Micro Required Courses

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U1 Required Courses (25 credits)

Course # Title Credits
MIMM 211 (F) Introductory Microbiology 3
MIMM 212 (F) Laboratory in Microbiology 2
BIOL 200 (F) Molecular Biology 3
BIOL 201 (W) Cell Biology and Metabolism
or 3
BIOC 212 (W) Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function
BIOL 202 (W) Basic Genetics 3
CHEM 212 (F or W)* Organic Chemistry I (ELECTIVE COURSE) 4
CHEM 222 (F or W)** Organic Chemistry II 4
CHEM 203 (F) A Survey of Physical Chemistry 3
CHEM 204 (F or W) Intro. Phys. Chemistry for Biological Science Students

* Students entering Microbiology are usually exempted from CHEM212, having already taken an equivalent course
in CEGEP (202-202). Those students will need to take additional elective courses to obtain the required amount of
** Students who have taken Organic Chemistry II in CEGEP (202-302) are usually exempted from Chemistry
CHEM222. Those students will need to take additional elective courses to obtain the required amount of credits.

U2 Required Courses (21 credits)

Course # Title Credits
MIMM 314 (W) Immunology 3
MIMM 323 (F) Microbial Physiology 3
MIMM 324 (F) Fundamental Virology 3
MIMM 386 D1 (F) Laboratory in Microbiology & Immunology 3
MIMM 386 D2 (W) Laboratory in Microbiology & Immunology 3
BIOC 311 (F) Metabolic Biochemistry 3
BIOC 312 (W) Biochemistry of Macromolecules 3

U3 Required Courses (9 credits)

Course # Title Credits
MIMM 413 (W) Parasitology 3
Bacterial Pathogenesis and Host
MIMM 465 (F) 3
MIMM 466 (W) Viral Pathogenesis and Host Defences 3

Required statistics course (3 credits)

One of these three courses must be taken in U1, U2, or U3.
Course # Title Credits
BIOL 373 (F) Biometry 3
MATH 203 (F or
Principles of Statistics I 3
Introduction to Psychological
PSYC 204 (F or W) 3

Complementary Courses in U1, U2, or U3 (9 credits)

An additional 9 credits must be taken from the following:

Course # Title Credits
BIOL 300 (F) Molecular Biology of the Gene 3
BIOL 314 (F) Molecular Biology of Oncogenes 3
CHEM 302 (F) Organic Chemistry III 3
BIOT 505 (W) Selected Topics in Biotechnology 3
ANAT 261 (F) Introduction to Dynamic Histology 4
ANAT 262 (W) Intro. Molecular and Cellular Biology 3
ANAT 365 (F) Cellular trafficking 3
ANAT 458 (W) Membranes & Cellular Signalling 3
BIOC 450 (F) Protein Structure and Function 3
BIOC 454 (F) Nucleic Acids 3
BIOC 458 (W) Membranes & Cellular Signalling 3
EXMD 504 (F) Biology of Cancer 3
MIMM 387 (W) Applied Microbiology and Immunology 3
MIMM 414 (F) Advanced Immunology 3
MIMM 509 (W) Inflammatory Processes 3
PATH 300 (W) Human Disease 3
PHAR 300 (F) Drug Action 3
PHAR 301 (W) Drugs and Diseases 3
PHGY 209 (F)* Mammalian Physiology I 3
PHGY 210 (W) Mammalian Physiology II 3
* Timetable conflict with MIMM324 (F); should be taken in U-1 or U-3



Elective Courses: Courses that do not count toward the fulfillment of the requirements of a major, minor, etc. They
are often, but need not be, selected from outside a student’s program of study. Some restrictions may apply, but
students have the most choice in selecting elective courses. Some faculties also permit students to take elective
courses using the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option. Consult your faculty regulations concerning elective courses.


Required Courses
Stream II - Required Courses (6 credits)

Note: Stream II of the Minor Concentration Economics may not be expanded to the Major Concentration

 ECON 208 Microeconomic Analysis and Applications (3 credits)

 ECON 209 Macroeconomic Analysis and Applications (3 credits)

Stream II - Complementary Courses (12 credits)

12 credits of courses with the Economics subject code ECON with numbers above 209. At least 6 of these credits
must be in 300- or 400-level courses.

