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16 hindustantimes H INDUSTAN T IMES , NEW DEL H I


e sta b l i s h e d i n 1 9 24

speak to those swati ramanathan

on the margins Gurgaon’s millennial magic is fast

Citizens should have a greater
say in the smart cities mission melting into misery and squalor
he names of 10 more cities to be funded under the
Centre’s Smart City Mission (SCM) will be but all is not lost. a revised 2031 masterplan may
announced shortly, the Union housing and urban be the spark of hope for a seemingly doomed city

affairs ministry said on January 16. Launched on
June 25, 2015, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the urgaon’s meteoric success over ment Authority (HUDA) has used its sweep-
two decades has been made pos- ing power to accelerate plan approvals and
mission, which seeks to create 100
sible by a remarkable economic building sanctions, manipulating the mas-
smart cities in India by 2020, is one of vibrancy, attracting invest- terplan to maximise profit — laissez-faire
ment and growth to rapidly out- economic forces conspiring with a laissez-
the flagship programmes of the NDA shine rival extensions of Delhi, faire State.
government. Since the mission promises ₹500 crore as central Faridabad, Noida, and Ghaziabad. The irony is that the masterplan (i.e. a
This gold-rush of blue-chip companies well-designed one) is, in fact, the crux of the
assistance per city to implement projects – an equal amount has has been spurred by Gurgaon’s strategic answer, the primary blueprint around
spatial advantages, right along the Delhi which all solutions should be designed and
to be generated by the state — a number of cities across the
Mumbai National Highway 8, against the implemented. An enlightened revision to
nation are vying with each other to climb on to the ‘smart’ band- Northern Railways line, and in closest prox- the 2031 masterplan is, therefore, the need of
imity to Delhi’s International Airport. the hour.
wagon. The idea of creating an efficient urban infrastructure in Unfortunately, the investments have Of highest priority is ensuring that the
100 Indian cities by 2020 with an objective to modernise them been largely lopsided, NH8 becoming the problems of Gurgaon are not compounded.
purab–paschim line that divides Gurgaon The Gurgaon planning area is 466, of
with high-speed Internet, uninterrupted power and water sup- spatially, economically, culturally and which developed land occupies 375 sq km.
ply, along with efficient public transport and living standards administratively. The consequence has Before HUDA’s machete slices up and dis-
been the rise of private gates and public tributes the remaining 100 sq km, the state
comparable to Europe is ambitious. So it is worth examining ghettos. The asymmetry in investment government must re-assess the merits of the
some of the criticism that has come the mission’s way. extends to the provision of public services: current masterplan.
private borewells for water, gensets for A revised masterplan must frame the key
One of the biggest criticisms of the mission, say urban plan- power, guards for security, the first private networked infrastructure requirements —
fire station in the country, even the first pri- connected hierarchy of road networks,
ners, involves a conflict between two power structures in urban
vately-funded metro in the world. metro and bus transport routes, water sup- n Beyond the gates of private paradises, the city forces all residents to confront a common
governance: local civic bodies and the special purpose vehicles Such self-serving investments are short- ply, drainage, sewerage — along with land nightmare of traffic congestion, potholed roads, high pollution, monsoon flooding,
sighted: beyond the gates of private para- reserves for civic infrastructure such as overflowing sewage and piles of garbage PRAVEEN KUMAR/HT
(SPV), mandatory public-private entities created to manage pro- dises, the city forces all residents to confront power stations, treatment plants, landfill
jects and the funding attached to them. Ideally, the SPVs should a common nightmare of traffic congestion, sites, etc. Only upon clear articulation of providing credible and concrete goals to disaster. The Municipal Corporation of
potholed roads, high pollution, monsoon such a spatial framework can progressive harness private capital with transparent Gurgaon is simply not equipped to set right
help local bodies generate funds from private sources, but they flooding, overflowing sewage and piles of zoning be detailed, for the conservation of instruments, for example, a local municipal the wrongs of the plan. Addressing the
often go against the tenets of local self-governance, contend rep- garbage. Gurgaon’s millennial magic is fast land, transit-oriented development, mixed- bond with tax benefits. Corporates with technical and institutional gaps will require
melting into misery. From being hailed as a use, affordable housing, parks, police sta- large investments in Gurgaon could be the Haryana government to play the leader-
resentatives of local bodies of some of the cities. success model, Gurgaon is now a case study tions, and playgrounds. given an opportunity to invest in such ship role — if for no other reason than to
Another cause for concern entails what critics call the mis- of a failing city on the brink. What will well-planned infrastructure bonds, as can the residents of Gurgaon — the atone for the sins of omission and commis-
I believe that all is not lost. based on such a masterplan cost? Rough greater such local participation, the greater sion that have created Gurgaon’s woes in
sion’s non-inclusive nature owing to the purported lack of public Global cities such as New York and Lon- estimates suggest ₹50,000 crore of invest- the accountability of such funds when they the first place.
don have experienced many such challen- ment over the next 10 years. This seems are deployed. The structure of such instru- The masterplan is not an overnight pana-
participation in the citizen consultation process. Eviction of peo-
ges. It is in the crucibles of crisis that urgent staggeringly large, until one considers that ments will need to be coordinated with both cea for all of Gurgaon’s woes. However, for
ple from slums generated its share of controversy. Then there is and innovative responses have emerged, Gurgaon could account for close to 1% of state and central governments. those who care about Gurgaon, it can be the
with partnerships of cooperative federalism India’s GDP (Delhi’s is 4%), or about ₹125,000 Pulling Gurgaon back from the brink spark of hope for a seemingly doomed city.
a question mark over whether the mission really addresses the forged across tiers of government, and deep crore per annum. The revised masterplan requires state leadership, resources,
needs of marginalised groups, according to a 2017 study by Delhi- engagement with external stakeholders. can also contribute towards public infra- and technical competencies. The exit Swati Ramanathan is chairperson, Jana Urban
At the heart of Gurgaon’s failure is its structure financing in two ways: by facilitat- of HUDA and the developers at this juncture Space Foundation, and co­founder of Jana Group
based advocacy group Housing and Land Rights Network. Given masterplan. The Haryana Urban Develop- ing careful unlocking of land values; and smacks of desertion in the aftermath of a The views expressed are personal
the levels of homelessness, poverty and exclusion of the urban
poor, the concept of a smart city, perhaps, needs to be relocated
in the Indian context. For it to be successful, citizens and local beyondthebite
governing bodies should have a greater say in the mission.
raJdeeP sardesai

