Travel Agency Marketing Plan

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Travel Agency Marketing Plan

Adventure Travel International (ATI)

Executive Summary

1.0 Executive Summary

Adventure Travel International (ATI) will begin operations in September, 1999 and provide adventure, sport/travel packages to people in the Pacific
Northwest, specifically the greater Woodville area. The founders and employees of ATI are experienced travel-industry professionals and passionate
about the activities ATI will promote and offer.

An opportunity for ATI's success exists because the national tourism and travel industry is growing 4% and adventure travel 10% annually. Further,
the Woodville adventure travel market is growing at least 12% annually and has no providers who specialize solely in adventure travel. ATI is poised
to take advantage of this growth and lack of competition with an experienced staff, excellent location, and effective management and marketing. The
Woodville area, like much of the Pacific Northwest, has a large concentration of outdoor recreation enthusiasts. These health-conscious individuals,
couples, and groups interested in popular adventure sports, such as skiing, kayaking, trekking, etc., are ATI's primary customers. ATI's target market
is an exploitable niche and ATI will provide a specialized and thus differentiated service. Prices will be competitive with the remainder of the market.
The company's estimated sales for the first year of operations is $534,607, increasing 10% annually for the next two years.

Situation Analysis

2.0 Situation Analysis

According to the Department of Commerce, the U.S. travel and tourism industry is the nation's third largest retail industry and will be number one by
the year 2000. Revenues from travel have increased approximately 100% in the last decade with U.S. travel agencies producing over $100 billion in
revenues each year. Adventure travel, a segment of the travel and tourism industry, is growing at least 10% per year. More than 50% of the U.S. adult
traveling population, or 147 million people, have taken an adventure trip in their lifetime, 98 million in the past five years. Thirty-one million adults have
engaged in hard adventure activities like whitewater rafting, scuba diving, and mountain biking. An additional 25 million engaged in both a hard- and
soft-adventure activity. Activities most commonly participated in during adventure vacations: camping (85%), hiking (74%), skiing (51%), snorkeling or
scuba diving (30%), sailing (26%), kayaking or whitewater rafting (24%), and biking trips (24%).

Customers tend to be young and affluent, ages 18-34, and one fourth are from households with annual incomes of $75,000 or more. In addition,
statistics show that 8,000 U.S. companies offered adventure packages that generated $7 billion in 1997. There was a 66% increase in executive
participation in adventure travel between 1992 and 1996. California holds the largest population of adventure travelers, who tend to live in urban
areas. ATI will be located in an urban area within the state of California. In addition, it will be the only adventure travel agency in an area with 300,000
people and a large concentration of outdoor recreation enthusiasts and customers who match ATI's target profile.

Planning an adventure trip requires knowledge of the travel industry and popular adventure sport destinations, as well as adventure travel activities.
Adventure travel customers are a specialty group. These are primarily young professionals who often lack the time and experience necessary to
effectively plan an adventure trip on their own. ATI will communicate its ability to meet the demands of this market and fill this need.

2.1 Market Summary

The travel and tourism market is separated into two main categories, business and leisure travel. Each contribute about 45% to total revenues. The
remainder of revenues are generated from combined business/leisure trips. The market is further separated into domestic and international travel.
Domestic travel accounts for approximately 70% of industry revenues. Business travel can be divided into two categories, the medium to large
corporate account, and the small independent businessman. Leisure travelers are classified according to the types of trips they take, income, or age.
The four primary leisure travel groups are:

1. Adventure, Special-Interest, R&R, Honeymoons & Sightseeing Trips.

2. High-Income Travelers.
3. Budget-Conscious Travelers.
4. Families, Students & Seniors.

Adventure travel generates approximately $15 billion of the approximately $100 billion-dollar annual industry revenues. Approximately $2-4 billion of
these revenues come from California adventure travelers. Based on these and other figures, ATI estimates the Woodville adventure travel market to
be approximately $6 million annually. ATI estimates that it will capture about 8% of this market.

