – much more than Exxon is
paying to buy a larger portion.
Source: Reuters
For US$2.8-billion, ExxonMobil has now bought
Oil & Gas: 35.7% of ENI East Africa (giving it 25% of Area-
4) and ENI keeps 35.7% of ENI East Africa and
President Nyusi receives ExxonMobil’s CEO
25% of Area-4. ExxonMobil in a 9 March
Darren Woods in Beira
statement said that: “ENI will continue to lead
On Friday 10 March, President Filipe Nyusi the Coral floating liquefied natural gas (LNG)
received, in the central city of Beira (Sofala project and all upstream operations in Area-4,
Province), the new Chief Executive Officer of while ExxonMobil will lead the construction and
the American oil company ExxonMobil, Darren operation of natural gas liquefaction facilities
Brown. onshore”.

Brown took over the top position at ExxonMobil, The deal is conditional on Mozambican
after his predecessor, Rex Tillerson, was government approval, which will in turn depend
appointed Secretary of State, in the on agreement about the amount of capital gains
administration of US President Donald Trump. tax negotiated. The Financial Times quoted
Mozambican sources to say they expected a
Brown’s meeting with President Nyusi followed US$1.4-billion windfall. That was never realistic.
last week’s announcement that ExxonMobil is to
pay the Italian energy company ENI US$2.8- Since 2014 capital gains tax has been 32%, but
billion for a 25% stake in Area-4 of the Rovuma this is applied to the increase in value after
Basin, off the coast of the northern province of actual investments on exploration etc. have
Cabo Delgado. been deducted. ENI East Africa is an Italian and
not a Mozambican company, which also creates
Speaking to reporters after the meeting with some confusion. Under the lower capital gains
President Nyusi, Brown said “we talked of the rules then in force, in 2013 ENI agreed to pay
agreement we have just reached with ENI to capital gains on the US$4.21-million sale to
develop the oil and gas opportunities that exist CNPC and the settlement was US$400-million
in Mozambique. We are proud that we can have in cash and the agreement to spend US$130-
the opportunity to bring the global experience million on a new 80 megawatt (MW) gas-fired
we have, the experts and the knowledge we power station.
have in this area, to support the development of
Mozambique”. Zitamar predicts that Mozambique will only get
US$300-million in capital gains tax, but that in
The financial transaction will only be complete effect requires ENI to claim that US$8-billion
after approval by the Mozambican regulatory has already been spent on Area-4, which seems
authorities, which is expected very soon. very high. So Mozambique might hope for
US$500-million or more, which could just fill the
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique/O US$470-million hole this year caused by the cut
País off of donor budget support. Although the

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money will not actually arrive until near the end “The tax implications of the agreement are still
of the year, it will still give the government be disclosed, but the levying of 32% in tax will
breathing space in its negotiations with both the have to be renegotiated”, says EIU, noting that
IMF and the donors. in 2013 ENI were supposedly liable for US$1.4-
billion for a similar deal but ended up paying
It is highly unlikely that any debt service will be only US$400-million.
paid this year and government will want to
negotiate both a reduction in the total debt and “While the crippling government liquidity crisis
a deferral in payments until there is substantial means that the executive cannot afford to reject
gas production. any potential sources of funding, it is desperate
to get gas projects into the development stage
Meanwhile, Credit Suisse is under growing and is not in a strong position to negotiate”, the
pressure for “loan pushing” – encouraging the report reads. “A discount on the 32% should
government to take loans which are larger and already have been agreed”, the analysts
more risky than is appropriate, and for allegedly conclude.
misleading both lenders (bondholders and those
who took part in the syndicated loans) and the Mozambique has reserves of at least 160-trillion
Mozambican government (by presenting cubic feet of gas, catapulting the country onto
unrealistic financial projections). the podium of the most promising countries in
the sector, along with Australia and Qatar.
Credit Suisse could come under pressure to
compensate bondholders and syndicated loan The Area-1 consortium is led by US-based
creditors. Anadarko and has identified large quantities of
natural gas, as has the consortium led by Italy’s
Source: Mozambique news reports & clippings ENI, which operates Area-4 and which includes
Portugal’s Galp.
Exxon entry into Mozambique gas boosts
confidence in projects – EIU Source: Lusa

The EIU recently said that the involvement of Mozambique’s Tax Authority calculates
ExxonMobil “increases confidence” in gas capital gains payable by the ENI group
exploration in Mozambique, and that the ENI
deal is expected to bring significant revenues to It is expected that, on Tuesday 21 March, the
the government. Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) will announce
the amount of capital gains tax payable by
“The involvement of Exxon, which has deeper Italian oil group ENI on the recent sale of a
pockets and more experience than its Italian stake in an oil block to US group ExxonMobil.
partner, adds a level of confidence that the
Area-4 exploration license will be developed as On Friday 10 March, the president of the AT,
planned”, write the experts from the economic Amelia Nakhare, said in Maputo that the AT had
analysis unit of the British magazine The been watching the process since 2016, when
Economist. ExxonMobil announced its intention to acquire a
stake in the natural gas exploration business in
In an analysis of the acquisition by ExxonMobil the Rovuma Basin, northern Mozambique.
for US$2.8-billion of 25% of ENI East Africa,
which controls exploration in the Rovuma Basin, Last Thursday it was announced that
EIU says that: “along with the license of Area-1 ExxonMobil would pay US$2.8-billion in cash to
[operated by Anadarko], this could end up Italian group ENI for an indirect 25% stake in
putting Mozambique among the largest the Area-4 block of the Rovuma Basin in
exporters of liquefied natural gas in the world”. northern Mozambique, under a contract signed
that day.
Looking at the deal, the EIU notes that US$2.8-
billion, which will be paid when regulators Nakhare confirmed that the transaction will be
approve the purchase, shows that “industry taxed under the capital gains regime stipulated
momentum has changed significantly” in recent in Mozambican law for transactions of shares in
years, with the LNG price falling almost 50% the area of natural resources, with the amount
and companies cutting development and still to be calculated.
expenditure plans as a result.
A business involving the Anglo-Australian group
On the other hand, notes the EIU, for the Rio Tinto, which paid US$3.5-billion for the 65%
government, taxes on the business will be very stake owned by Australia’s Riversdale Mining in
important to balance the public accounts, coal assets in Mozambique, has been in
although the executive will hardly be able to litigation since 2010.
charge the 32% provided for by law.

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This stake was later, in 2014, sold to Indian “Double taxation agreements aim to avoid
state consortium International Coal Ventures imposing payment of the same tax more than
Private Limited (ICVL) for US$50-million, with a once in different tax territories. That is, if ENI is
substantial capital loss. A year earlier, the Rio obliged to pay taxes on the capital gains
Tinto group had taken an impairment loss of obtained in Mozambique in Italy, the company
US$3-billion, the difference between the book can choose where to pay the tax. Because in
value and the actual value of an asset, in Italy, capital gains are taxed at a lower rate than
Mozambique, justifying this move based on the the 32% applied in Mozambique (27.5%), the
challenges of building the necessary most likely and rational thing will be that the
infrastructure to put the coal mines in operation. company will prefer Italy”, the CIP predicts.

Source: MacauHub/O País But the CIP explained that ENI cannot avoid
paying tax by citing double taxation agreements,
“Mozambican government waiting to hear as this is not an acquisition of an Italian
from ENI, Exxon” – Minister Klemens company or even by an Italian company, but
rather a subsidiary ENI East Africa, and
On Friday 10 March, the Mozambican moreover involving an asset located in
government said that it was awaiting a Mozambique.
communication on the Area-4 gas concession
agreement between ENI and ExxonMobil, prior Source: O País
to assessing its capital gains tax deduction.
“[The signing of the agreement between ENI Animal spirits at the Third Gas & LNG
and Exxon] shows that we are on the right track. Congress in Maputo
We have not yet received the purchase and sale
contract. We are transparent: as soon as this It is striking how much reality contrasts with
happens, we will disclose”, Minister of Mineral what is generally related in the media. In the
Resources and Energy, Leticia da Silva Deusina energy sector, that contrast was clearly
Klemens, told journalists in Maputo. apparent during the Third Deepwater East &
Southern Africa Congress 2017 (a sub-event of
Source: Lusa Upstream and Midstream East & Southern
Africa Conference) held on 16 and 17 March in
Over-optimism about capital gains windfall Maputo. There, two of the world’s biggest oil
from ENI-Exxon deal and gas majors, British Petroleum (BP) and
Royal Dutch Shell (Shell Mozambique), did not
The Centre of Public Integrity (Centro de express the slightest concern about the recent
Integridade Pública, CIP) believes that over- setback in the price of energy commodities. Two
optimism exists surrounding the capital gains main reasons explain their apparent total peace
tax to be acquired from the Rovuma gas asset of mind.
deal between ExxonMobil and ENI. The
institution recalls the closed-door negotiations First, the stakes are too high. That is,
that took place in 2013, when ENI only agreed Mozambique is too gas-rich to be ignored. If one
to pay capital gains tax after a meeting between doesn’t tap now into its natural gas resources,
then president Armando Guebuza and the others will do it at one’s expense in the long-
former president of the Italian multi-national, term. Second, and most importantly, business
Paolo Scaroni. models have evolved. These are now more
robust, able to withstand extreme temporary
“Inevitably, there will also be negotiations in this price fluctuations. Italian giant ENI
operation. This is based on the formula to be demonstrated it last week, through the sale of
applied, since there are two: on the one hand, 25% of its interest in gas-rich Area-4 block to
one that considers the sale price minus the ExxonMobil, reflecting its strategy based on
investments made by the company and cost-sharing at the early stages of exploration
assesses that value at a rate of 32%; on the and production (E&P), with the aim of achieving
other hand, the traditional formula combining a rapid monetisation of its projects.
the terms of the IRPC and IRPS codes with the
32% to be levied on 30% (taking into account For his part, Onno van Kessel, vice president of
the tenure of the concession) of the sale value Mozambique GTL & Integrated Gas
of the asset”, the CIP statement reads. Development at Shell, talked about the
possibility to “diversify the group’s exposure to
The CIP also noted that, in an attempt to reduce prices”. This means, for example, turning gas
the amount of capital gains to be paid to the into other products. In Qatar, for instance, the
state, ENI may refer to the double taxation world’s largest gas field, Shell has built a giant
agreements (ADTI) of income and capital, plant called Pearl GTL (gas-to-liquids) to turn
signed between Mozambique and Italy in 1998 natural gas into liquid products such as
and in force since 2004. lubricants, transport fuel and raw materials for
chemicals and detergents.
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Jerome Milongo, LNG originator at BP, also for the state to train the country’s future
evoked the high multiplier effect of foreign direct engineers and technical workers.
investments in LNG projects in low-income
countries such as Mozambique. Natural gas- As a highly-skilled Mozambican engineer,
fired power generation can not only stimulate Ataide Sacramento himself benefited from a
industrial and non-industrial demand for other scholarship from Eduardo Mondlane University
gas-related products, but also make of in Maputo to a prestigious engineering training
Mozambique a strong LNG supplier for its institution in Norway, whose petroleum and
neighbouring countries. governance expertise is in high demand from
around the world. “It has completely changed
“In the long-term, there is a potential for the and reshaped my perspective about energy-
construction of pipelines in the country to supply related development in Mozambique”, admits
LNG to significant markets such as South Ataide Sacramento, speaking on the side-lines
Africa”, explains Jérôme Milongo, during a panel of the LNG conference.
discussion at the conference. Underlining
Shell’s van Kessel’s point about diversifying the Finally, from the government perspective,
product mix that can be achieved, BP’s LNG optimism is equally high. Also partaking in the
originator adds that, beyond opportunities in the Third Deepwater East & Southern Africa
export market, domestic gas demand from local Congress 2017, Vasco Correia Nhabinde,
fertilisers and petrochemicals plants can be a national head of the Directorate of Economic &
natural consequence of foreign investments in Financial Studies at the Mozambican Ministry of
Mozambique gas fields. Economy and Finance, stated that domestic
natural gas consumption is expected to grow by
However, such solid perspectives do not mean 11% between 2012 and 2040, mainly for
that risks have suddenly evaporated. One of the electricity generation, citing projections from the
key risks lies indeed in finding the appropriate US Energy Information Administration (EIA)’s
local content providers. Reliability and International Energy Outlook 2016 (IEO2016).
operational safety are critical. In developing
markets, enhancing local content is indeed a big “There is indeed a huge opportunity as
challenge due to the high degree of complexity Mozambique is facing reduced water
of energy-related inputs and technology. resources”, observed Nhabinde. In a separate
Mozambican human capacities capable to deal report, the research organisation specialised in
with such issues are currently scarce, to say the agriculture, CGSpace, stated that the Zambezi
least. River is certainly a great earner for the countries
which border it, in tourism, agriculture and
Van Kessel advocates a gradual approach to fill fisheries.
the gap. Reminding his experience in Malaysia,
where 95% of BP’s workforce and personnel are But its waters are being siphoned off for
Malaysian. “We started from a low-skill base, in irrigation and hydro-electricity to such an extent
the catering, construction, logistical and that patterns of sedimentation are shifting and
transport sectors, to name a few, gradually reduced water levels are changing ecological
transferring technology and know-how as the and hydrological conditions. Such
project developed”, says Shell’s GTL expert. circumstances de facto pave the way for
alternative and cleaner-than-oil energy sources
“The Malaysian plant in question is now 25 like natural gas.
years old, which demonstrates the patience that
one must display in order to turn investments Source: Club of Mozambique/Levy-Sergio Mutemba
into a real technological gain for the local
workforce”, insists van Kessel, whose company President Nyusi to promote Mozambican gas
was awarded gas development projects in in Japan
Mozambique last January, along with Norway’s
President Filipe Nyusi hopes to persuade Japan
Yara and GL Energy. While Yara will develop
to purchase Mozambican natural gas, and to
fertilisers and 30 to 50MW of power, Shell
become involved in priority energy projects in
Mozambique will produce diesel and 50 to 80
Mozambique, according to the Minister of
MW of power and GL Energy Africa will produce
Mineral Resources and Energy, Leticia da Silva
250MW from gas resources.
Deusina Klemens. She was speaking to
However, Ataide Sacramento, petroleum reporters in Tokyo ahead of the arrival of
geophysicist at Portugal-based oil company President Nyusi for an official visit at the
Galp, says that the period separating the early invitation of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo
stage of an oil and gas project and its Abe. “On this visit to Japan, we have to present
commercialisation phase is about 10 years. As our gas and coal energy resources”, said
gas developments in Mozambique are only Minister Klemens. “We regard Japan as a major
recently starting, this thus leaves plenty of time client. We need Japan to buy our gas”.

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Exploration of the offshore gas fields in the close a deal with Tokyo Gas”, she said. “We’ve
Rovuma Basin, off the coast of the northern done our part, and now it’s up to Tokyo Gas”.
province of Cabo Delgado, indicate reserves of
at least 160-trillion cubic feet of gas. The known She was optimistic that “everything will go well,
reserves are in areas operated by the Italian we are advancing at a good pace, and we hope
energy company ENI and by the Texas-based that a deal will indeed be closed”.
company Anadarko.
For his part, the Managing Director of Tokyo
These discoveries indicate that Mozambique Gas, Kentaro Kimoto, said the company is very
could become the world’s third largest producer interested in diversifying its sources of natural
of LNG, after Qatar and Australia. On Tuesday, gas, and the potential supply of hydrocarbons
President Nyusi visited Tokyo Gas, the largest from Mozambique opens excellent prospects for
natural gas facility in Japan, which supplies gas the company’s productive aspirations.
to Tokyo and several other cities, and has 11.4-
million clients. Its gas pipeline network is over He said that Tokyo Gas currently imports an
50,000 kilometres long. The President visited annual amount of around 14-million tons of gas
the Tokyo Gas processing plant to see first- from countries such as Brunei, Malaysia,
hand how LNG is used to power much of Japan. Australia and Qatar. This year it plans to start
importing gas from the United States. But the
Minister Klemens said that other areas of high companies interest in diversifying its sources
priority for the Mozambican government are the means that it is looking favourably at the
construction of a gas-fired power station at possibility of purchasing Mozambican gas.
Temane, in the province of Inhambane, and a
1,200MW coal fired power station in the western Discoveries in the Rovuma Basin, off the coast
province of Tete. of Cabo Delgado Province indicate the
existence of at least 160-trillion cubic feet of
Coal, however, is regarded as an extremely natural gas in areas operated by the Italian
dirty fuel, and coal-fired power stations are energy company ENI and by the Texas-based
major sources of carbon dioxide and other company Anadarko.
greenhouse gases that are driving climate
change. However, Japan claims to have made These discoveries mean that Mozambique has
advances in clean coal technology, preventing some of the largest known reserves of gas in
the emission into the atmosphere of many of the the world, and it could become the third largest
damaging substances produced in coal producer of LNG, after Qatar and Australia.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
President Nyusi’s visit is part of the celebrations
Japan offers grant aid for Mozambique’s fuel
of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of
diplomatic relations between Mozambique and
Japan. In addition to official discussions with The Japanese government has promised to
Prime Minister Abe, President Nyusi was help Mozambique overcome its current fuel
received by Japan’s ceremonial head of state, difficulties.
Emperor Akihito, and attended a Mozambique-
Japan Business Forum. Earlier this month, fuel distribution companies
warned that the current fuel subsidy system is
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique/O
not working and that, if no changes are made,
the country may soon be unable to import liquid
President Nyusi visits Tokyo Gas fuels. The problem is that the prices fixed by the
government for sales to the public of petrol and
On Tuesday 14 March, President Filipe Nyusi diesel are lower than the prices paid by the
visited the industrial complex operated by Tokyo importers on the world market.
Gas, the largest natural gas utility in Japan, and
held talks with the company management. The government has promised to pay the
companies the difference, but this subsidy is not
The Minister of Mineral Resources and energy, paid promptly. The companies complained, in a
Leticia da Silva Deusina Klemens, told reporters letter sent to Prime Minister Carlos Agostinho
that, although there is so far no guarantee that do Rosário in early March, that the government
Japanese companies will buy Mozambican gas, now owed them about US$70-million.
the Mozambican government is optimistic that
purchases will be arranged. Japan, however, may now be coming to the
rescue. The joint statement issued on
“We know that Japan is reducing its Wednesday 15 March, after official talks in
consumption of gas, and so it’s important to Tokyo between Mozambican President Filipe
Nyusi and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
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declared that Prime Minister Abe “expressed his business interests. The Mozambican
intention to assist Mozambique’s efforts towards government, however, strongly denies that any
economic and fiscal reforms through technical peasant farmers will lose their land.
co-operation, and also to support the balance of
payments by extending grant aid to procure fuel The joint statement says that ProSAVANA, to
and other necessary goods”. be centred on the Nacala Development Corridor
in northern Mozambique, “aims to contribute
No details were given but this looks like a clear directly to the development of agriculture and
pledge of a Japanese grant to purchase liquid food security and thereby benefits the entire
fuels. Nothing was said about how much money people”.
will be involved or for how long this support will
last. President Nyusi and Prime Minister Abe
“reiterated their commitment to continue close
President Nyusi did not shed much further light dialogue with civil society and rural communities
on the issue in the press conference winding up in the planning and implementation of
his official visit to Japan. He said the two ProSAVANA with a view to duly protecting their
governments will work to set up a mechanism to rights”.
“stabilise the problem of liquid fuels and of the
public finances”. President Nyusi also thanked Japan for its
“longstanding support in the training of young
The details still needed study, President Nyusi Mozambican professionals in industrial work
added, “but everything indicates that it will be skills, business education and vocational and
through a grant”. technical training”. Prime Minister Abe
announced that Japan “will promote the
According to the joint statement, President capacity building” of more than 1,000
Nyusi welcomed “the growing investment by Mozambicans over the next five years.
Japanese companies in Mozambique” and
assured Prime Minister Abe of his government’s Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
willingness “to provide a safe, secure and stable
investment environment”. Mining:

