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Facebook enable people to strengthen their hospitality, this is due to Facebook

can help people to find back people they have ever known in the past. People can

reconnect with their lost contact friends through Facebook . For example, when someone

registers Facebook, Facebook will automatically recommend different friends for them

daily. They might meet their old friends there. Meanwhile, they can meet new friends too.

Facebook is like a social media tool, it enable you to building relationships and moving

them towards a specific action or decision. People generally have a need for human

connection. They need to be loved and recognized. Hence, social media tools such as

Facebook allow for that to happen on a magnified scale.

Next, we can promote our product, service, and agency through Facebook. Since

everyone in this society will have their own Facebook account, this advertising way may

work. This is because when they sign in Facebook, they will check every update that

happens recently. Hence, when we sent them our product in advertising way, they will

get inform. This media campaign is suitable for entrepreneur who just starting their

business because can reduce cost. When the business just begin, they will face some

problem due to they need to compete with other firms that have more experience.

Therefore, it is good for them to save more cost.

Besides, Facebook is a place for people to share and solve problem. In Facebook,

you can shout out how you feel or what you want. As long as it is not against the rule,

you may shout out everything you want to share with your friends. With this, others will

know you better. In the other hand, Facebook is a good place to discuss your problem.
When you update your status with your problem that you have face, friends who cares

you will leave comment on your status and help you to solve your problem. You can get

many different advices from different background of your friends. In addition, you will

grow up from here. This is because you will learn many things from their advices.

Other than that, Facebook also can consider as a tool of announcement. When you

update your status, your friends will know it in the next minutes. This mass update tool is

comfortable to use and let people access information more quickly. Hence, you can know

others latest information in just a minutes and without face to face communication.

Besides that, it can also be use as urgent announcement too. For example, when class

cancel, you can post on Facebook and this can help you to save your money instead of

sending short massage and save time on running here and there just to inform the others.

In the other hand, Facebook also can be facility discussions. Facility discussion let

the same interest person join in their interested group. People can join various

communities or groups. Then, people who interested with the group may join it and they

can have a discussion and conversation in the comment. This will gather people who

have the same interest and they can share their interest together. Other than that, you also

can get the first hand information from the group.

Moreover, you can provide whatever information that you feel comfortable to

share with. We can consider it as a dating service system because this is a good chance

for single and available person to promote themselves. Some of them are with good

condition but they are too shy to make new friends and express their real feeling in front

of their interesting person. Hence, they can express their feeling through Facebook or try

to communicate with their interested person. Besides that, when they are not interested
with the person after knowing each other, they can also change their target without

feeling shy. This can reduce the risk of regret on their ‘wrong investment’.

The application on Facebook may train you in your management. This is because

the game need to manage well just can level up. Thus, when you apply an application,

choose something that is meaningful to play with. In addition, you also can learn to

manage your time too. Time management is very important in our life. Although studying

or working is important but entertainment still playing an important role in our life. This

is due to we can take a rest and relax after we work hard.


However, negative impact of using Facebook is still existed. When spending too

much of time on Facebook for useless thing or playing games, is consider as wasting of

time. Nowadays everyone will have their own Facebook account even a primary student.

They still young and do not know how to manage their time. Hence, they will overspent

their time on loafing Facebook such as chatting with friends, sharing link, playing games

and others. Moreover, this will lead them get addicted on Facebook application, for

example, hotel city, café world and so on.

When young generation spending too much of time on Facebook, they will

become neither lazy to study nor learning and ignore their academic. Thus, their future is

ruin. This is because they will spend too much time on Facebook. The youth are still

immature and they cannot think rationally. They will prefer spending most of their time

on having fun rather than reading a boring textbook. Youngster always loves the new and

fun things.

In the virtual world which is a world without boundaries, one can transformed

anybody and do anything. Hence, people may easily get cheated. This is due to some

friends on Facebook that you might not know them deeply. People will get cheated in

aspect of monetary, physically or both. Some of the criminal will pretend as a bank

manager and they will tell their victim that the bank is having some error in the bank

system and they want to fix it. In order to fix the system, the bank will need to reconfirm

with the consumer’s bank account and the password. Hence, most of the customer will
get cheated and their account money has been taken out. This is why the crime case is

getting increase due to their different way of cheating people.