Target Markets
Market Analysis
Market Analysis

2003 2004 2005

Potential Customers Growth CAGR

National Adventure Travelers 10% 10,890,000 11,979,000 13,176,900 10.00%

Woodville Adventure Travelers 15% 132,250 152,088 174,901 15.00%

Internet 20% 4,320,000 5,184,000 6,220,800 20.00%

Total 12.78% 15,342,250 17,315,088 19,572,601 12.78%

2.1.1 Market Demographics

Adventure travel falls primarily under the leisure travel category. Revenues from leisure travel earned by U.S. travel agencies exceed $50 billion
annually. Adventure travel is a sub-category of leisure travel and can be further broken down into hard and soft adventure travel. Both hard and soft
adventures involve physical, athletic activities. Hard adventure activities, as the name suggests, generally involve risk and require substantial athletic
competence. Soft adventure activities are less physically demanding and more passive than their hard adventure counterparts.

Adventure travelers are slightly more likely to be men age 18-34. However an increasing number of adventure travelers are women (some statistics
suggest that women comprise 49% of the adventure market). Men on average spend more than women on their adventure travels. ATI's primary
customers are married couples, ages 25-35, with children and household incomes over $50,000. ATI will be located in the heart of the Pacific
Northwest. The natural beauty and abundance of outdoor activities attract many fitness oriented individuals. Per capita, the area has more people
than any other in the nation who actively participate in mountain and water sports, such as skiing, climbing, kayaking, whitewater rafting, mountain
biking, etc. These are the people in ATI's target market. ATI will focus on the sale and promotion of adventure travel primarily to individuals, but also to
corporate clients in the Woodville area.

2.1.2 Market Needs

Adventure travel activities are a specialized product, and first-hand knowledge of these activities is necessary in order to effectively promote and sell
them. Many potential customers are unsure of the location they wish to reach. Part of the value associated with travel agencies is the knowledge they
possess about destinations. Customers look to the agency to provide them with sound advice for a competitive price. ATI is confident in its ability to do
so. ATI can save the customer time and money, and help to ensure that they are satisfied with their vacation.

2.1.3 Market Trends

One notable trend in the travel industry is increased deregulation. Deregulation has increased competition and the need for differentiation. In many
cases, the prices of airfare and other travel-related services has dropped. Additional trends include caps on agency commissions by many of the
larger airlines, increases in adventure travel, and reduction of profit margins. More than 50% of the U.S. adult traveling population, or 147 million
people, have taken an adventure trip in their lifetime, 98 million in the past five years. Approximately 31 million adults have engaged in hard adventure
activities like whitewater rafting, scuba diving and mountain biking. An additional 25 million engaged in both a hard and soft adventure activity. The
growth trend in adventure travel is predicted to continue.

Market Forecast
2.1.4 Market Growth

The travel industry is growing. Reasons for this growth include a healthy domestic economy and devaluation of currency in other regions which has
made travel less expensive for U.S. residents. Leisure travel increased by 3.2% in 1997 and 2.0% in 1998. The healthy economy has increased
business which in turn boosted domestic business travel 4.8% in 1997 and 3.6% in 1998. Adventure travel, growing 10% annually, is one of the
fastest growing segments of the travel industry. Statistics show that 8,000 U.S. companies offered adventure packages that generated $7 billion in
1997. There also has been a 66% increase in executive participation in adventure travel between 1992 and 1996.

Target Market Growth

2.2 SWOT Analysis

In the following four sections are the most relevant issues to ATI's successful operation. ATI's strengths include its management, experienced staff,
marketing savvy, and targeted focus. ATI will capitalize on these, and other strengths, to take advantage of opportunities and manage threats. Firm
weaknesses are primarily those inherent in a start-up venture and are discussed in one of the following sections.

2.2.1 Strengths

• MANAGEMENT: ATI's manager has a successful record in this industry.

