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Process control 2008

Cutting edge technology at your service


Engineering, design, and execution of projects.

SICE provides technical assistance by offering consulting

services, functional requirements, technical specifications,
and operations process.
Basic engineering

Detail engineering


SICE develops, manufacturers,

installs and integrates all
related subsystems Start up

SICE offers maintenance,
technical support, and Maintenance

participates in the operation

Theen diferentes
main keys arecuencas hidrográficas
the technological (Ebro, Tajo,
knowledge and Segura, Norteexperience
professional y Sur) con to
mas de 1.000
puntos de medida.
added value solutions.

Energy, gas and oil

SICE monitors the optimun consecution of the industrial processes. We supervise the processes control in the
refineries, Off-shore (marine) oil rigs, distribution networks and power plants.
Control and supervision systems in:
• Refineries
• Power plants
• Gas distribution networks
• Storage tank plants
• Off-shore (marine) oil rigs
• Pump oil rigs
• Combined cycle power plants

Water and waste products

Control and supervision systems in:
• Drinking water supply networks
• Drainage networks
• Driking water plants (ETAP)
• Drainage water treatment plants (EDAR)
• Water channel management
• Irrigation network management
• Solid waste products treatment plants

Control and monitor applications to all type of installations, open and scalable solutions, standard
communications systems, integral solutions that cover from the data acquisition and control (SCADA and DCS)
to ERP systems (SAP, Oracle) and integrated solutions with the most well known software dealers.
Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Our main activities

SICE has the experience and knowledge to provide the necessary services for all the phases of a project to
control and monitor the industrial processes. We supervise the processes control at oil refineries, marine oil
rigs (Off-shore), distribution networks, power plants and in general the mai n industrial processes in the energy

Consulting services, engineering and integration of solutions for the automatization of industrial plants offering:

• Basic and detailed engineering

• Software solutions for monitor and process control
• Programmation, configuration and putting on service of distributed control systems and supervision and
data-acquisition systems (SCADA)
• Hydrocarbon flow measurement systems
• Gas control and measurement stations
• Safety and fire protection systems (G&F)
• Emergency stop systems (ESD)
• Turnkey projects for the automatization and processes control at the gas, oil, energy and industry

SICE has the quality certification of the main standards: ISO-9001, ISO14001 and ISO-15001
Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Basic and detailed engineering :

• Instruments engineering
• Process engineering
• Electrical engineering
• Risk analysis

Consulting services:
• Study of the client needs
• Identification and solutions design
• Consulting and project supervision
• Integral management of the project

Applied to:
• Oil and gas market
• Cracking and filtering
• Regulation and measurement
• Pumping stations
• Piping transport
• Storage and distribution
• Electrical market
• Energy generation
• Control, measurement and protection systems in distribution substations
• Information and control systems in transmission substations
• Security instrument systems for all type of industrial plants
Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

SICE has long experience for the development of:

• Applications for the control and monitoring in all type of

industrial plants, specially in the gas, oil and energy markets.

• Open and scalable solutions that allow the continuous

increase and improvement of the systems protecting the

• Communications systems based in standards that ease the

integrity with other operation systems of the plant.

• Integral solutions that come from acquisition and control of

data (SCADA and DCS) to ERP systems (SAP, ORACLE).

• Solutions integrated with the most known software dealers

(CITECT, In TOUCH, WONDERWARE, …) in these markets.
Solutions Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Automatization of hydrocarbon storage and distribution

Our solution for the automatization of these plants has as main objective to warranty the realiability and
security in the measurement and control operations for the hydrocarbon storage terminals:

• Automatic control, register and documentation of the receipt and dispatch operations made in the
• Automatic control, register and documentation of the existences for each type of product stored in the
• Automatic control, register and documentation of the entrance and exit of the vehicles to the installations
of the plant
• Secure operation of the installations, making the monitoring of the security subsystems and automatically
confronting with risk situations detected
• Communications interfaces with SAP and the terminal billing and order systems
Solutions Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Automatization of storage terminals

These systems integrate the information of all areas allowing:

