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Primary & Secondary
University of
Notre Dame
Amelia Thorn
Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 4)
Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard

Biological sciences  Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) By the end of Year 4, students apply the
o observable properties of materials to explain
o how objects and materials can be used. They
o use contact and non-contact forces to
 Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073) describe interactions between objects. They
o discuss how natural and human processes
o cause changes to the Earth’s surface. They
describe relationships that assist the survival
of living things and sequence key stages in the
life cycle of a plant or animal. They identify
Chemical sciences  Natural and processed materials have a range of physical properties; These properties can influence their use (ACSSU074) when science is used to ask questions and
make predictions. They describe situations
where science understanding can influence
Earth and space  Earth’s surface changes over time as a result of natural processes and human activity (ACSSU075)
their own and others’ actions.
 Forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance (ACSSU076) Students follow instructions to identify
Physical sciences investigable questions about familiar contexts
and predict likely outcomes from
Nature and  Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships (ACSHE061) investigations. They discuss ways to conduct
development of science investigations and safely use equipment to
make and record observations. They use
Use and influence of  Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062) provided tables and simple column graphs to
organise their data and identify patterns in
data. Students suggest explanations for
Questioning and  With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and predict what might happen based observations and compare their findings with
predicting on prior knowledge (ACSIS064) their predictions. They suggest reasons why
their methods were fair or not. They
Planning and  Suggest ways to plan and conduct investigations to find answers to questions (ACSIS065) complete simple reports to communicate
conducting  Safely use appropriate materials, tools or equipment to make and record observations, using formal measurements and digital their methods and findings.
technologies as appropriate (ACSIS066)

Processing and  Use a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends
analysing data and (ACSIS068)
information o
 Compare results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for findings (ACSIS216)

Evaluating  Reflect on the investigation, including whether a test was fair or not (ACSIS069)

Communicating  Represent and communicate ideas and findings in a variety of ways such as diagrams, physical representations and simple reports
- Create a poster with pictures and drawings of
the effects of weathering or erosion
English - Create a movie using videos taken of
- Read and comprehend books based on rocks and earth experiments demonstrating different types of
- Create own picture book on the effects of weathering and erosion
Presentation of a message to an audience and
- Book Creator journal reflection of the visual art elements and materials
used in artwork(ACAVAM112)
Use a range of software including word processing programs to
construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place
visual, print and audio elements (ACELY1697) - Design pictures demonstrating how earth has
changed over time due to weathering and
- Spelling- new science words erosion
Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into Concept: Earth Science Draw and label different types of rocks and
students’ own texts including vocabulary encountered in
research (ACELA1498)
Term: 2 Weeks: 5- - Create a landform structure using modelling
10 clay or paper Mache
- Writing up an investigation
Use of techniques, art processes and exploration of
- Creating a poster about weathering and erosion art forms such as monoprinting, sculpture or
- Speech/presentation about an experiment conducted ceramics (ACAVAM111)

Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations incorporating learned

content and taking into account the particular purposes and
audiences (ACELY1689)
- Examples of how earth has changed due to weathering and erosion
- Human impact that causes weathering e.g. acid rain- chemical weathering

The natural resources (e.g. water, timber, minerals) provided by the environment and different views on how they can be used sustainably (ACHASSK090)

- Aboriginal people’s respect for land and views on stories about changing earth

The diversity and longevity of Australia's first peoples and the ways they are connected to Country/Place (e.g. land, sea, waterways, skies) and their pre-
contact ways of life (ACHASSK083)

- What did earth look like thousands of years ago? Comparison with earth’s land now


General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

 To capture student interest and find out what they know about XXXXX
 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about XXXXX
 Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about XXXXX. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Week 1 Ability to work Introduction Are there any Rocks (rock on!)
collaboratively in a DIAGNOSTIC - Introduce the lesson by reading the book, Rocks (rock on!) by examples of (Oxlade, 2016)
Lesson group Chris Oxlade This book will provide some examples of how rocks rock formations
1 (1 of have changed over time and real life examples. that you have Book Creator App
3) Make observations - Identify class safety rules and procedures seen? (Book Creator,
st (recording sheet):
about different rocks - Designate students into groups of three, and introduce their 2018)
Engage and soils Identify which science journals for the earth science topic.

students can make - In groups students will use book creator on their IPads to create a IPad (1 per group)
Ability to creatively observations about science journal that they can add to.
make a cover page for different rock - In groups students will design the front cover of their journal’s Materials
a science journal on properties and soils. using pictures of different rocks, similar to what they have heard - Magnifying
book creator in the book. glass
- Rock samples
Body Write down any - Soil samples
- Set up stations, in the first two stations have different rocks, each observations - Plastic water
group is to use a magnifying glass to identify the rock sample and you see bottles
its properties
- In the other two stations have different soils, mix water with Are there any Worksheet
each soil sample, shake and allow soil to settle into layers. major (Resource 1)
- Groups will fill out a worksheet during the stations on what they differences or
observe, as well as take photos on their IPad to add to their similarities? Design Brief
science journal (Resource 2)
- Explain how soils and rocks are related, and they help us to
understand our landscape and how it weather and erodes.
- Students will copy their observations and photos of rocks and soil
into their group science journal on book creator app.
- Now introduce students to two new words, weathering and
- Have students copy the definitions into a new page in their group
science journal. These will be visited in another lesson

- Show students the science word wall in the class; add the ‘words
weathering’ and ‘erosion’ to the wall.
- Hand students their STEM project design brief and explain the
worksheet. Have students start brainstorming some ideas at
home before they start the activity next lesson.