His experience and the network of valuable connections he has developed
will contribute greatly to ATI's success.
• LOCATION: ATI will be ideally located. The Pacific Northwest is a mecca for people who meet ATI's target audience profile. In addition,
Woodville is located 45 miles from the coast and less than two hours from the mountains. Five rivers are within a two-hour drive. These
geographic features will continue to attract potential customers.
• EXPERIENCED STAFF: The ATI team is experienced in the travel business and in adventure sports. All members have over five years
experience. Moreover, they are willing to sacrifice extra time and effort to build a successful business. Along with the intangible benefits
derived from succeeding in an independent endeavor, ATI will offer profit sharing and potential partnership opportunities to its ground-
floor members.
• POPULARITY OF ADVENTURE TRAVEL: Adventure activities are very popular, and ATI is betting that the popularity will continue to
grow. Many of the adventure sports, such as kayaking, mountainbiking, alpine and rock climbing, have had a kind of cult following for
many years. However, in the last five years, these sports have started to go mainstream.

2.2.2 Weaknesses

• START-UP STATUS: ATI is a start-up and the odds are stacked against
small start-up companies.
• LIMITED PERSONNEL: Though ATI's staff is exceptional, they will be faced with long hours for little pay during the first two years of
• FINANCING: Preliminary estimates of sales and expenditures suggest that ATI will remain financially stable. However, unforeseen
expenditures or poor sales will threaten ATI's cash position, which will be particularly vulnerable in year one.

2.2.3 Opportunities

• GROWTH MARKET: The national adventure travel market is growing 10%

annually, and preliminary estimates suggest that the Woodville market
exceeds that growth rate.
• POTENTIAL TO ACHIEVE SALES FROM THE NATIONAL MARKET: As ATI establishes itself and gains financial stability, it can begin to
market its services nationally. ATI plans to begin this effort via a World Wide Web campaign in the first year of operation and diversify its
communications efforts in years two and three.
• POTENTIAL TO BECOME A PREMIER PROVIDER: ATI has the management and staff to produce a top-quality service.
• VERTICAL INTEGRATION: The potential to integrate services and add branches exists.

2.2.4 Threats

• INTERNET AND PRICE COMPETITION: When the airlines were

deregulated, price competition increased. Further, the Internet has
provided a sales medium for consolidators who compete on price and has
also given consumers the ability to plan and arrange trips for themselves.
Thus, the traditional agency faces greater competition.
• LOCAL COMPETITION (EXISTING AND POTENTIAL): There are no agencies in the Woodville area that specialize solely in adventure
travel. However, any one of the approximately 30 can book an adventure trip. Moreover, additional adventure travel specialists may follow
ATI's lead.
• ECONOMIC DOWNTURN: The strong domestic economy has been good for the travel and tourism industry. Continued growth is
anticipated. However, unforeseen or unanticipated economic recession would reduce disposable income and threaten ATI's sales.

2.3 Competition

In the travel industry, as in other industries, there are large national chains, small home-based businesses, consolidators on the Internet, etc.
Membership numbers of travel-related associations give some indication of the number of participants in this market. The American Society of Travel
Agents (ASTA) reports 25,000 members in 135 countries, most of whom are small businesses. The Association of Retail Travel Agencies (ARTA) has
another 3,000 members. In addition, there are many agencies not affiliated with these associations but with one or more of the approximately 35
travel-industry organizations in the country. ATI has approximately 30 immediate competitors in the greater Woodville area, including two agencies
that are branches of national travel agency chains. Direct national competitors include:
1. Rollins & Hayes: Based on the east coast, Rollins & Hayes is the most well known and respected adventure travel agency in the world.
They have provided adventure travel packages for over 20 years and have successfully integrated travel agency services and adventure
travel activities. This offers them complete control over the entire vacation. They have the advantage of an established reputation, high-
quality trips, economies of scale, and strategic alliances. However, their packages are expensive and appeal primarily to a high-income
2. Sundance Travel: Based in Colorado, Sundance is a traditional agency and has been in business for 10 years. They have gradually made
the move towards becoming adventure travel specialists and are now recognized as such. Their strengths are experience, reputation, and
financial solvency. Weaknesses may include high personnel and management turnover and the lack of a clear plan for future growth.
3. Global Adventure Travel: Global was established in 1995 and has successfully established themselves as adventure travel specialists.
They are based in the Los Angeles area. Global has done a good job positioning itself through successful marketing communications and
management. The Los Angeles area contains a large adventure travel market. It is, however, a very competitive area.

