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Types Of Well Completion

Oil and gas well completions can be divided into two main categories: open hole well
completions, and the case-hole completions.

1. Open Hole Completions

In open hole completions the pay rock is kept as it is, and no cemented casing columns
are needed. This type of completion is realized when the formation is self-supporting or
when, on the contrary, it is too severely fractured to guarantee successful cementation. It
is the optimal solution since the entire drainage surface is available for production, and
pressure drops are limited. Moreover, the absence of casing columns makes it easier to
proceed to well stimulation. On the other hand, in open hole completions it is impossible
to control the entrance of sand and water in the hole, and it is therefore very difficult to
isolate the levels and proceed to their stabilization.
2. Case-Hole Completions
Case-hole completions are more widely used due to technical reasons relating to the
stability of the hole. In this case the well to be completed is one that has been lined and
cemented throughout its entire development.

In order to make production possible, it is necessary to re-establish hydraulic communication

between the pay rock and the hole. This operation involves drilling the lining, the cementation
and the pay rock. There are four possible solutions to establish communication between the
productive formation and the surface: a) tubingless completion; b) packerless completion (with
a tubing string and without isolation between casing and tubing); c) single string with hydraulic
isolation completion; d) multiple string completion.

1. Tubingless Completion
The tubingless completion method is used in wells where the pay rock pressure is low
and high flow rates are required. In this case production must take place directly
through the final lining of the well, with no support from production strings or
isolation systems.

2. Packerless Completion
Packerless completion is a more financially advantageous system. Here, only the
production tubing is placed in the well, and it is possible to produce both through it
and through the annulus. The production tubing can be used for injecting inhibitors or
killing fluid. This method is somewhat limited in terms of flow conditions and the
protection of the tubing materials. Moreover, it is difficult to detect leaks in the tubing
or the casing, and to gather bottomhole pressure data.

3. Single String Completion

The single string completion using hydraulic isolation and just one string is
convenient when the production layer appears to be homogeneous and a selective-
zone production is not necessary. It consists in the use of a single tubing string that is
lowered into the well together with an isolation device for the formation section to be
produced, called the packer.
Where there are several production layers for one fluid, a single selective completion
is used. This system has only one tubing string and several packers that isolate the
various production levels. By using wire-line operations it is possible to open and
close the valves so as to allow production on single layers.

4. Multiple String Completion

The multiple tubing string completion uses, at the most, two or three tubings, isolated
by packers and producing on different levels at the same time. This solution is useful
when the reservoir presents different layers of mineralization, for example gas and
oil, or different types of oil, because it allows us to produce selectively according to
necessity, while keeping production active on various levels at the same time. For the
single tubing strings, it is always possible to adopt a solution similar to the single
selective completion, thus obtaining a multiple selective completion. This system’s
drawback is the limited diameter of the tubing which in turn reduces the flow capacity
of each tubing string.
Special Topic: Completion for Horizontal Wells
Horizontal open hole completions require drilling the open section with fluids that deposit thin
filter cakes that exhibit excellent return permeability after the well starts producing.
Displacement of the drill-in fluid with brine by reverse circulating at high annular velocities prior
to running the completion equipment provides the best chance for an undamaged well.These
procedures have been successful in many wells, particularly horizontal gravel packs.

Horizontal open holes

Surprisingly, the trend has been towards completing horizontal wells open hole instead of with
casing as in vertical wells drilled in the same reservoir. In horizontal wells, stand-alone screens
for excluding formation sand contrasts with the usual gravel pack used for controlling sand in
vertical wells. As a matter of fact, stand-alone screens have been disappointing in conventional
vertical wells. In horizontal wells, the initial productivity of stand-alone screens has usually been
good but experience shows that the screens may plug with time whereas gravel packs maintain
productivity and completion longevity.

Drilling, displacing
Displacing the drill-in fluid with brine by applying reverse circulation techniques is the most
efficient way for cleaning the hole. Once the open hole is effectively displaced, the well can be
completed by either running a stand-alone screen or with a gravel pack.

Open hole completions

Whether to complete a well open or cased hole depends primarily on the need to isolate unstable
intervals that contain undesirable fluids such as water or gas from the well bore. Provided that
the completion results in a clean, stable borehole and that there are no undesirable formation
fluids such as water or gas (or if they are present, they do not create a problem), an open hole
completion is the most productive option.