• Increase the productivity, because the times

for each dispatch get lower and the load
Administration area
positions are optimizated Unloading operations Loading operations
accounting billing
• Control and pursuit at real time of the balance
and stock of the terminal products Unloading operations
Loading operations

• Increase the reliability of the purchaser by

Security and fire
using a standard and certified measurement protection

of the dispatch
• Know the travelling times for each auto self Unloaders Tank storage Loaders
Product Product
unloading loading

product receipt

SICE makes these projects integrally: Poliduct

• Basic and detalied engineering

Auto tank product receipt Auto tank product dispatch
• Equipment supply, instrumentation and
• Civil, mechanical and electrical infrastructure
Access control system
• Mounting and installation
• Integration, qualification, tests and start ups Control for entrance and exit of auto tanks in the
loading and unloading operations
Solutions Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Hydrocarbon flow measurement

SICE makes all the necessary procedures for the systems supply, so that it is possible to measure the product
transfer according to the main international standards and recommendations (API, OIML and OSI)

SICE makes all the associated procedures to a measurement skate supply: detailed engineering, equipment
and material acquisition, mounting of the skates and electronic equipment, factory acceptance tests,
development nd configuration of the applications, and the put on service of the systems and the capacitation of
the maintenance and operation staff.

According to the product characteristics whose flow is desired to measure and the rest of desired operative
requierements (maintenance level, precision, uncertainty, etc), SICE selects for its clients the most addecuate
primary technology: ultrasonic, masic meters, turnines and others.

SICE has implemented in the last 3 years almost 100 measurement certified trains for custody transfer, 40 of
these use ultrasonic technology.
Solutions Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Natural gas measurement

SICE also has experience in solutions to measure gas:

• Separation and filtering

• Flow control and measurement stations
• Gas quality monitoring
• Financial volumen measurement
Solutions Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Gas and fire systems

Systems for the monitoring at real time of the security conditions of the installations. Designed to alert and
start inmediately the automatic answers when any contingency so that it is possible to avoid or decrease the
damages to the persons or installations.

The SICE solutions are adapted to the different requierements for the diversity of application environments of
these systems as for ground plants as for off shore ones. They include the automatic incidence detection and
alarm manual stations and the system to front with those cases.

The crytical of these systems is the programmable controller. SICE makes the selection of these equipment
according to the integrity level requirements and redundancy class requested by the client or derived from a
risk analysis study and following the recommendations to the IEC-61508 and IEC-61511.
Solutions Energy, Gas Process
and Oil control

Emergency stop systems

The main objective of these systems is the automatic analysis of the process conditions in order to prevent
risk situations or decrease their consequences and get the installations in safe situation.

It last function is therefore to protect the installations, the people and the environment front with risk situations
derived from the anomalies conditions that could be turned up in the process monitored.

SICE defines the architectures of these systems according to the client needs or in the HAZOP study (if it is
had). According to the result of these ones, the programmable equipment (PES) and apropriate instruments to
the required integrity levels (SIL).

SICE has developed these systems witmain equipment certified by TUV (TRIPLEX, ABB, GE) and it makes the
selection and integration of the equipment according to the IEC-61508 and IEC-61511 standards.
Main Energy, Gas Process
references and Oil control

Basic and detailed engineering in the electrical and instrumentation areas for:
• Petróleos del Norte S.A.(PETRONOR)
• Compañía Española de Petróleos S.A. (CEPSA)
• Central de ingeniería de REPSOL S.A.
• Repsol Petróleo S.A.
• Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)
• Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO)
• Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Statoil A/S
Integral automatization of storage and distribution terminals:
• A oil storage and exportation terminal for ADCO at Abu Dhabi.
• Eight storage and sale terminals for PEMEX Refined, Mexico.
• A joint of tanks in the “Lazaro Cárdenas” oil refinery for PEMEX Refinery, Mexico.
Flow measurement certified for the custody transfer trains:
• Six off-shore terminals for PEMEX, Refined
• Three refineries for PEMEX, Refined
• Four plants for PEMEX, Exploration and production
Separators and treatment of sewage for the Luna and Pijije batteries for PEMEX, Exploration and production
Main Energy, Gas Process
references and Oil control