Competitor by Growth and Share

Growth and Share Analysis

Growth and Share

Competitor Price Growth Rate Market Share

Rollins & Hayes $1,100 3% 23%

Sundance $975 5% 8%

Global $950 10% 7%

Travel Northwest $1,000 4% 1%

Woodville Travel $965 0% 1%

Average $998.00 4.40% 7.96%

Total $4,990.00 22.00% 39.80%

2.4 Service Offering

ATI is a full service agency and sells standard travel agency goods and services, including airfare and travel packages. Additional services include
assistance with passports, providing access to top-of-the-line equipment and supplies, and a superior offering that includes access to better than
average terrain and activities, accommodations, and entertainment. The value added of ATI's offering is its knowledge and expertise, competitive
rates, and specialty focus on adventure travel, which translate into increased satisfaction for the customer.

2.5 Keys to Success

• Effectively segment the travel market and target adventure travelers.

• Successfully position ourselves as adventure travel specialists.
• Communicate the differentiation and quality of our offering through personal interaction and media.
• Develop a repeat-business base of loyal customers.

2.6 Critical Issues

• Market growth projections for the travel industry and for adventure travel
are accurate.
• National economic conditions, which are favorable to the travel industry, will not experience significant decline in the next five years.
• International conditions will remain favorable for service providers.
• Capability to produce effective, targeted communications that promote the benefits of adventure travel and ATI's specialty focus and

2.7 Macroenvironment

• Disposable income is high but leisure time is limited and contested by

other responsibilities and recreation options.
• Due to a good economy, travel and tourism is growing.
• Population segments have different needs and wants. This requires effective target marketing.
• Internet sales threaten the traditional firm, and technological advances require greater knowledge and sophistication in most industries.
• International conditions, which are favorable, greatly effect the industry. Political unrest, military action, and other issues determine
availability to many foreign destinations.

Marketing Strategy

3.0 Marketing Strategy

ATI believes that the goal of business is to create and keep customers. Its marketing strategy will reflect this goal as it builds its reputation in the
Woodville area. Though ATI operates in the travel industry, it provides much more than travel. ATI provides adventure and freedom. Many of ATI's
customers spend 50 weeks of the year in an office. ATI offers people the ability to get away and remember how much they love the challenge and
excitement of an athletic endeavor. ATI will promote the benefits of adventure travel. These benefits include better health, excitement, personal
growth, ear-to-ear grins, and a whole lot of fun. ATI will also promote the benefits of its services. These benefits include saving time and money, and
confidence in the vacation's success.

3.1 Mission

Adventure Travel International (ATI) is a travel agency that specializes in adventure travel. We provide consulting and custom travel arrangements
and packages. ATI's mission is to become the foremost provider of adventure travel to the people of the Pacific Northwest. ATI's employees and
owner are outdoor adventure and travel enthusiasts, as well as seasoned travel-industry professionals. ATI seeks to connect adventure travel
newcomers and veterans with service providers, adventure activities, and accommodations that fit the client's desires, budget, and skill level.

3.2 Marketing Objectives

• Achieve an annual growth rate of at least 10%.

• Promote adventure activities through strategic alliances with health clubs, local athletic organizations, and retailers.
• By the end of year three, achieve 15% of sales through the Internet.
• Become the market leader of adventure travel in the Woodville area.

