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The rhythm of life

This World Heart Day, unshackle yourself from
the grips of cardiovascular diseases by choosing to
follow a healthier lifestyle.
2 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

Journey to a healthier tomorrow


WHEN technology, research and

medical science come together,
visions become reality.
In 2008, D’Zhana Simmons, a
then 14-year old resident of South
Carolina, survived 118 days
without a heart. She was kept alive
with the help of a custom-built
pumping device until she received
a heart transplant.
A quick Internet search would
draw numerous and more recent
incidents of how new technologies
such as smartwatches and
heartbeat monitoring apps have
helped save lives by detecting
irregular heartbeats and sending
alerts in the nick of time.
Furthermore, the medical field
has made great inroads in
introducing inventions and new
procedures such as pacemakers,
heart transplantation surgeries and
isosorbide dinitrate that go a long
way in saving lives.
Supporting this claim is a report
titled Deaths from cardiovascular
disease increase globally while
mortality rates decrease published
on the website of the Institute
for Health Metrics and Evaluation,
which states that efforts to prevent
and treat cardiovascular diseases
appear to be working as the
rise in deaths is slower than
the overall growth of the
However, preventing deaths by
heart ailments remains as elusive
as ever, with cardiovascular Fitness bands, smartwatches and apps are already used extensively to keep track of heart health.
diseases (CVDs) still reported as the
number one global killer. at the very onset and providing Finding a vein to draw blood or through it.
Datuk Dr Azmee Mohd Ghazi,
consultant cardiologist and clinical
effective treatment.
Healthy Heart looks into some of
give intravenous injections can be
stressful for both medical
The medical field The device is first of its kind in
treating acute coronary artery
director for heart failure and heart the recent breakthroughs and caregivers and patients. It gets has made great perforation and eliminates the
inroads in introducing
transplant at National Heart ongoing research. especially problematic with babies need for open-heart surgical
Institute (IJN), points out, “This and small children whose veins are procedures.
high number of cardiovascular
The sidekicks even more difficult to track.
inventions and new
patients is to be blamed on The introduction of the vein
The road to recovery
lifestyle choices. Assistive devices such as loop finder is an end to this problem. procedures such as
pacemakers, heart
“The sedentary way of living, recorders, heart rate monitors This hand-held device makes With advancements in
with no exercise and an unhealthy and automated implantable drawing blood or giving diagnostic and surgical procedures,
diet, is globally the biggest cause of
CVDs in people.”
cardioverter defibrillators have
been instrumental in the diagnosis,
intravenous medications a walk in
the park.
transplantation days of faulty diagnosis and high
risks of experiencing a stroke,
Doctors, surgeons and treatment and maintenance of Another invention is the surgeries and excessive bleeding or getting an

isosorbide dinitrate
researchers worldwide must cardiovascular health for years leadless pacemaker. According to infection during a heart surgery
continue their battle of finding now. Dr Ahmad Nizar Jamaluddin, are behind us.
better ways to save as many
lives as possible from the grips
Nevertheless, with the changing
technological scenario, new
consultant cardiologist at Ara
Damansara Medical Centre, that go a long way in State-of-the-art minimally
invasive techniques are one such
of CVDs.
The good news is that with
and more advanced assistive
medical devices are being
the leadless pacemaker is an
improvement over the traditional
saving lives. area of advancement that has
reduced the risks of surgery for
technology on their side, the future conceived, putting science fiction pacemakers used for treating numerous patients.
of cardiology looks hopeful. The to shame. arrhythmia. Dr John Chan, consultant
latest assistive devices, medicines One of such new medical devices He explains, “These new cardiothoracic surgeon at Cardiac
and surgical procedures – the fruits that is commercially available pacemakers do not have any lead which can be easily implanted with Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur
of years of hard work, research is the vein finder. Just as the or wires and can be placed directly the help of a catheter inserted (CVSKL), shares, “Minimally
and technology combined – are name suggests, this device uses into the heart chamber. through a vein, without the need invasive techniques do not require
getting us closer to detecting CVDs infrared radiation to locate and “The biggest advantage of a for surgeries.” the patient to undergo an open-
map veins. leadless pacemaker is its small size, Another advantage of going heart surgery.
leadless is that it significantly “Although expensive, minimally
minimises the risk of infection, invasive surgeries are ideal for
which was commonly caused by patients with health complications
the wires of a traditional that make conventional heart
pacemaker. surgery risky for them.”
A life-saving device that was Though not completely risk-free,
recently approved by the United minimally invasive techniques are
States Food and Drug safer than open-heart surgeries as
Administration is the covered the chances of infections, blood
coronary stent. loss and getting a stroke are
Heart procedures carried out to significantly lower.
save lives can pose life-threatening Below are a few recent
risks themselves, and one such procedures practised globally that
condition that may arise is acute are giving a new lease of life to
coronary artery perforation. heart disease patients.
A rare complication arising from l Transcatheter aortic valve
a percutaneous coronary replacement/implantation (TAVR/
intervention procedure (previously TAVI) – This surgical procedure is
known as angioplasty with stent), for treating aortic stenosis. Done by
coronary artery perforation is a inserting a catheter to replace the
tear in the vessel wall that can lead aortic valve, this new minimally
to blood leakage. invasive surgical method has
When inserted with the help of a proven to be a boon for patients
balloon catheter, the covered who cannot undergo an open-heart
coronary stent system can surgery.
effectively seal the tear while
New technology makes cardiovascular disease detection and treatment easier. letting the blood flow normally > TURN TO PAGE 4
4 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

Innovating hope in cardiology

> FROM PAGE 2 patient permits it, surgeons still medications such as Entresto and under our control, such as age,

