Annicchia Rico 2014

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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 29: 662–682, 2014

Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online
DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2014.880467

Review of Factors that Affect Shrinkage of Molded

Part in Injection Molding
Daniele Annicchiarico and Jeffrey R. Alcock

School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire, UK

Purpose: This paper reviews the factors affecting shrinkage of molded parts in injection molding. Methods: A selective screening of the
papers published in the last 10 years was adopted. The review was organized according to molding scale (macro or micro) and by consider-
ing four branches of influence: material behaviors, processing parameters, mold, and specimen design. Results: Within the interval of
confidence, at the macroscale, critical processing parameters were the temperatures, the packing parameters, cooling time, and injection
speed; temperatures and packing parameters resulted critical factors at the microscale as well. Concerning the design aspects, the runner
size and the ribs affect shrinkage at the macro and microscale, respectively. The analysis of the literature review has shown an absence
of statistical approach for determining the material influences, a lack of information on shrinkage occur in powder-molded parts and
the absence of data in specimen with dimensions below 10 m. Conclusions: The review collected the factors that affect shrinkage in injection
molding, and identified three possible areas for further works.

Keywords Injection molding; Macroscale; Microscale; Molded parts; Shrinkage.

INTRODUCTION Figure 4 depicts a representation of the market

Aim of the Paper partition of PIM, organized by applications and regions;
the acronym ROW means ‘‘rest of world’’.
The conventional injection molding (CIM) is likely to Every injection molding, regardless of the scale, was
be the most important processing for producing plastic affected by dimensional variations (shrinkage) of
articles. Figure 1 reports the market of plastic pro- molded part. It is important to reduce and minimize
duction: China is the leader, followed by the rest of Asia the discrepancy between mold design and final specimen
countries, then Europe, and North America (North dimensions, especially in applications that require tight
American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA). tolerances, and for this reason it is important to investi-
By focusing the analysis on Europe, the greater part of gate any factor that can affect shrinkage. Moreover,
plastic demand is on packaging, as confirmed by Fig. 2. shrinkage can determine sink mark or voids in molded
With the improved demand of high-performance parts [4]; both are consequences of insufficient shrinkage
materials and the miniaturization of complex devices, compensation [5]. Sink consists in physical depression
the microinjection molding (m-IM) (or micro-powder on the surface of molded part [6] and is caused by a ther-
injection molding m-PIM) has been developed from mal contraction in the region of contact between the
CIM. m-IM technique started more than 30 years ago melt and the wall mold [7]; although it does not affect
and quickly grown up in importance in the last decades the functionality of molded part, it is considered a ser-
[1]. Medical applications (lab-on-a-chip, microsurgery), ious quality defect. The voids are holes entrapped inside
optical devices, sensing: all these fields are only examples the molded part [5]; the outer skin resists to shrinkage
of m-IM applications [2]. Although m-IM is globally forces between external area and mold wall on the con-
widespread, Europe and Asia-Pacific account for a trary of core part that shrinks creating voids. The voids
major share of metal injection molding segment, while affect the structural functionality of molded part.
the USA is still the largest market for ceramic injection The aim of this paper is to review the works that
molding [3]. investigated the factors that influence shrinkage of
By considering the PIM, similarly to plastic injection molded parts regardless of the scale (macro or micro).
molding, Asia confirmed a leader position as reported The works considered investigated applications in
in Fig. 3. material science and engineering field, and cover a
period from 2004 to 2013.

Received October 29, 2013; Accepted December 18, 2013 METHODOLOGY

Address correspondence to Daniele Annicchiarico, Building 56, Structure of Review
Cranfield University, Wharley End, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43
0AL, UK; E-mail: The definitions normally accepted for describing
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be shrinkage were well reported by Fischer in his Handbook
found online at of moulded part shrinkage and warpage [8]: mold


FIGURE 4.—Market partition by region and applications as percent sales of

FIGURE 1.—World plastic material production [1]. powder injection molding [5].

A start point on how to structure this review was the

scheme reported by Stan et al. [9]. The authors orga-
nized different sources for depicting a diagram that con-
sidered factors that affect shrinkage and warpage.
Experimental evidences [10] shown that these two
phenomenon were affected by different factors, even if
warpage (defined as differential shrinkage) was gener-
ated by shrinkages. As consequence, a more focused
structure respect to the scheme reported by Stan et al.
[9] was required for considering only factors that affec-
ted shrinkage. The result was reported in Fig. 5. The
present review considered the influence of polymer beha-
vior (morphology, molecular chains, particle loading)
FIGURE 2.—European plastic demand [1]. and technical aspects (processing parameters influence,
mold, and specimen design) on shrinkage because fac-
tors strictly connected to molding processing. Indeed,
shrinkage (or in-mold shrinkage or molded part shrink- the design (both mold and specimen) is the starting point
age) usually refers to the difference between the linear in every project, then the material choice (determined by
dimension of the mold at room temperature and that material properties) is followed by the molding process
of the molded part at room temperature within 48 h (hence to identify the critic processing parameters).
following ejection. The factors that affect shrinkage were often the result

FIGURE 3.—Worldwide statistics of powder injection molding [5]. FIGURE 5.—Branches considered in the present review.

of an optimization stage that adopts statistical shrinkage resulted from debinding and sintering step
approaches. or about rheology behavior. Moreover, even when sin-
The diagram reported in Fig. 5 starts with the indi- tered parts were considered, the studies investigated
cation of a scale effect. As will be clearly shown, experi- rarely the influence of molding parameters in terms of
mental evidences demonstrated that shrinkage was shrinkage.
affected by scale effects. The review was organized by
considering the scale effects, and the critical parameters
were divided according to this consideration. LITERATURE REVIEW
Not reviewed here are methodologies for measuring This section investigated four branches at the macro
shrinkage. A summary of these at the micro and macro- and microscale: the material properties, the processing
scale can be found in Ref. [11]. parameters, the mold, and specimen design (considered

Search Methodology Material Property Influences

The state-of-the-art about shrinkage in injection Under the term ‘‘material properties’’ were considered
molding was approached using SCOPUS, a biblio- aspects such as pressure–volume–temperature (PVT)
graphic scientific database. The research started by using behavior, internal structure=morphology and material
the keywords ‘‘molding’’ AND ‘‘shrinkage’’, and results crystallinity. According to the literature reviewed, these
were limited to the last 10 years (2004–2013) in material properties can affect and influence shrinkage and have
science and engineering fields. to be considered.
Filtering factors reduced the initial amount of papers
from 4131 to 243, and a further screening selected only
those suitable for the present paper. As guidelines, were Material properties at the macroscale.
considered thermoplastic materials (no thermosetting,
clays, cement, liquid crystals, composites, wafer) molded PVT trend. The intrinsic cause for shrinkage of
by injection molding (neither lithography nor casting), injection-molded parts is the thermodynamic behavior
with molded part characteristics (no debinding, sinter- of the material, as reported in Fig. 6. The PVT trend
ing) experimentally validated (no CAD, CAE, neural determined the compressibility and thermal expansion
networks). Mechanical (strength) and thermal outcomes of plastics as confirmed by studies [12, 13].
were removed as well. In detail, a different PVT behavior between amorph-
The literature research was integrated with papers ous and crystalline materials has to be considered. In a
available from other sources for covering the available melt condition, both classes show a linear dependency
knowledge in this field. The Web, Google Scholar, of the specific volume from the temperature. On the con-
Web of Science, and free online papers provided trary, for the solid phase, there are considerable differ-
additional papers. The result can be considered as state ences. Because of crystallization, in semicrystalline
of the art and discussed in the present review for materials, the specific volume decreases exponentially
approaching shrinkage of molded parts. (shrinkage is caused by these dimensional variations)
An overall view of the papers has shown that despite with decreasing temperature, while amorphous materials
of the great importance of PIM researches (ceramic and still present a linear dependency in the solid phase. This
metal), only few papers that argued about powder mold- difference is the reason for the greater shrinkage of crys-
ing. The reason was that the greater part of papers that talline thermoplastics respect the amorphous polymer.
investigated shrinkage in PIM were focused about The curves labeled with the number from 0 to 200

