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01/11/2017 Billing Plan (Periodic)-SAP SD-Part1 | SAP Blogs

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Billing Plan (Periodic)-SAP SD-Part1

August 28, 2015 | 7,781 Views |

Santosh Kumar
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SD Sales


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During your project you may need to implement SAP SD billing plan
functionality .I am publishing part I of SAP Billing plan documentation .This
part of documentation mostly covers Periodic billing plan used in SAP SD.I
will cover Milestone billing plan in my part II section of documentation .

Billing plan 1/15
01/11/2017 Billing Plan (Periodic)-SAP SD-Part1 | SAP Blogs

In SAP SD a billing plan is a schedule of individual billing dates for a single

item in a sales document. You can define a billing plan at header level,
which is then valid for all items assigned to it.Depending on the kind of
business process you are carrying out, the system can automatically
propose the billing plan.

Types of billing plan

SAP SD has two billing plans

a. Periodic billing Plan

b. Milestone billing Plan

When To Use Periodic billing plan :-

Periodic billing plans are used for service products such as rentals or
maintenance mostly. You should have a service product with a time-
dependent price (i.e. calculation type M, N, O or P) which need to be billed
regularly, e.g. monthly, quarterly, etc.Client can raise the rental or
maintenance/service invoices based on

monthly , quarterly ,yearly etc. basis to their customers.

NOTE:- The sum of every line item added to the Net the value of the
contract .

Example– One service contract being billed on monthly basis .

Start date -27.08.2015

End Date – 26.10.2015

Settlement From Settlement To Billing date Billing Value

27.08.2015 26.09.2015 27.08.2015 100 MYR

27.09.2015 26.10.2015 27.09.2015 100 MYR

From the above example value of the contract will be 200 MYR.

When To Use Milestone billing plan :-

Milestone billing is used for sales products in big projects when the product
is paid in various installments.Milestone billing plans are used in sales
quotations and sales orders or Items in service orders .You have a sales
product with a known net value.

NOTE:- You distribute the net value over several milestones.

Example- One sales order created having value 200 MYR. 2/15
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Value of 200 MYR will be distributed among various dates( % or amount )

as per the configuration.

Billing Date Description Billing Value

27.08.2015 Phase -I Completion 50 MYR

27.09.2015 Phase -II Completion 100 MYR

27.11.2015 Phase- III Completion 50 MYR

From the above example value of the sales order will be 200 MYR.

Configuration steps for Periodic billing plan

1. Define Billing Plan Types

Spro> S&D >Billing >Billing Plan

Maintain billing plan types for periodic billing

A. Start date :- Date from which billing plan will start .Start date is
compared with next billing date(5) and gives first date of “Settlement To”
and “Billing date” in periodic plan. ie. If your start date is the 24rd of a month
and you are billing monthly, all billing date will start on the 23rd” (if there are
no further conditions discussed in the later part of the document ). 3/15
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B. End Date :- Date on which billing plan ends .

Screen shot from rental contract header.

C.Horizon :- This is optional field .If there is no End date entered or

Contract end date is far in the future . Not all billing dates can be
accomodated in the billing date screen.The horizon calculates the last
billing date in the

billing plan, based on the current date plus a specified time period.


If the rental /service contract which is valid from 24.08.2015 until

23.12.2098 .

Before : Rental contract with no Horizon

Screen 1 – End date far in future

Screen 2 – No Horizon period

Screen 3 – Billing dates created up to 2098 . 4/15
01/11/2017 Billing Plan (Periodic)-SAP SD-Part1 | SAP Blogs

After : Rental contract with Horizon

Screen 1 – End date far in future

Screen 2 – Horizon period

Screen 3 – Billing dates created only up to Horizon period.(Only for current

quarter ). 5/15
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Note : – Schedule a back ground job for RVFPLAN01(T-code V.07) to

create the future billing date for the given horizon period.

D. Dates From To : – These date has meaning when item level has certain
validity . Billing plan will be deactivated after validly expired on item level.