An alternative to the valve

prefer to perform an open-heart
surgery. This is because mitral
As Datuk Dr David Chew Soon
gender and family history – and
modifiable, which includes
Regardless of
replacement surgery is valve clipping only reduces the leaking Ping, consultant cardiologist at smoking, obesity, diabetes, high the technological
advancements, we
repair. Dr Chan shares, “The option whereas surgery can stop it CVSKL points out, “Although there cholesterol and high blood
of valve repair versus replacement completely. has not been any significant pressure.
depends on a number of factors,
including age, medical history and
l 3D mapping system – The
integration of 3D mapping with
progress in recent past in terms of
treating heart failure, the new
“While controlling the first two
modifiable factors depends on
cannot only rely on
the condition of the patient’s aortic
catheter ablation has improved the medications have been successful personal discretion, the other risk researchers and
doctors to take care
diagnostic procedure for in lowering the mortality rates by factors can be regulated with the
“However, whenever possible, arrhythmia. two-thirds.” help of medications.”
repair is better than replacement
since with repair, you preserve the
Dr Ahmad Nizar elucidates, “The
3D mapping system is much like
Omecamtiv mecarbil, a medicine
that is still being researched, is
Dr Shahrul Zuraidi Idris,
consultant interventional of our heart. We
heart function and there is usually
no need for taking lifelong blood-
the global positioning system. An
electrically sensitive catheter is
expected to take the battle against
this slow killer forward.
cardiologist and physician at
Columbia Asia Hospital – Klang,
need to do our part
thinning medications.” inserted into the heart and the says, “In the recent ESC (European by making healthy
He adds, “There are many valve-
repairing surgeries being done in
electrical signal it emits maps a 3D
image on the computer monitor.
Addressing the causes Society of Cardiology) Congress, the
topics often revolved around how lifestyle choices and
Malaysia, making the country one
of the best places for such a
“This 3D mapping technique
can effectively point out the
One of the main reasons for
the increase in number of
to reduce our risk factors.”
According to him, there are
empowering others
procedure.” origin of arrhythmia and is cardiovascular patients is the many breakthroughs in to do the same.
l Transcatheter mitral valve extensively used in lack of awareness. People take medications that address these
repair or mitral clipping – Dr Malaysia for the their health for granted risk factors, including medication
Azmee explains the need for this purpose.” and visit a that reduces one’s sugar level
procedure: “If you have heart The US Food specialist significantly without having to “What is more important when
failure, sometimes you may and Drug only when take insulin three or four times a it comes to saving patients’ lives is
have a leaking valve caused by Administration there are day. the quality of the specialists, and
enlargement of the heart, which is recently approved a visible and “Then there is PCSK9 inhibitor Malaysia is on par with developed
known as mitral valve cardiac 3D mapping clear medication, which can reduce countries in terms of providing
regurgitation.” vest, which does symptoms. cholesterol and has been shown to high-quality and effective cardiac
A leaking mitral valve can flood not require any Even if reduce coronary artery disease as treatments.”
the lungs with blood, causing insertion of treatment well,” he adds. A lot of advancements are
congestive heart failure. catheters and is a is sought happening in the field of
“To treat the leaking valve, we
have a procedure known as mitral
completely non-
invasive procedure
early, the
Playing our part cardiology and most hospitals in
Malaysia are equipped with the
clipping where we implant a clip for detecting remains that With such life-altering latest technologies to put this
into the heart with the help of a arrhythmia. prevention is inventions already implemented or progress to practice.
catheter to reduce the leaking,” better than on the way, heart disease patients However, regardless of the
adds Dr Azmee. Medications also play a cure. Hence, it is worldwide can breathe a sigh of technological advancements, we
An alternative to the pivotal role in treating important to relief. cannot only rely on researchers
conventional open-heart surgery cardiovascular address the risk Dr Azmee says, “Research and and doctors to take care of our
that is done to seal the leak, mitral diseases. Heart factors to minimise the technology is an essential part of heart.
clipping is a minimally invasive failure patients, possibility of CVDs. medical science, and technology We need to do our part by
procedure that uses a clip that is for instance, Dr Ahmad Nizar shares, especially has become an intrinsic making healthy lifestyle choices
much like a clothes pin. owe their “Biggest risk factors of CVDs can be part of diagnosing and treating and empowering others to do the
However, if the health of the lives to new classified into non-modifiable – not cardiovascular diseases. same.
6 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

Exercise to protect your well-being

ACCORDING to the World Heart Federation,
cardiovascular disease is responsible for 17.5
million deaths globally, making it the world’s
No.1 killer. By 2030, the figure is expected to
increase to 23 million.
Small lifestyle changes can make a
powerful difference in our heart health.
Exercising for 30 minutes a day, giving up
smoking and consuming a healthy diet can
help prevent heart disease and stroke.
In conjunction with this year’s World
Heart Day theme – My Heart, Your Heart –
Fitness Concept is committed to helping
people inspire each other into becoming
more heart-healthy with the Hybrid Trainer
Start leading a healthy and active lifestyle
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own home with Hybrid Trainer Pro by
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home fitness.
The Hybrid Trainer Pro is equipped with
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Learn a life-saving skill

DO you know how to react if you see dangers of heart disease, its prevalence
someone collapsing in front of you? What or the various symptoms associated
would your first course of action be if the with it.
person is not showing signs of breathing? Is While hospitals and non-governmental
it a classic case of a heart attack and is it safe organisations are taking steps to create
to move the person? awareness, the public must do its part to be
These questions are important to consider informed not merely to spot possible cases of
so you can be prepared should a medical heart attack or heart failure, but also equip
emergency unfold in front of you. themselves with life-saving skills such as
Knowing what to do in those crucial cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
moments can be the difference between knowledge.
life and death for someone in medical
According to The Heart Foundation
Learn how to respond
of Malaysia, up to 30% of medically CPR is performed in emergency situations
certified deaths in government hospitals when a person does not show signs of life or
are attributed to cardiovascular diseases. the heart stops.
From this total, some deaths occur outside In the case of a heart attack, the victim’s
hospitals and within the first two hours ventricle has lost its ability to beat in an
after the onset of symptoms. organised fashion and thus fails to pump
Coupled with the fact that cardiovascular blood throughout the body.
diseases remain the leading cause of death The brain, which is the most sensitive part
among Malaysians, it should be an issue that of the human body, is affected within
everybody is aware about. seconds of the heart stopping.
Sadly, this is not the case and many
Malaysians do not fully understand the > TURN TO PAGE 8
8 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

Prevent heart
disease, plan
for better health
THE world number one killer
disease is heart-related disease.
Our country Malaysia is no
One important component
of heart disease refers to