FIGURE 6.—PVT diagram of an amorphous (A) and a crystalline (B) thermoplastic material [10] [Reprinted with permission from Elsevier editor].

represents different polymer packing pressures [MPa]: phases [27] and frozen layers shown flow-induced
the higher is the pressure, the lower is shrinkage. crystallization with flow-oriented molecules [28, 29]
Even if the present review does not include simulation and residual internal stressed located in the layers [30]
studies, the great amount of researches that investigated can determine shrinkage. The core-skin ratio affects
the PVT behavior by modeling approach cannot be shrinkage as well [31].
ignored. Indeed, this approach permits to avoid Driven by crystallinity, material can continue to
‘‘expensive time-consuming and time-and-error itera- shrink also day after be molded [32] and starts to
tions’’ as stated by Kate et al. [14]: outcomes have shown shrink inside the mold as the polymer starts the
that there is a good agreement between experimental and solidification [33].
simulation results [15]. As an example, it is possible to Table 1 reports the papers about material properties
indicate studies that have simulated the behavior of dif- that affect shrinkage at the macroscale.
ferent materials: polymers [16–19], feedstocks [20, 21],
Si3Ni4 [22, 23], AlN [14], and fiber-reinforced polymers Material properties at the microscale.
[24]. Greene et al. [25] compared shrinkage from PVT
measurements of carbonyl iron feedstock with predic- PVT trend. It is important to understand if the scale
tions from a modified two-domain Tait-PVT model can affect material behavior. Considering the PVT
and Kate et al. [26] estimated feedstock properties trend, material at the microscale follows the conven-
according to different models. tional behavior; as the packing pressure increased, the
shrinkage of semicrystalline materials decreased with
Morphology contribution. Morphological aspects as the an exponential shape [34]. Author suggested that the
different density of the crystalline phase before and after shape of curves was determined by binder and his
the freezing [27] and the flow effect in terms of molecular dominant behavior.
orientation [28], can affect shrinkage. In particular, The study conducted by Yao and Kim [35] confirmed
experimental results about molecular orientation have the different behavior that polymeric material assumes
shown that during the injection stage, the mold filling when flows in micro channels respects macro geometry
process can confer to polymer chains a predominant situation. The differences regarded a size-dependent vis-
flow orientation because to the flow-induced crystalliza- cosity, wall slip, and surface tension. Results shown that
tion. Moreover, in a mass of injected polymer melt the in microscale, polymer flows differently respect macro-
molecular chains were naturally oriented along the flow scale for the presence of intermolecular forces that occur
direction. due to the scale. Due to these influences, it results in the
Other authors confirmed this trend. During the injec- necessity to improve the pressure of 20–30% in micro-
tion stage, the formation of frozen layers in the melted scale with respect to standard filling conditions.
polymer in contact with the mold surface was observed.
The layers shown an oriented molecule chain that affect Polymer morphology contribution. Experimental results
shrinkage [29] and induced residual internal stresses shown that semicrystalline polymer shrinks more than
related to dimensional variations [30]. The layered struc- amorphous polymer [36] and morphology was influ-
ture was located on the external area of molded part, enced by homogeneous dispersion of powder mixed with
and the core-to-skin volume ratio has to be considered polymer [37]. The percentage of powder can lead to
as a factor that strongly affects shrinkage [31]. shrinkage, because the dimensional variations decreased
by increasing the powder loading [38].
Crystallinity contribution. The dimensional stability of A relationship between binder microstructure and
molded part was connected to crystallinity, and experi- shrinkage was identified because a coarse flake binder
mental observations evidenced that molded part can structure leads to high shrinks during the transition from
potentially continue to crystallize also day after the melt to solid state [39]. The use of microcrystalline wax
molding stage [32]. Indeed, physically, the crystallization can confer to the binder a finer grain structure and a
continues below the melting point and above the glass-
transition temperature (Tg), and the more the material
crystallize, the more it shrinks. TABLE 1.—Material properties influence at the macroscale. MAT reports
As demonstrated by De Santis et al. [33], shrinkage information about material characteristics (amorphous or crystalline)
starts inside the mold as soon as the polymer layers and PHENOM is about the phenomenon examined (connected to shrink-
solidify. It was also demonstrated that the crystallinity age).
influenced the no-flow (sharp increase in viscosity value) Ref. MAT Phenom.
and solidification conditions, the formation of frozen
layer, the internal stresses, and the in-mold shrinkage. PVT [14, 15] Amorph. – Cryst.
Morphology [29] PP copolymer Freezing
Summary. It was possible to summarize the infor- [30] PE Molecular orientation
mation about material influence at the macroscale say- [31] PE Oriented layers
[32] PP Residual stresses
ing that shrinkage was caused by the different PVT [33] PP Core-to-skin ratio
behavior between amorphous and crystalline material Crystallinity [34, 35] iPP Crystallinity
polymers [12, 13] that different densities of crystalline

more isotropic micro structure for the feedstock. These extrapolatable to the microscale. Furthermore, they indi-
modifications permitted to obtain a final shrinkage cate the necessity of directionally dependent measures of
lower that coarse binder structure. shrinkage for microscale components, as the orientation
The relationship between polymer morphology and is likely to produce anisotropy in the shrinkage behavior.
shrinkage involved different aspects of molding processing Same shish-kebab structure at the microscale was
not always simply to identify. Particle size, powder load- identified by Jingsong et al. [43]. The crystallization
ing, but especially shear rate and polymer temperature was influenced by shear stress history, and the core area
determined the feedstock viscosity [40], and the viscosity of molded parts presented a spherulitic structure, with
was directly related to shrinkage of molded part [41]. an increased density from wall to the center.
A study concerned the morphology differences
between macro and microscale, was carried out by Crystallinity contribution. Studies demonstrated that
Fanghui et al. [42]. By considering the crystallinity effects the scale influenced the crystallinity (in terms of crystal
in the flow direction of both macro and micro-parts of size, degree, ratios), and it is likely that this affects
specimens molded from isotactic polypropylene (iPP), shrinkage also. As demonstrated by Giboz et al. [44] dur-
evidences shown that the through-thickness morphology ing the analysis of semicrystalline polymer (high-density
of micro-parts exhibited a similar ‘‘skin–core’’ type of polyethylene (HDPE)), crystallinity was influenced by
structure to the macro-parts. However, in the micro- processing parameters (injection pressure, injection
parts, a large fraction of shear layer was present (highly speed, and mold temperature). By comparing the struc-
oriented), whereas the macro-parts presented a large ture between micro and macroscale, differences in terms
fraction of core layer (randomly oriented). The shear of dimensions of polymer crystal and crystallinity degree
layer of micro-parts had a highly oriented ‘‘shish-kebab’’ (both increased in microscale) were observed.
structure (Fig. 7), with a pronounced orientation of iPP Again, processing parameters (injection speed, pack-
chains within lamellae. The authors calculated that the ing velocity, mold, and barrel temperature) influenced
percentage thickness of the oriented region of the micro morphology and crystallinity as demonstrated
micro-parts (which included both the skin layer and the by Chu et al. [45]. Final results evidenced that processing
shear layer) was much greater than in the macro-parts parameters affected the thickness of and the molecular
(90% vs. 15%). The complex combination of internal orientation in the skin layer: these factors contributed
stress and cooling rate affects the crystallization kinetics also to improve micro-part mechanical properties more
(flow inducted), and the shear layer results with higher than in macro-parts, since the skin layer represented a
degree of crystallinity respect the polymer core. As an larger fraction of the overall thickness.
overall effect, also the degree of crystallinity was affected
by scale effects: in microscale, the degree of crystallinity Summary. By summarizing the information about
was higher with respect to macroscale. These different material influence at the microscale, it was possible to
degrees of orientation and crystallinity observed at the say that, concerning PVT trend, also at the microscale
macro and microscale indicate that shrinkage data the material shown different behavior between amorph-
obtained at the macroscale was unlikely to be directly ous and crystalline materials [34].
Considering morphology, conclusions shown that at
the microscale semicrystalline materials shrink more
than amorphous [36], and differences can be led by pow-
der loading [38] and degree of powder dispersion [37].
The grain structure was determined by the binder but
can be tuned (from coarse to fine) by mixing suitable
waxes: these adds influenced final shrinkage [39]. Dimen-
sional variations were connected to viscosity [41] and
affected by processing parameters [40].
The crystallinity contributed to shrinkage and was
affected by processing parameters [44]. The molding fac-
tors can increase the thickness of oriented layers (mol-
ecular chains) [45] respect overall sections. Besides the
higher fraction of oriented layers at the microscale
respect the macroscale promote higher shrinkage [42].
Table 2 reports the works that investigated the
material properties that affect shrinkage at the