Call for info in finance minor (9h to 5h pm)



Required Courses (9 credits)

 FINE 342 Finance 2 (3 credits)

 FINE 441 Investment Management (3 credits)
 MGCR 341 Finance 1 (3 credits) *

Complementary Courses (9 credits)

9 credits selected from:

 FINE 442 Capital Markets and Institutions (3 credits) Fall 2010 or Winter 2011 Prerequisites: MGCR 341

Functions of the capital market through flow of funds analysis and an examination of portfolio activities of financial intermediaries.
Also covered are: securities regulations and ethical considerations, the term structure of interest rates and risk and rates of return in
debt and equity markets.

 FINE 443 Applied Corporate Finance (3 credits) Fall2010, winter 2011 Prerequisites : FINE 342

Concepts and techniques are applied to problems faced by managers in Corporate Finance, such as working capital management,
capital structure, dividend policy, cost of capital, and mergers and acquisition. Application of theory and techniques through case

 FINE 444 Risk Management and Insurance (3credits) Not 2010 nor 2011 Prerequisites : MGCR 341

Risk exposures of the individual and the firm. A wide variety of techniques for reducing risk exposure are studied including Life,
Property and Casualty Insurance. In addition, the course treats the problems faced by insurers such as re-insurance and investment

 FINE 445 Real Estate Finance (3credits) Fall 2010 Prerequisite MGCR 341

Fundamentals of mortgages from the viewpoint of both consumer and the firm. Emphasis on legal, mathematical and financial
structure provides a micro basis for analysis of the functions and performance of the mortgage market, in conjunction with the housing
market. A weekly series of one-hour tutorials are mandatory for the first six weeks of class.
 FINE 448 Financial Derivatives (3credits) Fall 2010, Winter 2011 Prerequisite: MGSC 272

The course will concentrate on both the analytical and practical aspects of investments in options and futures. The first part of the
course concentrates on option and futures valuation, considering both discrete and continuous time models. The second part of the
course concentrates on the practical aspects of options and futures trading.

 FINE 449 Market Risk Models (3credits) Fall 2010 Prerequisites : FINE 441, MGSC 272

Dynamic market risk models including GARCH volatility models, dynamic conditional correlation models, non-normal return
distributions, option pricing allowing for skewness and kurtosis, and option risk management using delta, delta-gamma and full-

 FINE 451 Fixed Income Analysis (3credits) Fall 2010, Winter 2011 Pre: FINE 441

Fixed income financial instruments and their uses for both financial engineering and risk management (at the trading desk and
aggregate firm level). This will involve coverage of fixed income mathematics, risk management concepts, term structure modeling,
derivatives valuation and credit risk analysis.

 FINE 480 Global Investments (3 credits) Winter 2011 Pre:FINE 441, FINE 482

Major principles of international investments and global asset allocation, focusing on recent developments in modeling and
predicting global asset returns. Main approaches to stock selection, style investing, and special issues such as indirect diversification
and country and industry effects in equity pricing. Use of Datastream and other financial data sources.

 FINE 482 International Finance1 (3credits) Fall 2010, Winter 2011 Pre: MGCR 341

The international financial environment as it affects the multinational manager. Balance of payments concepts, adjustment process
of the external imbalances and the international monetary system. In depth study of the institutional and theoretical aspects of
foreign exchange markets; International capital markets, including Eurobonds and eurocredit markets.

 FINE 492 International Finance 2 (3 credits) Winter 2011 Pre: FINE 482

Focus on the operational problems of financial management in the multinational enterprise: Financing of international trade,
international capital budgeting, multinational cost of capital, working capital management; International banking and recent
developments in international capital markets.

 FINE 541 Applied Investments (3credits) Fall 2010, Winter 2011 Pre: FINE 441, U2 students only

Students are exposed to practical aspects of managing investment portfolios. A principal activity of students is participation in the
management of a substantial investment fund.