Be more than a bystander

coronary artery disease,
whereby plaque builds up
within the coronary arteries and
causes a multitude of problems,
including heart attack, heart
failure and more.
> FROM PAGE 6 successfully resuscitated. Heart Foundation of Malaysia are: According to World Health
For this reason, it would be l Coronary artery disease Organization, coronary artery
The victim will lose consciousness ideal if everyone were to undergo l Risk factors for heart attack disease accounted for 98.9
due to the lack of oxygen and brain a CPR training programme through l Lung anatomy and function deaths per 100,000 population
death will occur in less than 10 initiatives such as the introduction l Recognising a heart attack in Malaysia in 2012, or 29,400
minutes. of CPR training in schools. l Recovery position deaths (20.1% of all deaths).
CPR helps prolong circulatory While there are ample resources l Airway obstruction in conscious It is the most common cause
and lung function by restarting online that describe the step-by- and unconscious adults of deaths in the country.
oxygenated blood flow to the step process and show videos of l CPR and airway obstruction A heart attack
heart and brain until the affected
person is able to receive medical
how to perform CPR, the procedure
is a taught skill and people need
in children and infants
What is a heart is the worst that
you can get from
attention or defibrillation. to learn the proper techniques One must undergo assessments,
The sooner you perform because incorrectly performed including theory and skills tests,
CPR on a person who has
experienced cardiopulmonary
CPR can cause broken ribs and
before he is awarded a certificate
acknowledging his success in
A heart attack is the worst
that you can get from the build-
the build-up of
arrest (where there is no sign of Among the topics usually completing the programme, after up of plaque. It occurs when plaque. It occurs
when blood supply
breathing or a heartbeat), the highlighted in a CPR course which he may apply the skills he blood supply to part of the heart
greater his chances of being such as those organised by The learnt to emergency situations. muscle is severely reduced or
This occurs when one of the to part of the
major arteries carrying blood
to the heart muscle is suddenly
heart muscle is
obstructed, usually by a severely reduced
combination of clots and fat.
When the blood supply is cut or stopped. This
off for a long period of time, the
heart muscle suffers irreversible
occurs when
injury and cells die. one of the major
This will result in disability
or even death, depending on arteries carrying
how much heart muscle is
blood to the heart
muscle is suddenly
Coronary angiogram, obstructed,
angioplasty and bypass usually by a
surgery combination of
An angiogram is a type of
X-ray procedure that can be both clots and fat.
diagnostic and therapeutic. It is
the gold standard for evaluating Dr Noorfaizan Saaidin
blockages in the coronary
arterial system. analyse your eating habits.
A coronary angiogram is a If you see any bad habits, start
relatively minor procedure, changing them.
involving a local anaesthesia,
and serves to detect blockages l Get moving – Allocate
using X-rays taken during time to exercise at least two
the injection of a contrast agent. or three times a week, for a
It provides information that minimum of 15 to 30 minutes
helps cardiologists and cardiac each time.
surgeons determine the
treatment options. l Lose weight wisely –
Following an angiogram, a Weight loss of 0.5kg to 1kg a
treatment option for the patient week is safe. Eat 250 calories less
is to receive balloon and stenting per day to lose about 0.5kg in a
treatment to the severely week.
narrowed segment. This is called
coronary angioplasty. l Be active – Take a walk, jog,
However, if there are too swim, cycle or dance.
many blockages and too much
narrowing, and the patient is l Eat right – Cut down on
somehow deemed unsuitable sweets, fats and salt. Eat more
for coronary angioplasty, fruits, vegetables and whole
coronary artery bypass grafting grains. – By Dr Noorfaizan
(CABG) surgery will be Saaidin, consultant
recommended. cardiologist (interventional
During CABG, new routes and non-invasive) at
(conduit) around narrowed and KPJ Selangor Specialist
blocked arteries will be created, Hospital
allowing sufficient blood flow to
deliver oxygen and nutrients to n To learn more about
the heart muscle. heart-related diseases and
procedures, call 03-5543 1030
Steps to better health (SDU) or visit www.kpjselangor.
l Start now – Record and KKLIU No.1879/2018
THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018 Healthy Heart 9

OUR lives are becoming

increasingly hectic, so it is
inevitable that we tend to neglect
Lower cholesterol
with plant sterols
our health.
Many Malaysians are unaware
of the fact that heart disease is a
top killer in the country.
According to the Department of
Statistics and Health Ministry,
heart disease accounts for 13.2%
of all deaths in Malaysia.
A major risk factor of heart help lower cholesterol (especially
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Out with the bad, Marigold HL Low Plant sterols are found in

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Our body requires cholesterol

Sterols contains olive oil, with smaller
amounts found in nuts,
for important functions such 0.7g of plant legumes, breads and cereal
as digesting food, building the
structure of cell membranes and sterol esters. By grains.
The easiest way to obtain
producing hormones.
However, when there is too
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cholesterol levels
health problems can occur. Marigold HL Low Fat Milk
There are two types of with Plant Sterols every day.
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can be maintained
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Enjoy the goodness
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LDL is known as the “bad” with Plant Sterols is fortified
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HDL is the “good” cholesterol. and has 52% more protein
It helps move LDL out of the A natural solution and 36% more calcium
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For adults, cholesterol level a group of natural compounds HL Low Fat Milk with Plant
readings of less than 200mg/dL that are found in plants. Sterols contains 0.7g of plant
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240mg/dL or above is considered similar to cholesterol and can least two glasses daily, your
high and action should be taken mimic as well as compete with cholesterol levels can be
to lower it. cholesterol for absorption. maintained within the
Consuming between 1.5g As a result, less cholesterol is healthy range for a healthy
and 2.4g of plant sterols daily absorbed into the body. heart.
can help reduce LDL levels by When consumed in optimal
up to 10% without affecting amounts and paired with a n Look out for the advertisement Plant sterols can help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the
HDL. balanced diet, plant sterols can in this StarSpecial. body to prevent heart disease.
10 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

When the heart fails

HEART failure is a serious heart
condition. As with many medical
conditions, misconceptions are
bound to happen. For example,
patients generally group heart
failure in the same category as
cardiac arrest. ages, we’ll be seeing more people pressure. “The heart has to