Processing Parameter Influences

The greatest number of works about shrinkage were
FIGURE 7.—Shish-kebab structure [46] [Reprinted with permission from focused on the study of processing parameter influence
author]. mainly for two reasons: first, for being effective, the
TABLE 2.—Material properties that affect shrinkage at the microscale. temperature [47]. It was also commonly defined as the
PHENOM concerned the physical phenomenon associated to shrinkage. time from the end of packing stage toward ejection.
Ref. MAT Phenom.
This parameter affected shrinkage according to
Azdast and Behravesh [48] and was considered the
PVT [36] Amorph.–Cryst. second critical parameter after the holding pressure by
[37] PS Different flow Chen and Chang [49]. By using a hybrid optimization
behavior method that combined Taguchi methods, gray relational
Morphology [38, 40] ZnO þ PP Shrinkage analysis and principal component analysis, Mehat et al.
[50] investigated shrinkage of molded gear: results have
[39] Al2O3 þ PP Powder dispersion
[41] HDPE þ MW Binder structure
shown that this factor was the third critical parameter
[42] 316L feedst. Viscosity after melt temperature and packing pressure. As stated
[43] 316L feedst. Viscosity vs. shrinkage by Elleithy et al. [51] and Xu et al. [52], an increase of
[44] iPP Scale influence cooling time produces a decreasing of shrinkage. This
[45] PE Shish-kebab trend is likely due to an increased probability of mole-
Crystallinity [47] HDPE Scale influence cules to attain a more favorable configuration during
[48] HDPE, POM, PC Layers molecular increased time of cooling. The criticality of cooling time
oriented in terms of shrinkage was confirmed also by considering
techniques different from injection molding as
MUCELL (microcellular injection molding) [53].
determination of material property aspects that affect
shrinkage have to be followed by many trials (e.g., to Packing (or holding) time. Packing time was defined as
change the crystallinity degree, to tailor the correct feed- the time necessary for filling the mold cavity as full as
stock=polymer to be injected) that takes time and possible without causing undue stress on the molds or
requests specific customer competences; second, by using causing flash on the finished parts [47]. The packing time
the available statistical approaches, nowadays it is poss- is usually determined by the gate freeze time, because
ible to identify the critical processing parameters with a after gate freezing an additional time does not produce
high degree of precision and reducing shrinkage by opti- further effects. Besides it is important to set a suitable
mizing the factors. Indeed to deal with injection molding packing time during injection molding stages, because
(but more generally with every engineering process) if the packing pressure is released before complete gate
requests to manage with a great number of parameters, freezing (caused by too short packing time), some plastic
and only by adopting a methodic approach to the material could flow back from the cavity mold
shrinkage phenomenon was possible to determine what (backflow) by determining lacks of material in final
factors can be considered critical. The use of statistical specimen [33].
approaches (design of experiment or Taguchi methods, Different approaches (numerical simulation [54],
just to mention the most common) was an effectual Taguchi methods [55–57] coupled with hybrid optimiza-
way to operate, and every parameter identified as criti- tion [50], DoE [53, 58, 59]) and consequent experimental
cal, often, was the result of statistical treatments of data. validations, identified the packing time as a critical fac-
The second approach was preferred by many authors, tor. According to Yadav, Dravid, and Rajput [60], this
also considering the great range of feedstock=polymer factor resulted critical for amorphous (ABS) but not
tailored for every application. for semicrystalline polymer (PP). By analyzing polymer
wax, Rezavand and Behravesh [61] confirmed the critical
Processing parameters at the macroscale. When the influence in terms of shrinkage. Also by considering
mold was completely filled by injected material, the ceramic-based feedstock, (tungsten mixed with polymer
screw remains stationary for some time to keep the plas- wax [62]), this parameter confirmed to critically affect
tic in the mold under pressure (holding time). During the shrinkage. Considering the trend, to increase this
holding stage, an additional material was injected into parameter led to decrease shrinkage parallel to the flow
the cavity mold for compensating the shrinkage caused direction [52].
by cooling effects [46]: this sentence condenses the con- With a technique based on strain gauges, De Santis
cept that the most part of injection molding parameters et al. [33] measured the transient shrinkage history of
can potentially produce effects in terms of shrinkage. All an iPP rectangular slab as a function of the holding
the following factors: holding parameters, amount of pressure, and confirmed that shrinkage decreased by
materials, injection, cooling stage, and temperatures, increasing this factor.
have to be investigated for identifying an influence in
terms of shrinkage. Packing (or holding) pressure. Once the majority of the
The parameters that critically affect shrinkage were plastic (95%) has been injected using injection pressure,
organized by naming the factors, then by reporting the the injection machine shift to apply the packing (or
main results. holding) pressure. This pressure (lower than the injec-
tion pressure) permitted the final filling of the mold by
Cooling time. Cooling time was defined as the elapsed packing the molecules together. Holding pressure was
time required for the melt to reach its Vicat softening applied until the gate freezes: once that happened, the