Gas and fire systems for:
• Storage and distribution terminals for PEMEX, Refined
• Off-shore oil rigs in the Campeche probe for PEMEX, Exploration and production
Emergency stop (ESD) for:
• PETRONOR oil rig
• Off-shore oil rig in the Campeche probe of PEMEX, Exploration and production
SCADA and distributed control for:
• Natural gas distribution in Buenos Aires for Gas Natural BAN.
• Distributed control in the Kalundborg refinery for STATOIL S/A
• Control centres for 22 hydroelectrical centrals for FECSA/ ENDESA
• Control centre for 3 area centres for FECSA/ ENDESA
Solutions Water and Process
waste products control

Water channel and irrigation supervision and control

SICE develops systems to manage the primary networks:
• Supervision and control systems for water channels, pumping, dams. Water channel regulation

Control of distribution networks:

Flow and pressure remote measurement
• Supervision and remote control of hydrants. Filtering and fertilization
• Consume planning and control. Billing. Leakage detection. Maintenance facilities
Solutions Water and Process
waste products control

Distribution and drainage networks

SICE develops monitoring and remote control
• Distribution and drainage lines and networks
• Water pumping, filtering and treatment plants
• Communications systems
• Centralized system
Solutions Water and Process
waste products control

Plant supervision and control

We work at control and maintenance systems for general :

Water purification:
• E.D.A.R.: Sewage purification plant
• E.B.A.R.: Sewage pumping plant
• E.T.A.P.: Drinking water treatment plant
• I.D.A.S.: Brackish water desalination plant
• I.D.A.M.: Salty water desalination plant

Bisulfide High pressure Lime
Acid Coagulant Leakage
Leaching To the distribution

Reverse osmosis
Bleaching membrane
Sand filters
powder Cartridge
Fresh water filters
turbines Product water
Regulation Storage deposit pumps
pitcher Refusal

Salty water

Salty water wells

Solutions Water and Process
waste products control

Waste products
We have systems associated to the different control and management processes for the urban waste products
• Access control
• Separation systems
• Weigh-in systems
• Centralized remote control
• Incineration and energy generation
• Storage and treatment of the information with technical, economical and administrative purposes
Main Water and Process
references waste products control

Channels and irrigation
• 2nd phase remote control for the distribution network in the Cartagena irrigation field
• Supervision and control system for the Imperial Aragón water channel
• Supervision and control system for the Zujar river water channel
• Primary and distribution network for Calanda water channel

Distribution and drainage networks

• SCADA system for the drinking water network of the Lima city (Perú)
• SCADA system for the Canal de Isabel II water transport network
• SCADA system for the water transport and distribution for ATLL
• Water supervision and control system for El Ferrol
• 1st phase adaptation for the centralized control for the Taibillla water channel
• SCADA system for the Turia-Sagunto water channel
• SCADA system Comodoro Rivadavia (Argentina)
• SCADA system Aguas of Bilbao consortium drainage general network
Main Water and Process
references waste products control

• Enlargement and refoms of works in the drinking water treatment plant (ETAP) of Abrera and Cardeneu
• Water quality automatic analysis system in seven drinking water treatment plant (ETAP) of the Canal de
Isabel II
• SCADA system in the sewage purification plant (EDAR) in Mungía
• SCADA system in the sewage purification plant (EDAR) in Sant Adriá del Besos
• SCADA system in the sewage purification plant (EDAR) in Depurbaix (Aguas Barcelona)
• Control system in the sewage purification plant (EDAR) of PALMA I (Balearic islands)
• ITAM control system in Blanes (Girona)
Waste products
• Supervision and data acquisition of waste products weighting system in Valdemingómez
• Supervision and control of treatment, tuning, and cogeneration in Ecoparque ZAL (Barcelona)
• Supply of PLCs in the automatization of the incinerator plant of Sant Adrià del Besós. (Barcelona)
• Distributed control system of the Ecoparque Montcada i Reixac
• Control system in the waste product plant of Avila Norte
• Control system in the waste product plant of Arenas de San Pedro

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