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Prepared by: Reynaldo G. Lopez


PRE-REQUISITE: All Political Law Subjects


This 5-unit course is a review of all branches of Political Law. Constitutional Law 1 studies
the General Consideration in the Philippine Constitution, the elements of the State and the branches
of the national government while Constitutional Law 2 focuses on the Bill of Rights. The course
includes Citizenship, Laws on Public Officers, Administrative Law, Election Law, Local
Governments, National Economy and Patrimony, and Public International Law.


The class will be conducted through lectures, recitations, quizzes and examinations..


Readings and Assignments. You are expected to be familiar with the assigned readings on a
week-to-week basis and must be prepared to participate actively in class discussions. Supplementary
readings and assignments will be given every now and then to augment the schedule of Topics and
Readings and to ensure a better understanding of a specific topic.

Recitation. You will be called to recite or lead the discussion of a scheduled topic during the
term. You are expected to demonstrate during recitation both knowledge of the assigned readings
and ability to express yourself convincingly.

Mid-term/Final Examinations. You will be given two major examinations in this course. Both
will allow you to display your knowledge and familiarity to think critically and logically.


Your grade in this course will be determined on the basis of class standing (30%) which
includes quizzes and recitations, the preliminary examination (30%), and the final examination

REFERENCES: Nachura, Antonio, E.B.. Outline Reviewer in Political Law, (2015) Quezon City: VP
Graphic Arts, Inc.

Magsalin, Mariano, Jr. F. and Roberto Rafael J. Pulido (2017) Philippine Political
Law, Pasay City: Arellano Law Foundation

Bernas, Joaquin G., The 1987 Philippine Constitution, A Comprehensive Reviewer,

(latest ed.) Quezon City: Rex




A. Politics, Government, Administration, Power, Authority: definitions, concepts, distinctions

B. Scope of Political Law Review
1. Constitutional Law
2. Administrative Law
3. Law on Public Officers
4. Election Laws
5. Local Government
6. Public International Law

A. Concept and Definition

- Distinguished from nation

- Origin, Theories

B. Territory

1, Definition
2. Components
3. The Philippine Archipelago, Article 1

a. Article III, Treaty of Paris, Dec 10, 1898 (Spain ceded the P.I. to the U.S.)
b. US-Spain Treaty, Nov 7, 1900 (Cagayan, Sulu, and Sibutu)
c. US-Great Britain Treaty, Jan 2, 1930 (Turtle and Mangsee Islands)
d. 1935 Constitution (Batanes)
e. 1973 Constitution (territories by historic right or legal title)
f. RA 3046, Jun 17, 1961
g. RA 5446, Sep 8, 1968 (Sabah claim)
h. PD 1596, Jun 11, 1978 (other territories, claim over KIG)
i. PD 1599, Jun 11, 1978 (200 miles EEZ)
j. UNCLOS I, II and III (1994) (Archipelagic principle, right of innocent passage,
right to sea lane passage)
k. RA 9522 (demarcation of maritime zone and continental shelf under UNCLOS
- Province of North Cotabato v GRP Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain, 568 SCRA
402 (2008)
- Magalona v Ermita, 655 SCRA 476 (2011)

C. People

1. Definition

As inhabitants, Article III, Sections 1 &2; Article II, Sections 15 & 16

As electors, Article VII, Section 4; Article XVI, Section 2
As citizens. Article II, Sections 1 & 4; Article III, Section 7

D. Government

1. Definition
- Government of the Republic of the Philippines defined, Sec 2 (1) Administrative Code

2. Constituent vs Ministrant functions

3. Parens Patriae
Case: Government v Monte de Piedad, 35 Phil 728 (1916)

4. De Jure government, Criteria for legitimacy

5. De facto government, kinds and characteristics
6. Classifications, Forms of governments

a. based on number of rulers

b. based on accountability to the people
c. based on the economic system
d. based on legislative-executive relations
e. based on divisions of the State

E. Sovereignty

1. Definition
2. Dual Aspect, Kinds and Characteristics
3. Dominium & Imperium
4. Effects of Change in Sovereignty
5. Effects of military occupation
6. Territorial, personal and extraterritorial jurisdiction
7. Acts of State

A. Constitution: definition, nature and concepts

B. Parts
C. History and Background
The Philippine Revolution and the Malolos Constitution
Organic Laws under the American Period
McKinley’s Instructions (Apr 7, 1900)
Spooner Amendment (1901)
Philippine Bill of 1902
Philippine Autonomy Act or Jones Law (1916)
Japanese Occupation
1935 Constitution
1973 Constitution
1986 (EDSA) Revolution and the Freedom Constitution
1987 Constitution
D. Amendments and Revisions, Article XVII, Sections 1, 2 & 3
Santiago v Comelec, 270 SCRA 106 (1997)
Lambino v Comelec, 505 SCRA 160 (2006)
E. Self-executing and non-executing provisions
F. Supremacy of the Constitution
Case: Manila Prince Hotel v GSIS, 267 SCRA 408 (1997)
G. Rules on interpretation of the Constitution