3.3 Financial Objectives

• Generate sales of approximately $550,000 in year one and increase sales 10% annually.
• Capture and maintain a gross margin of 18-20%.
• Achieve positive net worth by year two.
3.4 Target Marketing

ATI will target the following groups:

• Couples and individual adventure travelers: This is the customer group that meets the demographic profile for adventure travelers -- ages
25-35, married, with household income greater than $50,000.
• Group adventure travelers: These are groups that belong to local athletic organizations, such as cycling or kayaking clubs.
• Corporate adventure travelers: ATI will target local businesses in an attempt to secure corporate accounts.

ATI plans to focus its initial efforts on the adventure travel market in the greater Woodville area. As ATI grows, marketing efforts will expand. The
major purchasers that fit ATI's target market are located in urban areas within these states:

1. California
2. Florida
3. New York
4. Texas
5. Illinois
6. Nevada
7. Hawaii
8. New Jersey
9. Pennsylvania
10. Georgia

3.5 Positioning

For individual and corporate clients who wish to participate in adventure travel, ATI is the premier adventure travel agency in the Woodville area. ATI's
experience with and enthusiasm for adventure travel is displayed in the exceptional service, value, and advice it provides for the customer.

3.6 Strategy Pyramids

STRATEGY 1: Develop brand recognition through the use of effective advertising, marketing communications and promotion.

Tactic: Develop a marketing mix designed to target the Woodville market.

• Program: Print and electronic advertising campaign, using specialty publications and local radio as primary media.
• Program: Use strategic alliances to conduct promotions and giveaways.

Tactic: Expand brand recognition to the national market through increased industry participation and WWW presence.

• Program: Utilize the networking benefits of industry associations, trade shows, and publications.
• Program: Develop and promote ATI's website. The availability of information and the ability to schedule and purchase online will be
beneficial to the customer and ATI.

STRATEGY 2: Increase revenues and reduce costs by establishing repeat and corporate customers.

Tactic: Customer satisfaction program.

• Program: Focus ATI's efforts on customization of adventure travel and utilization of its core competencies. ATI would rather recommend
that a potential customer purchase elsewhere than provide a trip outside of its expertise.
• Program: Post purchase and post trip follow-up. Research indicates that the communication between the firm and the customer after the
sale positively influences repeat purchase.

Tactic: Corporate account acquisition.

• Program: The corporate sales program will depend upon specialized literature and personal promotion. Corporate accounts generate
recurring revenue and will help diversify ATI's sources of income.
• Program: Corporate giveaway promotion. Trips will be awarded as prizes and will be promoted via local radio.

3.7 Marketing Mix

ATI will employ a wide range of advertising communications and promotion to achieve its marketing goals. Research on the demographics of ATI's
target market suggest that the most effective communications will come through advertising in several specialty publications and via local radio. In
addition, direct interaction or promotion at health clubs, shopping malls, sporting events, etc. will be part of ATI's marketing mix.

3.7.1 Services and Service Marketing

ATI will sell standard travel agency goods and services including airfare and travel packages. Additional services will include assistance with
passports, providing access to top-of-the-line equipment and supplies, and a superior offering that includes access to better than average terrain and
activities, accommodations, and entertainment. The value added of ATI's offering is its knowledge and expertise, competitive rates, and specialty
focus on adventure travel, which will translate into increased assurance and satisfaction for the customer. ATI's decision to focus on adventure travel
was made because economic indicators suggest that an increased demand for adventure travel services exists, the Woodville area does not have a
true adventure travel specialist, and members of the ATI team are experienced and enthusiastic about adventure travel activities. It is hoped that this
enthusiasm will be communicated to the customer, and ATI's experience will translate into satisfaction and repeat business.