The most
However, it is not the same as with heart failure as it is more work against higher pressure.
cardiac arrest – where the heart common in the elderly,” he says, If the blood pressure is not
stops suddenly without any
warning. Heart failure is due to
adding that the increasing
incidence of hypertension,
controlled for some time, it can
affect the heart function,” says common cause
inability of the heart to pump
sufficiently to meet the needs of
diabetes, obesity and heart disease
will also contribute to a higher
Dr Chew.
In some patients, the heart
of heart failure is
the body. number of people suffering from muscle becomes weak without any coronary artery
blockage in the
Datuk Dr David Chew Soon Ping, heart failure. identifiable cause.
consultant cardiologist at Cardiac The most common cause of heart Symptoms of heart failure
Vascular Sentral Kuala Lumpur
Hospital (CVSKL), predicts that the
failure is coronary artery blockage.
Often, this blockage causes heart
such as breathlessness, swelling
of the legs or abdomen or blood vessels.
number of patients with heart
failure will continue to grow in the
attacks, which damage the heart,
causing heart failure.
unexplained tiredness should
prompt a person to seek medical
Often, this blockage
coming years. Another common cause of attention. causes heart
attacks, which
“As the country’s population heart failure is high blood Doctors usually assess the
heart by performing an
electrocardiogram (ECG) and
a chest X-ray to see if there which can improve patients’ heart damage the heart,
are any indicators of heart
failure conditions.
Dr Chew explains that most
causing heart
Further specialised tests
can be performed, such as an
patients with heart failure can be
treated with medications, but he is
echocardiogram, angiogram and quick to point out that those who Datuk Dr David Chew Soon Ping
cardiac MRI. These can be used have responded positively to
to confirm that there is heart treatment cannot be complacent as
failure and assess for coronary they are not necessarily out of the donors and cost.
artery blockages as a possible woods. As a final piece of advice, Dr
cause. In some patients with more Chew reinforces the importance of
When heart failure is diagnosed, severe heart failure, medical prevention of heart disease by
different treatments can be devices such as specialised having a healthy diet and lifestyle.
administered depending on the pacemakers or an implantable In addition, if a person develops
level of severity. cardioverter defibrillator can be heart failure, it is important to
There has been much research considered. have it diagnosed and treated
and development for ways to treat In advanced heart failure, the promptly.
heart failure. option of heart transplants or
This has resulted in various implantable artificial hearts can be n For more information,
effective medications being used, explored but is limited by lack of call 03-2276 7000.

Better recovery odds with modern surgery

pertains to procedures involving
the heart and blood vessels that
are connected to it as well as other
organs and structures in the chest
such as the lungs and chest wall.
Many people do not know
about the differences between
cardiothoracic and cardiovascular
Dr John Chan, consultant
cardiothoracic surgeon at
Cardiac Vascular Sentral Kuala
Lumpur Hospital (CVSKL),
clears the confusion, saying,
“The terms ‘cardiothoracic’
and ‘cardiovascular’ are often
used interchangeably but a
cardiovascular surgeon will
not operate on other organs in
the thoracic region, unlike a
cardiothoracic surgeon.”
Dr Chan explains that
cardiothoracic surgeons perform surgery is a vast
discipline that
a diverse range of procedures. He
says, “The most common cardiac
surgery performed in Malaysia is
coronary artery bypass grafting,
Cardiothoracic surgeons treat diseases that affect the heart and other parts of the thoracic region.
covers diseases
which is used to treat patients choose to specialise in valve repair "Such patients should consider most people. of the heart and
chest ranging in
with severe coronary artery or aortic surgery while others attending regular check-ups to Addressing this fear, Dr Chan
disease. may be more interested in treating ensure heart health. says, “Heart surgery has become a
“Other forms of cardiac surgery
include replacing or repairing
lung cancer.” “Diagnostic procedures for
heart disease include taking
lot safer these days with advances
in surgical techniques and post- seriousness from
heart valves, treating aneurysms
(abnormal dilations) of the aorta
Catch it early electrocardiogram readings
when a patient is at rest and
operative care.
“In most routine coronary
life-threatening to
and removing tumours that The diagnostic procedures for while walking on a treadmill for bypass and heart valve repair minor.
develop in or around the heart. cardiac diseases have become a certain period. surgeries, for example, a patient’s
General thoracic diseases treated more effective thanks to “If the reading shows any chance of survival is 99% while the Dr John Chan
by cardiothoracic surgeons advancements in medical abnormality, the patient will risk of infection, stroke or organ
include lung cancer, chest tumours, technology. Patients need to need to go for further tests dysfunction is less than 1%.
pneumothorax and severe sweaty identify certain symptoms first such as a computed tomography “As is the case with most heart opines that the country has skilled
hands. before undergoing diagnostic cardiac scan or coronary procedures, patients can resume specialists and up-to-date
“Cardiothoracic surgery is a vast check-ups. angiogram, the second of which normal habits within a few equipment.
discipline that covers diseases of However, symptoms are not is more invasive.” weeks. He cites an example of how
the heart and that range in always apparent. Dr Chan warns, Depending on the kind of heart “However, depending on the heart surgery has become
seriousness from life-threatening “Some patients have symptoms disease he or she has, the patient kind of cardiac surgery the patient extremely advanced over the
to minor. such as chest pain and shortness may have to undergo treatment has undergone, surgeons will years, so much so that patients
“There are some core surgeries of breath, but many patients, through medication, coronary instruct patients to follow certain who undergo procedures such as
that all cardiothoracic surgeons especially people with diabetes, stents or heart surgery. precautionary steps.” valve repair surgery have the same
perform such as coronary obesity and high cholesterol Even though the field of Although he believes that the life expectancy as an average
bypasses, valve replacements who are more likely to develop medical science has seen number of facilities in the country healthy person.
and lung resections, but many severe coronary disease, do not immense progress over the years, is not enough to cater to the
surgeons choose to specialise. have any symptoms and seem any kind of surgery – especially growing number of cardiothoracic n For more information,
“For instance, some surgeons completely well. heart surgery – still scares patients in Malaysia, Dr Chan call 03-2276 7000.
THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018 Healthy Heart 11

