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I - Listening Comprehension

1. You will hear an interview with three teenagers talking about selfies.
Who says what? Answer each question with a name. (Jordan/ Martha/ Louise)

a) On average, I take about forty selfies a week! – ________________.

b) Normally, I take about one or two. – ________________.
c) I would take selfies at concerts or possibly at parties with my friends. –
d) People who take a lot of selfies are a bit vain, most of the time. – ________________.

2. Complete the sentences according to what you hear. Write 2-4 words for each
a) People are obsessed with taking selfies because they’re ______________________.
b) You update your social media with __________________________.
c) People take selfies because they don’t want to be different ______________.
d) Celebrities take a lot of selfies, so their fans ____________________.
e) Martha got upset with a rude comment on a photo she ________________________.
f) The rude comment didn’t stop her from ___________________________________.
g) If you are not being judged by anyone, taking selfies __________________.

II – Reading Comprehension

Read the following text.

Teen’s invention could charge
your phone in 20 seconds
Waiting hours for a cellphone to charge may
become a thing of the past, thanks to an 18-
year-old high-school student’s invention. She
won a $50,000 prize at an international science
fair for creating an energy storage device that
can be fully charged in 20 to 30 seconds.
The fast-charging device is a so-called supercapacitor, a device that can pack a lot of
energy into a tiny space, charges quickly and holds its charge for a long time.
What’s more, it can last for 10,000 charge-recharge cycles, according to Eesha Khare.
“My cellphone battery always dies,” she told NBC News when asked what inspired her to
work on the energy-storage technology. Supercapacitors also allowed her to focus on her
interest in chemistry.
The invention’s future is even brighter. She sees it fitting inside cellphones and the other
portable electronic devices that are proliferating in today’s world, freeing people and their
gadgets for a longer time from reliance on electrical outlets.
“It is also flexible, so it can be used in rollup displays and clothing and fabric,” Khare
Khare’s invention won her the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award at the Intel
International Science and Engineering Fair, conducted this week in Phoenix, Arizona. (adapted)

A. Say if the following statements are True or False. Correct the false ones.

1. Khare invented the supercapacitor when she was eighteen.

2. In the future, charging your cellphone will take longer.
3. The student won a prize for her invention.
4. Her invention was a way of increasing her interest in Maths.
5. The supercapacitator will only be used in cellphones.

B. Find synonyms of the following words/ expressions in the text.

1. discovery
2. award
3. very small
4. motivated, encouraged
5. increasing

C. What do these words (in bold in the text) refer to?

1. She 3. it 5. her
2. it 4. their
D. Answer the questions about the text.

1. How long does it take to charge the supercapacitor?

2. What does the supercapacitor do?
3. What subject is Eesha interested in?
4. Why can a supercapacitor be also used in rollup displays?

III – Grammar and Vocabulary

A. Complete the following conditional sentences (type 1 and 2) with the appropriate
verbal form.
1. She will receive the letter tomorrow if you _____________ (send) it now.
2. Richard _____________ (go) to Madrid next Friday if he gets a cheap flight.
3. What would you do if you __________ (find) a lot of money in the street?
4. If I had a lot of money, I ___________ (buy) a new computer.
5. If I _______ (be) you, I wouldn’t call him.

B. Fill in the gaps with the suitable verb form.

Some years ago the use of mobiles 1.______ (not be) so common as it 2._____ (be)
nowadays. These devices 3._______ (become) so usual that people 4.______ (talk) on
the phone wherever they are, without 5._______ (think) that they 6._______ (disturb) the
others. A month ago when I 7.______ (watch) a film in a cinema nearby, a mobile
8._______ (ring) and everybody 9.______ (get) furious. If I was in that situation, I
10.______ (feel) very ashamed. What about you?

C. Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. Put it in brackets when it can be

1. What’s the name of the man _______________ lives in that house?

2. The film _______________ we saw was very interesting and thrilling.
3. Mrs Brown, _______________ lives in a tiny village, is a volunteer at the hospital.
4. Have you seen the CDs _______________ came yesterday?
5. The boy, ________father is an engineer, has the latest smartphone.

D. Join the sentences below using the connector in brackets.

1. Sam’s father didn’t give him the money. He couldn’t buy the notebook. (therefore)
2. Helen is intelligent. She has to work hard to pass the exam. (however)
3. My cousin has plenty of money. She won’t buy a good smartphone. (although)
4. I’d love to stay. I have to catch a train at 2 o’clock. (but)
5. My brother loves video games. He doesn’t play them at night. (however)

E. Complete the text with the words in the box.

prize petroleum create protheses finalist Turkish

developed pollution competition Fair

Sixteen-year-old student turns banana peels into bioplastic

Bananas have flexible, strong peels. Elif Bilgin, a 1.________teenager, discovered the
fibre contained in their layer can also be used to 2._______ materials that
isolate wires and form medical 3._______. Elif Bilgin 4. ________a chemical
process that turns the peels into a non-decaying bioplastic that she hopes will
help replace the need for 5. ________and combat 6.________. Bilgin’s actions
won her the top 7.__________and $50,000 at the Scientific American Science
in Action 8.__________, as well as the honor of becoming a 9.__________in
the Google Science 10. ________ 2013.

IV- Written Production

- Choose one of the following topics to write about (80-100 words).

A. Write a for and against text about how technology and certain inventions affect our daily

B. Short story - “3.14750°N 101.69333°E...A destination or a new beginning?”

Chapter 8 ends with the following sentence:

Over dinner, Dad tells us that tomorrow we are moving on and getting to spend a whole week at a
beach holiday luxury resort on the private island of Pangkor Laut He adds that this is just one of
my many birthday surprises.

Imagine a new ending for the story (about 100 words).

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