3.7.2 Pricing

Much of ATI's pricing is determined by market standards. ATI will attempt to maintain margins of 10% on all airline travel. Margins on all other
products and services vary depending upon the provider but are expected to average 20%. ATI will make every effort to maintain a competitive pricing
policy. However, as ATI builds its reputation as the premier provider of adventure travel, it expects to earn the ability to charge a premium for its

3.7.3 Promotion

During ATI's first year of operation, it will hold a grand opening and will organize and sponsor several athletic events. Events will include, among
others, an off-road triathlon, 10k race and 5k fun run, and a mountain-bike race. ATI will provide various travel packages and other items as prizes. All
ATI employees belong to local athletic clubs and will, through interaction with other members, promote ATI's services. During the grand opening and
other events, ATI will provide literature with information about trips and activities. Negotiations with area health clubs have begun and additional
promotion will likely occur through these strategic alliances. Specialty rather than large national publications will serve as media vehicles for ATI
advertising. Local radio stations will also be used. Personal selling will also occur, though phone solicitation will be limited. ATI plans to occasionally
station sales personnel in locations around Woodville, such as shopping malls. ATI's goal is to develop personal familiarity between its employees and
the community.

3.8 Marketing Research

Ongoing industry analysis is conducted by several organizations, including the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is available for sale. Research on
the travel and tourism industry will be purchased as necessary. Demographics and spending patterns of adventure travelers have been secured and
used to formulate communications strategy. ATI will conduct customer surveys when a specific research problem is identified. ATI subscribes to
several industry publications and will attend trade shows to stay abreast of relevant issues.

Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts

4.0 Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts

ATI's marketing budget for year one of operations is taken from the start-up investment and is equivalent to approximately 6% of anticipated first-year
revenues. The marketing budget will be evaluated quarterly, and at the end of year one, adjustments will be made to advertising schedules, media
vehicles, effective frequency, etc. as necessary.

The following issues are relevant to ATI's marketing efforts:

• As a start-up, ATI has no baseline by which it can determine the effects of its marketing efforts on sales. Year two marketing activities will
benefit from the financial results of year one operations.
• The marketing budget has been established based on anticipated revenues. ATI plans to employ the use of more sophisticated budgeting
methods as a baseline is established.
• Much of ATI's marketing efforts will involve personal interaction with customers in the Woodville area. ATI must attempt to conserve
resources when possible, especially in the early stages of operation. Sweat equity in marketing and other activities will be critical to ATI's
4.1 Break-even Analysis

ATI's break-even analysis, including monthly sales break-even points, are located in the following table. Break-even calculations assume a 20% gross
margin. ATI plans to improve its margin by year three or four. The improved margin will come as the result of economies of scale, strategic alliances,
and ATI's position as a premier service provider. ATI will be able to raise prices without affecting demand. Fixed costs may increase slightly over the
next two years.

Break-even Analysis

Break-even Analysis
Break-even Analysis

Monthly Revenue Break-even $1,501


Average Percent Variable Cost 80%

Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $1,500

4.2 Sales Forecast

Detailed projections are located in the sales forecast table. ATI expects sales to be slow in the first, and possibly second quarter of operation. Sales
growth is estimated at 10% annually through year three.

Sales Monthly
Sales Forecast
Sales Forecast

FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006


Woodville Market (Individual) $427,685 $382,245 $258,751 $284,626 $313,089

National Market $42,768 $70,568 $97,032 $106,735 $117,409

Total Sales $470,453 $452,813 $355,783 $391,361 $430,497

Direct Cost of Sales FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006

Woodville Market (Individual) $342,148 $301,974 $199,238 $219,162 $241,078

National Market $34,214 $55,749 $74,715 $82,186 $90,405

Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales $376,362 $357,722 $273,953 $301,348 $331,483

4.2.1 Sales by Manager

ATI anticipates that the majority of revenues, 75-80% will come from individual customers in the Woodville area. This is especially true in the first two
years of operation. The remainder of revenues will come from corporate clients and national customers who purchase via the Internet. By year three,
ATI hopes to capture more sales from corporate and national customers, thus reducing its reliance on the Woodville area. Preliminary goals for year
three are:

• Woodville customers: 40%.

• Corporate customers: 30%.
• National Customers: 15%.
• Internet: 15%.