A. State Immunity

1. Basis: Article XVI, Section 3

2. When is a suit against a State?

3. Express Consent

a. Money Claims arising from contract

- Act 3083
- CA 327, as amended by PD 1445
Case: UP v Dizon, 679 SCRA 54 (2012)

b. Torts committed by special agents

- NCC, Article 2180

c. Incorporated Government Agencies (Note: Unincorporated government agencies

exercising proprietary functions may be sued)

4. Implied Consent

a. Government submits itself to court’s jurisdiction

The State itself files a complaint
Case: RP v Sandiganbayan, GR 85384, Feb 28, 1990

b. Government entering into business contracts

c. When inequitable for government to claim immunity

5. Suits against municipal corporations

- RA 7160, Sections 22 & 24

6. Suits against foreign states, Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Immunity

- Arigo v Swift, 735 SCRA 102 (2014)
- Minucher v CA, GR 142396, Feb 11,2003
- Rep. of Indonesia v Vinzon, GR 154705, June 26, 2003

7. Suits International Agencies, Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized

Agencies of the United Nations

8. Suits against public officers; exceptions

B. Delegation of powers

1. Rule, Maxim
2. Exceptions

a. By direct constitutional grant

- Tariff powers to the President, Article VI, Section 28 (2)

- Emergency powers to the President, Article VI, Section 23 (2); Article XII,
Section 12
- Rule making power to the Supreme Court, Article VIII, Section 5 (5)
- Delegation to local government units, Article X, Section 5
- Rule making powers of the Constitutional Commissions, Article IX-A,
Section 6; Article IX-C, Section 3; Article IX-D, Section 2
- Delegation to Commission on Human Rights, Article XIII, Section 18

b. By legislative grant
- Delegation to administrative bodies (rule-making power)
Case: NPC Drivers and Mechanical Association v Napocor, 503
SCRA 138 (2006)
- Delegation to local government units (ordinances as subordinate
Case: Sema v Comelec, 558 SCRA 700 (2008)
- Police Power: Two Branches: Police Power Proper & General
Welfare Clause
- US v Salaveria, 39 Phil 102
- Fernando v St. Scholastica-s College, GR 161107 (2013)
- Eminent Domain: Genuine Necessity of Taking
- Taxation: Expressly granted by law

3. Tests for due delegation of power; Case: Pelaez v Auditor General, 15 SCRA 569 (1965)
a. Completeness Test
b. Sufficient Standard Test

C. Separation of powers / Checks and Balance

- Belgica v Ochoa, Jr., 710 SCRA 1 (2013)
-Mendoza v People, 659 SCRA 681 (2011)

A. Preamble
1. Nature, purpose and aims

B. Principles

1. Democratic and Republican State, Article II, Section 1

a.. Manifestations of Democracy and Republicanism
- Rule of the majority
- Rule of law
- Elections through popular will
- Existence of bill of rights

2. Adoption of International Law, Article II , Section 2

a. Renunciation of war
b. Incorporation Clause
Case: Deutsche Bank AG Manila Branch v CIR, 704 SCRA 216 (2013)
c. Adherence to peace, equality, justice, freedom, cooperation, amity with nations

3. Civilian supremacy; Role of the military, Article II , Section 3

a. Commander-in-chief clause, Article VII, Section 18
b. AFP in active service, Article XVI, Section 5 (4)
c. Respect for people’s rights Article XVI, Section 5 (2)

4. Duty and Role of Government, Article II , Sections 4 and 5

5. Separation of Church and State, Article II , Section 6

a. Freedom of Religion, Article III, Section 5
b. Political party ban on sects, Article IX-C, 2 (5)
c. No sectoral representative from religious sector, Article VI, Section 5 (2)
d. Tax exemption of churches, Article VI, Section 28 (3)
e. Non appropriations for sects; exemptions, Article VI, Section 29 (2)
f. Optional religious instruction, Article XIV, Section 3 (3)
g. Filipino ownership for schools; exceptions, Article XIV, Section 4 (2)
C. Policies

1. Independent foreign policy and nuclear free Philippines, Article II, Sections 7-8
a. Foreign military bases, Article XVIII, Sections 4 and 25