Example- Rental contract has two line Items.

Item 10- Header plan- validity from 27.08.2015 Until 26.08.2016 . (Billing
dates created up to 26.08.2016)

Item 20 Item level Dates from – 27.08.2015 to Dates Until 26.09.2015 .So
Item second has validly only until 26.09.2015.(Billing dates created up to

E. Rule for Origin of Next Billing/Invoice Date :- This is copied from

customization , The rule assigned here is compared with start date and
billing dates are proposed in the contract.Please refer to point number A.

F. Rules for determining deviation in Billing/Invoice date :-

This field determines if there is exception or deviation in billing dates

proposed by billing rule .The customer is to be billed retrospectively for the
rental of a photocopier at the end of every month. The customer, 6/15
01/11/2017 Billing Plan (Periodic)-SAP SD-Part1 | SAP Blogs

however,wants to be billed two days before the end of each month. You
enter a date determination rule, which subtracts two days from the billing
date determined by the system.

Example :- Your client is billing the customer at the end of every month.
Client wants to bill the customer 2 days before end of the month. With
deviation rule you can force system to calculate billing date before or after
deviation days .

Before : No data maintained for deviation rule

After : Maintained billing deviation rule ( 2 days before month end )

Billing date is 2 days before compared to other screen above . 7/15
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G. Days in year/Days in Month :- Give number of days in year or months if

rental contract has to be billed for given number of days in month or days in

H. Autom. Date Creation in Billing/Invoicing Plan Maintenance:-Mark

this (X) if you want system to propose billing /invoice dates automatically .
Leave it blank if you want to enter the billing date manually .

Before : If you do not check (X) 8/15
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After : If you do check (X)

I. Billing/Invoice Creation in Advance :- Check (X) this field if you want to

system to propose advance billing date (rental on 1st date of the months ).

Example – Client has retroactive rental contract with customer 9/15
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Before Check- Rental contract 1 yr.

01-01-2015 to 31-01-2015 .System proposing billing date on 31-01-2015 .

After check (X)- Rental contract 1 yr.

01-01-2015 to 31-01-2015 .System will propose billing date on 01-01-2015.

J. Automatic creation of correction dates in Billing Plan :- If this field is

checked (X) , system can determines if correction date has to be proposed .

Logic – if End date of or To date changed and it falls before the last billed
date , System propose a correction date and correction amount

Example – In the below screen customer was billed for the period of billing
Plan dated 01.07.2015 until

31.07.2015 for 100 Euro . But later contract was foreclosed dated
25.07.2015.Credit issued to the customer for the period of 26.07.2015 to

2. Define Date Description:-

Date descriptions are defined to describe the various purposes for which
billing Plans can be used.This is only for description only. It has no effect in
transaction. 10/15
01/11/2017 Billing Plan (Periodic)-SAP SD-Part1 | SAP Blogs

Path – Spro> S&D >Billing >Define Date Description

3. Define and assign Date Category:-

Path – Spro> S&D >Billing >Define and assign Date Category

Date category has following information.

i. Billing Plan type- Periodic billing

ii. Date category – Its free text

iii. Date description – Date description proposed as maintained in previous


iv. Billing Rule – assign the billing rule to period billing .

v. Pricing – If you want to carry out new pricing at the time of billing.

vi. Billing Type- This is the default billing type proposed at the time of
contract creation in billing Plan.

4. Allocate date category :- Assign the date category to billing plan 11/15
01/11/2017 Billing Plan (Periodic)-SAP SD-Part1 | SAP Blogs

5. Assigning Billing Plan Types to Sales Document Type :- This

assignment will tie sales document type with header periodic billing plan.

This is the last section of the documentation for periodic billing plan.Please
proceed with T-code va41 and test on different scenarios .

Related Sap Notes :-

1112798 – FAQ note billing plans

499688 – FAQ: Ending an invoicing plan / restricting date period

537779 – Date generation for Periodic Invoicing Plans Related user exits for
billing plan

Related Exits :-



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