The two leaders stressed the importance of Vale to get US$733-million by end of month
Japanese co-operation in the Mozambican from Moatize stake sale to Mitsui
electricity sector – but Prime Minister Abe
“stressed the importance of Mozambique On Wednesday 15 March, Brazilian mining
restoring debt sustainability”, as a condition for company Vale SA said that it is nearing
future loans. conclusion of a deal to sell a stake in
Mozambique's Moatize coal project to Japan's
The Mozambican Finance Ministry has Mitsui & Co Ltd. Vale said it expects to receive
repeatedly stressed that a return to debt by the end of this month an initial payment of
sustainability requires renegotiating the terms of US$733-million from Mitsui from the sale. The
the loans to the security-related companies company said it would receive US$2.7-billion
Ematum, Proindicus and MAM, that were more after the financing for the project of the
illegally guaranteed by the previous mine and the transportation system is
government, headed by president Armando concluded.
Guebuza. That renegotiation in turn depends on
Source: Reuters
the international, independent audit of Ematum,
Proindicus and MAM now being undertaken by Energy:
the US company Kroll, reputedly the foremost
forensic auditing company in the world. Japanese make mark in Mozambique with
energy projects
President Nyusi briefed Prime Minister Abe on
the debt issue and, according to the statement, Japan’s public and private sectors are moving
he “reaffirmed Mozambique’s commitment to into Mozambique in force, securing contracts to
co-operate with the IMF and other stakeholders, build power plants and agreements to provide
and to negotiate with the private creditors to technical assistance and training. On
resolve the issue as soon as possible”. Wednesday 15 March, trading house Sumitomo
Corp. signed a contract with Electricidade de
The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to Moçambique (EdM) to construct a gas-fired
ProSAVANA, a triangular agricultural power plant some 700 kilometres northeast of
development programme between
Maputo. Work is expected to begin next year,
Mozambique, Brazil and Japan. This
with completion slated for 2021. The 100,000kW
programme has come under attack from some
facility will satisfy 10% of Mozambique’s power
civil society organisations who claim that it is a
needs. Japanese heavy-machinery maker IHI
“land grab” that will only benefit Brazilian agro-
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will supply the power-generation equipment. needed. This will, in some way, impact the full
The Chairman of EdM, Mateus Magala, signed production of energy”, explained Minister
the Temane project accord with Sumitomo Martinho.
during the trip to Japan this week. The project
will be financed through a concessional loan Regarding the crisis in the city and province of
from the “Japanese Bank”, Magala said, adding Maputo, the Minister has pointed out that there
that EdM also needs to “ensure that the gas has been a slight increase in water levels in the
supply contract is signed with ENH”. Pequenos Libombos Dam; however, the
reserves are not enough to end the shortage
The plant will supply southern Mozambique as that the municipalities of Maputo, Matola and
well as the central provinces of Sofala and Boane are experiencing.
Manica. Temane is in the district of Inhassoro,
close to gas wells operated by South Africa’s “The situation remains critical in the Pequenos
Sasol. Mozambique’s authorities are also Libombos Dam, although less critical than a
planning a 400MW gas-fired plant at Temane, month ago due to a small amount of rain, but it
which Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique is not desirable, because we continue to have
reported will cost US$700-million to build, plus very low water levels”, he added, warning of the
US$600-million for an interconnector to link it need for restrictions to continue, because “there
with Maputo. is no guarantee of rainfall that will supply the
Libombos in the rainy season that starts in
Meanwhile, the government-affiliated Japan Oil, October”.
Gas and Metals National Corp., (JOGMEC), and
trading house Mitsui & Co. were expected to Source: O País
sign a MoU on Thursday 16 March which will
see them co-operate on natural gas production Transport, Construction & Development
technology and training with a state-run oil Projects:
company in Mozambique. Japanese plant
Mozambique and Japan sign co-operation
engineering company Chiyoda is also expected
to strike an agreement with a state-run oil
producer in the African country to build a natural On Wednesday 15 March the Mozambican and
gas processing plant. Japanese governments signed two co-operation
agreements in the development of
President Filipe Nyusi visited Japan for the first
infrastructures, during the official visit of
time from Monday to Thursday, and met with
President Filipe Nyusi to Japan.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. As a major producer
of coking coal, his country is drawing Japanese One of the agreements was an exchange of
companies’ attention. Mozambique is enjoying notes on the construction of roads and bridges
robust economic growth of 6% to 7% a year, but in the northern province of Cabo Delgado,
it has a high level of foreign debt and requires signed by the Mozambican Ambassador to
financial assistance from various countries, Japan, José Vieira de Morais, and his Japanese
according to the Japan Bank for International counterpart, Akira Mizutani.
Cooperation (JBIC) and others.
Under the agreement, Japan will finance three
Source: Nikkei Asia Review/Zitamar News/Agencia
bridges in the Messalo River Basin along
de Informacao de Moçambique
National Highway 380, which runs from the
Zambezi Basin below 40%: threatens HCB Cabo Delgado provincial capital, Pemba, to
production Palma district. The road is of great importance
for the LNG factories that will shortly be built in
Water levels have dropped by about 40% in the Palma.
Zambezi Basin. The situation is critical, and
could compromise energy production at the The second agreement is a MoU on the
Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Power Plant development of urban transport in Maputo,
(Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa, HCB). signed by the Mozambican Deputy Transport
Minister, Manuela Rebelo, and the Deputy
The Minister of Public Works, Housing and Minister for International Affairs, in the
Water Resources, Carlos Martinho, made the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and
announcement on Thursday 16 March, and said Industry, Hirofumi Katase.
that, although there has been above average
rains in some regions, the Zambezi Basin Finding a solution to Maputo’s transport crisis is
suffers from the lack of water. “We can say that one of the questions that President Nyusi
the other basins are in a normal situation. The brought with him to Japan, and on Tuesday he
Zambezi Basin is in an abnormal situation, far visited part of the Tokyo surface metro network
below what the desired levels should be. At this operated by the company Yurikamome.
moment, we have about 60% of the amount
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The signing ceremony was preceded by a important to solve in-depth problems, and not
meeting between President Nyusi and simply take “emergency measures”.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The solution to urban transport, the President
Speaking to reporters, President Nyusi said the said, is in the hands of private companies, and
dominant theme of the meeting was discussing they should not be afraid of advanced
short, medium and long-term solutions to technology, because all modern services are
Mozambique’s urban transport problems. He endowed with high technology.
also stressed the importance of such major
projects as the Nacala Development Corridor in In fact, the dream of a surface metro system in
the north of the country, mining in the Moatize Maputo has already cost Mozambique dearly.
coal basin, in the western province of Tete, and Under the previous government, headed by
the participation of Japanese companies in the president Armando Guebuza, there was great
exploitation of natural gas in the Rovuma Basin. enthusiasm about such a system, and a viability
study was signed in 2011, involving the Italian
President Nyusi added that Mozambique is company SALCEF, on the feasibility of a
prepared to host the next inter-ministerial surface metro between Maputo and the
meeting of the Tokyo International Conference neighbouring city of Matola.
on African Development (TICAD), scheduled for
25 to 27 April this year. But the project was cancelled, because the
financial model proposed by SALCEF was
His Japanese host stressed Japan’s interest in supposedly too expensive for the Maputo and
the development of the Nacala Corridor as a Matola municipalities. SALCEF then sued the
major transport artery for south-eastern Africa. Mozambican state through the Paris-based
Arbitration Court of the International Chamber of
“We shall undertake economic co-operation with Commerce.
the improvement of infrastructure as well as
offering support for the establishment of The settlement reached, according to
Japanese companies in Mozambique”, he said. Mozambique’s own Administrative Tribunal, in
its analysis of the 2015 General State Account,
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique was that Mozambique would have to pay
SALCEF compensation of US$6.5-million.
President Nyusi briefed on Tokyo metro
system Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique

On Tuesday 14 March, President Filipe Nyusi Portuguese company to build railway to

said that a surface metro system is one of the Macuse
alternatives that his government is analysing in
order to solve the urban transport problems in The Portuguese construction company Mota-
the country’s main cities. Engil will be hired to build the railway from the
Moatize coal basin (in Tete Province) to a new
He was speaking during a visit to the deep water port at Macuse, (in Zambézia
Yurikamome metro system which links Province), according to Abdul Carimo,
downtown Tokyo to the waterfront area. The chairperson of the Zambézia Development
driverless, fully computerised trains, operated Corridor (CODIZA).
by the Tokyo Waterfront New Transport
Corporation, run over a distance of 15 Interviewed by Rádio Moçambique in the
kilometres, and are used by over 160,000 Zambézia provincial capital, Quelimane, Carimo
passengers a day. said the project, with a cost estimated in excess
of US$2.3-billion, “is on a very good path, not
President Nyusi received detailed explanations only because the price of coal, both thermal and
of how the system works, and took a ride in one coking coal, has risen significantly, but also
of the carriages, which can travel at speeds of because we have been able to launch the
up to 60 kilometres an hour. international tender”.

He said the government is looking at solutions Carimo said that bids were received from six
to transport problems, but avoided expressing a companies, from China, Turkey. South Korea,
preference for any particular model. “We must Brazil and Portugal.
have a vision for the future”, he said.
“We were discussing, analysing and assessing
Asked whether Mozambique is able to adopt for six months and now we have found the
high technology solutions, President Nyusi said winning company”, he added. “We have the
he was not aware of any solution that could not price more or less fixed, and we are ready to
be applicable in Mozambique because of sign the contract so that the company can start
technological difficulties. He stressed it was work”.
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The railway to Macuse will be the third route for no longer being paid, that is a clear violation of
exporting Moatize coal. The other two are the Mozambican labour legislation).
lines to Beira, and to the northern port of
Nacala-a-Velha (which cuts across southern The company is also no longer providing
Malawi). transport home for workers whose shift ends at
midnight, or transport to work for those who
The Macuse project has two competitive should clock on at 4.00hrs. The trade union
advantages. First, the railway, at between 480 committee has demanded immediate
and 500 kilometres in length will be shorter than negotiations on these points, and warns that, if
the lines to Beira or Nacala. Secondly, Macuse nothing is done, the strike will go ahead on
port will be able to receive ships of up to 80,000 Monday morning.
tons, considerably larger than the ships that can
dock at Beira. The EMTPM management has so far made no
public response to the workers’ grievances.
The Macuse project is 60% owned by the Italian EMTPM workers previously suspended
Thai Development Company of Thailand, 20% activities on 24 February in defence of their
by CODIZA and 20% by Mozambique’s publicly rights.
owned port and rail company, Portos e
Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM). Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique/O
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
President Nyusi inaugurates Beira Water
Bus workers threaten strike action Distribution Centre

Workers of the Maputo municipal bus company On Friday 10 March, President Filipe Nyusi
(EMTPM) have threatened to go on strike as inaugurated a new water distribution centre at
from Monday 20 March, reports the independent Inhamízua, in the central city of Beira (Sofala
television station STV. The workers want the Province), budgeted at around MT231-million
restoration of money discounted from their (about US$3.4-million, at current exchange
wages in January, and a clear explanation of rates), disbursed by the government in
why they have not been paid the traditional New partnership with the World Bank.
Year bonus.
The distribution centre is part of a large-scale
This bonus, known as “the thirteenth investment programme to improve and expand
month/cheque”, is equivalent to an extra the Beira water supply system. It will benefit an
month’s wages, and for many years it had been estimated 18,759 people living in the
paid almost as a matter of routine in both public neighbourhoods of Inhamízua, Nazare, Chamba
and private sectors. and Motel Bispo.

But in 2016, the Ministry of Economy and According to data from the government’s Water
Finance announced that the money was simply Supply Assets and Investments Fund (FIPAG),
not available to pay the full thirteenth month to initially the job was financed by the World Bank
state employees. Instead, 50% of the bonus to the tune of MT152-million, and was entrusted
was paid to most state workers, but nothing at to the company Ceinsa Contratos e Ingeniera,
all to the senior ranks. SA, of Spain in May 2014.

EMTPM, however, is no longer a state concern, But the poor performance of this contractor led
but is owned by Maputo Municipal Council, and to delays and the credit agreement for the
so the payment or not of a bonus is a municipal project ended in October 2015. The contract
decision. and the bank guarantees came to an abrupt
stop, resulting in paralysis of work on the
Some municipalities boasted that they had distribution centre. By then 80% of the job had
managed their finances so well that they could been done, and MT121-million had been
afford to pay the full thirteenth month to all their disbursed.
workers (the cases of Beira and Pemba
councils, for example). But most did not. A new tender was launched and MT109-million
from the Mozambican State Budget was used to
When it was a publicly-owned company, complete the job.
EMTPM enjoyed a state subsidy – but that is no
longer the case. Speaking at the ceremony, President Nyusi said
the distribution centre was built to meet in full
The workers complain that several allowances the water supply needs of that part of the city. “It
have been cut from their wage packets, will overcome the problem of the shortage of
including the night shift allowance, the holiday drinking water in Inhamízua and the surrounding
allowance, and even overtime pay (if overtime is areas”, he added. “We shall not tire of making
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efforts to overcome the difficulties that the Minister appears before Ethics Commission
people present to us”. “Let us use water in a
rational manner to reduce costs”, urged The Minister of Transport, Carlos Mesquita, has
President Nyusi. “Water is a determinant appeared before the Central Public Ethics
requirement for development. This is one of the Commission (CCEP), set up under the Law on
great gains of the Mozambican people”. Public Probity, to answer concerns about an
alleged conflict of interest involving a company
He added that he hopes to return to Sofala he partly owns.
Province later this year to inaugurate a dam in
Gorongosa district that will be used both for The case involved a contract granted by the
water supply and for generating power, allowing country’s relief agency, the National Disaster
the electrification of the Vunduzi administrative Management Institute (Instituto Nacional de
post. Gestão de Calamidades, INGC), without a
public tender, to the company “Transportes
On Friday, President Nyusi also visited the Carlos Mesquita Ltd” (TCM).
Muabve area, in the neighbourhood of Manga-
Mascarenhas, which had been severely affected The Minister is one of the owners of the
by the Beira floods of 26 to 28 February, in Mesquita Group, which is the main shareholder
order to express his solidarity with the victims. in TCM.

He urged the residents of Muabve to accept The TCM contract is worth MT20-million (about
their transfer to safer areas, and that when they US$296,000, at current exchange rates).
build in the resettlement area, they should
ensure that their houses do not obstruct the The award of this contract was denounced by,
drainage of storm waters. among others, the Mozambique Bar Association
(Ordem dos Advogados de Moçambique, OAM).
President Nyusi stressed that nobody should be
resigned to suffering just because they want to At the ceremony on 1 March, marking the
stay in the places where they were born and opening of the 2017 judicial year, the OAM
grew up, but which are no longer fit for human chairperson, Flavio Menete, said that this case
habitation. “We have to accept change in order was “a gross violation” of the Law on Public
to improve our lives”, he insisted. Probity.

He urged his audience to use mosquito nets to “These situations must be halted”, he declared.
avoid being bitten by the mosquitoes that
transmit malaria, and to purify water before The chairperson of the CCEP, Alfredo Gamito, a
drinking it in order to prevent diarrhoeal former Minister of State Administration, cited in
diseases such as cholera. Friday’s issue of the independent weekly
Savana, said that, after speaking with Minister
Mayor Daviz Simango said the torrential rains of Mesquita, the Commission drew up an opinion,
late February coincided with an exceptionally which it subsequently sent both to the Minister,
high tide, so that the recently inaugurated and to the Ethics Commission in the Ministry of
floodgates of the Chiveve channel could not be Transport and Communications.
fully used to channel the storm waters to the
sea. The situation improved once the level of Gamito said that Minister Mesquita has
the sea had dropped, but by then at least one responded to the CCEP opinion, and the CCEP
child had drowned, and several houses built of is now waiting for a response from the Ministry’s
flimsy materials had collapsed. Commission.

The Mayor recognises that Beira Municipal He hoped that the CCEP would be able to take
Council must build more drainage channels, to a definitive position on the matter by Tuesday
prevent future flooding – but this is difficult, 21 March.
given that much of Beira was built below sea
Gamito declined to reveal what Minister
level. There are two existing drainage channels
Mesquita had said, since the case is not yet
– those of Palmeiras and of Munhava-Matope –
that have yet to be rehabilitated, he said.
But Savana says it knows that Minister
“The storm water drainage system is extremely
Mesquita claims he had done nothing wrong,
complex and expensive, and the water can only
and can see no irregularity in the award of the
be drained when the tide is low”, said Mayor
Simango. “The sewage system is also
expensive, and it was built in the 1960s”. Source: Agencia de Informacao de
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique

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Agriculture & Fishing: In the 2017/18 agricultural year, this number

could rise to 800,000.
ProSAVANA to be reactivated
“It’s still not much, for the universe of producers
The Mozambican and Japanese governments we have”, said Minister Pacheco, “but it’s from
took advantage of President Filipe Nyusi’s visit this nucleus that we shall acquire the
to Japan to reactivate the agricultural experience to progress in a speedier fashion in
development project, ProSAVANA. order to cover the great majority of the 4.5-
million producers in the country”.
ProSAVANA is a trilateral project between
Mozambique, Brazil and Japan, to be Minister Pacheco said the ProSAVANA master
implemented along the Nacala Development plan is still under discussion, involving
Corridor in the north of the country. In theory, “participatory consultations”, with various
the project covers some 11-million hectares of stakeholders.
land, in 19 districts in Zambézia, Nampula and
Niassa provinces. In Mozambique’s case those consulted included
a range of NGOs, some of whom have been
The idea behind ProSAVANA is to convert bitterly opposed to ProSAVANA, claiming that it
peasant subsistence agriculture into commercial is a “land grab” by Brazilian commercial farming
agriculture, so that the Nacala Corridor interests. The Mozambican government has
becomes a granary that can feed the country repeatedly denied that peasant farmers will lose
and produce a surplus for export. their land because of ProSAVANA.

Agriculture Minister José Pacheco told Once a consensual master plan has been
Mozambican journalists in Tokyo, ahead of decided, Minister Pacheco said, the possibility
President Nyusi’s arrival, that some of the pillars will be open to obtaining lines of credit to
of ProSAVANA, notably that of agricultural finance small producers.
research, are already under implementation.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
Minister Pacheco said there has been a
qualitative improvement in laboratory resources, ProSAVANA, the “stone in the shoe” that
notably through the establishment of a soil President Nyusi takes to Japan
laboratory in Nampula that has been operating
since 2015. President Filipe Nyusi, who this week conducted
a four-day working visit to Japan, carries among
Thanks to this, samples, not only from the the other things in his luggage “a headache”:
Nacala Corridor, but from all over northern ProSAVANA. Maputo has spared no effort to
Mozambique, which were once sent to Maputo implement the agricultural project, and civil
for analysis can now be analysed in Nampula. A society spares none to stop it.
second laboratory to support agricultural
production will now be established in Niassa. President Nyusi travelled to Japan at the
invitation of the Japanese Prime Minister,
Mozambican agricultural scientists are being Shinzo Abe. The four-day official visit was
trained under ProSAVANA, said Minister aimed at strengthening relations of friendship
Pacheco, including the country’s first ever and co-operation between Mozambique and
doctor in cashew sciences, whose task is to Japan.
stimulate cashew nut production throughout the
northern provinces. Meanwhile, there is the ProSAVANA agricultural
project, which involves Japan and Brazil and
The target group for ProSAVANA consists of provides for the development of industrialised
small scale peasant producers who will be agriculture on 700,000 hectares of land, mainly
exposed to modern technologies, and given in northern Mozambique. But the project has
access to improved seeds and other factors of caused much controversy in Mozambique.
production. Among other things, it is allegedly harming the
environment and pushing small yielders onto
This is intended to increase production and marginal lands.
productivity, and drive the shift from subsistence
farming to agro-business. Deutsche Welle Africa met with the Co-ordinator
of the Academic Action for the Development of
Minister Pacheco said that so far Mozambique Rural Communities (ADECRU) and member of
has about 600,000 producers benefitting from the ‘No to ProSAVANA’ campaign, Jeremias
“advanced technological packages”, and Vunjanhe, to discuss the expectations
working in an agro-business perspective. surrounding ProSAVANA as part of President
Nyusi’s working visit.

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DW Africa: President Filipe Nyusi is visiting ‘No to ProSAVANA’. That is to say, proponents
Japan at a time when the status of the of ProSAVANA – Brazil, Mozambique and,
ProSAVANA project, also financed by Japan, is above all, Japan, through the International
unclear. Are you expecting this visit to give the Agency for International Co-operation –
project new direction? managed to co-opt a significant part of the
organisations that were part of the campaign
Jeremias Vunjanhe (JV): In principle, yes, from ‘No to ProSAVANA’, headquartered in the
what is the official position. The visit comes after Nacala Corridor, providing financial resources
the Mozambican government sent two and even hiring civil society organisations so
delegations: the first one, led by the Deputy that these organisations direct the entire
Minister of Agriculture, last year, and the second ProSAVANA outreach component of master
earlier this year led by the Deputy Minister of plan discussion in the communities.
Foreign Affairs.
Source: Deutsche Welle
This means that all the failed attempts to
unblock financing for the advancement of Obtala raises more preference capital for
ProSAVANA, especially in its master plan forestry arm Argento Mozambique
component, are believed to happen at the
moment of the President’s visit which will, Obtala has decided to fulfil excess demand from
among other things, obviously address the a December preference share issue.Obtala
issues of ProSAVANA, Misui, the probable entry Limited has raised an additional US$3-million
into gas production in the Rovuma Basin and for Mozambique-focused forestry arm Argento
the Nacala Corridor strategic development from an issue of new preference shares. The
project, which has been seen as a major plan had been to raise the cash from an Asian
economic driver, especially in that region. institutional investor, but to expedite matters
Obtala decided to fulfil excess demand from a
DW Africa: This is a state visit, during which the December preference share issue.
President is accompanied by several ministers
and deputy ministers. There is no mention in the Talks are ongoing with the institutional investor,
press of civil society representatives involved in but now the Argento Preference share is almost
ProSAVANA in their entourage. Can the fully subscribed an investment is not expected
absence of such a voice in the dialogue and in in the near-term.
reaching agreements be even worse for the
country? Obtala has issued an additional 8,573 Argento
Preference shares at US$350 per share,
JV: This civil society exclusion is a reflection of bringing the total in issue to 69,000 out of the
what has happened in Mozambique. I believe maximum 75,000 available. Miles Pelham,
that the government of Mozambique has been Obtala’s chairman, said: “Near completion of
consistent with its own strategy of not wanting to this funding represents a significant step for the
talk to organisations and citizens who do not company as we move forward with the
take a similar position. I think that on this trip to monetisation of latent assets.
Japan there may be some members of the
Nacala Corridor Civil Society Co-ordination “Management and operational teams have been
Mechanism. But if it is confirmed that there is no strengthened and significant planning has been
member of civil society linked to the Campaign completed during the rainy season. “Project
‘No to ProSAVANA’, then it means that the teams are working through land purchase, lease
government insists on maintaining its strategy of negotiation and site surveys in preparation for
not having an internal dialogue but at the same construction of the new Sawmill and Packhouse
time trying to pass off a [good] image at the facilities that will change the basis of our
international level. production capabilities by the end of 2017”.