pressure has no more effect on the molecules on the considered strong critical factor. Moreover melt tem-
other side of the gate. If holding pressure was decreased perature affects both longitudinal and transversal
before the gate freezes, the inversion of pressure gradi- shrinkage [78].
ents causes a dramatic decrease of pressure evolution Concerning different kind of polymers as semicrystal-
inside the cavity mold, and the material in the cavity line (HDPE [54, 87], PS [72, 88], PP [49, 52, 60, 71]),
can be sucked back out of the cavity (‘‘backflow’’ polymer wax [61], amorphous (ABS [60], PVC [56]), or
phenomenon). ceramic-based feedstock (W [62], Si3N4 [22]), experi-
Studies that adopted Taguchi approach [10, 50, 55, 63, mental results demonstrated that shrinkage was criti-
64] or different methods [49, 53, 58, 59, 65–68] identified cally influenced by melt temperature.
this parameter as strongly critical. Shrinkage starts as An interesting effect of melt temperature was reported
soon as melted polymer fills the cavity mold and was by Guan and Huang [88] that described the relationship
critically influenced by holding pressure [33, 69]. between melt temperature and melt flow within the cav-
By analyzing semicrystalline material (PP) [60, 70–73], ity cross through the gate. Outcomes have shown that
PP filled with CaCO3 [74], ceramic feedstock as Zr [75] this parameter influenced the amount of material inside
(in combined effect with mold temperature) or W [62], the cavity mold and consequently shrinkage because
authors found that packing pressure was the most influ- under a more pronounced amount of melt flow, the area
ential factor (above different parameters considered). near the gate can receive much material for compensat-
The holding pressure affects the molding shrinkage of ing part shrinkage caused by material cooling.
a rectangular bar of carbonyl iron powder mixed with
polymer wax binder as confirmed by Greene and Heaney Mold temperature. Mold temperature was defined as
[25]; authors stated that shrinkage decrease by increasing the temperature of mold surface in contact with melt.
the pressure. Authors [64, 86] investigated this parameter by using
Evidences shown that packing pressure can lead to Taguchi methods: results have shown that mold tem-
directional responses in terms of shrinkage: by improv- perature was considered a critical factor. Same result
ing holding pressure, transversal shrinkage of ceramic was confirmed by adopting different statistical
molded parts was decreased [76]. Similar results were approaches as the gray-fuzzy logic analysis [65]. Often
reported by Pomerleau and Sanschagrin [77] that con- works that identified mold temperature as critical para-
firmed how high holding pressure leads to lower shrink- meter, coupled this result with melt temperature: in these
age (both parallel to, than normal to, the flow direction). cases the authors talk generally of ‘‘temperatures.’’
Considering a square specimen geometry of an amorph- This parameter was considered critical for amorphous
ous polymer (ABS), this parameter affected shrinkage (PS and PC [67], PMMA [63]) for semicrystalline poly-
both in longitudinal (first in ranking order) and trans- mers (PP [67], Nylon 46 [55], HDPE [87]), or for ceramic
versal (second in ranking order) [78]. As general trend, feedstock (Zr [75]), in combined effect with holding
it seems that to increase this parameter, promote the pressure.
decrease of shrinkage [79–81] and a reorientation of melt The confirmation of the importance of this factor was
molecules as observed by Pontes, Oliveira, and Pouzada reported by Chih, Pao, and Yan [78], which proved that
[70]. In any case, an improper set of this stage affects mold temperature affected shrinkage both in transversal
shrinkage [82]. and longitudinal direction. About the trend, according
A contrary result was presented by Mulyana et al. to Sepe [79], low mold temperature reduced shrinkage.
[83]. The authors focused their researches on the
reduction of injection molding cycle time by using cool-
ing water containing activated carbon pellets. Under this Injection pressure. Injection pressure was defined as the
particular condition, it was demonstrated that cycle time pressure on the face of the injection screw when melt
and shrinkage can be efficiently reduced at a low pack- material was injected into the mold [47].
ing pressure. By adopting a new methodology based on Reduced
This parameter can be considered an important factor Pareto Set Genetic Algorithm with Elitism technique
that affects shrinkage since many studies shown the (RPSGAe), Fernandes, Pontes, Viana, and Gaspar-
same conclusions. The property to influence direction- Cunha [80] have shown that shrinkage decreased when
ally shrinkage even by rearranging molecular chains is injection pressure increased. Similar conclusions were
not negligible. Generally to improve this parameter stated by Elleithy et al. [51] (by investigating a semicrys-
leads to decrease shrinkage, except the particular con- talline polymer HDPE mixed with ceramic powder
ditions experimented by Mulyana et al. [83]. CaCO3) and by Luo et al. [62] that analyzed a ceramic
Melt temperature. Melt temperature was defined as the This parameter has shown a directional influence in
temperature at which the polymer changes from solid to terms of shrinkage, because affected transversal shrink-
liquid state, that is became fluid and can be injected in age in reinforced PET specimens [89], and longitudinal
the mold. shrinkage in co-PP [52].
Authors [64, 72, 84–86] adopted Taguchi methods for
determining the influence of this parameter on shrink- Injection speed (or velocity). The injection speed was
age: according to their results, melt temperature was defined as the speed which the polymer was injected into

the cavity mold, determined by the screw movement on At last, also the molding technique affects the shrink-
forward during melt injection. age. Considering the MUCELL process, this technique
The influence of this parameter was evaluated by reduces shrinkage with respect to CIM [101, 102], and
authors that considered longitudinal to, and transversal the supercritical fluid content adopted during injection
to, the flow shrinkage: this parameter was the fourth fac- stage was a critical factor [58]. In MUCELL processing,
tor affected shrinkage in transversal direction, and the holding time, holding pressure, and mold temperature
second factor that critically affected longitudinal shrink- affect shrinkage [53].
age [78]. Authors [52, 77] have shown that high values of Table 3 reports the papers about processing parameter
this parameter leads to high shrinkage in parallel to but that affects shrinkage at the macroscale. The paper
not in normal to the flow direction. An influence of this marked with the asterisk referred to works that reported
parameter but with different effect with respect to the the interval of confidence of the statistical analysis
previous authors was identified by Chen, Ho, and Fan (95%).
[76] by analyzing ceramic feedstock: to increase the
injection speed led to decrease the transversal shrinkage. Processing parameters at the microscale. Compared
to the macroscale, in the microscale authors investigated
Further considerations. In the papers that considered also the replication quality. This aspect was connected to
the influence of processing parameters in terms of mold- shrinkage and often the two concepts overlap, because a
ing shrinkage at the macroscale, it was possible to learn lack of precision in replication quality was determined
also general indications about other aspects: com- by final dimensional variations due to uncontrolled or
pression factors [88, 90, 91], appropriate mold design underestimated material shrink. These conclusions were
[92–95] and suitable processing conditions [64, 94, 96, confirmed by Liu, Song, Wang, and Zhang [103] that
97] can reduce and compensate shrinkage. focused their researches on the replication quality of
Some papers identified differences between parallel to micro-channels molded by mIM: final results have shown
and normal to the flow shrinkage. According to Chen, that shrinkage phenomenon was the main reason for
Su, and Lin [98], packing pressure, injection velocity, lack of replication quality. Moreover, as proposed by
melt and mold temperature affect shrinkage parallel to Xie, Shen, and Jiang [104], the replication quality was
the flow; melt and mold temperature, packing pressure mathematically defined with similar formula adopted
and injection velocity affect shrinkage normal to the flow. for shrinkage measurement, but with opposite interpret-
According to Xu et al. [52] (by analyzing co-PP and ation because a high replication quality is advisable.
co-PP mixed, respectively, with CaCO3, SiO2, and nano- The definitions of processing parameters were
powdered styrene butadiene rubber [PSBR]), the proces- reported only if not already indicated in the previous
sing parameters affected shrinkage in the length but not in section.
the width and thickness. According to Yoshihara [89],
transversal shrinkage was affected by injection pressure. Injection pressure. Specimens molded with high values
According to Rajalingam, Bono, and Sulaiman [99], of temperatures and pressures exhibited low crystallinity
shrinkage along length was affected by mold tempera- and better feature replications [105].
ture, injection pressure, screw rotation speed, mold By adopting Taguchi methods, Ong, Zhang, and Woo
temperature–injection pressure interaction, and mold [106] investigated the influence of processing parameters
temperature–screw rotation speed interaction; while in POM micro-rods molded part: injection pressure was
along the width direction, shrink age was affected by a shrinkage critical factor.
mold temperature, injection pressure, screw rotation The critical influence of this parameter was confirmed
speed, mold temperature–screw rotation interaction. also by Huang and Chiu [107]. The authors considered
Prashantha et al. [100] considered PP specimens molded ceramic-based feedstock (SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO powders
by injection molding, and longitudinal shrinkage was mixed with PP binder in different percentages of
between 2 and 4 times more (on the average) than shrink- 10-20-30 vol.%). Results identified the injection pressure
age in transversal direction. Transversal shrinkage was as factor that, by increasing the powder loading, can
critically affected by melt temperature, packing pressure, decrease shrinkage.
mold temperature and injection velocity; longitudinal
shrinkage was affected by packing pressure, injection Mold temperature. This parameter was considered as a
velocity, melt temperature and mold temperature [78]. critical factor by Lee et al. (2010), Wang and Yang
Concerning the trend, high injection velocity pro- (2011), and Wen and Wen (2005) [108–110]. Chang
motes high shrinkage in parallel to but not in normal and Faison [36] investigated amorphous (GPS and
to the flow direction [77]; to increase holding pressure ABS) and a semicrystalline polymer (HDPE), by study-
leads to decrease in shrinkage [67, 76, 77, 80, 81]; an ing shrinkage both longitudinal and transversal to the
increase of pressure during the holding phase induces a flow direction. The mold temperature was a critical
reorientation in the melt [70]; high packing pressure parameter both for GPS than ABS, and affects shrink-
and mold temperature can reduce shrinkage [63]. age along the flow direction (the first in ranking order
General trend seems to indicate that high processing for both the polymers) and transversal to the flow direc-
parameter values, except for the injection velocity, tion (ranked as the second and the first parameter,
causes shrinkage reduction. respectively). Shrinkage of semicrystalline polymer was