Another impact is using Facebook will affected privacy. This is because all your

personal information included your photo uploaded, your conversation with your friends

on Facebook will completely list out to your friends and strangers. With this, others

people might download your photo and misuse it. Furthermore, this may cause you get

cyber stalking which is barging into someone’s privacy. A person who is engaged in

cyber stalking tends to know everything about a person and uses it firsthand.

Next, Facebook users may easy to get virus. This is because hacker will use

games in the Facebook application as the virus or spyware. Some of the hacker will use

the virus to earn profit. For example, they will create a virus and anti-virus at the same

time. After that, spread the virus and sell the ant-virus to the antivirus agency to earn

extra money. Thus, they will spread the virus through the application in Facebook

because there have many people playing Facebook application.

In addition, there are those who would want to be well known and popular as

someone in the internet society. Thus, they will use Facebook to make themselves be

famous. Some are already being characterized superficially because of the user’s

identification of their personal favorites. It has been like a trend among the Facebook. In

order to be unique than the others, some of them are willing to put on naked photo as

their profile picture.

The social skills are very important in the world we live in. this is due to that skill

being able to hold conversations and relate people in their business lives and daily lives
too. But with the instant messenger in Facebook, young generation is starting to become

more dependent on these technologically based as their communication. Although

Facebook makes it become easier to meet people, but people using it as their

communication tools. This will lead social of the people using it become weak.

The impact of Facebook on IT skill development

Communication is the exchange of ideas, now, communication has become faster,

easier, and more efficient due to advances in technology. Cell phones, social networking

websites, e-mail, and instant messaging are examples of technology which enable

communication. Information technology plays a crucial role in using technology to

communicate. Facebook is the social networking has revolutionized keeping in touch

over the internet. Friends and family can now connect with each other in a network of

relationships, sending emails, playing trivia quizzes and games, sharing photos and

Generally having casual day-to-day contact that is often difficult due to geographical

distances and busy lifestyles.

Facebook is not just for teens and young adults. It is a wonderful and practical way for

people of all ages to keep in touch on a regular basis and share information with friends

and family. The impact of facebook on IT skill development is improvement in security

system, privacy policy, homepage, and applications.

Facebook Security and Privacy policy

Security measures include the transmission and storage of data; use of

passwords;and the storage of data on secure servers or computers that are inaccessible by

modem.As with all internet applications, it is important to consider security issues before

completing the facebook registration. It is safer to limit ”friends” to people who are

personally know and adjust settings on the site to ensure that only approved friends are

able to view any photo or information. It is possible to prevent a date of birth or address

appearing on a homepage and this is also a practical internet safety precaution. That

anything that a user does on Facebook could appear in the ‘friends update’ sections on

their approved friends’ pages.

Users can decide how much information that they feel comfortable sharing on

Facebook and control how it is distributed through privacy settings. Facebook have 10

privacy setting:

• Use Your Friend Lists

• Remove Yourself From Facebook Search Results

• Remove Yourself From Google

• Avoid the Infamous Photo/Video Tag Mistake

• Protect Your Albums

• Prevent Stories From Showing Up in Your Friends’ News Feeds

• Protect Against Published Application Stories

• Make Your Contact Information Private

• Avoid Embarrassing Wall Posts

• Keep Your Friendships Private

Facebook Homepage

There is the option of providing a photo linked to the name of each user. This

does not necessarily have to be a photo of the user, but it must not be under copyright.

This photo will appear next to the user’s name in different areas of the website.

Facebook Pages were created as a way for different types of businesses to easily create a

presence in Facebook. Pages are like groups, but with some important differences:

* There is no limit to the number of fans that can be in your Facebook Pages group that

you can message.

* Facebook Pages get more “Billboard” real estate than groups on the profile pages of

your fans.