Source: ProActive Investors

DW Africa: In challenges to ProSAVANA, two
factions or wings have emerged, which you FinAgro: four years changing the face of
have mentioned before: the Nacala Corridor Mozambican agriculture
Civil Society Co-ordination Mechanism and the
‘No to ProSAVANA’ campaign. Does the lack of On 28 February, the FinAgro agribusiness
a single position on the part of Mozambican civil promotion programme, financed by the United
society undermine the fight against States and Mozambican governments,
ProSAVANA? celebrated the results of four years of operation.
JV: In principle, I do not think so. And I do not The programme supports small and medium-
think it’s a faction, I think it’s a process of sized enterprises, associations, co-operatives
enticing and co-opting a part of the civil society and individual entrepreneurs operating in
organisations that were part of the campaign agriculture, food processing, marketing and
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export activities by increasing their productivity Fisheries poisoning Mozambique-Malawi

and access to finance. relations

Launched in late May 2013 by the United States A dispute over fishery resources in Niassa,
Agency for International Development (USAID) Chiuta, Chirua and Amaramba lakes in
and the Mozambican government, and Mozambique’s northern Niassa Province is
implemented by TechnoServe, a non- affecting relations between Mozambique and
governmental organisation operating in Malawi. The dispute centres on the four lakes
Mozambique since 1998, with the support of the on the border between the two countries.
Zambezi Valley Development Association
(ADVZ), the FinAgro programme had by March Several analysts find it difficult to make sense of
2017 made available approximately MT160- Mozambique-Malawi relations on the matter,
million for investment. which is complicated further by political,
economic and even social divergences.
On 28 February, FinAgro held a closing meeting
to share the results and lessons learned from According to Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries
the project with partners in the agricultural provincial director, Alberto Mucavele, one such
sector. incident occurred in 2012, when police officers
from Malawi “crossed the Mozambican border
The event included participants from the public and went to Lake Amaramba, arrested 11
and private sector, financial institutions, donors, fishermen and confiscated two fishing nets”.
NGOs and others. ADVZ and USAID opened
the conference, followed by a presentation of Over the years, several other incidents between
the FinAgro programme. the two countries have been reported, including
the sentencing to death in Malawi of six
Four panel discussions including beneficiaries, Mozambicans accused of murder in 2009. Their
financial institutions, local governments, penalty was later converted to life imprisonment.
equipment suppliers and technical assistance
providers then followed. The list of incidents is long. One occurred in
2010 when a vessel that left the port of
Since its inception the programme has financed Quelimane (Zambézia Province) and
78 companies, of which 35 received bank experimentally navigated the Zambezi River to
financing, well above the defined goal of 10%. A Nsanje in Malawi transporting 60 tons of
total of MT43.8-million raised privately was fertilisers, was detained in Marromeu by the
invested in agriculture under the FinAgro Mozambican authorities.
programme, in addition to the MT160-million
from the financing programme itself. Sociologist Rogério Sitoi acknowledges that
relations between Maputo and Lilongwe have
The programme financed 45 tractors, 99 often been tense, but says that Mozambique
agricultural machines, 23 processing machines, should not lean towards a tightening of
12 irrigation systems, four energy projects, three positions, but rather towards relaxation.
warehouses and 360,000 banana tree Mozambique and Malawi share a common
seedlings. border of about 1,400 kilometres.

This investment increased the assets of the Source: VOA Portuguese

companies, reducing the risk of investment in
the agricultural sector by banks. The investment Tourism:
was expected to create 518 new jobs and
increase the turnover of these companies by a Minister Dunduru encourages tourism as a
total of MT174-million a year. way to bolster state coffers

Another notable result is that the project has During a well-attended event, the Minister of
encouraged many businesses to register legally Culture and Tourism, Silva Dunduru, challenged
and obtain land use certificates as well as the hotel and hospitality sector to bring in more
drawing up proper business plans and tourists to the country as a way of raising money
organizing their finances. for the state coffers, at a time when the
contribution of this sector is around 2.5% of the
The programme has been targeted at activities national economy.
in the value chains of legumes, tropical fruits,
oilseeds, cashew nuts and other food crops. It “Maputo in particular and Mozambique in
covered the Beira Corridor, the Zambezi Valley general should be visited more by tourists and,
Development area and the Nacala Corridor. during their stay, they should leave more money
to the country”, Minister Dunduru said, noting
Source: Finagro/Club of Mozambique that the hotel sector should be more aggressive
in order to boost their performance.
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“We urge entrepreneurs who operate in this In other ministries the basic wages of a driver is
sector to be more aggressive”, the Minister said, less than MT4,500 a month.
reminding hoteliers that they should bet on the
promotion of Mozambican culture in the A CEDSIF driver also earns more than a
provision of their services. corporal in the police force, with a wage of
MT5,969 a month.
In turn, the administrator of the Pestana group
in Mozambique, Pedro Martins, promised to Contacted by Savana, the spokesperson of the
boost the hotel sector in the country, and Ministry, Rogerio Nkomo, confirmed the
promote culture and employment. “We are authenticity of this dispatch from Minister
today part of an industry that contributes about Maleiane, dated 2 February. He said this was
6% towards the economy and about 11% not a wage increase, but “a fixing of wages” for
towards employment. Therefore, the tourism the CEDSIF staff.
sector is very important worldwide. It is an
inclusive industry, agglutinative of other sectors, Source: Agencia de Informacao de
engine of economic and social development”,
Martins said.
Minister Vitória Diogo bolsters Inspectorate-
Source: O País General of Labour of Mozambique

Other: On Friday 10 March, the Labour, Employment

and Social Security Minister, Vitória Dias Diogo,
High wages for specialist Finance Ministry swore in new heads of departments of the
unit Inspectorate-General of Labour (Inspecção
Geral do Trabalho de Moçambique, IGT), at the
The Minister of Economy and Finance, Adriano central services.
Maleiane, has issued a dispatch approving a
special wages table for staff of his Ministry who They are Maria Judite Bonifácio Mungói, who
work at the Centre for the Development of was appointed to head the Department of
Financial Information Systems (CEDSIF), much Health, Hygiene and Safety at Work (DSHST);
higher than the wages paid in the rest of the Ariel Arnaldo Comé, appointed head of the
state apparatus. Department of Methods and Work Control;
Elísio Bernardo Manhiça, appointed head the
CEDSIF is a government institution, subordinate Department of Control and Labour Relations;
to the Finance Ministry, which co-ordinates the and Laura Saimone Zacarias, sworn in as head
programme of State financial reforms, through of the Department of Financial and Patrimonial
State Financial Administration System (Sistema Control.
de Administração Financeira do Estado,
SISTAFE). Addressing the new appointees, Minister Diogo
said that their appointment was an important
Its tasks include implementing and maintaining step towards the pursuit of the government’s
the electronic version of SISTAFE (e-SISTAFE), labour market monitoring policies, defending the
training and certifying users of e-SISTAFE, legislation and promoting peace and justice in
assisting other state bodies in designing and the labour sector and an appropriate
implementing systems that complement environment for business, and the creation of
SISTAFE, and promoting change management more jobs.
in the state financial reforms.
These jobs, according to Minister Diogo, have a
Under the new wage table, a CEDSIF staff legal human dignity component which is only
member with a first degree and five years of possible with a labour inspectorate that
experience receives a monthly wage of promotes justice and encourage the main
MT181,000 (approximately US$2,678). players in the productive sector to promote a
culture of work, which is essential for increasing
A staff member with a slightly higher category production and productivity.
earns MT191,000 a month. This is more than
four times the highest salary paid in the Ministry The Minister drew attention to the fact that the
of Health (MT41,461 a month). new directors would now be exposed to all sorts
of situations which would require of them the
Even CEDSIF drivers earn much more than highest sense of public service, devoting
their equivalents in other ministries. A driver themselves more to working towards the
with just seven years of education and one accomplishment of goals and less to fomenting
year’s experience earns MT16,780 a month. divisions within the sectoral groups they lead.
With five years of experience the monthly wage She advised them to work with their colleagues
packet rises to MT17,477. without any discrimination or sense of
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For this, Minister Diogo said, they would need “There are some duties that are reinforced. For
professional discretion, rigor, integrity, example, those who do not pay rent to the APIE
dedication to work and, above all, humility, may be sanctioned for the fact, and if they are
because the nature of their activities meant they repeat offenders, there may be a termination of
would be working not only with their colleagues the contract. There may also be other types of
but with the general public. Their main penalties if the property is not used for the
barometer of success would be the level of purpose for which it was intended. In the case of
satisfaction felt by users of IGT services, from commercial activity, the rules overseeing the
workers and employers to society in general. purpose for which the property was rented must
also be obeyed”, Deputy Minister Saíde said.
Source: Folha de Maputo/Club of Mozambique
He added that the revision of the leasing laws
Vitória Diogo launches revision of the would ensure speedier disposal of state
Labour Law in Manica properties.
On Wednesday 15 March, the Minister of Source: Folha de Maputo/Jornal Notícias
Labour, Employment and Social Security,
Vitória Diogo, was expected to announce the Employees go on strike at Mozambique
process surrounding the revision of the Labour Independent Television
Law. The announcement was expected as part
of the Minister’s three-day working visit to Approximately 100 employees of Mozambique
Manica Province. Independent Television (TIM) went on strike
recently following their employers’ failure to
Minister Diogo’s visit to the province allowed her honour a promise to pay wage arrears by 28
to inspect the level of compliance with this February.
year’s Economic and Social Plan and the
government’s Five-Year Programme. On Wednesday 15 March, the spokesperson for
the striking workers, Paulo Chimane, said that
During her visit, Minister Diogo held meetings the arrears were long overdue.
with the provincial government, social partners,
sector employees and various other labour On 23 December, the parties signed an
market stakeholders in the province. agreement mediated by the Commission for
Labour Mediation and Arbitration (COMAL),
Source: Rádio Moçambique under which the managers agreed to pay all
salary arrears by 23 January.
Government approves new leasing law to be
submitted to parliament “Some of us have been evicted from rented
homes, others are just waiting for owners to
On Tuesday 14 March, the government throw them out”, said one of the workers.
approved the revision of Mozambique’s Leasing
Law with the aim of adapting them to current Zacarias Timbana, director of Human
social and economic dynamics in order to Resources at TIM, said that the employers are
ensure improved compliance with the current making every effort to pay wages as quickly as
legislation. possible.

Speaking after a Council of Minister’s (Cabinet) “The money was not paid because it was not
meeting, government spokesperson and Deputy possible yet. We did not get money, but we
Health Minister, Mouzinho Saíde, said that the believe we will be paid”. he said.
law would reform the rules on the sale of real
estate of the state and remove various legal A promise that wages would be paid on Friday
inconsistencies. similarly went unfulfilled.

The Deputy Minister of Health explained that the The strike paralysed normal TIM operations.
document, yet to be submitted to the National
Assembly, will bolster mechanisms for the Some of the TIM employees were detained by
payment of fees to the Administration of the the PRM during Wednesday’s protest. Those
State Property (APIE) by sellers of real estate, arrested claimed to have not received a salary
and warned that estate agents and their clients for the past nine months. The detained workers
would be penalised if they failed to comply. As were released two hours later
such, the law is intended to ensure that greater
accountability of tenants in state properties. Source: Agencia de Informacao de
Moçambique/Moçambique Media Online/Jornal
Notícias/Canal de Moçambique

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President Nyusi celebrates Exxon’s entry – deliver more than a day or two’s supply at a
Africa Confidential time. The government blames ‘logistics
problems’. There is likely to be an overhaul of
Bringing in the US oil giant was a personal Petromoc soon, say sources close to the
triumph for the President but it won’t raise as Ministry of Mineral Resources. Publicly, the
much tax as he hopes. President Filipe Nyusi government is working hard to give the
felt the political ground underneath him get impression that things are getting back on track.
firmer when news of the Exxon-ENI deal came The propaganda machine is in overdrive,
through. The United States oil giant ExxonMobil churning out good news stories about
is buying 25% of the offshore LNG project held investment enthusiasm, resource wealth and
by Italy's ENI in northern Mozambique for economic progress. So enthusiastic are the spin
US$2.8-billion. The purchase of half of ENI’s doctors of Frelimo that they reported that the
50% stake in Area-4 needs formal approval by government had won a friendly football match
the government, which will hope for a strong with foreign diplomats by four goals to two. In
boost to public finances from the tax payable. fact, said some who were present, the score
was correct but it was the diplomats who won.
Maputo probably has unrealistic expectations on
the windfall tax revenue, which will be Predictions by the central bank, the Banco de
substantial but probably less than the full rate of Moçambique, of 5.5% growth this year are
32%. The government will have to wait at least unrealistic, senior economists tell Africa
six months for regulatory assessments to be Confidential, stressing that the macro-economic
completed before being paid and Italy’s double situation has improved little since October. The
taxation treaty is likely to mean it will pay less in government’s story is that it will restructure its
addition to deductions for development costs. loans, get a new IMF programme and all will be
There is also a precedent. ENI paid only well. It is not so simple.
US$400-million in 2013 on its US$4.2-billion
sale of 20% of the block to the CNPC. If that Discussions about a new IMF programme,
10% rate were applied to this deal, just US$280- though open, are not making progress.
million would go to the exchequer – very Negotiations with the bondholders are, in
welcome but only a drop in Mozambique's practice, non-existent. Much hinges on the
ocean of economic troubles. outcome of the audit of the hidden loans by
international risk consultancy Kroll, which has
On the brink: already taken longer than officially planned.
Placing a short time limit on such a potentially
The government is short of money to keep the complex enquiry was always risky, leaving room
state apparatus running. Foreign reserves are for the government to escape full disclosure by
still low and it risks not being able to meet being obstructive. As things stand the results
salaries, while public services fail. The capital is may be inconclusive, we hear.
suffering severe water shortages and frequent
power cuts. So critical is the situation that the This would leave the current state of paralysis
state power company, EdM, was even allowed with the international community unchanged, as
to go ahead with a US$140-million state- well as a sense of injustice. Meanwhile,
guaranteed loan to avoid the dangerous enquiries by the US and United Kingdom
collapse of the electricity network. financial regulators are also under way and the
US Federal Bureau of Investigation is also
Many other state companies are on the brink of conducting investigations into the deals, say
bankruptcy. Fuel distributor Petromoc’s years of Washington sources. The enquiries are serious
endemic corruption and mismanagement have enough to be a concern to Frelimo and also to
now emerged into the open after recent fuel the banks that lent the money, whose conduct is
shortages led to rationing in January and also being scrutinised.
February. The oil company, Petróleos de
Moçambique, has been unable to secure bank For President Nyusi, the internal party battles
guarantees and nervous suppliers refused to over how to handle the audit and the economy
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may be the most difficult problem. He has, President Nyusi meets with Daviz Simango
though, secured other victories while his to discuss the politico-military situation
supporters rally around him to strengthen his
position in the party before its September During his visit to the central city of Beira on
Congress. The Exxon deal is seen as a Friday 10 March, President Filipe Nyusi met
personal success for the President, who had with the city’s mayor, Daviz Simango, who is
been talking to the company since taking office also leader of the opposition Mozambican
in 2015. Last July, he met to discuss the deal Democratic Movement (MDM).
with its former chief executive officer, Rex
Tillerson, who is now US Secretary of State. Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Mayor
The arrival of a major company whose relations Simango said the two men had discussed
are with the current, not the former, President questions concerning the attraction of
should strengthen the position of President investment, and the politico-military situation, in
Nyusi and his group of supporters. the context of the working teams set up by the
government and Renamo to secure an effective
New spy chief: peace.

Another key shift away from the power bases After telephone conversations with President
created by ex-president Armando Guebuza Nyusi, Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama
came at the end of January with the declared a truce which took effect on 27
replacement of his diehard henchman Gregório December, and has now been extended until
Leão José as head of the secret service, the early May. So far the truce is holding.
Serviço de Informação e Segurança do Estado
(SISE), by a Makonde General, Lagos No further Renamo ambushes on the roads, or
Henriques Lidimo. The feared former head of clashes between the Renamo militia and
the army, the Forças Armadas de Defesa de government forces have been reported since
Moçambique (FADM), Lidimo is seen as one of the truce was declared. Two working groups
few people with enough clout to counter have been established, one dealing with
Guebuza’s deeply entrenched networks in the decentralisation and the other with military
security services. questions.

Lidimo’s appointment comes as the Makonde Mayor Simango said President Nyusi had
ethnic group, President Nyusi’s key support informed him that these groups “are now
base, moves to strengthen the faction’s control working on terms of reference, in a collective
of Frelimo. Some in the party believe that the effort to ensure that peace will be effective”.
group timed its most publicly assertive move to
date in order to exploit Guebuza’s distress at But Mayor Simango insisted that the peace talks
the murder of his businesswoman daughter, could not be left solely in the hands of the
Valentina Guebuza. Her husband, Zofimo government and Renamo.
Muiane, is accused of shooting her at their
The MDM, and other forces in Mozambican
home on 14 December.
society, should be involved, he urged, and the
Twelve days after the death, President Nyusi whole process must culminate in the National
and opposition leader Afonso Dhlakama agreed Assembly, which will need to give its approval to
a ceasefire, halting the violent conflict between the final deal.
the guerrilla fighters of Renamo and state forces
Mayor Simango said he had also discussed
loyal to Frelimo. The sudden truce followed
public transport with President Nyusi, and the
months of little progress in mediated
acquisition of new buses, both for Maputo and
negotiations. President Nyusi won back some
for Beira.
credibility by beginning to deliver on one of his
key election promises: peace. The government recently dissolved the publicly-
owned Beira Bus Company (TPB), and is
Sceptics worry that the move is less about a
dividing its assets between the municipalities of
commitment to lasting peace and more a
Beira and the nearby town of Dondo.
diversion tactic designed to appease donors
and encourage them to take a softer approach Mayor Simango said Beira must have a
to the country’s economic troubles, on the sustainable municipal transport company that
grounds that Frelimo is at least trying to resolve can be run at a profit.
the conflict. Whatever the case, the ceasefire
does provide some respite to a President who Such a company would need at least 50 buses,
was fighting battles on too many fronts. After operating routes not only within the city, but also
more than two years in power, his party is finally to destinations outside of Beira.
allowing him to look more like a leader.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
Source: Africa Confidential
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Sweden advocates inclusion of women in “The club does not discriminate against any
the Mozambican peace process entity that wants to be a part”, says Gama. “The
doors are open to all, so we involve the political
On Friday 10 March, the Swedish ambassador parties. We want to gather enough ideas to then
to Mozambique, Irina Schoulgin Nyoni, said find a strategy to end the political crisis in our
that, as the main victim of wars around the country”, he explains.
world, women should be included in peace
negotiations. Speaking to journalists at the end The goal of the club, he said, is to impart basic
of a farewell meeting with Mozambican Prime knowledge about the need to preserve peace.
Minister Carlos Agostinho do Rosário,
Ambassador Nyoni said that the Mozambican Peace begins in communities:
peace process should be as inclusive as
possible. The organisation proposes to raise awareness
among political leaders in order to end the
“The main message I can leave to the peace conflict between the Mozambican government
process is that there should be attention to and Renamo. There are also discussions with
inclusion. I am thinking about women, who are young students, cultural events, sports
usually the victims of violence”, Ambassador tournaments and radio discussions with the
Nyoni said. In addition to being the most population at large.
affected, she said, women should be key
players in the formulation of post-conflict The initiative has the support of Tearfund, a
reconstruction policies to ensure that the right to Christian anti-poverty organisation based in
gender equality is safeguarded. England, and another Kenyan organisation
whose name has not been revealed. The
Ambassador Nyoni said that she was leaving president of the club stresses that it is not just
Mozambique at a time when bilateral relations about politics. “Our main theme is the role of
were at a good place, characterised by the religious confessions in bringing peace to
intensification of Swedish support for the society”, Gama says.
development of its African partner and a frank
dialogue in various areas. “Mozambique and “We have seen that the churches do nothing in
Sweden are geographically distant but close as search of peace”, he adds. The club wants to
friends”, Ambassador Nyoni said. create mechanisms to achieve effective peace –
not only “political peace, but also peace as a
On the ongoing international audit of the whole”. “We want peace to begin in our
Mozambican public debt, which is financed by communities, through the churches”, he
Sweden, the diplomat said she only hoped it stresses.
would be “performed well”.
Frelimo and MDM applaud initiative:
Mozambican authorities have commissioned an
international audit of public debt, yielding to Joaquim Mainato, head of the Frelimo
internal and external pressure following the Mobilisation and Propaganda department in
discovery in April last year of hidden loans worth Manica, told Deutsche Welle Africa that the club
more than €2-billion that catapulted the would assist efforts by President Filipe Nyusi to
country’s public debt to more than €11-billion. bring peace to Mozambique. “We, as Frelimo,
embrace the initiative because it aims to bring
Source: Lusa the political stakeholders together at a table so
that dialogue can take place and differences are
New “Peace Club” wants to accelerate solved”, he said.
dialogue in Mozambique
Emerson Francisco dos Santos, delegate of the
A “Peace Club”, the newest attempt to mediate MDM in Chimoio and member of the Peace
the conflict in Mozambique bringing together Club, also welcomes the initiative. “We
more than 250 religious bodies and political congratulate the club on involving religious
parties from the provinces of Manica, Nampula, people, civil society and political parties”, he
Sofala and Tete, has been created. said, lamenting, however, the absence of
The Peace Club brings together civil society
organisations and political parties such as the “The MDM embraces the initiative because it
Frelimo and the MDM. Renamo has been believes that the Peace Club is important and
invited to participate but is not as yet part of the comes at a good time, since we are in a
club. Pereira Creva Gama, president of the scenario of talks at the highest level of our
Peace Club and the Fraternal Meeting of the government and the Renamo Party”, dos
Churches in Manica, does not know the reasons Santos concluded.
for this absence.
Source: Deutsche Welle/Club of Mozambique
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Parliament discusses proposed Mobilisation The Mozambican head of state was