TABLE 3.—Processing parameters influence at the macroscale.

Shrink. resp.
PAR Ref. MAT Approach Geometry (after a factor increase)

Cooling t [51] POM Plate with holes

[52] PP Taguchi Convex shell
[53] PP Hybrid method Gear
[54] CaCO3þHDPE Square plate #
[56] PP DoE Box
[55] co-PP ASTM D955 #
Packing (or holding) t [65] W þ PW Stand. tensile, cylinder #
[64] PS þ PW
[57] HDPE Taguchi
[60] PC=ABS Taguchi Thin shell part
[53] PP Hybrid method Gear
[63] ABS Taguchi Rectangular specimen
[35] Ipp Strain gages Rectangular geometry
[59] PVC Taguchi Conical specimen
[58] Nylon 4,6 Taguchi Gear #
[62] PP DoE Box
[55] co-PP ASTM D955 #
[61] PP DoE Box
[56] PP DoE Box
Packing (or holding) P [78] Zr þ vinyl acet. ANOVA Parallelopiped shape #
[65] W þ PW Stand. tensile, cylinder #
[27] Carbonyl iron þ PW Rectangular bar #
[12] PP Taguchi Box #
[53] PP Hybrid method Gear
[67] PC=ABS Taguchi Thin wall
[66] PMMA Taguchi Rectangular cavity #
[52] PP Taguchi Convex shell
[71] Nylon, TVP DoE Rectangular plate #
[70] PC, PS, PP Tubular fittings #
[62] PP DoE Box
[56] PP DoE Box
[61] PP DoE Box
[69] PP Taguchi
[68] PC=ABS Gray-fuzzy logic Thin shell
[72] PS, HDPE, PVC Online technique Tensile bar
[76] 95% PP þ 5% clay Taguchi
[75] PP Taguchi Rectangular specimen
[63] PP Taguchi Rectangular specimen
[74] PP Model. and exp. valid. Rectangular bars #
[73] PP Rectangular plates #
[77] PPþCaCO3 Taguchi – Ac. Em. (AE) Square specimen
[86] TP polyolefin
[79] LDPE þ Al2O3 T shape specimen # (n)
[80] PP DoE Plate with constant and #
variable thickness
[81] ABS ANOVA Square geometry # (p) # (n)
[84] PP Plate and tubular geom. #
[83] PS RPSGAe Rectangular geometry #
[82] #
[58] Nylon 4,6 Taguchi Gear #
[35] iPP Strain gages Rectangular geometry
Melt T [65] W þ PW Stand. tensile, cylinder #
[64] PSþPW
[90] HDPE Art. neural network Cable clamps "
[24] Si3N4 þ PP Box–Behnken Micro channels "
[67] PC=ABS Taguchi Thin wall #
[59] PVC Taguchi Conical specimen
[89] 316L Taguchi

(Continued )
TABLE 2.—Continued

Shrink. resp.
PAR Ref. MAT Approach Geometry (after a factor increase)

[88] PP Taguchi Circular shape specimen

[87] PP Taguchi Box #
[75] PS Taguchi Rectangular specimen
[81] ABS ANOVA Square geometry " (n)
[57] HDPE Taguchi
[91] PS Taguchi Rectangular specimen #
[75] PS Taguchi Rectangular specimen
[63] ABS, PP Taguchi Rectangular specimen
[55] co-PP ASTM D955 #
[52] PP Taguchi Convex shell
[74] PP Model and exp. valid. Rectangular bar #
Mold T [67] PC=ABS Taguchi Thin wall #
[78] Zr þ vinyl acet. ANOVA Parallelepiped shape "
[70] PC, PS, PP Tubular fittings #
[89] 316L Taguchi
[90] HDPE Art. neural network Cable clamps #
[68] PC=ABS Gray-fuzzy logic Thin shell
[81] ABS ANOVA Square geometry
[82] "
[66] PMMA Taguchi Rectangular cavity #
[58] Nylon 4,6 Taguchi Gear #
Injection P [65] W þ PW Stand. tensile, cylinder #
[83] PS RPSGAe Rectangular geometry #
[55] co-PP ASTM D955 #
[92] PET Box and plate shapes # (n)
[54] CaCO3þHDPE Square plate #
Injection v [79] LDPE þ Al2O3 T-shaped specimen # (n)
[81] ABS ANOVA Square geometry # (p)
[80] PP DoE Plate with constant and variable thickness " (p)
[55] co-PP ASTM D955 #

affected by mold temperature both in longitudinal to temperature enhanced shrinkage and sink mark of
(the third in ranking order) and transversal to (the micro-molded sheet cavities.
second in ranking order) the flow direction.
By considering semicrystalline (POM [106, 111, 112], Melt temperature. In the study conducted by Chang
HDPE and PP [105], HCPP and PC [113, 114], PP and and Faison [36], the authors investigated the influence
PA [111] or PA mixed with 316L [115]), amorphous of five parameters in terms of shrinkage both longitudi-
polymers (PMMA [105, 113, 116], PS [105, 113], COC nal and transversal to the flow direction, by molding
[117], ABS [118]) or ceramic feedstock (Zr [119]), results amorphous (GPS and ABS) and semicrystalline poly-
identified the mold temperature as a critical parameter mers (HDPE). The melt temperature resulted in a criti-
affecting shrinkage. Also, authors [11, 112, 120] deter- cal parameter for GPS, and affected its shrinkage
mined that by increasing this parameter, led to an along the flow direction (the second in ranking order)
increased shrinkage. Same trend was determined by and transversal to the flow direction (ranked as the first
Tay et al. [121] even considering a different material factor) but not for ABS. Shrinkage of semicrystalline
(316L feedstock). polymer was affected by melt temperature both in longi-
An indirect confirmation of critical influence of mold tudinal to (the fourth in ranking order) and transversal
temperature in terms of shrinkage was reported by to (the third in ranking order) the flow direction.
Huang and Chiu [107]. An analysis of ceramic-based This parameter affected shrinkage in semicrystalline
feedstocks (SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO in different percentages (POM [11], HDPE [105], HCPP [114], PC [113, 114],
of 10-20-30 vol.%) confirmed that an increase in mold PP [105]) amorphous (PMMA [105, 110, 113], PS [105,
temperature permitted an increase the powder percent- 113]) or cyclic olefin polymers [117].
age to be injected, and the increased powder loading per- About the trend, Tay et al. [121] determined that high
mitted to decrease shrinkage as stated by Sotomayor, melt temperature increased the complete filling of 316L
Várez, and Levenfeld (2010) and Shaw and Edirisinghe micro-features. Even if the authors did not investigate
(1995) [122, 123]. shrinkage, the measurements of microarray have shown
A result in contrast about trend was reported by Nian that final dimensions respected cavity mold design: it is
and Yang [124] that evidences show how high mold likely that melt temperature critically affects shrinkage

