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Student’s Copy 2) To know who ___ really is, in all His majesty.

– Faithful, Good,
and Merciful
JRM Family Camp 2018
3) To know our real ________. – Positioned in Christ, Planted in
Theme: The Year of God’s Positioning His Kingdom
Small Group Lesson 1 IV. JRM –Positioned by God as His Army
The enemy may contend our faith in different forms, but God has
Title: God’s Positioning System
positioned us to win the battle.
Text: You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand
firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. JRM –Positioned by God as His Planting
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and a.) How do you get God to position you in His venture of
the LORD will be with you. 2 Chronicles 20:17 planting?
Humility and ____________. 2Chro. 7:14, 19:4-11
Think: (1) What kind of battle are you facing today? Is it financial
battle, spiritual battle, relationship battle, or physical battle? What ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
God is telling, and teaching you about it? b.) How will you know where God has planted you?
(2) In the midst of a problem where is your focus? On the problem? ______ God as revealed in His Word. Ezekiel 19:13-14
On the Lord? On yourself? What are some good ways to fix your
eyes on the Lord?
c.) How God positions in His own Choice?
I. The word “position” in 2 Chronicles 20:17 In His __________ Presence. 1 Samuel 9:1-6
It means to stand still, and to station yourself. It is a Divine military
command – a warfare order to stand still.
Words & Ideas associated to the term: “Position” The kind of God’s repositioning could be _________, ___________,
*_____ yourself, ____ _________, station yourself, plant, status, __________, _________ (relational), and __________ (career wise).
task, function, calling, appointment, placement, engagement,
administer, deliver, wait, fix, encounter. The word “Positioning” is V. How to respond to God’s System of Positioning?
more of a modern term. It is a geographic term. 1. Stay at the RIGHT ______, ____, and _______. (see Jer. 16:1,2)
“Your personal responsibility is to establish your sacred enclosure,
II. What are your best Position in facing your invincible enemy? hence, to be responsible in your daily walk with God.” - BVAJ
1. Position yourself in humility by merely __________, and relying in
the Promises of God. Watch God’s work. (2 Chro. 20:3-9) 2. Live a life of obedience. – Gen. 12:4, Deut. 6:24, Isa. 1:19, Ps. 1
2. Position yourself to _________ the enemy. God will fight your
battle. (2 Chro. 20:16) 3. Position yourself for ___________. 2 Samuel 7:10
3. Position yourself in God’s abiding __________. (2 Chro. 20:17d) VI. Group Discussion: (Share your thoughts)
4. Position yourself to _________ God in spite of your 1. Can you share a “battle” God has won for you?
circumstances, and through your circumstances. (2 Chro. 20:21-23)
III. The Year of Positioning 2. Agree or disagree? The enemy will challenge your position in
Three purposes of Positioning: Christ to abort and discredit the intended purpose of God in
your life?
1) To know _____ _____really are in Him. – The Object of His
Sovereignty (Col. 1:27) 3. Are all Christians need to be positioned by God? Why?
4. What “kingdom values” we need to enhance for us to be III. How to Position yourself in God’s Goodness
thriving and productive in God’s kingdom?
a. Maximize every _____________
Do not take every God-given opportunity for granted. Capitalize the
Small Group Lesson 2: God’s Unstoppable Goodness moment, exploit, assume, produce, and deliver until your capacity
and potential is being maximize to the fullest. (Eccle. 9:10)
Text: “ I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never
stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that “It is not just a matter of your gift, talent, intelligence, and
they will never turn away from me.” – (Jeremiah 32:40) preparations, but your time of opportunity.” – Dr. Billy Graham.