and Requisition Bill accompanied by his wife, Isaura Nyusi; the
Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation,
The National Assembly may approve a law Oldemiro Balói; Agriculture and Food Security,
authorising the defence sector to recruit and/or José Pacheco; and Mineral Resources and
utilise human or material resources from any Energy, Leticia da Silva Deusina Klemens; and
institution, public or private, in an emergency Deputy Ministers of Transport and
situation such as natural disaster or war. Communications, Manuela Rebelo and Industry
and Trade, Ragendra de Sousa.
On Monday 13 March, the Minister of Defence,
Atanásio Ntumuke, addressed parliament and Source: Rádio Moçambique
explained the essence of the proposed law,
which was submitted by the government. Japanese parliamentary delegation expected
in Mozambique
“We will have the authority in any situation that
might arise, in the case where a state of A delegation of Japanese MPs will pay a
emergency is declared, where we have a legal working visit to Mozambique to lay the
instrument to implement the presidential decree foundation for parliamentary co-operation
that may emerge”, the Minister explained. between the two countries. While the exact date
of the visit is not yet known, one publication
The MPs understand that this is a fitting law, suggested that the delegation may arrive in
given that Mozambique is prone to natural Mozambique in April.
According to Rádio Moçambique, the
“The bill that regulates mobilisation and announcement was made by a member of the
requisition is opportune because it closes a void House of Representatives of the Japanese
in our legal system. There was a need to Parliament, Ichiro Aisawa, after a meeting on
approve a law regulating the conditions for the Tuesday 14 March with President Filipe Nyusi.
preparation and execution of the mobilisation of
persons and the requisition of assets, on the Aisawa said that such co-operation between the
one hand, to defend the public interest, two institutions will certainly generate benefits
sovereignty, security, the Republic and, on the for both countries. Aisawa, who is also the
other hand, the private interests of the citizens chairman of the Japan-African Union Friendship
that are targeted by the mobilisation or the League, said that talks with the Mozambican
requisition”, Edson Macuácua said. President also revealed possible areas of co-
operation and a better understanding for
The proposed Mobilisation and Requisition Act President Nyusi's diplomatic vision.
was drafted in 2008 and provides for the
General Staff to be responsible for recruiting He added that the visit of the Mozambican
people for civilian or even military service in leader will create the conditions for an even
emergencies. better relationship and mutual trust. Japan has
pledged to invest more than US$30-billion in
Source: O País natural gas in Mozambique to enable the
country to produce 20-million tons of LNG per
President Nyusi starts four-day official visit year.
to Japan
Source: APA/Rádio Moçambique
On Monday 13 March, President Filipe Nyusi
commenced a four-day official visit to Japan at Japan and Mozambique leaders jointly
the invitation of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo condemn North Korea missile launches
On Wednesday 15 March, Japanese Prime
During the visit, the two countries defined Minister Shinzo Abe and President Filipe Nyusi
strategies for strengthening political, economic jointly condemned North Korea for its nuclear
and business relations. The visit included a programme.
business forum for Japanese and Mozambican
entrepreneurs aimed at showcasing A joint statement issued in Tokyo after talks
Mozambique’s potential and looking for between the two leaders said they “condemned
business. in the strongest terms North Korea’s nuclear
tests and repeated missile launches and
President Nyusi held official talks with Prime underlined the need to maintain peace, security
Minister Abe, and met with the Japanese and stability in the region by fully implementing
Emperor and other political notables. the relevant UN Security Council resolutions”.

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This statement came just 10 days after the President Nyusi thanked Japan for its “leading
Pyongyang regime had launched four missiles role in contributing to Africa’s development
into the Sea of Japan, which fell about 200 through the TICAD”. They stressed “the unique
kilometres from the Japanese coast. role that TICAD has played as an open,
inclusive and transparent forum to address
President Nyusi and Prime Minister Abe “urged common challenges in Africa”. Prime Minister
North Korea to refrain from any provocation and Abe thus welcomed Mozambique’s offer to host
to fully comply with UN Security Council the TICAD VI Follow-up Ministerial Meeting in
resolutions and other international Maputo later this year.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de
President Nyusi, the statement said, “expressed Moçambique/The Japan Times
his support for the Prime Minister’s efforts to
pursue a peaceful solution” to the questions of Government approves ratification of
North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests, and its agreement between Mozambique and Turkey
abductions of Japanese. The abductions
occurred between 1977 and 1983. The North During Tuesday’s Council of Ministers session,
Korean regime admitted abducting 13 the government approved the ratification of the
Japanese, but the Japanese government says agreement signed on 24 January between
the figure was at least 17, and could have been Mozambique and Turkey. This agreement aims
much higher. to promote and protect investment between the
two countries.
This is the first public condemnation of North
Korea’s nuclear tests by a Mozambican leader. The consideration of the review report on
Mozambique has longstanding relations with Mozambique’s Trade Policy was another
North Korea, which provided some military subject highlighted this week’s Council of
support for the national liberation struggle Ministers meeting. This revision aims to improve
against Portuguese colonial rule. After trade relations between the member countries
independence North Korea provided assistance of the World Trade Organization. Every six
in various areas, including agriculture, health, years, the World Trade Organization reviews
culture and defence, and some Mozambican trade policy as a way of adjusting trade between
officers received military training in Korea. countries.

Prime Minister Abe also explained to President Source: O País

Nyusi Japan’s position on the tensions in the
Prime Minister participates in SADC
South China Sea. According to the statement
Extraordinary Summit in Mbabane
“[President] Nyusi stated that Mozambique
respects Japan’s position on maritime security”. Prime Minister Carlos Agostinho do Rosário
The two leaders “expressed their strong was in Mbabane (Swaziland) from 16 to 19
opposition to any unilateral actions that could March where, on behalf of President Filipe
alter the status quo and increase tensions”. Nyusi, he participated in the SADC
Extraordinary Summit.
They also reaffirmed their commitment “to
maintaining a rules-based maritime order in Prior to the Extraordinary Summit, the SADC
accordance with universally recognised Council of Ministers held their meeting at the
principles of international law, including those Royal Swazi Sun Convention Centre on 15 and
reflected in the UN Convention on the Law of 16 March.
the Sea”.
According to a press release from the Office of
President Nyusi and Prime Minister Abe the Prime Minister, the Extraordinary Summit
stressed the important of co-operation on focused on the current stage of Regional
maritime security “including fighting against Integration with emphasis on the dynamization
piracy, illegal fishing and other illegal maritime of the process through the implementation of
activities, through capacity building and the SADC Industrialisation Strategy 2015 and
enhancing maritime connectivity between Asia the Roadmap, adopted during a similar event
and Africa to build a free and open Indo-Pacific held in Harare (Zimbabwe) in 2015.
The agenda of the Summit also included a
They agreed that reform of the United Nations discussion and decision-making session on
Security Council, including the expansion of possible expansion of the regional organisation,
both permanent and non-permanent members, and welcomed new members of the SADC.
“should be expeditiously advanced to make it
more legitimate, representative and effective”. On 17 March the SADC Double Troika Summit
was held, during which the heads of state and

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government of the Kingdom of Swaziland, Mayor Simango responded, he said, with the
Botswana and South Africa (Summit Troika), remark that “politics is not for children. Children
Tanzania, Angola and Mozambique (Organ do not play politics”.
Troika) discussed political and security
developments in the Kingdom of Lesotho and in He recalled an earlier disagreement at a
the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). meeting of the MDM Political Commission in
September, discussing possibly constitutional
The Prime Minister was accompanied by the amendments. There was unanimous agreement
Minister of Industry and Trade, Ernesto Tonela; on all issues, except how provincial governors
and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and should be elected.
Co-operation, Nyeleti Brooke Mondlane; as well
as other government officials. Mayor Simango proposed indirect election –
that is, the voters would, as now, elect the
Source: Folha de Maputo Provincial Assembly, and that Assembly would
elect the governor from among its members.
Rift between Nampula Mayor and MDM Initially, Mayor Amurrane’s was the only voice
grows wider calling for the direct election of governors. Thus
the voters would be faced with ballot papers for
The rift between Mahamudo Amurrane, mayor the Assembly and for the governor – and, as
of the northern city of Nampula, and his political Mayor Amurrane’s opponents were swift to
party, the MDM, has grown wider, with the realise, the person they chose for governor
Mayor now demanding a public apology from would not necessarily come from the majority
the party’s leader, Daviz Simango. party in the Assembly.
Interviewed in Monday’s issue of O País, Mayor Initially, all the members of the Political
Amurrane said reconciliation with Mayor Commission sided with Mayor Simango. Mayor
Simango would only be possible if he [Simango] Amurrane recalled the MDM General Secretary,
accepted responsibility for the split, and Luis Boavida, explicitly stating that indirect
apologised for the “political lynching” the elections would allow a greater degree of party
Nampula mayor claims to have suffered. control over the governor.
Mayor Amurrane, who is also a member of the “By means of indirect election, we, as a party,
MDM Political Commission, gave his version of will have greater control over the governors in
the background to the crisis, and particularly of the provinces where we win”, Boavida
a meeting of MDM members in Nampula in late supposedly said, “unlike what happens now in
2016, chaired by Mayor Simango. “I was clearly some municipalities where the party has lost
defamed by almost everyone who spoke, before control”.
the complicit gaze of Daviz Simango”, he said.
Mayor Amurrane did not give up, he
Mayor Simango had come to Nampula to re- approached several other members of the
establish harmony among the Nampula MDM Commission during an interval, and then
members, “but the way he chaired the meeting demanded that the discussion be reopened. It
aimed to achieve anything but the reconciliation was then that three other members (Venancio
for which his presence had been requested”, he Mondlane, Maria Moreno and Linette Oloffson)
said. came out in favour of direct election.
During the meeting, Mayor Amurrane recalled, Eventually, so did the head of the MDM
he was accused of disloyalty towards the MDM, parliamentary group, Lutero Simango (older
of working with the ruling Frelimo Party, and of brother of Daviz), who said it would be better to
“expelling workers from Nampula Municipal end the discussions and opt for direct elections.
Council because they were members of the Daviz then yielded, and switched to supporting
MDM”. direct election.
He replied by saying that, since it was obvious A further point of friction, Mayor Amurrane told
he no longer enjoyed the support of the MDM, it O País, was that he rejected a demand that the
would be better for the party to start looking for Municipal Council should build an MDM office in
another mayoral candidate for the 2018 Nampula.
municipal elections.
“I explained that I can’t build an office of a
“I will not change”, said Mayor Amurrane. “I will political party, a private entity, with public
continue to defend the interests of the state and funds”, Mayor Amurrane said. “We can’t try to
of the citizens of the municipality. At the same do what we say we are fighting against”.
time, I shall continue to expel those who are
corrupt, and all those who break the law and the In a second interview, with the independent
rules”. weekly Savana, Mayor Amurrane declared “The
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people are more important than the MDM”, and He stressed that the MDM’s focus right now
that Mozambican society would never advance must be on the party’s second congress, due to
“as long as we don’t take off our political party be held in Nampula in December, and the 2018
shirts when we are in government positions”. municipal elections.

He thought it wrong that people in senior A more substantial response to Mayor

positions, either in municipalities or in central Amurrane came from the MDM national
governments, were told they could not spokesperson, Sande Carmona, who,
contradict the positions taken by their political interviewed by Mediafax, remarked “the fall of a
parties. “In my opinion, this is very wrong”, he swallow doesn’t mean that spring is over”.
said. “We have to position ourselves to defend
the majority in order for this society to advance”. Asked if this meant that Mayor Amurrane was
no longer an MDM member, Carmona denied
In Nampula, he continued, he staffed the this, since the Nampula mayor has not
Municipal Council with those he regarded as presented the party with any formal letter of
competent, regardless of whether they were resignation.
supporters of the MDM or of other parties. “I
don’t look at the party a person belongs to, I Nor did the MDM have any intention of expelling
look at whether he is competent to undertake a Mayor Amurrane from its ranks. “That thought
task in terms of providing municipal citizens with never crossed our minds”, Carmona said.
services”, Mayor Amurrane said. “That’s what
the rulers of this country need to do”. The MDM’s National Jurisdictional Council was
analysing the case, he added, and had even
When the Savana journalist asked if he was gone to Nampula to speak to Mayor Amurrane.
leaving the MDM, Mayor Amurrane refused to “I have no information about that meeting”, said
answer on the grounds that the question was Carmona. “But I can add that it will end with the
just “speculation”. The reporter persisted on this opening of a case. I can’t specify what sort of
line of questioning, asking why Mayor Simango case”.
had not attended a recent meeting of the MDM
Political Commission held in Nampula. “Ask the As for the harassment claimed by Mayor
president of the MDM (Mayor Simango)”, he Amurrane, Carmona found it difficult to
replied. comment, because “he never presented any
facts, data or even names of those who were
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique/O harassing him”.
He accused Mayor Amurrane of “acting in bad
Daviz Simango claims “freedom of faith” by taking internal problems of the MDM to
expression” within MDM the press. The problems he complained of
“concern the party, and the only appropriate
The leader of the opposition MDM and mayor of forum for discussing them is inside the party”.
Beira, Daviz Simango, has shrugged off the
attacks on his leadership by the mayor of the Mayor Amurrane had spoken at length about a
northern city of Nampula, Mahamudo Amurrane. meeting of the MDM Political Commission in
late 2016, at which he claimed he had been
In a long interview published in O País on repeatedly slandered. That was not Carmona’s
Monday 13 March, Mayor Amurrane had view.
demanded a public apology from Mayor
Simango for the “political lynching” he had “The members at that meeting were expressing
allegedly suffered at the hands of other MDM their points of view about Amurrane’s
members. governance in Nampula”, said Carmona. “If we
preach democracy, then we have to accept
Cited by the independent television station STV, differences of opinion. We have to accept that
Mayor Simango said that Mayor Amurrane’s there are various points of view about the same
denunciations merely prove that there is subject”.
freedom of expression inside the MDM.
He admitted that Mayor Amurrane had only
As for the allegation that Mayor Amurrane has been given the opportunity to speak at the end
been the victim of “harassment” inside the party, of the meeting, but denied that the whole
Mayor Simango said he did not have enough purpose of the meeting had been to attack and
information to venture an opinion on this. He insult the Nampula mayor.
said the MDM has set up a commission which is
working among the party’s membership to Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
ascertain whether there is any truth in the claim.

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Sérgio Machava sworn in as deputy national CNE proposes budget for elections
delegate for Mobilisation and Propaganda of
the MDM The CNE has proposed a budget of MT900-
million (approximately US$13.3-million, at
On Saturday 11 March, MPs of the MDM current exchange rates), to cover the
expressed their party’s commitment to intensify requirements of both the 2018 municipal
the efforts in order to win the next municipal elections and the 2019 presidential and
elections in 2018. parliamentary elections.

In this context, the party has appointed Sérgio Speaking to reporters on Wednesday 15 March,
Michaque Machava as deputy national delegate after the first meeting of the CNE this year, the
of Mobilisation and Propaganda of the southern Commission’s spokesperson, Paulo Cuinica,
region. said the CNE has also proposed a date for the
municipal elections. But since that date still has
On the occasion, Geraldo de Carvalho, national to be accepted by the Council of Ministers
head of the MDM for Mobilisation and (Cabinet), Cuinica did not feel at liberty to
Propaganda, challenged the newly elected disclose it.
Machava to generate more members and votes
in the upcoming elections. “What we did today was approve, by
consensus, the date which will be submitted to
In fact, De Carvalho said that it is the task of all the Council of Ministers today”, he said.
members of the party to actively bring in more
members to join the MDM. In turn, Machava The electoral law states that the municipal
said that he is committed to publicising the elections must be held by no later than the first
party’s propaganda. fortnight of October 2018, and that the Council
of Ministers must announce the date at least 18
Machava acknowledged the challenges that he months in advance.
faces. Focus will be channelled into meetings
with the youth as a way to mobilise them to join Cuinica said the CNE approved its plan of
the party. activities for the rest of this year. This will focus
on training staff for the municipal elections, and
Source: O País setting up the provincial and district elections
commissions, which must begin within 60 days
Mozambique’s 2018 municipal elections of the announcement of the election date.
slated for 15 October
These are extraordinarily large and expensive
On Wednesday 15 March, Mozambique’s bodies: each of the provincial, city and district
National Electoral Commission (Comissão commissions has 15 members. Six of these are
Nacional de Eleições, CNE) submitted its appointed by the political parties represented in
suggested date for the 2018 municipal elections parliament: three by the ruling Frelimo Party,
to the Council of Ministers. two by Renamo, and one by the MDM. The
other nine members are appointed by civil
The date was approved by consensus of the
society bodies.
members of the CNE, who include
representatives of the three parties with The municipal elections must be preceded by
parliamentary seats: Frelimo, Renamo and the voter registration. But the registration period can
MDM. only be announced after the election date is
confirmed. Estimates of the number of voters to
The date has not been officially revealed,
be registered will depend on the population
because the CNE only proposes the date and
projections made by the National Statistics
approval is the responsibility of the Council of
Institute (INE), based on the 2007 population
Ministers, but a source from the electoral body
informed VOA, on condition of anonymity, that
the proposed date is 15 October 2018. The last municipal elections, held in 2013, were
a battle between Frelimo and the MDM, since
The CNE meeting also assessed logistical
Renamo boycotted them. But this time Renamo
aspects of the elections and set the total budget
has promised to participate. As in previous
at approximately US$13-million, which the state
years, a number of minor parties are likely to
must either provide or obtain from co-operation
emerge from obscurity and compete – but they
have little or no chance of winning any seats in
Renamo, which has boycotted previous the municipal assemblies.
municipal elections, has already started the
CNE and Technical Secretariat for Electoral
process of preparing to enter the 2018 race.
Administration (Secretariado Tecnico de
Source: VOA Portuguese Administração Eleitoral, STAE) staff training
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activities will start later this year, 60 days after Mozambicans living in Swaziland without any
the Council of Ministers approves the date of official registration have frequently complained
the municipal elections. “Activities for 2017 will that they cannot enrol their children in
focus on the training of CNE members”, the secondary schools, and are unable to obtain
CNE spokesperson explained. residence or work permits. When Mozambican
migrants who lack identification die in
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique/O Swaziland, they are buried in common graves.
Some of the Mozambicans in this situation fled
Mozambicans in Swaziland urged to register into Swaziland during the war of destabilisation
that ended in 1992, and never returned. With
On Friday 17 March, Prime Minister Carlos the return of Mozambique to peace, they lost
Agostinho do Rosário urged Mozambicans living the refugee status they once enjoyed. Other
in Swaziland to register with the Mozambican Mozambicans simply crossed the border into
authorities. Swaziland in search of better living conditions.
It is estimated that there are some 40,000 Joaquim Bule, an advisor to Mozambican
Mozambicans living in Swaziland, but only Interior Minister Jaime Monteiro, said “the next
about half of them are registered with the step is to find each and every Mozambican
Mozambican High Commission. living here and provide them with documents
such as identity cards and passports”.
Speaking to a meeting of dozens of
Mozambicans in the Swazi city of Manzini, But he noted that the last registration attempt
Prime Minister Rosário said that a registration was a failure. “We were frustrated when the
campaign will begin within two weeks and will possibility for registration was opened in the
last for nine months. Mozambican civil past”, said Bule. “We stayed here for about a
registration brigades will attempt to register all month, but very few people registered”.
Mozambicans living in Swaziland, and Prime
Minister Rosário called on the Mozambican “This time, anybody who does not register will
migrants to co-operate. have to deal with the Swazi authorities”, he
warned. The main purpose of Prime Minister
“President Filipe Nyusi has spoken with King Rosário’s visit to Swaziland was to represent
Mswati III, and the work will go well, if we all co- President Nyusi at an extraordinary summit of
operate”, he stressed. heads of state and government of SADC.

Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique

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(01/01/2016 – 23/02/2017)

High Risk

Low Risk

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The following graphs relate to the political and security incidents in Mozambique recorded
from 01/01/2016 to 23/02/2017.