too, and high values permit to reduce dimensional varia- ABS [118]), or ceramic-based feedstock (Zr [119]) results
tions. Also Chien [116] concluded that the accuracy of shown that injection velocity affected shrinkage. The
PMMA micro-channels array increased with high authors [119] stated how to increase this parameter
melt temperature values, and this factor was identified could reduce shrinkage of molded parts.
as critical.
Metering size. The amount of material injected in the
Holding time. The holding time critically affected mold (expressed in mm3) was defined as metering size.
shrinkage according to Wen and Wen [110]. A combined The author [126] studied this parameter and its effects
effect of holding time and mold temperature was ident- during the mold of micro gears realized with a semicrys-
ified as critical by Annicchiarico, Attia, and Alcock [11]. talline polymer (POM). The statistical treatments of
In the study conducted by Chang and Faison [36], the results have shown that metering size critically affects
authors investigated the influence of five parameters in shrinkage.
terms of shrinkage in both longitudinal and transversal
to the flow direction, by molding amorphous (GPS Filling flow (or filling flow rate). The flow rate was
and ABS) and semicrystalline polymers (HDPE). Hold- defined as the volume of polymer that fills the cavity
ing time affects GPS shrinkage transversal to the flow per second (expressed in cm3 s1). Authors [128] demon-
direction, then ABS and HDPE shrinkage both transver- strated that the filling of the molten polymer was
sal and longitudinal to the flow direction. enhanced by applying a high flow rate, and this para-
meter was essential to achieve the good replication qual-
Packing (or holding) pressure. It is likely that this ity. Considered the connection between replication
parameter contributes to reduce shrinkage because of quality and shrinkage, filling flow affects shrinkage as
the determination of the overpressure inside the cavity well.
mold at the end of injection stage. In mIM, the packing
pressure can help the filling of micro-cavities in the mold Further considerations. In the paper that considered the
insert to be filled with the polymer more than by apply- influence of processing parameters in terms of shrinkage
ing a higher injection pressure. The holding pressure was at the microscale, it was possible to get also general indi-
considered a critical parameter that affects shrinkage by cations about other aspects.
Wen and Wen and Surace et al. [110, 125]. An improvement in terms of replication quality (con-
About the material, this parameter affected shrinkage nected to shrinkage) can be obtained by improving mold
of semicrystalline (POM [11, 126], PE [36], HCPP [114], temperature according to different studies [114, 120,
PC [113, 114], PP [105]) amorphous (PMMA [113, 116] 121], by improving melt temperature and cavity pressure
or PS [113]) and 316L-based feedstock [121]. [114], or by an increase of mold temperature, melt tem-
About trend, to increase this factor leads to decrease perature, injection velocity, and packing pressure [113].
shrinkage (both in parallel and normal to the flow direc- As general trend, injection pressure decreased when
tion), as confirmed by Chen, Lin Su, Chiou, and Chiang temperature parameters (melt and mold) increased.
[118] by considering ABS square molded parts. According to Nian and Yang [124], the increased mold
temperature enhanced shrinkage, while the increased
Filling time. Injection-molded aspheric lenses were pressures parameters reduced shrinkage.
investigated by Wen and Wen [110]. The author investi- Table 4 summarizes the papers about processing para-
gated six parameters, and filling time was the fourth meter that affects shrinkage at the microscale. The refer-
critical factor affecting shrinkage. ences marked with the asterisk referred to works that
reported the interval of confidence of the statistical
Cooling time. The cooling time was identified as critical analysis (95%).
factor that affects shrinkage [110].
Design Influences
Barrel temperature. According to indications reported
in Ref. [127], the melt temperature was controlled by Different authors investigated the influence of mold
the barrel temperatures, screw speed, injection speed, and specimen design on shrinkage. As resulted by papers
and back pressure. Because of the heater jackets around reviewed, at the macroscale both solutions were imple-
the barrel can regulate the point at which the material mented, while at the microscale authors investigated
will start to plasticize, authors considered the barrel tem- the specimen optimization.
perature as factor to be investigated.
This parameter can affect the replication quality Design solutions at the macroscale.
according to Shaa, Dimova, Griffithsa, and
Packianather [112]. Specimen design. According to Sepe [79], the
thin-walled part shrinks lesser than thicker part. Parti-
Injection velocity (or speed). The injection speed cular geometries, as ribs, were investigated for designing
affects shrinkage in final products molded with m-IM an optical CD pickup [92]: final considerations high-
technique [112, 116]. Either considering semicrystalline lighted that the correct rib design, the suitable thickness,
(PC [113]), amorphous material (PS and PMMA [113], and the correct injection location permitted to reduce
TABLE 4.—Processing parameters influence at the microscale.

Shrink. (S) = replic.

quality (RQ) after
AR Ref. MAT Methodology Geometry factor increasing

Injection P [108] HDPE, PP (Crys.) Dimensional analysis, Micro and nano SCrys > SAm S#
PMMA, PS (Am.) roughness, feature features
replications, X-ray
[109] POM Taguchi Micro-rods
[110] SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO þPP Square specimen S#
Mold T [38] HDPE (Crys.) Taguchi Rectangular bar SCrys > SAm S"
ABS, PS (Am.) S#
[108] HDPE, PP (Crys.) Dimensional analysis, Micro and nano SCrys > SAm RQ "
PMMA, PS (Am.) roughness, feature features
replications, X-ray
[113] PMMA Taguchi Optical lenses
[109] POM Taguchi Micro-rods
[121] ABS Response Surface Square specimen S#
[112] POM þ10–20% GRF DoE
[115] PP (Crys.) Dimensional analysis Micro-features RQ "
RQ " (pin
POM (Crys.)
ABS (Am.)
[124] 316LþLDPE Dimensional analysis Micro pins array RQ "
[110] SiO2, TiO2, and ZnO þPP Square specimen S#
[127] Sheet cavity S"
[119] PMMA Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
[123] HDPE, PP (Crys.) Dimensional analysis Micro-features SCrys > SAm RQ "
PMMA, PS (Am.)
[114] PP, PA, POM Taguchi Micro-gear
[13] POM DoE Square plate S#
[118] 316LþPA Micro pillars array
[120] COC ANOVA Diffraction gratings RQ "
[122] ZrO2 Cylinder
[111] Taguchi Skeletons structure
[117] HCPP, PC Dimensional analysis Microstructures RQ "
[116] PS, PMMA, PC Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
Melt T [38] PE (Crys.) Taguchi Rectangular bar SCrys > SAm S"
ABS (Am.) S#
PS (Am.) S#
[108] HDPE, PP (Crys.) PMMA, Dimensional analysis, Micro and nano SCrys > SAm RQ "
PS (Am.) roughness, feature features
replications, X-ray
[113] PMMA Taguchi Optical lenses
[124] 316LþLDPE Dimensional analysis Micro pins array RQ "
[119] PMMA Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
[117] HCPP, PC Dimensional analysis Micro-structures RQ "
[13] POM DoE Square plate S#
[120] COC ANOVA Diffraction gratings RQ "
[116] PS, PMMA, PC Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
Holding t [38] PE (Crys.) Taguchi Rectangular bar SCrys > SAm S"
ABS (Am.) S#
PS (Am.) S #(n)
[13] POM DoE Square plate
[113] PMMA Taguchi Optical lenses
Holding=Packing P [113] PMMA Taguchi Optical lenses
[108] HDPE, PP (Crys.) PMMA, Dimensional analysis, Micro and nano SCrys > SAm S#
PS (Am.) roughness, feature features
replications, X-ray
[121] ABS Response Surface Square specimen S#
[117] HCPP, PC Dimensional analysis Microstructures RQ "
[128] POM, LCP DoE Dog bone specimen
[13] POM DoE Square plate S#
[129] POM DoE Micro-gears

