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B r a m p t o n P r i m a r y S c h o o l Week ending: 8.10.

S t r i v i n g t o R e a c h t h e B e s t Autumn Term: Issue 5

Brampton Bulletin

Inside this week’s issue: BOOK WEEK RETURNS

• New Reception Children all enjoyed having an opportunity to browse through
• Forthcoming Dates the Book Fair cases this week before the sale of books to
• SEAL Home Activities parents after school. Profits from the sale goes towards re-
• Reception Applications
stocking class libraries. Many thanks to all the parents and
• Week 1 Menu
children who supported the event and to Mrs Stewart, Miss
• Football success
Mason and Mrs Coombs who manned the event.
• Christmas Cards
• Gold Book Entries
• Weekly Attendance
• And finally— KS2 SATS

Forthcoming Dates:
Monday 11th October
Miss Westbrook
Harvest boxes in for display
Best wishes to Miss Westbrook who leaves us today to start her
Tuesday 12th October maternity leave. We wish her all the best and I’m sure I’ll able to
Harvest Festival— report on baby Westbrook very shortly!!
Parents Meeting 7pm —Boys
Will Be … project New Reception complete their first full week.
w/b Monday 18th October We are pleased to report that after their gradual build up our
Film Week
reception have now completed their first full week with no
Wednesday 20th October
problems. As usual we are hearing that some of the children are
FOB Oscars Night Disco
Thursday 21st October tired at the end of the day and are sleeping well! Still it’s only
Friday 22nd October weeks
Dressing Up Film Characters to half
w/b Monday 25th October term!!
Monday 1st November
Individual Photos
Page 2 Brampton Bulletin


1. Making people feel welcome

Do you ever have people come to see you? At school we have been talking about how to make people feel
welcome. Talk together about some of the people who visit you.

Are there any ways you make people feel welcome to your home?
You might like to draw some pictures to show some of your visitors and how you make them feel wel-
2. My new beginning
‘Can you remember the day I was born?’
Talk together about the day the child was born. The following questions might help.
• What time was I born?
• What was the weather like on the day I was born?
• Where was I born?
• Who was there when I was born?
• What did I look like?
3. Our family flag

Stick or draw a picture of me as a baby here.

Everyone has an interest or a gift or talent. What are the interests, gifts and talents of the people in your
family? Make a flag so that there is something special on it to show a bit about all the people in the family.
4. Making a board game
Design and make a board game together. This should be based on the assembly story and include a journey
through different worlds. Try it out at home and then you could bring it into school to play with your
Reception Application September 2011
If you have a child that is eligible to start the Reception class in 2011, the period for application
is now open and will close 15th January 2011. Please see the posters provided by the
Borough of Bexley in the entrance hall for further details.

Can you help?

If any parents have any spare boys/girls socks and tights that their child has
outgrown we would welcome them in Year R. Please just send them in a bag to Miss
Beament. Thank you.
Issue 5 Page 3

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Meat Spaghetti Bolognaise Chicken Noodles Roast loin of Sweet Paprika Chicken Maryland Chicken
Singapore Style cure Bacon with with Rice with Chipped
Roast Potatoes & Potatoes

Fish or Tuna Pizza Jacket Potato with Cheesy Bubble & Salmon &
Cheese or Tuna Squeak with Home- Sweetcorn Quiche
alternative made Salsa

Vegetarian Tomato & Basil Vegetable Spaghetti Vegetable Korma Savoury French
Pasta with Rice Toast with Baked

Desserts Peaches & Straw- Fruit Cup Cake Apple & Cinnamon Banana & Chocolate Shortbread served
berry Ice Cream Wheel with Custard Loaf with Custard with Fruit Wedges

A choice of salads, seasonal vegetables, fresh bread, fresh fruit platter,

fruit yoghurt, milk and drinking water are also available daily.

Peanut Allergies
Please can we remind everyone that we are a ‘Peanut Free’ school in our cooked meals and we ask
parents not to put any nuts or items containing nuts in their child’s packed lunches. Thank you

The new football season started well for our Year 5and 6 boys team.
They played their first match in the MacCarthy Cup last week away
against Fosters and won 3-2. The goal scorers were Max Berrow, Tate
Rayner and Harrison Try. Many thanks to the team coaches Mr Kempster
and Mr Capelli. We wish them well for the rest of the season.

Christmas Cards
Now that the shops are getting into full swing for the festive period we
would like to confirm that the children will again be making a Christmas
cards that is printed professionally. These then go on sale to parents who
can buy as many as they like. So don’t waste money on shop bought cards —
wait to see your child’s efforts.

Building Update
After a two wait for an archaeologists approval building work has now
re-commenced. The old infant playground and outdoor play area have been
removed and they are now able, weather permitting, to begin the foundations.
Striving to Reach the Best
Every week we print the names of those children who have
achieved in either their work, conduct or behaviour around
school and have been entered in the Gold Book. They have
been mentioned in Monday’s celebratory assembly. After 3
mentions children receive a bronze certificate, 6 mentions for a
silver, 9 mentions for a gold, 12 mentions for a Super Gold, 15 Weekly Attendance
mentions for a Platinum certificate and 18 for a Diamond. Week ending
1B– Oliver Box 5S—Megan Smith RB: 98%
1B– Amrit Dhoofer 5S– Sade Morris (Diamond)
1B– Finlay Wickes 5S– Bethany Collins RJ: 96.7%
1B– Valentino Flores-Nunes 5S– Megan Collins
1BA– Hope Wyatt 5S– Lucy Collins 1B: 95.3%
1BA– Spencer Woodall 5M—Michael Eonwunzo 1BA: 96.7%
1BA- Chelsey Box (Bronze) 5M– Mark Hawes
4C– Holly Adams 5M— Jake Lieu 2H: 96.7%
4C– Faye Johnson (Platinum) 5M— Jasmine Sweet
4C– Amber Thind (Super Gold) 6C– Jack Potter 2EW: 91.7%
4C—Angie Nandra 6C– Ben Manchester
4C—Jamie Scott (Super Gold) 6C— Rebecca Voller 3W: 99.7%
4C—Carla Hargood Bailey 3WH: 94%
4C—Conor Murphy Unfortunately there is not
5S– Olivia Giles enough space to mention the 4P: 98%
5S– Francesca Capelli children’s achievements here
5S– Ellie Boyle but if you are interested to see 4C: 95.2%
5S– Harmeet Takhi (Gold) your child’s mention the book is
5S– Trudie Buckner (Super Gold) usually kept in the office—so
5S: 100%
5S– Holly Eagles please pop in and ask to see it. 5M: 94.2%


Week ending 8.10.10 6C: 97.4%

1st— Yellow = 168 2nd—Green = 140 Well done to 5S!

3rd—Red= 132 4th—Blue = 114 Our school target is 96.1%
Our school total was 96.5%!
Congratulations to Yellow House members!
We are very pleased that for
And finally.......KS2 SAT Tests 2011 the first four weeks of term
The Making Good progress pilot has now ended, our attendance has been
therefore there will be no Single Level Tests above our school target.
(SLTs) this academic year and in the future.
Following the boycott of the English test last year, Raffle Prize Winners
Miss Fisher has just heard from her union and There wasn’t a draw this week so
wishes to inform parents that Year 6 SAT tests will go ahead for four names will be drawn out next
English and mathematics, beginning the week commencing 9th week.
May 2011 while the Government review the situation.
Remember if you like what we’re doing —tell us and others!
If you don’t, please help us improve!
We’re on the web!
Head teacher: Miss L. Fisher Deputy head: Miss K. Lambert
School Office; 020 8303 2873 Fax; 020 8298 0286

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