More than just chest pains

A man experiencing difficulty
breathing while having his palm
on his chest and in obvious pain is
the classic image one may associate
with a heart attack or heart
While the scenario is indeed
possible, Dr Shahrul Zuraidi Idris,
consultant interventional
cardiologist and physician at people are in denial
about heart issues
Columbia Asia Hospital – Klang,
reveals that there is more to heart
attacks than excruciating chest
pains. because they play
“The most classic signs of a heart
attack, especially among males, are
sports and believe
a central crushing pain, feeling of they do not have a
pressure around the chest, and
pain radiating towards the arm or problem, but there
“Females can have atypical
are people who died
symptoms. The nature of their pain while playing sports
or discomfort may vary from
males, including an electrical because they may
sensation, pins and needles,
giddiness, neck pain, and “When you talk about sports or
have experienced
numbness on the arm without Regardless of your age and lifestyle, it is crucial to always be mindful of the exercise, you are only talking about pain in the past yet
any chest pain at all.”
In addition, a significant number
various risk factors associated with a heart attack. reducing one risk factor. It is never
mentioned that if you do a lot of did not turn to a
of people who have diabetes can
develop “silent angina” or “silent
“Sometimes, people are in denial
about heart issues because they
long-term treatment and incur
huge financial costs should they
sports, your blood pressure,
cholesterol and sugar levels will
medical professional
heart attack” where they can have play sports and believe they do not fail to receive early diagnosis and always be low. Addressing only one to investigate.
coronary artery blockage without have a problem, but there are treatment. risk factor may not be enough.
any chest pain symptoms. people who died while playing The unfortunate reality, “Heart disease affects everyone. Dr Shahrul Zuraidi Idris
As the signs of heart disease or sports because they may have however, is that females tend There are modifiable and
a heart attack are diverse, Dr experienced pain in the past yet to only consult a doctor or non-modifiable risks. Hence,
Shahrul warns not to be fooled did not turn to a medical cardiologist at a later stage because doctors stress the importance of pain sympton was not caused by a
by the various types of pain or professional to investigate.” they are not aware of the subtle undergoing health screenings, heart attack, other conditions that
downplay the seriousness of For this reason, Dr Shahrul and atypical signs to look out for. especially for people over the age require immediate medical
these symptoms. A greater danger believes it is best to investigate for People should thus be concerned of 40.” attention are aortic dissection (the
is when people live in denial heart issues than to live in with the various risk factors According to him, most tearing or bursting of the aorta
about the possibility of having oblivion. associated with heart disease, prolonged and severe chest pain wall), perforated stomach (gastritis
heart diseases due to age or He recommends taking extra which include smoking, family should be treated seriously unless due to ulcer), pneumothorax
lifestyle. precaution and going for a heart history of heart disease, diabetes, proven harmless by medical tests, (where the lung covering gets in
He says, “Nowadays, people of check-up should individuals ever hypertension, high cholesterol, lack be they an electrocardiogram contact with air) and pulmonary
the younger generation also get feel any kind of pain around the of exercise and high daily stress (electrical conduction of the heart), embolism (blood clot in lung
heart attacks. In my years of central chest area as it could be a levels. echocardiogram (ultrasound of the tissues).
practice, the youngest heart attack turning point in life. Regarding people who may have heart), blood tests, stress test or
patient I have treated was 15 years As heart disease is a chronic heart disease even if they lead an coronary angiogram. n For more information, call
of age. condition, patients may require active lifestyle, Dr Shahrul says, He points out that even if a chest 03-3346 7999.
12 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

Taking advantage of technology Familiarise

the dangers
Heart diseases are
ACCORDING to Malaysia’s Statistics associated with many
Department, ischaemic heart risk factors. How do
disease was the principal cause of these risk factors
death among Malaysians in 2016, at contribute to the
13.2%. deterioration of heart
Also known as coronary artery health?
disease or coronary heart disease, l Diabetes – High
the condition occurs when levels of glucose in the
coronary arteries become blood weaken blood
narrowed due to the gradual vessels and the nerves
build-up of fatty material such as controlling the pumping
cholesterol and plaque within its of the heart.
walls, resulting in decreased blood Over time, the
flow through the arteries. weakened blood vessels
This in turn stops the heart from clog up and nerves
getting the optimal amount of blood The red circle indicates a calcified lesion forming a blockage in one of the become damaged,
and oxygen it needs, which can coronary arteries. leading to heart disease.
ultimately lead to a heart attack. Datuk Dr Yap Lok Bin. l High cholesterol –
The high number of Malaysians during screenings. It is said that the smoking and alcohol, and family Too much cholesterol or
succumbing to heart problems amount of radiation emitted during history – immediate family evaluation are only necessary having a high level of
highlights that there is still a a calcium score test with the latest members with heart conditions. when the calcium score is elevated, low-density lipoprotein
greater need for the public to be CT machines is equivalent to only As coronary artery disease is and you will then need to see a (bad cholesterol) and low
conscious of their heart health and two X-rays. more prevalent in males and there cardiologist. The discussion for level of high-density
go for regular health assessments “New CT scanners can also take have been cases of the disease the need of coronary angiogram lipoprotein (good
and heart screenings. more accurate and defined pictures among patients as young as 30 and angioplasty happens if there cholesterol) leads to
According to Subang Jaya of the arteries. Moreover, a CT scan years old, Dr Yap suggests that it is a discovery of a blockage or plaque build-up in the
Medical Centre’s consultant is a non-invasive test, unlike a would be wise for male adults to stenosis.” walls of the arteries,
cardiologist Datuk Dr Yap Lok Bin, coronary angiogram where doctors consider going for a cardiac Despite the availability of such causing them to narrow.
among the factors that are stopping would have to put tubes in the calcium scoring test even before modern and advanced equipment The blood flow to the
people from undergoing heart body. they reach middle age. in many hospitals across the heart is disrupted due to
screenings is the fear of radiation “The latest technology is very The cardiac calcium scoring test country, the unfortunate truth is this clogging and blood
discharged by medical equipment. fast, has very low radiation and is a is a non-invasive CT scan that a large number of the clots in the arteries,
However, he assures that there is good way forward for patients performed by CT technologists or population is not going for regular leading to a heart attack.
nothing to worry about as there being screened for coronary artery radiologists to measure the amount health and heart assessments – a l High blood
have been countless technological disease. CT scanners are no longer of calcified plaque in the coronary reality that has to change for the pressure – The heart
advancements across the medical limited to diagnostic purposes but arteries. The test can be completed better. Dr Yap summarises, “If you must work harder to
industry, and the use of the latest can also be used for screening within minutes and the results offer have never had any test, then there pump against the
medical equipment such as 256- purposes,” says Dr Yap. a more accurate predictor of is always the chance that a heart increased pressure in the
slice computed tomography (CT) The danger of coronary artery coronary blockages compared to attack may occur, and blood vessels, leading to
scanners by many hospitals allows disease is that blockage in the cholesterol screening and other risk unfortunately, heart attacks come thickening of the heart
for simple processes such as heart arteries is built gradually over time. factors. in all forms and shapes.” muscles and heart failure
screenings to become much Patients may not know there is Dr Yap says, “The calcium score is He adds that with the severity of in the long term.
simpler, quicker and more anything wrong with their heart as likely to be zero for people below a heart attack varying between High blood pressure
accurate. the disease may not show obvious the age of 30, which means the cases, there is the possibility that also weakens the arteries
“Classically, patients are always symptoms. The public must thus be likelihood of getting coronary one’s encounter may lead to fatality. in the body, causing
worried about radiation, but the fully aware of the risk factors of the artery disease is very low at less clogging and blood clots
industry has adopted scanners that disease, including diabetes, a than 5%. n For more information, call that lead to an increased
emit very low levels of radiation lifestyle that includes heavy “A full CT scan or other types of 03-5639 1212. risk of stroke.
The raised pressure