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Truckers denounce military abuses along have since stopped circulating along the
the EN7 affected stretch of road in the afternoon and
early evening.
Long-distance truck drivers and other EN7
users have reported an upsurge in cases of Meanwhile, the Mozambican police in Manica,
military abuses including extortion, robbery and which received several reports of robberies and
physical aggression. physical assaults along the stretch, is said to be
conducting a thorough investigation aimed at
The alleged abuses are said to be common identifying those responsible.
along the road formerly subject to mandatory
army escorts between Vanduzi (Manica “Along the EN7, robberies and assaults occur
Province) and Changara (Tete Province) in more often at night, and investigations are
central Mozambique. underway … currently we cannot determine who
is involved (whether military or civilian)”, said
The denunciations come days after Renamo Elcídia Filipe, spokesperson for the Manica
leader Afonso Dhlakama extended the peace Police Command.
truce between Renamo and the government for
another 60 days. Truck drivers want the withdrawal of military
positions on roads as the country is currently
On the Pungue-Catandica river section of the experiencing another extension of the 60-day
EN7 – one of the main economic routes in truce until 4 May.
Mozambique and for its neighbours and a
section patrolled by the Defence and Security Source: VOA Portuguese
Forces – users have reported thefts of cargo,
cell phones and cash, and cases of physical More than 220,000 register for military
assaults have been recorded when drivers service
resist attempts at extortion.
On Monday 13 March, the Mozambican
“There is some trouble in the forests between Defence Ministry announced that it has
the Pungwe River and Catandica”, said registered 220,211 people for military service, in
Almuade Ali, a Tanzanian truck driver, who was the registration period that ran from 2 January to
referring to the areas where ambushes were 28 February.
frequently reported during the conflict between
Renamo’s armed wing and government forces. The Ministry proclaims this as a victory,
because the registration target was only
Ali claims that he was stopped by a group of 170,000. But in fact, as has happened every
three armed men wearing a mixture of military year since conscription was reintroduced in
uniforms and civilian clothing as he returned 1997, the vast majority of young Mozambicans
from the port of Beira (Sofala Province). The did not register.
armed men subsequently searched his car and
stole his cell phone and money. Under Mozambican legislation, all Mozambicans
should register for military service in the year of
Another trucker told VOA that a week and a half their 18th birthday. Thanks to the projections
ago, his cell phone was taken by armed men as from the 2007 population census, we know that
“compensation” following his refusal to this year 565,000 Mozambicans will celebrate
surrender the cargo he was transporting to their 18th birthday.
Thus only 39% of those who should have
The incident occurred in Chiuala (a village that registered did so, and the target was a mere
had previously been transformed into a barracks 30%.
for the Defence and Security Forces).
The figures are even worse, when one
“The young men wore green/brown t-shirts. considers that all those who failed to register in
Everyone was armed, but some had boots, previous years (provided they are less than 35
while others wore slippers. years old) should have taken the opportunity to
register this time.
On the same day that I was targeted, another
truck driver was assaulted at the first entrance Speaking at a Monday press conference, the
point to Catandica, also during this alleged director of human resources in the Defence
truce”, he said. Ministry, Edgar Cossa, said that the overall
result was a 1% improvement on last year’s
“The situation is not good. And we fear that this figure.
could jeopardise the peace we so long for”,
Rafael Bindula, another long-haul truck driver, He added that 71,890 of those who registered
told VOA, revealing that several truck drivers are women.

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Several provinces had surpassed their targets, their countries on maritime security and other
he said. fields.

Thus, Maputo city had achieved 167% of its In a joint press conference after the meeting,
target, Zambézia 148% and Maputo Province Prime Minister Abe said that the Japan-
141%. In Cabo Delgado, the figure was 130%, Mozambique partnership is important to
and Gaza. Tete and Niassa all achieved 126% realising a free and open Indo-Pacific region,
of their targets. and expressed his eagerness to strengthen the
bilateral relationship.
Definitive figures will only be available at the
end of the month, including Mozambicans living This year marks the 40th anniversary of the
abroad, who are supposed to register at establishment of diplomatic relations between
Mozambican embassies or consulates. the two nations.

Registration by no means implies joining the “I would like to further develop relation with
armed forces. The FADM is a relatively small Mozambique, which is a country that faces the
army, and does not have the resources to Indian Ocean and is an entrance to southeast
recruit and train more than a few thousand Africa, a place in which Japanese companies
people every year. have great interest”, Prime Minister Abe said.

Hence the vast majority of those who registered Source: JiJi News
in January and February will never set foot
inside a barracks. Spokesmen promoted to generals

Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique On Tuesday 14 March, President Filipe Nyusi

promoted the former spokesperson of the
Japan and Mozambique agree on maritime command of the city of Maputo (Arnaldo Chefo)
security co-operation and the current spokesperson of the Ministry of
the Interior (Francisco Simões) to the rank of
On Wednesday 15 March, Japanese Prime deputy of the Commissioner of the Police, in the
Minister Shinzo Abe and President Filipe Nyusi rank of General Officials.
reached a co-operation agreement between
Source: Folha de Maputo

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President Zuma addresses KZN- once the cars have been taken across the
Mozambique cross border crime border”, he said.

On Tuesday 14 March, South African President KwaZulu-Natal Premier Willies Mchunu, who
Jacob Zuma visited Manguzi on the KwaZulu- was part of the government's delegation,
Natal and Mozambique border. The visit was announced that ZAR48-million has been set
part of the South African government’s aside to fight cross-border crime.
campaign to intensify the fight against crime.
“Rural communities are under a huge yoke of
The President inspected the Kosi Bay border poverty and have to bear the burden of stock
between KwaZulu-Natal and Mozambique. He theft and car hijackings”, Mchunu said.
also met with the affected communities.
However, during the meeting, the South African
Residents have been living in fear, saying they Defence Minister, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula,
are being terrorised by armed gangs who target informed President Zuma that the country
4×4 vehicles. They have been hit hard by cross simply does not have the money or manpower
border syndicates. to step up security of the country’s porous
Despite police intervention, the syndicates don’t
stop. Affected residents called for the “We do everything but we always hit a snag
President’s intervention. when it comes to finances. There are huge
expectations from us but budget cuts remain a
The communities have held several marches problem. Our force guarding and patrolling the
and appealed to the President to intervene and border has been cut down by about 4,000”, she
engage with his counterpart in Mozambique. said.

The Induna of Mnyayiza Village in Manguzi, Minister Mapisa-Nqakula said the issue has
Joseph Tembe, said he hopes President Zuma been highlighted in the Defence Review‚ which
will come up with solutions to what has become talks about the rejuvenation of the force. But
a crisis. fiscal decisions were hampering their work.
President Zuma encouraged the Minister and
Tembe says there needs to be co-operation her cluster ministers to take this issue to
between South Africa and Mozambique to stop Cabinet.
these crimes. He expressed the hope that
President Zuma can assist in ensuring that He also questioned the roles being played by
vehicles that have already been stolen are other governments. “Do you have joint
brought back. collaborations with your counterparts in
Mozambique?” President Zuma asked. Minister
He says even when a vehicle has been Mapisa-Nqakula said these were in place‚ but
positively identified by its owner, the person is were not reciprocal.
forced to pay a large sum of money for it to be
brought back across the border. Tembe says it “The joint collaborations appear to be on our
is almost like buying your own vehicle for the side only. As I speak‚ three of our members
second time. were arrested in Mozambique and it took us a
long time to negotiate their release”, she said.
The chairperson of ruling party’s youth league
(ANCYL) in the Far North Region, Sandile Later in the week, South Africa’s Deputy
Sibiya, told News24 that they wanted President Cyril Ramaphosa shot down the
government to build a “huge wall” along the suggestion that South Africa should build a
Mozambican border to prevent criminals from massive wall on the border between
stealing their cars. Mozambique due to crime.

“The criminals just cut through the wire fence Deputy President Ramaphosa was responding
separating the two countries and get away. So to questions in the National Council of
now we want a huge wall to be erected here to Provinces (NCOP) on violence against
prevent any further cross border crime and we foreigners.
want government to deploy more soldiers”, he
said. “On the issue that you raise on building of a
wall. We are a nation that does not build walls.
“What’s worrying most is that those criminals We do not believe in building walls‚ it defines
don’t even change number plates on the who we are. We say South Africa is an open
hijacked cars once they get them to country and when people come here we must
Mozambique. Our local police can’t do anything deal with them with dignity and respect and
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within parameters of our own constitution”, said Supreme court proposes to cut judges’
the Deputy President. holidays

Deputy President Ramaphosa‚ who was In a major shake-up of the Mozambican legal
answering questions in the parliament for the system, the country’s judges will now find their
third time in as many weeks‚ added that building annual holiday entitlement cut from two months
a wall wouldn’t come cheap. to one.

“We will never subscribe to that. And besides‚ Announcing the proposal, the spokesperson for
we don’t have money to build walls”, he said. the Supreme Court, Pedro Nhatitima, said that
from now on judges should take their holidays
Source: SABC/News24/TMG Digital/The like any other state employee, and will be free to
Times/Parliamentary Bureau enjoy a month’s paid leave at any time in the
Supreme Court concerned about poor
dissemination of alternative sentences The current system of collective “judicial
holidays” covers the entire first two months of
The Supreme Court recently admitted that some the year. In January and February only trials
segments of society still do not understand the that began the previous year can continue, and
mechanisms for applying alternative measures no new trials may be started. So during those
to imprisonment, which is why it advocates two months, Nhatitima noted, “the courts were
greater disclosure of the relevant legislation. stopped, interrupting the operations of a public
Pedro Nhatitima, a judge-advisor and a
spokesperson for the Supreme Court, told Adding to the absurdity, one study has found
reporters that since the adoption of the Penal that, although their holidays are supposed to
Code, which provides for alternative measures take place in January and February, about 40%
to imprisonment, opinions remain divided as to of Mozambican judges take their holidays
their application, with some arguing that all outside of that period, thus reducing still further
offenders should be taken to jail. the productivity of the judicial system.
“Unfortunately it seems that the introduction of The “judicial holidays”, Nhatitima accused, were
these alternative measures was not partly responsible for overcrowding in the
accompanied by widespread disclosure. Our prisons, “particularly in the months of March and
perception is that society is not yet ready to see April, when the judges are returning from leave,
a citizen convicted of a particular crime serving and the courts are working at half speed”.
an alternative sentence to imprisonment, rather
than being incarcerated. One gets the feeling Detentions made by the police in January and
that the condemned individual did not receive February are not properly accompanied by
the due punishment. Not really. The judge, in magistrates (who should validate a detention
the light of all the tools, of all the facts, elements within 48 hours), because they are all at home,
and the law, on a case-by-case basis, can verify he continued.
the best measure to be applied. Incidentally, it is
necessary to take into account the “We want to transmit the idea of continuity of
resocialisation of the convict and not only the service”, said Nhatitima. “Judges will take their
punishment”, explained Nhatitima. holidays in the same way as anyone else.
Reducing the holiday period will allow us to
He added that alternative prison sentences are reduce the problem of prison overcrowding, and
modern forms of resocialisation of individuals the excessive work load on the courts, and will
who have committed a particular criminal guarantee a certain continuity in managing
offense. cases”.
In order to reverse the scenario, Nhatitima Another reform proposed by the Supreme Court
defended that state institutions, particularly the is to allow district courts to decide on the
Ministry of Justice, the Institute of Legal granting of provisional freedom to prisoners,
Sponsorship and Assistance, the Bar instead of passing all such cases up to the
Association, the various associations dealing provincial courts.
with matters related to Human Rights, religious
and traditional leaders, should make their Source: Agencia de Informacao de
contribution in legal and civic education to Moçambique/Jornal Notícias
society so that it is aware of this philosophy.

Source: Jornal Notícias

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Gaza: Teacher arrested for raping 14-year-old

student in Zavala district
Owner of Complexo Aquárius
do Bilene abducted During the course of the week 3 to 10 March, a
26-year-old school teacher was arrested in the
On the morning of Tuesday 14 Zavala district (Inhambane Province) on
March, the owner of the tourist charges of rape.
resort Complexo Aquárius do
Bilene was abducted by five unknown According to reports, the detainee raped a 14-
individuals. year-old student in a nearby informal shop.
According to reports, the teacher blackmailed
According to reports, the victim (identified as the young victim into submission.
José Apolinário) was travelling to his office
located in the municipality of Bilene (Gaza The teacher was subsequently arrested when
Province) at approximately 6:45hrs when he the victim’s parents reported the case to the
was intercepted at Bilene Beach and abducted police.
by five armed men in a Toyota Runnex.
Source: @Verdade
The PRM were immediately informed of the
occurrence. Three arrested for fuel theft

Apolinário (who is of Portuguese origin) was During the course of the week 3 to 10 March,
released at 3:00hrs on Wednesday after being the PRM arrested three men on charges of fuel
held for 21 hours. Accord to him, the kidnappers theft.
released him at dawn in a forest in the district of
Bilene. The five men originally demanded a According to reports, the three detainees stole
ransom of US$1-million in exchange for his more than 1,000 litres of diesel from EdM. The
freedom; however, when Apolinário explained theft involved an EdM workers.
that he did not possess that amount, the
The detainees were intercepted by the PRM en-
kidnappers accepted the MT100,000 that
route to Maxixe, where they intended to sell the
Apolinário was carrying in his car at the time of
the abduction.
Source: @Verdade
This is the second reported kidnapping in the
space of two weeks. The first kidnapping Manica:
occurred in the Manhiça district (Maputo
Province). The victim was later released and Portuguese man accused of
has been reunited with her family. This is also forging US currency
the second reported kidnapping in Gaza
Province in the space of three months. In the On Wednesday 15 March, the
first case the victim (a teenager) was released Mozambican police arrested a
by his abductors a few days after being Portuguese citizen, accused of
kidnapped. forging foreign currency.

Source: Folha de Maputo/Jornal Notícias/Correio da The man was found at Machipanda, on the
Manhã border between the central province of Manica
and Zimbabwe, illegally changing what seemed
Inhambane: to be US dollar bills into Mozambican currency.
Man arrested for killing his However, the dollars turned out to be fake.
grandchild in Inhambane According to the spokesperson for the Manica
provincial police command, Elcídia Filipe, the
A 64-year-old man was recently
Portuguese citizen (whose name has not been
arrested in the district of Inharrime
revealed, but is currently resident in Beira) was
(Inhambane Province) on charges
in possession of US$5,700 in forged notes.
of murder.
“He was detained when he was changing
According to the PRM, the man murdered his
money on the border”, said Filipe. “We found
seven-year-old grandson and buried the body in
him in possession of 57 forged 100 dollar bills.
the forest before fleeing to neighbouring Panda.
We presume he left Beira (Sofala Province),
The man allegedly killed the young boy because where he lives, and went along the Beira
he refused to feed the detainee’s cattle. Corridor, changing money as he went”.

Source: Moçambique Media Online She did not believe he had intended to cross
into Zimbabwe, since he did not have the
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appropriate documentation. “He was just there friend and neighbour. It was not the first time he
changing the fake money”, she said. Filipe had done it, but he never asked what his friend
added that investigations are now under way to needed the car for. According to the man, the
discover where the forged notes were printed, police arrested him at his house in Bilene
and to identify others involved in the forging because his vehicle was used in a kidnapping in
network. the Manhiça district.

Criminal charges are bring brought against the The other suspect also protested his innocence,
man, and he is expected to appear in court but the police dispute the defendant’s version,
soon. claiming that he had prepared the place where
the victims were held captive.
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
Source: @Verdade
Military officer accused of raping 10-year-old
Police arrest two suspected girl
kidnappers in Maputo
A military officer assigned to the Mozambican
During the course of the weekend Air Force has fled his home after being accused
11 to 12 March, the PRM arrested of raping a 10-year-old girl in the Maxaquene
two men on suspicion of being neighbourhood (Maputo Province).
part of a kidnapping gang
operating in Maputo and Gaza. The incident occurred at the rented home of the
accused. According to reports, as soon as
The suspects have also been charged with neighbours became aware of the incident, the
being implicated in the kidnapping of officer and his wife fled, leaving behind all of
Portuguese-Mozambican hotel owner José their personal belongings.
Apolinário in the Bilene district (Gaza Province)
on Tuesday 14 March. The parents of the victim reported the case to
the police, and the young girl was subsequently
The police said that two other gang members sent for medical examinations, which confirmed
were on the run, but that officers were pursuing that they child had indeed been raped.
According to the young victim, she was at the
According to the police in Maputo Province, the perpetrator’s house watching television with the
gang kidnapped a woman and injured her offender and his wife. The offender
husband in the Manhiça district in February, and subsequently excused himself and went to his
kidnapped a businessman in the vicinity of the bedroom where he called for his wife to join him.
Maputo Shopping Supermarket in the central
area of the country’s capital. The child continued to watch television until the
wife returned, at which point the child fell asleep
The gang used a vehicle (currently in the in front of the TV. According to the victim, she
possession of the police) that was driven from woke up to find the perpetrator’s hands around
Gaza to Maputo, and then returned to Gaza, her neck, at which point she passed out.
where they hid it.
“I was asleep in the living room when Uncle
“They are part of the group of kidnappers”, Brigido woke me up. He covered my mouth and
Emídio Mabunda, a PRM spokesperson in squeezed my neck. I fainted and I do not
Maputo, told the press, pointing out that the remember what happened next”, the child said.
operation was launched by the police and the
National Criminal Investigation Service When the young girl awoke, she was in the
(SERNIC) of the city and provinces of Maputo perpetrator’s garden, covered in sand and
and Gaza. various injuries.

The two individuals have been in police custody The victim subsequently walked home, where
since the weekend, while the abduction of José she was confronted by her mother regarding the
Apolinário occurred on Tuesday. wounds on her body. The young girl revealed to
her mother that she had been raped.
However, Law and Order officials believe that
they and their alleged accomplices (who are still The police immediately arrested the perpetrator,
at large) were the masterminds behind the who was later able to secure his freedom under
abduction of Apolinário. known circumstances and flee the area with his
One of the detainees argued that he was only
guilty of lending his car to William Matusse, a Source: @Verdade

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Maputo women fear violence and sexual In the opinion of UN Women’s representatives
harassment in Mozambique, Florence Raes, in order to
combat the phenomenon, it is necessary to hold
Maputo residents have called for tougher more talks, rehabilitate recreational spaces and
punishment for sexual offenders, for the more. It is also necessary that there be a
reinforcement of police patrols and for more “rehabilitation of the urban space so that we do
street lights. not have so many narrow alleys and without
Approximately 90% of the women and girls who
circulate the streets of Maputo after 22:00hrs Coalition of Mozambican Youth Association:
fear for their safety. This is according to a study
conducted by UN Mulher. The study, recently One of the organisations that has been involved
released by the UN agency, further states that in combating the phenomenon is the Coalition of
60% of the women and girls who had been Mozambican Youth Association. The co-
circulating in the streets after 22:00hrs during ordinator of the organisation reported to
the last 12 months in the city of Maputo were Deutsche Welle Africa on the work they have
victims of violence or sexual harassment. been doing in this regard: “We show through
awareness campaigns, through cultural events
Deutsche Welle Africa toured the streets of such as music, theatre and sports, that it is
Maputo at night, listening to several women important for them to know how to respond and
complaining about insecurity. The majority of prevent situations of violence and rape”, he
those interviewed are employees at restaurants, says.
pastry shops, bars and kiosks, as well as
students. Carlota da Conceição is a civil servant Source: Deutsche Welle Africa
and understands that the phenomenon already
has dire consequences. Prison guard arrested in Maputo for illegal
weapon possession
“We have seen cases where girls and young
women who study at night, many of them living On Monday 13 March, 25-year-old T. Macie was
in areas susceptible to robberies or violence arrested by the Maputo PRM on charges of
against women, stop studying because they illegally possessing a gun. The detainee, who is
encounter such crimes”, he says. employed as a prison guard, was stopped by
police along the public road in the Mahotas
Giving up work is not a feasible solution for neighbourhood and found to be in possession of
working women, explains Felicidade Mazanga, a gun loaded with four rounds of ammunition.
a maid working in downtown Maputo. “I think a Macie was subsequently taken into custody.
lot about giving up (working at night) but I
cannot, especially with this crisis”, she Between 4 and 10 March, the PRM recovered
confesses. Arminda Vasco, also a labourer in six firearms (two of which were AK-47s), and
downtown Maputo, suffers the same dilemma. “I 119 rounds of ammunition. Of these, at least
have to work because I have children who 112 rounds were for an AK-47 and seven were
depend on me”, she says. for pistols, according to the General Command.