2. Just and dynamic social order

a. Social justice, Article II, Section 10, Article XII, Sections 1 (2)
b. Respect for human dignity and human rights, Article XIII, Sections 1, 17-19
c. Role of women; Fundamental equality of women and men, Article II, Section 14;
Article XIII, Section 14
- RA 9262 – Anti Violence Against Women and their Children (2004)
Case: Garcia v Drilon, 699 SCRA 352 (2013)
d. Independent people’s organization, Article II , Section 23; Article XIII, Sections
e. Priority of education, science, technology, arts vulture and sports, Article II,
Section 23; Article XIII, Sections 15-16; Article XIV, Sections 1-19
f. Urban land reform and housing, Article XIII, Sections 9-10
- RA 7279 – Urban Development and Housing Act
g. Reform in agriculture and other natural resources, Article II, Section 21, Article
XIII, Sections 4-8
- PD 27 – Land Reform Act
- RA 6657 -Comprehensive and Agrarian Reform Law (1998)
h. Protection to labor, Article II, Section 18; Article XIII, Section 3
- PD 442 – Labor Code of the Philippines
i. Promotion of health and ecology, Article II, Sections 15 and 16; Article XIII,
Section 11
Case: Oposa v Factoran, GR 101083 (1993)
- RA 7277 – Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
j. Self-reliant and independent economic order, Article II, Sections 19-20
k. Role of the private sector, Article II, Section 20
l. Role of People’s Organizations, Article II, Section 23; Article XIII, Sections 15-16
3. The family and role of the youth, Article II, Sections 12 and 13, Article XV, Sections 1-4
a. Family as a basic autonomous social institution
- EO 209 – Family Code of the Philippines
- Republic v Albios, 707 SCRA 584 (2013)
- PD 603 – Child and Youth Welfare Code
- RA 7610 - Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and
Discrimination Act
- RA 9262 – Anti Violence Against Women and their Children (2004)
b. Protection of the mother and the unborn
- RA 10354 – Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood Act (2012)
Case: Imbong v Ochoa, 721 SCRA 146 (2014)
c. Natural and primary right and duty of parents

4. Communication and information in nation building, Section 24; Article XVI, Sections 1—
11; Article XVIII, Section 23; EO 02 (2016)

5. Rights of indigenous cultural communities, Article II , Section 22; Article VI, Section 5
(2); Article XII, Section 5; Article XIII, Section 6; Article XIV, Section 17;
Article XVI, Sec 12;
- RA 8371 - Indigenous People’s Rights Act (1997)

6. Honest public service, Article II, Sections 27-28

a. Ombudsman, Article XI, Sections 4-6
b. Full public disclosure, Article II , Section 28
c. SALN, Article XI, Sections 17
- RA 3019 – Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
d. President’s health, Article VII, Section 12
e. Publication of loan applications, Article VII, Section 20
f. Public foreign loans, Article XII, Section 21
g. Contracts with foreign groups, Article XII, Section 2 (5)
h. Conflict of Interest, books of account, Article VII, Sections 12 and 20
i. COA annual report, Article IX-D, Section 4
j. Right to information, Article III, Section 7
k. Equality of opportunity; political dynasty, Article II, Section 26
Case: Ang Ladlad v Comelec, 618 SCRA 32 (2010)
- RA 6713 – Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials
and Employees (1989)

7. Autonomy of local governments, Section 25; Article X;

a. Kinds of Autonomy: Administrative Autonomy v Political Autonomy
Case: Limbona v Conte Mangelin, 170 SCRA 786
b. Devolution, Section 17, RA 7160, Local Government Code of 1991
c. Deconcentration of powers, Section 528, RA 7160