People’s confidence in the

could be manipulated.

Finally, there is the question of institu-
tional integrity which is now being high-
lighted. How does an institution retain its

anideaworthemulating judiciary is really shaken

moral and legal sanctity if it is split wide
open on issues of conscience?
Public confidence in the judiciary was
built around the belief that our judges were
men and women of honour and character. In
India,too,mustfocusonmentalhealthof how does an institution retain its moral and legal sanctity recent times, amid whispers of possible mis-
chief in the courtrooms, that confidence has
thosewhofeelaloneandalienated if it is split wide open on issues of conscience? been shaken. Which is why it has been

important for at least a few good men to

stand up and be counted.
s Britain appoints the world’s first ever minister for lon-
here is one thing that journalists senior judges questioned the efficacy of the Modi-sceptics would have you believe
eliness, a case can be made for similar focus on the issue and lawyers have in common, we internal redressal mechanism of the that these judicial ailments originated in the
both love to gossip!” a senior Supreme Court, but, in effect, challenged BJP’s massive victory in May 2014 that con-
everywhere else in the world. Loneliness has become jurist reminded me a few days the unbridled authority of the Chief Justice vinced the political leadership that it could
almost the defining emotion of our times. As the world becomes ago. In the week since four to be master of the roster. It is apparent that bulldoze the courts to fall in line. Truth is,
Supreme Court judges virtually ‘revolted’ the judges are accusing the chief justice of the present crisis in the Indian judiciary
more connected, it has also created islands out of human beings; against the Chief Justice of India, gossip has ‘bench-fixing’ and thereby expressing a lack stretches back to a period when judicial
we have become used to a life of technologically-mediated con- often replaced fact. Then, whether it be CPI of faith in the office of the chief justice. The appointments were made in a non-transpar-
leader D Raja’s meeting with Justice Che- message is loud and clear: the chief justice’s ent manner, first by an imperious political
nectedness that is not quite the sort of interpersonal connection lameswar or the prime minister’s principal office cannot be above legal scrutiny. Being leadership during the Indira Gandhi era,
that has defined humanity so far. This is as much a health con- secretary calling on Chief Justice Dipak master of the roster is for administrative and later, by a tightly-knit collegium of
Misra, every move has been gleefully specu- convenience, but doesn’t confer automatic n By going public with their grievances, the judges. Indeed, for much too long, our
cern as a sociological one. Loneliness can lead to depression, lated upon. Lost in the clamour is the real immunity. four judges have questioned the efficacy of higher judiciary under the guise of judicial
significance of what happened on a dark but Second, there is an even graver concern the internal redressal mechanism of the independence has functioned like a cosy,
social isolation, even trigger anti-social behaviour.
revolutionary Friday for the judiciary. of judicial corruption that needs to be apex court, and challenged the authority of opaque club.
It has been estimated that there are more than nine million There are four core issues that lie at the examined. While no names have been the CJI to be master of the roster PTI Often protecting its own, this club has
heart of this ‘revolution’. First, the four explicitly spelt out by the four judges, it used a mix of legal weapons like contempt of
people in Britain who always or often feel lonely. The most vul- judges by their unprecedented action have is now apparent from the transcripts in the cism of the judiciary. While the judiciary court and constitutional guarantees like a
nerable groups identified are the elderly, 17 to 25-year-olds, firmly put the spotlight on judicial account- Odisha medical admission scam that has zealously tried to protect its turf, the cumbersome process of impeachment to
ability. This isn’t just about who will judge the role of senior judicial officers must be political executive has long felt that judicial build an almost impenetrable wall of silence
migrants and refugees. In India, the World Health Organization the judges but even more important, who investigated. If the CBI has mentioned ‘ille- overreach has eroded legislative authority. and secrecy. It is that wall which has been
in 2017 reported that 4.5% of the total population suffered from will judge the chief justice. By going public gal gratification’ of a judge in its prelimi- Moreover, the allure of potential post-re- now breached by the Chelameswar-led
with their grievances, not only have four nary inquiry, then surely permission must tirement benefits has meant that individual revolt. Which is why it deserves two cheers:
depressive disorders. The National Sample Survey Office had be granted to file an FIR against the judge judges could be vulnerable to political pres- a third cheer would follow if the revolt
indicated in 2004 that 1.23 million men and 3.68 million women in THE CRISIS STRETCHES BACK TO A concerned: failure to do so will only raise sures. When retired chief justices are results in genuine reform.

