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[10 marks]
[Time suggested : 15 minutes]

Answer all questions in this paper.

The text below is about Jackal and Lion.

Question 1
Read the text below. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is one
grammatical error in each line. The errors have been lined for you.

Write one word to correct the error in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence.

One day long ago, The Jackal was trotting through a narrow, rocky pass.
Suddenly Jackal stopped dead in him tracks. The Lion was coming towards e.g. his
him. Realising that he was too near for escape, the Jackal was filled with fear. (a) ________
In a flash the Jackal thought of an plan. He called for help as he cowered down (b) ________
on the cliff path, looks above at the rocks. The Lion stopped short in surprise. (c) ________
The Jackal told The Lion that the great rocks above they were about to fall and (d) ________
they would both be crush to death. The Jackal then asked the mighty Lion to (e) ________
save them. The Lion looked up worries. The Jackal begged him to use his (f) ________
strength to hold up the overhanging rock. So The Lion put her shoulders under (g) ________
the rock and heaved. The Jackal then says that he would get a log to prop (h) ________
under the rock and they both would are saved. The Jackal promised to come (i) ________
back soon and bounded out of sight. Meanwhile The Lion are left all alone to (j) ________
struggle under the weight of the unmoving rock.

[ / 10 ]


[30 marks]
[Time suggested : 40 minutes]
Question 2

Read the following article. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).

The Rising Trend of Mobile Messaging Apps

Mobile messaging apps are fast becoming the most popular form of communication
among young people. Since mobile messaging apps don’t charge per message, parents do
not have to spend a fortune on their children’s phone bills. Some apps are even free of
charge. Teens also love using the fun extra features such as stickers, emoticons, and voice

The message are sent instantly, therefore users find it almost the same as ‘talking face to
face’. Aside from personal messages, users can also create group chats where one can
chat with multiple people within a group. Sharing photos and videos are also easier via
mobile messaging apps.

However, due to its attractive features and rising popularity parents are concerned. Many
complain that their children tend to spend more time chatting on mobile phones and less
time communicating in the real world. As a result, they become socially-awkward. The
kids are also easily distracted and find it difficult to focus on schoolwork.

In terms of language, most teens use abbreviations and slang for faster communication.
This leads to the growing ignorance of proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Virus
can also easily spread via messaging, so an anti-virus needs to be installed.


Question (a) – (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organiser.

(c) ____________________ (a) ____________________ (b) ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

(d) ____________________ (e) ____________________

____________________ ____________________




(f) ____________________ (g) ____________________

____________________ ____________________

(j) ____________________ (h) ____________________ (i) ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

[ / 10 ]

Question 3

Read the travel brochure below. Then, answer questions (a) – (j).


Question (a) – (d): Based on the brochure, state whether the following statements are TRUE


(a) The highest mountain in South Korea is Mount Halla. ________________ (1 mark)

(b) Visitos can tour te Osaka Castle Park on a train. ________________ (1 mark)

(c) Khao Yai Natioanl Park is home to several endangered species. ________________ (1 mark)

(d) The Panang National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. ________________ (1 mark)

Question (e) – (i): Read the brochure carefully and answer all the questions below.

(e) Where can visitors go to see fruit trees?

(1 mark)

(f) Why should visitors stop at the viewpoints along Halong Bay?

(1 mark)

(g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the brochure.

Meaning Phrase

i. Animals in danger of disappearing

forever _____________________________________

ii. Favourite places to visit


(2 marks)

(h) Why do you think Penang National Park would attract many wildlife lovers?

(1 mark)

(i) Why do you think the word impressive is used to describe the coastline of Halong Bay?

(1 mark)

[ / 10 ]


(j) You would like to visit one of the best parks in the region and would like to invite your
friend to join you. In about 50 words, write an e-mail to your friend.

In your email:
 State the park you plan to visit with your friend
 Give reasons to support your choice
 Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting




Dear _____________________,
















[ / 10 ]


[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 20 minutes]

Question 4

Read the text below.

There once lived a poor boy. He sold various objects from door to door, to pay for his tuition
fees. One day, he felt very hungry and was too tired to even walk. He stopped by a house to ask
for food. He knocked on the door was stunned to see a beautiful young girl at the doorstep. He
asked the girl for a glass of water.

The girl offered him milk in huge glass. The thanked her and drank the milk slowly. Then,
he asked how much he owed for the milk. The girl replied that he did not owe her anything. The
boy felt very grateful and left.

Years passed by. The young girl fell ill and was diagnosed with the rarest form of
nervous system condition. It was a complicated condition to treat. Many experienced doctors
were baffled at her condition.

Dr. Mike, a renowned specialist was called in the hospital to examine her. He visited the
hospital where she was admitted to learn about the rare condition. As he entered the room, Dr.
Mike immediately recognized the woman.

Dr. Mike used all his experience and knowledge to cure the woman’s illness. After many
months, he finally cured the woman. Everyone praised the doctor. Even though the woman was
grateful to be cured, she was worried about the hospital bill. She was not healthy.

Dr. Mike told the hospital to send the bill to him as he would add his charges. After
receiving the bill, he wrote a note and sent it to the woman. Fearfully, she opened the bill. Her
eyes filled with tears and shone with happiness once she saw the bill. The bill had been
cancelled, but that was not the main reason for her happiness.

On the note was written – “Bill paid years ago with a glass of milk!”


Read the text carefully and answer questions (a) – (j).

(a) How did the poor boy earn money for school?
(1 mark)
(b) Who opened the door for the poor boy?
(1 mark)
(c) What did the poor boy ask the girl?
(1 mark)
(d) Why do you think the girl did not want payment for the milk?
(2 marks)

(e) Fill in the table with an appropritate word or phrase from the story.
Meaning Word/Phrase
i. Visiting all the houses in an area
to sell something
ii. Felt shocked

iii. A person famous for being highly

skilled in thier field
iv. A cause for an action

(4 mark)

(f) What happened to the girl when she grew up?