A. Definition, importance, distinguished from nationality

B. Rights and duties of a citizen
C. Modes of acquiring citizenship Article IV, Section 3
1. Involuntary: by birth (natural born citizen); Principles governing them
a. jus soli
b. jus sanguini, Article IV, Section 2
2. Voluntary: by naturalization (naturalized citizen)
a. Direct naturalization
- Judicial naturalization; CA 63, CA 473, RA 530
- Substantive requirements: Qualifications & Disqualifications
- Procedural requirements
Case: So v RP, 513 SCRA 267 (2007)
- Administrative naturalization; RA 9139 (2001)
- Substantive requirements: Qualifications & Disqualifications
- Procedural requirements
- Legislative naturalization
- Special naturalization laws
- Mass naturalization law; Philippine Bill of 1902
- General law of naturalization; LOI 270 (1978)
b. Derivative naturalization
- wife, minor children. Alien woman upon marrying a Filipino
D. Modes of losing citizenship, Article IV, Section 3
1. Involuntary
a. by denaturalization (cancellation of certificate of naturalizarion)
b. found by final judgment to be a deserter of war
2. Voluntary
a. by expatriation
- by naturalization in a foreign country
- by express renunciation of Philippine citizenship, Article Iv, Section 4
- by taking an oath of allegiance to a foreign country; exception: Doctrine of
Indelible Allegiance
E. Modes of reacquiring citizenship
1. by naturalization
2. by repatriation
a. Commonwealth Act 63 (deserted AFP)
b. RA 965 (1963) (served Allied Forces in World War II)
c. RA 2630 (1960) (deserted US Armed Forces)
d. PD 725 (natural born Filipinos who lost citizenship)
e. RA 8171 (1995) (lost citizenship due to marriage, politics or economics)
- how is repatriation accomplished?
f. RA 9225 (Sep 17, 2003) (Citizenship Retention and Acquisition Act of 2003)
- Effect of acquisition of foreign citizenship before RA 9225
- Effect of acquisition of foreign citizenship under RA 9225
- Mercado v Manzano, 307 SCRA 630 (1999)
- Maquiling v Comelec, 696 SCRA 420 (2013) & 700 SCRA 367
- David v Agbay, GR 1991113, Mar 18, 2015
2. By law (direct act of Congress)
F. Who are citizens of the Philippines? Article IV, Section 1
1. Filipino citizens before the 1987 Constitution
a. citizens under the 1973 Constitution
b. citizens under the 1935 Constitution
c. citizens under the Philippine Bill of 1902
2. those born with Filipino father or mother
3. those who elect Philippine citizenship pursuant to the 1935 Constitution
a. elect Philippine citizenship under the 1935 Constitution
b. elect Philippine citizenship under the 1973 Constitution
c. elect Philippine citizenship under the 1987 Constitution
d. Procedure in electing Philippine citizenship; CA 625
Case: Republic v Sagun, 666 SCRA 321 (2012)
4. naturalized Filipino citizens under the 1987 Constitution
a. direct naturalization
G. Dual / Multiple citizenship; effects; RA 9225 (2003)
a. how acquired: by birth, by naturalization
b. dual citizenship distinguished from dual allegiance, Article IV, Section 5

A. Definition, nature
B. Scope
1. Election
2. Plebiscite, Article X, Sections 10, 11, 18
3. Initiative, Article XVII, Section 2;
- RA 6735, Initiative and Referendum Act
- RA 7160, Local Government Code of 1991, Sections 120-126
- Limitations on local initiative, Section 124
- Limitations upon the Sanggunian , Section 125
4. Referendum, Article VI, Section, 32; RA 7160 Sections127
5. Recall, Article X, Section 3; RA 7160, Section 69-75
- Prohibition from resignation, Section 73
- Limitations on Recall, Section 74
C. Qualifications and disqualifications of voters, Article V, Section 1
- RA 8189 – Voter’s Registration Act (1996)
D. Secrecy and sanctity of the ballot, Article V, Section 2
- RA 9369 – Election Automation Law
E. System of Absentee voting, Article V, Section 2;
- RA 9189 – Overseas Absentee Voting Act (2003)
- RA 7166 – (Synchronized Elections), Section 12 – Absentee Voting for AFP, PNP and
government employees assigned to places where they are not registered


A. Who may exercise legislative power, Article VI, Section 1

1. Congress
2. Regional / local legislative power
3. People’s Initiative on Statutes
a. Initiative and Referendum
4. The President under a martial law rule or in a revolutionary government

B. Houses of Congress: Composition, Qualification and Term of Office

1.Senate, Article VI, Sections 2-4

2. House of Representatives, Article VI , Sections 5-8

a. District Representatives and Questions of Apportionment

- Aquino III v Comelec, 617 SCRA 623 (2010)
- Alaba v Comelec, 611 SCRA 147 (2010)
- Naval v Comelec, 729 SCRA 299 (2014)
- Bagabuyo v Comelec, 573 SCRA 290 (2008)
- Reyes v Comelec, 699 SCRA 522 (2013) and 708 SCRA 197 (2013)

b. Party-list System, RA 7941

- BANAT v Comelec, 586 SCRA 210 (2009) and 592 SCRA 294 (2009)
- Atong Paglaum, Inc. v Comelec, 694 SCRA 477 (2013)
- Coalition of Asso. of Senior Citizens in the Phil. v Comelec, 201 SCRA 786 (2013)
- Lico v Comelec, GR 205505, Sep 29, 2015
- Abang Lingkod v Comelec, 708 SCRA 133 (2013)
- Akbayan v HRET, 612 SCRA 375 (2010)

3. Election:
a. Regular election, Article VI , Section 8
b. Special election, Article VI , Section 9

4. Organization and Sessions

a. Election of officers, Article VI , Section 16 (1)
b Rules of proceedings, Article VI , Section 16 (3) and 21
c. Journal and Record, Article VI , Section, 16 (4)
- Journal v Enrolled Bill
- Congressional Record, Article VI , Section 16 (4) par. 2
d. Regular, Special and Joint Sessions
e. Salaries, Article VI , Section 10, Article XVIII, Section 17

