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When we write an informal letter, we usually include some important pieces of information to the
people we are writing to. Some sections of a letter are started below:

Greetings Date Closing Ending

Address Signature Body opening

A: Read the following letter from Jason. He has just moved to a new school. Label the sections of the
letter using the terms above.

26, Lorong 2,
Taman Bukit Emas, 1.
34600 Taiping,

10th April 2018 2.

Dear Farah, 3.
Thank you for your letter. It has been three months since my
family moved to Taiping. We have been busy unpacking and hopefully we 4.
would be more settled by next week. I miss Tanjung Malim and the times
we spent together hanging out after school at Easy Café’
How is everyone a school? Are you still playing netball? I hope your
team will be champion again this year. I miss competing in debates and the
drama competition. Winning the state drama competition was definitely
the highlight of my year.
I had the time of my life in form four but now, there is a dark cloud
on the horizon this year. My new school is awesome as it is one of the most
outstanding schools in Taiping. However, I feel depressed and lonely at
times. As I have been placed in the best class, I am sitting among the cream
of the crop. Although they are very friendly and approachable, I find it
difficult to be one of them.
Besides, I feel very worried about my studies. Having had such a 5.
great ‘honeymoon year’ in form four, I realised that I am way behind in my
studies. I failed history and physic last year. My mother had suggested
that I register for a tuition class in town, but the class was too big. I tried
revising on my own but I ended up sleeping after an hour. I wish I am home
with all of you. I miss those times when we studied together. Wai Chong,
the Mathematics wizard would explain everything to me.
Well, I have to end here. It has been a depressing week. Do send my
regards to everyone in your class as well as the teachers. I miss all of you 6.
and I will come see all of you soon.

Yours sincerely, 7.
B: Read the letter again and answer the following questions.

1. Where did Jason move to?


2. What do you think is the purpose of Jason’s letter?


3. State two problem faced by Jason.

i. __________________________________________________________________________________
ii. __________________________________________________________________________________

As a teenager, what problems would Jason face? Name two.

i. ________________________________________________________________________________
ii. ________________________________________________________________________________

C: There are many ways to start and end an informal letter. Look at the following phrases
and sentences. Discuss with your partner whether they are the ‘START’ or the ‘END’ of a
1 How are you getting on?
2 See you soon.
3 Looking forward to seeing you soon.
4 Thank you for the prompt reply.
5 How is everything?
6 I was happy to receive your letter.
7 That’s all for now.
8 Sorry for the long silence.
9 Send my regards to your parents.
10 Take care

D: Giving advice – using modals. Here are some ways to give advice or suggestions
You should stop playing computer games
I think you ought to give up smoking
I think you should …
Why don’t you
The next thing you could do is ……

Rearrange these words to form correct sentences

stop wasting your time should You
apologise to her you should I think
her a second change you don’t Why
to be more serious You ought in your studies
to ask for you could do is help The next thing

Imagine that you are Farah. Write a letter to Jason, giving him some advice. Use the notes

o be friendly Humble
o be patient Timetable
o participate in some games in school Mentor
o organise a party- invite classmates over to the house Smile
o join a study group New environment
o ask advice from teachers Planning
o plan a study schedule
o study consistently Discipline
o make short notes
o choose a suitable place to study

When writing the letter, you must remember; to lay the letter out correctly, to use paragraphs that
your letter is to a friend, and add two more points of your own

_____________________ Informal
_____________________ letter
_____________________ sender’s
_____________________ address

_____________________ Date
Dear _____________________ , Greeting
Thank you for your letter. I am so sorry to hear that you are not coping well Starting
in your new school. _______________________________________________________________
Firstly, I think you should be ___________________________________________
Furthermore, you could __________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________ The main
Next, ___________________________________________________________________ body of
_______________________________________________________________________________________ your letter
Another thing that you should do is to __________________________________
Finally, ___________________________________________________________________
I am looking forward seeing you in our reunion. Work hard and keep Ending and
Yours sincerely, Your signature

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