(1 mark)

(g) Why was Dr. Mike asked to diagnose the girl?

(1 mark)

(h) Why do you think the girl was worried about the hospital bill?

(2 marks)

(i) If you were Dr. Mike, would you have paid for the girl’s hospital bill? Give a reason.

(2 marks)

[ / 15 ]

Question 5
Read the poem below carefully. Then, answer questions (a) – (d).

News Break

Now why so loving, darling,

And why the sudden kiss?
You’d help me with some little jobs?
For goodness sake, what’s this?

Your face is clean for once, dear.

Your clothes without a crease.
You saved your luncheon money?
Will wonders never cease?

No dropping of your school books,

No shrieking, childish treble.
Today you are a lamb, love,
Where yesterday a rebel.

But surely you’re some stranger,

No rage of hullabaloo,
Come closer, let me look, dear,
Can this be REALLY you?

Now were you struck by lightning?

Or were you stunned at sport?
Ah… now I see the reason.
You’ve brought me you school report!

(a) Who is the speaker of the poem?

[1 mark]

(b) Which line has the same meaning as innocent and gentle?
[1 mark]

(c) What is the reaction of the parents for the changes of behaviour?
[1 mark]

(d) Why do you think the child behaves that way? Give your reason.
[2 marks]
[ /5]

[40 marks]
[Time suggested : 45 minutes]
Question 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.

Your friend is mixing with bad company. In not less than 120 words, write a letter of advice to
your friend. Use the notes given to help you. Add any other relevent information to make your
letter more interesting.

 Saw friend outside cinema

 Playing truant from school
 Involved with gangster
 Not doing homework
 If happens again – you will tell his father

When writing the informal letter, you should:

 Use the correct format
 Elaborate on the notes to make it more interesting
 Suggest ways to avoid bad company
 Write between 120 and 150 words



[ / 30 marks]


[ / 30 marks ]


Question 7

You should spend 15 minutes on this question.

The following are the short story and graphic novel studied in the Literature Component in
English Language.

1. Fair’s Fair - Narinder Dhami

2. King Arthur - Janet Hardy-Gould

Based on one of the short story or graphic novel that you have read, write about one of the
major characters of the story that you like the most. Provide evidence from the text to support
your response.

 In not less than 50 words

 In continuous writing (not in note form)

[ / 10 marks]


[ / 10 marks ]



Answers: Final Exam Form 1 2015

Section A
Question 1

a) For To
b) An A
c) Looks Looking
d) They Them
e) Crush Crushed
f) Worries Worriedly
g) Her His
h) Says Said
i) Are Be
j) Are Was

Section B
Question 2

a) Less expensive/ Free

b) Has fun extra features
c) Messages are sent instantly
d) Can create group chats
e) Easier to share photos and videos
f) Teens spend too much time chatting
g) Teens become socially-awkward
h) Can be distracting
i) Teens do not practise the correct spelling, grammar and punctuation
j) Virus is easily spread

Question 3
a) True
b) False
c) True
d) False
e) They can go to Osaka Castle Park.
f) They should stop so they can enjoy the view of the ocean.
g) i) endangered fauna
ii) popular destinations
h) visitors have the chance to see many different types of animals at this park.

i) There are about 1600 islands just offshore for visitors to look at.
j) (Suggested answer)

Dear Amirul,

My family and I are visiting Penang National Park during the holidays. I would like to
invite you to join us. I think you would thoroughly enjoy the trip because there are many
things to see while we are there. Besides a variety of wildlife to see, you can walk on the 250
metre long canopy walkway, which is suspended from the trees. I really hope you can join us.


Question 4

(a) He sold various objects from door to door.

(b) A beautiful young girl.
(c) He asked her for a glass of water.
(d) I think the girl realised that he was a poor boy who had nothing to eat and no money to
pay her. Therefore she probably felt sorry for him.
(e) i) Door to door
ii) Stunned
iii) Renowned specialist
iv) Reason
(f) She was diagnosed with the rarest form of nervous system condition.
(g) The other doctors could not cure the girl and Dr. Mike was called in because he is a
renowned specialist.
(h) Since the girl was not rich, she was probably worried she could not afford to pay the
hospital bill.
(i) Yes, I would have paid for her hospital bill because when I was poor and hungry, she
generously gave me a huge glass of milk for free.

Question 5
a) A mother/ Parent
b) Today you are a lamb, love (with or without ‘love’)
c) The parent is astonished/ surprised for the sudden changes of behaviour.
d) The child in the poem is rather sly. He is behaving well for a reason. He has brought
home his report card which may contain bad grades. Since he does not want to anger his
parent further; he tries to win the parent’s heart by being obedient.
(Accept any suitable answer)

Question 6
 Accept any suitable answers (Refer to PT3 marking scheme)
 Suggested answer:

Question 7
 Accept any suitable answers (Refer to PT3 marking scheme)
 Suggested answer:

“One of the major characters of the story that you like the most”
The character that I like the most in the story ‘Fair’s Fair is the girl, Sam. I think, among the
3 children, Sam is the most likeable and interesting character. She is very helpful. When Lee
is unable to go to the fair because of monetary problem, she immediately offers to help get
some money for him. She is also full of ideas. She suggests doing some jobs for their parents
to earn some money. Some of her suggestions include washing the car, dong the shopping and
walking the dog. She is also very playful. When they are washing her father’s car, she threw
water at both Lee and Raj. Therefore, I definitely like Sam the most .


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