C. Privileges, Inhibitions and Disqualifications

1. Freedom from arrest, Article VI , Section 11; Privileged Speech and Debate Clauses,
Section 11
2. Incompatible and Prohibited Offices, Article VI , Sections 13, 14
Case: Liban v Gordon, 593 SCRA 68 (2009) and 639 SCRA 709 (2011)
3. Duty to disclose, Article XI, Section 17, Article VI, Sections 12, 20

D. Quorum and voting majorities, Article VI, Section 16 (2)

E. Discipline of members, Article VI , Section 16 (3)

Case: Pobre v Defensor-Santiago, 597 SCRA 1 (2009)

F. Powers of Congress
1. Legislative
a. Legislative Inquiry and Oversight Functions, Article VI , Sections 21 & 22
b. Bicameral Conference Committee
c. Limitations on legislative power
- Limitation on Revenue, Appropriations and Tariff Measures
- Presidential Veto and Congressional Override
- Prohibition against passage of irrepealable laws

d. Passage of laws
- Requirement as to bills
- As to titles of bills, Article VI, Section 26 (1)
Case: Imbong v Ochoa, 721 SCRA 146 (2014)
- How does a bill become a law?
- Effectivity of laws, NCC, Article 2

2. Non-legislative

a. National Board of Canvassers, Article VI, Section 4 (4)

b. Calling for special election, Article VI, Section 10
c. Decide temporary disability of the President, Article VI, Section 11
d. Veto or extension of habeas corpus and martial law, Article VI, Section 18
e. Approval of amnesty, Article VI, Section 19
h. Senate concurrence in treaties, Article VI, Section 21
i. Declaring a state of war or national emergency, Article VI, Section 23
j. Utilization of natural resources, Article XII, Section 2
k. Constituent assembly to amend or revise the Constitution, Article XVII, Sections
l. Initiate impeachment, Article XI, Section 2
m. HRET and SET, Article VI, Section 17
n. Commission on Appointments, Article VI, Section 18
o. Approve national budget Article VI, Section 25
p. JBC (one seat)
r. Informing power
- Belgica v Ochoa, Jr. 710 SCRA 1 (2013)
- Abakada Guro Party List v Purisima, 562 SCRA 251 (2008)

A. The President
1. Qualifications, election, term and oath, Article VII, Sections 1, 4 & 5
Case: Macalintal v PET, 635 SCRA 783 (2010), 651 SCRA 239 (2011)
2. Privileges, Prohibition, Inhibitions and Disqualifications, Article VII, Sections 6, 13
Case: Pormento v Estrada, 629 SCRA 530 (2010)
3. Presidential immunity
B. Powers and Functions
1. Executive and administrative powers in general
2. Power of appointment and removal, Article VII, Sections 13-16
a. In general
- Funa v Ermita, 612 SCRA 308 (2010)
- Funa v Agra, 691 SCRA 196 (2013)
b. Commission on Appointments confirmation
- permanent or temporary
- regular or ad interim
c. Midnight appointments
- De Castro v JBC, 615 SCRA 666 (2010)
- Velicaria-Garafil v O.P. GR 203372, Jun 16, 2015
3. Power of control and supervision, Article VII, Section 17
a. Doctrine of qualified political agency / alter ego principle
Cse: Hontiveros-Baraquel v Toll Regulatory Board, GR 181293, Feb 23, 2015
b. Executive departments and offices
c. General supervision over local government units, Article X
- Direct and indirect supervision, RA 7160, Local Government Code of 1991
4. Military powers (Commander-in Chief), Article VII, Section 18; Article II, Section 15;
Article VIII, Section 1 (2)
a. calling out power
b. Habeas Corpus
c. Martial law
- Kulayan v Tan, 675 SCRA 482 (2012)
- Ampatuan v Puno, 651 SCRA 228 (2011)
- Fortun v Macapagal-Arroyo 668 SCRA 504 (2012)
5. Pardoning powers, Section 19, Article IX-C, Section 5
a, Nature and limitations
- Monsanto v Factoran, Jr., 170 SCRA 190 (1989)
- Risos-Vidal v Comelec, 747 SCRA 210 (2015)
b. Forms of executive clemency
6. Diplomatic power (Treaty making), Article XII, Section 21
- Saguisag v Ochoa, Jr. GR 212426 and 212444, Jan 12, 2016
- Bayan v Executive Secretary, GR 138570, Oct 10, 2000
- Treaty vs Executive Agreement
7. Powers relative to revenue, appropriation and tariff measures; Limitations Article Vi,
Sections 24 & 25
Case: Araullo v Aquino III, 728 SCRA 1 (2014) and 749 SCRA 284 (2015)
8. Borrowing power, Article VII, Section 20
9. Budgetary power, Article VII, Section, 22
10. Informing power, Article VII, Section 23
11. Delegated powers
a. Emergency power, Article VI, Section 23 (2)
b. Tariff power, Article VI, Section 28 (2)
12. Veto powers, Article VI, Section 27
13. Residual powers
14. Executive privilege
Case: Neri v Senate Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and
Investigations, 549 SCRA 77 (2008) and 564 SCRA 152 (2008)
C. Rules of Succession
1. President, Article VII
a. Before assumption of office
b. Upon assumption of office
c. temporary incapacity
2. Vice President, Article VII, Sections 3, 7-9

