A Compilation of Modular Questionnaires S.Y. 2018-2019

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S.Y. 2018-2019

Presented to the Faculty of

Northern Luzon Adventist College
School of Arts and Sciences

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements
in Philippine History

Krystal Joyce R. Aguirre

Lesson 1………………………………………Physical Environment
Lesson 2………………………………………Social Environment
Lesson 3………………………………………Our Early Ancestors
Lesson 4……………………………………....Our Heritage from India, China, and Arabia

Lesson 1………………………………………Discovery, Conquest, and Settlements
Lesson 2………………………………………The Philippines as a Crown of Spain
Lesson 3………………………………………The Filipino Services, Socio- Economic
Development, Policies and Institution
Lesson 4………………………………………The Religious Aspect, Cultural Heritage and
Economy from Spain, Mexico, and Islam

Lesson 5……………………………………....The Latin American Heritage and the British
Lesson 6………………………………………The Filipino Revolts Against Spain

Lesson 1………………………………………The Birth of Philippine Nationalism, The
Propaganda Movement and the Katipunan
Lesson 2………………………………………The Philippine Revolution
Lesson 3………………………………………The Rise and Fall of the First Philippine Republic
Lesson 4………………………………………The American Occupation of the Philippines
Lesson 5………………………………………The Economic Progress and our American

Lesson 1………………………………………The Philippine Commonwealth
Lesson 2……………………………………....The Philippines and World War II
Lesson 4………………………………………The Liberation and Restoration of the
Commonwealth Government
Lesson 1………………………………………The Independence and the Third Republic
Lesson 2………………………………………The Marco Era: Martial Law and the New Society
Lesson 3………………………………………The EDSA Revolution: Before and After
Lesson 4………………………………………From the 1st Protestant Presidential, Estrada and
Arroyo Adminnistration

The Philippines was named after missionaries because it is destined by God to be a great
missionary country. God created the form and location of our country for a special purpose. We
are the entrance of the gospel to the other nation in Asia. The archipelago shape of our country
makes this an ideal training ground for those who want to learn about different cultures, climates,
and people. The many natural calamities- earthquakes, typhoons and volcanic eruptions develop
character traits of endurance, resiliency and great faith in God. The Philippines has many rich
natural resources and scenic spots that can be developed. Our people will not starve or suffer if
we protect and use our natural resources wisely. We must also repent of our sins and turn to God,
so that He will do as He promised to heal and prosper our land. We Filipinos were very important
and unique in the world because God made us to have a gift of faith, the arts, sciences,
communication and culture. We led the world in so many historical events. This means God
would like to do an important mission with us. It is not an accident that we are the only Christian
nation in Asia. We are meant to be the bridge between the Christian west and the non Christian
east. Filipinos have both good and bad characteristics, like any other nation on earth. We must
appreciate the good traits of our people and we must do something to remove the bad triats. We
can only progress as a nation if our people will be disciplined, hardworking and good steward of
material and social wealth like the Chinese, Japaneses and the richer nations.We must appreciate
our cultural minorities, not oppress or look down on them.The early Filipinos had a culture of
their own. They built the magnificent rice terraces in Northern Luzon. They charted the seas and
sailed thousands of miles to other islands in the Pacific. They had a society of law and order.
They appreciated the beautiful things like jewelry and pottery. They buried the dead with respect.
Thus, the early Filipinos had their own inventions and spread cultures to other places. They did
not just borrow the culture of other people. The Filipinos have rich heritage from Asian nations
like India, China, Arabia, and other countries. Our Asian heritage is seen in our religion, politics,
economics, and social life. The early Filipinos were independent. They were never conquered by
the empires of India, China, and Arabia. A brave and determined hero can change the history of
the world. Magellan sailed on in spite of many troubles during his voyage. He got Spain
interested in the Philippines and proved that the earth was round. Lapu lapu defied Magellan. His
heroism delayed the Spanish conquest for nearly 50 years. Sometimes Filipinos do not love their
country or obey the laws of the land because of their bad experiences during the Spanish era. The
Spanish colonial officials were abusive and dishonest . So for three centuries , Filipinos did not
trust government officials or love their country. But we must remember that we fought to win our
independence . We have our own government now and our country is already free. So we must
obey the laws and love our country. Christianity was the real secret behind the power of Spain.
Spain also improved our diet, dresses, family life, the position of women, the calendar, names,
alphabet, language, education, literature, music, housing, and arts and sciences. Many of our
cultural traits were influenced by Spain. The Filipinos were inspired by the revolution in Mexico
and other Latin American countries in the early 19 th century. The con situation of the first
Philippine Republic in 1898 was copied from the constitutions of Mexico and other Latin
American republics.