Learner Diversity
Extension: Create Weebly website throughout Earth Science about concepts
they have learnt
Support: Provide extra support to students who need, create laminated cards
with new words on for students to familiarise themselves with.

5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)

 To provide hands on, shared experiences of XXXXX
 To support students to investigate and explore ideas about XXXXX
 Formative assessment

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Week 2 Identify different types Introduction What do you know Book Creator App
of weathering FORMATIVE - Introduce the lesson by adding the two new words; erosion and about weathering?
(Book Creator,
Lesson Checklist, observe weathering to the class science word wall. 2018)
What do you want to
1 (1 of ACSIS216
Correctly identify the lesson - Review class safety procedures and rules
know about
objectives - Revise last lesson’s introduction to erosion and weathering by weathering?
3) components of a fair having students watch a video, before commencing the video tell
test throughout the
lesson, and assess students to concentrate on the weathering aspects, as that is the
focus of today’s lesson Video
Ability to work in responses to the (Scholastic, 2018)
- Students are already seated in their science groups (3 per group),
collaborative groups to TWLH chart.
allocate different coloured sticky notes to each group. Different coloured
complete activities - Conduct the first two aspects of a TWLH chart. In their groups sticky notes
students will write two things that they know about weathering
Identify and record and two things they want to know about weathering. The sticky Materials
- limestone
observations from the notes will then be stuck on the whiteboard under the T and W
- nail
experiment columns
- pipette
How do we make - plastic cups/bowls
Ability to discuss Body - vinegar
sure we have a fair
observations - Introduce the experiment today about weathering, hand out the test? - water
experiment worksheet to each group, nominate students to read
the instructions out loud What are our class Science worksheet
- Discuss aspects of a fair test: only change one aspect, repeat the safety rules for (Resource 3)
test the three times, measure the same amount of liquid each time
- Discuss class safety rules: no running, wash hands, gloves and
safety glasses etc.
- Allocate roles in each group: manager, recorder, speaker What did you see?
- Managers will collect equipment including IPad to record a video
Did both liquids
- Students will go to their group stations and conduct experiment react the same?
following the instructions on their worksheet, they will spend 5
minutes recording their observations of each liquid What would the
- Once completed students will return to their desks and discuss impact to the
with another group their observations environment be if
this ‘weathering’
happened over many
Conclusion years?
- Speakers from each group share what has been discussed
- Explain to students that the vinegar reaction was an example of What have you
acid rain (Chemical weathering), give description of acid rain and learnt about
examples/causes (natural vs man-made) weathering?
- Add ‘acid rain’ to the word wall
How did you learn
- In their original science groups, as a class we will finish the
remaining columns in the TWLH chart, each group writes two
things they have learnt about weathering, and one on how did they
learn it.
- In their groups students will add their observations and videos to
their book creator science journals.

Learner Diversity
Extension: Continue with Weebly website, assist in cleaning up experiment
Support: Provide extra support to students who need, create laminated cards
with new words on for students to familiarise themselves with. Supervise and
assist these students

5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)

 To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
 Formative assessment

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Week 3 Identify components of Introduction
ACSIS066 rocks and soils, FORMATIVE - Introduce the lesson by having students look at the class word Butchers paper
wall and review the new science words.
Lesson weathering and - Review class safety procedures and rules
1 scientific experiments
Assess students - Students are now in their table groups going to do a Graffiti wall
Work collaboratively participation in activity on a large piece of paper, one piece says rocks and soil,
class discussion another says weathering, and another says science experiment.
creating a graffiti wall
- Students will have a minute to write down everything they can
Assess the think of on that particular topic, before passing it on to the next
Actively participate in group.
class discussions completion of the
- Once completed stick up on the white board and discuss as a class.
poster with
Identify key scientific understanding of Body
terms used in a fair test weathering based - Using last lesson’s experiment, discuss the components of a fair What do we
on prior lesson test using scientific terminology change?
- What do we change- is the independent variable (only one)
Creatively complete a
- What do we keep the same- are the controlled variables (multiple) What do we
poster about IPad
- What do we observe/measure- is the dependant variable keep the same?
weathering - Discuss these components as a class using last lesson’s
Book Creator App
experiment. (Book Creator,
What do we 2018)
- Students will add these to their group science journal with
- Add the words independent variable, controlled variables and e? A3 Card for
dependent variables to the class word wall. posters
- Students are now going to create a poster individually about
weathering and the different types. They should use examples they Decoration
have learnt from their experiment as well as video they have materials and
watched pens for posters
- Once completed these posters will be displayed in the classroom