Sales Breakdown by Manager Monthly

Sales Breakdown by Manager
Sales by: Manager

FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006


Jordan Barnes $320,763 $352,841 $388,127 $426,940 $469,633

Shea Delaney $160,383 $176,421 $194,063 $213,470 $234,817

Other ($10,693) ($76,449) ($226,407) ($249,049) ($273,953)

Total $470,453 $452,813 $355,783 $391,361 $430,497

Average $156,818 $150,938 $118,594 $130,454 $143,499

4.3 Expense Forecast

The marketing budget is between 5% to 6% of revenues. ATI's marketing director will assume responsibility for everything except the website
development budget. All ATI staff are salaried, so labor hours, other than those included in the directors salary, are not included in the budget. They
will, however, play a key role in many of the planned promotional activities. All members are expected to take part in the promotion of ATI. There are
no 9-5 positions.

Monthly Expense Budget

Marketing Expense Budget

Marketing Expense Budget

FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006

Print and Radio Advertising $15,000 $18,750 $20,625 $22,688 $27,225

Personal Selling and Promotion $8,500 $10,625 $11,688 $12,856 $15,428

Other $5,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total Sales and Marketing Expenses $28,500 $31,875 $35,313 $38,544 $45,653

Percent of Sales 6.06% 7.04% 9.93% 9.85% 10.60%

4.3.1 Expense by Manager

The following chart details ATI's primary marketing. Jordan Barnes is responsible for the success of the programs and the proper management of the
budget. Year two expenditures could easily double if ATI generates sufficient revenues. As efforts to communicate with the national and global
markets increase, ATI expects to use several national publications for advertising. Doing so will be costly.

Expense Breakdown by Manager Monthly

Expense Breakdown by Manager

Expenses by Manager

FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006


J. Barnes $23,496 $25,846 $28,430 $31,273 $34,400

S. Delaney $5,004 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500

Other $0 $3,529 $4,382 $4,771 $8,752

Total $28,500 $31,875 $35,313 $38,544 $45,653

Average $9,500 $10,625 $11,771 $12,848 $15,218

4.4 Linking Sales and Expenses to Strategy

ATI's marketing efforts have been designed to improve sales. ATI's director of marketing will be responsible for tracking the various programs. If
measurable results are not realized, changes will be made to the marketing mix. Other factors, such as economic recession, sales below estimates,
high costs associated with the use of certain media, and others may influence ATI's marketing budget and mix.

Sales vs. Expenses Monthly

4.5 Contribution Margin

ATI anticipates that contribution margin will improve beginning in year three. By then, ATI will have developed a better mixture of revenue sources,
strategic alliances, and brand equity. Corporate accounts will bring higher contribution margins, as will other group trips. Suppliers tend to give price
breaks if the agency can book larger groups. In addition, ATI plans to charge as much as 5% over the industry standard by the end of year three, as it
will be recognized as an industry leader.

Contribution Margin Monthly

Contribution Margin
Contribution Margin

FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006

Sales $470,453 $452,813 $355,783 $391,361 $430,497

Direct Cost of Sales $376,362 $357,722 $273,953 $301,348 $331,483

Other Variable Costs of Sales $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total Cost of Sales $376,362 $357,722 $273,953 $301,348 $331,483

Gross Margin $94,091 $95,091 $81,830 $90,013 $99,014

Gross Margin % 20.00% 21.00% 23.00% 23.00% 23.00%

Marketing Expense Budget FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006

Print and Radio Advertising $15,000 $18,750 $20,625 $22,688 $27,225

Personal Selling and Promotion $8,500 $10,625 $11,688 $12,856 $15,428

Other $5,000 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total Sales and Marketing Expenses $28,500 $31,875 $35,313 $38,544 $45,653

Percent of Sales 6.06% 7.04% 9.93% 9.85% 10.60%

Contribution Margin $65,591 $63,216 $46,518 $51,469 $53,362

Contribution Margin / Sales 13.94% 13.96% 13.07% 13.15% 12.40%


5.0 Controls

ATI's marketing efforts will be reviewed quarterly. Variance between sales goals for the first year of operations and revenues will be ATI's only real
source of comparison. ATI will seek customer feedback on marketing efforts and may conduct surveys or focus groups to test ad effectiveness.