Making sure the rhythm is right

may even cause the
arteries in the brain
to rupture, leading to
bleeding in the brain –
another type of stroke.
WHEN you exercise or get excited rhythm,” he says. On the other hand, rapid heart l Obesity – Being
or scared, do you feel your heart Since arrhythmia is so closely rates and abnormal rhythms overweight or obese
beat faster? It beats at a certain rate related to sudden death, people including premature contractions results in excess cardiac
and rhythm, which can sometimes with risk factors such as diabetes, are treated with catheter ablation, workload or immense
be disrupted. high cholesterol, obesity and a implantable defibrillators or heart pressure on the heart.
“A normal heartbeat has a rate family history of sudden surgery. The most common cause of Obesity causes enlarged
and rhythm and is naturally unexpected deaths should take note ventricular tachycardias is still hearts and thickening of
triggered by external stimuli such of other accompanying symptoms coronary artery disease and heart the heart muscles, which
as running or excitement,” explains and get diagnosed immediately. attacks. can lead to heart failure.
Dr Ahmad Nizar Jamaluddin, For proper treatment, finding out About half the people who suffer l Smoking – As
consultant cardiologist at Ara the location of origin of the a heart attack succumb to carbon monoxide inhaled
Damansara Medical Centre. arrhythmia is crucial because ventricular tachycardia and sudden from smoking reduces
“However, if you experience an arrhythmia originating from the death. Some of those who survive the volume of oxygen in
inappropriate increase in heart rate lower chambers of the heart their heart attacks are still at risk of the blood, the heart must
or irregular heart rhythm (ventricular tachycardia) is more sudden death because of the work harder to pump the
accompanied by other symptoms dangerous than arrhythmia damage to their hearts. necessary oxygen to all
such as chest pain, dizziness and originating from the upper These conditions are sometimes the organs in your body.
blackouts, there is cause for chambers (supraventricular Dr Ahmad Nizar Jamaluddin. resolved through surgical Your heartbeat also
concern because if left unattended, tachycardia) as it translates to procedures to treat coronary artery increases with smoking
it may herald sudden death.” higher risk of fatality. underlying mechanism of the blockages, but the majority of those due to nicotine
This inappropriate and unusual “The first step in diagnosing this arrhythmia. at risk will require an implantable stimulating the
heart rate or rhythm is a medical problem is to detect the abnormal Dr Ahmad Nizar explains, “An EP defibrillator. production of adrenaline,
issue known as arrhythmia or rhythm and identify its location of study is an invasive test, during People often attribute sudden which can lead to
dysrhythmia. This condition can origin, and the best way to do it is which catheters are inserted into death to a heart attack when it increased pressure on the
occur in four ways: through an electrocardiogram specific sites in the heart. The could very well have been caused heart. Additionally,
l Tachycardia or abnormally (ECG). conduction system of the heart is by an inherited form of cardiac smoking damages the
rapid heartbeat “However, the problem with ECG studied and the abnormal heart arrhythmia. arteries and causes
l Bradycardia or abnormally is that it is much like an instant rhythm is induced either “Fainting spells, fits and even clogging that can lead to
slow heartbeat picture and arrhythmia is not electrically or with medication.” instances of drowning or sudden a heart attack or stroke.
l Fibrillation or irregular usually a continuous occurrence. According to him, 90% of deaths in your family history can l Family history –
heartbeat (most common) If an ECG result is insufficient to arrhythmia cases are caused by point to cardiac arrhythmia and Unfortunately, some
l Premature contractions or diagnose the abnormal heartbeat, dysfunctional circuits and an EP should not be ignored,” warns Dr people carry genes that
early heartbeats the next step would be to observe study is the best diagnostic Ahmad Nizar. make them more
the rhythm through an extended procedure to find out the Hence, even if you lead a healthy susceptible to conditions
“There may be an underlying ECG recorder such as a 24-hour mechanism and location of life, it does not guarantee that your such as high cholesterol,
cause of abnormal heartbeat or it ambulatory ECG recorder (Holter origin. heart is free of disease. The only high blood pressure and
can be a primary condition such as recording) or, if it is inadequate, an The treatment for arrhythmia way to stay safe is to get diagnosed diabetes.
a primary electrical disease of the implantable loop recorder,” says Dr would depend on the diagnosis of early by attending regular check-
heart. The heart is a biological Ahmad Nizar. the underlying cause and the type ups, especially if you notice If you have any of these
muscular pump driven by a An electrophysiology (EP) study is and mechanism of the arrhythmia. symptoms or are considered risk factors, be sure to
naturally occurring pacemaker and the next step in the diagnostic Usually, symptomatic, slow heart particularly at risk. take the necessary
electrical circuit. When there is a procedure. It is a proactive test and rates known as bradycardia can be precautions and go for a
problem with this pacemaker and is done to stimulate arrhythmias resolved with a permanent n For more information, call heart check-up regularly
circuit, it can cause abnormal heart and better understand the pacemaker implant. 03-5639 1212. for peace of mind.
THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018 Healthy Heart 13