* Facebook Pages are more customizable than groups. You can add Flash, HTML, or

even Facebook applications

Facebook Application

Facebook Notes and Photos

Photos and Notes are two Facebook developed applications that allow you to share

blog posts and your pictures with friends. You can use these features to post content

about user, but be careful to always do it with some form of sincerity - don’t be spammy.

One feature that most overlook with Photos and Notes is the use of “tags”. When you

publish a note or post a photo to your profile, Facebook gives you the ability to “tag”

your note or photo with the names of your friends who are “included” in it. When you use

“tags” to identify friends in your photo or note, that friend gets a special notification. You

can also use "tagging" to choose certain people whose attention you want to get to the

content you’ve published.

• When others see your note or photo, they’ll see anyone else that you have tagged.
One of the most popular applications on Facebook is the Photo application, where
users can upload albums of photos, tag friends, and comment on photos.

• According to Facebook, in May 2007 there were:

1.7 billion user photos

• 2.2 billion friends tagged in user photos

• 160 terabytes of photo storage used with an extra 60 terabytes available

• 60+ million photos added each week which take up 5 terabytes of disk space
• 3+ billion photo images served to users every day

• 100,000+ images served per second during peak traffic windows


• During the time that Facebook released its platform, it also released an application
of its own for sharing videos on Facebook.

• Users can add their videos with the service by uploading video, adding video
through Facebook Mobile, and using a webcam recording feature.

• Additionally, users can "tag" their friends in videos they add much like the way
users can tag their friends in photos, except the location of the friend in the video
is not displayed. Users also have the option of video messaging. Videos cannot be
placed in categories, whereas photos are sorted by albums .

Facebook Messages

The rise of Facebook Messages as a popular option to e-mail has baffled a lot of

the “older” generation. Notwithstanding, Messages could present a potent vehicle for

targeted selling with Facebook. Messages are equivalent to email, without many of the

features that email offers. Messages offer no way to sort, search, filter, categorize, or

have messages starred. While Facebook’s default privacy settings prevent you from

seeing the full profile page of most Facebook users, Facebook allows you to send

messages to users you have no connection with.

Nonetheless, Facebook has invested hefty sums of cash in the prevention of

message spam. If you use your account to message people you don't know in high

volumes there are several things that will happen.

Status updates:

• Facebook has a micro-blogging feature called "status updates" which allows users
to post messages for all their friends to read.

• In turn, friends can respond with their own comments, and also press the "Like"
button to show that they enjoyed reading it.

• A user's most recent status update appears at the top of their profile, and is also
noted in the "Recently updated" section of a user's friend list.

Networks group and pages:

• Facebook allows different networks and groups to which many users can join.
significant differences.

• It also allows privacy settings on basis of networks.

• Groups are used for discussions and events.

• A group includes but is not limited to the following: the members who have
joined, recent news contents, discussion board contents, wall contents, photos,
posted items, videos and all associated comments of such items.

Facebook Share & Posted Items:

Facebook Share is a Facebook application that lets you announce any link,

application, photo, group, or event you come across by either sending it directly to your

friends’ Inbox, or allowing it some "real estate" in your Posted Items list on your profile

page. By posting it on your profile page, you can direct some clicks to the shared item.

However, while this is an effective promotional tactic, it’s not as targeted as sending it

directly to friends’ by use of Messages.


1. Facebook for Dummies by Abram, Carolyn & Leah Pearlman. 2010 New Books

2. Facebook: The Missing Manual by Vander Veer, Emily A. 2008.

3. The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting

the World by Kirkpatrick, David. 2010.

4. The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook: A Tale of Sex,

Money, Genius and Betrayal by Mezrich, Ben. 2010.

5. Facebook Resources for Beginners

6. Arrington, Michael. “Facebook publishes Insider’s Guide to Viral Marketing”.

TechCrunch. April 21, 2008


7. Nations, Daniel. “What is facebook?” Web Trends.

8. WILLIAMS, C. B. & GULATI, G. J. Year. Social Networks in Political

Campaigns: Facebook and the 2006 Midterm Elections. In: Annual

Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 2007 Chicago.

American Political Science Association.

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