(Continued )

TABLE 2.—Continued

Shrink. (S) = replic.

quality (RQ) after
AR Ref. MAT Methodology Geometry factor increasing

[124] 316LþLDPE Dimensional analysis Micro pins array

[116] PS, PMMA, PC Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
[119] PMMA Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
[38] PE (Crys.) Taguchi Rectangular bar SCrys > SAm S"
ABS (Am.) S#
PS (Am.) S#
Filling t [113] PMMA Taguchi Optical lenses
Cooling t [113] PMMA Taguchi Optical lenses
Barrel T [115] PP (Crys.) Dimensional analysis Micro-features
POM (Crys.) RQ "
ABS (Am.)
Injection v [115] PP, POM (Crys.) Dimensional analysis Micro-features RQ "
ABS (Am.)
[119] PMMA Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
[121] ABS Response Surface Square specimen
[122] Zr (Inmafeed K1011) Cylinder S#
[116] PS, PMMA, PC Dimensional analysis Micro-channels RQ "
Metering s [129] POM DoE Micro-gears
Filling rate [131] Cyclic olefin Taguchi Micro-features RQ "

shrinkage. Besides, an increased rib thickness permitted gate position, runner diameter, smoothest flow path)
to decrease the warpage. Similar conclusions resulted have to be optimized for reducing shrinkage.
from Ref. [9] that stated how the specimen wall thickness, A not well-designed mold can lead to asymmetrical
its border radius, and ribs geometries affect shrinkage. mold temperature conditions caused by unbalanced heat
Even if sintering was not considered in the present transfer between the two mold sides: these conditions
review, it was interesting to report that, according to enhanced shrinkage and warpage [133]. For minimizing
Amaranan and Manonukul’s [129] results, geometrical these effects, the authors built a numerical analysis
parameters affect the shrinkage during the sintering also, model of discontinuous-thickness-variation. Theoretical
i.e., thickness shrinkage decreases as the aspect ratio of results were validated experimentally and demonstrated
width=thickness increases. that both shrinkage and warpage increased by varying
A confirmation of the connection between geometry the ratio depth=thickness in mold cavity. The difference
of molded parts and dimensional stability (shrinkage of mold temperature between the mold core and cavity
and warpage) resulted from Kabanemi et al. [130] even side contributed to warpage and shrinkage. The cooling
if the authors did not provide further details. channel shape affects the thermal efficiency of the mold,
By considering the specimen shape, authors [131] and consequently shrinkage as well [134].
manufactured a four-cavity injection mold with convex, More generally as demonstrated by Harris et al. [135],
concave, square, and fan-shaped parts. Final results also the material of the mold affects shrinkage. By using
have shown that the convex and concave parts shrank a metal (Al) and an epoxy mold, the mold temperature
towards its geometry center; shrinkage of outer diameter profile varied. As a result, shrinkage varied because of
of fan-shaped part was larger than inner diameter, and the different distribution of heat inside the mold (in crys-
the angle of the fan-shaped parts becomes higher than talline more than amorphous polymers).
its original value.
Summary. Summarizing, the papers that investigated
Mold design. According to Othman, Hassan, Ibrahim, the effect of design at the macroscale have shown that
and Li [132], high runner length produced higher shrink- wall thickness [79], wall aspect ratio [129], ribs or border
age. The authors investigated rectangular PP bars, and radius [9] affect shrinkage. A connection between speci-
experimental results evidenced that a heat losses men geometry and shrinkage was verified [130, 131].
occurred in longer runner. Regarding the mold design, gate position and runner
Concerning the mold elements, Hussin, Mohd Saad, diameter [9], and the balanced heat distribution inside
Hussin, and Mohd Dawi [95] identified the running size the mold [133] affects shrinkage as well.
as critical parameter. Moreover, Chang et al. [94] stated
that an improved gate design reduced shrinkage. Similar Design solutions at the microscale.
conclusions were reported by Huang, Yang, and Li [93]
about position gate. According to Stan, Tulcan, Specimen design. Specimen design can affect shrinkage
Tulcan, and Iclanzan [9], mold characteristics (i.e., best at the microscale. The presence of holes decreased the
TABLE 5.—Design influence.

Scale Ref. MAT Method Factor Factor effect in shrinkage

Micro Specimen [39] Al2O3 (A-16SG) Dimensional An. Thickness

[45] PE Dimensional An. Holes "(behind the holes)
[139] POM Dimensional An. Ribs "(rib base)
[140] PC=ABS, POM, PA66 Taguchi Ribs
Macro Mold [98] PC=ABS Taguchi Runner size "
[97] ABS 3D Thick. Contr. Meth. Gate design
[96] PS Gate design
[137] Cooling runner shape
[11] Gate, runner, wall thick.
[135] PP Dimensional An. Gate location
[136] ABS Disc. Thick. Var. Heat distribution
[138] Mold Mat. affect shrink. Mold temp. profile
Specimen [95] Wall thick., ribs
[82] Thickness #
[132] 316L Aspect ratio #
[133] PC, HDPE Dimensional An. Box Geometry
[134] PP Dimensional An. Concavity, convexity
[11] Ribs

packing pressure effect in the zone behind the hole, and currently submitted by the authors of the present
as consequence shrinkage in these areas increased [43]. review for investigating the effect of powder loading
The base of rib geometries has shown an increased on shrinkage.
shrinkage with respect to the upper part because this
area was the last to solidify [136].
Ribs with different geometries (triangular, trap- TABLE 6.—Critical factors that affect molding shrinkage in injection
ezoidal, and rectangular section) and layout angle with molding.
respect to the flow direction (0 , 45 , 90 ) were con-
Branches Sub-branches Scale Factors
sidered for determining their influence in terms of
shrinkage and warpage by Erzurumlu and Ozcelik Material CrystallinityMacro Crystallinity
[137]. Conclusions demonstrated that triangular and rec- properties Micro Scale influence, oriented molecular
tangular rib-cross section (45 , 90 ) reduced dimensional layers, shish-kebab
variations in amorphous (PC=ABS) and semicrystalline Morphology Macro Freezing, molecular orientation,
(PA66) polymers; while trapezoidal rib-cross-section oriented layers, residual stresses,
geometry (45 , 90 ) was the most suitable geometry for core-to-skin ratio
minimizing dimensional variations in POM polymer. Micro Shrinkage, powder dispersion,
It was observed that larger shrinkage occurred in the binder structure, viscosity
PVT Macro Differences between amorphous and
thin and narrow part of the specimen because of frozen semi-crystal polymers
layer, while on the contrary, the thick specimen part had Micro Different flow behavior, differences
shown smaller shrinkage because of the more easy mol- between amorphous and
ten filling [37]. semicrystal polymers
Table 5 summarizes the design factors that affect Processing Processing Macro Cooling time, packing pressure,
shrinkage. The references marked with the asterisk parameters packing time, melt temperature,
referred to works that reported the interval of confidence mold temperature, injection
of the statistical analysis (95%). pressure, injection speed
Micro Injection pressure, mold
temperature, melt temperature,
DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK packing time, packing pressure,
The literature reviewed can be summarized in the filling time, cooling time, injection
scheme reported in Table 6. speed, metering size, barrel
Table 7 reports the factors that affected shrinkage temperature
Design Mold Macro Runner size, gate design, cooling
within the interval of confidence (95%).
runner, wall thickness, heat
distribution, mold temperature
Material Properties profile
Micro —
In the present review, shrinkage was investigated
Specimen Macro Wall thickness, ribs, A=R, geometry,
regardless of the material (polymer or feedstock) even concave–convex.
if the influence of binder=filler content in terms of Micro Holes, ribs, thickness.
dimensional variation is known. Additional work is