 FINE 547 Advanced Finance Seminar (3credits), Winter 2011 Pre: FINE 441,FINE 443, MGCR 651, not for FINE 647

Selected topics will be discussed by Faculty members, invited guest speakers, and the students. Each student is required to select a
topic for study and prepare a written report for presentation.

Fall 2010 (14)
 MIMM 211 (F) Introductory Microbiology 3
 MIMM 212 (F) Laboratory in Microbiology 2
 BIOL 200 (F) Molecular Biology 3
 PHGY 209 (F) * Mammalian Physiology I 3
 ECON 208 Microeconomic Analysis and Applications 3

Winter 2011(16)
CHEM 222 (F or W) ** Organic Chemistry II 4
BIOC 212 (W) Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function 3
BIOL 202 (W) Basis Genetics 3
CHEM 204 (F or W) Intro. Phys. Chemistry for Biological Science Students 3
PSYC 204 (F or W) Introduction to Psychological Statistics 3

Fall 2011(15)
BIOC 311 (F) Metabolic Biochemistry 3
MIMM 323 (F) Microbial Physiology 3
MIMM 324 (F) Fundamental Virology 3
MIMM 386 D1 (F) Laboratory in Microbiology & Immunology 3
MGCR 341 (F or W) Finance 1, Management Core 3
ANAT 261 Introduction to Dynamic Histology 4

Winter 2012(15)
BIOC 312 (W) Biochemistry of Macromolecules 3
MIMM 314 (W) Immunology 3
MIMM 386 D2 (W) Laboratory in Microbiology & Immunology 3
FINE 441 Investment Management 3
PHGY 210 (W) Mammalian Physiology 2 3

Fall 2012(15)
MIMM 465 (F) Bacterial Pathogenesis and Host Defences 3
ELECTIVE (S/U) (Courses outside faulty of Sc and Arts) 3
FINE 342 Finance 2 3
FINE 445 Real Estate Finance 3
PATH 300 Human Disease 3
PHGY 419D1 Immunology Research Project 4.5
MIMM 414 Advanced Immunology 3
MIMM 509 Inflammatory Processes 3

Winter 2013(15)
MIMM 466 (W) Viral Pathogenesis and Host Defences 3
MIMM 413 (W) Parasitology 3
FINE 444 Risk Management and Insurance 3
FINE 451 Fixed Income Analysis 3
PHGY 419D2 Immunology Research Project 4.5
PHGY 513 Cellular Immunology 3
     Monday       Tuesday       Wednesday       Thursday       Friday   
  ECON 208-001   ECON 208-001  
  1657 2 times 1.5 hrs/wk   1657 2 times 1.5 hrs/wk  
8:35 AM-9:55 AM 8:35 AM-9:55 AM
MIMM 211-001 MIMM 211-001 MIMM 211-001
723 3 times 1 hr/wk 723 3 times 1 hr/wk 723 3 times 1 hr/wk
9:35 AM-10:25 AM 9:35 AM-10:25 AM 9:35 AM-10:25 AM
PHGY 209-002   PHGY 209-002 MIMM 212-003 PHGY 209-002
3786 3 times 1 hr/wk   3786 3 times 1 hr/wk 725 1 times 1 hr/wk 3786 3 times 1 hr/wk
11:35 AM-12:25 PM 11:35 AM-12:25 PM 11:35 AM-12:25 PM 11:35 AM-12:25 PM
   MIMM 212-003      
  1:35-1:45 LECTURE      
Duff Amphitheatre
2pm   MIMM 212-002      
  724 1 times 3 hrs/wk      
2:05 PM-4:55 PM
BIOL 200-002 BIOL 200-002   BIOL 200-002
3351 3 times 1 hr/wk 3351 3 times 1 hr/wk   3351 3 times 1 hr/wk
4:35 PM-5:25 PM 4:35 PM-5:25 PM 4:35 PM-5:25 PM
LEA 132 LEA 132 LEA 132

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