A. Judicial Power
1. Adjudicatory power
a. Involving rights legally demandable, Article VIII, Section 5 (1)
b. Affecting ambassadors, public ministers and consuls
c. PET = SC
2. Judicial Review
a. Acts of Judicial Department: lower courts, Article VIII , Section 5 (2)
b. Acts of Executive Department
c. Acts of Legislative Department
d. Requisites for Judicial Review of a constitutional issue
1. Actual case or controversy;
- justiciable question)
- not moot and academic; exceptions
- ripe for judicial action
2. Issue must be raised by proper party (locus standi); exceptions
- Resident Mammals v Reyes, GR 180771, Apr 21, 2015; (Epistolary
- Oposa v Factoran, 224 SCRA 792 (1993) (Intergenerational rights)
3. Issue must be raised at the earliest opportunity; exceptions
4. Necessity of deciding the constitutional question (lis mota)
e. Functions of Judicial Review
f. Judicial Restraint; Limitations on the exercise of Judicial Review
3. Incidental powers

B. Rule-Making Powers, Article VIII, Section 6 (5)

1. Protection and enforcement of constitutional rights
2. Pleading, practice in all courts
3. Admission to the practice of law
4. IBP: discipline and practice of law
5. Legal assistance to the underprivileged

C. Auxiliary Administrative Powers

1. Detailing of lower court judges, Article VIII , Section 5 (3)
2. Change of venue or place of trial, Article VIII , Section 5 (4)
3. Power of appointment, Article VIII , Section 5 (6)
4. Discipline lower court judges, Article VIII , Section 11
5. Administrative supervision over all courts and court personnel, Article VIII , Section 6
6. Fiscal autonomy, Article VIII , Section 3
7. Annual report, Article VIII , Section 16
8. Supervision of JBC, Article VIII , Section 8 (5)
9. Plenary powers over the bar, Article VIII , Section 8 (5)
10. Supervisory power over IBP, Article VIII , Section 8 (5)

D. Concepts, definitions, distinctions

1. Political v Justiciable Question
2. Ministerial v Discretionary Functions
3. Judgment v Discretion
4. Substantive v Procedural Law
5. Substantive v Procedural Rights
6. Facial Challenge v As Applied Challenge
a. Void for Vagueness Doctrine
b. Overbroad Doctrine
Case: Southern Hemisphere Engagement Network, Inc. v Anti-Terrorism
Council. 632 SCRA 146 (2010)

E. Effects of declaration of unconstitutionality of law / act

1. Orthodox v Modern View
2. Operative Fact Doctrine
Case: Araullo v Aquino III, 728 SCRA 1 (2014) and 749 SCRA 284 (2015)

F. Modes of review and other judicial actions

G. Jurisdiction and Organization of courts
1. SC: en banc v division cases
2. General v Limited jurisdiction
3. Original v Appellate jurisdiction
4. Exclusive v Concurrent jurisdiction
5. Criminal v Civil jurisdiction
6. Regular v Special courts; Quasi-judicial bodies

H. Additional functions and powers for the Chief Justice

a. Presiding officer in the Impeachment court, Article XI, Section 3 (6)
b. Chair, Judicial and Bar Council, Article VIII, Section 8
c. Chair, Presidential Electoral Tribunal, Article VII, Section 4
d. Supervisory powers over all Justices and Judges, Article VIII, Section 6
e. Control & supervision over all officials & employees of Judiciary, Article VIII, Section 6

I. Safeguards of Judicial Independence

- Re: COA Opinion on the Appraised Value of the Properties Purchased for the retired
Chief/Associate Justices of SC, 678 SCRA 1 (2012)

- Re: Request for Guidance/Clarification on Section 7, Rule 111, RA 10154 requiring

government employees to secure a clearance of pendency/non-pendency of cases from CSC,
706 SCRA 502 (2013)

- Re: Save the SC Judicial Independence and Fiscal Autonomy Movement v Abolition of
Judiciary development Fund (JDF) and Reduction of Fiscal Autonomy UDK-15143,
Jan 21, 2015

J. Appointments to the Judiciary

- Chavez v JBC, 676 SCRA 579 (2012 and 696 SCRA 496 (2013)
- Jardeleza v Sereno, 733 SCRA 279 (2014) and Resolution, GR 213181, Jan 21, 2015
- Villanueva v JBC, GR 211833, Apr 7, 2015

K. Judicial Privilege
Case: Re: Petition for recognition of the exemption of the GSIS from payment of legal fees,
612 SCRA 193 (2010)