5.1 Implementation Milestones

• ATI's grand opening event will take place in the first quarter. This will be a combined effort with a local rock gym, one of ATI's strategic
alliances. The event will be hosted by a local radio station and will include a prize giveaway of an adventure travel package.
• ATI will begin its corporate account marketing in the first quarter and hopes to secure at least one corporate account during that time.
• ATI's website should be operational by the middle of the second quarter of operation. The website will be capable of online transactions
with secure site protections. ATI banners will be placed at several World Wide Web locations.
• Tracking of ad exposure will begin in the first month of operation. ATI has a designated 800 number that is only used in advertising.


Advertising Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Media Campaign 9/1/1999 1/1/2000 $15,000 J. Barnes Marketing

Strategic Alliance Development 9/1/1999 3/1/2000 $2,000 S. Delaney Marketing

Total Advertising Budget $17,000

PR Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Grand Opening Promotion 10/1/1999 4/1/2000 $800 Staff Marketing

S. Delaney & S.
First Trade Show 4/12/2000 4/15/2000 $1,000 Marketing

Total PR Budget $1,800

Direct Marketing Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Other $0

Other $0

Total Direct Marketing Budget $0

Web Development Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Web Site Completion 9/1/1999 12/1/1999 $5,000 S. Delaney Management

Other $0

Total Web Development Budget $5,000

Other Start Date End Date Budget Manager Department

Corporate Account Program 9/1/1999 7/1/2000 $1,000 P. Mclellan Accounting

Customer Satisfaction Program 9/1/1999 1/1/2000 $1,000 S. Taylor Customer Service

Total Other Budget $2,000

Totals $25,800

5.2 Marketing Organization

Marketing Director Jordan Barnes will be responsible for the planning and implementation of ATI's Advertising, Communications, and Promotion
activities. Mr. Barnes will work under the supervision of Shea Delaney and will instruct all ATI members in their roles in the marketing activities. ATI
may use marketing consultants from a local firm to help with strategy.

5.3 Contingency Planning

These are the issues that will most likely call for changes in ATI's operations. The threats and the manner with which they will be dealt are discussed:

INTERNET AND PRICE COMPETITION: When the airlines were deregulated, price competition increased. Further, the Internet has provided a sales
medium for consolidators who compete on price, and has also given consumers the ability to plan and arrange trips for themselves. Thus the
traditional agency faces greater competition. ATI plans to compete with other firms on the Internet by having its own website on which to conduct
communications and sales. Price competition is a problem in any industry. ATI will not compete on price, mainly because it cannot win doing so. ATI
will continue to communicate the benefits of its offering. It will attempt to remain competitively priced but will not defend its price structure.

LOCAL COMPETITION (EXISTING AND POTENTIAL): There are no agencies in the Woodville area that specialize solely in adventure travel.
However, any one of the approximately 30 agencies can book an adventure trip. Moreover, additional adventure travel specialists may follow ATI's
lead. Competition is already present. It is likely that additional agencies may begin to present themselves as adventure travel specialists. It is also
possible that new agencies will enter the Woodville market with a similar offering. ATI will attempt to establish itself as a market leader and maintain
that position if new competitors emerge. Additional safeguards include ongoing analysis of additional segments of the travel market in which ATI might
successfully participate. In addition, opportunities for vertical and horizontal integration will be examined.

ECONOMIC DOWNTURN: The strong domestic economy has been good for the travel and tourism industry. Continued growth is anticipated.
However, unforeseen or unanticipated economic recession would reduce disposable income and threaten ATI's sales. In the event of an economic
downturn, ATI will continue to promote and likely expand its offering. ATI already operates on a skeleton staff, and aside from small budget cuts, there
is little that can be done financially.

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