I.Think: Do you ever grow impatient with those who are out for b. Face your __________
themselves and often do so well, while those who want to please Do not retreat. Attact the enemy in its strategic position. God will fight
God suffer? (see Jer. 12:1-2) Do you sometimes feel God is unfair? for you if you fight His cause. Adversity has Advantages. You can
walk at your war zone with your head still held high. (2 Chro. 20:17,
-Commit your frustrations to the Lord. Ps. 35:1, 2 Tim. 4:7)
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent” – Eleanor c. Don’t Quit ___________
Roosevelt If you know your position in God you will align your life according to
His purpose, and plans. Fulfilling the vision and dreams of God
Are you desperate today in some area of your life? Do you have would be unnegotiable to you if you believe He has appointed you to
questions where there are no answers but God? realize it. So keep on discovering, learning, and innovating. (Isa.
“I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled” -Jeremiah 1:12 32:8)
V. Group Discussion
I. What Blocks God’s Goodness in Our Lives? 1. If God is Sovereign in good times and bad times; do you
agree that His punishment over Israel is a deterrent move of
1)__________ God? Why?
-“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?”
Jeremiah 32:27
2. What are the common misconceptions regarding the
2) __________ Fear goodness of God? And what would be your biblical
-There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has explanation to straighten it?
to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. –1
John 4:18 3. Try to imagine, can you describe the face (feeling) of a loving
God rejoicing over our blessing and fortune? When was the
3) ________
last moment you are most satisfied for being right with God?
-Hear and pay attention, do not be arrogant… (Jer. 13:15)

4) Greed, Immorality, & ___________ (Jer. 13:25-27) 4. How to remain in the “goodness zone” of God?

If God is good why evil things happen to good
Small Group Lesson 3: God’s Strategic Appointment Matthew 28:18-20
Text: …and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

and soul. (Jer. 32:41b) “Our highest position in earth is to become a child of God, and our
“I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jer.1:5b) highest achievement is to become a servant of God.” - BVAJ

The name Jeremiah means God _______, or God ________, or II. Reasons for not Fulfilling God’s Appointment:
God ___________. 1.__________ to recognize life’s Purpose–no sense of purpose,
destiny, and meaning.
I. Comment on this: Israel’s Mission
God called Israel to be His people for the sake of His world. Israel 2._________ – Indifferent, lack of concern, satisfied, mediocre, lazy.
was a particular people, called into a particular relationship (the
covenant), for the sake of the whole world (all nations). 3.________ _________ – ignorance of Truth, no fresh revelation of
God & His cause.
Think: What changes have taken place in your community about 4. _________ ____________ not heaven bound - humanism,
which you feel partly guilty, partly powerless? Why do we lack materialism, pluralism.
courageous prophetic interpretations of contemporary events today?
1. God’s ___________ Appointment 5.Lack of ___________ – without passion, not Spirit-filled,
What was the original mandate of God to man? powerless, lifeless.
6. ________ to Jesus Christ’ Great Commission - lack of compassion
2. God’s _____________ Appointment
What was the calling of God for Israel? Appointed with every Spiritual blessing
1.) Light for the ___________ – Isa. 49:6b We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly
“I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may places in Christ (Ephe. 1:3). The indwelling power of the Holy Spirit
reach to the ends of the earth.” will move us to do greater things and supernatural exploits to
advance the kingdom of God, and to harvest more souls. The
2.) Treasured ____________ – Exo. 19:5 goodness of God will cause us to be relevant in our society and a
“…then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession” blessing to next generation.
Group discussion:
3.) A holy ______ – Exo. 19:6 …”and a holy nation” 1. What do you learn from the life and message of Jeremiah?
Do you think serving the Lord was a pleasant task for
4.) Kingdom of ________ – Exo. 19:6 Jeremiah? Would you have liked his job?
“Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of
priests” 2. Is it possible that God’s good purpose for you be aborted, or
3. God’s _____________ Appointment forfeited? If yes, give some example in the bible.
What is the highest calling of God for sinners?
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. If in the time of Jeremiah he depicted the death of the coming
of the Messiah; in your time what would be your best action or
4. God’s ____________ Appointment
What is the Great Commission of Jesus to the end-time Church? position would you commit after the resurrection of Jesus?

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