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Interactive Learning Activities

Website's Name Website's URL Description of the Interactive

Learning Activity

Topmarks This interactive activity allows

g-and-sequencing/caterpillar- students to order numbers forwards
ordering or backwards from 1-1000, and
sequence numbers in evens or odds,
(For this link you may have to in multiples, or in common counting
answer a reCAPTCHA before steps. This activity is suitable for
accessing the activity) students K-5.
Scholastic This interactive activity allows
tic/editdan_eng_launcher.html students to edit sentences and find
mistakes in punctuation,
capitalization, and sentence
structure. This activity is suitable
for students in grades 1-5.
Quizlet This interactive activity is a diagram
water-cycle-diagram/ of the water cycle, students can
view the diagram, then select the
“Learn” option to test their
knowledge of the cycle. This
activity is suitable for students in
grades 3-5.
PBS Kids This interactive activity asks
ersurprise.html students to categorize what animals
or plants belong in different
ecosystems. This activity is suitable
for students in grades 1-3.
Read Write Think This interactive activity allows
resources/interactives/comic/ students to create a comic strip
story. This activity is suitable for
students in grades K-5.
Maths Frame This interactive activity students
es/resource/116/telling-the-time must tell the time to the nearest
hour, half hour, quarter hour, five
minutes, or minute. This activity is
suitable for students in grades K-2.
National Geographic This interactive activity teaches
/media/planet-food/ students about geography through
what food is popular in different
countries. This activity is suitable
for students in grades 4-5.
ABC Ya This interactive activity lets
cent_decimal_tiles.htm students see how fractions,
decimals, and percents relate to and
equal each other and form a whole.
This activity is suitable for students
in grades 2-5.
Fun Brain This interactive activity asks
ramble-saurus students to unscramble and spell a
word relating to geography, books,
science, music, sports, or history.
This activity is suitable for students
in grades 3-8.
Teacher Led This interactive activity has students
es/multiplication/multiplicationgrid/ fill out a multiplication chart to
practice knowledge of
multiplication facts. This activity is
suitable for students in grades 4-8.

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