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Filipino Biologists

Angel C. Alcala
Invented artificial coral reefs to be used in South East Asia.

Pedro B. Escuro
- rice breeding
- he developed the dwarf, high-yielding C4 rice varieties.

Edgardo Gomez
Research achievements on marine ecosystems

Bienvinido O. Juliano
At 42, he has already more than a hundred scientific articles mostly published in international

Milagrosa R. Martinez
- Pioneering efforts in the development of micro algaculture;
- Research in the field of phycology, including ecological studies of NOSTOC COMMUNE and

Evelyn Mae T. Mendoza

Born on August 7, 1947. Research in plant biochemistry.

Quirino O. Navarro
The determination of nuclear property in the isotopes of californium, einsteinium and dysprosium
using cryogenic techniques.

Baldomero Olivera, Jr.

Research in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.

Asuncion Raymundo
Soil Microbiology

Alfredo Santos
Research in the chemistry of natural products.

Reynaldo A. Tabada
a) air pollution and water resource development (development academy of the Philippines and center
for economic development)
b) environment impact assessment of air pollutants from coal-fired thermal power plants (national
power corporation)
c) Influence of hydrogen sulfide and heavy metal emission from operation of tiwi (albay) geothermal
plant on d vegetation (NPC)
d) compartmentalization of nitrogen and phosphorus in laguna lake (SEAFDEC)
Carmen Velasquez is a specialist in fish parasitology - the study of parasites and hosts among fish.

Benito S. Vergara
Leading authority on the flowering response of rice to photoperiodsm and physiology and
improvement of deep water rice
- He authored a numbered of technical materials on rice science
Prescillano M. Zamora
Dr. Zamora is recognized for his contributions to plant anatomy-morphology, pteridophyte biology,
and the conservation of environment and natural resources policy research.

Cabrera, Benjamin D.
M.D., M.P.H. Medical Parasitology and Public Health especially for filariasis and ascariasis

Eduardo Quisimbing
He is an expert in medicinal plants.

Carmen Velasquez
Discovered 32 species and one new genus of digenetic trematodes

Darwin-Evolution Theory
Watson & Crick-DNA model
Alexander Fleming-discovery of penicillin
Louis Pasteur-Germ theory of the infectious diseases
Josep Trueta-method to treat war wounds and by the discovery of double circulation in the kidney
Santiago Ramón y Cajal-improved the Golgi method to stain neurons and described the
microscopical structure of almost every part of the nervous system
Rita Levi-Montalcini-discovered nerve-growth factor (NGF), the first cell-growth factor discovered
George Palade-discoveries about the structure and function of the cell, made using electron
microscope and diverse biochemical techniques
Szent-Gyorgyi-isolated ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and for his discovery of the muscular proteins actine
and miosine and several metabolic reactions of cellular breathing
Konrad Lorenz-one of the founders of ethology, a new biological science that studies animal
Hans Krebs-famous for his discorvery of the "trycarboxilic acids cycle", also named "Krebs cycle"
Rudolph Virchow-developed the cell theory and applied it to explain the causes of diseases
Aaron Klug-famous for his investigations on the three-dimensional structure of some viruses and
Carl Linne-known as the father of taxonomy
Ivan Pavlov-discovery of the "conditioned reflex"
Artturi Virtanen-famous for his studies about fermentations and applications to human and animal
nutrition, considered1 a precursor of modern biotechnology

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