A. CSC, COA, COMELEC, Article IX, A, B, C, D

1. Powers and Functions
2. Qualifications and Disqualifications
3. Jurisdiction
4. Appointment and Terms of Office
5. Prohibited offices and interests
6. Salary
7. Removal
8. Fiscal Autonomy
9. Submission of Reports
10. Rule-Making powers
11. Review of final orders, resolutions and decisions
a. Rendered in the exercise of quasi-judicial functions
b. Rendered in the exercise of administrative functions
- Funa v Villar, 670 SCRA 579 (2012)
- Funa v Duque III, 742 SCRA 166
- Dela Llana v Chairman, COA, 665 SCRA 176 (2012)

B. Economic Agencies
1. BSP, Article XII, Sections 20, 21
2. NEDA, Article XII, Sections 9, 10

C. National Commissions
1. Commission on Human Rights (CHR), Article XIII, Sections 17-19
2. National Language Commission (Komisyon ng Wikang Pambansa), Article XIV, Section 9
3. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM), Article XVI, Section 6
- RA 6975 – Establishing PNP under DILG
4. National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP), Article XII, Section 5; Article XIV,
Section 17, Article XVI, Section 12
- RA 8371 – Indigenous Peoples Rights Act

D. Anti-Graft Bodies
1. Sandiganbayan, Article XI, Section 4
- PD 1606, Section 4 – Jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan
2. Ombudsman, PD 1630 (1979); RA 6770 (1989)

A. Fundamental powers of the State (police power, eminent domain, taxation0

1. Concept, application and limits

2. Requisites for valid exercise

3. Similarities and differences

4. Delegation: Administrative bodies, Local government units

B. Private acts and the Bill of Rights

1. Balancing of Interest Test

C. Due Process – the rights to life, liberty and property

1. Relativity of due process
2. Procedural and substantive due process
3. Constitutional and statutory due process
Case: Agabon v NLRC, 442 SCRA 573 (2004)

4. Kinds and Heirarchy of rights

a. Natural, Constitutional, Statutory Rights
b. Civil, Political, Economic, Social, Cultural Rights
c. 3 Generations of Rights: Negative, Positive, Solidarity Rights
d. Life, Liberty (Pursuit of happiness), Property Rights
- Republic v Cagandahan, 565 SCRA 72 (2008)
5. Judicial standards of review
a. Reasonable / Rational connection test
b. Clear and present danger test
c. Dangerous tendency test
d. Balancing of interest test

D. Equal Protection
1. Concept
2. Requisites for valid classification
3. Judicial standards of review
a. Rational basis test
b. Intermediate scrutiny test
c. Strict scrutiny test
- Fernando v St. Scholatica’s College, 693 SCRA 141 (2013)
- Serrano v Gallant Maritime Services, Inc., 582 SCRA 254 (2009)

E. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures (Right to be let alone), Article III, Section 2
1. Concept
a. Zones of Privacy - Constitutional guarantee:
1. Right against unreasonable searches and seizures
2. Right to privacy of communication and correspondence
b. Categories of privacy
1. Decisional privacy
2. Informational privacy
- Two aspects:
- right not to have information disclosed
- right to live freely without surveillance and intrusion
- Two-fold tests in determining entitlement to the right
- subjective test (legitimate expectation of privacy)
- objective test (society accepts expectation as reasonable)
c. To whom directed
Case: People v Andre Marti, 193 SCRA 57 (1991)

c. Who may invoke the right?

2. Requisites for a valid warrant

a. Probable cause
Case: -AAA v Carbonell, 524 SCRA 496 (2007)
b. Issued personally by a judge
c. Examination under oath or affirmation
d. Particular description of of persons, things and places
Case: Del Castillo v People, 664 SCRA 430 (2012)

3. Warrantless arrests, Rules of Court, Rule 113, Section 5

a. in flagranti delicto
- Umil v Ramos, GR 81567, July 9, 1990 (on rebellion)
- Luz v People, 667 SCRA 421 430 (2012) (penalty of fine, not imprisonment)
b. hot pursuit
c. fugitive from justice
4. Administrative arrests
5. Warrantless searches
a. When allowed?
- Consent or waiver
- Search incident to lawful arrest
- Moving vehicle
- Emergency circumstances
- Airport / seaport search
b. Incidents that may lead to warrantless search
- plain view
- checkpoint (visual search)
- stop and frisk
6. Drug, alcohol and blood tests
- Social Justice Society v Dangerous Drugs Board, 570 SCRA 410 (2008)
- Lucas v Lucas, 650 SCRA 667 (2011)
7. Exclusionary rule
a. RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act)
b. RA 10640 (Amending RA 9165)
- Chain of Custody: Requirements; Effects; Sec 21, RA 9165
Case: People v Garry dela Cruz, GR 205821, Oct 1, 2014