What is ubiquinol?
UBIQUINOL is the converted
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Ubiquinol is an essential
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In a healthy adult, 90% or to sustaining your body’s natural to its hydrophobicity and large and free radicals provide high-bioavailability
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body is in the ubiquinol form. Ubiquinol is simply the fully Therefore, supplementation antioxidants such as vitamin A It is formulated using Kaneka
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Spotting the
THE number one killer
concerning diseases and health-
related issues is coronary heart
disease. According to World
Health Organization, in 2012,
about 29,400 deaths in Malaysia
were a result of coronary heart
Termed a “silent killer”, a
heart attack can strike a person
when he least expects it. Spotting
the signs of a heart attack could
save lives.
Dr Mahmood Sabruddin,
consultant physician and
interventional cardiologist at Dr Mahmood Sabruddin.
Avisena Specialist Hospital, sheds
some light on the symptoms. Prevention is better
“The symptoms of a heart
attack can vary. Typically, they
than cure
are chest pains described as While men are commonly at a
heaviness or tightness in the higher risk, Dr Mahmood shares
centre of the chest. that it is essential for females to
“This is associated with be wary of this disease too.
sweating, cold sweats and “The youngest female heart
numbness down the left arm,” attack patient I had was a
says Dr Mahmood. 32-year-old mother who didn’t
According to him, one may even know she was diabetic
experience symptoms of angina, as she never went for a check-
which is caused by reduced up.”
blood flow to the heart. He adds that with today’s busy
When this happens, your body lifestyle, it is important to
might experience any of the incorporate regular exercise,
following symptoms: enough sleep, proper nutrition
l Chest pains and annual health screenings
l Shortness of breath into one’s life.
l Palpitations
l Reduced effort n Look out for the advertisement
tolerance in this StarSpecial.
14 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

Maintaining good
IN recent years, incidences of non-
communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart
disease in Malaysia have been on the rise.
The dominant risk factors of chronic NCDs

health the natural way

are high blood cholesterol level, diabetes,
hypertension and obesity.
According to the National Health and
Morbidity Survey 2015, 9.6 million
Malaysians have high cholesterol level, 3.5
million have diabetes, 6.1 million are
afflicted with hypertension and 3.3 million
are obese.
It is estimated that the prevalence of these
risk factors will continue to increase. This
is a worrying trend for the country as
many seem to remain oblivious to the truth
and continue to indulge in unhealthy
Many researches have proven that a slight
modification in one’s daily diet with the
inclusion of high-fibre foods such as oat
bran, which contains cholesterol-lowering
oat beta-glucans, is one of the most natural
ways of managing high blood cholesterol
Oat beta-glucan is a soluble form of
dietary fibre that produces a cholesterol-
lowering effect due to its high viscosity.
It dissolves inside the digestive tract
where it forms a thick gel in the small
This viscous “net” traps cholesterol and
cholesterol-related particles (bile acids) and
prevents them from being absorbed into the
bloodstream. They are then harmlessly
eliminated from the body.
When the liver subsequently produces
more bile acids, which are needed by the
body for fat absorption, it uses cholesterol in
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pollutant free
DUE to increasing consumer awareness two key essential fatty acids in omega-3.
about the health risk associated with high-fat Studies have shown that EPA and DHA are
and high-cholesterol foods as well as important for proper health maintenance
products high in sugar and salt content, and immune function. EPA and DHA may
Opceden is responding to the rapidly affect many aspects of body function.
growing demand for pure and highly Opceden Omega-3 Fish Oil TG 500/200 is in
concentrated omega-3 by providing an the triglyceride (TG) form.
added nutritional formulation on healthy Most fish oil supplements in the market
ageing throughout life. are available in ethyl ester form or TG form.
As a result, Opceden Omega-3 Fish Oil TG Structurally, the major difference between
500/200 fish oils are now available. the two forms is that in ethyl ester, the fatty
Marine omega-3 essential fatty acids offer acids (EPA and DHA) are esterified to an
health benefits. Marine sources of omega-3 ethanol backbone while in the TG form, the
are particularly important because omega-3 fatty acids are esterified to a glycerol alcohol
fish oil comprises polyunsaturated, essential backbone.
fatty acids that cannot be synthesised by the Typically, fats in most food sources are
human body and must be obtained from found in their natural TG form. TGs are
food or supplementation. generally associated with standard fish body
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA or fish liver oil.
(docosahexaenoic These fats comprise three fatty acids (such
acid) are the as omega-3 EPA and DHA) linked to a
molecule of glycerol. Without glycerol, free
fatty acids can oxidise rapidly. Therefore, the
glycerol backbone helps to naturally stabilise
the fat molecules and prevent breakdown
and oxidation.
To digest fatty acid in our diet, we need
pancreatic lipase (enzyme). Studies have
found that the lipase to hydrolyse the TG
form is 10 to 50 times faster and ensures
that absorption into the body is

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Opceden Omega-3 Fish Oil TG 500/200

provides omega-3 essential fatty acids
in the triglyceride form.
THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018 Healthy Heart 15

Eat to stay fit BERRIES

Rich in antioxidants, members
of this fruit family such as
strawberries, blueberries, acai
FOOD is our main source of energy and heart health.
nutrition, and eating the right kind of food For example, foods high in omega-3 berries and goji berries can help
could help you lead a long, healthy life. fatty acids have been proven to lower your body fight against oxidative
Every organ in the body has its own set of triglyceride levels in the blood, according to stress.
nutritional needs, and the heart is no the American Heart Association. Too much
exception. triglycerides in your blood can be bad for
While nutrition is still an evolving branch your heart.
of science, there are certain foods that have The following are some food items that
been proven to contribute positively to are rich in heart-healthy nutrients.

We were warned as children to not eat too much
chocolate because it can be bad for our teeth.
Some dark chocolate, however, can be good for
heart health. Epidemiological and clinical results from OIL
a 2015 study titled Cardiovascular Benefits of Dark
Chocolate? published in Current Treatment Options in Doctors keep telling you to avoid oily
Cardiovascular Medicine suggest that the flavonols in food to maintain heart health, but with oil
dark chocolate can have beneficial effects on blood being such a large part of our diets, it is
pressure and inflammation. difficult to give up completely.
Choose a healthier option instead such
as olive oil. Packed with antioxidants and

AVOCADOS monounsaturated fatty acids, olive oil can

reduce inflammation as well as LDL to
keep your heart happy.
Make it a habit of eating this fruit
regularly as it has been demonstrated that
avocados have beneficial effects on
cardiometabolic risk factors, according to a
2015 study titled Effect of a Moderate Fat
GREEN TEA The famous quote by ancient Chinese
philosopher Lao Tzu, “Tea is the elixir of
Diet With and Without Avocados on life”, rings truer than ever with green tea
Lipoprotein Particle Number, Size and proving to be effective in preventing
Subclasses in Overweight and Obese Adults: heart disease. Laden with antioxidants
A Randomized, Controlled Trial published such as polyphenols and catechins, green
in Journal of the American Heart tea can thwart cell damage and protect
Association. the heart in the process, suggests a 2007

NUTS study titled Effects of green tea and EGCG

on cardiovascular and metabolic health
published in Journal of the American
College of Nutrition.
You must be nuts if you don’t want
nuts in your diet. Nuts such as cashews,
almonds, pecans and walnuts have
high contents of “good” fat such as
omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce
levels of “bad” cholesterol or low-
density lipoprotein (LDL) in your
blood and keep your heart healthy.

