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Paper 311 : Computer Graphics and Image Processing

Introduction to Computer Graphics :

Definition, Application areas of Computer graphics, Graphical user interface, Cathod ray tubes,
Random scan displays, Raster scan displays (with introduction to flickering, interlacing.
American standard video etc), Color CRT monitors, Flat panel displays (Plasma Panels, Liquid
crystal displays, Electroluminescent displays), Graphics software (GKS, PHIGS), Color Models
(RGB, CMYK, HSV, Lookup tables etc.)
Raster Graphics Algorithms :
Line drawing algorithms (DDA, Bresenham's algo), Circle and Ellipse drawing algorithms,
Filling (Scan-converting Polygon filling, Inside outside tests boundary fill and area fill algo).
Transformations and Projections :
2-D transformations (Rotation, Reflection, shearing, scaling), Homogeneous coordinate
representation, Translation, 3-D transformations, Projection classification, Parallel projections,
Perspective projections (One point, Two point).
Two dimensional Clipping and visible surface detection methods:
Viewing pipeline, window and viewport, Sutherland Cohen sub division algorithm, Cyrus-beck
algorithm, classification of visible surface detection algorithm, Backface algo, Depth sorting
method, Area subdivision method etc.
Introduction to Digital Image Processing :
Definition application areas Digital Image Processing, difference between computer graphics and
Image processing. The storage and capture of digital images. File forms, Basic digital Image
processing techniques like antialiasing, Convolutions, Thresholding etc, Image enhancement.

1. Hearn & Baker: Computer Graphics (2nd Ed.). Prentice Hall India.
2. Krihsnamurthy N: Introduction to computer Graphics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Edition.
3. Zhigang X. & Plastock R.a. : Theory and problems of Computer Graphics (Schaum's
Outline), Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4. Gonzalez & gonzalez, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education.
5. Jain V.K. Fundamentals of Digital Image processing, Pearson Education.

Paper 312 : Softwere Engineering

Softwere Characteristics, Components, Applications, Softwere process Models : Waterfall,

spiral, Prototyping, Fourth Generation Techniques, Concepts of Project Management, Role of
Metrics & Measurements.
S/W Project planning Objectives, Decomposition techniques : S/W Sizing, Problem-based
estimation, Process based estimation, Cost Estimation Models : COCOMO Model.
S/W Design : Objectives, Principles, Concepts, Design methodologies Data design, Architectural
design, procedural design, Object oriented concepts
Testing fundamentals : Objectives, principles, testability, Test cases: White box & Black box
testing strategies: verification & validation, unit test, integration testing, validation, testing,
system testing
References :
1. Roger, S. Pressman, " Softwere Engimeering-A Practitioner's Approach", Thrid Edition,
McGraw Hill
2. R.E. Fairley, 'Softwere Engineering Concepts", McGraw Hill
3. Jalota "An Integrated Approach to Softwere Engineering", Narosa Publishing House.

Paper 313 : Simulation and Modeling

Defination of System : Types of system-continous and discrete; Modeling process and

defination of a model;Compurter work load and preparerating of its models; Verification and
validation modeling procedures;l comparing model data with real system.
Sumulaiton Process : Use of simulation discrete and continuous simulation procedures;
simulation of a time sharing computer system.
Simulation languages : A brief introduction to important discrete and continouos simulation
language; Algorithm development and pseudo code writing for simulation problems. Use of
database and A.I. techniques in the area of modeling and simulation.
References :

1. Payer, T.A. : Introduction to simulation , McGraw Hill, 1982

2. Spriet, W.A. : Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation-Academic press, 1982
3. Barnes, B: Modeling and performance Measurement of Computer systmes.

Paper 314 : Advanced Computer Archcitecture

Parallel Computer Models : The state of computing, multiprecessors and multicomputers,

multivector and SIMD computers, architectural development tracks.
Program and Network properties : conditions of parallelism, program partitioning and
scheduling, program flow mechanisms.
System interconnect Architectures : Network Properties and routing, Static interconnection
network and dynamic intercommection networks.
Processors and memory Hierachy : Advanced processor technology-CISC, RISC, Superscalar,
Vector VLIW and symbolic processors, memory technology.
Bus, Cache and Shared Memory.
Linerer Pipeline Processors, Nonlinear Pipeline, processors Instruction pipeline Design
Airthmetic pipeline Design Multiprocessros System Interconnets Vector Processing Principles,
Multivector Multiprocessors.
Text :
1. Kai Hwang "Advanced Computer Architecture", McGraw-Hill.
Reference :
1. J.P. Hayaes "Computer Architecture", McGraw-Hill.
2. Harvey G. Cragon, "Memory Systems and Pipelined Processors", Narosa Publication.
3. V. Rajaranam & C.S.R. Murthty "Parallel Computers", PHI.
4. R.K. Ghose Rajan Moona & Phalguni Gupta, "Foundation of parallel processing". Narosa
5. Kai Hwang and Zu, "Scalable parallel Computers Architectures", McGraw-Hill.
6. Stalling W., "Computer Organization & Architecture", PHI.

