8807 - H1GP - Analysis of Compre Passages and AQ by School

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HIGHER 1 GENERAL PAPER (8807/01 & 02)

Analysis of Comprehension Questions for AY 2017

School Comprehension Topic Application Question

AJC Challenges and solutions to pro- In this article, Phil Todd highlights some concerns about
blems in the environment the environment and suggests why we might be optimis-
tic about the future of the environment. How far would
you agree with his observations, relating your argu-
ments to you and your own society?

CJC A - Wisdom of spontaneity Seltzer believes in the value of spontaneity whereas

B - Questions the cult of sponta- Poole thinks that there are problems with it. How impor-
neity tant is spontaneity to you and your society, and how far
would you agree or disagree with the opinions ex-
pressed in these two passages?

DHS The declining fate of art, artists Lou Perez shares his views on the roles and challenges
and museums of art, artists and museums.

How far would you agree with his observations, relating

your arguments to your own experience and
that of your society?

HCI Pervasiveness of lies in modern Hans Affleck shares his worries about the pervasive-
society ness of lies in the world today. How far would you agree
with his observations? Refer to specific material from
the passage as well as your own observations of your
society to illustrate and justify your points.

IJC Pros and cons of conformity and Susan Smalley thinks conformity is beneficial for indivi-
the rise of individualism as a solu- duals and society whereas Kristen Houghton thinks
tion otherwise.

With which of the two authors are you more in agree-

ment, relating your arguments to your own

JJC Loneliness in the modern age Olivia Laing makes some observations about the rela-
tionship between technology and loneliness. How far
would you agree with her observations, relating her ar-
guments to yourself and that of your society?

MI The place and role of stories in In this article, the author writes about why stories are so
the modern society enduring and shares some of the concerns she has with

To what extent do you agree or disagree with her

views? Illustrate your answer by referring to the ways in
which you and your society regard stories.

H1 General Paper - Analysis of Prelim Papers for AY 2017

© Compiled by Russell Yap
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MJC The perceptions of beauty Eric Land considers how beauty is viewed and its im-
pacts on those obsessed with it. How far would you
agree with his observations, relating your arguments to
your own society?

NJC Problems of city-living Richard Florida sees the problems and potential of ci-
ties. How far would you agree with his observations, re-
lating your arguments to your own experiences and that
of your society?

NYJC How are fashion and identity Susan B. Kaiser discusses the role that fashion plays in
linked the expression of identities. How far would you agree
with her observations, relating your arguments to your
own society?

PJC The future of shopping malls in In this article, the authors examine the role and future of
modern society shopping malls. How applicable do you find their views
to yourself and your own society?

RI Challenges adult children face in Janice Turner examines the challenges society faces in
caring for their elderly parents caring for the elderly. How relevant are the issues raised
for you and your society?

RVHS On the issue of materialism In this article, Nick Thorpe writes about the problems of
materialism and how individuals and companies can
counter it. How relevant are his arguments to you and
your society?

SRJC Best and worst traits of millen- Joel Stein makes observations about the millennial’s
nials best and worst traits. How far would you agree with his
observations, relating your arguments to your own ex-
perience and that of your society?

TJC Decline of home-cooking and the Michael Pollan discusses the reasons for the decline of
rise of cooking programmes home cooking. How far do you agree with his observa-
tions, relating your arguments to your own society?

VJC A - The time for millenials to The Economist article presents a largely positive view of
shine the millennials, whilst Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic has a
B - Complexities and paradoxes less flattering one. How far would you agree with their
surrounding millennials observations, relating your arguments to your own ex-
periences and that of your society?

YJC Issues surrounding leadership Joshua Rothman writes about some ways in which lea-
dership is carried out. How applicable are the different
types of leadership, relating your arguments to your
own experience and that of your society?

*SAJC - no Paper 2 QP and Insert

H1 General Paper - Analysis of Prelim Papers for AY 2017

© Compiled by Russell Yap

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