Containing the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids among all plant-based foods,
chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants, soluble fibres, magnesium, protein, iron and
calcium. Flaxseed and hempseed are also great sources of heart-healthy nutrients.

A common misconception is that potatoes
are high in calories. This superfood, which
comes in varieties such as sweet, white,
purple and red, is rich in fibre, calcium,
potassium and folic acid. To get the full
health benefit of potatoes, eat them with the
skin on.

FISH Good news for all seafood

lovers! Fish, especially those of the
fatty variety such as salmon,
sardine, herring and trout, are
rich in omega-3. Eating three or
more servings per week can
reduce your risk of developing
heart disease as suggested by a
2003 study titled Cardiac benefits
of fish consumption may depend on
the type of fish meal consumed: the
Cardiovascular Health Study
published in Circulation.
16 Healthy Heart THE STAR, SATURDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 2018

Breakthrough in stenting
THE imagery of stents often depicts
long metal tubes that are inserted
into the blood vessels close to the
heart to treat cardiovascular
However, with breakthroughs in
medical technology, stents can now
be found in detached forms, used
for a procedure called spot
Although it is only currently
licensed to be used on the
superficial femoral artery (thigh
area), Dr Shaiful Azmi Yahaya,
consultant cardiologist and deputy
head of the Department of
Cardiology at the National Heart
Institute (IJN), has high hopes on
this procedure being utilised on
other parts of the body in the near
Peripheral artery disease is the
narrowing of the blood vessels
outside the heart throughout the
body, mainly in the lower limbs.
This condition may be a result of
atherosclerosis, which is a build-up
of plaque consisting of fats,
cholesterol, fibrin, calcium and
other substances in and on the
artery walls.
Blood flow is then stopped in a
particular section of the limb or
body, affecting the normal
functions of the body part and the
general health of the patient.
Dr Shaiful shares that when a
blood vessel is blocked by more
than 70%, symptoms of peripheral
artery disease will start to show.
“Pain is an early indicator, but a
blocked artery will also affect
wound healing, where it could take
weeks, months or years to heal a
mere ulcer,” he says.
“Once there is no blood flow, the
tissue will die and eventually The detachable stents are suitable to be placed in the superficial femoral artery where forces are constantly exerted on them by the thigh muscles.
become gangrenous or black.”
If the blocked artery is located in bending of the limbs. It has to be durable enough to cause minimal

Spot stenting
the leg, claudication of the leg will inert as well so it will not cause complications inside the body.
occur, where pain will be felt right allergies.
below the part of the blocked
The detachable stents are helpful
as you can choose where to place
Glimpse into causes almost
According to Dr Shaiful, the risk them in the blood vessels so that the future no side effects
or discomfort to
factors of peripheral vascular they can move along with the
disease are similar to those of heart limb.” While the use of wires and
diseases – the elderly, diabetics,
smokers and patients with high
Spot stenting takes the form of
six detachable metal stents that are
balloons, balloons only, drug-
eluting balloons and longer stents patients after
cholesterol are at greater risk. To
lower the risks, he recommends
very flexible and suitable for areas
where the blood vessels are moved
are still the norm, Dr Shaiful
predicts spot stenting to be the
the procedure,
leading a healthy lifestyle. around through the forces exerted norm in the near future. enabling them
by muscles in the thigh. He explains, “You can choose
to carry out daily
New grounds The spot stenting procedure is where to put your stents and the

At the moment, spot stenting

carried out through making an
arterial puncture at the groin,
number of stents used, because at
the end of the day, you don’t want
activities without
is used to treat peripheral where the doctor will insert the to leave too many foreign bodies in any complications
vascular diseases in the legs. In
the human body, thigh muscles
stents through wires and balloons
to set the stents in
the artery. You’ll want to only stent
the required area and leave other as doctors can simply make an or feeling that the
exert constant force on the artery
or blood vessels through
Another benefit is that each
areas alone.”
Spot stenting can be combined
incision in the part of the blood
vessel that is not stented – between
stents are inside
compression, extension, stent is only 13mm long, in with drug-eluting balloons the detached stents – instead of them – unlike
twisting and flexion.
Therefore, as the blood vessels
comparison to the longer stents
that could go up to 250mm,
as an adjunctive therapy to prevent
further blockage in the blood
having to bypass long stents with
arterial grafts. patients who can
are constantly moving through
body movement, there is need
decreasing the complexity of
inserting the stent.
Another major advantage that
Spot stenting causes almost no
side effects or discomfort to
feel the longer
for a more flexible stent As the stents are made from comes with the spot stenting patients after the procedure, stents implanted
in them. The nitinol
to accommodate them. nitinol alloy, a compound of nickel procedure is that it will make enabling them
“It has to be very flexible for the and titanium, it is flexible yet future surgeries easier to perform to carry out daily activities without
any complications or feeling
that the stents are inside them –
alloy is MRI-safe as
unlike patients who can feel the well.
longer stents implanted in them.
The nitinol alloy is MRI-safe as Dr Shaiful Azmi Yahaya
Spot stenting can be slightly
costlier than the usual stent as of now.
procedure as it is fairly new and The only precaution that he has
not widely practised. for patients who have undergone
Yet, it represents cost saving in this procedure is to continue to
the long run as doctors can expect take blood-diluting medication to
less complications when operating prevent blood from sticking to the
on a patient in the future. stents and causing blood clots.
According to him, patients
Success and safety should opt for spot stenting as it
leaves a minimal number of
As with all medical procedures, foreign objects in the body and has
safety and success rates are the no recorded side effects.
main priority of the patient. Dr “Spot stenting will help us a lot.
Shaiful says that spot stenting is Even though it is new, the idea is so
not complicated at all with an logical, and I feel that the
almost 100% success rate. technology is exciting.”
However, as this procedure is
really new in Asia, there are no n For more information, call
Dr Shaiful (third from left) at a press conference for the first spot stenting procedure in Asia. official statistics of its success rate 03-2617 8200.

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