India were living alone and suffered from loneliness. There is

PERIOD WHEN JUDICIAL troubling questions over whether there is a
concerted attempt to protect specific high
appointed governors and heads of govern-
ment committees with a range of perks and
Postscript: A WhatsApp joke that has
gone viral calls for the BCCI to now appoint
evidence to suggest that the numbers have only increased in the
APPOINTMENTS WERE MADE IN A ranking individuals. privileges, there is a temptation to believe a three-member committee to reform the
NON­TRANSPARENT MANNER. Third, there is the vexed judiciary-execu- that sitting judges can be enticed to discrim- Supreme Court. When a venerable institu-
ensuing years. tive relationship that is under the scanner. inate in favour of the ruling political class. tion becomes the butt of jokes, it only
FOR TOO LONG, OUR HIGHER That this equation has been marked by Then, be it the recent Judge Loya case, or emphasises the urgent need to repair a
In both urban and rural settings, families are becoming
JUDICIARY HAS FUNCTIONED LIKE growing mistrust was obvious when the indeed, the upcoming potentially explosive creaking system before it is too late.
nuclear, senior citizens are living alone, more young people are A COSY, OPAQUE CLUB former chief justice TS Thakur broke down Ayodhya matter, there is the lurking fear Rajdeep Sardesai is a senior journalist and author
in front of prime minister Modi over criti- that judgments in politically sensitive cases The views expressed are personal
migrating from homes for work, and living alone has become the
new normal. In such a situation, focusing on mental health must
become a government priority. There is still some social stigma Shreeprakash Sharma which we need to outdo. The continuous repercussions. And as a human being we do
associated with mental disorders, and seeking help for issues of thought to cease worries from life will only not have any control upon what happens to
Worries are the most integral part of human create havoc, altering the basic principles of us. We all are only puppets into the hands of
depression, isolation and loneliness is still considered taboo.
innervoice life. They exist until a man takes his last
breath. The presence of anxieties shows us
life. So what we can do is to tame our anxie-
ties. However, that’s not an easy task.
the invisible omnipotent. He is the greatest
physician, who keeps on prescribing the
Awareness programmes and a government thrust on mental
that we are alive. If life and worries are Insulating ourselves from worries most apt medicine in the form of a host of
health will go a long way in changing that mindset and improv-
ing the life of millions of citizens. India would do well to emulate
SAY NO TO WORRIES inseparable and inevitably interwoven,
then a very important question arises is:
requires a different bent of mind. It also
requires a deep understand of the modus
changes which befall us. Going against
these prescriptions means only getting vul-

Britain’s example and take the issue of loneliness seriously AND RELY ON THE Why do panic when worries turn up? It is
followed by yet another equally important
operandi of life.
First, we shouldn’t take life for granted.
nerable to worries.
(Inner Voice comprises
enough to include it in its healthcare framework. BENEVOLENCE OF GOD question: How to fight worries with ease?
In life, worries cannot be uprooted. They
The only thing constant in this world is
change. And when we take these changes
contributions from our readers
The views expressed are personal)
originate naturally from the daily activities stoically, we are able to be immune to its n

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