Paper 315 : Management Information Systems

Introduction to system and Basic System Concepts, Types of Systems, The Systems Approach,
Information System: Definition & Characteristics, Types of informaiton, Role of Information in
Decision-Making, Sub-Systems of an Information system : EDP and MIS managment levels,
An overview of Management Information System: Defination & Characteristics, Components of
MIS, Frame Work for Understnding MIS : Information requirements & Levles of Management,
Simon's Model of decision-Making, Structured Vs Un-structured decisiohs, Formal Vs. Informal
Developing Information Systems: Analysis & Desion of Information Systems: Implementation &
Evaluation, Pitfalls in MIS Development.
Functional MIS : A Study of Marketing, Personnel, Financial and production MIS.
References :

1. J. Kanter, "Management/Information Systems". PHI.

2. Gordon B. Davis & M.H. Olson. " Management Information Systems : Conceptual
Foundation, structure & Development."
3. Robert G. Murdick & Joel E. Ross & James R. Claggett,"Information Systems for
Modern Management" PHI.
4. Lucas, "Analysis, Design & Implementation of Information System.

Paper 316 : Network Security and Cryptology

Introduction : Goals and settings, The symmetic setting, The asymmetric setting. Other goals
Pseudorandom Number Generation, Authenticated key exchange, Coin flipping, What
cryptography is about, Protocols, parties and adversaries, Cryptanaly and computer secutity the
rules of the game, Approaches to the study of cryptography, Phases in the cryptography's
Development, Cryptanalysis-driven design, Shannon security ofr symmetic encryption,
Computer tational complexity theory, Atomic primitives, what background do I need? ,
Historical notes, problems.
Block Ciphers : What is a block cipher? Data Encryption Standard (DES) Key recovery attacks
on block ciphers, Iterated DES and DESX, Advanced encryption Standard (AES), Limitaitions
of recovery key based security, Problems.
Pseudorandom Functions : Function families, Random functions and permutaions,
Pseudorandom Funcitons, Pseudorandom permutations, Modeling block ciphers, Example
attacks, Security against key recovery, The birthday attack, The PRP/PRF switching lemma.
Historical notes.
Symmetric Encryption :Some Symmetric Encryption schemes, Issues Iqn privacy,
Indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack, Example chosen-plaintext attacks, INF-CPA
implies PR-CPA, Security of CTR modes, Security of CBC with a ramdom IV, Historicla notes.
Hash Functions : The hash function SHAI, Colision resistant hash functions, Colliison, attacks.
One-way ness of colision resistant hash functions, Polynomial evalution is an almost universal
hash, function, The CBC MAC function, Collision-resistance under hidden-key attack.
Message Authentication : The setting, Privacy does not imply authenticity, Syntex of message-
authentication schemes a definitation of security for MACs , The PRF-as-a MAC paradigm, The
Number-Theoretic Primitives : Introduction to discrete algorithm ralated probelms, The choice
of group; The RSA system, Historical notes.
Asymmetic Encryption :
Asymmetic encryption schemes, Notions of security,one encryption query or many? Hybrid
encryption, El Gamal scheme and its variants.
Digital signatures : Digital signature schemes, A notion of security, RSA based signatures.
References :
1. Crytographic & N/W secuirty: Principles & Practices by Stalling, Prentice Hall.
2. Network Security Essentials: Applications & standards by Stalling, Pearson Education Asia,

Paper 317 : E-Banking and Security Transctions

Introduction : Defination, Transaction websites components, E-Banking support services,

Wireless Banking.
E-Banking Risk : Transaction/Operation Risk, Credit Risk, Liquidity/Internet Risk, Price Risk,
Strategic Risk, Reputation Risk.
Risk Management of E-Banking Activities : Board of Management oversignt, Managing
outsourcing realtionship, Information security Program Administrative control, Legal and
compliance Issue.
Laws regulation and guidelines: Electronics money, Regulating e-transactions, Role of RBI
and Legal issues, Transnational transactions of E-Cash, Credit Card and Internet, Laws relating
to Internet credit cards, Secure Electronic Transtions.
E-security: Introduction to New Challenges and new Threats, Secuirty, Legal consideration.
References :
1. Mark O' Neill "Web Services Secutiry".
2. Nixon Brian "Teach yourself E-Banking".
3. E-Banking: Global Perspective by Vivek Gupta, Edition June 2000, ICFAI University Press.