Horizontal wells
Because lateral lengths often are more than 2,000-3,000 ft, costs for casing, cementing, and
perforating can be significant in cased holes. Open holes simplify the completion and are
economically attractive because of cost and productivity.
From one perspective, the horizontal lateral can be viewed as a gigantic perforation with the
exception that tools can be run in it. This is appealing from a productivity perspective because
greater perforation penetration is usually related to greater flow capacity in spite of having only a
single perforation.
Open hole completions are reasonably simple. However, conducting each completion step
correctly and in the proper sequence significantly affects the completion and subsequent well
performance. By contrast, a cased hole can be completed with sloppy procedures. While the well
may be completion limited (damaged) when it is placed on production, at least, the completion
equipment can usually be run and operated without complications. Such is not the case in many
open hole completions.
One main requirement for sand-control is well bore and fluid cleanliness. Hence, drilling must
deliver a clean, stable, and undamaged well bore.
The first step in an open hole completion is to set production casing so that shales and other
strata contributing to borehole instability are behind pipe. The next step is to drill into the
reservoir with a drill-in fluid. The well must then be displaced with a brine in preparation for
running completion equipment. Generic steps are as follows:

 Set production casing to case off shales

 Drill the productive formation with a drill-in fluid
 Displace the casing with brine
 Displace the open hole interval with brine
 Run screens
 Gravel pack the open hole, if gravel packing is the choice.

Drill-in fluids

After the production casing is set, the drilling mud is displaced with drill-in fluids, which are
used to drill the open hole interval.
One must remember that the first opportunity to damage the formation is when the drill bit enters
the pay section. Unfortunately, this will not be the last. Selection of a drill-in fluid that will not
cause formation damage is important for obtaining high productivity wells.
Currently, there are two generic water-based drill-in fluids available: calcium carbonate and
saturated-salt systems. Water and oil-based drilling fluids have been used to drill the open hole
interval but are not usually viewed favorably when compared to the generic drill-in fluids.

Regardless of which drill-in fluid is used, it should meet the following requirements:
 Wide density range
 Compatible with the formation
 Low fluid loss
 Thin, friable filter cake
 High return permeability.
One main role of a drill-in fluid is to develop a thin, non-damaging filter cake that can be easily
removed after placing a well on production. The breakout pressure, defined as the pressure
differential required to initiate backflow, should be less than 20 psi and reflect a return
permeability greater than 80%.


The drill-in fluid may contain as much as 10%, or more, solids which is unacceptable for the
completion because these solids will likely plug the screen and/or contaminate the gravel pack.
Hence, the reason for the displacement is to completely remove all solids from the open hole that
potentially could plug a screen or gravel pack.
One approach for some stand-alone screen completions, which currently enjoys some use, has
been to condition the drilling fluid so that it will backflow through the screen.While some
particulate backflow through the screen probably does occur, complete flow through the screen is
unlikely with the consequences of flow impairment due to plugging.
Another approach is to run the screens into the drill-in fluid and to remove damage by
circulating, washing, and acidization. However, there are concerns such as:

 Washing does not remove all debris.

 Acid often disturbs the formation, tends to mobilize plugging materials, and may
adversely affect the screen.

These methods may be moderately acceptable for some stand-alone screen completions, but they
are unacceptable and incompatible with gravel packing because particulates will plug and
contaminate the completion.
Brine is the displacement fluid of choice. It should have a density of at least the same as the drill-
in fluid and be sufficient to achieve an overbalance of 300-500 psi.
Exceeding the original formation breakdown pressure (fracturing) is almost never recommended.
Also, under no circumstances should the system be underbalanced because this will either cause
hole collapse or well-control problems.

Isolating shales

As previously mentioned, in most open hole completions where problems have occurred,
unstable shales invariably have been the main source of dirty fluids, borehole instability, and low
productivity. The cause seems to be that some shales react adversely with the drilling fluid and
promote swelling and entry in to the circulation path.
Also, a filter cake does not form because there is no fluid loss across the shales. The consequence
is that the exposed shale continues to erode and creates plugging and fluid-cleanliness problems.
Casing-off troublesome shales seems to be the best solution
Fortunately, not all shales are sensitive and present problems, and when these situations exist,
intervals have been successfully completed even with exposed shale. However, should shale
problems occur after setting casing, an uncemented liner can be run across the shale section to
take it out of the circulation path.

Agip (1996) Well completion and workover course, Agip, 2v. Economides M.J. et al. (edited by)
(1998) Petroleum well construction, Chichester-New York, John Wiley.
McLarty, J.M., Dobson, J.W., and Dick, M.A., "Overview of Offshore Horizontal
Drilling/Completion Projects in the Gulf of Mexico," SPE Paper No. 24842, 1992.
Pardo, C.W., and Patricks, A. N., "Completion Techniques Used in Horizontal Wells Drilled in
Shallow Sands in the Gulf of Mexico," SPE Paper No. 27350, 1992.

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