The British opened the Philippines to the outside world . Before they came, the Spaniards
had kept the Filipinos away from outside influence. We were really ignorant of the outside world
until the British came. Now, the British allowed direct trade with China, India, and other nearby
countries. Foreign money, like the Indian rupee, circulated in Manila. Out of the bitter failures of
the early Filipino revolts came some insights such as “ united we stand, divided we fall”, if
Filipinos did not help each other to solve their problems, then we will not be able to solve such
problems.Their revolts failed because of lack of unity among them.So we must stop fighting and
live in peace with one another. If officials abuse their powers and oppress people, they will fall
from power. The Spaniards who caused these revolts really helped to end Spanish rules in our
country. The Filipinos never stop fighting for their freedom and independence as well as their
rights. Even if the early revolts failed, the Filipinos exploded in a revolution that finally toppled
the Spanish government in the Philippines. The Filipinos love freedom and hate tyranny. We are
intelligent, brave, and strong enough to solve our own problems. We must also remember those
people who fought for our rights during the Spanish era. They inspire us to love our country.
They sacrificed so that we could enjoy a better life today.According to Rizal, a violent
revolution does not end a nations problems. He knew that Filipinos would fight against
Spaniards. But he added that later America would come to our shores. Then one day, Filipinos
would truly be united and free in a peaceful way and by the help of God.

During the American regime, the interior mountain regions were developed, the sulu
archipelago became part of the Philippines, and Guam was made a separate colony. The
Americans and the Filipinos began to work together as allies in peace and in war. The Americans
were impressed with the Filipino people and their leaders. The Filipinos also cooperated with the
Americans because we were treated well as compared to other colonial people. Our country’s
natural resources and wealth were developed by the United States. But the Americans benefited
the most from our economic development because we were not yet independent. So the
American promised to make the Philippines for the Filipinos was not really true. The Filipinos
continued to fight for independence even after they lost the war for independence. The poor
workers in the cities and the poor peasants in the provinces became the target of violence and
illegal groups who inspired the to revolt. Most Filipinos preferred the peaceful and non violent
campaign for independence.In 1930’s our politicians united and got semi independent
government and a law to ensure full independence. The regime of the Americans contributes a
big impact in our society today because they were the one who taught us to give importance in
education, improved our way of dressing and upgraded our diet and food. They introduced to us
the English alphabet which is very beneficial today in our school .

During the second WWII , the Filipinos fought side by side with the American. The
Americans could not have won the war without the support of the Filipinos. It was the sacrifice
of the Fil-Am troops at Bataan and Corregidor which saved Australia and New Zealand from
Japanese invasion. Gen. Mac Arthur did not attack Japan or mainland Asia first because he
promised to return to the Philippines. So he chose a harder war strategy to liberate the
Philippines first. We must remember and honor the Filipino and American heroes of the second
world war II because they fought and died for our freedom. During the third Philippine Republic,
the Philippines was the light of Asia. We became the first country to win independence after the
second world war in 1946. The other colonies admired our example. Our economy took off
ahead of the other Asian nations. We saved our country from the communist perils and kept our
democracy. We were a stable democracy with free elections, free press, and peaceful changes of
leaders. We had also terrible problems after the second world war II, but we solved these
problems with the help of God, our democratic government, our people’s hardwork and foreign
investments. We had peaceful changes of government and no dictators. If a president lost an
election , he accepted defeat and went to the inauguration of his successor. The Filipino rejected
communism in the 1950’s because we are a Christian nation and we love democracy.

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