Paper 318 : Internet Application Development

HTML Fundamentals : Introduction to HTML, Creating HTML Pages, incorporating

Horizontal Rules and Graphical Elements, Hyper-links, Creating HTML Tables, Creating HTML
Forms, HTML and Image Techniques, HTML and Page Accessibility Introduction to Java:
History, Java Features, JVM, Java vs C++, Java and WWW, Java and HTML, JDK tools.
Language Features : Data types- Primitives, Operators nd Expressions, Type casting and
conversion, Control flow.
Classes and Objects : Object References, static members, Constuctor call orders, Issues with
super, Wrapper classes, Compatible Object Referencing, Memory Management, Garbage
Packages and Interfaces : Access specifies, Packages and subsystems, Import dependency,
Interfaces, Adstractness in Java, Basics on of Interfaces, Use of Interfaces, Examples on
interfaces, other modifiers final-The three manifestations transient, static, volatile.
Exception handling in Java : Exception raising & handling, Exception classes, Throwing
exceptions, Try - catch - finally, Exception Propagation. Runtime Exceptions, User defined
Exceptions, Examples.
I/O in Java : Concept of Streams, Byte steams and Character streams, Random Access File, File
and File Descriptor, Object Serialization and Persistence.
AWT based effective GUI in Java : Datailed overview of AWT classes, Graphics primitives
and UI Compnents, Layout features, Standalone GUI applications, Layout Managers,
Implementaiton of event driven mechanism, Delegation of even model, Listenrs and Asapters,
Inner classes.
Applets : Introduction to Applet coding, Applet life cycle, Graphis facility, Color and Font,
Passing parameters to applets, Apletcontext, Inter Applet Communication.
Threading in Java : Fundamentals of Multi-threading Java coding with Thread classes, thread
Management in Java, Implicit wait, Using Runnable interface, Thread Management in Java,
Implicit wait, Using Runnable interface, Thread Synchronization, Inter thread communication.
Overview of Networking in Java : URL class and its usage through connection, Sockets based
connectivity, TCP/IP Sockets and server sockets, Datagram Sockets.
Java Database connectivity : JDBC Architecture, JDBC API 2.0.
Java Script Fundamentals : : Introduction to JavaScript, Work ing with Variables and Data
Funcitons, Mathod and Events, Controling Program Flow. The Java Script Object Model, Java
Script Language Objects Developing Interactive Forms, Cookies and Java Script Security,
Controlling Frames in Java Script, Client-side Java Script, Custom Javascript, Objects.
References :
1. Mastering HTML 4.0 by Deborah S.Ray an Eric J. Ray From BPB
2. Core Java Volume I by Sun series.
3. Mastering Java Script, BPB publication.

Paper 319 : E-Commerce

Introduction to Electronic Commerce : Defination of Electonic Commerce, The scope of

Electronic Commerce.
Business Strategy in an Electronic Commerce : The value chain, Competitive advantage,
Business strategy.
Business to Business Electronic Commerce : Inter-organisational transactions, Electronic
markets, Electronic data interchange (EDI), EDI: the nuts and bolts, EDI and Business Inter
organisational E-Commerce.
Designing (Technical, Detailed, High Level): Introducation to Technical Design and
COnstruction. A Client Server Model of E-Commerce, Understanding Technical Design,
Understanding Construction. Introduction to Detail Design. Any example of Applying Detailed
Design: Introduction to High-Level Design, Understanding High-level Design, Performing High-
Level Design, High Level design of Business transactions Applying High-Level design, Any
Example of Applying High-level Design.Challenges and Opportunities in Applying High-Level
Testing & Implementation: Introduction to Testing.Understanding Testing. Applying Testing.
Chalenges an Opportunities ihn Applying Verification and Validation.
Implementation : Understanding Implementation. Applying Implementation Planning. An
Example of Applying Implementaiton Planning. Challenges and Opportunities Implementation
References :
1. Developing E-Commerce Systems by Jim A. Carter PHI.
2. E-Commerce new vistas for business by T.N. Chandra, R.K. Suri, Sanjiv Verma, Dhanpat Rai
& Co.

Paper 321 : Oracle/Autocad 2000 (Laboratory)

Autocad : Instalation of Autocad, Introduction of Autocad, Drawing commands,editing

commands. Display comands. 3D commands, Drawing aids, Information commands, Blocks and
Layers, Layout of Building etc.

Oracle : Introduction to oracle, Components of Oracle, Applications on various DDL, DML

commands , Queries, Maltiple queries, Views, Reports, Triggers.
Paper 322 : Wab Site Development & Web Client Programming (Laboratory)

Website Development using web authoring tools: Front Page, Visual Interdev, Flash and their
relative comarison.
Datail Studies of Server programming : ASP, JSP, PHP and relative comparison.
Paper 323 : Computer Architecture and Networking Lab. (Laboratory)

Windows 2000 advanced server/Linux -Shell programming Creation of parent-chield processes.

Inter-Process Communication Programming.

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