Many women leave the workplace after Source: @Verdade

22:00hrs, at a time when public transport is no
longer in circulation. In such cases, workers are
forced to use the “My love” minivans or walk to Home invaders rape minor in
their residence. However, in fear of violence, Nampula
many of the women have resorted to going out
in groups. However, they add, “sometimes it is On the night of Saturday 11
not possible because we work in shifts. For March, two unidentified criminals
example, it's just us today”. raped a 12-year-old girl in the city
of Nampula. The victim is the
For Conceição the scenario is worrying. daughter of a police officer.
"Society must stop and start to see what should
be done in relation to the protection of women”, The victim was in the care of her grandmother
says Arminda Mahumane, an informal at the time of the incident as her mother was at
saleswoman in Maputo. “There must be more work.
laws. For example, (men) who rape women
should be detained”. According to police sources, the two men broke
into the victim’s house with the intention of
Arminda Jaime argues that there must be “more stealing various items; however, the attackers
police to protect the streets, especially at night”. abducted the young girl, taking her to a
secluded area in the neighbourhood where they

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raped her and subjected her to physical and The Chinese firm’s activity was not even
psychological abuse. registered in the country, explained Sindela.
The police inquiry also proved that the Chinese
The child was immediately taken to the nearby firm was using an old site of a bankrupt local
police station and referred to the Central company to conduct their illegal activities.
Hospital of Nampula for medical treatment.
“The owners of the fake Chinese company had
The young girl told the police that the men no documentation, at all”, he added.
intended to kill both her and her grandmother,
but she begged them to spare their lives. One of According to Sindela, all the parties involved in
the men allegedly told his accomplice to leave this illegal activity will be punished accordingly
the girl and her grandmother alone, but his as a heavy fine is expected.
collaborator initially insisted on killing the two
victims. Although, Mozambique is known for the
richness of its fisheries resources, it is still a
Following the rape, the men instructed the vulnerable sector in the country. Prawns are
young victim to run home “without looking back”. among the most valuable seafood in
Mozambique. Over the last decades, several
Source: @Verdade companies had to close their doors due to a
major price drop.
Fisheries authorities are increasing efforts to
Illegal Chinese exporter of improve the sector by stopping the
prawns uncovered in overexploitation of fisheries resources.
Source: Afrika News
Fisheries authorities of Sofala
Province recently seized at least Tete:
one-ton of premium prawns
smuggled by an illegal Chinese Gang arrested in Tete on
company. The PRM also seized more than 80 kidnapping charges
kilograms of processed crabs at the Beira Port.
Authorities revealed that the Chinese firm During the course of the week
packaged top-quality prawns and processed 3 to 10 March, the Tete PRM
crabs in freezers to put them up for export. arrested a group of three men
Furthermore, the company did not have any (aged between 22 and 25) on
documentations or authorisation to export the charges of kidnapping.
seized produce.
The gang had been implicated in the abduction
Carlos Sindela, the provincial director of of a 12-year-old child in the Tsangano district
fisheries authorities, said the company refused (Tete Province). The child has since been
to address the media. Workers didn’t present rescued and reunited with her family.
any justifications except that the firm’s owner is
in China. Source: @Verdade


Twenty-first century slavery: Mozambican first step into a living nightmare. He was taken
victims of human trafficking to the Ressano Garcia border along with three
other young people, who also dreamed of a
We’ll call him Artur, to protect his identity. He promising future. But in a short time, he was in
left Inhambane for Maputo to earn some money South Africa clandestinely, and torture was his
in order to continue studying. When he arrived only welcome. The group of men who promised
in the big city, he expected a better life. Every dreams delivered only nightmares. They
week he was able to save MT100 towards his violated him, leaving scars his body will carry for
goal. Time passed, until one day two young the rest of his life. His right index finger was cut
men, apparently of good character, offered him with a knife and you can still see a scar on his
a job that would pay 10 times more than what foot where the men tried to cut it off, but he
he was earning. His imagination sprang to life, resisted and they gave up.
filling his mind’s eyes with illusions that seemed
the right path. But fate had betrayed him. The “I was tortured. The beatings I took, I hope I’ll
prospect of having a job had delivered him into never feel them again in my life. That was
the hands of traffickers, that dream became the terrible. It was meant to be a job, but it only
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brought me marks that I will not forget for the The human and organ trafficking routes
rest of my life,” he said, with furrowed browed,
as if feeling the same pain yet again. Artur was Mozambique is a gateway, transhipment,
rescued and was able to return to Mozambique. supplier and destination country for organ
The dream, in fact, the nightmare of the trafficking.
promising South Africa was behind him. His job-
to-be was, in fact, to be trafficked for organ A study by the Human Rights League (Liga
harvesting. Mocambicana dos Direitos Humanos, LDH)
indicates that Mozambique has seven main
Selling lives: routes for organ trafficking, namely, Cuamba
and Nchinji (in northern Mozambique); Chire,
Although abolished in 1836, slavery persists in Machanga and Beira (in the centre); as well as
contemporary societies in various forms of Limpopo and the extreme south.
exploitation. Some call it 21st century slavery,
others modern slavery. Here, there are lives that The study also reveals that the central region of
no one dreams of. Women, children and men Mozambique has the highest number of cases,
are the target of a network where everything is with 70% of cases of organ harvesting occurring
sold and everything is bought. False promises in Tete, Zambézia, Manica and Sofala.
make future “slaves”.
According to a UNESCO report, citizens from
Demand makes the offer; sexual exploitation, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Great
forced labour, forced begging, organ sales Lakes region and Somalia constitute the bulk of
make the circuit. The victim profile, according to the flow. They arrive at Nacala by boat, and
the Episcopal Commission for Migrants, then join the routes.
Refugees and Displaced Persons (Cemirde), is
one of vulnerable people deprived of basic The complexity of the routes is not limited to
means of subsistence and in search of better entering the country. As mentioned by the
living conditions. International Organization for Migration (IOM),
Mozambique is a potential supplier to the sex
Women and teenagers fuel the trafficking industry in Portugal, Angola and South Africa, in
industry: the latter through the great corridors: Ponta de
Ouro and Ressano Garcia – a vast, allied
Catarina and Joana (not their real names), aged frontier to the presence of corrupt guards who
14 and 17, respectively, also fell into the allow the entry of Mozambicans into South
trafficking networks. The two teenagers were Africa illegally.
betrayed by a cousin. Their nightmare began at
home, where their cousin overwhelmed them The influx of illegal entry is reflected in the
with promises of a job in South Africa, numbers of Mozambicans deported annually.
guaranteed housing and salary. Vulnerable and The National Institute of the Mozambican
in need for money, one of the girls was tempted Communities Abroad reports that about 10,000
by the promises and took her friend along. illegal Mozambican immigrants are deported
every year and that every 10 minutes a
“She (human trafficker) said that I would to go to clandestine enters the South African territory.
work in South Africa as a maid and babysitter. I
accepted because I wanted money to study In fact, entering the South African territory
during the day, since my grandfather does not without any document is “normal” along
work and does not have the money to pay for Ressano Garcia. It happens under the
me”, the minor says. complicity of the PRM, border guard and South
African police.
But at the end of the day, the promises were
empty. The trafficker sent off with the two girls “We pay the guards, we pay the PRM and the
to Boane district, 45 kilometres from Maputo. soldiers (South Africans). It's MT100”, reveals a
They were to be taken across the Swaziland facilitator, commonly known as ‘mareyanes’.
border first, then illegally into neighbouring
South Africa. There, they were to be sold into Regarding what they charge the illegal
prostitution for MT5,000 each. Fortunately, the immigrant, the facilitator said: “A person who
intervention of the Mozambique police does not have a passport is charged ZAR150.
prevented the scheme, which almost certainly Sometimes it's ZAR100”.
promised nothing but a bitter future for the
minors. But this is how more and more young Thus, the illicit business is leveraged. A
people fall into the trafficking network of so- complex network that involves even those who
called modern slavery. must fight it.

Source: O País/Club of Mozambique Source: O País

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Maputo water supply remains critical Alleged diversion of cyclone victim

donations in Inhambane
Despite a recent increase in the level of water
stored in the Pequenos Libombos Dam, the In Inhambane Province citizens are alleging that
water supply for the Greater Maputo donations to the victims of cyclone Dineo are
Metropolitan Area remains critical, warned being diverted. According to some beneficiaries,
Mozambique’s Minister of Public works, Carlos the criteria for selecting beneficiaries and
Martinho on Thursday 16 March. The water distributing food and other goods to cyclone
supply for Maputo, the neighbouring city of victims are unclear. Residents interviewed by
Matola and Boane district depends on the Rádio Moçambique say that the support
pumping and treatment station on the Umbeluzi provided by the government, partners and
River. The Umbeluzi rises in Swaziland, and people of goodwill only benefit those working for
then flows towards Maputo via the Pequenos the government and their relatives in the
Libombos reservoir. neighbourhoods involved.

Minister Martinho said there had been some “The distributions were absurd. Even those
rain in the Umbeluzi Basin, but not enough to obviously in need got nothing. There were
raise the reservoir to healthy levels. According people who prevented them from entering other
to the National Hydrological Bulletin published homes that suffered from the storm”, said one
by the National Directorate of Water Resources, interviewee, complaining about the lack of
on Thursday the reservoir was 26.06% full. transparency in the process of distribution of
While this is an improvement on the situation in food and other goods. In the wake of such
early January, when it was only 13% full, it is allegations, Rádio Moçambique reporter
not enough to lift the current water restrictions in contacted some neighbourhood secretaries,
force in Maputo, Matola and Boane. who denied involvement in the diversion of
The Maputo Regional Water Company (AdeM)
is pumping water to each neighbourhood on Source: Rádio Moçambique/Club of Mozambique
alternate days. This is not a major problem for
people who have tanks on the roofs of their Mozambique: cyclone Dineo Office of the
houses which can store water for a couple of Resident Co-ordinator Situation Report
days, but people who rely on standpipes may
find themselves seriously short of water. For the Highlights:
first few days in March, the authorities closed
the floodgates on the Pequenos Libombos Dam • There are 207,000 students affected and
completely, in order to increase the amount of in need of emergency education
water stored in the reservoir. This was possible, services;
because there was still water downstream, at
• Reallocated 19 motor ambulances to
Movene, which could supply the Umbeluzi
reinforce emergency referral system at
pumping station.
community level and 21 hospital tents
That water is now exhausted, and as from were provided;
Monday the Pequenos Libombos reservoir was
releasing 1.5 cubic metres of water a second • There is a US$8.7-million funding gap to
provide immediate assistance to people
into the Umbeluzi. The current rainy season
affected by the cyclone;
(October to March) is drawing to a close, and
not much rain can be expected in the April to
• Roughly 27,000 hectares of several
September period. Even when the next rainy
crops were lost affecting 15,000 farmers;
season begins in October “there is no guarantee
of rainfall that will supply the Pequenos • The response provided to date in the
Libombos reservoir”, warned the Minister. education sector is meeting less than
10% of the needs;
The Zambezi Basin is also causing some
concern. Low levels of water at the Cahora
• There is need to repair essential health
Bassa dam could compromise its capacity to
infrastructure to ensure wide access of
generate electricity. However, the level of the
health services in affected areas;
Cahora Bassa lake has been steadily rising, and
on Thursday it was 66.4% full. The country’s Situation overview:
other river basins “are normal”, said Minister
Martinho. The threat of severe flooding on the On 15 February 2017, the south of Mozambique
Limpopo river, in the southern province of Gaza (specifically Inhambane Province) was affected
has receded, and the level of the river is by cyclone Dineo resulting in damages to social
currently dropping. infrastructure, government offices as well as
individual houses. The provincial authorities of
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
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Inhambane reported that the cyclone affected In line with the humanitarian needs, the
approximately 550,691 people (112,513 response to date has been provided by the
families), of which 7,651 families were government with support of Humanitarian
considered most vulnerable. At least 33,712 Country Team, and it included the provision of
houses were totally destroyed and a further tents for maternity services in affected health
71,294 houses were partially destroyed with units in Maxixe and Morrumbene, the provision
Massinga, Morrumbene, Maxixe and of fuel for emergency water pumping in
Inhambane city being the most affected areas. Inhambane, the provision of food and shelter
kits for the most vulnerable people as well as
In terms of infrastructure, 389 government food for work/assets for road cleaning/debris
offices, 70 health units (including 52 maternity removal, the provision of school tents and
units), as well as 2,200 classrooms were leaner kits.
partially destroyed. The education authorities
estimated that 207,000 students and 4,500 The above-mentioned response activities are
teachers were affected. Furthermore, 899 power being implemented in close co-ordination with
poles were damaged and/or destroyed leaving the government authorities. However, the
eight districts without electricity for at least five availability of funds from donors is key to enable
days, affecting the water supply in Maxixe and the humanitarian community to meet the needs
Inhambane city. effectively. The HCT members are providing the
initial response using existing stocks but these
In the agriculture sector, approximately 27,000 are below the needs and do not respond
hectares of several crops were lost with properly to what is required.
Massinga, Morrumbene, Inhambane and
Funhalouro being the most affected districts. Efforts to mobilise additional resources are
Moreover, about 135,865 fruit trees (cashew ongoing. On 22 February, the government
and coconut trees) were lost. These fruit trees (through the INGC) invited the donors and
represent an important source of income for the partners to share information regarding the
affected population (most of affected districts impact of the cyclone and requested their
were Massinga, Inharrime, Morrumbene and support to respond to the existing needs.
Jangamo). Moreover, on 1 March the INGC sent a request
letter to the HCT chair to mobilise funding
It is important to acknowledge the early warning resources to provide humanitarian assistance.
issued by the government authorities before the As a response to this call, the HCT prepared a
landfall of the cyclone. On 13 February the flash appeal to inform the donors and
government called on the Technical Council for humanitarian community on the needs and
Disaster Management to discuss and funding requirements to assist the cyclone-
recommend prevention and readiness affected people in Inhambane Province.
measures which included communication with
the local government in concerned provinces Source: Relief Web
about the cyclone and its potential impact, the
activation of local committees for disaster Dirty rivers in drought-hit Mozambique kill
management, the intensification of monitoring as much as lack of food
measures, among other procedures.
Depleted harvests are not the only threat to the
As a result of cyclone Dineo, several basic lives of vulnerable communities in drought-hit
social services such as health care, education Mozambique, one of Africa’s poorest countries.
and water supply (especially in urban areas) Lack of access to clean water and proper
were disrupted due to lack of electricity and hygiene is affecting the lives of many people,
partial destruction of the respective who contract diseases and infections that
infrastructures (health units and classrooms). impact them harder as their immune system is
already weakened due to inadequate nutrition.
The joint needs assessment conducted by the
government and HCT indicated that main In the Changara district (Tete Province), people
humanitarian needs requiring urgent response have died after drinking water from the nearby
are: 1) repairing the homes of the most river, which is polluted. “When communities do
vulnerable population; 2) providing livelihood not have access to clean water, they face
support to households adversely impacted by several problems such as the spread of
the cyclone; 3) ensuring the provision of health diseases, including cholera. In some cases,
services and the restoration of health people defecate in the open and the faeces can
infrastructures, and 4) restoring the education infect the water people will then drink”, Vania
infrastructures for the resumption of education Ali, wash co-ordinator at charity World Vision,
services. told IBTimes UK.

The NGO has given the community in Changara

a water pump. People, who were also shown
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how to use water purifiers to clean containers US$11-million available to rebuild schools in
they use to fetch water, will have to contribute a Nampula, Zambézia and Niassa
small amount to maintain the pump, which can
prevent deaths. However, access to clean water Approximately US$11-million is currently
is not enough to prevent the spread of mortal available to finance the rebuilding of schools
diseases and ailments. “Hygiene is very damaged by natural disasters across the
important and building latrines is essential”, Ali country, using more resilient materials and
continued. technology. The provinces of Nampula,
Zambézia and Niassa, worst affected by recent
The project is funded by the UK government’s adverse climatic conditions, will be the main
Department for International Development beneficiaries of the project. According to official
(DfID). The UK, which has spent around £59- figures, about 1,471 classrooms will be rebuilt,
million (US$73-million) on Mozambique aid in of which 1,038 will be built using local materials.
the past year, also provided £32-million for the
drought fightback in the country to buy The National Director of Infrastructures and
emergency life-saving food, water and shelter in School Equipment of the Ministry of Education
the drought-affected communities. and Human Development, António Grachane,
announced the development in an interview with
“As the world faces a number of unprecedented Notícias, adding that the work will start within
humanitarian crises this year, almost two-million days, and must comply with material and
people in Mozambique are facing the daily construction quality standards. The programme
threat of going without enough food and large will be implemented over a period of three years
numbers of children are malnourished due to a and may be extended if necessary. Tenders for
prolonged drought”, DfID's Africa minister, contractors are to be launched shortly.
James Wharton, told IBTimes UK.
“There are schools to be rebuilt in other parts of
“That is why the UK is leading the response. the country, but our attention is focused on
Tackling the global challenges of our time such these three provinces. Much of the
as drought and disease which fuel migration, infrastructure that will be rebuilt was destroyed
insecurity and instability is the right thing to do by the floods of 2015/16”, Grachane said.
and is firmly in Britain's interest”. Grachane explained that the buildings erected
must take into account the climate in the region,
A school in Changara is using theatre to teach so that schools are not routinely destroyed by
pupils and the rest of the community about the bad weather.
importance of hygiene, good use of water and
education. “People become aware when they “Stronger schools should be built in areas where
see demonstrations, they can relate and there are strong winds, and where there is
understand problems”, Anabela Arnaldo, a first flooding, buildings must also be built to
grade teacher at the school in Changara, told withstand it”, Grachane said. Grachane said his
IBTimes UK. department has information on weather
conditions in each region of the country to help
Access to clean water – coupled with food technicians design buildings that take specific
distribution and training programmes on problems into account.
measures that can reduce the effects of the
drought – not only prevent deaths, but also Source: Jornal Notícias
protect children from abuses including trafficking
and child marriage. Schools closed by conflict are already open

“If a child has to walk miles to fetch water, they On Monday 13 March, the Mozambican
would not have time to go to school and this is a Education Minister said that the situation in
violation of their rights. Even things such as areas where there had been conflict between
access to clean water can help prevent crimes the Defence and Security Forces and Renamo
against children”, Simione Carlos Mhula, child had normalised and that schools that had been
protection manager at World Vision closed are back in operation.
Mozambique, told IBTimes UK.
“All the schools that were closed due to this
“We have so many cases of child marriages situation were reopened and, fortunately, things
because lack of food”, he continued. “We have are underway as per normal”, Minister
situations where fathers say they go to the city Conceição Sortane told Lusa at a book donation
to find jobs, but then they disappear. People ceremony in Maputo.
approach mothers saying they can feed their
children, but they want their daughters as brides Official figures released earlier this year
in exchange”. indicated that around 20,000 students in
Mozambique’s central provinces risked failing
Source: International Business Times final exams in November last year (2016) due to
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unrest in the central part of the country. non-governmental organisation. The project
Conflicts between the FADM and the armed employs a variety of strategies to improve the
wing of Renamo caused thousands of students quality of teacher education in the provinces
to miss lessons and closed dozens of schools concerned.
mainly in the provinces of Manica, Zambézia
and Sofala. Speaking at the launch, Anadarko
representative Eva Pinto reaffirmed the
Although the beginning of the school year was company’s commitment to developing and
marked by some fear in the former conflict supporting initiatives that create long-term
zones, Minister Sortane said that the truce benefits for Mozambicans. This commitment to
between the parties “gave back hope” to the country’s development, Pinto said, was
Mozambicans, and it was already possible to demonstrated by its support for the launch of
see the schools in these regions full again and the 11 titles, produced in each of the six national
functioning normally. “The truce was the most languages, including Portuguese.
important moment for us”, Minister Sortane said,
noting that peace and stability are basic The event took place at the Pemba Teacher
preconditions of government strategies for the Training Institute in Cabo Delgado, and included
education sector. a reading competition for students from first to
seventh grades and trainees to become first to
Calling for the involvement of everybody in the third grade teachers.
attainment of a definitive peace, the Minister
said: “We believe that peace has come to stay, The National Director of Teacher Training,
for the good not only of our students, but of the Feliciano Mahalane, said the date was a
entire population”. celebration of reading.

Source: Lusa “Today is a day we celebrate reading. Our life is

made up of reading, but there is no good
Anadarko strengthens educational support education if we do not have good teachers. It is
in four provinces they who define the good course of education”.

Anadarko and its partners have joined an According to the Director of the Teacher
initiative to produce books in local languages as Training Institute, Joaquim Alberto Chipande,
a way of contributing to literacy in four of the books were a contribution to the challenge
Mozambique’s provinces. The initiative, of training teachers and teaching children to
covering Cabo Delgado, Niassa, Tete and read.
Maputo, is being implemented by the Ministry of
Education and Human Development, the Source: Rádio Moçambique
Progresso Association and Canada’s CODE

Cholera outbreak now in four provinces In Maputo city, 278 cholera cases have been
diagnosed, and there have been 93 confirmed
The current cholera outbreak in Mozambique cases in Maputo Province (Matutuine, Magude
has claimed two lives out of 1,222 confirmed and Namaacha districts). The Health Ministry
cases, according to the Deputy National has set up cholera treatment centres in the
Director of Public Health, Benigna Matsinhe. affected areas, and has mobilised activists to
raise public awareness of the need to purify
Speaking at a Maputo press conference on water and protect food against contamination.
Tuesday 14 March, Matsinhe said the most
alarming situation was in Tete, where 395 cases “People must act to prevent the disease”, said
were diagnosed in just five days. In Tete, “the Matsinhe. “We must all, working together, put
spread of the disease is very rapid”, she said. the brakes on this disease. Diseases come from
The Tete districts affected by the outbreak are the community. It’s the community that
Tete city, Cahora Bassa, Chiuta, Magoe, produces the diseases”. Since cholera is a
Moatize and Changara. water borne disease, the authorities are
distributing water purifiers to ensure that
In the northern province of Nampula, where drinking water is safe. Benigna said the public
cholera has been detected in the provincial education measures also included urging
capital, Nampula city, and in the districts of people to wash raw food thoroughly before
Memba, Mogovolas, Mecuburi, Muecate, eating it, and to wash their hands after using the
Mogincual, Nacaroa, Mossuril and Rapale, the latrine.
cumulative number of cases stands at 494.