Learner Diversity
Extension: Continue with Weebly website, assist in cleaning up experiment
Support: Provide extra support to students who need, create laminated cards
with new words on for students to familiarise themselves with. Supervise and
assist these students

5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)

 To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills
 Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Week 4 Ability to identify key Introduction What aspect of
aspects from prior SUMMATIVE- - Introduce the lesson by directing students to the class word wall earth science
Science Inquiry
and discussing the new science words so far.
Lesson ACSIS065 lessons of earth science you have learnt,
- Review class safety procedures and rules
1 (1 of have you found Sticky notes
ACSIS066 Skills -
2) Complete a guided most
ACSIS069 - Review the previous lessons by asking students what they recall
investigation from each lesson and what they have found to be the most
Marking rubrics
Ability to make - Hand out two sticky notes to students and have them write their
predictions about the Evidence of which
thoughts on these and stick them on the whiteboard, discuss as a
effects of water erosion students to class.
on soil/land understand the
- Review erosion, which human activity can impact on erosion and
impact water has in how the impact of erosion caused by water is a serious concern for
Identify and record causing erosion on farmers. Investigation
observations using a soil in different worksheet
table and annotated conditions Body (Resource 4)
drawings. - Explain that students are now going to conduct an investigation on
water erosion of soil. In their science groups. Materials
- Discuss with students the possible questions/variables they can
- Large disposable
test, they are only to choose one:
aluminium tray
What happens to the water erosion of soil when we change the
angle of the slope?
- Sand
What happens to the water erosion of soil when we change the - Rocks, plastic
type of soil? containers,
What happens to the water erosion of soil when we change how What makes a building blocks
the water falls on the slope? fair test? - Plastic water
- Students will follow the investigation worksheet to come up with bottle
their question as well as their independent, control and dependant What are our - bucket
variables. class safety - thick book/
- In their groups once students have finished their investigation and rules? block of wood
predictions they can set up their investigation and conduct the - plastic/glad
- Students will set up their stations with an aluminium tray, with a
cut out notch at one end to allow water to flow through, fill the
- scissors
tray with rocks and pour sand over to create a landscape and - water
simulate soil. Prop the tray up with a piece of wood or a book, and
place a bucket at the end to catch any water. IPad
- Using a bottle pour water over the landscape, Students will make
modifications depending on their investigation question. Book Creator App
- Students will record findings as well as record a video and (Book Creator,
pictures on their group IPad. 2018)
- Students will record their findings and answer questions on their
investigation worksheet such as
Were the results what you expected? (Did they match your
What things did you find difficult about doing the investigation?
What things could be changed to improve the investigation (Think
about fairness)
What could we find out next?
- Students will add their findings, videos and pictures to their
group science journal

Learner Diversity
Extension: Continue with Weebly website, earth science word sleuth for
students finished early
Support: Provide extra support to students who need, create laminated cards
with new words on for students to familiarise themselves with. Supervise and
assist these students

5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)

 To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about XXXXX and represent what they know about XXXXX
 Summative assessment of science understanding

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Week Ability to express their Introduction KAHOOT Quiz
5 thoughts about their SUMMATIVE- - Introduce the lesson by having students complete a KAHOOT (Kahoot, n.d.)
quiz, questions will relate to soil and rocks, weathering, erosion
learning journey
and scientific experiments
Lesson Understanding - Review previous lessons as a class discussion
1 Show an understanding
of the topics covered in IPad
earth science unit Marking Science Body
Journal final result - Think, Pair, Share: in pairs students will now ask each other the What did you Book Creator App
Collaborate with their following questions in regards to weathering and erosion find most (Book Creator,
Students results in - Do you still think that? interesting in
science group to 2018)
the KAHOOT Quiz - What do you think now? Why? the past four
finalise an end product
- How have you learnt that?
for their science Evidence of weeks? Incursion: Science
- In their science groups, take their IPad and walk around the school
journals students Alive
and document by taking pictures of evidence of erosion and
understanding weathering in the environment around them. (Science Alive,
through their - These images will then be added to their science journal. What are some 2018)
observations and - Students will complete their science journals by making sure each erosion or
reflections on what aspect is complete and tidying the journal up before finalising and weathering you
they have learnt printing the journal. may notice in
your everyday
Conclusion environment?
- Science journals will now be displayed around the classroom for
other students/parents to enjoy
- Optional Activity: Incursion about earth and beyond by Science

Learner Diversity
Extension: Finish Weebly website on earth science and present to class.
Support: Provide extra support to students who need, make sure they are on
task for completion of science journal.


Book Creator. (2018) Retrieved from

Kahoot. (n.d.) Retrieved from

Oxlade, C. (2016). Rocks (rock on!). Retrieved from

Scholastic. (2018). Weathering and erosion. Retrieved from

Science Alive. (2018). Earth and Beyond. Retrieved from

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