F, Privacy of communication and correspondence, Article III, Section 3

1. Private and public communications
a. Privileged Communication
- Waterous Drug Corp. v NLRC, GR 113271, Oct 16, 1997
- Zulueta v CA, 253, SCRA 699 (1996)
2. Intrusion; when allowed
a. RA 4200 (1965) – Anti-Wiretapping Law
Case: Salcedo-Ortanez v CA, 235 SCRA 111 (1994)
b. RA 10173 (2012) – Data Privacy Act (Protecting personal information and
communications systems in government and private sectorsor
- Katz v US, 389 US 347 (1967)
- Pollo v Constantino-David, 659 SCRA 198 (2011)
c. RA 10175, Cybercrime Law
Case: Disini v Secretary of Justice, 723 SCRA 109 (2014)
3. Writ of habeas data
- Vivares v St. Theresa’s College, 737 SCRA 92 (2014)
- Lee v Ilagan, 738 SCRA 59 (2014)
- Ople v Torres, 293 SCRA 141 (1998)
- KMU v Director-General, NEDA, 487 SCRA 623 (2006)

4. Exclusionary rule

G. Freedom of speech, expression, Article III, Section 4

1. Concept, purpose and scope
a. Prior restraint (censorship)
b. Fear of subsequent punishment
2. Regulations: Content-based vs content-neutral
a. Tests:
- (US vs) O’Brien Test US v O’Brien (1968)
- Rational, Intermediate Scrutiny, Strict Scrutiny
b. Applications
Case: Osmena v Comelec, 288 SCRA 447 (1998)
4. Facial challenges: Void-for-vagueness and Overbreadth doctrines
5. State regulations of different types of media
a. Print media
b. Photos, pictures, paintings
c. Radio
d. Movies and television
- PD 1986 – Creating the MTRCB -
e. Live shows, theatrical performances
e. Optical media, video, internet
- RA 9239 – Optical Media Act of 2003 (Video Regulatory Board)
- RA 10175, Cybercrime Law
Case: Disini v Secretary of Justice, 723 SCRA 109 (2014)

6. Kinds of speeches
a. Core speeches (political, social religious) vs Commercial speeches (Advertiesment
of goods and services)
- Diocese of Bacolod v Comelec, 747 SCRA 88 (2014)
- Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Association of the Philippines v Duque
III, 535 SCRA 265 (2007)

b. Protected speeches: oral, written, symbolic, press and other forms of speech and
expression, including peaceful assembly and redress of grievances
c. Unprotected speeches
- alarming and scandalous
- inciting to sedition, rebellion
- libel, slander and other forms of defamation, blackmail
- obscenity / fighting words / hate words; Standards / Tests:
- (Regina vs) Hicklin test (isolated passage test; English case))
- Roth (vsUS) test (dominant theme, social redeeming value tests0
- National character test
- Community standard test
- Aggregate community standard test
- Average person test
- Pita v CA, 178 SCRA 362 (1989)
- Soriano v Laguardia, 587 SCRA 79 (2009) and 615 SCRA 254
d. Private vs government speech
- Intellectual property right
- RA 8293 - Intellectual Property Code (1997)
- Textbook Printing Law and International Treaties on Copyright
- copyright, fair use and decompilation
- infringement, plagiarism
- RA 53, as amended by RA 1477 – Shield Law
- Fair administration of justice
- contempt / subjudice
- Fair conduct of elections
- RA 9006 - Fair Election Act (2001)
- Conducting surveys and exit polls
- SWS v Comelec, 357 SCRA 496 (2001)
-GMA Network v Comelec, 734 SCRA 88 (2014)
- I-UTAK v Comelec, GR 206020, Apr 14, 2015
- National security

7. Freedom of the Press; 4 Aspects

a. freedom from prior restraint
b. freedom from subsequent punishment
c. freedom of access to information
d. freedom of circulation

8. Freedom of Assembly
- - BP 880 - Public Assembly Act
- J.B.L Reyes v Bagatsing, 125 SCRA 553 (1983)
- David v Macapagal-Arroyo, 489 SCRA 160 (2006)
- Bayan v Ermita, 488 SCRA 226 (2006)
- Heckler’s veto (Terminiello v Chicago (1949)
H. Freedom of Religion

A. Free Exercise Clause

B. Non- Establishment Clause; exceptions; Article VI, Section 28 (3); Article VI Section 1
(2); Article XIV, Section (3)

Conscientious objector / Benevolent Neutrality doctrine

- Escritor v Estrada, 408 SCRA 1 (2003)
- Imbong v Ochoa, 721 SCRA 146 (2014)
- Letter of Atty. Valenciano, , A.M. 10-4-19-SC, Mar 7 2017

Allowable vs Non-allowable Government aid; Requisites

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