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Matsinhe also reported an increase in the Government taking measures against spread
number of cases of malaria since the start of the of cholera in Maputo
year. So far in 2017 1,483,121 cases of malaria
have been reported, compared with 1,340,104 On Monday 13 March, the governor of Maputo
cases in the same period of 2016 – an increase city, Iolanda Cintura, guaranteed that the
of 10.7%. The number of malaria deaths has Government is taking measures to halt the
also risen – from 234 to 288 (a 23% rise). spread of a cholera outbreak in the capital. She
was speaking after a visit to the Cholera
The rise is doubtless explained by this year’s Treatment Centre at Maputo’s Mavalane
rains. In 2016, a devastating drought hit most of General Hospital. The cholera outbreak in
southern and central Mozambique, but this year Maputo began in mid-February. Approximately
torrential rains have occurred across much of 276 suspected cases were investigated, but a
the country, creating favourable conditions for definite diagnosis of cholera was only made in
the proliferation of the mosquitoes that transmit 22 of these patients, one of whom died.
the malaria parasite.
Governor Cintura said that isolation and
“Right now we are engaged in a massive treatment of cholera patients was being handled
distribution of mosquito nets, in a campaign that well by the Mavalane medical staff, ensuring
will cover the entire country”, said Matsinhe, “At that the disease does not spread out of control.
the same time, we are educating people on the “The staff are well trained”, she said. “We found
use of insect repellents, and the need to that the centre is fully functional and the
eliminate the pools of stagnant water around conditions are good, in terms of the installed
houses where mosquitoes breed”. capacity (the centre has 38 beds), and in terms
of food for the patients. All the required
Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique medicines are guaranteed. The patients are
receiving fluids for rehydration, since some of
Cholera in Maputo: two deaths and more them arrive here in a very weakened condition”.
than 200 cases of diarrhoea
When Governor Cintura visited, there were nine
Although cholera has not been seen in the patients in the centre, who told her they had
Mozambican capital since 2010, two people been well treated. They said they were now
have died and more than 200 cases of the feeling much better, and were preparing to go
disease have been diagnosed in Maputo since 7 home. This is the first outbreak of cholera in
March. Maputo since 2014. Health professionals
attribute the outbreak to poor sanitary conditions
Cases have occurred in four of Maputo’s seven
in parts of the city, and the drinking of
districts – Ka Maxaquene, Ka Lhamanculo, Ka
contaminated water. The torrential rains earlier
Mubukuane and Ka Mavota. Luís Cabral is
in the year, which flooded several low lying
worst hit, with more than 50 cases, and the
neighbourhoods, probably played a role in
Cholera Treatment Centre of Mavalane’s
spreading this water-borne disease.
general hospital has had to be reopened to
receive patients. By Wednesday 8 March, it had Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique
27 patients admitted for treatment.
Diarrhoea kills eight people in Lichinga
The resurgence of cholera is due in part to the
water crisis in Maputo and Matola causing The country is on high alert due to outbreaks of
people to resort to water sources that are not cholera and other diarrheal diseases. In the
suitable for consumption. district of Lichinga (Niassa Province), for
example, such outbreaks are already resulting
“We have to treat the water, always wash our in fatalities. During the first two months of the
hands and eliminate puddles. If we all adhere to year (January and February), eight people died
these measures, we can return to the situation from diarrheal diseases in the district of
of not reporting cases of cholera since 2010”, Lichinga, where more than 3,500 diagnosed
Maputo mayor David Simango said at a meeting cases were registered.
in the Chamanculo neighbourhood.
The number of diarrhoea-related deaths is on
“I would like to urge neighbourhoods to continue par with the same period in 2016, when the
investing in individual and collective hygiene number of registered cases reached more than
and take note of the lessons that are transmitted 4,000. A report from the district government
to us in different ways, especially regarding indicates that 510 cases of dysentery were
water, made worse by the fact that Maputo is diagnosed in the first two months of 2017,
experiencing a crisis of this precious liquid”, compared to 553 cases recorded in the first two
Mayor Simango said. months of last year.
Source: O País Source: Rádio Moçambique
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Cholera outbreak threatens six more pronounce the word “chlorine” in their native
districts in Nampula Province language, confusing it with the word “cholera”,
thus Baptista (who was hospitalised following
Health officials in Nampula warned that the the attack) was thought to be spreading cholera
outbreak of cholera affecting the province could when he was in fact encouraging the use of
spread to other districts if the population chlorine for safe drinking water.
continues to ignore the basic rules of collective
and individual hygiene. In Nampula Province Source: O País
(mainly in the districts of Monapo and Meconta),
465 cases of cholera were registered in Mozambican health sector is testing cholera
treatment centres as of Tuesday 14 March. vaccine

According to the head of the Department of Mozambique is testing a vaccine against

Public Health in Nampula, there is a high cholera, the disease currently affecting Maputo,
number of cases of diarrheal diseases, which is Tete and Nampula provinces, and likely to
mainly affecting adults in Lalaua, Malema, spread to other parts of the country. The
Mogincual, Ribáuè, Murrupula and Nacarôa. vaccine’s impact is currently being tested in
Nampula Province, considered a high-risk
It is an indicator that, if no mechanisms are put region. The trial is now in its final analysis phase
in place to reverse the situation, the cholera before deciding on its use throughout the
outbreak may spread in those districts. country.

Américo Barata points out that in these districts “We think that this experience could bring
the number of cases of diarrhoea has risen by positive results, since the epidemiology of this
30% in adults, and this has forced the health disease varies. In some places, the
sector to redouble its efforts in a bid to make the transmission can be done from person to
population aware of basic health and hygiene person, but in other places it can be done
rules. through common sources of contamination. So
we will have to see what its epidemiology is and
In the last epidemiological week, a total of 1,781 how we can then tailor its application in our
cases of diarrhoea were registered at the country. But all the work has been done to
province level, of which 423 were recorded in ensure that we can in fact apply the vaccine as
adults, with a higher incidence in regions soon as it is available for that purpose”, Deputy
considered to be at high risk. However, the Minister of Health, Mouzinho Saíde, said.
source explained that the outbreak has not
resulted in any deaths in the region. Speaking recently in Maputo at the meeting of
the multi-sectoral group made up of
“We are offering ‘Certeza’ (a disinfectant) to representatives from various ministries, co-
communities for water treatment. We urge operation partners, municipalities and
populations to change their behaviour regarding government, Deputy Minister Saíde pointed out
individual and collective hygiene and that there are availability challenges in
environmental sanitation, as well as to abandon introducing the vaccine. It was necessary to
the practice of open defecation”, the source take into account that it is not yet widely
said. available on the market, and that supplies have
to be requested from the World Health
Since the outbreak, the health sector in Organization (WHO).
Nampula has distributed approximately 1,500
bottles of ‘Certeza’ and disinfected 72 houses in “It is a WHO candidature process where the
the two most affected areas, where more than candidate countries show the relevance of
5,000 people have been educated on the having the vaccination, and whether there are
prevention of diarrheal diseases and cholera. conditions to that effect. I think that
Mozambique has demonstrated over time that it
“During this period, a collection of water has the conditions to ensure that the vaccine is
samples of 60 fountains was carried out. After applied with some quality and that there is
laboratory analysis, it was found that 15 adequate monitoring to ensure its success”, the
contained water unfit for consumption”, he Deputy Minister of Health explained.
The vaccine has been widely used in Sudan
Meanwhile, a community leader was recently and, together with preventive measures such as
beaten by an angry mob in the Monapo village. improved sanitation and collective and individual
The mob accused 71-year-old João Baptista of hygiene measures, has contributed to a
spreading cholera in the neighbourhood. reduction of the epidemic there.
According to reports, the confusion arises from Source: Jornal Notícias/Club of Mozambique
the fact that some inhabitants struggle to
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Health officials in Malawi raise alarm over people”, said Osward Chanda, officer-in-charge
cholera outbreak in Mozambique of the Water Development and Sanitation
Department of the AfDB.
Malawians travelling to Mozambique are being
advised to exercise caution and implement safe PRONASAR was designed with the assistance
hygiene practises following the outbreak of of a grant by the Bank’s African Water Facility
cholera in that country. (AWF) in 2006. The programme started in 2010
with a total pledge by development partners of
The outbreak has hit Moatize (Tete Province), US$179-million, of which US$6.74-million was
which is a popular destination for shopping and contributed by the Rural Water Supply and
other business activities among Malawians. Sanitation Initiative Trust Fund (RWSSI-TF) and
an African Development Fund loan of US$7.14-
The outbreak has also effected neighbouring million.
Mwanza and Chikwawa districts, which host
many Mozambicans. “Creating an enabling environment where
governments, donors, civil society, and the
According to a statement from the Ministry of private sector work together for access to
Health, approximately five people from sustainable rural water and sanitation through
Mozambique had been admitted for cholera at innovative approaches is central to the work of
the Gaga heath centre in the Changoima area. the RWSSI Trust Fund (TF). In Mozambique,
This area borders between Chikwakwa district the TF grant was specifically used for training,
and Mozambique. capacity building, community mobilisation, and
awareness-raising campaigns. These activities
The five patients tested positive for cholera empowered communities to take greater
using the Rapid Diagnostic Tests, and the ownership in delivering on their sanitation and
Ministry of health is in the process of confirming water supply needs”, says Chanda.
the tests at a laboratory in Lilongwe.
Over 100,000 toilets were built by households in
Health authorities in Chikwawa are working both provinces through the Community Led
together with their Mozambican counterparts to Total Sanitation approach, contributing to the
control the problem. eradication of open defecation.
Mwanza District Health Office is also engaging Access rate to sanitation in both northern
its counterparts in Mozambique to ensure that provinces now stands at 48% compared to 40%
the disease does not affect travellers from the in 2010. Overall, roughly 490,000 individuals in
two countries. about 1,200 communities have been reached
and trained through community awareness-
Media reports suggest that the outbreak was
raising campaigns financed by RWSSI-TF.
triggered by tropical cyclone Dineo, which hit
the country last month. Improving water supply in Nampula and
Source: Capital FM Malawi
Zambézia provinces was also central to
PRONASAR. Through the complementary
Towards open-defecation-free communities contributions of RWSSI-TF, the additional
in Mozambique number of persons now accessing more reliable
water supply is estimated at 200,000, according
When the African Development Bank (AfDB) to the latest quarterly progress report of the
partnered with other donors and the programme.
Mozambican government back in 2010 to
finance the National Rural Water Supply and “RWSSI-TF has enabled the project to establish
Sanitation Programme (PRONASAR) in a register of communities demanding water
Nampula and Zambézia provinces, one of the supply services. This has created a sense of
ultimate goals was to achieve open defecation- ownership, resulting in communities working
free communities. harder to maintain the infrastructure”, says
Boniface Aleobua, Project Task Manager and
“Despite delays experienced in the Principal Sanitation Engineer in the
implementation of this programme, we are Mozambique Country Office.
delighted to see that some communities in both
provinces are now on their way to being certified The sustainability of rural water and sanitation
as open-defecation-free. These outcomes are services has become a paramount priority for
critical for the long-term health, hygiene, communities, countries and development
sanitation, and livelihood of targeted actors. This explains why this programme
communities. As the programme enters the final placed a great premium on enhancing the
phase, we must ensure the sustainability of sustainability of interventions.
results for lasting impact on the Mozambican

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“Users are billed for water services and the Inspectors close 30 establishments in a
money is collected at the household level. Four fortnight
private water operators have been hired to
manage the small water supply systems The government’s National Inspectorate of
constructed as part of the project”, the AfDB Economic Activities (Instituto de Actividades
Task Manager explains. Económicas, INAE) ordered the closure of 30
establishments out of the 382 inspected over
Other activities that are contributing to the the past 15 days, according to the INAE
sustainability of the project include the training General Inspector, Maria Freitas, cited in
of 125 community builders. Mediafax.

These local artisans are now adequately All but two of the establishments closed were
equipped to respond to the repair needs of restaurants or bakeries, and the motives were
various communities and can also construct lack of hygiene and cleanliness.
toilet slabs for the local markets. The AfDB has
been supporting the water and sanitation sector “In general, the problems that determined the
in Mozambique since 1981. closures are those that we already know about,
namely serious problems with hygiene and
Overall, close to 90-million people gained cleanliness”, said Freitas. “And when we note
access to improved sanitation, and 135-million problems that put public health at risk, we have
people had access to water in rural areas in no option but to close the establishment”.
Africa during the last decade thanks to
interventions of the AfDB and other partners. She thought it very sad that so many
businesses handling food continued to have
Yet, the sanitation and water supply challenge serious difficulties with basic hygiene. The INAE
in Africa is far from resolved. According to 2015 offensive has been under way for more than a
statistics of the United Nations Joint Monitoring month, and has been highly publicised in the
Report, close to 480-million people out of 700- Mozambican media. The fact that inspectors
million living in rural Africa are without access to continue to find serious health problems in the
improved sanitation, and 280 million are without places they inspect, Freitas added, shows that
access to clean drinking water. many business people are not concerned about
regularising their situation.
In response to the urgency to tackle this
challenge while ensuring the Africa Water Vision Freitas said that many more establishments
2025 and the Sustainable Development Goals would be inspected if INAE had enough staff.
are achieved by 2030, the AfDB is stepping up But it is currently operating with a serious
its efforts to deliver water and sanitation to shortage of inspectors. The establishments
populations in rural and urban areas. closed over the past fortnight are located all
over the country – in Maputo city and province,
Through its New Development and Business Inhambane, Sofala, Tete, Nampula, Niassa,
Delivery Model which prioritises decentralisation Zambézia and Manica.
and proximity of services to regional member
countries, the Bank is looking to achieve its new Some bakeries have hit on a novel way of
five strategic priorities. avoiding the inspectors. Freitas said they
operate only at night, and close their doors in
The new agriculture, human and social the early morning. “This shows bad faith on the
development vice presidency and the part of some bakeries, but, with the help of the
reconfigured water development and sanitation consumers, we shall put things in order”,
department are specifically mandated to deliver promised Freitas.
on two of the five strategic pillars namely:
agriculture and improving the quality of life of She noted that, at the recent meeting between
Africans. INAE and the Mozambican Association of
Bakers (Associação Moçambicana de
Two of the Bank's flagship initiatives in the Panificadores,, AMOPAO), some bakers had
water sector are also retooling to better address complained about the pictures of their
the current challenge. RWSSI is at present workplaces shown on Mozambican television
developing a new strategy that would enable it stations. But Freitas defended the work of the
to provide a focused and targeted response to media, and said the television footage was
the challenges of rural water and sanitation on crucial in exposing a sad reality that is
the continent. The African Water Facility endangering the health of consumers.
recently adopted a new strategy that would
allow it to address the water challenges of Africa “They raised complaints because, as you know,
for the next 10 years. thieves never admit that they are stealing”, said
Freitas. “Some AMOPAO members are not
Source: AfDB pleased with the publication of these images,
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but we stress that they are important. We need receiving a bribe of MT8,000 (about US$118)
to show the consumers that a particular from the manager of a Maputo shop. Freitas
establishment is operating in critical hygiene believed that the practice of demanding bribes
conditions”. Freitas admitted there have been was deeply rooted among some inspectors, and
problems with corruption among some insisted that businesses facing such extortion
inspectors, and she urged businesses to should immediately contact the GCCC. “These
denounce any attempt by inspectors to demand situations damage all the work that INAE is
bribes. She was reacting to the announcement doing”, she said.
last week by the Central Office for the Fight
against Corruption (Gabinete Central de Source: Agencia de Informacao de
Combate a Corrupção, GCCC) that an INAE Moçambique/Mediafax
inspector was arrested when caught red-handed


Why Mozambican timber operators reject the Mozambique’s poaching castles are
sale of the wood seized in ‘Operation crumbling
Young Mozambicans living along the border
The Mozambican Association of Timber with the Kruger National Park leave their
Operators (Associação Moçambicana de families without saying goodbye and, motivated
Operadores de Madeira, AMOMA) has by the pursuit of money, head out on a journey
congratulated the authorities behind the recent that most of the time means no return.
seizures as part of ‘Operation Tronco’.
However, they argue that the seized wood In their pursuit of rhino horns and, more
should be incinerated as a way of discouraging recently, elephant tusks, these ground-level
the syndicates involved. poachers are intercepted by game rangers and
security officers inside the Kruger carrying
The organisation considers that incineration firearms. Usually they shoot before asking
“constitutes in itself a mild measure, but among questions. Often the young Mozambicans die.
several, it is the recommended one”. AMOMA
also went on to point out that when the sale of Massingir is a dusty, dirt-poor district about 550
seized timber is not transparent, it encourages kilometre drive from Johannesburg. It is located
illegal exploitation. “In this way, AMOMA in the north-west of Gaza Province and borders
reiterates its continuous support for government with Chicualacuala district in the north, with
initiatives such as Operation Tronco, until the Magude district in the south, Mabalane in the
last wrongdoer and his associates are dealt east and South Africa’s flagship Kruger Park in
with”, the organisation says. the west.

The association maintained that the high Despite its potential, described in the
volumes of timber seized by the authorities development plan of Massingir in 2010, there
involved in Operation Tronco were accumulated are no industries or employment, agriculture is
during the closed season, despite all the minimal, and the recent development of
legislation on the maturation period of the raw ecotourism does not yet benefit the local
material. “Perpetrators of this type of abuse population on a large scale.
show clearly that the measures taken by the
government are not enough to discourage them. Meeting the leaders:
On the contrary, they constitute a means of
legalising unlawfulness and of laundering the As the sun rose on the red village, we set out for
proceeds of illegal exploitation of this resource”, a morning encounter with Justice Ngwenya
AMOMA explains. (also known as ‘Nyimpine’); Simon Ernesto
Valoi (also known as ‘Navara’); and a man
Source: O País called Chiure – all identified as leaders of the
youths eager to earn money out of killing.
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Attracted by the wealth the leaders flaunt, the “fragile” and still benefits the poaching
youths come to them to request firearms and syndicates. “The current legislation only serves
instructions on how to poach inside Kruger. to punish the low-level poachers, leaving the
Acting as the interpreter for a film crew, I traders, transporters and middle men at large”,
wanted to sit face-to-face with the poachers but he said. “There is a difference in the legislation
things didn’t work out as expected. Only Chiure, in South Africa, and the Mozambican law is
the original and the oldest poaching leader, and weak”.
Nyimpine, the second in the system, would
meet us.

Navara, the most notorious, was unavailable

though we were told by locals that he was seen
coming in and out of his home precinct in a
white Land Cruiser. The first in the local
hierarchy is Chiure, followed by Nympine and
then Navara – although there are others
poachers in Nyangani and Nkanhine, such as
Chief Lucas Ringane, who in 2014 saw his
young brother killed in Kruger Park.

The home of the original and the oldest poaching

leader, known only as Chiure

Lottery: easy money or certain death

Those poachers who have returned and

managed to make money out of the illicit
business have guzzled it up in the acquisition of
fancy vehicles and flashy homes. The incentive
for poaching declined in 2016 due to the high
number of the deaths and arrests by rangers in
Kruger, said Cumbane.
Nympine’s mansion along the main road to Chokwé
district remains half-built “Before it was a profitable business, but now
because of the many deaths and the tight
First we went to the home of Jaime Cumbane’s, security in Kruger, the same men are suffering
the community leader of the Eduardo Mondlane and they have parked their vehicles and
neighbourhood, recently created when about motorbikes, and their houses remain unfinished.
500 families were resettled out of the Limpopo And now they have nothing to do, it is a misery”,
National Park – the transfrontier park that is said Cumbane.
shared between Mozambique and northern
Kruger. The way the business works, he said, was that
the boss places orders, and in case of death he
The resettlement process is part of the regional supports all the funeral expenses “as a way of
socio-economic plan, and has brought some demonstrating being a good person, but we
new opportunities to the communities that were know that they are bad people”. He said the
previously exposed to wild animals and drought government knows all the poachers and could
in Limpopo National Park. However, there are reduce the levels of criminality, but the political
still about five communities comprising more leaders are also involved.
than 13,000 families living inside the park,
according to Antonio Abacar, the park’s In Massingir everybody knows the people from
outgoing administrator. the syndicates, because they drive luxury
vehicles, possess fancy houses and nobody
While talking to Cumbane, his eyes were detains them. “This comes from the top and we
constantly surveilling his yard, trying to monitor are at the bottom, we mean nothing”, said a
his kids’ activities, since the departure of youths local leader who did not want to be named.
to the killing fields of the Kruger is never “They are the ones doing things here and
announced. Seeking easy money and shipping out the horns. It has been difficult to
mansions, the youths have no time for find solutions for these problems”.
goodbyes and much less prospect of return, he
said. “The possibilities are they return with rhino Another community member said the poaching
horns, or come back inside a coffin”. syndicates had misused the money. “With the
money involved in this business Massingir could
Abacar said a lot needs to be done in terms of have reached a high level of development, and
the Mozambican judicial system because it is at this moment of the crisis the poachers would
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not be suffering. “The poachers have only spent Chiure has buried more than seven boys from
10% of the money they earned through the area that he hired for poaching. He
poaching on houses and cars. I even saw some possesses a block of flats and a grocery, and
people keeping money inside broken fridges. drives a white Land Cruiser. He knows Navara,
Can you imagine a broken fridge full of dollars but they are not friends. Navara is younger than
and rands?” him.