As resulted from Table 7, no material aspects critically talline thermoplastics with respect to the amorphous
affect shrinkage within the interval of confidence. polymer, and same trend was observed both in macro
Despite this, evidences have shown that material proper- than microscale.
ties can drive shrinkage behavior. The apparent contra-
diction is likely to derive from the chemical point of view
adopted in these studies. Indeed the works that analyzed Processing
the material influence were conducted by considering The processing parameters that affect shrinkage were
polymer chains, morphology structure, crystallinity, or summarized in Table 8.
rheology, and this may have led to identify trends rather The arrows represent the greater part of trend
than factor values because based on aspects not simply reported in papers, and indicate whether a factor
controllable: as a result, the researches that considered increasing causes an increase (") or decrease (#) in
these aspects have connected qualitatively the factors shrinkage or replication quality. The double arrows
with shrinkage but did not quantify their influence. This ("#) indicate the balanced presence of both responses
did not mean that the results reported in Table 6 were and the impossibility to identify a clear trend.
wrong but only that was not possible to quantify the In m-IM, the presence of extra parameters (e.g., plun-
statistical influence of those factors on shrinkage. ger control and melt barrel storage settings) makes the
process and the optimization more difficult to optimize
with respect to CIM: this explains the higher number
Crystallinity. It was demonstrated that the crystallinity of critical factors as resulted in Table 8.
influenced the formation of frozen layer, the internal Despite of the greater part of works adopted a statisti-
stresses and the in-mold shrinkage. By comparing the cal methodology, not all the papers reported the interval
structure between micro and macroscale, differences in of confidence value. Table 9 reports the critical factors
terms of dimensions of polymer crystal and crystallinity by considering an interval of confidence of 95%.
degree (both increased in microscale) were observed. The situation of processing parameters differs from
that resulted for the material property. This was likely
due to the engineering point of view adopted during
Morphology. It was demonstrated that the scale did the study of processing parameter influence. Indeed, in
not affect the structure of molded parts but the ratio contrast to the chemical, the engineering approach con-
between the oriented external layers (skin) and the ran- ducted studies based on statistical models, by setting the
domly oriented molecules (core): at the microscale, a factors and by recording the relative outcomes. Under
higher presence of oriented layers with respect to macro- these conditions, every result was identified within a
scale was observed. The oriented layers shown a defined interval of certainty, and it was possible to deter-
flow-induced crystallization with a highly oriented mine and quantify the influence of each parameter.
‘‘shish-kebab’’ structure, and this led to different shrink-
age by analyzing macro or microscale.

PVT. The PVT graph explained the origin of shrink- Macro. At the macroscale, general trend indicates that
age as caused by thermodynamic behaviors. Semicrystal- shrinkage was decreased by increasing the critical
line polymers differ from amorphous because of
crystallization of solid phase, the specific volume of TABLE 8.—Critical processing parameters. Where reported, the arrows
semicrystalline materials decreases exponentially indicate the response of shrinkage (S) and replication quality (RQ)
(shrinkage was caused by these dimensional variations) followed by a factor increasing.
with decreasing temperature while amorphous materials
present a linear dependency in the solid phase. This dif-
ference was the reason for the greater shrinkage of crys- Processing parameters Macro Cooling time #
Packing pressure #
Packing time #
TABLE 7.— Factors that show critical influence within the interval of Melt temperature #
confidence of 95%. Mold temperature #
Critical factors within the interval
Injection pressure #
Branches Subbranches Scale of confidence Injection speed "#
Micro Injection pressure # —
Processing Processing Macro Cooling time, packing Mold temperature "# "
parameters pressure, packing time, melt Melt temperature # "
temperature, mold Packing time "# —
temperature, injection speed Packing pressure # "
Micro Mold temperature, melt Filling time — —
temperature, packing time, Cooling time — —
packing pressure Injection speed # "
Design Mold Macro Runner size Metering size — —
Specimen Micro Ribs Barrel temperature — "
TABLE 9.—Factors that show critical influence within the interval of identified but not quantified. The greater part of authors
confidence of 95%. considered injection molding rather than PIM, and this
comported a lack of information about shrinkage on
metal and ceramic feedstocks. Other aspects were not
Processing parameters Macro Cooling time # investigated at all, because no data referred to shrinkage
Packing pressure # in specimens below 10 mm. The state-of-the-art analysis
Packing time # highlighted that the three area indicated (statistical
Melt temperature # approach for identifying material property influences,
Mold temperature #
more tests in PIM and specimens below 10 mm) needs
Injection speed "#
Micro Mold temperature "# "
to be further investigated.
Melt temperature # "
Packing time "# — CONCLUSION
Packing pressure # "
This paper aimed at assessing factors that determined
shrinkage in injection molding. Studies demonstrated
that the scale affected this phenomenon, because the
factors. Temperature- and packing (holding)-related scale determines the skin-to-core ratio and the final
parameters were shown to be topic parameters that shrinkage behavior. The scale determined also the
determined shrinkage. Cooling time and injection speed degree of precision for identifying the trend of critical
were shown to held other critical parameters. factors within the interval of confidence: the microscale
increased the statistical noise by making more difficult
Micro. The results reported in Table 9 have shown a to identify a clear trend. Three branches were investi-
greater presence of double arrows ("#) in micro respect gated (material properties, processing parameters, and
macroscale regarding shrinkage behavior. This is likely design of both mold and specimen), but only the analysis
due to the statistical noise at the microscale that makes of processing parameters and design gave results that
difficult to identify a clear trend of critical factors that affect shrinkage by considering the interval of confi-
affect shrinkage [138]. For simplifying the study of factor dence of 95%: by considering this parameter, the overall
effects in such scale, authors also considered the repli- factors decreased. The assumption of interval of confi-
cation quality (inversely related to shrinkage): to increase dence cancelled the factors caused by material influence
the critical factor value causes a shrinkage decrease. because not all the studies conducted in this area used a
Also at the microscale, temperature- and statistical approach. In the processing parameter
packing-related parameters demonstrated to be critical branch, the packing- and temperature-related factors
factors that can lead the final shrinkage. seem to be consistently present: at the macroscale, they
presented the same trend (shrinkage was reduced by
Design increasing factors), at the microscale, the trend has
Results seem to indicate that authors adopted a differ- shown the presence of both responses (shrinkage was
ent design approach for reducing shrinkage: at the reduced by increasing or decreasing factors values).
microscale, solutions were rather focused on specimen From design point of view, runner size and ribs affect
optimization, whilst at the macroscale also mold design shrinkage at the macro and microscale, respectively.
optimization was considered. An overall outlook to the state of the art has shown the
absence of statistical approach adopted for investigating
the material influence, a number of works that investigated
Macro. Within the interval of confidence, as resulted shrinkage of powder-molded parts (ceramic and metal)
from Table 7, the runner diameter critically affects that could be increased and a lack of studies that investi-
shrinkage, respectively, at the macroscale. This factor gated shrinkage in parts with dimensions below 10 mm.
affected the heat exchange inside the cavity mold.
Micro. Within the interval of confidence, the ribs
shape (triangular, rectangular, and semicircular) criti- The authors would like to thank the Cranfield Univer-
cally affects shrinkage at the microscale. The ribs pre- sity to enable this research to be conducted, the Elsevier
sented the same area and length but the shape affected editor, and Dr. Meijer H.E.H. for the kind permission to
shrinkage. use their material.


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