With time ticking it was necessary to find the We then drove to ‘Nympine’s’ mansion along
bosses of the poaching. We met Chiure, the the main road to Chokwe district. The poacher-
original poaching leader, in his village shop and preacher was waiting for us and our
chatted with him about his area. He sold us beer conversation was conducted sometimes in
and water and talked about the drought, but Changana, English and Portuguese, but it was
avoided any conversation about poaching. not easy to get the full story. It wasn’t the first
time Nyimpine was in such a situation, he
It was a risk to look for Navara because of his already knew what we were going to do and
popularity within the community and the immediately expressed his availability in
government. He is known as a dangerous collaborating with us – so long as he could
criminal, linked not only to poaching but also to charge us ZAR15,000 for the interview.
alleged murder and car hijackings – which
apparently was his first “profession”. “Are you the ones looking for me?” he asked. “I
can sit here with you and tell you everything as
“Navara is a very dangerous person. If you long as you pay ZAR15,000 to record, shoot
investigate him the population will report you to and film. Otherwise no recording, shooting and
the police, like what happened to the overseas filming is allowed”. It took us almost two and a
journalists who were here and were almost half hours to convince Nyimpine that we were
killed by the locals”, said one of our sources on not paying. As the interpreter of the group I was
the street who did not want to be named. getting a headache from speaking in three
different languages.
He was referring to the incident in March 2015
when German reporter Bartholomaus Grill and Nyimpine said he knew the crew were
Swedish photographer Toby Selander were held journalists and insisted they needed to pay.
hostage by locals after they approached “This is my place and everyone is under my
Navara’s house in an attempt to interview him. orders. Do you want to know whether they are
They were arrested by police in Massingir and poaching? Yes, of course they are”, he said. “I
hauled before a local court before the Swedish am Justice Nympine and not a simple citizen”,
Embassy intervened and arranged for them to he continued. “I am the greatest and I am not
leave Mozambique. easy to find. Massingir lays down before me and
I am not here to waste my time”.

Nympine went to school until standard four, has

four wives and 21 children to look after. He runs
cattle breeding, butchery, and banana plantation
businesses in Massingir. He said he wants to
see all his children go to university. He claimed
to be a humanitarian, forgetting that many of the
youths sent to Kruger Park by him and his
partners to hunt rhinos were shot dead by the

“This is a gift I was given by God to help others.

Outside Navara’s home I am the preacher of my church”, he said,
showing some videos on his cellphone of mass
Death pact: and inviting us to his church to attend one of the
masses conducted by him. Then he returned to
Among the syndicate kingpins and their his main activity: “I am a poacher, I order and
associates, there is a pact that if poaching sell. I don’t miss a job, I am the boss and I risk
assignments succeed the payment is fulfilled my life to work and get money.
and in the case of death, the same bosses take
responsibility for sponsor all the funeral costs. “I know how it is done and who are involved,
They say the son of that family had gone to including the market and the potential buyers.
them asking for a job, and a firearm. In most This is a network, a powerful syndicate”.
instances the parents are afraid of being Without payment, though, he would not reveal
victimised or killed by the chief, so they play the details.
Blame game:
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According to Nyimpine, the business of Elephant tusks seized in Maputo market

poaching has also benefited some rangers
inside the Limpopo National Park, the On Friday 10 March, the Mozambican police
transfrontier reserve created in 2001. arrested two men caught trying to sell 22.5
kilograms of elephant tusks in Maputo Central
“At that time there was no poaching. Then a Market. According to Paulo Nazare, a
South African ranger [name withheld] who is still spokesperson for the Maputo City Police
there started patrolling the park all alone, Command, the men (named as Beltrano
against the rules. He had a gun and killed some Salvador and Justino Sitoe), were also in
‘problem animals’ such as elephants and rhinos. possession of 100 grams of shark teeth and one
His vehicle and helicopter were never kilogram of leopard skin. The police moved in to
inspected”, Nyimpine said. arrest them after they received a tip-off about
this attempted illegal sale of wild life products.
The leaders of the poaching gangs did not
originate in the Massingir community, he said, As soon as the police command received the
because the community was originally keen to tip-off it dispatched officers to the market who
protect the species in the Limpopo National made the arrests. In their defence, the two men
Park. claimed that the ivory and other items did not
belong to them and that “a brother” had left
Before the rhino poaching started to rise in them on their market stall. This “brother” had
2009, the Limpopo National Park hosted up to asked the two to look after his property, and
20,000 tourists a year and the local promised he would return to collect it. The items
communities receive 20% of the tourism profits. were inside a bag which they had not opened,
After the rhinos disappeared from the and so they did not know what it contained, they
transfrontier park, the tourism numbers dropped claimed.
and so did the revenues.
The two said that, if they had known that the
Nyimpine said his sources had told him that bag contained ivory and other prohibited wild life
some South African conservationists were produce, they would never have agreed to look
helping the poachers to buy luxury vehicles in after it. The mysterious “brother” had not
South Africa. “I saw one car bought for cash. returned, and the two said they did not know
Where did they get all that money to buy such a where he was. Nazare did not buy this story,
car? There is lot of connivance in this poaching and said the two men were selling the wild life
business”, he said. products clandestinely. The police also seized
items of carved ivory (including statues,
bracelets and necklaces) during their raid.

Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique

Judge releases illegal pangolin hunters

Every year more than 100,000 pangolins are

taken from their habitat and sent to China or
Vietnam, making it the most trafficked mammal
in the world and putting it on the brink of

Recently, three pangolin poachers were

detained in possession of one of these animals
in Mozambique, but they were subsequently
released by order of a provincial judge.

In a provincial court (which was not named in

order to protect the sources), three poachers
were recently tried by prosecutors from an
unnamed conservation area after they were
found in possession of a pangolin.

Strangely, the trial was scheduled without

notifying of the offended (in this case the
conservation authorities of the Mozambican
The poacher-preacher: This 2015 photo of Justice
Nyimpine, leaked to Oxpeckers, showed him in a state), but thanks to a happy coincidence a
SANParks helicopter representative of the authorities that participated
in the detention went to the court and witnessed
Source: Oxpeckers the moment when the honourable judge decided
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to release the poachers, claiming that there Three game wardens suspended in
were no grounds with which to prosecute the Zambézia
men because the pangolin was caught outside a
conservation area – that is, according evidence The management of the Gilé National Reserve
based solely on the testimony of one of the (Zambézia Province), has suspended three
criminals. game wardens, suspected of complicity in the
poaching of three elephants last year.
With permission from the court the
representative of the conservation area was “They have been suspended and disciplinary
able to intervene and explained to the proceedings have begun”, said the administrator
magistrate the animal was actually hunted of the Reserve, José Dias. “At the same time
inside the protection zone. criminal proceedings will be opened at the
district branch of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The prosecutor also argued that even if the They haven’t been summoned yet, and the case
animal had been caught outside the is still being handled internally”.
conservation area, the pangolin is a protected
species, thus the poachers violated Law 10/99 Dias was angered at what he regarded as the
of July 07, 1999. lenient handling of poachers by the courts. He
said that a poacher had been caught in the
@Verdade discovered that the judge upheld his illegal possession of three firearms, believed to
ruling to release poachers and even threatened have been used in the killing of the three
to arrest prosecutors for allegedly acting outside elephants. But the man was released on
their area of jurisdiction. payment of bail.

Incidentally, the poacher’s defence lawyer even “After he was released, he rang up members of
argued that it was impossible to capture the the reserve’s staff and threatened them”, said
pangolin because “they fell from the sky”. Dias. “I am scared because I too am at risk and
could be shot”.
The beliefs about Manis temmincki, the
scientific name of the species of pangolin found Dias believed that bail should not be made
in Mozambique, vary depending on the available for people accused of the illegal
geographical region. possession and carrying of firearms.

In the south, its appearance is associated with The Zambézia provincial timber associations
calamity or natural disasters. In the centre and warn that large amounts of precious hardwoods
north it is believed to be an animal that brings are still being taken out of the Gilé Reserve by
luck and prosperity. illegal loggers, and blamed Chinese interests for
this (although, under legislation passed late last
Nonetheless, its meat is a delicacy in Asia year, no unprocessed logs can be exported
where its scales are also used in traditional from Mozambican ports).
A spokesperson for the timber associations,
A BBC investigation revealed that there are Inocencio Taibo, declared “the great potential of
restaurants in Vietnam where pangolins are on Zambézia is being lost, and we must focus on
the menu. preserving our resources. The Chinese partners
are now dictating the rules of the game, and this
For a modest sum of US$250 (about MT17,500) is damaging us”.
the animal is served alive and the throat cut in
front of the client, who drinks the blood because Source: Agencia de Informacao de Moçambique/O
it is believed to be an aphrodisiac. País

In China, where traditional medicine is highly The poaching war near Gorongosa Park
prized, the pangolin’s scales are reduced to
powder and used to allegedly improve blood With their dark green uniforms and weapons,
flow, or to reduce bloating or even for the the rangers, recruited from the buffer zone of
treatment of arthritis. Gorongosa National Park (PNG) in central
Mozambique, walk through inhospitable areas in
The Mozambican academic Jorge Ferrão a paradise setting under the immense heat and
considers that the extinction of this small animal sleep in the bush, with the aim of detecting
could be extremely harmful to the ecosystem, poachers and neutralising traps.
because the pangolin helps keep the ant and
termite species down. “Traps, poachers, steel cables, weapons as
well, machetes ...” This is what Antonia Vasco
Source: @Verdade and his colleagues are accustomed to dealing
with, facing the actions of people from their own
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community who, during the intensification of the the park with regard to restoring animal
conflict between the government and Renamo numbers. “We have thousands and thousands
last year, illegally sought meat from large of herbivores here and enough food to support a
herbivores for consumption. group of 200 lions”, says the biologist, who
estimates that the Park is about half of a bastion
In addition to reducing the effects of the military designation, in a scientific project
confrontations, which while not entering the unprecedented in Africa with regard to the
park’s territory have recently come very close recovery of a population in non-fenced systems.
and had serious indirect impacts on the park’s
restoration project, the rangers also seek to gain “As a conservationist of large carnivores and a
knowledge about the importance of the biologist, I look at vast areas and this park is
environment and conservation, which will relatively small compared to the region in which
provide for their families. it lies”, says the project director, noting that the
lion cannot survive in the “bubble” of 4,000
Long before being recruited for the PNG in the kilometres of PNG, and it needs corridors that
village of Gorongosa, Costa Jornal was already connect it to the neighbouring territories, like the
fond of conservation, which he now puts into forest concessions.
practice as patrol chief, a job that is not like the
others. At the end of November, PNG signed an
agreement with the Entreposto for the
“When I see an animal in a trap, I feel conversion of more than 200,000 hectares of a
uncomfortable, because the people who put it contiguous game reserve in a protected area
out are putting an end to biodiversity”, he that could almost double the area of the park to
laments. “But when we only see a steel cable that of the Zambezi, and to bring in new
and the animal has not yet been caught, we corridors, not only for the lion but also for the
have an advantage because we still have not viability of other species, such as the first group
lost an animal”, says Jornal, stressing the of six leopards.
importance of daily surveillance in the Park.
A good way to create new areas of wildlife
According to data from the PNG inspection expansion was the cleaning project along the
team, in 2016 alone, approximately 521 Cheringoma plateau, where, according to
poachers were detected in the park, while 35 Bouley, until recently “one could not walk there
guns, 247 mechanical traps and 9,258 SWR’s without literally touching a trap”.
were recovered.
In addition to poaching, the war also affected
The African wild boars, imbabalas, pivas, tourism, which, before the political crisis, was
buffalos and other herbivores are the main peaking at more than 7,000 visitors per year;
targets, but sometimes poachers even target however, last year less than 2,000 tourists
lions. visited the area. Certain access zones to the
Gorongosa mountain range are still closed for
Paola Bouley, the PNG Lion Project director, security reasons. With the implementation of the
has the daily task of capturing GPS satellite truce, many hope that the destruction will come
signals that give her the location of each of the to an end, bringing to life once more, the most
park’s lions. This is an important task as it tells iconic national park in the country.
the team if an animal has been caught in a trap.
Source: RTP News
After the civil war between 1977 and 1992, PNG
lost 95% of its wildlife and “lions had almost The big problem with legalising rhino horn
been completely eradicated”, according to sales in South Africa
Bouley, winner of the National Geographic Big
Cats Initiative. Last month the Environmental Affairs Minister
Edna Molewa made two announcements
The arrival of the North American biologist relating to rhinos in South Africa. The big news
coincided with the worsening of the political was that there had been a 10% decrease in the
crisis between government and Renamo and number of rhinos killed in South Africa for their
since then marked by episodes of horn. This was largely due to a drop in killings in
confrontations, especially in the Gorongosa the Kruger National Park and even though the
mountain area. killings in the rest of the country and poaching
incidents overall increased, it was truly good
It is because of the war that the PNG pursues news.
restoration efforts, which began in 2007 by the
American philanthropist Greg Carr Foundation, Except that in the same month she also
and in which Project Leon is one of its main published draft regulations to legalise the sale of
components. The renewed conflict in 2016 rhino horn under certain conditions. I (Melanie
threatened the remarkable success achieved in Verwoerd, Former ANC MP and South African
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Ambassador to Ireland) was totally The regulations also state that it can only be for
gobsmacked. personal use. Now one has to ask why on earth
would people want rhino horn for personal use?
While I was in parliament I served on the Even though rhino horn really is only of use to
environmental portfolio committee so I am the rhino since it is made out of keratin (the
familiar with the need for political compromises same material as our nails), people in Asian
and balancing diverse demands – sadly even countries use it mainly for medicinal purposes.
when it comes to the environment. But this So are we really suggesting that people will sit
proposed change in the regulatory framework in their kitchens and every night file a little more
around rhino horn is truly ludicrous and what is of the horn to put in their drink?
worse it is not new.
Of course people also want rhino horns as
The exact same arguments were put to us over trophies, but I have yet to hear of anyone who is
and over years ago around elephant ivory. In interested in a horn as a trophy if they did not
the end there were a couple of “fire sales” of shoot the rhino themselves. “Personal use” will
stockpiled ivory and we saw what happened. almost always result in only one thing – the horn
will be sold on to underground commercial
The research was done – and no one can refute traders.
today that it resulted in more elephants being
poached and killed – despite the arguments It is clear that this part of the regulations is there
from the pro-sell advocates at the time that it purely to circumvent CITES which has banned
would reduce the price and thus the demand for all forms of rhino horn sale since 1977. And
poached ivory. while I am on CITES, it is worthwhile noting that
South Africa will go against the wishes of 100
Yet, here we are again. Same arguments – other countries who voted last year against the
except this time round it is about an animal that sale of rhino horn.
is far more endangered than even elephants.
So what then about the argument that a
So what is going on? The regulations came regulated sale will reduce demand and thus
about largely as a result of pressure by some reduce the price and so make it less profitable
farmers, who farm with rhinos on privately held for poachers? This is where we have to learn
land. They have stockpiles of rhino horn that from what happened with the limited sales of
they want to sell – as does the government. stockpiled ivory.
Selling rhino horn is a very lucrative business. It All reputable studies and conservationists have
is estimated that rhino horn can sell for between shown that demand went up and poaching
US$60,000 and US$100,000 per kilogram. And increased during and after the sales. It is really
with a horn weighing between one and three economics 101 – supply fuels demand. If people
kilograms – well, you do the math. see others having it or using it – they want it too.
To argue that the sale of horn from a few farms
The advocates for selling the horn argue that by and parks in South Africa will be able to satisfy
selling it legally the price will drop as will the the enormous existing and increasing demand
demand for illegally obtained horn. They also in Asia and thus saturate the market is just
say that the money that will be made can be ridiculous.
used to increase anti-poaching efforts. It is also
argued that the regulations are very limiting and Secondly, I have no doubt that those with
that the sale will be strictly regulated. stockpiled rhino horn will want top dollar for it.
Otherwise why bother? Now if they agree to a
In a nutshell the regulations allow rhino horn fixed price of say ZAR100 per kilogram, well
and products to be sold and exported if the then perhaps there might be some validity in
necessary export and import permits are held their argument. But of course they won’t and so,
and under certain conditions. The main as we have seen with the elephants, the prices
condition, strongly emphasised at the briefing to won’t fall.
the parliamentary committee, is that only two
rhino horns per person would be allowed. And even in the very unlikely scenario that the
prices do decrease, it will only mean that the
Firstly, what was not made clear at the briefing, poachers will poach more. After all, it is not as if
but is in the regulations, is that this restriction the poachers are going to sit back and politely
only applies to foreign citizens who travel to allow the rhino farmers to sell only their
South Africa. South Africans or foreigners who stockpiles.
own rhinos in South Africa can export an
unlimited number. Secondly, the regulations do Lastly, if the money from the sale does go
not mention over what period of time these toward poaching prevention (a lot of money
numbers are applicable – so whether it is two from the ivory sales did not end up in poaching
per visit, two per month or two per annum. prevention as was promised), but the poaching
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increases as a result of the sale, it seems pretty motivation‚ as well as confusion among the
much like a zero sum game. scientists and public alike”.

The only way to curb rhino poaching (as we Prinsloo says the park has never been
learnt from elephant poaching) is a sustained mandated to provide sustenance to
campaign to ban all sales and consumption of communities and that this new strategy of
rhino horn. After decades the Chinese commercialisation of meat seems to have taken
government has finally made the carving, priority over conservation and has “not borne
buying and selling of ivory illegal from the end of public scrutiny”.
this year. We have to seek the same outcome
for rhino horn and not fuel the demand and Ralph Sibande‚ another stakeholder at the
confuse consumers with these kinds of sales. meeting agrees: “We are all concerned about
poverty in South Africa‚ but selling meat will not
The only people that will benefit from this sale of solve the problem … Besides”, he reasons‚
rhino horn are the rhino farmers, the “issues of hunger are the responsibility of the
speculators/traders and possibly officials and Department of Social Development who are
politicians who might get illegal kickbacks. The better placed than SANParks to tackle the
one stakeholder that won’t is the rhinos. issue”.

So if you are one of the thousands of people “Biodiversity conservation involves certain
who have continued to give money to save the trade-offs”, says Louise Swemmer‚ the scientist
rhinos – know that these regulations are really for social and economic management at the
making a laughing stock of us all. park‚ “it’s about human well-being as well as
At the same time as we have been spending our
hard earned money to save the rhinos our Swemmer‚ speaking at a stakeholder seminar
minister is willing to allow the sale of their horn – hosted by SANParks at Skukuza over the
an action that will put them right back into more weekend specifically to address public concerns
danger than ever before. about the animal off-take programme‚ said the
process will provide “tangible benefits” to
Source: News24/Conservation Action Trust schools on a small-scale feeding scheme and
will in no-way impact the overall numbers of
More questions than answers as Kruger park buffalo in the park.
continues shooting buffalo
The Kruger National Park currently has a
Confused explanations at a public meeting in population of 48‚000 buffalo‚ the highest in the
Skukuza on Saturday11 March are concerning park’s history according to Danie Pienaar‚ head
stakeholders as the Kruger National Park forges of the Kruger’s Scientific Services.
ahead with its programme of shooting buffalo as
part of a sustainable offtake program that does But stakeholders are sceptical of the about-turn
not appear to have clear objectives. in rationale.
Last year‚ SANParks officials justified culling of Sibande is concerned that the Kruger Park’s
hippo as drought-related – explaining it was obsession with community upliftment is taking
better to kill the animals before they suffered over from genuine conservation practices.
from the drought that ravaged much of the first “What are the conservation or scientific
half of 2016 – but given the protracted rainfall in justifications of the buffalo off-take?” He asked
the area recently‚ the explanations for the of the ecologists present at the meeting.
continued killing has shifted to that of feeding
impoverished rural populations that border the Danny Govender, who specialises in disease
western boundary of the park. ecology at the park, responded that the limited
off-take was about minimising the spread of
Kruger Park rangers will shoot 300 to 400 bovine tuberculosis‚ anthrax and foot and mouth
buffalo and 200 hippo in 2017‚ on the back of disease in buffalo‚ an answer that instantly
105 buffalo and 52 hippo killed in 2016 and the raised questions of food security in selling
refurbishment of the Skukuza abattoir to potentially infected meat.
process the carcasses for sale of meat for
human consumption. To add further confusion‚ the park’s head of
conservation‚ Freek Venter, admitted that the
“This re-direction of culling to feed settlements buffalo to be shot were selected purely on a
is alarming given the timeframe of a few random basis‚ meaning disease-management
months”, says Richard Prinsloo of Africa Wild‚ a couldn’t be the main driver for the off-take
public forum that monitors the governance either.
within SANParks‚ “since it creates many more
questions regarding the management‚ planning‚
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Another question raised was given that the 17 thousands of visitors to South Africa’s iconic
rural municipalities bordering the western game park will view the slaughter of wildlife.
boundary of the park comprising of some two- Around 80% of the park’s revenue comes
million impoverished citizens‚ how could they directly from tourists who could take a dim view
possibly hope to feed even a fraction of them if they knew the animals they were
with the meat of a few hundred animals? photographing one day may be butchered
carcasses dangling on meat hooks the next.
“Where then are the tangible benefits for the
large majority of people who won’t get any “That’s not good!” said a visitor at Skukuza
meat?” asked one stakeholder‚ “and what are when asked her view‚ “I come to the Kruger
the justifications for selecting those that do?” every year‚ but I think I will now consider
Botswana or Kenya in future”.
William Mabasa‚ acting head of communications
at SANParks‚ responded that a forum had been Head Scientist‚ Danie Pienaar confessed that
established among the communities to the programme wasn’t perfect. “This is a
determine which schools would benefit from the process of continually learning”, he admitted‚ a
feeding programme and those that didn’t benefit point taken up by the park’s Managing
“would understand”. Executive‚ Glenn Phillips‚ who has invited the
public to engage and seek a compromise. “It’s
He added the Kruger has to be seen to be doing about co-learning and transparency”, he said.
something‚ rather than nothing.
Phillips has undertaken to hold other such
“We have to start somewhere‚ and try and build public seminars around the country. The public
a base of support for people who have are invited to attend‚ to raise questions‚
historically been excluded from benefitting from concerns and contribute to discussions of this
the park”, he said. controversial topic.

But whatever the justifications for the off-take Source: Times Live
scheme‚ it’s unsure how the hundreds of



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